HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12389 P 36GOM~U/T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 'I'IGNIHG THIS IHaTRUM ENT. THI,B INi'IRUMENT SHO4J..D BE USED BY L,J)HYER8 ONLy THIS INDENTURE, made the 8~h d~¥ of ~r~X 2005 BETWEEN FOTIS ~IARKANToNAKIS' and NITA MAP. KANTONAKIS. his wife .. both resid/ng at 7402 10th Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. party of the first part. and NICHOLAS GORDON and .EVELYN.GORDON, as genants in common, both residing at 33-12 23rd Avenue, Astoria. N.Y. 11105 party ~ the iacond WITNESSETH, ~.t the party of the firm ,~a~ In Corl~dem~on ~ Ten ($10.00) dollam paid by the party ~ the 8eco.,~l par does hereby grant and mleaM unto the party of the second pa~ the heirs ALL that certain p/ot,.~ece.~ parcel ~ ~nd, ~th the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, .mate, lylngandpalngln.~t~dC~asc Ha~io~, ~ tAa Tow~ o~ SoutAold. County o~ a~d ~tate o[ ~ev YogA. Anon'and desi~atad as ~oc ~46 des/g~aced o~ a.ce~catn ma~ e~tttled "Map o£ Htghpo~c aa aho~-~ Sect~o~ 2" a~d £tl'ed 1~ the O~tce o£ the CIerA o£ the at ~ast County o~ $u~£o1~ on 7/~3/84 aa Yap Ho. 7755, vh/cA aeco~dL~g Co said map bounded and described as vide) vhlcb poi~c o6 bagi~nt~g ia the d/vld/~g 1t~e betvee~ 45 a~d 46 o~ said 6tled map; EU~ZHG I'~EHC~ aoutA 18 deg~eea 48 minutes ~asc 264.65 6act; TitE~C~ south 61 ~eg~ees ~2 mL~utea 50..~eo~ds ~eat ~29.59 6eet; 21-ig~Cg no~th 26 degrees 22 mlnutea ~0 'a~co~ds ~e~C 290.6~ ~eec co the soutbe~17 aide o6 Y*Gple Place; : ~'}i~HCg no.ch 71 degrees 12 m/nute8 East alo~8 the southerly aide )6Maple Place, 165.81 6eec to CAe pot~c o~ place o6 ~G~HI~G. SAZD ?R.E~ZS~S being knmv~ as a~d by 2g~ Maple ~laca, gaet TOGETHER with I/I right, ilUa and interest, If any. o~ the party c~ the',msi pa'~t I~ and to any .Imsel. and roads -buttlng l~e above dasedpad prembea to the center Ilne~ thereof.' TOGETHER with the appurlenances .nd all the aetot~ and dgNs of.the pmly cf Itm flmt part In and tb .,,Id ~ -TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the I ~n~ ~l~i~f~n{~ed unto the .ny Cf the ,m~lnd part Ih. h:~lm (i(auccai,~om and'aealgna of th~ pmly ol AND the party Cf the first part covenint~ that the pal'ty d the Itmt part hap not.dona or suffered anything whereby the ,aM premises have bean ancumbored In any way wha~ve4:, excep~ af,~rasaid. AND the pluty of the flmt part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lle~ Law, covenants that ~ party of the · ,,.,.,., w ua .pla,Uu rra[ mr ma purpose ~ paying the cost d the [mpruvemenl and will apply Iha ~ame first to the_payma/.;~.,th...~..~'..~.tl~,,,~g,tj,ha~i,,.i~mant before u.th. any part d the total of the lame pu~a. ~ ne wora'".i ah - '-" . . for any other · ~..~.~e.~.(~,oni~ued a,e if It reed pa~te~ when aver the ~an~e Cf this Indenture ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of fha first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNO. W~ ~nn_MENT 1.5 MADE,IN NEW YORK ~ATP State of. New Yo~, Cou~y of Onth~ch dayof Apri~ thl~eyear 2005 personally known tO ma or proved to nm o~ the ba~l! of aatlsFec~o~ m ~ ~ ~-I~) m n.~ I~ me t~ ~h~ W~ ~ ~ ~ ~he~ ~lel), ~d ~ ~r ~e) ~.~ i~t, I~ ~(I), ~ ~ ~m ~ ~f ~ ~ State of New York, (~ount~ of ss: Oaths dayof th tbs year before me, the undersigned, personally eppesmd pereonafiy knovm to me or pmvKI to me on the basin of xetlefaclory ~ to be the Ir~viduel(a) whose name(s) la {ere) m.d:wcflbed to the Mthth thstmnmof end aclcnow{edged to me thee he/eh~th,oy executed the n th hiM~erhhelr cep~city~s}, emi that by hlMmrAhMr tdO~ature(s) on the thslmmenl, th~ Indivk:fuad(s), or the person upcm behalf of which the individual{s) acted, executed the thstmment (alonatu~ end office of thcliv~luld taking