HomeMy WebLinkAboutLawrence LaneMalhn~ Adaress: Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 CHARLES R. CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRI FFI NG AVENUE RI V I~RHEAD, NEW YORK February 28, 2002 TEL: (63i)36%8200 FAX: (631) 369-9080 E-maih crcuddy@earthhnk.net Scott Russell, Chairman Southold Town Board of Assessors Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Road Abandonment - Lawrence Lane, Greenport, New Dear Mr. Russell: We are enclosing an Certificate of Abandonment for a portion of Lawrence Lane as shown on the tax map, together with Certificate of Title, Approval of the Board of Assessors and a survey of the subject property. Will you please sign the enclosed Approval of the Board of Assessors and return it and the Certificate of Abandonment to us in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for your attention to this matter. CRC:JML Enclosures Very truly yours, Charles R. Cu~lly~ CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT APPROVAL OF BOARD OF ASSESSORS TOWN OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The undersigned, being Chairman of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Southold, hereby approves the abandonment of a portion of Lawrence Lane adjacent to Lots No. 153, 154, 155, 1650, 161,200, 201,202, 203 and 204, located at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, which subdivision is known as "Amended Map A of Peconic Bay Estates" as filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 19, 1933, as File No. 1124. Scott Russell, Chairman Sw,o.r,n to before me this [ ]~'~lay of March, 2002. X'-N~ar~ Public' '- CLAIRE L. GLEW Notary Public, State of New York No, 01GL4879505 Qualified in Suffolk Co.u~ty~ ..~ Commission Expires Dec. 8, ~ CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION 3 OF SECTION 335 OF THE REAL PROPERTY LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK GEORGE L. PENNY, iNC. and GEORGE L. PENNY, V, (collectively, "PENNY"), with an address c/o Charles R. Cuddy, 445 Griffing Avenue, PO Box 1547, Riverhead, New York 11901 for the purpose of abandoning and canceling a portion of the sub-division ora certain tract of land, owned by PENNY and hereafter described, pursuant to Subdivision 3 of Section 335 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, does hereby certify: 1. That a portion of the map to be abandoned is shown on a certain map subdividing such tract of land and other land situate at Greenport, County of Suffolk and State of New York, into lots, plots, blocks and streets including that portion of Lawrence Lane adjoining Lots 153, 154, 155, 160, 161, 200, 201, 202, 203 and 204 which map is entitled "Amended Map A of Peconic Bay Estates", same was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 19, 1933 as Map No. 1124. 2. That more than two (2) years have elapsed since the filing of said map. 3. That the tract of land owned by the undersigned is situate at Greenport, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and consists of an area not less than one-half acre consisting of the Lot, described as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 4. That the street, above-mentioned, part of Lawrence Lane, is unimproved for the use of any owning occupant or any other person having an interest in any part of the said subdivision of lands as shown on the aforesaid map. 5. That the said part ofLawrenceLane, adjoining Lots 153, 154, 155, 160, 161, 200, 201,202, 203 and 204 on the "Amended Map A of Peconic Bay Estates" is hereby abandoned and canceled and effective with due approval and recording thereof, said Lot shall no longer exist. 6. Endorsed hereon will be the approval of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Southold. 7. Submitted herewith is an Abstract of Title to said Lot to be abandoned covering a period of at least 20 years last past and a certificate of a licensed Title Company to the effect that there are no unpaid taxes or tax liens against said lands. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate is made and executed at Riverhead, New York, this / ~q day of November, 2001. L Penny, V GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. ev..