HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 292 TAX .MAP DESIGNATION Dist.: 1000 Sec,: 031.00 BIk.: 03.00 LOt(s): 013.000 Fona 8002*$.8~-20M--~rgain nad Salc Deed, with Covcmnt against Granto~'s Acts-Individual or Ccupomtion. (single sheet) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING Tills INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYEI/,q ONLY. THIS INDENTURE. made the ~day of Augtm, Two Thousand and Hve BETWEEN LISA MELLAS nnd LAURIE AN_I~ROY, as co-Executrices of the last Will and Testament of.J.~n Ellen DeanTr~iOifi'g at ?.~. ~=-- 27-', ~,,~,~t,,,';., ,%'Y: :~'.: ,~' nnd IZ~i~m-~-,?~st Marion~ NY 119.~[espectively and HARVEY BROWN nnd PATRIC[A IL C. HAMBERLAIN~"fx~h residing nt 10528 Cottagc Lane, Saint Francisville, LA 70775 '~ .~.U'"~_~. ~e'/,~.f~ ,~ JAMES A. HARRIS and MARIA INE8 HARRISv~siding at 20 E. 74'" Street, New York, NY 10021 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the ix~ty of the first part. in consideration of Four Hundred Twenty Thousand (S420,000.00) Dollars and other~/nlunldn considc'mtion paid by the party of the second l~1, hereby grant and mleuse unto the party of the .s~.~nd part, the heirs or successors and nssign.s of thc pafly of the secv~d port forever, Al,l, thai cennin plot, piece or parcel of land. ~tuate. lying and being in SEE SCHEDULE A A'FFACHED HERETO AND st HE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE tho same premises conveyed to the Grantors dalnd May 3. 19'/7 and mcordadin the Ofliceof Ihc aerk ofSoffolk Countyon July 26, 1977 in Lihcr 8276 pa~e 62. PREMISES ALSO known ~ 85.55 Main Road. East Mndco, New York. TOGEFHF.,R with nil right, doe and interest, if uny. of the party of thc first port in and to nny stree~ and ronde abutting the ~thove dc'scribed pmmi~'~ to the ccnmr lines the~of'- TOGETHER with thc =ppunenances and ',dl thc c"-,~ale nad d~hts of the party of the ~rst I~rt in nad m said premises; 1'O HAVEAND 1'O HOLD the pn=misas hamin ~anlad unto the party of the ~ocond pa~ the heirs or succcuso~ und assigns of the pan)' of the second pun forever. AND the party of the first prat covenants that the pa~y of the first pan has not done or suffered anything when:by thc said igemises have been eneumhemd in an)' way whatever, e.~cep~ ns aforesaid, AND tho party of the first iv, ag in compliance with Section 13 of tho Lien I.nw, covenunls that pafiy of the lirst pan will receive Ihe consideration for this conveyance und will hold tho right to receive such conxid~ration us a ~ust fund to ho nl~licd llrst for the purposc of paying the co~t of the improvement nad will apply the samg ~rst to the payment of the cost of the improvement befo~ using any part of tho total of the same for uny other purpoee. The wool 'pan? shall be construed ns il' it rend spaniel' whenever tho sensa of this induntum so mqulms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part lugs duly executed this deed thc day nnd )g~r first above written, IN PRESENCE OF: rix SCH EI)U LF, ,4 - SCTM# ! 000-03 !.00-0~.00-01 ~.000 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and b.eing at Fast Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on thc northwesterly side of Main Road (S.R. 2.5) where thc same is intersected by thc easterly boundary line of land now or formerly A. Thanosios Rigas, said point or place of beginning being distant 806.75 feel northeasterly as mcasu~d along the northwesterly side of Main Road (S.R. 25) from thc corner formed by the intersection of the northwesterly side of Main Roe. alt,with the northeasterly side of Rocky Point Road; RUNNING TIIENCE from said point or place of beginning along said last mentioned land the I'ollowing two courses and distances; I) North 21 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds West 86.91 feet; 2) North 14 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West 220.29 feet to land now or formerly of Geatrakis Konsalekis; THENCE along said last mentioned land North 75 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East 74.23 feet to land now or formerly of Clare Crossley; THENCE along said last mentioned land South 15 dc~rees 37 minutes 40 seconds East 274.51 feet to the northwesterly side of Main Roa~; ~ THENCE along thc northwesterly side of Main Road'~outh 50 degrees 57 minutes 42 seconds West 77.50 Feet to the point or place of BEOINNING State of New York, County of~''~r~ } ss: On' ? , in the personally known m ~ ~ ~vgd ~ mc off thc safisf~ evide~e to ~ t~ i~ivid~l(s) ~s) is (~} su~ to I~ when i~tmment ~. her sisn,~ure on the instrument, the ira:lis'h/ual or thc in his/her/Iheir capacity(les), and t'lu~ by his/her/their person upon behalf of .~h)~ly~he iq~Uvidual acted.I siSnaturc(s) on the instrum~n.~ thc ind~idual(s) cxccutcd Ibc imtmme./q~ ~) --I executed t he imtrume~,o~"~ t~o. 01fE4827993 ~ rumic I .OTUTY PUBLIC. ~la:e nj ~ r~OllC G'Jab cd ;n ~l!~k CO.IV ~ Comrm~ion E4pifas Oac 31, ~ ~ ' [ed L~ SulfOIk COUn · Co,'nnO s,-dnn E BARGAIN and SALE DEED WITH COVF. NANTS AOAIN~ GRANTOR'S Acrs ................... tC~ V~ ~ ~, C~ P~e ~ly k~'n ~v~ to ~ ~ t~ ~is ~ ~tisf~to~ cvidc~c to ~ the i~ivid~lfs) w~ n~(s) is (a~) su~ to t~ within i~tmmcnt ~ ~k~wl~ to ~ t~ ~s~ e~ t~ ~ in hi~hcr/thcir cn~city(ies), that by ~herltheir si~tu~s) on t~ inst~m, t~ i~vid~(s), or ~ ~n u~n ~lf of which the in,vidal(s) ~ DISTRICt: 10(X) SE~ION: 031.00 LISA MELLAS AND LAURIE ANNE HEROY BLOCK: 03.00 CO-EXECUTRIXES AND HARVEY BROWN AND PATRICIA IL CHAMBERLAIN LOT: 013.00 TO COUNTY OR TOWN: Southold JAMF_~ A. HARRIS AND MARIA INES HARRIS TAX BIU.ING ADDRESS: 8555 Main Road F.~I Mndon. NY 11939 RETURN BY MAIL TO: Patdcia Dempsey, Esq. Ciarelli & Dempsey 737 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 488 Rivcrhcad. NY 11901 RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OFFICE Number or pages TORRENSf Serial # Certilicam # Prior Cfi. # Deed I Mortgag~ ln~trumnnt Page I Filing'Fcc Handling 5. O0 TP-584 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.ET.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Aff]duvit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge OIher Sub Total ]5. 00 SubToml Reul Pmpcny AeA',"me.. 1000 03100 0300 013000 Tax Service ' v~u?~.~g ~ Agency Verification , == 6 { S ntis fac tions/Dischn,"ges/Releases List Owners Address Mailing · ~' RECORD & RETURN TO: Eduard P. Romaine ~E~ OF SUFFOLK ODLIt, ITV L 00001240~ P 292 0T# Recording / Filing Stamps 5 MongaSe Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spac./Assit. or Spec. ladd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appaint~nent Transfer Tax '/ J~"" -- -- Mansion Tax ~ Thc pmpart) or will be family dwel YES If NO, see -~ page # . overed by this mortgage is ~lproved by a one or two only. or NO Ppropriam tax clause on of this instrument. Corem ,-, ~ ty~wszrvation Fund Consideration Am%~n~ $ c~ ?~ Ou~ s ~.SqO ~ -- Improvcd Vacant Land TD !LO TD TD ? Ti?C? Suffolk County' Recording & Endorsement Page ~_~..~. ~t~,.~_ ~.~s:~ ~~ ~ ~PE OF INSTRUM~ " % ~ ~ ~ sU~OL~U~V, NeW XOR~. 80~ 6 T"RU 8 MU~ BE ~ OR PRIN~D IN B~ XNK O~LY PRIOR ~ ... (f~v,'r] SUFFOLK COUNTY RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~De of Znetrument: ~8/Z)DD l~W"m'her o£ P&gelz · Xeceipt Number s 05-0090653 T~ANSFER TAX NOMBEX: 05-04299 1000 Doe~K~nts 8ectLons Block8 031.00 03.00 EX~MI~-..ANDCN~RGEDAB FOLLOW8 $420,000.00 P&ge/Zll~ng $12.00 MO Handl:Lug COB $5.00 NO NYO SRCHG EA-CTY S5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-S8& S5.00 NO Cort.Co~XeB ~oT S30.00 NO BCTM Trana£er tax $1,680.00 NO C--,PL'o~ TKANSFER TAX NU~BER~ 05-04299 THIS PAGE IH A PA~T OF 'k~us INGTHUM~NT THIs IH NOT A BILL County Clerk, ~u~£olk County Recoz~eds 08/29/2005 ACS 02t&&s03 PM LZBER: D00012&06 PAGE: 292 Lot, 013. 000 $S.O0 NO S15.00 NO $75.oo NO $o.oo NO $o.oo NO $5,&oo.oo NO $7,232.00 PLEAsETYPE ~-~1~-$S FIRMLY WHEN WRBNG ON FORM · INSTRU~IONS: hEp~/~.orps.~te.n~us or PHONE (MS) 47~-7222 ~o. cou~ us~ oN~ ~,.~ ~/]. ~ ~ ~.~.~ RP - 5217 PRO~ IN~R~ON I [] [] [] [] A C l) E F G H I 20. Tm~ Map kl~d I Roll Id~ (Il mm than bur, attadt dmt wllh Mgdm~d Idg~ll) L I000 -03/.~o -o$. oo -0/,,~. 0~0 J I J I c~m~F~o. I BUYER LAST NA&~ BUYER'8 ATTORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY