HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12367 P 946L THI$1NDENTURE, madethe //"r~ dnyof January ,inthuy~ 2005 BETWEEN WILLOW ~'RIVE, LLC C/O David A. Gallo, Esq. 95-25 ~uaens Ooulevard Rego Park, New York 11374 p~ny of thc first pa~, and JOl~ IORIO and v' ' ltARION IORIO, his wife --'~'" : " '"' 211 Forest Road Douglaston, New York 11367 I~ny of the second pan, WITNESSETH, tho* the pa~y of the tim part. in consideragon of Ten ........ ""~ Part of an IRC Section 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange" dollars paid by thc party of the second pm't, does he.by grant and mlense unto the pmly of the second pad, the hei~ or successors and assigns of the party of'thc second part re.ever, ALL threaten plm, pieceorpa~enloflan~ with the buildingsandimpmvemontsthereon~ectcd, sima~,I~ngandheing in'l~lll EAs~ liarion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and S~a~e of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 132 on a certain ~p entitled, "N~p of Highpoint at East N.arion, Section Two", and ~tled in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 07/13/1984 as Nap No. 7755, Abstract No. 9640. BEING and intended co be the same aa the pre~iaee described in the deed to the grantor recorded in Ltber 122....,,l~.Paage 403. SAID pren~ses being kno~ as~lllo~ Drive, ~st Nation, New York. TOGETHER with all d~ht. title and int~w, st. if any, of thc party of th~ first pan in and to ~ny stream ami roads abuttin8 the :thove descd bed pa'raises to the center lin~ theronf; TOGETHER with th~ appurtonances and all the esiatu and fights of th~ pafly of the firet pan in and to said premises; TO IiAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the paxw of the second part. the= heirs or successors and usipts of the party of thc second pad forever. AND the party of the ~rst pan covenants that the paw/of the first IMfl has not done or suffered anything whereby the said pre:raises have been encumherr, d in any way whatever, except as af.oresaid. AND the party of thc first pa~L in compliance with Scclion 13 Of she Lien Law, covenanLs that the party of the trust part will receive the consideration for this conveymlen and will hold the d~ht to ri:calve such considomfion as a tm.st fond to be applied fin;t for the purpose of. p~ying the cost of th~ improvement and wilt apply the same first to the payment of the cmt of the im~n'ovement before ~ing any pnn of ~ total of thc same for any other purpose. The ~ "party" shall be construed ns if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of'the first pan has duly e~_-c_uted this deed the .day and year f. Ps~}above written. l I///I. ,,: -' / ' ?-' STATE-.' OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF No. ~7493~2 ~A~ OF , COU~ OF On ;~ day of ~My (if Ih~ #ec~ ~cncc is bt a :k~, i~cludi the i~et ~1 ~u~l ~a~b~if MT, Ihem~ that hr~he~ihey know(s) co be the individual Uescrihed in and who =x~cut~ t}~ .fo~'gsing insm~me~nt; thet said subscTibing wiln~M was pl~'.,.V~l t ~ s~v s~id · xecu~ the same; azM Ihat said witness at the s~me time sulx~ihed his/her/their name(s) as a witness tilemto [~VI ~be I*oHowine if [be ~.k..,,~ ii laben --~.