HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/2004SUFFOLK COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE JOHN C. COCHRANE, Treasurer 330 CENTER DRIVE RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901-3311 852-1500 REPORT OF REVENUE PAYABLE TO SUFFOLK COUNTY TREASURER DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 THIS STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY PAYMENTS TO THE COUNTY TREASURER PURSUANT TO SEC. 2205 (B) OF THE SUFFOLK CHARTER 8/18/04 CHECK NUMBER EXPLANATION AMOUNT CODE LICENSE AND TAG FEES FOR JULY 04 $ 74.02 For Treasurer's Use Only $74.02 T570 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SUM OF $74.02 DESCRIBED ABOVE WAS ALL THE MONEYS RECEIVED AND DUE THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TO THE BEST OF MY KNOW~DGE AND BELIEF. NAME TITLE RECEIVED BY COUNTY TREASURER. 8/I 8/04 BY PHYLLIS TEPPER FOR TREASURER S USE ONLY APPROP.NO. DATE RECEIPT NO. CODE AMOUNT REf~E[VE[} ~//~/~ 50618 NK $74.02 8EP 3 2004 v-vT Southold Town Clef[ 08/10/2004 Page: I Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthl July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby cer[i~ that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period s~ted above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share FISW Fishers Island Sewer District Sewer District INTEREST PART Interest Now Account Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Planning Board Yard Sale Zoning Board PT-HIGHWAY Highway Excavation SAND Sand & Gravel SWMD Solid Waste Management District Interest NOW Account 1 150.00 Sub-Total: $~150.00 1 31.84 Sub-Total: $59,409.69 Permits 4 180.00 Sub-Total: $'180.00 Sand & Gravel 2 '~ ,378.72 Sub-Total: $1,378.72 APPL (Appliances) 49 735.00 Bags - Leaf 167 63.46 Bags - On Account 4 49,394.54 Bags - Retail - Large 792 1,782.00 Bags- Retail- Medium 1001 1,501.50 Bags - Retail - Mini 80 32.00 Bags - Retail - Small 162 121.50 Bags - Vending Machine 6 9,758.00 Bags - Wholesale - Large 12 2,405.76 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 2 675.00 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 5 1,250.00 Rear Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Single 1 200.00 Rear Sub-Total: $31.84 Application Fees 16 47,390.06 Birth Trans. - Genealogical I 11.00 Death Trans. 126 1,260.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 4 44.00 House Trailer Permit 11 1,100.00 Moratorium Waiver 2 500.00 Code Book 1 250.00 Cede Updates - July 1 42.48 Zoning Books 2 100.00 Zoning Updates - July 1 15.00 Application Fees 4 2,157.15 Permits 107 1,590.00 Application Fees 15 4,900.00 Public Events 1 50.00 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthl July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 2 Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share SWMD WHOLE Solid Waste Management District Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans, Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Adoption Dog Licensing Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) Disposal Permit - Agricultural Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Lessee Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid. Single Entry) SB (Shredded Brush) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Charges Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest Initial $12.00 Daily Permit Beach Attendant/lifeguards Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Sticker Missing Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Marriage Trans. - Genealogical Conservation (DECALS) Fee Reimbursement Dog Adoptions 53% License Fee Female, Spayed 4 800.00 37 2,220.00 14 420.00 6 360.00 18 180.00 5 50.00 45 0.00 383 3,830.00 94 470.00 10 0.00 49 1,484.15 50 100.00 51 1,020.00 114 1,600.00 541 1,082.00 I 10.20 38 605.55 6 71,750.06 28 56,592.02 5 481.24 Sub-Total: $210,973.98 4 100.00 471 5,652.00 1 0.00 73 2,190.00 38 1,140.00 36 720.00 9 900.00 45 0.00 1606 9,636.00 I 0.00 25 0.00 4 27.38 11 110.00 1 11.00 4 5.84 I 15.00 3 30.00 53 83.48 27 202.50 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Reg July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 3 Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Local Share WHOLE WWDD Dog Licensing Dog Redemption Domestic Partnership Filming Fishers Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish Wastewater Disposal District Wastewater Disposal District - Interest Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Dog Redemption - 1st Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemptions - 3+ Domestic Partnership Application Fee - Non-Refund Beach Permits Daily Filming Permit Fishers Island Moodng Permits Marriage License Passport Fee - Town Portion Photocopies Postage Check Charge Commercial Free - Non-Commer. Resid. - Non-Comm. Temporary Voided Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Scavenger Waste Vehicle License Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Interest On Overdue Accounts I 7.50 21 157.50 4 30.00 9 90.00 3 60.00 2 60.00 2 20.00 1 100.00 8 80.00 2 200.00 I 7,735.00 14 245.00 15 450.00 1480 370.00 1 0.37 2 40.00 3 105.00 56 0.00 150 750.00 23 230.00 6 0.00 Sub-Total: $31,553.57 1 1,050.24 1 60.00 18 180.00 I 10.00 1 774.76 Sub-Totah $2,075.00 $305,752.80 Total Local Shares Remitted: Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) ................................................................................................................. 35.67 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses ....................................................................................................................... 74.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 15.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation ............................................................................................................................... 100.16 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License ........................................................................................................................... 