~ge . e y, IV, Prejiiden~Y STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SSX COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the /5 day of November in the year 2001, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared GEORGE L. PENNY, V, personally known to me, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) CHARLES R. CUDDY Nota~ Publlo, State of New York No. 5872225 (~ual;*fled in Suffolk County Oommlealon Expirea Dm~mber 31. ~ On the /7~ day of November in the year 2001, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared GEORGE L. PENNY, IV, personally known to me, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public CHARLES R. CUDDY Notary Public, State of New York No, 5872225 Qualified n St!fro& County Commission Expires December 31, TITLE NUMBER 641-S-00736 amended 1`1/9/01 CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, HEREBY CERTIFIES TO THE TOWN OF BROOKHA VEN, AND THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK THAT IT HAS SEARCHED THE TITLE TO THE PREMISES KNOWN AS LAWRENCE LANE WHICH ADJOINS LOTS 153, 154, 155, 160, 16'1, 200, 201, 202, 203 AND 204 ON MAP OF PECONIC BAY ESTATES, AMENDED MAP A, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON 5/19/1033 AS MAP NUMBER 1124, WHICH CONSTITUTES ALL OF THE LAND COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT ABOUT TO BE ABANDONED (SEE DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO) IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK FROM A DATE 20 YEARS PRIOR TO THE DA TE HEREOF AND FIND TITLE THERETO IS VESTED IN AND MA Y BE ABANDONED BY: GEORGE L. PENNY, V, GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. and GREENPORT LUMBER, INC. (GREENPORT LUMBER, INC. MERGED INTO GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. BY A CERTIFICATE OF MERGER.) SUBJECT TO SUCH MORTGAGES, LIENS, TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS AS APPEAR IN THE ANNEXED SCHEDULE, ALL OF WHICH ARE PART OF THIS CERTIFICATE. THIS CERTIFICATE IS MADE AND ACCEPTED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY HEREUNDER IS LIMITED TO SUCH INTEREST IN FEE OR EASEMENT AS MAY BE ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK OR ITS SUBDIVISION FOR STREET PURPOSES AND FOR ANY UNPAID TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS DURING THE PERIOD COVERED ABOVE, AND IN NO EVENT IS THE LIABILITY TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. ($25,000.00) DATED: 11/9/01 PECONIC ABSTRACT, INC. TITLE NUMBER: 641-S-00736 Amended 2/12/02 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Arshamomaque, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as Lawrence Lane (about to be abandoned), being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Lawrence Lane (about to be abandoned) where same is intersected by the westerly side of Kerwin Boulevard; THENCE along the southerly side of Lawrence Lane (about to be abandoned) the following (2) courses and distances: 1) South 40 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds West 180.40 feet; 2) South 55 degrees 01 minute 00 seconds West 225.83 feet; THENCE along the westerly side of Lawrence Lane, North 32 degrees 42 minutes West 40.04 feet to the northerly side of Lawrence Lane (about to be abandoned); THENCE along the northerly side of Lawrence Lane (about to be abandoned) the following (2) courses and distances: 1) North 55 degrees 01 minute 00 seconds East 217.13 feet; 2) North 40 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East 168.03 feet to the westerly side of Kerwin Boulevard; THENCE along the westerly side of Kerwin Boulevard, South 59 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds East 40.69 feet to the southerly side of Lawrence Lane (about to be abandoned) and the point or place of BEGINNING. TITLE NUMBER 641-S-00736 TWENTY YEAR CHAIN OF TITLE TAX MAP NUMBER 1000-053.00-02,00-023.000 (LOTS 159 AND 160) STEPHANIE RUTKOWSKI HELEN BARSZCZEWSKI AS EXECUTRICES OF THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF URSUAL SLEDIESKI TO RAYMOND P. ClAClA AND ANNA B. CIAClA LIBER 5313 PAGE 434 DATED 2/24/63 RECORDED 2/28/63 RAYMOND P. ClACIA AND ANNA B. CIACIA HIS WIFE TO WALTER H. BURDEN I11 AND JEAN L. BURDEN HIS WIFE WALTER H. BURDEN III AND JEAN J, BURDEN HIS WIFE' TO JEANNETTE S. HANOVER LIBER 10706 PAGE 428 DATED 9/15/88 RECORDED 10/5/88 LIBER 11724 PAGE 341 DATED: 5/1/95 RECORDED 5/5/95 JEANNETTE S. HANOVER TO GEORGE L. PENNY, V LIBER 12014 PAGE 640 DATED: 12./28/99 RECORDED 1/1912000 LAST DEED OF RECORD 641-S-00736 TWENTY YEAR CHAIN OF TITLE TAX MAP NUMBER 