HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 86,Wy 005 · Rar~mn nnd Sale I~eed with C'tw~aam adpdnm Ommur's ~ IndJvklmJ oe ~l,....fi(m ~ Sin~te Sheel) (,%IYWITJ 800~) (~O.'qSUI,T Y¢~JE i..A W,t T~q BEFORE XlG.~I NG TH~ LN'STR U M F. AIT - TH~q L~.~'T a t ~1 F..N'T SUOULD BE L.'q~i) H¥ IAWVF. I~ ().XLY THIS INDENTURE, made the26th day of August , in thc year 200S BETWEEN ANTHONY SANGIOVANNI and SHEILA SANGIOVANNI, his wife and JESSE SANGIOYANNI, all presently residing st 3S Fairway Drive, Bellport, NY I 1713 GEORGE BOGUSHE¥.gKY nnd JULIE*FTE VA$SILKIOTI, both pr~en'fl~y residing ut ~ Horton Hollow Road, Putnam VaUey, NY 10S79 party of the z'cofld part. WITNESSETH. that the ixmy of the first pan. in consideration ofTen Dolla~ and other valuable t~onsiderution paid by the pnny of the ~%'ond pan. does hereby grant and release unto the puffy of the second pan. the heiva or ~cce~qcax and assigns of the p~y of the sccond peri forever. ALL dui certain plot, piece or iz, ccl of ~ with the hoikti~ ~d intlxOvemeuts then.'co CA'clod, situate, lying and heing ~ ~e at East Marion, Towo of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and deseribed BE follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Bay Avenue where the northeasterly side of Bay Avenue is Intersected by the northwesterly side of lands now or formerly of Brundage; RUNNING THENCE North SS degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds East along the lands of Brundage, 70 feet to the sboreline of Marion Lake; THENCE northwesterly along the shoreline of Marion Lake on n tie line course and distance of North 47 degrees S9 minutes 10 seconds West, S4 feet; THENCE southwesterly along the sbordine of Marion Lake on a fie fine course and distance South 71 degrees S6 minutes 40 seconds West S9.49 feet to the point of Interseetion of the shoreline of Marion Lake with the northeasterly side of Bay Avenue; THENCE along the northeasterly side of Bay Avenue, South 34 degree~ 12 minutes 40 seconds East, 69 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises are also known as 20ltl Bay Avenue~ E. Marion, NY. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by the party of the first part by deed dated 7/31/03 recorded 8/26/03 in Llber12268 Page 672. TOGETHER with all fight, dUe and intere~c if any. of the puffy of the first pan of. in en~ to uny meels and _r~q___, abutting the ubovc-dnscrihed Iwcmir~s to the center lines thercof: TOGKTHF, R with thc appurtena~'e.s and all thc esutl~ and rights of thc party of the first pail in and to said ix~misns; TO HAW AND TO HOLD the premises herein pnnted unto the party of the becond parT. the heinz or sucens.qors and assigns of thc puffy of the second part forever. AND the party of the firn pon coveannrs tl~ the parly of the tim pan has an~ done or soffered anything whereby the said ~mises have becn incurnhen~l ia nny way whut~**.er, ex,'ept as aJ*oresnld. AND the p&rty of the fir~ pofl. in ~ wilh Section I 3 of the Lien law, COWLS thut the puffy of the £u*st part will receive the cons]deretion for this conveyance and will hold the dpt to receive sanh consiuerefion ns a mt fund to be applied first for the purpo~ of paying the ~.'~t of Ihe improvement and will apply the same firsi to the paymem of the cast of the :rnlwovement he fore nsina any part of the toutl of the same for any other poqxae. The word "pafly' sh~ll he constr~cd as if il rend "parties- whenever the sense of thLq indenture ~o requi~,~ WrFNESS_W~O K thc puny of thc fi~ paJ~ has duly cxe~utcd this deed the d~y and ycar t'tr~ above written. IN Stme of New York. County of Suffolk }ss.: v~Of August in thc y~r 2005 evidenc~ to be the mdfvidua](~) whozg name. s) ts (an:) ~ubb.Mbed lo t~ within i~m~. ment nfld admowk'd~cd to me that .be/.sJ~. execuuxl ~ same m his/'ncfAhcir capacity{k.s), nad tl~ by h~s/her/thHr ,~lgnomrc~s) (m Ibc iP.,dmmem, the indi~mJ(s), or dte ImSOn upon bcl~f ef which thc indi,~lual(s) ncl~L ~dad the irL~mmcnL ,4. DF~ISE F. BURN8 Nomv/pub~. ~l~te of New Y°d( NO. 48~280 Ouonflod in Soffolk OountY Commlado~ Expires 8op~ber ~0.2oo6 ( hwert dw city or oOwr politioJI e~]~;_~.