315.00 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $306,292.65 Total Non-Local Revenues: $539.85 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by / Southold Town Supervisor Date ~,,,)- ~outhol~ Town ~Jerk -- Date J 08/10/~004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly RepJl~ July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 1 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby cerfiPj that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Fishem Island Sewer Disthct Sewer Distdct FISW INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account PART Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Planning Board Yard Sale Zoning Board I 150.00 Sub-Total: $150.00 I 31.84 PT-HIGHWAY Highway Excavation Sub-Total: $59,409.69 Permits 4 180.00 Sub-Total: $180.00 Sand & Gravel 2 1,378.72 SAND Sand & Gravel SWMD Solid Waste Management District Sub-Total: $`1,378.72 APPL (Appliances) 49 735.00 Bags - Leaf 167 63.46 Bags - On Account 4 49,394.54 Bags - Retail - Large 792 1,782.00 Bags- Retail - Medium 1001 1,501.50 Bags - Retail - Mini 80 32.00 Bags - Retail - Small 162 121.50 Bags - Vending Machine 6 9,758.00 Bags - Wholesale - Large 12 2,405.76 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 2 675.00 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 5 1,250.00 Rear Compactor Permit- 1+ Ton Single 1 200.00 Rear Sub-Total: $3'1.84 Application Fees 16 47,390.06 Birth Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 Death Trans. 126 1,260.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 4 44.00 House Trailer Permit 11 1,100.00 Moratorium Waiver 2 500.00 Code Book 1 250.00 Code Updates - July I 42.48 Zoning Books 2 100.00 Zoning Updates - July 1 15.00 Application Fees 4 2,157.15 Permits 107 1,590.00 Application Fees 16 4,900.00 Public Events 1 50.00 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthl~ July 01, 2004- July 31, 2004 Page: Account~ Account Description Fee Description Oty Local Sham SWMD WHOLE Solid Waste Management District Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Adoption Dog Licensing Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) Disposal Permit - Agricultural Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit- Lessee Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit- Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid. Single Entry) SB (Shredded Brush) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Charges Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest Initial $12.00 Daily Permit Beach AttendantJlifeguards Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Sticker Missing Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Marriage Trans. - Genealogical Conservation (DECALS) Fee Reimbursement Dog Adoptions 53% License Fee Female, Spayed 4 800.00 37 2,220.00 14 420.00 6 360.00 18 180.00 5 50,00 45 0.00 383 3,830.00 94 470.00 10 0.00 49 1,484,15 50 100.00 51 1,020.00 114 1,600.00 541 1,082.00 I 10.20 38 605.55 6 71,750.06 28 56,592.02 5 481.24 Sub-Totah $2t 0,973.98 4 100.00 471 5,652.00 1 0.00 73 2,190.00 38 1,140.00 36 720.00 9 900.00 45 0.00 1606 9,636.00 1 0.00 25 0.00 4 27.38 11 110.00 I 11.00 4 5.84 1 15.00 3 30.00 53 83.48 27 202.50 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly ReP~ll~ July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 ~ Page: 3 Account~ WHOLE WWDD Account Description Dog Licensing Dog Redemption Domestic Partnership Filming Fishers Island Moodng Permits Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish Wastewater Disposal Distdct Wastewater Disposal District - Interest Fee Description Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Dog Redemption- 1st Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemptions - 3+ DomesUc Partnership Application Fee - Non-Refund Beach Permits Daily Filming Permit Fishers Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee - Town Portion Photocopies Postage Check Charge Commercial Free - Non-Commer. Resid. - Non-Comm. Temporary Voided Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Scavenger Waste Vehicle License Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Interest On Overdue Accounts Qty Local Share I 7.50 21 157.50 4 30.00 9 90.00 3 60.00 2 60.00 2 20.00 1 100.00 8 80.00 2 200.00 I 7,735.00 14 245.00 15 450.00 1480 370.00 I 0.37 2 40.00 3 105.00 56 0.00 150 750.00 23 230.00 6 0.00 Sub-Torah $31,553.57 1 1,050.24 1 60.00 18 180.00 I 10.00 1 774.76 Sub-Totah $2,075.00 Total Local Shares Remitted: $305,752.80 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 35.67 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 74.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 15.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 100.16 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 315.00 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $306,292.65 Total Non-Local Revenues: $539.85 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above excepting only such fees and app cations and payments of which are otherwise provided for by aW. Southold Town Supervisor Date O ~o-tholci To~4Jerk July 2004 INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 31,470.09 53% DOG LICENSE 83.48 WHOLE TOWN 31,553.57 PART TOWN 59,409.69 HIGHWAY 180.00 FI SEWER 150.00 SWMD 212,352.70 WASTE WATER 2,075.00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 305,720.96 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 35.67 0.00 31.84 74.02 15.00 100.16 315.00 0.00 0.00 WHOLE 3.286 PART 6.187 HIGHWAY 0.019 FI SEWER 0.016 SWMD 22.116 WASTE WATER 0.216 TOTAL 31.840 TOTAL OF DISTS TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 305,720.96 571.69 306,292.65 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 571.69 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Repo,~Bk July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 1 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in cennection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qb/ Local Share Fishers Island Sewer District FISW Sewer District INTEREST PART PT-HIGHWAY SAND SWMD Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Planning Board Yard Sale Zoning Board 1 150.00 Sub-Total: St 50.00 I 31.84 Highway Excavation Sub-Totah $59,409.69 Permits 4 180.00 Sub-Total: $180.00 Sand & Gravel 2 1,378.72 Sand & Gravel Solid Waste Management District Sub-Totah $1,378.72 APPL (Appliances) 49 735.00 Bags - Leaf 167 63.46 Bags - On Account 4 49,394.54 Bags - Retail - Large 792 1,782.00 Bags- Retail- Medium 1001 1,501.50 Bags - Retail - Mini 80 32.00 Bags - Retail - Small 162 121.50 Bags - Vending Machine 6 9,758.00 Bags - Wholesale - Large 12 2,405.76 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 2 675.00 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 5 1,250.00 Rear Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Single 1 200.00 Rear Sub-Totah $31.84 Application Fees 16 47,390.06 Birth Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 Death Trans. 