HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 787L 17 THIS INDENTURE, o BETWEEN JANIS B. HULSE as surviving tenant 8520 Main Road. Easl Marion. New York 11939 party of the first patl, and JEFFREY B. HULSE and CAROL KAL1N as TRUSTEES OF THE JANIS B. HULSE IRREVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST, 3 North Harbor Down, Miller Place, New York 11764 party of the second pan, wrl~F_l~l'il, that tl~ party of the tim part, in consideration of Ten Oolinr~ and ~ valuable comidemion paid ~u~en~ore and asalSm of the party of the sec~d pnn fmever, ALL that certain plot, piece or laWeel of land. with the heilding~ ~ improvements Iberenn cnw. ted, situate, lying and bein$ at East Marion, Town of So,__,c~old, Coumy of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point o~ the somberly side of Main Rond, nlm known as Main S~ue Road at the int~rs~:tien of tl~ no~lhe~tefly com~ of ~ hind fomaerly of 0~ E.~tate of T~rry Vnil. now or formerly lend of Dio..~..rud and Ihe north- wcs~rly wmer of premk~ herein d~:fihed; RUNNING THENCE North 4.9 degree~ 46 minutes Ea~ ainng d~ soolhefly side of said Main Road. 83. I foet to the northwesterly corner of land formerly of Chatins Mallison now or formerly of RackeR: THENCE So~h 27 deg~e~ 20 minules Fast. along the Izzt mention~l land 262.25 feel to land now or formerly of Mary Thk"ring~,r; THENCE South 48 deg~es 48 minutes 30 s~on~ West along the l~t rmntioned land, 83.25 ft~t to ~u~ afon,'said land now or fomm'ly of Diesemd; THgNCE North 27 d~lt~e~ 22 mh~t,,~ 40 at~,'ond.~ West, along the laswt mentioned land, 263.67 feet to the southerly $id~ of ll,,e afor~aid Main Rmzt at the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the ~atnc pnn~ses conve~ to the patty of the first part and Rohen M. Hulse by {k'ed dalai ~e 1Sa day of July, 1969 and ns:ordeal at Liher 6.589 Pase 361 in the reena'ds of ~1~ ~utlblk County Clerk. Known as and by 8520 Main ~,~t. East Marion, New York TOGETHE.R with all right, t/fie ~md imerest, if any, of fl~ party of the first pa~: in and m eny sm~,s and roads abmtin8 the nl~ve d~-'rihed premiss ~o Ih~ center line~ thereof: TOGETHER wJ~. Iht apponenme~ and all esute and rights of tl~ party of ~e first pan in and m ~aid ptem]sen; TO HAVE. AND TO HOLD ~he preml.~s her~n granted unto thc party of ~be second pan, the h~ire or _~,_~t _~"~o~ and assigns of the pray of thc second part AND ~e party of tl~ tim part c. ova~ that tl~ pa~y of~ first pan has no~ do~e or suffered anlnifin8 whereby the sa~d premises hnve been enenmhered in ~ny way wh*~,,ve~-, except as afon~sald. AND the pmiy of ~ first pan in enmplimce with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the p~ly of the tim part wJU ~ the eonald~ration for this con~yame and wiU hold the right to re~ivc such comiderafion as a trust fund to be applied first for the pu~o~ of paying the en~ of the hnpmvermau andl will apply die same lira to the payment of the cent of the improvement before ualng any pall of dW Iotal of the ~ame for any clther propose. Tl~z work* "p~ty' sl 'mil be ~.xan,l~ucd as if it ,~ 'v~nie~" wlm~v~ Ga: ~-ti:~ ur thib hn~'mtu~ so r~xluir~. IN WITNg~.g WHEREOF, the party of the tim pan has duly executed this clem ~ day and year tim above written. In Presence of: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ~>0~0 LJL. SS.: #~ O~ 004634870 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS.: On ~u: d~y of 19 , before me petsomdly caune to me kmvm, who being by mg duly sv, om, did depose and say that he p-*~ at No, ;that be is tbe of n~h ~pomc ~; ~ ~ w~ m ~m~ b~ o~ of th~ beard of directors of ~id ix~porafion, and Ihal be si .