~t. NY S~at~j and dmt ~mid suhscribln~ withes mada such api~ea re, nco bofO~ the un~JBned in the (itmml tl~ city m' ~ pollt~ml subdivision and the S~ ur eounuy or ~xher pl~cc the proof v,~ taken). STATE OF O~d~e d~yof in the yeer before me, the undersi~,ned, IX~,on~lly aH~an.'d . p~smndly known to n~ or provnd m me on the basis of smisfsutoey evidm~o to he ~ indlvidu~l(~) ~ name(s).is (am) subscribed to the within insu'ument and aclmowl- ed~ to me that be/she/lbey executed the nme in hL~/their cap~ty(ie~), and that by his~her~boir slf, mtwc(s) on tho lmtmm~nt, the indivldu~d(s). ~' the ~ o~ helmlF of which the individu~(s) acted, exKmnd tim inm'umeat and that said nb~ribin~ wimmm m*.~' such ~ befo~ t~ underdgnnd in tim 0~m~dyw m~'...m~,-smMi~m ~t'~ S:nm STATE OF , COUNTY OF On the day of* in the ~ beFo~ mo pc~,omlly came to me known, who. heini by mc duly sworn, did d~ and ny ttm~ he msidas at thru Mis~ of t~ ~ ~fi~ in ~ wh~ ~u~ ~ f~ in~t: chat ~ ~ t~ ~ of ~d e~d~; ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of tM ~ of diem of md ~n, and ~ ~ sig~ h ~ t~to by li~ ~. TITLE NO. I~ZLLOt/ D~ZVE TO JOHN IOR'[O and t4ARTON IORTO WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE. COMPANY 31.00 03.00 011.24 COU.~TY o~ Tovm SuEEoiE S~rAOOR~S 365 Willow Drive East: Nar/on, New York RecordedmReque~tofWASHINGTONTITLE RETURN BY MAILTO: J. Kevtn NcLaughlln, Esq. ~inda ~ay Profaaaiona! gnncer P.O. Box 1210 5ou~hold~ Ne~ York 11971 11937 TORHI~.N$ Ccrtjficntc I; Pri~ Ct[ fl Deed / MortgsSe Imtmmenl PnRc I Piling P~o ~ __ TP-584 Notation EA-52 ]7 (Count~) EA-52 !? (Stnte) R.P.T.S.A. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Oilier Deed I Moflp~ Tax St~,n ' .i ORAND TOTAL /t,/q .~.. ~ Slamp 0~0030~ 1000 03100 0300 011024 Dura ~ I . Initials Sntisfactions/Dischflq~lteleasea List Properly Ownor~ Mnilifl8 Addre~ RECORD & RETURN TO: 2005'Jan 26 09;37:19 f4H Ed~tnrd P. Rc~aine CLE]~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L IX3~312~,7 P94& DTJ Filing Stanq).q Mortg~o Amt. I. Llnsic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Sp~odAssil. Or Spec: ladd. 'lOT. MTG. T/LX Dual Town... Ilald fur Appurtiooment 'l'mlalbr Trix ._. Dual County alii Consideration / m(mlpge is or by a one or tw.o family S, arNO pflgc # ~ instmmeflt. P;¢aer~fltion lTul. nd $ Impmvcd t,,/ Lnnd TD .'~.t= . ~ |'2,,1"' I 8 [ ; I nile Connpany h]formution · ~;~ ~4 __~)_ ' Co Name St folk Cotmty Eccordm Endors cnt Page TO In tl~ To~uhip at* BOX~ 5 '~.~ 9 MUll* BE ~ OR P~ IN B~CK INK ~LY PIUOR ~ R[~ING OR F~ING. In d~c VILLAGE or HAMI'E'. liuf SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Tnstrument: DEEDe/DD:D Number of Pages: 3 Receipt l~her : 05-0000951 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-26005 Distric~: 1000 Dasd Amount: Section: Block: 031.00 03.00 EXAMIh,ra.~AND ~ED AB FOLLOWB $840,,000.00 Received the Following Fees ]For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYB SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO 5CTM Tr&nsfsr tu $3,360.00 NO C~.Pres TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-2600!5 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRDMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded: Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County ol/26/2oo5 09:37:19 AM LZBER: PAGE: Lot: 011.024 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $o.oo $13,800.00 $17,309.00 D00012367 946 Exem~h NO NO NO NO NO NO · ' PLEASE 'rVPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~'/www.orp~,state.ny,u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY /, I -- ' '-' RP- 5217 ~- ~{ ~ I W'm'~Low DRIVE I L Tnl~Td I )4&UTn'I; I I I I I I I I I ~.,~, urlC, A130N J BUYER .. Me~u=hlin I J. Xey;LIi 631 I 765-60R~ I NEW YORK STATE COPY