126 1,260.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 4 44.00 House Trailer Permit 11 1,100.00 Moratorium Waiver 2 500.00 Code Book 1 250.00 Code Updates - July 1 42.48 Zoning Books 2 100.00 Zoning Updates - July 1 15.00 Application Fees 4 2,157.15 Permits 107 1,590.00 Application Fees 16 4,900.00 Public Events I 50.00 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly R~rt July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 ,~v Account~ SWMD Account Description Fee Description Solid Waste Management District Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Corem Contract Single Entry) Disposal Permit - Agricultural Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Lessee Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (rasid. Single Entry) SB (Shredded Brush) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Cha~ges Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest WHOLE Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Adoption Dog Licensing Initial $12.00 Daily Permit Beach AttendantJlifeguards Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Sticker Missing Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Marriage Trans. - Genealogical Conservation (DECALS) Fee Reirnbureement Dog Adoptions 53% License Fee Female, Spayed Page: 2 O~ LocelShara 4 800.00 37 2,220.00 14 420.00 6 360.00 18 180.00 5 50.00 46 0.00 383 3,830.00 94 470.00 10 0.00 49 1,484.15 50 100.00 51 1,020.00 114 1,600.00 541 1,082.00 I 10.20 38 605.55 6 71,750.06 28 56,592.02 5 481.24 Sub-Totah $210,973.98 4 100.00 471 5,652.00 I 0.00 73 2,190.00 38 1,140.00 36 720.00 9 900.00 45 0.00 1606 9,636.00 I 0.00 25 0.00 4 27.38 11 110.00 1 11.00 4 5.84 I 15.00 3 30.00 53 83.48 27 202.50 08/10/2004 Accoun~ Account Description Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Rep~, July Ot, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Fee DescHpfion Page: 3 Qty Local Share WHOLE WWDD Dog Licensing Dog Redemption Domestic Partnership Filming Fishers Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish Wastewater Disposal District Wastewater Disposal Distdct- Interest Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Dog Redemption- 1st Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemptions - 3+ Domestic Partnership Application Fee - Non-Refund Beach Permits Daily Filming Permit Fishers Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee - Town Portion Photocopies Postage Check Charge Commercial Free - Non-Commer. Resid. - Non-Corem. Temporary Voided Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Scavenger Waste Vehicle License Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid, Interest On Overdue Accounts 1 7,50 21 157.50 4 30.00 9 90.00 3 60.00 2 60.00 2 20,00 1 100.00 8 80.00 2 200.00 1 7,735.00 14 245.00 15 450.00 1480 370.00 1 0.37 2 40.00 3 105.00 56 0.00 150 750.00 23 230.00 6 0.00 Sub-Total: $31,553.57 I 1,050.24 1 60.00 18 180.00 1 10.00 I 774.76 Sub-Total: $2,075.00 Total Local Shams Remitted: $305,752.80 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 35.67 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 74.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 15.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 100.16 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 315.00 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $306,292.65 Total Non-Local Revenues: $539.85 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly swom, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law, Southold Town Supervisor Date O - ~o-th;Ic~ To~6erk July 2004 INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 31,470.09 63% DOG LICENSE 83.48 WHOLE TOWN 31,553.57 PART TOWN 59,409.69 HIGHWAY 180.00 FI SEWER 150.00 SWMD 212,352.70 WASTE WATER 2,075.00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 305,720.96 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 35.67 0.00 31.84 74.02 15.00 100.16 316.00 0.00 0.00 WHOLE 3.286 PART 6.187 HIGHWAY 0.019 FI SEWER 0.016 SWMD 22.116 WASTE WATER 0.216 TOTAL 31.840 TOTAL OF DISTS TOTAL NON. LOCAL REVENUES 305,720.96 571.69 306,292.65 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 571.69 08/10/~.004 Page: Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Repeel~ July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold dudng the pedod stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ FISW Account Description Fee Description Qt~ Local Shara Fishers Island Sewer District Sewer District 1 150.00 INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account PART Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Planning Board Yard Sale Zoning Board Sub-Total: $150.00 I 31.84 PT-HIGHWAY Highway Excavation Sub-Total: $59,409.69 Permits 4 180.00 Sub-Total: $180.00 Sand & Gravel 2 1,378.72 SAND Sand & Gravel SWMD Solid Waste Management District Su b-Total: $1,378.72 APPL (Appliances) 49 735.00 Bags- Leaf 167 63.46 Bags - On Account 4 49,394.54 Bags - Retail - Large 792 1,782.00 Bags - Retail - Medium 1001 1,501.50 Bags - Retail - Mini 80 32.00 Bags - Retail - Small 162 121.50 Bags - Vending Machine 6 9,758.00 Bags - Wholesale - Large 12 2,405.76 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 2 675.00 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 5 1,250.00 Rear Compactor Permit- 1+ Ton Single 1 200.00 Rear Sub-Total: $31.84 Application Fees 16 47,390.06 Birth Trans.- Genealogical I 11.00 Death Trans. 126 1,260.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 4 44.00 House Trailer Permit 11 1,100.00 Moratorium Waiver 2 500.00 Code Book 1 250.00 Code Updates - July I 42.48 Zoning Books 2 100.00 Zoning Updates - July 1 15.00 Application Fees 4 2,157.15 Permits 107 1,590.00 Application Fees 16 4,900.00 Public Events 1 50.00 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly R~ July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Acceunt~ SWMD Account Description Fee Description Solid Waste Management District Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Comm Contract Single Enby) Disposal Permit - Agricultural Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Lessee Disposal Permit- Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid. Single Entry) SB (Shredded Brush) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Charles Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest WHOLE Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Adoption Dog Licensing Initial $12.00 Daily Permit Beach AttendantJlifeguards Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Sticker Missing Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Marriage Trans. - Genealogical conservation (DECALS) Fee Reimbursement Dog Adoptions 53% License Fee Female, Spayed Page: 2 Qty Local Share 4 800.00 37 2,220.00 14 420.00 6 360.00 18 180.00 5 50.00 45 0.00 383 3.830.00 94 470.00 10 0.00 49 1,484.15 50 100.00 51 1,020.00 114 1,600.00 541 1,082.00 I 10.20 38 605.55 6 71,750.06 28 56,592.02 5 481.24 Sub-Totah $210,973.98 4 100.00 471 5,852.00 I 0.00 73 2,190.00 38 1,140.00 36 720.00 9 900.00 45 0.00 1606 9,636.00 1 0.00 25 0.00 4 27.38 11 110.00 1 11.00 4 5.84 I 15.00 3 30.00 53 83.48 27 202.50 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Rep~ July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 3 Account~ WHOLE WWDD Account Description Dog Licensing Dog Redemption Domestic Partnership Filming Fishers Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish Wastewater Disposal District Wastewater Disposal District - Interest Fee Description Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Dog Redemption - 1st Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemptions - 3+ Domestic Partnemhip Application Fee - Non-Refund Beach Permits Daily Filming Permit Fishem Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee - Town Portion Photocopies Postage Check Charge Commemial Free - Non-Commer. Resid. - Non-Comm. Temporary Voided Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Scavenger Waste Vehicle License Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - OperaUon - Resid. Interest On Overdue Accounts Qty Local Share 1 7.50 21 157.50 4 30.00 9 90,00 3 60.00 2 60.00 2 20.00 I 100.00 8 80.00 2 200.00 1 7,735.00 14 245.00 15 450.00 1480 370.00 1 0,37 2 40.00 3 105.00 56 0.00 150 750.00 23 230.00 6 0.00 Sub-Total: $31,553.57 1 1,050.24 I 60.00 18 180.00 I 10.00 I 774.76 Sub-Total: $2,075.00 Total Local Shares Remitted: $305,752.80 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 35.67 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 74.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 15.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 100.16 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 315.00 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $306,292.65 Total Non-Local Revenues: $539.85 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly swom, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. Southold Town Supervisor Date ~.~ - ~o~tholc~ Town 6erk July 2004 INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 31,470.09 53% DOG LICENSE 83.48 WHOLE TOWN 31,553.57 PART TOWN 59,409.69 HIGHWAY 180.00 FI SEWER 150.00 SWMD 212,352.70 WASTE WATER 2,075.00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 305,720.96 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 35.67 0.00 31.84 74.02 15.00 100.16 315.00 0.00 0.00 WHOLE 3.286 PART 6.187 HIGHWAY 0.019 FI SEWER 0.016 SWMD 22.116 WASTE WATER 0.216 TOTAL 31.840 TOTAL OF DISTS TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 305,720.96 571.69 306,292.65 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 571.69 July 2004 INTEREST BREAKDOWN IOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 31,470.09 53% DOG LICENSE 83.48 WHOLE TOWN 31,553.57 PART TOWN 59,409.69 HIGHWAY 180.00 FI SEWER 150.00 SWMD 212,352.70 WASTE WATER 2,075.00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 305,720.96 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER I NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 35.67 0.00 31.84 74.02 15.00 100.16 315.00 0.00 0.00 WHOLE 3.286 PART 6.187 HIGHWAY 0.019 FI SEWER 0.016 SWMD 22.116 WASTE WATER 0.216 TOTAL 31.840 TOTAL OF DISTS TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 3O5,720.96 571.69 306,292.65 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 571.69 Wuly Suffolk Town Of Southold Elizabeth A. Neville 08/10/2004 2004 47 10 Southold Town Clerk DO~ICENSE MONTHLY REPORT Send Copy To: Dept. of Ag. & Markets County Financial Officer LICENSE TYPES Column A Column B Column C Column F AND FEES # Each Statutory Local Unneutered Total Unspay 6 mo. & up 1. Spay/Neuter 48 @ 2.50 120.00 @ 7.50 360.00 NO FEE 2. Unspay/Unneuter 5 5 @ 7.50 37.50 @ 7.50 37.50 · 3.00 15.00 3. Exemption 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 4. Voids red & green 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 5. Purebred (1-10) 0 0 @ 25.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00/Dog 0.00 6. Purebred (11-25) 0 0 @ 50.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00/Dog 0.00 7. Purebred (26+) 0 0 @ 100.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00/Dog 0.00 8. Void Purebred 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 9. TOTALS 53 5 $157.50 $397.50 $15.00 REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED TAG ORDERS PROCESSED 10.Replacement Tags 11. Purebred Tags 12. TOTALS Column D Column E # Each Tag Fees 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 $0.00 DISBURSEMENTS 13. Local% of 9B $83.48 14. Local% of 9C $397.50 15. Total $480.98 (to T.C.V.) 16. Stat% of 9B 17. Stat% of 12E 18.Total (to County) $74.02 $0.00 $74.02 19. 100% of 9F $15.00 (AG. and Markets) Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses ........................ $74.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ................ $15.00 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bureau of Accounts Manageaneat Coming Tower- ESP Revenue Section - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-001~ ONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. July 2004 $ city or Town of Southold Check # County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 61 of thc Laws of 1989, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marnage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 54 to 67 inclusive. (If ONE license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Department of Health Elizabeth A. Neville Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH (~C~. ~e.t't~.