HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/200808/18/2008~ Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 1 July 01, 2008 - July 31, 2008 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law, Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share INTEREST PART PT-HIGHWAY SWMD Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account 1 25.61 Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. Cedifled Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Ordinance Fees Sale Of Used Equipment Studies, Reports &Misc Maps Yard Sale Zoning Board Highway Excavation Solid Waste Management District Sub-Total: $25.81 Application Fees 14 30,718.40 Birth Trans. 4 40.00 Death Trans. 109 1.070.00 House Trailer Permit 3 300.00 Code Updates - Annual 1 85,00 Zoning Books 2 10Q00 Zoning Updates - Annual 26 780,00 Used Equipment - Part Town 1 1,200.00 Study Cd 4 4,00 Permits 85 1,275.00 Application Fees i 1 3,95000 Permits APPL (Appliances) Bags - Leaf Bags - On Account Bags - Retail - Large Bags - Retail - Medium Bags - Retail - Mini Bags - Retail - Small Bags - Vending Machine Bags - Wholesale - Large Bags - Wholesale - Medium Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Double Axle Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - 2nd Contractor Permit ~ Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) Disposal - Agricultural 2nd Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit - Lessee Sub-Total: $39,522.40 3 510.00 Sub-Totah $510.00 22 330.00 25 10.25 6 38,583.10 327 735.75 497 745.50 82 32,80 226 16950 35 11,287.95 9 1,804.32 2 675.0O 3 180.00 5 3OO.0O 16 240.00 19 1,125.00 12 360.00 2 30.00 26 390.00 19 285.00 08/18/2008~ , Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page July 0'1, 2008 - July 31, 2008 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qt¥ Local Share Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid. Single Entry) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Charges Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest 60 0.00 405 6,075.00 100 750.00 3 0.00 49 2,635.30 4 8,00 55 1,100.00 5 1,250.00 270 1,350.00 67 7,107.81 25 87,425.54 33 42,896.95 20 256.62 WHOLE Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Cedified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoption Dog Licensing 2007 Fines 2008 Fines Renewals 2005 Renewals 2006 Renewals 2007 Renewals 2008 $12.00 Daily Permit Beach AttendantJlifeguards Beach Daily Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoptions 53% License Fee Female, Spayed Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Sub-Total: 2 27 1 1 11 206 186 14 22O 123 65 63 17 64 1558 23 4 2 6 10 67 30 3 30 4 $208,139.39 200.00 2,700.00 10.00 10.00 110.00 2,060.00 2,232.00 2,911.00 5,500.00 3,690.00 1,950.00 1,260.00 2,550.00 0.00 9,344.00 0.00 32.78 20.00 10.11 100.00 107.33 225.00 22.50 225.00 30.00 08/18/2008 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 3 ~ July 01, 2008 -July 31, 2008 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1. of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share WWDD Dog Redemption Domestic Termination Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish Wastewater Disposal District Replacement Tags 1 0.00 Dog Redemption - 1st 5 50.00 Dog Redemption - 2nd 1 20.00 Domestic Termination 2 20,00 Marriage License 16 280,00 Passport Fee - Town Portion 7 175.00 Photocopies 2613 876.00 Postage 2 1 Check Charge 3 60,00 Commercial 3 150.00 Free - Non-Commer, 76 0.00 Non-resident 16 800.00 Replacement 7 0,00 Resid.- Non-Comm. 177 88500 Voided 3 0.00 Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Construct. Non-resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Sub-Totah $38,616.95 1 1,000.00 5 50.00 2 50,00 1 10.00 Sub-Totah $1,110.00 Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Total State, County & Local Revenues: $287,924.35 Total Local Shares Remitted: Agency & Trust, Sales Tax 038 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 83~32 County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 9717 NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 21 00 NYS Environmental Conservation 17289 NYS Health Dept For Marriage License 36000 $288,659.09 Total Non-Local Revenues: $734.74 Elizabeth A Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law Southold Town Superv'sor Date (.,j Southold Clerk Date SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-m 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDGEI~.MPTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 50-666/214 8/18/2008 1571 PAY TO THE Suffolk cry Treasurer Angic M Carpenter I ~l~ *'97.17 ORDER OF DOLLARS 7/08 dogs "'OO~,57~,"' ~:O~;'hOP, foP,?': OSOOO SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDGENAMPTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 8/18/2008 1572 PAY TO THE NYS Agriculture & Markets ORDER OF I ~ *'21,00 DOLLARS I~1~!'~, 7/08 dogs "'DO ~, 5 ? ~:08 I, hO,~ r-., r., ?¢ OSOOO ~. 5 I~ g, ~..' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-ol 53095 MAiN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDGEHAM PTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 50-666/214 8/I 8/2008 1573 PAY TO THE NYS Department of ltealth ORDER OF J ~ **36000 Three Hundred Sixty and *********************************************************************************************** DOLLARS I~1 7/08marrriage ,'DO ~ q ? 3,' O SOOO ~, S SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 8/18/2008 1574 PAY TO THE Supervisor Scott A. Russell I ~ *'288'008'03 ORDER OF Two Hundred EighB;-Eight Thousand Eight and ***************************************************************************DOLLARS 7/08 receipts I:O ~1 l.[lO [, [, [, 0 5000 ]1511[I r:lIll INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 53% DOG LICENSE 39,709.62 107.33 WHOLE TOWN 39,816.95 PART TOWN 38,322.40 HIGHWAY 510.00 FI SEWER 0.00 SWMD 208,139.39 WASTE WATER 1,110.00 TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 287,898,74 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY & TRUST, SALES TAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 83.68 0.00 25.61 97.17 21.00 172.89 360.00 0.00 0.00 WHOLE 3.542 PART 3.409 HIGHWAY 0.045 FI SEWER 0.000 SWMD 18.515 WASTE WATER 0.099 TOTAL 25.610 TOTAL OF DISTS Sand & Gravel TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 287,898.74 0.00 760.35 288,659.09 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 760.35 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Empire State Plaza - Coming Tower Bureau of Accounts Management - Revenue Unit - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-0016 Monthly Report of Marriage Licenses Issued Report for the month of July Cit) or Town of Counl> of Southold Suffolk SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE DEP NO. 2008 $ Check # DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2003, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 6,9 to issued place number in the first space only!) 64 inclusive. (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CItECK or MONEY ORDER payable to the State Department of Health DO NOT SEND CASH Amount of remittance with this report $ 360.00 Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) Elizabeth A. Neville Signature of City or Town Clerk P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 E-mail Address Eneville~town.southold.ny.us Date 08/18/2008 Phone (631) 765-1800 11 IlS MONTDI.Y REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEAl. TH AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers 'Iht issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance tee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony ~s ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecuti,,ely throughoul the year starting with number I at the beginning of EACH calendar )'ear. : Pursuant to the authorit), of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed thai this report. together v, ith any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report co, ers. Nc~ York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that an)' To~n or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filiag requiremems, shall be deemed guilt), of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOli-963 (09/2004) From: 7/1/2008 Suffolk Town Of Southold Elizabeth A. Neville 08/18/2008 TO: 7/31/2008 47 10 Southold Town Clerk Send Copy TO: DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT Dept. of Ag. & Markets County Financial officer LICENSE TYPES Column A Column B Column C Column F AND FEES Total 1. Spay/Neuter Unspay/Unneuter 3. Exemption 4. Voids red & green 5. Purebred (1-10) Purebred (11-25) Purebred (26+) 8. Void Purebred ~ Each Statutory Local Unneutered Dogs Yrs Unspay 4 mo. & up 60 60 @ 2.50 150.00 @ 7.50 450.00 NO FEE 7 7 7 @ 7.50 52.50 @ 7.50 52.50 @ 3.00 21.00 0 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 0 0 0 @ 25.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00 /Dog 0.00 0 0 0 @ 50.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00/Dog 0.00 0 0 0 @ 100,00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00/Dog 0.00 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE TOTALS 67 67 7 $202.50 $502.50 $21.00 REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED TAG ORDERS PROCESSED 10 Replacement Tags 11 Purebred Tags 12 TOTALS DISBURSEMENTS of 9B $107.33 14. Local% of 9C $502.50 15. Total $609.83 (to T.C.V.) Column D Column E # Each Tag Fees 1 2.00 0 0.00 1 $2.00 16. Stat% of 9B $95.17 17. Stat% of 12E $2.00 18. Total $97.17 (to County) 19. 100% of 9F $21.00 (AG. and Markets) Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program $97.17 $21.00 LICENSE SUMMARY 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 2. Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses: 3, Number of Standard Renewals {including New Owner Licenses): 4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 5. Total of Lines 1-4: 33 0 34 0 67 08/18/2008 Cash Category Adoption Alarm Fees h Permits Bu~ding Dept Fees Certification, Birth Certification, Death Certification, Marriage Certification, Termination Conservation (DECALS) Dog Licenses Town O£ Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01,2008 - July 31,2008 Sub-CateRory Original Original Page: I Qty Description Amount 10 Dog Adoptions 100.00 10 Category Sub-Total... $100.00 2 2007 Fines 20000 27 2008 Fines 2,700.00 1 Renewals 2005 10 00 I Renewals 2006 10.00 11 Renewals 2007 110.00 206 Renewals 2008 2,06000 248 Category Sub-Total... $5,090.00 186 $12.00 Daily Permit 2,23200 14 Beach AttendantYiifeguards 2,911.00 220 Beach Daily 5,500 00 123 Guest 3,69000 65 Lessee 1,950.00 63 Motel 1,260.00 17 Non-Resident Seasonal 2,55000 64 Replacement Sticker 0.00 1558 Resident 9,34400 23 Voided Sticker 0.00 2333 Category Sub-Total... $29,437.00 14 Application Fees 30,71840 14 Category Sub-Total... $30,718.40 4 Birth Trans. 40.00 4 Category Sub-Total... $40.00 109 Death Trans. 1,07000 109 Category Sub-Total... $1,070.00 2 Marriage Trans. 2000 2 Category Sub-Total... $20.00 2 Domestic Termination 2000 2 Category Sub-Total... $20.00 6 Conservation (DECALS) 183.00 8 Category Sub-Total... 19 Female, Spayed 3 Female, Unspayed $183.00 19000 54.00 08/18/2008 Cash Category Highway Excavation House Trailer Permits Interest Now Account Misc. Cash O~inance Fees Passport Fee Postage Racing And Wagering Redemptions Returned Sale Of Used Equipment Town Of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01, 2008 - July 31,2008 Page: 2 Sub-Cate.qory Original Original Renewal Renewal Rep Tags Bingo Qty Description Amount 7 Male, Neutered 7Q00 4 Male, Unneutered 72.00 33 Category Sub-Total... $386.00 12 Female, Spayed 120~00 22 Male, Neutered 220.00 34 Category Sub-Total.., $340.00 1 Replacement Tags 2.00 1 Category Sub-Total... $2.00 3 Permits 510.00 3 Category Sub-Total,.. $510.00 3 House Trailer Permit 300.