HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 989EXECUTOR'S DEED (INDMDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8005 (short version), FORM ~010 (long version) CAlll'lON: TIllS AGR E EM F~N'T SHOULD BE PREPARED n%' AN ATTOnN£¥ AND REVI KWED BY &'R'ORNE%~J FOR SgLL£R AND PUilCIL*.,.'SER BEFORE THIS INDENTf]RE. made thc ~:'day of June, 2005, between Julie Anne Anderson, as executor of the Estate of Mary Adams, pursuant to the last will and t~stament of Mary Adams, late of 228 Thompson Street, New York, New York who died on the Seventeenth day el'April, Two Thousand Three, party of thn first part. and JLH tL~sociates, LLC of P.O. Boxil~2$, Southold, New York 11971, party of the second pan. W/'r~'H, that the party of the first pan, to whom permanent I~0.~ testamentary were issued by the St~rrog,ate's Court, New York County. New York on May 4, 2005 and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or by Article I I of the F_~attes, Powers and Trusts Law, and in consideration of Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($750,000.00) dollars, lawful money ofthe United States, paid by the party ofthe second pa~, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the distritmtecs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemenU thereon erected, situate, lying and being, in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, being the same Premises described in the deed to thc grantor herein, recorded in Liber 8776, page 183. 2'O~ErlIER with all right, title, end interest, ifauy, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, 1'O~ETHEIt with thc appurtenances, and also nil the eata~ which the said decedent had at the time of decodenfs death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party ofthe first pan has or has power to cunve¥ or dispose of, whether individually or by virtue of said will or otherwise, 217 HA I/£ AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unto the party of Ihe second pm'L thc heirs or socce:~ors and a~igns of the party of the second pan forever. AND the pa~. of the first part covenants that the party of the first part lure not done or suffered anything, whereby the said promises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. A.ND the party of the first part, in compliance with Scction 13 oftbe Lien I,aw, covenants that the party of the firm part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as n trust fund to he applied first for the purpose of paying the costs of the improvement and will apply the same first to ~ payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same I'or any other purpose. Tho word "party" shall be construed as if it read 'pa~tiea" whenever the sense of this indenture so requiems. JUN. 8. 2005 I0:21AM CLT]C K]VERHEA~) IlO. 959 P. 2 File NOl SCHEOULE A - DES~ILTPlION AIL ~ C~¢GItfl ph)t, piece or p~rcel Of I~d, sIlMJa~, lying ~ being It EASt Hndon, hz Lhe Town Ol' So.thold, Coum¥ of' Suffolk ind Stat. of New ¥0r~, KnOWn Bnd daslgnal~cl lis LOt No. 117 on a Ge~tBIn mil) enUUed, '141p cd' Pebble B4ach Firms, ~ Ha~on, Town of So4~hold, 5uffQlk County, New York', and fll~cl In the Office oPthe C:ier~ of l~le CourtLy of Suffolk .Dh .lufle 1.~, 1975 IS NIp NO. 6268. AlTA Owrur'~ dP~i~y (10-.17-92) De~ ~F~le No. ***Title Number TE*** District 1000 Section 030.00 Block 02.00 Lot 061.000 ~lulic Anne Andcrson, ns Executor of the County or Town Suffolk I~tate of Mary Adams Street Address 1690 The Strand To East Marion, New Yott JLH Associates, LLC Return By Mall To: Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. Wick, ham, Bre,.~ler, Gordon & Oeasa, P.C. 13015 Main Road-P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 Reserve This Space For Use Of Recording Office IN WITN,~q W~IER£OF. the party of tho first part ha~ duly executed this deed the day and year above written. Acknowledgment by a Person Outside New York State (RPL § 309-b) STA'I'E OF FLORIDA ) On th .e.~''*.~'~ dny of June in Ibc year 2005, before me, the undersisned, personally appeared Julic Anne Anderson personnlly known Io me or proved to me on the basis of'satisfactory evidenco to be the individual(s) whose name(.,) is (are) subscribed to the within insmJment and acknowlodl~ed to me that she executed the same in her capacity(ies), and that by her signature(s) on the instrument, the individunl(s), or the edth~ instrument. (sishature and~~.~....~ )~nowledgment NYSBA's R~.~delalal RenJ F~tate Foams (~QO) O 2002 ~ I:lend~ dr ~o.. a member o~ the L~xisNezL~ Gt'oop. -2- r~umbor ~' Pages TORRENS S~rial # Certificate # Prior Of. # ])emi / Mo~IBago In~lmmenl P~go / filing F~ ~ndl~8 ~-5217 (S~c) Cm~ o¢ ~. ~ OS A~vit C~ifi~ ~py ~g. Copy ~her __ Sub ]biB] Deed I IVlo~gaSo Tax SUunp .; P, eal I),ul~ty 'Fax Service ABeaoy Verificalimt 0~02~299 1000 03000 0200 061000 :1 REC0~OED 200~ .i'un 22 0~,: 12~0 PH Edward P, RoalaJne CLERK ~ ~UFFOLK CO~HT~ L 0(30012393 · DT# 04-46026 Recording / FOlioB Stamps Mo~gago AJIll. I. Oasic l~x 2, Additional Tax Sub Tolnl SpecJAssil. Or Spec;/Add. I~)T. mM'FO. TAX __ Oual 'ruwn__ I)uol Couoly Hold for Apportionment ~1 Tax Moperty covered by this roerig'age is or bo i~nproved I)y a one ~r two Family ~b T~I ~ K :~ Y~ ~ NO GRAND TOTAL ~ see appr~riale lax c~ p~e # ofthis insl~nt. Fund Conniderntion CPF Tax Due S ~, ~ Sntisfactions/Dischnrges/Releases List Property Owners Mai RECORD & RETURN TO: Improved VUCOlll [.Itlld · ' : ' 'ID I I / , ,.,I. I ~ . -.d ' I' I : r, fl, c,.np..yhfformntion l~~cE, ~I' I 9~ ~o...,.: ' / ITM :' K~~ ' I Stfffolk Coun~ Recording ~ Endorsement ·Page ~is ~ge fo~ ~ ofl~ nll~h~ ~ ' made by: ~ ' ;. SU~ ~, NEW YOI~ In "~ To,.~:,ip of__ ~.5 ~ 9 MU~ BE ~ OR PRI~ ~ B~ INK ~I,Y P~OR TO I~RDING O~ FILI~. : , SUFFOLK COOHTY CLERIC RECOILD80~ZCE R~CORX)ZMG ~AGE ~ o£ XnBtz~mentI nu~.nH/D131) ReoeL~t P,mhor t 05-0066115 '~l~HS~ ?AX IRIn~Rz 04-46026 1000 ~ee4 lu~ I lteaozdedI T-ZI PAGE Beet 1Qn z BZook I 030.00 02.00 ~JJ(Z~BD MIX) ~t~nt.~ GTS0,000.00 06/22/2005 0&tl2t50 ;M 04-46026 THZ8 ]PA~E X8 A BART 01~ THE 32;5TRUMImWT THXH Z8 I)T A BZLL D00012393 989 Edwa~:d ?.XcIAf. ne County Clerk, Bu££oZk 061.000 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $o.oo $13,500.00 $16,7&5.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · INSTRUCTIONS: httpV/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 k I I Rdl~tmMMn~lontimdaml I , , I #otPircel. OH PinM,Pmcol 4~PlgnningBomdwlth~ixllvil~m,4uthmJtyExia~ [] ~ L Ixl Toni . . I &P.~.,~.~.~io.~m~,~p~,k:~d [] k I I Mamh D~y YW ! ! · I ASSE$SMEm INFORMAZ3ON. (~a Mmuld mflm::t btm later IRnM A#e~m'nmlt Roll ind T~ Bill BUYER NEW YORK STATE COPY