~ 08/10/2004 Mailing ss Amount of remittance with this report P.O Box 1179 $ 315.00 Southold, NY 11971 THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMi'I-I t~D TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered end reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar Pursuant to the authority of Sectiun 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor end shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (1/90) VS 9M OFM 23 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bureau of Aecotmts Manageanent Coming Tower - ESP Revenue Section - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-0016 DNTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. July 2004 $ city or Town of Southold Check # County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last mended by Chapter 61 of the Laws of 1989, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered fi'om 54 to 67 inclusive. 0fONE license wes issued place number in the first space only!) 0fNO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Department of Health Elizabeth A. Neville Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH (ff'D_~.~ 08/10/2004 Mailing ~,,/re~s-- ~._ Amount of remittance with this report P.O Box 1179 $ 315.00 Southold, NY 11971 THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMI 1-1 ~O TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for die remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses most be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year sta~ing with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee most be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty ora misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum ofune hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (1/90) VS 9M OFM 23 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bareau of Accounts Managemeat Coming Tower - ESP Revenue Section - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-0016 ~ONTHLY REPORT OF MARR/AGE LICENSES ISSUED SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. July 2004 $ city or Town of Southold Check # County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 61 of the Laws of 1989, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Lieanses issued were numbered fi.om 54 to 67 inclusive. (If ONE license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Department of Health Elizabeth A. Neville Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH~----~ . ~- ,-,.~~J~-J.~f~l,~~J- 08/10/2004 Mailing ss Amount of remittance with this report P.O Box 1179 $ 315.00 Southola, NY 11971 THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITI'~D TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance of a maxriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of wbether or not the marriage ceremony is ever pea-formed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty ora misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (1/90) VS 9M OFM 23 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bureau of A¢coxmts Management Coming Tower - ESP R~venu¢ Section - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-0016 ~ONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. July 2004 $ city or Town of Southold Cheek # County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 61 of the Laws of 1989, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each mamage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered fi.om 54 to 67 inclusive. 0fONE license was issued place number in the first apace only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Departn~nt of Health Elizabeth A. Neville Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH'"--'--'"--~ ~' . ' '-' .~-~'"~" (~('-~,/~.~.. ~5.t~//,"~,.'-~2~_ __ ~~ 08/10/2004 Mailing ~e;s - -~ (~ Amount of remittance with this report P.O Box 1179 $315.00 Southold, NY 11971 THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMI'rl gD TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the apace provided for license numbers. The issuance ora marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number I at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (1/90) VS 9M OFM 23 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSLrED SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. July 2004 $ city or Town of Southold Cheek # County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE 1N ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 61 of the Laws of 1989, I herewith ~ansmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 54 to 67 inclusive. (If ONE license was issued place number in the fa:st space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make mmaittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Department of Health Elizabeth A. Neville Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH (~D~.. ~'/~J,''~2~ ~'~t ~- ..~ ~ 08/10/2004 Mailing ss Amount of reminance with this report P.O Box 1179 $ 315.00 Southold, NY 11971 THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the apace provided for license nmbers. The issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regaxdleas of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State DomesOc Relations Law, the Commissioner of Heaith has directed that this report, together with any fee must be Wansmit~ed to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor end shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (1/90) VS 9M OFM 23 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLEl~o3-ol 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HAL'1?" SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 SOIJTHOLD. NY 11971 50-666~214 8/10/2004 PAY TO THE ~,l'x~r~ A~cllltu~e & [~.~lx'kets ORDEROF J $ *S15.00 ******************************************************************************************* DOLLARS MEMO~ 7/04 spay/neuter ,'00 i, :1, 55,' ,l:O ~ l,i,O&&& ?~.' 