~ed h ~ thereto by libe order.' STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF PATE OF NEW YORK. COU~O'Y OF SS.: ~n the day of 19 , befo~ me, the ur,~rsi~.d, personadly appeared ~ nl~c~i~ wilr~ ~o the for~'T, oi~ ~, w~ wbem I am perseeally acqualmed, who bein~ by me duly sworn, did ~ ~s) m ~ ~ ~ ~o. (~ITCtAIM DEED JANIS B. HULSE TO JEFFREY B. HULSE & CAROL KALIN AS TRUSTEF~ OF THE JAMS B, HULSE IRREVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST 03100 0700 COUSTY on TOW~ SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: Jeff B. Hulse, 900 Route 111 Suitg 265 Hauppauge, New York ! 1788 Numar o~ pn~ TORRENS ~ral#. ~crtificate #. Prior Ctf. ,q Deed / I~.a~e In~tmment 41 Page / Filing Fee Handling 'rP-584 ( __ Deed / Mo~gase Tax Stamp FEES Nolation EA-52 17(Coumy) ~"/' __ SubTotal l~l~' EA-5217 (State} -~ ~ Comm. of Ed. 500 Affidavit Ccrlified Copy Reg. Copy OIh.r /,~* Sub To~! /c~ ~'''''' GRAND TOTAL ~ [ Real Property'l~x Service ASmey Verifiemi~ I Dist. I ..~tiot' I nh,,J, ,.,,, Stamp 1000 03100 0700 004000 LMIe Inilialt 7.~tisfactions/Discha'-r~R~l~'List Property ~.Owners Mailinll Addres~ RECORD & RETURN TO. RECORDED Sop 16 02:21s;~ PH Ed~tard P.R~irm CLEI~ OF ~JFFOLK r.~l~lT~' L ~qO12409 P 7~? DT# 05-070~ Recording I Filing Slamps Mo~gage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. A~dilionnl Tax Gub Total SpecJAssiit. 0r Spec. IA~=L TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Coomy,~ Ileld rot. Aplmrtionme~, Transfer Tax ~ Mansion 'Fax The prope~y coveted by this moflgnge is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling c~ly. 'eF~q or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on p,~ga # of'this insm~menl. 7_c~'_ Of J6 Community Preservation Fund , 9 Improved Vacant Land TD TD TD c~ . J S J Title Company Information ' J Suffolk County Recor&ng & Endorsement Page TO ]'his J:x~'e fonrls pert of'lbo attached ~ ~ made by: (S 'I~_CIFY TYPE OF INS'JRUIVlb~I') 'lhe ixcmises he.in is situattxl in SUFI.DLK COLIN'I'Y, NEW YOIUC In the 'ro~ship of In the VILLAGE IR)XES $1HRU 9 MUST BE 'IYPI:.D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, (oven) SUFFOL~ COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PJ~E Type o£ Znst~ument= DEED~/DDD ~,~r of Pages= 3 ReceipC ~,m~er = 05-0097494 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-07097 1000 Daa~ ~unt: Section: Block: 031.00 07.00 mWAM~NEDAHD CKARGEDAS FOLLOMS $o.o0 Received the Following Fees For Above InebL~unent Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NY8 SRC~G E~-CTY $5.00 NO ~-8T&TE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cerb. Cop2ee ~ S30.00 NO SC'I'M Trn~e£er tax $0.00 NO CflMm.Pres Fees PaAd TRAHHFER TAX I~MBBR: 05-07097 THIS PAGE ZB A PART OF THE INS?RIPeST THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded: Edward P.Romaino County Clark, Suffolk 09/16/2005 LZBER: PAC~E: 004.000 $5.00 $lS.0O $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo SO.OO $~49.00 D00012409 787 NO NO ,NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLy WHEN wRrrlNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: h~tp://~nNw.orps.state.ny, uB or PHONE (518) 47:3-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE O,L¥ I ,/ '~'2 ~ C~ ~;J REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C',.SW,SCod,, I'"'r~ /~'-~'~ ~'l '", -/I 'qudr . =.__-.~.__, /.~. ~.~, rc......, 7, ~'. 7' '! ~ RP-.,....,.,..,5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION I I I I ...,. ,,.... -- ,.,,r. ,. .. . ,o . -- r"..,.--~ L IxI Io"1 .~0. O. . I ~n~''~,~,d~'~,~,,~,U,p~,~," [] .= i I C D i I hid TI~ II01Wll~ a' Bil~lln ind SIIll (Spictly Bdow) ~10nifl~nt Change Ire I~opmty BaewaMt Ta~i~e Status and Sale Oatm S~Io of OuatMm Is Ineludecl in S~O Pflca I ASBESSMENT INFORMA'rIoN - Dina ~hould r~lsct ~le law F~nal ~ment Roil and Tax Bill 20, TU MIp Idln~ ,/Ild~ Idl~l) III mom hn bt, itlldl M wllJI iddaell kldl~) I I I I I CERTIFICatION I SELLER BUYER'~ ATTORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY