HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 356WCB-2 Rev. ~uniform Olaf. lO00 Sac. 031.0~[ elk. 12.OD Lot. OOl.O0( CONSULT TO~I I. AWYrdl glPOllg SI~MING THIS INSTIll/MOlT--THIS INSTIIUMB~ SHOULD BI USlIO 6~¥ LAWYII$ ONLY. B~ Nancy Ed.er and William Emerson, residing at 3 Washington Squ.are Village, # 14 I, New York, New York lOOZE ~yoft~ef~t~,~ William Emerson, residing at 1~ West 1Eth Streets Apt 12 A, New York. New York IOOll ~ tl~z the pa~ of tim I~m i~rt, in comMemdon of Ten l~.llars and ~hK ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ t~e ~ ~, ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ un,o t~ ~.y of or su~M~ ~ ~ of ~e ~y at t~ ~ ~ l~m~ ~as~ Me.ion, Town o~ Sou~hold. County o~ Suffolk end State of Ne~ York, Bounded end deacrtbed as BEGINNING at a point on tho westerly aide oF a privets right oF way (known aa Truman's Path), 2S feet more or lees wide ehioh point of beginnins ia the following two courses From the point where amid private right of way intersects the southerly aide of Main Road; (1) southerly along the westerly al~a of the private right of way, 517.B7 Feet to s point; (2) South 88 17' 10" West, 18.B3 Feat to the point of beginning and from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE alor~g the westerly eida OF the privet% right oF way South 31 32' 80? East, 136.BE Feets thence South SE 56' 20" West EGO Feet ~o Marion Lakes thence northweaterIy alesG the shore line of Marion Lake, ~4ES Feet; thence North gE~ 17' 10" East 310 Feat to the westerly aide of the private right of way, at the point or piece of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with ali right, title and interest of, ~n and to the lend under Mmrion Lake abutting the premises. TOGETHER with a right of way over said strip of lend E5 Feet er more in ~idth along the easterly l~ne of the premises, extending southerly about!. SSO Feet From the aoutheaatari'y morner of the premises, and thence southwesterly about 335 Feat to said Marion Lake; and extending northerl~ From maid southeasterly corner about 141 Feat to amid lend of Billman and continuing northerly lg Feet in width over other land cf Edna Brown and ].and of GriFFing to the Main Road, along land Formerly of F.M, Neloh. TOSETHEB with e right of way aless the westerly line of land of Edna A. Brown From the westerly end of the above described r~ght of way southerly about ESO Feet to the Beys said right of way being 10 Feet in width at the northerly snd and about 80 Feet ~n width at the south- erly end. BEING AND INTENDED TO SE the Game premises conveyed to the party of the First part by deed dated February B, 13B3, recorded 4/20/93 at Llber llB~G Page 086, in Suffolk County Clerks OFFice. TOGET}IER with nil right, t?e u~ garret, if any, of t~ ~rty of thc first I~rt in and to any st~s ad ~ds nhutti~ the a~ve de~r~bed pr~dses Io the cemer li~s ~ereo~; TOG£TIIER w~h t~ appu~enp, n~es nnd ~11 the e~ ~nd ri~h~ o~ the ~rty ~ t~ ~rst ~ ~ and to ~ ~i~; TO HAVE AND ~O IlOL~ the.premiss ~eln ~r~t~ unto ~ ~y of ~e ~nd ~, ~e ~ts or su~r~ ~ ~ns ~ t~ ~y ~ t~ ~nd ~ fo~r. -- ~o' ~r~a J J .... ~ me nlq ~s nam ~ e=um~r~ m ~y way why'er, c~*n'~M. "~ ~ ~t~ fir~ ~fl,. in ~pli~n~ with ~ 13 ~ t~ Lien ~w, ~ t~t t~ ~v ~ ~e~rs~~i~ t~ consid~t~ for this ~nv~ and will ~ld t~ ri~t M r~ive s~ ~- ~,a9 ~ trust ~ to ~ ~pli~ first for ~he ~ of ~ t~ ~t of t~ impro~ent and will a~ly Y .... ~ . ~e n~r(I "~y" shall ~ ~n~ ~ ii it r~ "~flics" w~ver t~ ~ of ~b i~tu~ M r~. ~ ~ ~ t~ ~rty of t~ Erst ~ ~ du~ ex--ted ~ d~ tb ~y ~ year fiut ~ ~itten. William ~merson · STATE OF N£W YOBK) o ?wl, ~ [o ~ thc i~iv~s) ~ ~1) il (~) ~ ~ the ~thin i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ._ on Eq)lrm l/~lll6~lagaek~mekd~mmt For a~hnowledEment~ taken in New York State: State. Dbtflct of CoiumbM. Tent~ry, PMse~lon. or Foruip Couutry STATE OFNEW YORK) COUNTY OF ~0~ ~ ~': On thc ~ cl~y of ~ ~.._~ in ~ ~f~ me. ~hc ~,~ly~M~ ~ m ~ t~ ~i~s) who~ n~s) is (~) · c ~ ~ ~ ~1~ tO ~ that hi--ir IJ~s) ~ ~ ~n~ I~ iMi~l(s), or the ~, ~ ~alf of~h ~e iMivid~l(s) ~ cx~ On the ___ (by of__ in the yeor befo~ me. the mdersi~ned, pomoually appotred personally, known to me oF proved to me o~ the bse~s of smist'&~t-~ evidence to be the Individmd(a) whose nnmets) is (are) subscribed to the ' w,hin iMfi'ument sn~ Kknowledg~ to me thru he/~hey execut~l the nme in h~'her/thelr c~pKity(ies), that by h]s.