0 500"'0 $OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-o~ 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ~10~004 PAYTOTHE NYSDepmlmentofHeal~ ORDEROF J $ *'315,00 Th~eHum~md***************************************************************************** DOLLARS MEMO. 7/04manial~Uc ,'00~35&,' ~:Oi]&NOG&&?',' 0 500,,,0 I, s 4 ~r.,'-d'z -- ' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-ol 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 7 ~10~004 PAY TO THE ~tl~)e&~or Joshua Y. Ho~toa ORDER OF J $ *'305,788.47 Three Hundred Five Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Eight trod ****00'*************************************** DOLLARS i~l .~ MEMO_ 7/04 receipt~ ,'00 i, ~, 5 ?,' ':O ;~ i, NO & ~, 6 ?~: 0 5OO,,,O ~ 5 N 6 ~-~T- - 08/10/2004 Town Of Southold CALS Import Transaction Report July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon 07/01/2004 5.00 0.28 4.72 07/15/2004 40.00 2.20 37.80 07/19/2004 25.00 1.38 23.62 07/28/2004 36.00 1.98 34.02 Report Totals: $106.00 $5.84 $100.'16 10/08 '04 TUE 09:01 FAX 631 765 6145 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK ~001 *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 0765 10/08 09:01 00'34 1 OK 97651605 ELIZABETH A. NE~[LI.F, TOWN CLERK P~EGISTR.~R OF V]~TA.L STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FKEEDOM OF INFORM.~TION OFFIOER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fa~ (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown-northfork.net OFFICE OF T~IE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F A X To: Linda / Lorraine 765-1605 From: Elizabeth A. Neville Re: Transfer of Funds Date: August 10, 2004 Pages: 1 including cover Please Transfer $100.16 from the Town Clerk Non-Public Funds Account 0500015466 to Town Clerk Public Account Ftmd Account 500027685. Thank You. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F A X To: Linda / Lorraine 765-1605 From: Elizabeth A. Neville Re: Transfer of Funds Date: August 10, 2004 Pages: 1 including cover Please Transfer $100.16 from the Town Clerk Non-Public Funds Account 0500015466 to Town Clerk Public Account Fund Account 500027685. Thank You. Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 07/23/04 Transaction(s): Interest NOW Account Receipt~: 0 Subtotal $31.84 Cash Total Paid: $31.84 Name: Town, Clerk's Office P.o. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID: 98681 08/10/2004 Page: I Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Repgll~lk July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and tree statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold dudng the pedod stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Q~ Local Share Fishers Island Sewer District FISW Sewer Distdct INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account PART Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. CerUfied Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Planning Board Yard Sale Zoning Board 1 150.00 Sub-Totah $i 50.00 I 31.84 PT-HIGHWAY Highway Excavation Sub-Totah $59,409.69 Permits 4 180.00 Sub-Total: $'180.00 Sand & Gravel 2 1,378.72 SAND Sand & Gravel SWMD Solid Waste Management District Sub-Totah $i,378.72 APPL (Appliances) 49 735.00 Bags - Leaf 167 63.46 Bags - On Account 4 49,394.54 Bags - Retail - Large 792 1,782.00 Bags- Retail- Medium 1001 1,501.50 Bags - Retail - Mini 80 32.00 Bags - Retail - Small 162 121.50 Bags - Vending Machine 6 9,758.00 Bags - Wholesale - Large 12 2,405.76 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 2 675.00 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 5 1,250.00 Rear Compactor Permit- 1+ Ton Single I 200.00 Rear Sub-Totah $3t.84 Application Fees 16 47,390.06 Birth Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 Death Trans. 126 1,260.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 4 44.00 House Trailer Permit 11 1,100.00 Moratorium Waiver 2 500.00 Code Book 1 250.00 Code Updates - July I 42.48 Zoning Books 2 100.00 Zoning Updates - July 1 15.00 Application Fees 4 2,157.15 Permits 107 1,590.00 Application Fees 16 4,900.00 Public Events I 50.00 08/10/2004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthl, July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: Account~ SWMD WHOLE Account Description Solid Waste Management District Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Adoption Dog Licensing Fee Description Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) Disposal Permit - Agricultural Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Lessee Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit- Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid. Single Entry) SB (Shredded Brush) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Charges Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest Initial $12.00 Daily Permit Beach Attendant/lifeguards Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Sticker Missing Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Marriage Trans.- Genealogical Conservation (DECALS) Fee Reimbursement Dog Adoptions 53% Ucense Fee Female, Spayed Qt~ Local Share 4 800.00 37 2,220.00 14 420.00 6 360.00 18 180.00 5 50.00 45 0.00 383 3,830.00 94 470.00 10 0.00 49 1,484.15 50 100.00 51 1,020.00 114 1,600.00 541 1,082.00 1 10.20 38 605.55 6 71,750.06 28 56,592.02 5 481.24 Sub-Totah $2t 0,973.98 4 100.00 471 5,652.00 1 0.00 73 2,190.00 38 1,140.00 36 720.00 9 900.00 45 0.00 1606 9,636.00 1 0.00 25 0,00 4 27.38 11 110.00 1 11.00 4 5.84 1 15.00 3 30.00 53 83.48 27 202.50 08/10/1004 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Repack July 01, 2004 = July 31, 2004 Page: 3 Account~ WHOLE WWDD Account Description Dog Licensing Dog Redemption Domestic Partnership Filming Fishers 'Island Mooring Permits Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish Wastewater Disposal District Wastewater Disposal Distdct - Interest Fee Description Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Dog Redemption - 1st Dog Redemption - 2nd Dog Redemptions - 3+ Domestic Partnership Application Fee - Non-Refund Beach Permits Daily Filming Permit Fishers Island Moodng Permits Marriage License Passport Fee - Town Portion Photocopies Postage Check Charge Commemial Free - Non-Commer. Resid. - Non-Comm. Temporary Voided Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Scavenger Waste Vehicle License Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Interest On Overdue Accounts Oty Local Share 1 7.50 21 157.50 4 30.00 9 90.00 3 60.00 2 60.00 2 20.00 1 100.00 8 80.00 2 200.00 I 7,735.00 14 245.00 15 450.00 1480 370.00 I 0.37 2 40.00 3 105.00 56 0.00 150 750.00 23 230.00 6 0.00 Sub-Total: $31,553.57 I 1,050.24 1 60.00 18 180.00 I 10.00 I 774.76 Sub-Total: $2,075.00 Total Local Shares Remitted: $305,752.80 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 35.67 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 74.