HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 719NY 005 - Bn~nht and Sale Deed with Cn~nant a~nlnst Gnm~'s Rca Imllvldual or Coq~orsiion ( Single Sleet} {.NY BTU 8002! CON.qUI.T %"~U R I~,~WYER BEFORE .ql('-.~IN(l 'Fills INSTRUIHF..NT - 'fills IN,qTRU&[F. NT SIIOULI) lie USED BY' LAWYER.q ONI.Y Tills INDENTURE. made thc .~= day of December . in the year 200.5 Bk'A'WEEN N:l.ck. Kopatsie and A.l. exandra Kopatet8 residing at 7 Tredwell Ct. Syosset, New York 11791 tanyoFthefir~tpan, and Hanzi Homes Inc. with offices at 701 Route 25A, Rocky Point, New York 11778. ~n~y o£ the second pa/t. WITNI"..qSL~H, that tho pany of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable cm~sid~mtion ['~Jd by tile ~rty of th,~ second pan, does hereby 8rnnt and releese unto the puny of file second pan, the heirs or soccesso~ and a~siR~s of the party of the second part forever. AL~thntcm~inp~cpi~e~parce~f~an~with~bui~in~sm~i~mve~t~1~tharn~n~sii~ngnndheit~i~c~ at Eas~ Harion,in the To~ o~ Sou~hold, County of Suffolk and SCa~e o~ New York, ~o~ and desig~ed as ~. No. i~ as sho~ on a certain map entitled "Nap of Pebble Beach Fa~s" and f~led In ~he Suffolk County Cle~kSs office on June 11~ 1975 as map No. 6266. TOG E'rHER with nil right, title nnd iuterest, if any, of ibc party of the firft part of. in aod to nzty st~'ots and roads nbuttin~ th, above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETIIER with ~he appurteannce~ and nil the eslas,, nnd righ~ o1' th, pnny of the firsl pan in nnd to said pmmlses; TO HA VE AN[} TO 11OLD the premises herein gr~nted unto tile party of · second p~rt. thc heirs or successors and asaigan of thc party of thc scco~d pa~. forever. AND the party of the rirsl part covenants that tim pnny of the first part Ires not done or suffered anything whereby the sat, ~re~uises have been ianumhered in any way whnt~vcr, except n~ af~esnld. AND tile party of the first part. in complianc~ with Section t3 of thc Lien Law. covenants that the p~ty of the first part wi, r,.wel ye d~e con.sigerntion Iht this convcym~ce and will hold tim right to receive such consideration s..~ n trust fund to he applie first for thc pur~.~sc of payhm tile cost of the improvement and will apply the same fi~t to the payment of the cost of th nnprovement before using nn? part of the total of the s~me for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be consli'ucd as if it read "parties" whmlever the sense of this indenmr~ so requires. IN WITNESS WH F. REOP, thc party of the first part has duly executnd this deed the day and ~tts~ve i~,~tinff=~. ACI~VOWI. EDC~ENT FORM FO~ USE W~IIIN NA~ YURE ~ATE [N~ FO~ ~b~H~ Wi~s A~ledg~r S~ ~N~ Yo~ C~ of ~ the ~y of in ~fo~ ~, the un~i~, ~ly ~d ~ ~b~b~8 wiln~ to I~ f~g~n say ~ ~s~ ~i~s) in ~, r~: t~t ~ ~(s) cx~m ~ ~e; ~ ~t ~id wim~ ut hi~/~ir ~s) ~ a wiM~ State d New York. ~umy of ~ } ~: On thc day of in the year befun: me, the undctsig, ned, icrammlly aplx:amd pe~onally k~)own lo me or proved to n~ on thc basis of sati;:faclot~ evidenre to bc the iudividunl('a) whine nmne('sJ is (are) subscrihcd Io Ibc within imanm~ent ami acknowledged to me dm[ he/shehhey executed Ihe .qame in hiM~erah*'ir clLoacity(iesl, and ihm by hLv~erahcir sis~atur~s~ oo Ihe imlmmenl, the individuM{al, oF Ibc pcr~m upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, exccmed the ir6~ument. (In.yen the city or ~rher Ix)lidcal $'ub~vi~irm and the sMte or cefmt ~ or other place dw ucknowledgtnem ~s taken}. TITll~. NO. BARGAIN & SALE DF, ED covv~^sm ,,,a*U, ST cntASTm'S A~-rS TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK DISTRICT 1000 S .~-nON 003.00 BLOCK 02.00 Lcrr 125.000 Cou,'~rl'Y OR TOWN IiECORDED AT R£QUF.,S'I"OF iqdellty National Title Imumnee Company of New York RET£tI~V IfF MAIL 7D Number .of paga's TORRENS Scrial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee ~ Handling 5. 00 TP-$84 ~ Notation EA-$2 17 (County) 5"__ EA-5217 (State)._~_~57 R.P.T.S.A. "~) Comm. of .Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other IX, ed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Sub Total Grand Total .:-,.. Dist ;^" ] '~ " ,,),,.., I .... ' '" 4 ": 05050145 ~ooo oaooo o2oo ~-sooo ~3-- Real Prope ~ Tax Servici : Agency s Vcdfication Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owner~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: This page forms pan of the attached TO RECOR~EE) 2005 P,~ 28 11:1~:~ EckLard P. Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012427 P 719 I>T~ 05--21014 Recording / Filing Stmups ' Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. or S p,.-c./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ,/~/ Mansion Tax Thc property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. sca appropriate tax clause on . o,his In the Township of ~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTEO IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FI~ING. · '. (over) "70/d . [' Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa e C~ ~c by: (SPE INSTRUMENT) T~ p~mi~s ~in is situal~ in S~LK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 'rD TD Improved Vacunt Land ~' TD //~_~") 5 Community Preserw, tton lVmad I Consideration Amount $ ~f SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PA~E Type o£ Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt ~her = 05-0133659 TRANSFER TAX N~MBER= 05-21014 District: 1000 Deed Amo~nt: Section: Block: 030.00 02.00 EXAMIhJsmAND CHARQRDAS FOLLOW8 $260,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COX $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATX TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $1,040.00 NO Com~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUHBER: 05-21014 T~IS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded: At: Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/28/2005 11:13:52 AM LZBER: D00012427 PAGE: 719 Lotz 125.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $3,700.00 NO $4,979.00 -- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps..~s~a, te.ny, us or PHONE (518) 47~-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I ' ' Cl $W15Co~ . //.-. - -- .~ ,.~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ' ~ t~l ~..~l ' S'TAIE OF YORK NEW · '~ "" ' I ~ RP-5217 ..o~mY INr-Om.,^'nON I mll~ if ~hi~ thin buyt~ idcl~ll la~ betlgm M fora1) I t I N (Only # Prat d a Pamll) Cheek le they ipiMy: , ) I # of Parc~l~ oR Pa. ol · 4~ SubdiVmlon Appm~l wal Required tot Trlmflr *a, Ct~E$' 41 - I D I~,.J No~-Re~ide~tiM V~t L~nd SALE INr'ORM~ION I Ent~rlalnmemlAmL,~m~nt [,U F~-~ ~ 5'"//'7 /~'~ 12, Date o~ Side I TrlndM J None I NEW YORK STATE COPY