HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 119 BE~EEN Richard A. Poggi and Dorothy K. Po~gi,his wife, residing at 245-10 Grand Central Parkway, Apt. 2D~ ~llerose,New York p~oflhcfimt~,~d Dorothy K. Poggi, residing at 245-10 Grand Central Parkway, Bellerose, New York 11426 ~ of~e s~nd ~ ~ESSETH, t~t ~e pa~ of the fi~ p~, in consideration ofTcn ~llam and o~r valuable ~nsidcmfion ~id by thc pa~ of~hc second pa~, d~s hcrcby grant ~d ~]=~c unto ~e pa~ of~c second ~. thc hcirs succe~om ~d assi~s of thc p~ o~ thc ~cond ~m for~cr. ~L that ~in pl~, pi~e 0r ~=l ofla~d, ~lh th~ buildin~ ~d improvcm=n= Ihe~on cr~. situate, lying ~d ~ing in ~e See Schedule "A" Attached hereto and made part hereof Being the same premises coveyed to Richard A. Poggi by deed dated May 6,k999,recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 27,]999 at Liar l1965,page 703. Being the same premises conveyed ~o the parties of the first part Dis~. by.deed dated September 18,2000,recorded in the Office of the clerk 1000 of .Suffolk County on December 15,2000 in Liar D000~2090,page 926. ~. Said premises' being known and designated as D~strict 1000,Section 024.00 024.00,Block 02.00, Lot 018.000 on the Suffolk County Land and Tax Map, and by the Street .Address 1740 village Lane, Orient,New York. 81k. 11957. 02.00 Loqs) 018.000 T~ETHER with all ri~l, title ~d in~t, if any, of~e ~ of~c fi~t p~ of, in and to ~y s~rcc~s and ~ abuses ~ a~vc~c~d prcmi~ ~ ~ c~t~ lin~ ~mf; ~GETHER with thc appu~cnanc~s ~ all ~hc cs~ ~d ~ghts o~h~ 9a~ of~c fi~t pa~ i, ~d m Mid prcmi~s: TO ~VE AND TO HOLD · c premiss h~cin ~t~ unlo ~ p~ of~c s~nd p~ thc h~im or succ~ ~d ~si~s of thc pa~y of · c second ~ fo~ver. ~D thc ~ of lhe fi~1 p~ covc~m ~at ~c p~ of~= fi~t ~ h~ not done or su ffe~d an~ing whereby · ~ ~id pmmis~ ~vc ~ i~c~d in ~y way w~v~, except M afo~id. ~ ~ p~ of Ibc flint p~, ~ compli~ wi~ S~tion 13 of~e Li~ Law, covc~ lha~ ~c pa~y fi~t ~ ~11 mcei~ ~ ~ide~0n for ~is ~,vcy~ ~d ~11 hold ~ ~ghl to ~ivc such considcmfion ~ a ~s~ ~d mbc a~lied tim for ~ p~ of~yi~ ~c cmt of~e impmv~t and ~11 apply ~c fi~l ~ ~c pa~ent of thc ~sl of~c impmvcmcn~ ~fom usi~ ~y p~ of~c ~oml of thc sam~ for ~y olhcr a~h~d A. PO~ Schedule "~" All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Orient, Suffolk County,New York, bounded and described as follows: ~,~~ BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Main Street (a/k!a Village Lan~ad~oinin~he northeasterly corner of land of Mary E. Latham; and RUNNING THENCE northerly along the westerly side of Main Street (a/k!a Village Lane) 43 feet to the southerly line of land of Ralph C. Terry; THENCE westerly along the southerly line of land of said Ralph C. Terry 94 feet actual (93.90 feet survey) to land now or formerly of E. Herbert Jennings; THENCE southerly along land now or fOrmerly of E. Herbert Jennings, 50 feet to land of Mary E. Latham~ THENCE easterly along land of Mary E. Latham 98.08 feet to the point or place of beginning. Premises known and and by the street address 1740 Village Lane, Orient,New York 11957 State or~ y~ Coun~ o~ Nas sau ) ~: ~~~~ Richard A. Pggi an~ ~rothy K.Pqggi,hi~ ~f~ . , --~ Notary PO~iC I [N~ Stale of New Yo~ Coun~ of On ~e day o~ in ~e y~ be~o~ me. ~e · e subsc~biflg ~mess ~nally ncq~in~ who, ~ins by me duly swo~, did d~o~ nd say ~at he/s~ ~id~s) (~rhe pla~ of ~rlden~ a~,. the~: &st h~sh~ey ~ow(s) m ~ ~c indi~ d~ in ~d who ~u~ ins~em; ~ aid subsc~biflg ~m~s was ~ ~d saw ~d ex.me ~c ~e: ~d ~at said wimen at &c nme time su~d hi~r/~eir n~s) ~ a wimess ~c~m. State of :-;ew York. Count~ of } m. Outbs dtynf · ....~.,, ..,~. ~, m. nun, mun, sAm me penm upon b,.h,,]teof which the mmv~tu(s) ~ e~ecuted d~ :.