eckrmwtedgmem) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWL~'- "ME-- I :*':' --D-EDG NTSMA E ....... ; ..... OO~IDE NEW YORK STATT' State (~ Dfsb'fct of Columbia, Te/Tttogy. ~'Forelon Counb'y) (~f . ss: Onthe deyof - . ,r 'lntheyear beforeme, tbeundereiormd, peraonaflyappenred perao~ known to me or prov~l to me off tho b~sl$ of aatfsfectof~ e~Idora~ to tm Ihs Indbi~a) vax)xe name(s) Is (are) ?. ?., m.,t th, ,-- .... · ......... . mtp.m~me~.I mum nmumnm~.trm ina~,qGuet(e), or the pe/lOll upon bebelf of v//~lCh W h'ldlvtdu~l(s) acted, executed the In-tf~'xent, a~d that such k'll:Ovl(~ el. ma~o such ~tmorm~o before the undor~lghm:l th the (insert the City or other pofiOcef m.~lMnkm) (and Insert the State or Cou~t~ or other place the acknowledgment w~s takes)' (signature and olf~ce of ledMdual taking ~nowledgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED wrrH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS FOTIS HARKANTONAKI$ 'and NITA MARKANTONAKIS TO NICHOLAS GOPJ)0N and EVELYN GORDON Commonwe,,a .h,. __ SECTION 31 BLOCK 3 LOT 01i.007 COUNTY ORTOWN Suffolk STREETADDRESS 285 Maple Place Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCF~ COMPANY RE~II~II. TO: KULAKIS & CHRISTOFOKATOS 21-74 Steinway Street Astorta~ N.Y. 11105 .umber o£ paSes' ._~ TORRENS · Serial fi Ccttificam # I'riur Cfi. tJ Deed I Mon~jIBe 'r~, Stalt~,p 2005 ~ 2~ 12:20~59 PH Ed~rd P. Ib~aine CLERK ~F SUFFOLK COLflW L D00012389 DT6 04-42191 Recording I Filth& Slmnl~ Page I FilinK Fee Handlin$ '1'P-584 Nolatiua EA-52 17 (Cumtly) EA-5217 (State) R.P,T.S.A. Comm.' og Ed. Certified Copy Rc~. Copy Olllcr Sub To;al :~ CO Sub Tmnl ,I Smmp Date Real ~,,,~,~y Tax ,S~rviee ~="~.. Verification ~" 1_ ~?o, _. l_ ~__1. 0~17381 ieee o~oo 03oo ozso~ Ioidals _~ Salts fnofions/th~mr~es~,ateases Lisl'Pmpeny Own~ Mnillns Addms RECORD & RE'TURN TO: · And. Basic Tax 9'~TaxOu9 2. Add|limml l'~u( SUb Total Spec./Asstt, O~ Spec. ladd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual C~rdnty Ileld fur Apporlmnmea _._ Mmaion Tax ' -- - 'll~e property covered by this atol*tKagc is or ,,viii be improved by n one ur two family dwelling only. YES or NO c If NO, see apl~'opnnte t ts clans ~ page # of Ibis inslrument. C~mmunity Preservation Fund Intpmved ~ ~ Vacant I .uild TD · rD IC~ R,~,':, ! ~)f Iii" ~ la [ Title Compauy h,formation . ' ' ICe. ,,,,~ Fh~ ~h~..~,' 1 t . Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page · ~C~ niad¢ by: (SP~I~ ~PE OF INS ~(U~ I ) ~ ~,~ SUFF~ ~1~, NEW Y~ TO ~l~x ~(~. Int~ VI~GE IItJXl~ S '11 IKU 9 MUll'. BE 'I~P~ ~ PIUN~ IN B~CK INK ~LY PIUOR TO I~RDING OR FII.ING. SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK R~CORDS OFFZCE RECORDTNG PAGE Receipt Number : 05-0056394 TRA~SFBR TAX NDMBER: 04-42191 Racordad~ 05/25/2005 12~20s59 PM LZBER: PAGE: Dtstr~ct z Bec tion s Block s Lot: 1000 031.00 03.00 011,017 RXA,MZ;HZdJ AND ~G~ ~ FOLL~S $612,500.00 Received the FoZ%owtng Feea For Above Znst~ment Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 CoE $5,00 ~o NYS SRCHG $15.00 EA-C'~Y $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 ?P-584 $5.00 HO Cart.Copies $0.00 RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 Transfer tax $2,450.00 NO C~,Pres $9,250.00 Fees Paid $11,849.00 TRANSFER TAX N~MBER~ 04-42191 THIS PA~TM iS A PART OF THE ZNBTRUMF~T THIS IS NOT A BZLL Edward P.~maine County Clerk, Su£folk County D00012389 036 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN W~ITING ON FORM rNSTRUCT~ONS: http'J/~.orp$.s~te.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY PflO~m · 1~6~h~ON I MAPLE PLACE I , ]' I I~ of Pa.mis OR I FOTTR J I NITA I e. Sd,, I 14AP. KANTONAKIS I MARKANTONAKI S A B C D E F G H I J 0,51 I 4/8/05. 33-12 I 23rd Avenue Astoria, j NY I 11105 , ?o, _ KULAK,IS I CHRISTOPHER 718 I 726-5400 I NEW YORK STATE COPY