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 15.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 100.16 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 315.00 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $306,292.65 Total Non-Local Revenues: $539.85 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. Southold Town Supervisor Date ~ ~o~th;Ic~ Tow~-6erk July 2004 INTERESTBREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 31,470.09 83% DOG LICENSE 83.48 WHOLE TOWN 31,553.57 PART TOWN 59,409.69 HIGHWAY 180.00 FI SEWER 150.00 SWMD 212,352.70 WASTE WATER 2,075.00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 305,720.96 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 35.67 0.00 31.84 74.02 15.00 100.16 315.00 0.00 0.00 WHOLE 3.286 PART 6.187 HIGHWAY 0.019 FI SEWER 0.016 SWMD 22.116 WASTE WATER 0.216 TOTAL 31.840 TOTAL OFDISTS TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 305,720.96 571.69 306,292.65 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 571.69 08/lO/gO0,1 Cash Category Adoption Alarm Fees Beach Permits Sub-Category Building Dept. Fees Certification, Birth Certification, Death Certification, Domestic Part Certification, Marriage Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Licenses Original Filming Town Of Southold S~nary Daily Cash Report July 01,2004 - July 31,2004 Page: 1 Qty Description Amount 3 Dog Adoptions 30.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $30.00 4 Initial 100.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $t00.00 471 $12.00 Daily Permit 5,652.00 I Beach Attendant/lifeguards 0.00 73 Guest 2,190.00 38 Lessee 1,140.00 36 Motel 720.00 9 Non-Resident Seasonal 900.00 45 Replacement Sticker 0.00 1606 Resident 9,636.00 1 Sticker Missing 0.00 25 Voided Sticker 0.00 2305 Category Sub-Total... $20,238.00 16 Application Fees 47,390.06 16 Category Sub-Total... $47,390.06 1 Birth Trans. - Genealogical 11.00 1 Category Sub-Total... $11.00 126 Death Trans. 1,260.00 4 Death Trans. - Genealogical 44.00 130 Category Sub-Total... $1,304.00 2 Domestic Partnership 20.00 2 Category Sub-Total... $20.00 11 Marriage Trans. 110.00 1 Marriage Trans. - Genealogical 11.00 12 Category Sub-Total... $t 21.00 4 Conservation (DECALS) 106.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $106.00 1 Fee Reimbursement 15.00 1 Category Sub-Total... $15.00 5 Female, Spayed 50.00 1 Female, Unspayed 18.00 4 Male, Neutered 40.00 3 Male, Unneutered 54.00 13 Category Sub-Total... $162.00 22 Female, Spayed 220.00 17 Ma[e, Neutered 170.00 I Male, Unneutered 18.00 40 Category Sub-Total... $408.00 I Application Fee- Non-Refund 100.00 8 Beach Permits 80.00 2 Daily Filming Permit 200.00 11 Category Sub-Total... $380.00 08/10/~004 Cash Categor~ Sub-Cate~lory Fishers Island Mooring Permits Fishers Island Sewer District Highway Excavation House Trailer Permits Interest Now Account Misc. Cash Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Passport Fee Planning Board Postage Racing And Wagering Bingo Redemptions Returned Sand & Gravel Shellfish Solid Waste Management District Town Of Southold S~mary Daily Cash Report July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 2 Qt¥ Description Amount I Fishers Island Mooring Permits 7,735.00 t Category Sub-Total... $7,735.00 1 Sewer District 150.00 I Category Sub-Total... $150.00 4 Permits 180.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $180.00 11 House Trailer Permit 1,100.00 1t Category Sub-Total... $1,t 00.00 I Interest NOW Account 31.84 I Category Sub-Total... $31.84 1480 Photocopies 370.00 1480 Category Sub-Total... $370.00 2 Moratorium Waiver 500.00 2 Category Sub-Total... $500.00 I Code Book 271.88 I Code Updates- July 46.20 2 Zoning Books 108.76 1 Zoning Updates- July 16.31 5 Category Sub-Total... $443.15 15 Passport Fee- Town Portion 450.00 15 Category Sub-Total... $450.00 4 Application Fees 2,157.15 4 Category Sub-Total... $2,157.15 1 Postage 0.37 1 Category Sub-Total... $0.37 4 Bingo Proceeds 27.38 4 Category Sub-Total... $27.38 9 Dog Redemption - 1st 90.00 3 Dog Redemption - 2nd 60.00 2 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 60.00 t4 Category Sub-Total... $210.00 2 Check Charge 40.00 2 Category Sub-Total... $40.00 2 Sand & Gravel 1,378.72 2 Category Sub-Total... $1,378.72 3 Commercial 105.00 56 Frae- Non-Commer. 0.00 150 Resid. - Non-Comm. 750.00 23 Temporary 230.00 6 Voided 0.00 238 Category Sub-Total... $1,085.00 49 APPL (Appliances) 735.00 08/10/¢004 Cash Cate0ory Sub-Cate[Iory Vital Statistics Marriage Wastewater Disposal District Yard Sale Zoning Board Of Appeals ~ Town Of Southold S~ary Daily Cash Report July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Page: 3 Qt~ Description Amount 167 Bags- Leaf 63.46 4 Bags - On Account 49,394.54 792 Bags - Retail - Large 1,782.00 1001 Bags-Retail-Medium 1,501.50 80 Bags - Retail - Mini 32.00 162 Bags - Retail - Small 121.50 6 Bags-Vending Machine 9,758.00 12 Bags - Wholesale - Large 2,405.76 2 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 675.00 5 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 1,250.00 Rear I Compactor Permit- 1+ Ton Single 200.00 Rear 4 Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single 800.00 37 Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton 2,220.00 14 CS30 (Comm Contract Single 420.00 Entry) 6 Disposal Permit- Agricultural 360.00 18 Disposal Permit- Guest 180.00 5 Disposal Permit- Lessee 50.00 45 Disposal Permit - Replace 0.00 383 Disposal Permit - Res 1st 3,830.00 94 Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l 470.00 10 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 0.00 49 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 1,484.15 50 Propane Tanks- Used 100.00 51 Refrigerants (appl) 1,020.00 114 Residential Single Entry 1,600.00 541 Resse (resid. Single Entry) 1,082.00 I SB (Shredded Brush) 10.20 38 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 605.55 6 Tipping Charges 71,750.06 28 Tipping Fee Deposit 56,592.02 5 Tipping interest 481.24 3780 Category Sub-Total... $210,973.98 14 Marriage License 560.00 14 Category Sub-Total... $560.00 1 Interest On Overdue Accounts 774.76 I Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees 1,050.24 I Scavenger Waste Vehicle License 60.00 18 Septic Permit- Construct - Resid. 