HomeMy WebLinkAboutIsland Path/1/ CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT residing at 90 Fourth Street, Garden City, New York 11530, for the p~irpose of abandoning and cancelling the subdivision of a certain tract of land owned by them and described below, pursuant to Subdivision 3 of .Section 335 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, do hereby certify: 1. A certain map subdividing such tract of land and other land situate in the Town Of $outhold, Suffolk CoUnty, NeW EUGENE BOLTER and MARY JANE BOLTER~ York, into lots, plots, block, or sites, entitled and named "Amended Map of Nassau Point" was filed in the SUffolk County Clerk's office on the 16th day of AugUst 1922, as Map No. 156. 2. More than twenty years ]]ave elapsed since the filing of the map. 3. The tract of land owned by the undersigned, the subdivision of which is to be abandoned aud cancelled, is §itUate in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, has an area equivalent to that of two or more contiguons lots, and is known and described as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 4. The ~ollowing street and portions thereof on the map come to a dead end within the bounds of the tract of land owned by the undersigned and described above in paragraph "3" to for the Use lnteres, in map. wit, "Island Path" and this street open, or public highways, nor used of owners, occupants, any part of the said 12 # ABS. No. or portions thereof ar~ neither by the public, nor necessary or any other persons having an subdivision of lands Shown on Ehe ,c % 1994 5. EUGENE BOLTER and MARY JANE BOLTER, the owners of the tract of land described ou Schedule "A" annexed hereto, including the street and portions thereof mentioned above in paragraph 4; and the subdivision of the street and portion~ thereof IS HEREBY ABANDONED AND CANCELLED; and, effective with the due approval and recording hereof, shall no longer exist. 6. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof Is a map 6f Petition Tract on which is indicated the subdivlston of the land owned by the Petitioner and also the street and portion9 thereof, which street is hereby abandoned and cancelled the Town of 8. the tract of twenty years Endorsed hereon is Southold. Submitted herewith the approval by the assessor of is an abstract of the title of land to be abandoned covering a period of at least last past, and a report of a tax search by a licensed title company to the effect that there are no unpaid tax liens against the lands, to be approved by the County Clerk of Suffolk county at the time of recording hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate is made and executed U is ? day of October, EUGENE BOLTER "MARY:~/BOLTER -2- LEGAL DESCt~IPTION Title No: 9308-05712 ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE, OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYINg, AND THE TOWN OF SouTt}OLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YoRk KNOWN DESIGNATED AS LOTS 215, 216, 217 AND PART OF LOT~ 214 AND 218 AND A CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "AMENDED MAP OF NASSAU PoiNT" AND FIL~b THE CLERK OF T}~E COUNTY OF SUFFOLK oN AUGUST 16, ~922 A~ ~A~ N~ ~. LOTS AND PART OF LOTS AND PAT}{ WUEN TAKEN TO~ETN~R ~IN~ MORE BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:: BEGINNING AT a POINT ON TIlE NORTUWESTERLY SIDE oF ~YB~RRY ROAD W[[~ ~E ~[{~ IS INTERSECTED BY Tile SOUTUERLY SIDE OF LAND NOW O~ ~O~RERLY OF R0~T~ g~lD ~Ol~T BEING DISTANT 325 FEET MORE OR LESS SOUTRWESTERLY A~ ~EASURED ALOUd T~ NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF BAYBERRY ROAD FROM TI{~ SOUT}{W~STERLY END OF A CD~V~ CONNECTING TME SOUTDERLY SIDE OF WUNNEWETA ROAD WIT{~ TI]E NORT{i~EsT~LY ~lb~ OF BAYBEDRY ROAD; RU~NING Tt~NCE PRoM SAID POINT oR PLACE OF ~EOiNMI~O ALong TN~ ~o~tl~§~fft¥ ~b WESTERLY SIDE OF BAYBERRY ROAD TIlE FOLLOWIN~ TWO CoURseD AND biSTA~C~§i 1) ALONG a TIE LiNE BEARING SOUTI{ 22 DEGREES, 02 MINUTES, 21 S~CO~Dg WE~T gi.~8 FEET; 2) SOUTM 05 DEGREES, DEGREES, 56 MINUTES, OF MC SHERRY; 19 MINUTES, 32 SECONDS WEST 18~.1t ~EET (AcTOAL), 50 SECONDS WEST 186.96 FEET (bE~D) TO LAND RUNBING TItENCE ALoN~ SAID LAND, NORTD 86 D~GREES, 29 30~.92 FEET (ACTUAL), NORTM B6 DEGREES, 56 MINUTED, (DEED) TO TIIE MEAN HIGH WATER [,INE OF WUNNEWETA POND~ RUNNING TMENCE ALONG TIlE MEAN }lICtl WATER LiNE OF WOND~W~TA PON~ Tit~ koLLOWi~d i7 TiE LiNE COURSES AND DISTANCES: 1) NORTM 58 DEGRSES 2) SOUTH 77 DEGREES 3) SOOTH 43 DEGREES 4) SOUTM 68 DEGREES 5) NORTH 26 DEG~kES 6) NORT}~ 53 DEGREES 7) NORTU 34 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 53 MINUTES 11 ~INUTES 24 MINUTES 30 MINUTES ~2 MINUTES 18 MINUTES 13 SE~ONDM WEST J22-95 F~ET~ ]5 SECONDS WEST ~3.J9 FEET; 14 SEcoNDs WEST 5~.B7 F~ET~ i8 SECONDS W~ST i49.D5 FEET~ 53 SECONDS WEST 69.57 FE~T~ 33 SECONDS ~AST J~.22 ~EET; 53 SECONDS EAST 1~3.67 FEET} 8) soUTH 73 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST 18~.65 FEET; 9) NORTH 53 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAsT lg8.77 ~EET; Tit{e No.: 9308-05712 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) 10) SOUTH 04 DEGREES, 17 MINUTES 11) SOUTH 43 DEGREES, 34 MINUTES 12) NORTH 79 DEGREES, 43 MINUTES 13) NORTH 51 DEGREES, 44 MINUTES 14) NORTH 56 DEGREES~ 27 MINUTES 15) NORTH 30 DEGREES, 19 MINUTES I6) NORTH 30 DEGREES, 09 MINUTES, 17) NORTB 25 DEGREES, 36 MINUTES, FORMERLY OF RUST AND; 09 SECONDS EAST 99.94 FEET; 06 SECONDS EAST 31.50 FEET; 05 SECONDS EAST 63.01 FEET; 47 SECONDS EAST 83.97 FEET; 17 SECONDS WEST 3.53 FEET; 26 SECONDS EAST 5.43 FEET; 17 SECONDS WEST 13.69 FEET; 55 SECONDS EAST 50.96 FEET TO LAND NoW OR RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID LAND TBE FOLLOWING 3 COUBSES AND DISTANCES: 1) SOUTH 63 DEGREES, 34 MINUTES, 2) SOUTH 89 DEGREES, 38 MINUTES, 3) NORTH 78, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, 10 SECONDS EAST 30.44 FEET; 20 SECONDS EAST 60.00 FEET; RANGE 20 EAST 80.76 FEET TO THE NORTBWESTERLY SIDE OF BAYBERRY ROAD, THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 111.00 BLOCK 14.00 LOT 036.001 AND LOT 036.003 2 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Conk[hued) -