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V~I In~ ~ ~teW 8~e ~ ~n~ ~; a~ RUNNING THENCE No~ 07' ~' ~' E~t a~g t~ ~ si~ ~ ~n~nt S~, ~.~ ~t ~ ~nd now or f~ ~ O~r Po~s Hb~l S~; THENCE ~uth ~o ~, ~, ~t, ~mg ~ men~ ~nd, 109.~ f~ to la~ n~ or f~y of ~uk; THENCE ~ ~0 ~' ~ W~ a~g ~ ~n~ ~. ~.51 f~t ~ b~ f~ C. S. V~I; ~d THENCE ~ ~0 37' ~ W~t e~g ~t men~K ~d, t 16.36 fm ~ ~e ~s~fly side ~ ~t ~m~ ~ ~e ~i~ ~ place of ~GINNING, THE OR--OR heroin ~ ~e ~e pe~ ~ ~e G~ in d~ ~ Ma~ ~;,,i. t~ 10, ~2, ~M~ In ~e ~lk ~un~ CI~ o~ ~ U~r 1~11 ~ D~s, at ~ 615 on ~em~r 26, ~2. THE PREM~S HERBN em ~en~ on ~e ~k ~n~ R~I P~ T~ ~ ~ DISTRICT 1~, SE~ION ~.~, BL~K ~.~, LOT(e) 014.~ a~ b k~ ~ ~ Vi~ S~t, N~ Y~. ~b ~m~ · for ~n onN ~d = n~ ~ to a~r or m~ ~e ~c~im S~ f~ ~e. ~ER with all ri~ risc ~ in~ i( any. of ~ ~rty of ~hc F~t ~rt in e~ ~ any ~ ~d ~ abut- lin; thc a~ ~b~ pmmi~ ~ t~ LYnlcr llnL~ ~ff; 'I'~ER ~ t~ a~;~M~ a~ ri~ of ~ ~ny or ~ fi~t ~ in ~ ~ ~ ~id ~; TO iiAVE AND TO HO~ t~ ~mi~s ~nKd untu [~ ~y oF i~ ~cond ~ ~ ~ir~ ~%~m and ~i~ of t~ paKy of [~ ~ ~ Forever. AND thc paKy of t~ fi~ ~K ~ve~n~ thai t~ ~rty of t~ flint ~rl ~ m~t ~ne or ~e~ anythinG w~mhy Gid promi~ have ~en e~um~md in any ~y. exit u aFom~id. ~D t~ ~y of I~ first ~fl, in ~mpl~ wilh ~nkm 13 of t~ Uen ~w, ~x~n~ that t~ ~y fund ~ ~ a~icd fi~t ~ ~ p~ of ~yln~ t~ ~x~ of I~ im~nt and will ~ly the M~ fi~t m tho pay- mom of the ~ of t~ i~n~e~nt ~l~ uM~ ny ~ of ~ Mini of I~ M~ f~ uny mh~r ~. 'I~ M~ '~ty" shll ~ o)n~d ~ if il ~ad '~i~~ w~ncver t~ s~fl~ of this i~n~ ~ ~qui~ IN W~N~ WHE~F, ~e ~ly of lhe fi~l ~fl ~ duly ~z~u~d this d~d ~ day n~ yc~ fir~ ~ve w~b ten. Acknowledgment STATE OF NBN YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: On the 9~ day of December In the year 2005 before me, the unclemJgned, personally appeare0 EUZABETH M. WELCH personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satlslaotory evidence to be ~ individual(e) whose name(e) is (are) subscribed to th,= within inalmment and a~knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her their signature(8) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) act~cl, executed the in- Numhor of pa~e~ TORRENS ~ri~l # Certificat~ # ~ior CtL · 3 Deed / Morlgage Instrument Deed / Mongago Tax Stamp FEES RECORDED 200~ .Tan 03 121~,:27 CLL~K OF SUFFOL~ COLJHT¥ L I)00012428 DT# 05-21669 Recording / Filing Stamix; Page / Filing Fcc Handling ~- __ TP-584 ~ Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Ccrtilicd Copy R¢~ Copy Olher Sub Tutal /C~ '~'""'/,,~ _ /~" GRANDTOTAL /qb ~_ 06000047 zooo 025oo o3oo o24ooo- Real Property / Tax ~r~o: Verification Mil~ B. Andw~n, E~. P.O. Box 12~ 16 Rou~ P~ ~g ~, N~ Yo~ 11 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./A.~it. or Spec.lAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly Held for Apporlion~'~ Transfcr Tax Mansion Tax Thc property covured by this mortgage is or wiU he improved by a one ot two family dwelling only. YES __ or NO r If NO, sec appropriate lax clauac on, ,, _ # o/this instrument ° ndorsernent Paee This page forms part of I1~ attached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Elizabeth M. Welch Thc premise.s herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK made by: TO Eli~,nhqth M. Welch Marcelo Ouidoli In thc Township of Southold In thc VILLAGE or HAMLET of Orient BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE ~ OR PRINTED IN BI.AC~ INK ONLY PRIOR TO R_ _t~TO~_ _ r~EqG OR FiUNG. (OVER) SUFFOL~ COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE R~CORDTNG PAGE T~pe of Instruments DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pagee; 2 Receipt ~,~her : 06-0000192 TRANSFER T~X NUMBER: 05-21669 District: 1000 Deed~nount= Reco~ded~ At~ T. TBER .* PA(~E: Sec hion: Block; 025.00 03.00 $0.00 Received the Follo~ing Fees For Above Inetrument P&ge/Ftltng $6.00 NO Handling COR $5.00 NO NYB 8RCHG BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE ?P-584 85.00 NO Cert. Cop~ee RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Transfer t~x $0.00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Peid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-21669 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS ~ A BILL 01/03/2006 12~53:27 PM D00012428 586 Lot; 014.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo No. $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $146.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hRp://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I ~~ I ~OFERT~ INFOR~ON ~ t~l 230 I Vtncent Street. 0rtent I 5outhold I none I ~957 tm.w, I welch I Elizabeth M. I Guidol I I : I ~ol..e..--...~ I , , ~ I ,o,~..= =*II Pen of a PIrcel &Deed ts.h, L Welch IORI 0.2 3I i Elizabeth M. I I /none / i L12 t og /2005 f tl.r. ullSllll~rbI , , , , ,, .0 , o, o I ASSESSMENT INFOfiMATION · Data ~hould reflect the latin Final A--,**~ .,~_~! nell and Tax Bill ltYmefWRell~] O, 51 . 100. I~lyer ~ · (~dolum noti=l indi~{~ [] Gift from wife to joint tenants ~ consideration ,t~. 12 . 1, 01.I i ~~ I 0ysterponds . ,6 .3 .o .O I i i , I 1000-025.00-03.00-014.000 I I t [ I I I [ t4:mI.CATION I ] t~ h d d the IMnm d hdbflmHm enlerul m th~ lhrm m h.ue nnd em. lR~ lift the hml d. m~ ~ ud d~ ~ ] ~ N h ~ .d na~ wllihl rahe mlemk, m et mete[dui rnet Im~4n ~11] ~ubjett me ,o the ..... i~ ~4mhe m l~e md~R md ~,,~ d hbe imlmmm(a. BUYER Elizabeth M. Welch i Maz:cel o Guldoli , I '~.J~.,~']~L,~) '~qd,~~ IZ'q'J~; Anderson Miles B. 230 I Vtncent Street 631 I 725-4400 ~t~ NEW YORK STATE · ,Elizabeth M. Welch. o COPY.