180.00 1 Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. 10.00 22 Category Sub-Total... $2,075.00 107 Permits 1,590.00 t07 Category Sub-Total... $1,590.00 16 Application Fees 4,900.00 1 Public Events 50.00 17 Category Sub-Total... $4,950.00 Grand Total ......................... $306~292.65 08/10/2004 Page: 4 Town Of Southold mary Daily Cash Report July 01, 2004 - July 31, 2004 Cash Cate~lory Payment Method Sub.Category Received Thru CASH $36,418.46 COUNTER $305,083.03 CHECK $269,874.19 MAIL $1,209.62 Qty Description Amount 08/10/2004 · Page: 1 Cash Category Adoption Alarm Fees Beach Permits Sub-Cate~or~ Building Dept. Fees Certification, Birth Certification, Death Certification, Domestic Part Certification, Marriage Conservation (DECALS) Court Filing Dog Licenses Original Filming Town Of Southold mary Daily Cash Report July 01,2004 - July 31, 2004 Q~ Description Amount 3 Dog Adoptions 30.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $30.00 4 Initial 100.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $t00.00 471 $12.00 Daily Permit 5,652.00 1 Beach Attendant/lifeguards 0.00 73 Guest 2,190.00 38 Lessee 1,140.00 36 Motel 720.00 9 Non-Resident Seasonal 900.00 45 Replacement Sticker 0.00 1606 Resident 9,636.00 I Sticker Missing 0.00 25 Voided Sticker 0.00 2305 Category Sub-Total... $20,238.00 16 Applicafion Fees 47,390.06 t 6 Category Sub-Total... $47,390.06 I Birth Trans. - Genealogical 11.00 I Category Sub-Total... $11.00 126 Death Trans. 1,260.00 4 Death Trans. - Genealogical 44.00 130 Category Sub-Total... $1,304.00 2 Domestic Partnemhip 20.00 2 Category Sub-Total... $20.00 11 Marriage Trans. 110.00 I Marriage Trans. - Genealogical 11.00 12 Category Sub-Total... $121.00 4 Conservation (DECALS) 106.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $106.00 I Fee Reimbursement 15.00 I Category Sub-Total... $t5.00 5 Female, Spayed 50.00 I Female, Unspayed 18.00 4 Male, Neutered 40.00 3 Male, Unneutered 54.00 13 Category Sub-Total... $162.00 22 Female, Spayed 220.00 17 Male, Neutered 170.00 I Male, Unneutered 18.00 40 Category Sub-Total... $408.00 I Application Fee- Non-Refund 100.00 8 Beach Permits 80.00 2 Daily Filming Permit 200.00 tl Category Sub-Total... $380.00 08/IB/2004 ' Cash Cate~lor~ Fishers Island Mooring Permits Fishers Island Sewer District Highway Excavation House Trailer Permits Interest Now Account Misc. Cash Moratorium Waiver Ordinance Fees Sub-Cateoory Passport Fee Planning Board Postage Racing And Wagering Bingo Redemptions Returned Sand & Gravel Shellfish Solid Waste Management District Town Of Southold mary Daily Cash Report -July 01, 2004 - July 31,2004 Page: 2 Qt)' Description Amount I Fishers Island Mooring Permits 7,735.00 1 Category Sub-Total. $7,735.00 I Sewer District 150.00 1 Category Sub-Total. $150.00 4 Permits 180.00 4 Category Sub-Total. $180.00 11 House Trailer Permit 1,100.00 11 Category Sub-Total. $1,100.00 1 Interest NOW Account 31.84 1 Category Sub-Total. $31.84 1480 Photocopies 370.00 1480 Category Sub-Total. $37g.00 2 Moratorium Waiver 500.00 2 Category Sub-Total. $500.00 I Code Book 271.88 I Code Updates - July 46.20 2 Zoning Books 108.76 1 Zoning Updates - July 16.31 5 Category Sub-Total... $443.t5 15 Passport Fee - Town Portion 450.00 15 Category Sub-Total... $450.00 4 Application Fees 2,157.15 4 Category Sub-Total... $2,157.15 I Postage 0.37 1 Category Sub-Total... $0.37 4 Bingo Proceeds 27.38 4 Category Sub-Total... $27.38 9 Dog Redemption - 1st 90.00 3 Dog Redemption - 2nd 60.00 2 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 60.00 14 Category Sub-Total... $210.00 2 Check Charge 40.00 2 Category Sub-Total... $40.00 2 Sand & Gravel 1,378.72 2 Category Sub-Total... $1,378.72 3 Commercial 105.00 56 Free- Non-Commer. 0.00 150 Resid. - Non-Comm. 750.00 23 TemporaP/ 230.00 6 Voided 0.00 238 Category Sub-Total... $1,085.00 49 APPL (Appliances) 735.00 08/1,0/2004 · Page: 3 Cash Cate~lory Vital Statistics Wastewater Disposal District Yard Sale Zoning Board Of Appeals Town Of Southold S~umary Daily Cash Report ly 01,2004 - July 31,2004 Sub-Catetlory Qt¥ Description Amount 167 Bags- Leaf 63.46 4 Bags - On Account 49,394.54 792 Bags - Retail - Large 1,782.00 1001 Bags-Retail-Medium 1,501.50 80 Bags - Retail - Mini 32.00 162 Bags - Retail - Small 121.50 6 Bags- Vending Machine 9,758.00 12 Bags-Wholesale- Large 2,405.76 2 Bags - Wholesale - Medium 675.00 5 Compactor Permit- 1+ Ton Double 1,250.00 Rear I Compactor Permit- 1+ Ton Single 200.00 Rear 4 Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single 800.00 37 Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton 2,220.00 14 CS30 (Comm Contract Single 420.00 Entry) 6 Disposal Permit- Agricultural 360.00 18 Disposal Permit- Guest 180.00 5 Disposal Permit- Lessee 50.00 45 Disposal Permit- Replace 0`00 383 Disposal Permit - Res 1st 3,830.00 94 Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l 470.00 10 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 0.00 49 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 1,484.15 50 Propane Tanks- Used 100.00 51 Refrigerants (appl) 1,020.00 114 Residential Single Entry 1,600.00 541 Resse (resid. Single Entry) 1,082.00 I SB (Shredded Brush) 10.20 38 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 605.55 6 Tipping Charges 71,750.06 28 Tipping Fee Deposit 56,592.02 5 Tipping Interest 481.24 Marriage 3780 Category Sub-Total... $210,973.98 14 Marriage License 560.00 t 4 Category Sub-Total... $560.00 1 Interest On Overdue Accounts 774.76 1 Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees 1,050.24 1 Scavenger Waste Vehicle License 60.00 18 Septic Permit- Construct - Resid. 180.00 1 Septic Permit- Operation - Resid. 10.00 22 Category Sub-Total... $2,075.00 107 Permits 1,590.00 107 Category Sub-Total... $1,590.00 16 Application Fees 4,900.00 1 Public Events 50.00 17 Category Sub-Total... $4,950.00 Grand Total ......................... $306~292.65 08/1~/2004 ' Page: 4 Town Of Southold ary Daily Cash Report July 01,2004 - July 31, 2004 Cash Catego~ PaymsntMethod CASH CHECK Sub-Cate~lory Received Thru $36,418.46 COUNTER $269,874.19 MAIL $305,083.03 $1,209.62 Qt¥ Description Amount