HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 407 BlYv/Y 8379 THIS INDIrNTURE, made th~ ~ deyof ~i~l~/f~q// . in the y~ar lwo thousand five BETWEEN RONNIE L. HILL and MIGUEL A.S. ALVAREZ os joint tenants with rights of survivorship 745 Golf View Court, East Marion. New Yod~ 11939 party of the F~et pan, and RONNIK L. HILL 745 Golf View Court, East lVlarion- New Yo~ 11939 WITNESSETH, thai thc Inly eftbe first pm1, in consideration often paid ~' thc party of' tho second part. does hereby fp*dn( and release unto the pafly of thc second pt~ thc heirs or socoessors and assigns of the Ixmy of thc second part forever, ALL thal certain ploL pieco et patcol of land. wilh the buildings a~d imp~ow~nents thereon taunted, situate. lying and being in Eass lviarino, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and Sinte of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a poinl on lite southcom corn~ of the premise{ being described hc~in which mid poim is thc following O) courses and distances from th~ inrencmion ofthe nortberly side of Iviain R_n~d~ NYS RT. with the south~m~m'b' ~omer of the map of Perle i~tch Farm.m. filed in Map No. 62(,0: I. North 18degrees 10ntinutes 10__~cco___ndsv,~t2'/2.0~ feet; 2. North 18 dc~recs 25 minutes 10 meconde ~est 447.07 feet; 3. North ! 8 de~.,-~.~ 0~ minutes 00 seconds east 25.15 feet: RUNNING thcoco from said point of BEGINNING south 6it degrees 59 mint~es 00 seconds wesl 478.35 feet to a 25 fool right ofwiay (Village of Greonport) THENCE almlg said right of x~ay north 21 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds west 199.41 feet to land anw or fonnc~y of Villa~ of Gmenport; THENCE ainng enid land the foflowing I~ (2) courses and distencos: 1. North 6'/de&tees 28 minutes 40 seconds easl 126.10 feet: 2. Nonh 68 dcs~cs 38 minutes 20 seconde east 364.31 feet to the nmp of Pebble Beach Fanns Map No. 6266; THENCE along said map the following IV,~ (2} courses and I. Sour h 17 d~recs 12 minutes 40 _,~,-"~,_ __nds east 102.95 feet: 2. South 18 dngrees 08 mlnutas 00 seconds cost 1112.32 feet to the point or place of BEGiNNiNG. TOOETHER v,~th {Mid s{thjent to a ~0 foot w~ rJ~lt of way {'loin I1~ smltheas~rly corocr of thc sub. k~t premises to the main mad (New Yo~ St-re Route 25), as shown on minor sulxtivision map of GolF View at Ensl Marion. A pmOon of said Ri~in of Way extends ~y 50 feet from the southerly line of premises. BEING and inte,,~o._~ m hc ~ sane ~ co~,-a to the ~-,mlont herein by d'?d dated Jtmc 19, 1998. recorded Au&ust 3, 1998 in ill~M/Lihcr tlqo .ease TOGETHER with all right, litle and intc~ if an.v. ofthe party of the fuxt part in and to any slree~ rout rom~ nbutting the above des~bed pmmisas to the center lin~q thereof': TOGETltER with the aplxalcnancas and all the eslate and righ*e of the ixlrty of thc flntt pm1 in and to said in~nises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisas hcloin grained unto the pa~y of the second lm~ the hch,s or mi~5,;.~mrs and nsaigns of' thc party of thc s~cond ~ forever. AND the pmly of the tim pan coveanv~ that the pan)' of the lust pa~ hm not done or suffered anything whereby Ihc said premises Imvc been enmnohc, md in any wa.v whatm.er, except as aforesaid. AND flu: pa~- of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenanls that the party of the firsl pm1 viii ~-,oc,~ve {he considenttion for tltis conveyance i will held Ihc righ* lo rcc~ve such consideration as a masl fund to be applied first fo~ the purpo~ of paying the cost of ,k,. improvement and will apply the same first to Ihc paymr, m of ihc cost of the improvement before usins any prom of thc tomi of ,be same for an],' other pmpase. The word =lm~y' slmll be contained as if it mad "pm~ies" whcnm, er thc sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITN~r-qs WHSCl~OF, the ixuly of Ihe first pnrt has duly execolnd this __deed__ thc da)' and year tim above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ACKNOWLEI~;EMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCRIBING Wl~ TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE