HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 93CONSULT YOUR, LAWYER BEFORE ,lilGNIN .G !.rills INSl'RUMENT-THI8 INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY ~R8 ONLY THIS INDENTURE, madethe I0 day of August, 2005 BETWEEN ITA LOUISE PAM. residing at 32Hedgerow Lane, Jericho, NY 11753, as executrix of the last will and testament of Rebecca A. Wintor, (Suffolk County Surrogate's Court File No. 1266P21X)5), late of East Marion, New York, deceased, party of the first part, end ITA LOUISE PAM, residing at 32! Hedgerow Lane, Jeflcho, NY 11753 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that Ihs party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and tastantent, and in consideration of paragraph SECOND of the Last Will and Testament of Rebecca A. Wintan dated August 7, 2000 and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the pan'y of the second part, the helm or successors and assigns of ~ party of the second pad forever, ALL that cortain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buiklinga and Improvements thereon erected, sRuete, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, end State of New York, bounded and described os follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of West lane distant 225 feet southerly from the corner formed by the intersecgon of the weetedy side of West Lane with the southerly side of North Lane; RUNNING THENCE South 31 de~'ees 01 minutes 30 seconds East along the wastady side of West Lane 100 feet; THENCE South 58 degrees 58 nlinUtes 30 seconds West along land now or formerly of Therp 125 feet to the ' eastady side of Sylvan Drive; THENCE North 31 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds West along the eestady side of Sylvan Drive 100 feet; THENCE Nmth 58 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds East along land now or formerly of Bushmenn, formerly of Certs. t25 feet to the westady clcle of Wsat Lane and the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO easements, covenants, or restrict;one of record, including whatever easement end beach rights on the beach along Gardlnem Bey are contained in a deed dated June 16. 1960 between Affred G. Edward and Betsy C. Edward, his wife, to grantees Ferdinand Neumer and Beatrlco M. Neumer, his wife, recorded in Llber 4829 cp 197, end deed made by Frank S. Thorp end L~e Johnson Thorp. his wife. to Ferdinand Neumer and Besbtce M. Neumor. his wife, recorded July 12, 1961 In Liber 5014 cp 469. BEING AND INTENDED TO Bi" the sams pranlises conveyed to JAMES J. WlNTON and REBECCA A. WlNTON, his wife, dated Novamlhar 4, 1965 end recorded in the Suffolk County Cidrk's Office on November 10. 1965 in Llber 5856 cp 361. TOGETHER with all right, I/tfe and Interest, If any, of the party of the first pet, In and ts any streets and reade abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had et the time of desedent'a death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the tirol part has or has power to convoy or dispose of, whether Individually. or by virlue of said will or o~so; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises heroin granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors end assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the r~t part has not done or suffered anythin'g whereby the said ptembes have been encumbered In any way whatever, ex~_~r t sa aforesaid. AND the party of the ff~t pert~ in compllanco with Ssotinn 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the considerbtlon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a th.~l fund to be applied first for the purposa of pay~g the co~t of the improvement and will apply the same first Io the payment of the cost of bhe Imprevomenl before using any part of the total of the same for any other Pu.'lx~e. The word 'party- shall be construed as If it read 'parties' whenever the saree of this indenture so requites. ,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above IN PRESENCE OF: TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE TO BE USED ONLY WEN THE A~DGMENT IS MADE GUI'BIDE NEW YORK ~TATF S~am (or DistKct of Columbia, Ten'itory, or For~Dn Counby) of On the day of in the y~r before me, the undm~gned, po~midly appoamd · ub~lbed to 1he wlthl, kwtmment .nd m:tv',owtedged to me Ulat he/lhe~ley o _,,~-,_ _,~1 the ~ame in hl~r ~), ~ that by lie/her/their signature(e) on the Instrument. 9m Indbtdual(e), or the person upon beimff of which the individual(s) acted. executed the In~AmleN, and th~l mJch Imf~Adu~l mm~ such ~flemance befo~ the un--ned In the In (mm~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ech~wv4edgment) EXECUTOR'S DEED Title No. ITA LOUISE PAM, as Executrix TO ITA LOUISE PAM DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 031.00 BLOCK 15,00 LOT 009.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRES~ R~;o,~ed at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RFTURN RY MAIL TO; J. KEVlN MCLAUGHLIN, ESQ. P.O, Box 1210 Southoid, NY 11971 Nu, mber or pa~es .-~ RECOR~ED 20~ Oct. 05 0J,;13m04 " TORRENS Edward P.Ro~aine O.EI~ OF S~riml # L Certificate ~ p ~iM Of. ~ ~ / M~e Ins~m~t ~ / ~ Tu S~ R~ / Filing S~ 4 ~ FEES ~ge I Filing F~ ~ ~ ~ Amt. ~dling ~ I. ~ Tax ~-5~ ~ 2. Additional T~ N~i~ ~ Sub Total ~-52 17 (County) L~ Sub '1'~1 ~JAssiL ~-5217 (S~) S~. 1Add. · P.T.S.~ TOT. MTG. TAX ~1 Town ~1 County ~ of ~. HeM fm A~ion~n~ A~vit ~sf~ T~ CmiFmd Copy M~sion T~ ~. C~y will be improved by a one o~two family  ~bT~l d~llin8 ~IY. ~h*r ~. ~ ~ ~ ~O.~ ~ ~l ~y T~ ~ ~ ~ifi~dm Con~unit~ Pre~mion Fund _ __ I.n~ SatisFn~ion~Di~el~ List P~ ~e~ Mailing Add~ TD R~RD A ~TU~ TO: ~. KEVZN HCLAUGHLIN, ESQ. TD P.0. Box 1210 TD Southold, NY ~]L~7~ s [ Title Company Information Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This ~ form~ pml o£1he attached DEED made by: (SPECIFY ~ OF IN$1R[JlvE~r) ITA LOUISE PAt4, as Executrix of the Last The premises heroin is situated in t4tll & Testament of Rebecca A. gtnton SUFFOLKCOUNri~,,NEWYORiC TO In the Tou~hip of SOUTHOL 0 ITA L0U I SE PAM In the VILLAGE or HAMLEt of EAST MARION BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PR[NJ ED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'lO RECORDING OR FILING. {OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inetrumentz DREDH/DDD Receipt ~,--~er z 05-0104706 TRANSFER TAX bUkIBER: 05-09707 District: 1000 Deed Amountl Recorded: LIBER PAGE Section: Block z 031.00 15.00 EXAMI~ ]~D CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 10/05/2005 01~13:04 PM Received the Fo11~ing Fees For Move instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYe SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO ~A-HTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO S~-~'~ Transfer tmx $0.00 NO C--.Pres lees Paid TRANSFER TAX NII~BRRs 05-09707 THIS PAGE X8 A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS Ig NOT A BILL D00012a, 13 093 Edward P.Rom~tne County Clerk, guffolk County Lot: 009.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $149.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO ipLEAsE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:ff www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNT¢ USE ONLY --.~ I c2. De'ti Cad Recorded ~~ t ~ 8TA'~ BOARD OF I CB.. RP'5217 ~'IFORMATION Ixl toni . .0.2. 5l Pan I [ta Loulse I I s~.E 'NFORN[ATION I / N/A / I i m /I)~ I 05 I L_ , ...... 0,01 13, Full ~ Pric~ I I ~ ~ · 14. MM thl Blue M pe,]meml I , , , 0 , l) I pretty Im,~NMd In th~ i i i ' I A-~B:~MENT INFCIRIVL~llON. Data ohoul~ roflKt the lotto Final Amssmont Roll and Tax Bill J None ~,ecute" s Deed I 1000-031.00-15 .(]0-009. 000 I I I I I I I ,.lericho I NY I 11753 BUYER'8 AI'rQRNEY ~Laughl tn I Kevtn 631 I 765-6O85 NEW YORK STATE COPY