~,~Ofl ~ tk~ ..vMte or ~YP-~U~/ or otlwr ptace t~e acknowledgn~t 'nm taken). IIARGAIN & ~AI,E DEFt) Trrt~ A~2 LandAmerlem #RHOS30387'7 ANTHONY SANGIOVANNI, SHEILA SANGIOVANNI & JESSE SANGIOVANNI TO GEORGE BOGUSHEVSKY & JUI,IETTE YASSILKIOTI FIDELITY NATIONAl. TITLE INSURANCE. OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK DIS~Z~iC.'T 1000 S~c-rmn 031.00 nux-g 17.00 Lot 002.000 ¢(~.Yt~ o~'l~)w.~ Suffolk, Southold Flddl~ Natlom] Tllb Inmmm~ Comlumy of New York KEVIN MCLAUGHI.IN, ESQ, WINDSWAY PROFESSIONAL CENTER 44210 ROUTE 48 ~)UTHOLD, NY I I~YT! Numbe~ °f PaSes ~ TORRENS Serial # Cenific~c Prior 2005 Sep 0~ 01s47-'41 Pti EOaard P, Romaine ELB~K OF SUFFOLK COUNTy L DO(X)I 2,10g P086 DT# 0r-u-0~?21 ~ I Marts~e Imlr~meet 4 II Page/Filing Fee I Im~dling TP-$84 Nolatio~ ~A-52 17 (~umy) Deed I Me~lqle Ta~ Simp FEF_.3 Sub Total Mongege Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Trix Sub Total SpecJAs~dt. Or EA~$2 ] 7 (Slate) R.P,T..~LA, Comm. of F.d. Cmified Copy Rql. Copy O~ Slam Date fnitin 7 ] Satiifaedom/Dhehmltm/Re[eases Usl Ptoperl7 Owners Miffing Addresa RECORD & RE?UI~N TO: SpeeYAdd. DuaITowa ~ Dual Held rmApponio~n~ -~.~ or will ~ ~ by a ~ ~ ~o ~ily ~ Y~. or ~NO ,~ ~ ~ ~ i~nt. 0 911 o o 2 Comm~i~ P~at~n Fund CPFTu ~ S ~,~ Impmv~ 91 KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN, ESQ. WINDSWAY PROFESSIONAL CENTER 44210 ROUTE 48 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 rsi Co. Name J Title # SUFFOI,K COUNTy RECORDING ~' ENDORSEME/~T PAGE Vacnm Land ID TD Title Company Inhrmatlon LandAmed~ Co~nmlwealth Trde ins. Co. This pa§e forms pan of the nttnched Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ANTHONy 8AN~IOVANNI, 8NEILA 8ANOIOVANNI The p~mit, cs hee~in i~ situated in & JESSE SANGIOVANNI SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. To __ GEORGE 8OGUSHEVSKy & In the Town~ip ot~ JULIETTE VAS~LKIOTI la the VILI.AGE or IIAMLET of __ made by: BOXES S THRU 9 MUST aK TYPED OR PRLNrfED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (ov~i SUFFOLK COUEi/~ cr.~I~K RECORD80FFZC~ R~CORDi'NG PAGE ~ of TnltZ~e~tZ D~,SUB/DDD Numbe= of Panel z 3 ReceJ4~ ~,~e= ~- 05-0094255 TI~ANSFER TAX NU~BEI~: 05-05721 1000 Beot.:Lon8 '~lo,',k ~ 031. O0 1'7. O0 · :g.R~ZNF, D ~D Cli,M~g'lm~ AH FOLLOWB $&?O, 000. O0 Received ~he Follo~ng FeeE For ~ Zn.tr~me~ TEZB PAGE X8 A PAP,.T OF ~ 7..~8TRUMlZlaT T~Z8 Z8 NOT & BZLT,, At. 8 09/08/2005 01847141 ~ LZBER: PA~E: 002.000 $5.00 $15.00 $'75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $6,&00.00 $8,429.00 D00012&08 086 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Fo. cou,n~ use o.,v C~, D~te D~d RegMded ~ REAL PROPF-RTY TRANSFER REPORT STA~ OF NEW yORK RP - 5217 I Bay Avenue I I 11939 I Ceorse I JultetCe Roll pm~ds tmu#n~d mt lhe dMd L SlIIM L Sangtovanni I Io. ly II Pm M · I'unm~ Ch~k m tb~ .pldln 1o~[ o 81 4B' Subcft%4s~n Acor°vut wm Requbed b' Trirfbr [] I Anthony & She£1a [ L Sangiovanni I Jesee A H C D E F G H 1 j' INFORMATION - Dsm should relict tho la/e~ Find ,~mem Roll and Tox Bill w P~vc~.- i2, 6, ~-L.J u.b~w~[ Oyster Ponds School ~ , , ½ , , 1, 7, O, 01 I 1000-031.00-17.00-002.000 J I [ I I I [ t,t H, ,PICAllON I BUYF. q l 8/26/05 2015 ] Bay Avenue Nar:ion I I~ I LL939 ~ELLER - HcLaughLln i Keviu 631 I 765-6085 NEW YORK STATE COPY