HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 55I00O .00 CCINSULT YOUR LAWYER BGI:ORE BIOHINGI THIS INBTRLIMGNT-THIB INITNUMENT ihqou LD BE USED BY lAWYERS OI~II.Y. TI-lIS INDENTURE, made the 15.th day of June, Two Thousand five B2'TWEBN CONSTANTINOS M. 7-F-RVOS and HEDWIG 71~RVOS, husband and wife, residing at 15925 Main Road, East Marion, New York 11939, party of the tim pan, and JOYCE ORRIGO, residing at 130 Staulcy Drive, Centercach, New York 11720, party of the second pan, WITNESSETH, that the party of thc first part, in consideration often Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by thc patty of the second paR, does hereby grant and release unto thc party of th*.' second pa~, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pa~y of the second part foreve!, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings mid improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BI:GINNING at a monument on the northerly line of Main Road (New York State Route ~) where the bounda~ line between lands now or formerly of Jayne Estate, now or formerly of Baker and the land herein described intersects the northerly line of Main Road (New York Su~ Route 25), said monument also being at the southwest corner of the herein described RUNNING THENCE along the boundary line between the herein described land and the land now or formerly of Jayne Estate,, now or formerly of Baker and Shilder, North 21 deKrees 21 minutes 10 seconds west, 453.92. feet to a monument at the northwesterly corner of the herein de. scribed lands; THENCE along land now or formerly of Jayne Estate, North 55 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 125.00 feet to a monument at the northeasterly corner of the herein described lands; THENCE along the land now or formerly of Michclakis, South 20 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds East, 462.52 feet to a monument and the said northerly line of Main Road (New York SUite Route 25); · TltENCE along the northerly line of Main Road (New York State Route 25) in a southwesterly di~rection on a curve to the right having a radius of 2259.01 feet a distance of 119.87 feet to a monument and the point or place of BEGINNING. TGGETHER with an easement over a strip of land 10 feet wide immadiatcly adjoining thc herein described land on the northeast over the northern portion of the land now or formerly of Michelakis. TGGETHER with a right-of-way over a strip of land 7-1/2 feet side immediately adjoining the herein describe 10 foot wide easement on the north and extending to Long Island Sound, to be used in common with others. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 5/26/98, nad recorded 6/30/98, in the Ol~ce of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 11901, Page 958. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any sti~ets and ro~ds abutting the alxwe described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in ~ to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the pat~y of the first part covemmts that the patty of the first part has not done or suffered anything whe~by the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the fa'st part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that tlu: ~ of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to he applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party" shall be constru,.'d as if it read "pa~ties" whenever the sense of this indenture so ~luires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part 'has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. HEDWIG Z~]~/O$ STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS.: COUNTY OF S Ulr-']:OLK) On the lSth day of June. 2005, berfore me, the undersilP~J, personally appeared Constantinos M. Zg.rvos and Hedwig Zervos, personally known to mc or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s)~a~) subscribed to the within instrument and aClmowledged to me that I~'t/ff~ey executed the same in aiavae~,heir capacity(ies), and that by ~.bi~q~'t/their signature(s) on thc instrument, thc individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which thc individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. M.K.M. ABSTRACT SERVICES INC. 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 427 (,516) 742.-4700 N~mber of pages L~ TORRENS Sefls/# Prior Cfi. i~ Deed / Mortgage Inshmmont 31 Page ! Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. O0 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp lB.-ES Notation EA-52 17 (County) · EA-5217 (Stat~) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Affidavit Cea'tiffed Copy NYS Surcharg~ O~er Sub Total 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total ~._~ - 1000 022100 0100 011003 [ Safiafaafions/Disehatges/Releases List Property Owner~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Lawrence J. Spada, Esq. 6,1 Smithtown BLvd. Szaithtown, New York 11787 2005 J,.n-, 29'10:16{24 Eck~ard P, Romaine CI.I~ 0g ~UFFOLK L I)00012:5'95 P 055 DT# 04-46869 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub 'l'ot~l $1x~..t^~it. Sp~c./Add. 1'01: Mq~3. TAX Du~ Town Dual County __ Held for Appoinm~,.nt Tn,nsfnr Tax /---~L0-.~ Mansion Ta~ __ Tho proper~ ¢ov~'ed b~, thi, mortgage is or will t~limprow, d by a one or two family dw~ling only. YES ~_~ or NO If NO, ,e~ a~propriate ta~ clause ou pag~ # ._~of this ios-'ument. Community l~eservatton CPF Tax Due $ ~;,-~/) C~ Improved Vacant Land 'rD TD TD 1'7 { Title Company Information ICo. NameFirst Ameriqah Title [Ti~e#MICM-~-241~q IMKM Abstractl Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms paux of the attach~J -~ deed (SPECIFY TYpF OF ]NSTR~EN~ ~e p~ h~in is sima~ in SU~LK CO~, ~W YORK. CONSTANTINOS M..igERVO$ and HEDWIG ZERVOS, his wife, made by: 'FO \ In Omc Township of g~ut-hold JOYCE ORRIGO ',' In the VILLAGE Orient or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE'TYPED OR PR. LNTF_.D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.~NG. (over) GT]~PFOLK COONTY CLERK ~ECOZUlB OFFZC~ Z.~COZU~Z~I ~JLGE Typo of Inl~FunonCs Mt "m'l~B:r Roae~p~ MumboF s 05-0067851 TRANSIP~ TAX N~MBER: O&-&686g 1000 ~aozdocl~ ~ ~t ~ SecC~on: BloGk 023.00 01.00 $760,000.00 06/29/2005 10s16t24 AM Receivo~. the Following Foes l~r Above Xnl~z'umen~ TXANSr]s~ TAX ~i~B~t 04-&6869 THI8 PAGE IH A PART OiP T~B ZNSTK~iENT THIB IS NOT A BILL D00012395 055 Edward P.Rmmine County Clerk, Su£folk Lotz 011.003 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $12,200.00 $15,392.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~! www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~ou.~ JFOR USE ONLY ...-~ , ~, 1, ~..~, ,~. Y,.. ] ~ ~ P. OPE~ ~S..E~ · , -r -, "~ ' -~"' RP - 5217 "~L 15925 I Main ~.oact L Southold I East Marion I 11939 z.~ L Orriqo I Joyce Zervos Zervos L I~1 .... 1 .2 .8 f I I Constantinos M. I Hedwig I I 7 60 0 0 0, , , ~ , , ~ , .o Ol (Full Sail Prk4 is t~ total amou~ paid for the prOl~ incka Jir, g personal pro~Qer ry. A~MENT INFORMATION - Data should re~ae~ tho latest Final Ass~pament Roll and Tax Bill 1LYId~dAMlllmm~Ro~from I 0 ,4 I 17. TMllAmlIMdVMue(Midll)lmmMbbindlrl[ ~..,,,,(.,~c~-- !_2, 1,0 I-I I 1L~Ja~IDI~d~NM~ I Oyster ponds ,9 2 ,0 ' ½ , , ½ , ,01 I 1003-023.00-01.00-011 . 003 I I I D&IE BI)YER 5~pnjt~nt~os M. Zervos . ,ec~vos - Spade 631 BUYER'S ATrORNEY I Lawrence I 360-7800 NEW YORK STATE COPY