1000-053.00-02.00-021.000 (LOT 157 AND 158) RAYMOND CIACIA TO RAYMOND ClACIA ANNA ClACIA RAYMOND ClACIA ANNA ClACIA TO LYNN F. SCIORA LIBER 2728 PAGE 73 DATED: 2/14/47 RECORDED: 7/16/47 LIBER 8821 PAGE 88 DATED: 5/9/80 RECORDED: 5/13/80 LYNN F. SCIORA TO GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. LIBER 119143 PAGE 991 DATED: 1/15/99 RECORDED: 2/5/99 LAST DEED OF RECORD 641-S-00736 TWENTY YEAR CHAIN OF TITLE TAX MAP NUMBER 1000-053.00-02.00-027,001 HELMUT HASS TO GEORGE L. PENNY, 3RD LIBER 5305 PAGE 513 DATED: 2/7/63 RECORDED: 2J8/63 ELIZABETH G, PENNY, AS EXECUTRIX OF THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF GEORGE L. PENNY, 3RD TO GEORGE L. PENNY, INC, LIBER 9492 PAGE 541 DATED: 12/6/83 RECORDED: 1/11/84 LAST DEED OF RECORD 641-s-00736 TWENTY YEAR CHAIN OF TITLE TAX MAP NUMBER 1000-053.00-02.00-025.001 (LOT 161,162,163 AND DESCRIBED) STEPHANIE RUTKOWSKI HELEN BARSZCEWSKI, AS EXECUTORS OF URSULA SLEDJIESKI TO JOHN E. REMPE AND STAClA M. REMPE, HIS WIFE LIBER 6632 PAGE 295 DATED: 9/29/69 RECORDED: 9130/69 JOHN E. REMPE AND STACIA M. REMPE HIS WIFE TO GREGORY A. RISCHE AND KRISTEN E. RISCHE LIBER 10219 PAGE 457 DATED: 12/29/86 RECORDED 1/14/87 GREGORY A. RISCHE AND KRISTEN E. RISCHE TO GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. LIBER 10813 PAGE 385 DATED: 3/2/89 RECORDED: 3/10/89 LAST DEED OF RECORD 641-s-00736 TWENTY YEAR CHAIN OF TITLE TAX MAP NUMBER 1000-053.00-02.00-022.000 (LOT 156) MARGARET J. TRIGGS TO HELMUTH HASS LIBER 3749 PAGE 505 DATED: 8/14/54 RECORDED: 8/31/54 HELMUTH HASS TO ROBERT ANNISON LIBER 7481 PAGE 539 DATED: 9/5/73 RECORDED: 9/6/73 CORRECTION DEED HELMUTH HASS TO ROBERTANNISON LIBER 7506 PAGE 584 DATED: 9/28/73 RECORDED: 10/10/73 ROBERT ANNISON TO GREENPORT LUMBER CO., INC. LIBER 8561 PAGE 323 DATED: 12/22,/78 RECORDED 1/3/79 LAST DEED OF RECORD SEARCH SCHEME 1000-53-2-23 STEPHANIE RUTKOWSKI HELEN BARSZCZEWSKI RAYMOND P. CIACIA ANN B. CIACIA WALTER H. BURKE, III JEANJ. BURKE JEANNETTE S. HANOVER GEORGE L. PENNY, V FROM 2/23/63 2/23/63 9/14/58 9/14/58 4~30~95 12J27/99 TO 2/29/63 2/29/63 10/6/88 10/6/88 5/6/95 5/6195 1/20/2000 TO DATE 1000-53-2-21 RAYMOND ClAClA ANNA ClAClA LYNN F. SCIORA GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. FROM 12/13/47 518180 1/14199 TO 5/14/80 5/14/80 2/6/99 TO DATE 1000-53-2-27.001 HELMUT HASS HEORGE L. PENNY 3P'D ELIZABETH. PENNY GEORGE LPENNY, INC. FROM 2/6/63 12J6/83 12/5183 TO 2/9/63 12/6/83 1/17J84 TO DATE CONTINUED ON NEXTPAGE PAGE2 SEARCHSCHEME 1000-53-2-25.001 STEPHANIE RUTKOWSKI HELEN BARSZCEWSKI JOHN E. REMPE STACIA M, REMPE GREGORY A, RISCHE KRISTEN E. RISCHE GEORGE L. PENNY, INC. FROM 9/28/69 9/28/69 12/28/86 '12/28/86 311189 TO '101/69 101/69 '1/15/87 1/15/87 3/11189 3/11/89 TO DATE 1000-53-2-22 MARGARET J. TRIGGS HELMUTH HASS ROBERT ANNISON GREENPORT LUMBER CO., INC. FROM 81'13/54 914/73 '12/21/78 TO 9/'1/54 9/7/63 1/4/79 TO DATE TITLE NUMBER: 641-S-00736 TWENTY YEAR TAX SEARCH PECONIC ABSTRACT, INC., hereby certifies that it has searched the records of the Suffolk County Clerk's Office for the past twenty (20) years and has found that all Town and School Taxes for 1980/81 through and including 200012001 taxes have been paid in full. Dated: 11/9/2001 PECONIC ABSTRACT, INC. Jeanne Anstett, Office Manager CHARLES R. CUDDY ATTORNEY AT L AW 445 GRI Fbi NG AVENUE RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK MaihngAddrvss: Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 TEL: (631) 309-82~) FAX: (631) 369-908) E-mail: crcuddy(Wearthhnk.net August 3, 2001 Southold Town Assessors Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: AUG _ 6 Bq'~9 OF ASSESSORS George L. Penny, IV- Certificate of Abandonmenf Gentlemen: My client George L. Penny, IV owns a parcel on the south side of the Main Road in the Hamlet of Greenport. His ownership includes lots on a filed map as well as a paper street called Lawrence Lane. He wishes to abandon part of the map and the paper street. It is my understanding that pursuant to New York State Real Property Law Section 3 3 5, Subdivision 3, a Certificate of Abandonment may be prepared and submitted to the County Clerk once it has been endorsed with approval of the Board of Assessors. Will you please confirm to me that tbe appropriate procedure is to submit the Certificate of Abandonment to the assessors for their approval. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:JML