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $300.00 1 Interest NOW Acceunt 25.61 1 Category Sub-Total... $25.61 2613 Photocopies 876.00 4 Study Cd 436 2617 Category Sub-Total... $880.36 1 Code Updates-Annual 9234 2 Zoning Books 10864 26 Zoning Updates - Annual 84734 29 Category Sub-Total... $1,048.32 7 Passport Fee-Town Portion 17500 7 Category Sub-Total... $175.00 2 Postage 123 2 Category Sub-Total,.. $1.23 4 Bingo Proceeds 32.78 4 Category Sub-Total... $32.78 5 Dog Redemption - 1st 50.00 1 Dog Redemption - 2nd 2000 6 Category Sub-Total... $70.00 3 Check Charge 60.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $80.00 1 Used Equipment - Part Town 1,20000 1 Category Sub-Total,.. $1,200.00 08/I 8/2608 Cash Cateqory Shellfish Solid Waste Management District Sub-Category Town Of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01,2008 - July 31,2008 Qty Description 3 Commercial 76 Free- Non-Commer. 16 Non-resident 7 Replacement 177 Resid- Non-Comm. 3 Voided 282 Category Sub-Total... 22 APPL (Appliances) 25 Bags- Leaf 6 Bags - On Account 327 Bags - Retail - Large 497 Bags - Retail - Medium 82 Bags - Retail - Mini 226 Bags - Retail - Small 35 Bags - Vending Machine 9 Bags - Wholesale - Large 2 Bags -Wholesale - Medium 3 Contractor Permit- 1+Ton Double Axle 5 Contractor Permit- 1+ Ton Singre 18 Contractor Permit- 2nd 19 Contractor Permit- Up To 1 Ton 12 CS30 (Corem Contract Single Entry) 2 Disposal - Agricultural 2nd 26 Disposal Permit - Guest 19 Disposal Permit- Lessee 60 Disposal Permit- Replace 405 Disposal Permit- Res 1st 100 Disposal Permit - Res Add'l 3 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 49 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 4 Propane Tanks- Used 55 Refrigerants (appl) 5 Residential Single Entry Page: 3 Amount 150.00 0 O0 800.00 000 885.00 0.00 $I,835.00 33000 10.25 38,583.10 73575 745,50 32 80 16950 11,287.95 1,804 32 675.00 18000 30000 240.00 1,125.00 36000 30 O0 39000 285.00 0.00 6,07500 75000 0.00 2,635.30 800 1,10000 1,25000 I)8/I 8/2008 Page: 4 Cash Cateqory Sub. Ca~go~ Vital Statistics Marriage Wastewater Disposal District Yard Sale Zoning Board Of Appeals Payment Method Received Thru CASH $88,789 58 BANK ,,~LEC K $198,79101 COUNTER $114,932 01 ~DIT CARD $1,07850 MAIL $5,411.07 OFFICE $166,90401 ¥own Of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01,2008 - July 31,2008 Qty Description Amount 270 Resse (resid Single Entry) 1,350.00 67 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 7,10781 25 Tipping Charges 87,42554 33 Tipping Fee Deposit 42,896.95 20 Tipping Interest 256.62 2429 Category Sub-Total... $208,139.39 16 Marriage License 640.00 16 Category Sub-Total... $640.00 1 Scavenger Waste Gallonage 1,000.00 Fees 5 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid 50.00 2 Septic Permit - Construct 5000 Non-resid. 1 Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. 1000 9 Category Sub-Total... $1,110.00 85 Permits 1,275.00 85 Category Sub-Total... $1,275.00 11 Application Fees 3,950.00 11 Category Sub-Total... $3,950.00 $288,659.09 Grand Total ......................... $1,412.00 . Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 x~ Bridge Online Banking Recent Transactions on TOWN CLERK *****5466 - $426,746.07 as of August 18, 2008 Date 08/15/2008 08/15/2008 08/15/2008 08/15/2008 08/15/2008 *08/18/2008 *08/18/2008 *08/18/2008 *08/18/2008 '08/18/2008 '08/18/2008 '08/18~2008 *08/1812008 *08/18/2008 '08/18/2008 '08/18/2008 Check Number Description Debit Credit Balance DEPOSIT 206.25 417,649.13 DEPOSIT 1,109.73 418,758.86 DEPOSIT 1,595.30 420,354.16 DEPOSIT 6,471.05 426,825.21 INTEREST AT .15 % 31.95 426,857.16 DEPOSIT SOUTHOLD TELLER 657.25 427,514.41 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 76.00 427,590.41 000431263244888 PAYMENTECH POS TRANS 44.20 427,634.61 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 1,160.40 428,795.01 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 2,265.50 431,060.51 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 335.00 431,395.51 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 511.00 431,906.51 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 3,815.16 435,721.67 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 357.00 436,078.67 DEPOSIT BNB CUTCHOGUE TLR 1,610.70 437,689.37 ECOM XFER TO PUBLIC FUNDS 500027685 ON 8/18 AT 14:21 CON F# 400039396 117.14 437,572.23 *Pending Transactions https://www.ecom01 .fiservboston.com/pbi~bi 1961/Pbi1961 .asp?WCl=TranList&WCE=... 8/18/2008 ?o8/18/2e08 Page: Town Of Southold DECALS Import Transaction Report July 01,2008 - July 31, 2008 Date 07/03/2008 07/07/2008 07/21/2008 07/24/2008 07/25/2008 Agent Total Sales 24,00 19.00 43.00 19.00 19.00 Less Commission 1 1.05 2.38 1.05 1.05 Net Due to Encon 22.67 17.95 40.62 17.95 17.95 UserlD BONNIED BONNIED BONNIED BONNIED BONNIED Report Totals: $124.00 $6.86 $117.14 08/18/2008 License Type 2008-Bingo 2008-Bingo 2008-Bingo 2008-Bingo 2008-Bingo License # 4009 4O09 4009 4009 4009 Town Of Southold Proceeds Report For: All License Types Date Range: 07/01/2008 to 07/31/2008 Organization Name Receipt Date Occasion American, Legion Post 803 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 American, Legion Post 803 07/08/2008 07/08/2008 American, Legion Post 803 07/15/2008 07/15/2008 American, Legion Post 803 07/22/2008 07/22/2008 American, Legion Post 803 07/29/2008 07/29/2008 Page: 1 Receipts Expenses Profits Cash $1,24900 $984.75 $25632 $7.93 $1,051.00 $1,001 75 $4925 $1 48 $1,307~00 $1,828.25 -$521.25 $000 $1~285.00 $992.75 $283.48 $8.77 $1,481.50 $994,75 $472 15 $1460 Totals: $6,373.50 $5,802.25 $539.95 $3278 · Bridgehampton 8/18/'08 Reconciliation Report Reconciliation Summary Page I BANK STATEMENT -- CLEARED TRANSACTIONS: Previous Balance: Checks and Payments Deposits and Other Credits Ending Balance of Bank Statement: 9 Items 174 Items 216,13534 -226.815.27 284,112.97 273.433.04 YOUR RECORDS -- UNCLEARED TRANSACTIONS: Cleared Balance: Checks and Payments Deposits and Other Credits Items Items 273.43304 0,00 274.50 Register Balance as of 8/18' 8: Checks and Payments Deposits and Other Credits 0 Items 0 Items 273.707.54 0.00 0.00 Register Ending Balance: 273.7I)7.54 Bridgchamplon 8/18;08 Date Num Uncleared Checks and Payments Reconciliation Report Uncleared Transaction Detail after 8/18' 8 Payee Memo Category CIr Page 2 I'otal Uncleared Checks and I:'ayments 0 Items 0(}0 [!nclearcd Deposits and Other Credits 7/30' 8 DEP Southold Town Clerk 7/30' 8 DEP Southold Town Clerk 7/3 I' 8 DEP Southold Town Clerk 7/3 I' 8 DEP Soulhold Town Clerk 'oral Uncleared Deposits and Other Credits credit credit credit credit 4 Items 102.50 21.00 13000 21.00 274.50 1 oral Uncleared Transactions 4 Items 27450 08118/2008 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 1 July 01, 2008 - July 31, 2008 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account 1 25.61 PART Building Department Fees Certified Birth Trans. Certified Death Trans. House Trailer Permits Ordinance Fees Sale Of Used Equipment Studies, Reports &Misc Maps Yard Sale Zoning Board Sub-Total: $25.61 Application Fees 14 30,718.40 Birth Trans. 4 40.00 Death Trans. 