t~ t~shc/O~ kno~s) to be lhe individual dcscribed in m~l who exe~l~l Ibe for~ insUument; tht said subscdbin~ wiln,;ss v, as i=,-~,! and saw said cxecu~ tbe s~n~ end tlut mid wilncss at thc same gme s~,_J~._ _~bcd ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE S~ of'Ne~. Y=t, count), of ,E~'~ .I . ~. ~G~L ~& ALVAREZ ~ OfmtisfKU~ ~idn~e to be ~ indkidual(s) ~bose ~s) is ~ ~ ~ ~s) ea ~ imaummt, ~ indiviMs), c ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKWq OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *State of . County of . ss: *(Or inset l)ishict of Columbia, Temloo; [~oa~J~m or Fmei~3 County) dnyof PCS~t~' known to me or proved to ma o~ thc M~i~ of solisfnc~y evida~o to be tl~ i~Jividud(s) whose nan.s} is Ca~) ~k.~dbed to exncu2d fl~e,--,~in bisect/their calncity(ics), t~utt by his~nerAbcir sisnm~(s) on Lt~e ia.w,,--,,,~ ~r~ irdividunl(s) or thc IX~On tqx~ ba~alfof which Ih~ individm](s) octal, ex~cuted ~he mmv, and the ("'m ~ dry or ~1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or ~. m- o~ p~ ~~ vas ~). Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant Against Grantors Acts SUFFOLK TO Broadway Ab~lract Corp. One Old Country Road Suite LL 08 Cade Place, NY 11514 RETURN BY MAIl. TO: EUZABETH J. SALEN, ESQ. 294 WINDSOR PLACE BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11218 Numbe~ Of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificale # · Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stump Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 ' Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.$.A. Comm. 6f Ed. ^llidavit Ccrtifi~! Copy' Reg. Copy Other 5. O0 Sub Total Sub Total .J?_t_.. Real 1000 ~- Property ', 05020091 tooo 03000 0200 z$2000 Agency . Verification ~ 6 I Safiff~fion.~Di~h~ses/Rel~a.~s I.~t Pml~rly Owner~ Mailing Address ~ RECORD & ~J~TURN' TO.. Elizabeth J. Salen. Esq. 294 Windsor P1 Brooklyn, NY 11218 2005 J,~ 02 11-"16:25 E~,{rd P. Roqa{ne CLEI~I( O.e SUFFOLK COUNT? L P <07 DT# .n4--4~256 Recon~ing I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecYAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax '~----/ Mansion T-',x The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by u one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate lax clau.~ on page # ---~ of this instmmenl. Cona/deration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ hnproved Vacant Land TD I? I Title Company I;foniiation C ,~ BROAD~AY'~"ABSTRACT CORP I TiUe # BIY~/Y8379 .. Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa_?.e This page forms pm of the attached Deed made by: (SP :I~IFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Ronnie L. Hill and The premises herein is situated in Misuel A.S. Alvarez SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Ronnie L. H~XJ~i In the Township of SOUTHOLD In thc VILLAGE or HAbl!:la"'r of BOXES 6 TIIRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED iN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK C0U~Y CLRRK RECORDB OFFZCE R~CORDTNG ~AGE Typo o£ :Znlc:nnne~ts I~dsuB/DDD Ree,il)t Mmnbe~ s 05-0059206 TRANSFER TAX NI~BER: 04-43256 1000 Deed 030.00 02.00 ~Q~Z~Z~A~C~JU~uA8 $o.oo 04-43256 TI~8 L~AGE 1'8 & L~A,R'~ O]P -,rms 3:MBTR~MR~T TH'tH :1:8 NOT A B'rLL Reaoz'4.~! t Count~ Cl~rk, Su££oZk Cotmt~ 06/02/2005 11:16:25 M( ~ZBRR: ;A~: 132.000 $5.00 S15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 So.oo $239.00 D00012390 407 NO HO NO NO NO NO " ' -' ' ...... -PLEASE YYPE ~)R-PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/.www.orp~.state.ny.uJ or PHONE (518! 473-7222 =-"-', ?, ~ r~r~fllY INFORMATION ~ ~'~1 745 I Golf View Court J East Marion RP - 5217 11193~ J Ronnie, L. Send Future Tax Bills To Buyer Address I &~ J Hill j Ronnie ~. ~M~ki ' ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ~0, O a ~ed Transfer Only, no Sale. East Marion, Suffolk County I ~,,t,~Ti ~b 03o, ~ 0~,o~ )l Section: I, Block: 0~, LOt: 1321.0OO I I I I J O=..,-,~TIO~ J 745 j Golf View Court East Marion NY 11939 I I 718 499-5477 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY