HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 785CONSULT ~OUR LAI~/~ER B~FORE BIGNING THI~ ,NSTRUMENT.THIa INSTRUMENT ~HOULD BE USED BY LAM/IT=RE ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the :~) day of ~ , 2OO5 BE~VEEN DIANE JENNINGS, ms~lin~ at ~ NG Highwey :307, P.O. Box 131, Vandemer~, Nerth Carolina ~8~87 as executor of the last will and testament of ESl¥1ER IH. KING, SUfTOg~te'l Coufl F'dl NO.: 146P20(O , late of 530 OIcI Or-hard Lane, Ealt MIn~on. New YO~ 11 e39 ,deceased, party of the first part, and BRUCE GARRITANO, residing at 7850 Main Road, East Marion, New York 11939 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will .. .*.},,--,,b.,-Y- -'r.~ ~.,..~ ~::..~ q..~.,up~_~.?.. W' '7~ou ~r .,~.._ ,,.,..~, _. ,~, . ,. ...... ~/ , .,/ . ,,~.,,,.,o, ,:~:~) ~"~.3 I. gO paid by the pmly of'l~e second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second p~t. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the See =.~?.hedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premi~as conveyed to the party of the first prat by deed detect' September 9, 1948 and recorded in the Suffolk Counly Cte~'s Office at Ubor 2895 page 115 on November 15, 1948 TOGI~I'HER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first p,ml, in and to any streets end made abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the patty of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of. whether individually, or by virtue of said will or atherwisa; TO HAVE AND TO HOt.D the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and essigrm of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the r~t part covenants that the patty of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby Ihs said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the pady of the rrat pm1, in compliance with Set, on 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a ;~'ust fund to be applied §ret for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before u~ng any part of the total of the same for any o~er puq~se. The word 'party' shall be construed es if it read 'parties" whenever the sense of this indentu~'e so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above w,"itten. IN PRESENCE OF: S~ndard N.Y.B.T.U. F~m 6005 - ExecutO¢l Dee{I - Uniform A~e~t Fom~ 330? Topaz Abstract Corporation Undemntter No. 550-S-21798 TiUe Number 35050 Schedule A Description Revleed: 08/1~/2005 Page. 1 All that certain .plot, parcel, piece of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, lying and being et East Main, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the westerly side of Old Omhard Road distant 494.18 feet southerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Main Road (State Route 25) with the westerly side of Old Omhard Road; said point also being where the southeasterly comer of property new or formerly of Richter intersects the westbdy side of Old Orchard Road; RUNNING THENCE South 27 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds East along the westedy side of Old Orchard Road 75.00 feet to land now or formerly, of Plonski; THENCE South 57 degrees 33 minures 40 seconds West along said land 282.93 feet to land now or formerly of Niamonltakis; THENCE North 27 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds ..West along said land, 75.00 feat to land now or formerly of Richter; THENCE North 57 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds East along said land 282.93 feet to the westedy side of Orchard Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE _&_C..~N. _ .mNLEDr. MI=)~' 18 MADE IN .~; :".'.' YORK STA'I'~' State of New York, County of On tho (lay of in the year before me, the undersigned, person-Ily .ppeamd pemonally knovm to me or proved to me on the hams of · .tmfacm./evidence to be lira Indlvldu.l(8) vmose frame(s) is (are) ~___.b,~_ bed to the within Inslmment and acknowledg~:l to me th~ he/ahe/lhoy ex~cuted Ihe .arno In hi.i'ner/thelr capaclty(ie~), end that by hi.her/their signature(s) o~ the Jnstrumeflt, the Indi~iduad(s), or the pemon upon behalf of which tho individual(o) acted, exocutod the Jnetmmem. State of New York, County of On the day of in the year before me, Ihe unde~lgned, personally appeared ss: pemonally known to me or proved to me on the baalB of satbfact~ evtdence to be the indlvlduat(s).w~ose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within In.lmment and acknowledged to me that he/.ha/~ executed the same In hl./her/thelr capacity(M), and that by hl.~nerahelr signature(.,) on the instmmsnt, the In(llvklual(s). or the pemon upon behalf of w~lch the Individual(s) ac~ed, executed the Instrument. (signature and omce of ~ndivtdual taking acknowledgment) (signature and office of Individual taking acknowledging., n~) . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACI~JOWt. EDGMENT IS _a__~n~_ OUT~I?E NEW YORK ~TATF State (or Dlstrk:t of Columbia, Territory, oF Foreign Country) of ~ ~f.Z]./~..~%,~-., ss: Onthe ~::~ dayof 6*/~(~,r' intheyear ~-O0~ 13efomme. lheundamlgned, pemonally.,ppeared DIANE JENN~NGS person.fly k.own to me or proved to me on the ~ of ..tmfm:lo./evidence to be Ihe indMdual(s) v~ name(-.) Is (am) subscribed to the wflhin Instrument and Icfmowtedged to me that he/she/they executed ~e same In hi.her/their capacity(les), and Ihat by Ids/her/their signature(s) on the in~tnJment, the indMclual(s), or the person upon behalf of which tho i~dlvidual(s) acted, executed the Instrument. and that such indMdual made such appearance before the unclemigned In the (' the City o~ other p~cal subdivision) (and inert me Sim or/c.e..~ or other pmce the'ackno?fydomem ~ taken) , (/%lllf~ltum and office of' ~ .to. king .c~now',ed~t) SECTION 031.00 EXECUTOR'S DEED -. ..... ";, ' .~; "'.' ~." ". BLOCK o6.oo ("'' "' : .LOT 'O. lO.OOO ";'. -'" ' Title No. ~ COUNTY OR TOVVN East Madm Diane Jenninge e8 executrix of t:he STREET ADDRESS S3OOkSOm~md L~ne Estate of Esther H..,&4na Bruce Garritano TOPAZ ABSTRACT CORPORATION 370 Old Counlry Rood Garden City, N.y. 11530 Recorded at Request of RETURN BY MAIL TO; Anthony Gargullo, Esq. Caiati. Garguilo & Green 74 Carleton Avenue East Islip. New Yo~ 11730 , . :.,.' .-,, ..,,, .';. Number of pages L.~L TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi.'~ Deed. Mortgage Instrument . Page I Filing F~e ~ ~ : · Handling TI R~ORDED 2005 Hou O? 10:42:59 Edward P, Ro~aine SUFFOLK ~UNT~ L D~01241~ DT~ ~-14147 Deed / Mo.gage Tax Stamp ] Reco,rdi,ng / Filing Stamps TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (.State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Sub Total Sub Total: 05041722 looo o3 oo o oo o19ooo 019.0~ Property /,-_~"~-,x Tux Service (l<O7Y A) Agency \ {.0.~_.~.~5 ' Verification Satisfnction~ischarges/Relense Lm I~openy Owners~Malhng Address RECORD & R?ET.URN TO,! . ~ Calata, Gargulio & Green 74 Carelton Avenue East lslip, New York 11730 Mortgage Amt.. I..Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / Assit. or TOT. MTG TAX -' ' ' DuaJ Town Dual County __ ', He'ld 'for .Appointment ~I Transfer Tax Mansion Tax' The property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO' If NO, see appropriate t~ claus~ on page #, of this instmmem. sl C.....'C~PF.Tax Du."'. ) Community Preservation Fund lm .pr~..red Vacant Land TD lC) TD TD 7 I Title Company Information Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fi)rms pan of the attached Executor's Dee~ made by: (SPECIFY' TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Diane Jennin?g as executrix of the I~_~tnt~ of Esther IL King The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of .BOXES 6 THROUGH S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. S~&~OLK CO~-~-~' CLERK I~ECORDS OFF~CE RECORDING PAGE Receipt ~,--~r t 05-0116731 TRANSFER TAX H~MBER: 05-~4~47 District= 1000 Deed 7~ount: Recorded~ LIBER: PAGEs 8e~Xons Block8 031.00 06.00 EXAMINED ~CHIL-~nAH FOLLOWS $330,851.00 11/07/2005 10:42859 AM D00012418 785 Lot; 019.000 Received the Following Feem For Above Instrument P&ge/Fil~ng $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO HYB SRCHG RA-CTY $5.00 MO EA-BTATE TP-58& $5.00 NO Cert.Cop~es I~T $30.00 NO BCTM Transfer tax $1,324.00 NO Corm. Pres Fees TRANSFER TAX NUMBERz 05-14147 THZH PAGE IH A PART OF a'~ ZNBTRU~ENT T~ZB ZB NOT A BZLL $5. O0 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo No $0.oo No $3,617.02 NO $5,093.02 Edwe=d P. P~mtne County Clerk, ~uffolk County · " * PLF_~E TYPE'OR PRESS FiRMI:Y WHE~-~WRITING ON FORM iNSTRUCTIONS: httpff/www.orps.s~ate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFORC~UN~ USE ONLY - _ ~ I *; ~h · ~ . Y.r ._ RP - 5217 ~'Lo~Uo~P~ L 530.~m, , I ,Old Orcha~'~ [.ane ~C ~ton I I 1~939 ~ ~.r I ~J ~ano I B~ce L I I DaM Prop,,. I ~.~,~'~1 X I · ~1~ I Jennir~s IDi~e as executrix of the Estate of ~sthe] Nmml LaS l IMM~ I COMP~'~fy F~IT NM ~. Kir~ I C ~.~ Ramkhen~l V~cant Lmnd G I SALE INFORMA"I1ON I 12. D~o M re'de I TranMor Ap. nrnm~ KI~I Publk~ ~w~,ice Ent~lnm~l~muMm~nt LU ~ .e (Full SM P~ ~l the IMII mr, ou m paid ~m the ~ I~ mi ~. ~SESSME~ IN~R~ON - Data ~M mfle~ the Ii[~ R~I ~t Roll ind Tax Bill & Ovme~e~lp ~ ii C(xldomlMum [] ~ TIx MI~ idml~ld.I ,I IM idln,tll~ M mm thin law, mt1 M wtth idd~Jonll IdiMj I iOOO , _ I I 031.00 I O6.OO I I 019.000 [ C~RTIFICATION [ BUYER 530 I Old Orchard Eane ~st NacJ.on I ~ j 11939 SEU.ER BUYER'S AI'rO~NEy Garguilo jAnthony 631 I 277-4808 NEW YORK STATE COPY