HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009Orient Fire District
Board of Fire Commissioners
Joseph S. Wyso~cl, Chairman · Scott L. Harris · Gary L. Tabor- Llo3~i Pc Kalin. Arthur .~ Ruroede - F~lice Somon, Secretary/Treasurer
October 10, 2008
Elizabeth A. Neville
Town Clerk
Town of Southold
53095 Main Road
Southold, NY 11971
Dear Ms. Neville:
Enclosed is a Notice of Public Headng on the Proposed Budget of the Orient Fire
Pursuant to General Municipal Law § 105(3), kindly post:
The enclosed notice on your website (if such a website exists) on or before the 15th
day of October, 2008. (This not/ce must be posted at least 5 days before the
date of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget), also
Post this Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget on the bulletin board
maintained by the Town Clerk pursuant to General Municipal Law § 30(6).
Enclosed are affidavits of posting for your signature. Kindly sign, have your signature
notarized and return the original affidavits to me at the address above.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Felice Semon
23300 Main Road
Orient, NY 11957
23300 Main Road · Orient, NY 11957 · (631) 323-2445 · Fax (631) 323-9706
Affidavit of Posting
Town Clerk
Town Law §105(3)
State of New York )
County of )
Town of )
Affidavit of Posting Town Clerk--Budget Hearing
Elizabeth A. Neville, Clerk of the Towl~ of Southold. being duly sworn deposes and says:
The attached notice of the Public Headng on the proposed budget: 1. Was posted on the official signboard of the Town of 3,~ ~-/,,~ c/) on /O -/y-o~;
2. (If Applicable.) Was posted on/4>-/~'- DS on the website of the Town of
Dated:/~-, v.o~
~ Town Clerk
Sworn. me this ./~day of~r_~ , 20_~~
-) . !
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York
NO. 01CO4822563, Suffolk County
Term Expires December 31, 20.z~-.
Orient Fire District
Board of Fire Commissioners
Joseph S. Wysocld, Chairman . Scott L Harris . Crary L. Tabor. Lloyd ~ Kalin - Arlhur A. Ruro~de · Felice Semon, Se~r~aryFFrea~Jrex
Proposed 2009 Budget
Estimated Revenue:
A51 Interest on Deposits $ 2,000
A59 Miscellaneous - Other Income $ 58,724
(Cell Tower)
Total $ 60,724
Al00 Personnel Services $ 38,640
A200 Equipment $ 52,500
A400 Contractual and Other Expenses $ 289,700
A628 Retirement System (LOSAP) $ 75,000
A630 Workmen's Compensation $ 15,000
A633 Social Security $ 4,000
A640 Unemployment Insurance $ 400
AS01 Transfer to Capital Fund $ 25,000
A802 Transfer to Reserve Fund $ 25,000
Total $ 525,240
Less Estimated Revenues
To Be Raised by Real Property Tax
$ 525,240
$ 60,724
$ 464,516
23300 Main Road * Orient, NY 11957 * (631)323-2445 , Fax (631)323-9706