Minutes of Meeting held
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Chris Baiz Lillian Ball
Ray Huntington Eric Keil (7:28-9:28 p.m.)
Members Absent: Michelle Zaloom, Monica Harbes
Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison
The meeting began at 7:12 p.m. with four LPC members present.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Acceptance of meeting minutes
The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION.
Applications and Inquiries:
C.W. FRANCIS & SON, INC. PROPERTY (Orient Reserve)
SCTM #: 1000-19-1-14.7 Zoned: R-80/R-200
Location: 32400 Rt 25, Orient CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 26.5 acres (GIS 26.8 acres) Subdividable: Yes
PDR application. Reviewed appraisal. [executive session]
Melissa Spiro gave background information of project application. Appraisal reviewed by Committee.
MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by Lillian Ball, to direct Melissa Spiro to present a purchase
offer to landowner, C.W. Francis & Son, Inc., for ±17 acres development rights easement. The offer is
based on a survey by Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor, dated 8/23/05, revised plan as of 6/23/08
showing an 80/60 conservation subdivision. The placement of any future agricultural structures will be
restricted within the easement area to the area shown on said survey as being within the R-80 zoning
district. No agricultural structures will be allowed within the area identified as being in the R-200
zoning district. The purpose of the acquisition will be for farmland protection and scenic protection.
Motion carried: 5/0
SCTM #: 1000-108-4-1.1 Zoned: A-C, R-40
Location: 18625 Rt 25, Mattituck CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 23.8 acres (GIS 23.8 acres) Subdividable: Yes
PDR application. Reviewed appraisal. [executive session]
Melissa Spiro gave background information on project application. Applicant met with Melissa and
has amended his original application to now offer a ±20.8 acre development rights easement to the
Town seeking to retain a 3 acre Reserved Area around the existing residential structure. Appraisal
adjustment update letter reviewed by committee.
MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to direct Melissa Spiro to present a
purchase offer to landowner, Dr. Damianos, for a ±20.8 acre development rights easement at a value
per buildiable acre withinappraisal adjustment update letter dated 8/15/08. There will be no
agricultural structure restrictions within the easement area. The purpose of the acquisition is for
farmland protection.
Motion carried: 4/0
Eric Keil not present for vote.
SCTM #: 1000-53-1-6.1 Zoned: LI
Location: 475 Pipes Neck Rd, Greenport CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 11.61 acres Subdividable: Yes
Fwet: 7.63 acres
Open Space Acquisition. Reviewed appraisal. [executive session]
Melissa Spiro gave background information on project application. Mark Terry (Planning Dept) and
others did a field inspection of the property and determined that approximately 3.42 acres is
considered buildable land. The property is located within the LI zoning district and within the Pipes
Cove Target Area. Appraisal was reviewed by committee.
MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to direct Melissa Spiro to present a
purchase offer to landowners, the Pekunka Family, for a fee title purchase of property for open space
preservation purposes at a value within thatdetermined by appraiser. Offer will not include area of
approximately 80,000 sq. ft. that includes the residential home and other structures as this area is to
be subdivided from parcel. Purchase offer will not be presented to landowner until the Land
Preservation Coordinator has had an opportunity to meet with the Town Board for their input on this
property acquisition.
Motion carried: 5/0
General Items:
CPF Plan Update of Eligible Parcel List
Five additional lots are to be added to the Community Preservation Project Plan list, including the
Ficner property.
1. SCTM #1000-95.-4-6.1 (8.3 acres)
2. SCTM #1000-31.-1-5.9 (7.9 acres)
3. SCTM #1000-120.-3-12 (7.1 acres)
4. SCTM #1000-41.-1-1 (0.58 acre)
5. SCTM #1000-115.-12-1 (0.19 acre)
CPF Management and Stewardship Plan for 2008
As required by State Law, the CPF Management and Stewardship Plan for 2008 will be presented to
the public at a Public Hearing on a Local Law scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 2008.
Update from 4:00 p.m. Stewardship Meeting re: 2009 CPF Management and Stewardship Plan
Melissa Spiro gave brief update on Stewardship Meeting.
Ray Huntington commented that the LPC should succinctly state and make clear its preservation
intentions on each parcel recommended.His hand-out entitled “Town of Southold LPC Preserve
Intentions: 8/30/08 was distributed to LPC members.
LPC Preserve Intention.xls”
MOTION made by Ray Huntington to adopt report he prepared entitled “Town of Southold LPC
Preserve Intentions: 8/30/08
LPC Preserve Intention.xls”.
Motion was not seconded.
State Grant RFP – Projects
State grant proposal deadline is September 15, 2008 and two projects are needed. Three projects
were reviewed for inclusion in grant proposal and two were selected. Melissa, Melanie and John will
proceed with preparing grant proposal using projects approved by LPC for submission.
The members re-entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION.
MELISSA SPIRO’S CONFIDENTIAL STATUS REPORT [executive session re: status of offers]
Melissa’s confidential status report distributed and reviewed.
2008 CPF Stewardship Plan – Town Board Public Hearing September 9, 2008
WESNOFSKE – Town Board Public Hearing September 9, 2008
CPF Plan Update – Town Board Public Hearing September 23, 2008
FICNER – Town Board Public Hearing September 23, 2008
Next Regular Meeting:
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 2, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Town
Hall Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. by the four remaining members.
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Committee Secretary