HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12424 P 948WCB-2 x Rev. 8/99 (uniform nck.! Dist. 1000 Sec. 24 Slk. 2 Lot 5 Ssandi~d N. Y. B.T.U. From 8002 L'OIr~SULT YOI/R MWVlll BIIOIJl ~ TStlS IldffY&II/MINT--'rMI~ #dSTBI/MIMT ~ Il {m my BAWlIIS OMLY. THI~iNDEAqTUR~madethe~{'~ {lay o{ ~c~gM~' ,inthcycar Reginald F. Tuthill and Ruth P. Tuthill 1025 Munn Lane Orient, NY 11957 2005 John H. Tuthill, Navy Street, Orient, NY 11957 Julia E. Tuchill, 1660 North LaSalle Street. Ste. 2201, Chicago, IL 60614 Carolyn J. Tuthill, 5565 Glen Ridge Connector, Ste. 1165R, Atlanta, GA 30342 as Tenants tn Conm~on party of the second part, ~ul by d~e pm. t3~ ~ .t~e sec?~l., part, does ~ra~t ~ re,e~e unto me party o, me ,~ pm~, or snere~mr~ ~nd am&ms ot ~ ~ of the _ __ ~ ~orev~', SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND HADE A PART THEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premise8 conveyed by Deed dated September 25, 1974 and recorded September 26, 1974 in Liber 7721 Page 96 in the Suffolk County Clerk's of Eice. TOGETIIER with all right, title and interest, ii any, of the party of the first part in and to any streeu and roads abutting the above described premises to the center li~s thereof; TOGETHER wkh the apt~-tena~ and all the estate and tights o! the party of the first part tn and to sdd premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the ~xmd l~rt, the heirs~or succe~ts and a~signl of" the party o( the second part forever. "' : AND the Party of the first part cove,mn,~e.~a~.r't .he, ..p~rt~o{;t~e first part ~ not done or suffered anything whershy the sa d premises have been edL'u-mhe~ed~in, a,~ya..v(~y:.whetever, excq)t as aEore~aicL AND the party of the first part, m compliance wzth Section 13 o( the Lien Law, covenants that the party o~ the first part will receive the conslderetlon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be q~)lied 6rst for the purpose o[ paying the cost o! the improvement and will apply the s~me first to the Payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part olthe total of the same [or any other purpose. The word "party" shall Be construed u if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture ~o requires. IN %~TfNESS WHLREOF, the Party o! the first Fait has duly executed this deed the day and year ~rst above w~ittefl. IN Pur~NCE 01: Ruth P. Tut [1]. SCHEDULEA ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon crcctcd, situate, lying and being in the hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk · ',nd State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGhNNI.NG at a point in the northerly line of State Street (Skippers Lane) 185.5 feet westerly of the intersection of said northerly line of State Street (Skippers Lane) and the en,~terty line of Main Street: THENCE North 63 59' 40" West 135.46 feet to a pipe in said northerly line of State Street (Skippers 'Lane): THENCE South 28 19' 20" West 98.04 feet: THENCE South 64 45' 40" East 131.70 fect; THENCE North 27 90' 20" Fast 96.14 feet to thc point of place of beginning. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) s~: COUNTY OFSu £folk) On the ~=.~_ day of /~,~t46d~-- intheyear 200~ ~.~ly~Re~inald F. TuchLll ~i~ m ~ ~ ~s) w~ ~s) ~ (~) m~ to ex~t~ ~ ~ in hi~ ~i~i~), ~ ~ ~ hi~ sis~s) ~ ~e i~ ~ i~Rs), ~ ~ IndlvMon! taldmW acknowted~meut Notary Public * For oc~.nowledgmen/j liken in NewYork State, ** State, nbtrltt of Columbl&, TerdtorT, Possession, or FortJgn Couutly pe~on upon behelf of Wh~execnted the S~nntore and omit of Individonl tlldull admowledBmenl Notary Public On the __ day of in thc ye~ befor~ mt. the undersigned, personally nppeartd personMly known m me or proved to rm on th. basis ofn~ evideone to be the inthvidual(s) whose nn%'(s) is (are) subscribed to the * within inslrurnen! ]md acknowledged to me that J~ey executed the nme in his/~ uapteity(ies), that by hm/he~/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the pt'~3on upon behalf of which the individual{s) acted, exoruted the insmnmnt, and !hal such individual made s~ch appexnmce befm~ the undenisond in the __. (Inse~ the city or otheT polittcaJ subdivision and the state or counh, y or other pike the acknowlcdsment wu t~ten). · * For acknowledgments taken outsMe of Now York Store. Signature and Office of Indlvidonl Oak]nB ackuoMedlPnent Reginald F. Turhill and Ru~h P. Tuth~l~ TO John H. Tuthill, Julia E. Tuthill, and Carolyn J. Tuthill SEC'nON m.ooc 2 LOT ~ 4~otl~e.v,~ Suffolk Recorded At Request of Fhet AJnlWlaLU TJOe InsunnM Company ed' New York alrl'~aM BY MAIL TO: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 1.1.971 -TORRENS Sara #. Certificate # I~'ior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument 4 Deed / Mortgage Ta~ Stamp FEES 2005 Dec 1.2 02=44.=57 PH Edward P.Ib~atne CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D0001.2424 P 940 I)T# 05-1~08 Recording / Filing Stamps Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-SS4 Notation EA-$2 17 (County) _.7~ Sub Total EA-521 ? (State)~ __ Comm. of Ed. ,~ OD Affidavit O~her i/~ SubTotal GRAND TOTAL, Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecYAssit. Or Spec. 1Add. ~ { Real PropertTTaxServicaAgencyV~ific~fion =. , ....... I . u,,.,~ I .~,., I C.o.,l.~r. at'lon"-~ ount S201'3t+2'00 -- 0.~4~0~ 1000 02400 0200 005000 Initials ' / Vacant Land I' ' · ,' ' ., - -' / ~-r-~ ? I Satisfactions/Discharsos/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Addres~ ~1 RgCORO & RETURN TO; '~ / TD = Pntricia C. N. oore,'Esq. ~io2o Main P. oad \/ TD Southoid, NY I]971 TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town__ Dual County Held t'or Apportion~ae~t ._,=_.__ Tmn,fer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortpgo is or will be improved by · one or two family dwelling only. YES~ or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause ~.n page/~' of this instrument.//~. Community Preservation Fund "~. [ s [ Title Company Information Co. Name Peconlc Abstract, Inc. ITitle # Suffolk County Recorc ng & Endorsement Page This past forms part of the a~ached Deed made by: ReglnaId F. Tuthill and Ruth P. Tuthill L1ohn H. Tuthillt Julia E, Tuthill, and Carolyn J. Tuthill (SPECIFY TYPE OF IN~ m KUIvlENT ) Tim premi.~s herein is situated in 7;stn oi cons% ¥omc In the Town.ship of Southold In the VILLAGE or I-L,MMLET of Oriont BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. tovEm SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Znstr,~a-t: DEEDS/DDD ~er of Pages: 4 Receipt ~hsr = 05-0128773 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-18888 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section; Block: 024.00 02.00 $201,:342.00 12/12/2005 02,44,57 PM D00012424 948 Lot: 005.000 Received the Followin~ Fees For Above Instrument ~xen~t Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.copies RPT $30.00 NO S~-r~ Trans£sr tax $806.00 NO Co.mt. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER, 05-18888 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $5.00 NO $o.oo NO $1,026.84 NO $1,989.84 Edward P.Rcmaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR pREsS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. 8vas Cod~ ~ ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT = RP- 5217 225 [ Skippers Lane Southold I Or{enL I 119S7 I Tuthi l 1 i John 11. ~"'"~'~' l'uthill ma ~M Julia [ Tul'hil 1 [ Carolyn J. I gJmnil ifo~herth~bewerad~mse{~..,o~m) [ Tuthill ] John ti. { I PO Box 538 I Orient [N . Y I 11957 ] RMIpamd~tmnefaeredonthe~MI [ , , I [ #ofParcols OR PmtofaPamet M. manningBoardwimSuhdividanAmharhyGx~.., [] 6. Oeed ~S~er I Tuthitl I Reginald F. [ Tuthill [ Ruth P. A B C D F. F (; II I J 1LPvelwtyCMae I 2 , 1,0 I-I I l.,Seha~m~a~tNmm~ I Oysterponda 3o,ooI ½,,½,,½., I L 1000-24-2-5 J I I I I I I I [.1:tH ,rICATiON ,~~ BUYER . BUYER'5 ATI'ONNEY ~/John It. Tuthi11 Street Orient NY 11957 I I 631 I 765-/,,330 I NEW YORK STATE COPY