HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 137 WCB~3 :- Rl..'v:: F,~99 "' (unifoml ack. 0'71. ooo THISIHDENT~RE, madethe /~ dayof ?~n¢ ,int~year 2005 BETWEEIq ZOUMAS CONTRACTING CORPORATION, 263 ROUTE 25A, WADING RIVER, NEW YORK 11792 THOMAS KOJES & COSTAS KOJES, both residing et 155-24 CHERRY AVENUE, FLUSHING, NEN YORK 11~, part~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ that the Arty of the Grst ~ i~ condde~tlon of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the lXrrty of the second part. does hereby grant and releue unto the pa~y of the second Ix~rt, the heirs or successors aJ~L a.igns o! the pu'ty of the ~ Ix~rt [orever, ALL th.+ certain plot. piece or pucd of lexd, with the buildings ~d improvements then:on oreeted, situate, lyinf ud be~nf in the SEE DESCRIPTION ANNEXED BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAME PREMISES CONVEYED TO THE GRANTOR HEREIN BY DEED DATED 9/13/2004 AND RECORDED 9/17/2004 IN LIBER 12343 PAGE 918. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE IN THE REGULAR COURSE OF BUSINESS OE THE GRANTOR. TOGETH .ER with ull right, title and interest, il any, ul the party of the first part in and to any streeu and ~m~,ds ,)l,~ltt,ng the abo, ve. d. escri.be4, premlises to UI, neoter Ii? therco[; T. OGETHI~R wkh the ~.ppurterm~..ce~ n~ mo rte estate mm r]gnU ot the party of the first part m and to mid premiseJ; TO HAVEAND TO tl~eOl~t;~Pt~an,~nl~r~t~v~lerumo thc p~ty o, the ~cond prat, the heirs or suc¢,,,,,,, ~md issign, o! ..A..ND.the.party..of the.first part covenants tltGt th~. forty o! tim first ~ has not done or suffered, anything ~'.~ebZ)he~r~..m' ~.r,e~_ ~_s~_ ha.ye .been encore,, hered, m any. way whelever,.ex~ as ulormmld. .,~,-~ ~ .,c par~.~,.,.OI tne. nrs~. p&rt, z.n.com, pmtance with Seetmn 13 of the Lien L&w covenante that the j2m'ly of tile .nrst part w:zi .r~:e.:ve .the co.n???tm.n four this conveyance and will hula the ri~ht to reeelve such consid- eratmn as a trust ~unu to he appne~l nrst tot the pur12ose of paylr~' the cost of the improvement and wil] apply the same first to the j~ymeot of the cost o! the improvement before using any part ot' &he ~oti] o~ the nme [or any other purix~se. The x~'Qr*l "party" shall be construed as if it rea~ "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so z'eq,,;~.~. IN ~q~TNE.q5 ~VI~EP.F. OF, the party of the t~rst ~ hes duly executed this deed the day and year first ~ written. 1UANNZ~ £UU~Ab ~ t~C ce~c~ ~tot, piece or ~ O~ ~h~d, O~ice ~ ~ 11, 1975 a~ ~ ~. 6266. * STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY O~ SUFFOL~ unde~d, pem~dly a0~ared I 0A N N I S ZOUNAS hi~ir si~s) ~ ~e i~ ~ i~i~*), ~ the ~n u~ ~lFoFwhich ~e Slpnter~ and Ofllee et STATE OF NKW YORK )" ) SS.: COUNTY OF ) On lbe__ day of "' in the ye~ __ hefore.me, [he . undemi~ond, pe~omdly pe~nflally Imo~,A tO me o¢ proved tO me on the besis evidence tO be the indivJdonl($) whose name(s) is (erc) s~bseribed to exL'cmed the same in his/her/their capacity(ins), and that by hisq~r/their sipamre(e) on the insmmxm, the individuel(s), or thc person upon beh~drof which the indivkiu~l(s) ae~ed, executed the instrument. Sijnoture ami Orflen of Individual token! lekuowtedpnent IndlvMuol tOldng acknowkd~ment * For ncknowledltments rake. in New York St~t~ ~ CouI~ N~ 82.48(~nne ** Stote~ Dlstrid of Columblt~ TerritOry, Possession, or Fortllu Country On the__day of in the ye~ befo~ me, the undersJsond, personally appenred