109 1,070.00 House Trailer Permit 3 300.00 Code Updates - Annual 1 85.00 Zoning Books 2 100.00 Zoning Updates - Annual 26 780.00 Used Equipment - Part Town 1 1,200.00 Study Cd 4 4.00 Permits 85 1,275.00 Application Fees 11 3,950.00 PT-HIGHWAY Highway Excavation Permits SWMD Solid Waste Management District APPL (Appliances) Bags - Leaf Bags - On Account Bags - Retail - Large Bags - Retail - Medium Bags - Retail - Mini Bags - Retail - Small Bags - Vending Machine Bags - Wholesale - Large Bags - Wholesale - Medium Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Double Axle Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single Contractor Permit - 2nd Sub-Total: $39,522.40 3 510.00 Sub.Total: $510.00 22 330.00 25 10.25 6 38,58310 327 735.75 497 745.50 82 32.80 226 169.50 35 11,287.95 9 1,804.32 2 675.00 3 18Q00 5 300.00 16 240,00 Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) Disposal - Agricultural 2nd Disposal Permit - Guest Disposal Permit- Lessee 19 1,12500 12 360.00 2 30.00 26 390.00 19 285.00 08118/2008 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 2 July 01, 2008 - July 31, 2008 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law, Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Disposal Permit - Replace Disposal Permit- Res 1st Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l Disposal Permit-VOIDED Outgoing Leaf Mulch Propane Tanks - Used Refrigerants (appl) Residential Single Entry Resse (resid, Single Entry) SWC (Screened Wood Chips) Tipping Charges Tipping Fee Deposit Tipping Interest 60 0,00 405 6,075.00 100 750.00 3 0.00 49 2,635.30 4 8.00 55 1,100.00 5 1,250.00 270 1,350.00 67 7,107.81 25 87,425.54 33 42,896.95 20 256,62 WHOLE Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoption Dog Licensing 2007 Fines 2008 Fines Renewals 2005 Renewals 2006 Renewals 2007 Renewals 2008 $12.00 Daily Permit Beach Attendant/lifeguards Beach Daily Guest Lessee Motel Non-Resident Seasonal Replacement Sticker Resident Voided Sticker Bingo Proceeds Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoptions 53% License Fee Female, Spayed Female, Unspayed Male, Neutered Male, Unneutered Sub-Totah 2 27 1 1 11 206 186 14 220 123 65 63 17 64 1558 23 4 2 6 10 67 3O 3 3O 4 $208,139.39 200,00 2,700.00 10.00 10.00 110.00 2,060.00 2,232.00 2,911.00 5,500.00 3,690,00 1,95000 1,260.00 2,550.00 0.00 9,344.00 0.00 32.78 20.00 10.11 100.00 10733 225.00 22.50 225.00 30.00 08118/2008 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page July 01, 2008 - July 31, 2008 To the Supervisor Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Dog Redemption Domestic Termination Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Returned Shellfish WVVDD Replacement Tags 1 0.00 Dog Redemption - 1st 5 50.00 Dog Redemption - 2nd 1 20.00 Domestic Termination 2 20.00 Marriage License 16 280.00 Passport Fee - Town Portion 7 175.00 Photocopies 2613 876.00 Postage 2 123 Check Charge 3 60.00 Commercial 3 150.00 Free · Non-Commer. 76 0.00 Non-resident 16 800,00 Replacement 7 0.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 177 885.00 Voided 3 0.00 Wastewater Disposal District Scavenger Waste Gallonage Fees Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Construct. Non-resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Sub-Totah $38,616.95 1 1,000.00 5 50.00 2 50.00 1 10.00 Sub-Totah $1,110.00 Amount paid to: Amount paid to: Amount paid to: paid to: $287,924.35 Total Local Shares Remitted: Agency & Trust, Sales Tax 036 Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 8332 County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 9717 NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 21 00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 17289 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 36000 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $288,659.09 Total Non-Local Revenues: $734.74 Elizabeth A Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are othenNise provided for by law. Town Supervisor Date ~ Southold Town Clerk Date