~cf/their si~nmurc(s} off the Ms~rumen:. the ied]vidunl(s), oF the pe~on upon behlf of which the individual(s) acted, exccuted the insmlmem, and thru such inthvidml mede such sppca~flce before the undeuJgnoJ th the . (fnsefl the city or other political subdivision end the s~atc or coufl~y or other pi~ce the mknowiedsTnem wu rnken). For acknc,wlmdgmen~ liken ouBIda of New Yod: SUite. Slpnture and Of~ce of Individual taking acknowledgment W[ll'[ COVENANT AGAINST CKAN'I'OR'~ TITL! SL~ION 031.00 12.00 LOT OOl.O00 TO Willier~ Emeraion First American T~tle lnzun2nce of Ne~ York Thoman A. Ompr, Box 57H Shei~er Z~lend, Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # __ P~or Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page I Filing F~ Handling 5. O0 TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 ICounty) EA-5217 (Stute) R.P.T.S.A. ---~:~ C~ Comm. of Wi. S. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp ]:EES Sub 'Tmal Sub Total Grand Total iL'~C~ Recording I .Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax 'Sub Total Spec./Assit. or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appoinm~ent Trnnsfer Tax C~ ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be i~pmved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this imarumenl. 4 Section Block Lot Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 05038108 zooo 03~clo =200 oozooo Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owner~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Suffolk Community Preaervatlon Fund Consideration Amount $ ~'~' CPF Tax Due $ ~.~, Improved Vacant Land TD Title Information Co. Name Title # & Endorsement f'~/(~! ~'L') ~'/L (SPEClFYTYPE OF INSTRUM~) ~ p~mi~s heroin is situnt~ in (~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~;" ~ In. VILLAGE ~ HAM~ of ~ ~ THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN I'~D IN BLACk: INK ONLY PRIOR ~ RECORDING OR (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instz~,m~t: DEEDS/DDD l~mher Of Pages: 3 Receipt Number ; 05-0100720 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-08341 D4str4ct:: 1000 Deed Amount Section~ Block: 031.00 12.00 EXAMZNEDAND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $228,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Fl. llng $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYE SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TF-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies RPT $30.00 NO ECTM Transfer tax $912.00 NO Co~.Pres TRANSFER. TAX NUMBER: 05-08341 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF ~-ku; INSTHUM~T THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Su£folk County Recorded; 09/26/2005 At: 12;37z49 PM LZBER: D00012411 PAGE: 356 Lot; 001.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO 80.00 NO $1,560.00 NO $2,621.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/l www. orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 C2. Dat. Oe.dRecmded I~/~" /,~7~-- I STATEIIO~OFR~ALPflOPIERTYSERVlCES =..oo, RP - 5217 PROPER'I~ INFORMATION I '. ~"~ 5~0 Truman ' s Path 2. e~ [ Emerson I william j I__ I ] mlrl.o if ~hef thru bl,'~Br Balm (~t boaom ~ form) I I J ,lB. Sulx~,~. AI~ml warn Requinxl b Tra~ex [] 1 3 0 I on I , ,.~., · , I ,,c.~,,.~,~p,~ ~,?s~,io. ~,,~ ~ [] P-~,~ I __Jxl [ Emerson I I Nancy j William SALE INFORNIATION I ASSESSMENT IN~RMA~ON - Data should ~1~ the la~ Final ~mment Roll a~ Tax BHI I 11000-031.00-12.00-001. I I I I I CERTIFICATN)N I BUYER 15 W. 12th St,#12A I NY NY 1001 I BUYER'S ATTORNI~y Carr JI Thomas 631 749 0322 NEW YORK STATE COPY