personally known to me or ixoved tO mc off the basis ormisfKmry e~dmce to be the indivJdunl(s) whose name(s) b (ere) subsc'fl'hed Io the ' withm Jrm'rument and aeknowledged to me thai be/sl~ executed ~e same in his/heffthetr capacity(ins1, that by his/her/O~eJr siFwure(s) .on the insmsment, the individual(s), or the person upon bebe]f of which the tndividuolts) acted, executed the instalment, and tho such individusl mode such appemlnce bef~ the undefli~ned in the . (Insert the city OT other polmcnl subdivis~ofl Rd O~e State oF count~ or ~ price the ncknowlcdsrflcnt %vas taken). · * For tdmowledi{fnents liken outside of New York Stole. SJpature and Office of indlvJdutl tOldnX arknowlednmeut TITLB NO. 030.00 02.00 071.000 county m TOWN Southold Recoflied At Reque~ of Fb~ Ammic~n TMe I,~..~,0m O~npir~ of New Yodr UBTUIIN BY MAlL TO: DENISE NARZANO - DOTY, 31 NINTH AVENUE FARMINGDALE, NY 11735 ESQ. TORRENS Serial # CcrlificaM # Prior Ct£ # Deed / Mortgage Instromen! · t I I)age / Filing Fee / '~__ I landling, ) ....... '1'1~.~84 ~ Deed / Mortg~e Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (Cuuflty) EA-5217 (Stale) IL P.T.S.^. Co(tun. Of I'~d. Affidavit Certified Cop). Reg. Cop)' -- (3RANf)TOTAL S Rml Property Tax Servico Asea~, Verification 05024735 zooo 03000 0200 o? ooo Initial .~ Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property nECORD & RETURN TO: ° Suffolk 'INs rage fbnns p,'ul of the attached Lot RECaP, OEP 2005 Jun 2~ lit41(05 P.H Edward P. Ronaine SUFFOLK _r~_ _s, ffy L D00012395 P 137 DT# 04-46924 Recording, / I:ilittg Stamps MoflgagnAmt. I. Ra~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiL Or Spec. 1Add. TO'IL MTG. TAX Oual Town Dual Countu/'~ Held fo~A~,diopmcot ~ ~ Manaion Tax The properly covered by dlis m'~gage is or will be improved by n one or two family dv,~ellin8 only. YES. or NO... If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # Communiw Pr~s~'rvafion Fund I'D TD TD Title Corn Information Co. Name Title # & Endorsement Pa (SP 'EOFY TYPE OF IN~'IRLIMf~T ) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YOIUC In Ibc To'asaP of_ ~,~ 0 (J~ 0 1 ~t[ In the VILLAGE or lb..Lin'or Bt ~'XI£S 5 'IHRU 9 MUST BI". TYPF_.D OR PRIN'IED IN BI.~\CK INK ONLY PRIOR 'lO IUiCORDING OR FI I.ING. nlade by: (OVEn) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDE/DDD ~,--her o£ Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0067995 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-46924 DAatrtcts Sections Block: 1000 030.00 02.00 Deed Amounts 06/29/2005 11s41s05 AM LIBER: PA6~E: Lot s 071.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FO'.LOW8 $350,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ~xem~t P&ge/Ftltng $12.00 NO Handling CeE $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHQ EA-C-~*x' $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm. Pres Flea Paid 04-46924 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIB IB NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $o.oo $5,500.00 $5,742.00 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County D00012395 137 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE 'I'~PE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN wRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY C2. D~te ~ R~'d~d ~ STA'I~ BOndeD OF ~ ~ ~1~ ~ IN~R~TION I I I I , ~ , , ~ .~. 0 , 0 I I ~ME~ IN~R~N - D~ ~ld ~ ~ II~ FI~I ~fll Roll I~ T. ~11 I ~~~lO,~,,.,~.~.~.~l , , i . .I,,/~.0.01,.