~u (l~ert the clO~ or whir political ~livi~ioz and the sram or coum~ or other place th~ oWmo~ledgment ~ Mken). TITLE NO. BARGAIN & SALE DEED Richard A. Poggi ,his Poggi and Dorothy wife TO Dorothy K. Poggi FIDELITY NA~ONAL TITLE INSURANCE esCOMPANY OF NEW YORX DISl'~cT 1000 SEC'nON 024,00 BLOCK 02.00 ' · LOT 018. 000 C0u~TY oR T0w~ Suffolk Fidelity National Title Insurance Company of New York J~TUP, N BY /~41L 1'0 Stanley M Nayer Esq. 98 Cutter Mill Road 310N Great Neck,New York 11021 Number of pages Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # TORRENS Deed / Mortgage Instrument ,I Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. Cfi) Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Nolation EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total EA-5217 (State) R.RT.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certi fled Copy NYS Surcharge Olhcr , I eoo Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 5. 00 15. 00 Sect,on -- 0S047703 3.000 02400 0200 01,8000 Sub Total Grand Totai 6 [ Satisfnctioas/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: 2005 Dec 13 11:34:25 Edward P. Roaaine CLEI~ OF SUFFOLK L I)00012425 P 119 OT# 05-19020 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecYAssit. Of Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual Coonty ,. Held for Appointment/ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax 3'ne property covered by this moflgagc is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, ~ appropriate Lax clause on page # __ of this instrument Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacam Land TD TO ~/~-t'.,fo.~? ~ ~- o~,~aeo ? Title Corn an, laformat~n Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached ~ ''~ ~ made by: {SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ .'~ ,~.~K,.~' ~ Tl~ premises herein is situated in SUPTOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ..~~._~. . In the Township of ~'/ {n the V{LLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FLUNG. (over} SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt Number = 05-0129117 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19020 Dietrict= 1000 Deed Amount: Section= Block= 024.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $0.00 Recorded= At= LIBER: PAGE: Lot = Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Fillng $15.00 NO ~andllng COE $5.00 NO NYE SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~n. Pres Fees Paid THANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-19020 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/13/2005 11=34=25 iN D00012425 119 018.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $155.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML~'-WHEN WRiTiNG ON FORM .' INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, ny. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~i~".',,BI /I/ . ~1 I I RP 5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION z.~v~ I Poggi I Dorothy K. 3. Tax L. cl~.~e where ~utum T~x Bib are to be N~ Poggi 243-10 Grand Central~Parkway Ixl [3~pIH Dorothy K. I Bellerose New Yo~k, 111426 I I I. o, P..,-..,. =, ,.or, o,,. ~.0,.. ','- ~.",,'0 ",,.," .,"" ~.',,'",-',,~,,,,E,,~. [] IORI '~ks' ' ' I 4c. pi rcml Appro~.~d for Subcllvt~iofl '*~th Map Pr~idod [] Po~i I Richard A, I [ Poggi I Dorothy K. I ~ IN~RMATION I 1L ~ om or ~ ~ ~ ~m. ~ m ~ 12. Dm~lTrl~r I 4 / ~8 / 05 I l) ~or~rM~m~t~orLe~l~it~ion none 13. FUB ~le P~ { I s ~ ~ ~ ~ · m~o~o~oMigm~n~) ~mundmt~t~am~nL transfer by husband and wife to 1~ ~d~. ~. ~.~ ~ ~ I , . .no~e wi-fe' ~e~MENT INFOR~TION - ~e ~ld ~ lbo ~ Final ~.t ~1 ~nd Tax Biff ~ Bellerose New York 11426 / 4 18 Parkway 4 1! Nayer Stanley N 05 516 203 466 60-30 226 4515 ('~NEW YORK STATE COPY