HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 469THJI$ IN DE N T URE, m~. le th,: d'~,,, ~ clay of Carol Roosevelt resiiding at 340 Poquacuck Lane 2005 "~ prty of the first pa~, and , Orieat , NY, 11957 Direk Rooscvelt residi:ng at 261 Pearl Street , Cambridge , MA, 02139 %%; ITN ESSE rH, fl~a~ th~ ~arly of Ihe li.'~l ~art. in ¢~l:lsideralu:n al lell L~,)l blra Glal Olh~r valuable aOllSli '~iIll,)ll paid by thc pan)' of I I~ ~e~OM p;~, dob, a hereby Lmm{ and relea:{4~ unto the parly of tho sccozld pa~, ~e hein or succelaom and auiGn~ or die p~u.t), of Ibc so:.ed part lbz~v~.r. ALI', ~ha~ c~nain pln~. pi~:~ or pmc¢l d lazid. ~lb the baildiu~ and impm~oaleuts th~ou e~ck~l, sibsaLe, lyin8 ami bela8 i,s rise See attached Schedule A Carol Roosevelt (hereinaRer referred to as the "Grantor") reserves the right to thc exclusive use and. occupancy oftbe premises during the Grentor's lifetime, with the Grantor to pay for all ma,ntenance and repairs, water and sewer charges, insurance charges, and taxes relating to the premises. Said life use shall~,4~, a_13g~! life esta~ and pca'sonal to Grantor, and shall not be subject to a~ssigumen~ or lea's-~e~e-~t as=--'~th~-rwise pro-vlded in this paragraph. The Grantor reserves the power to appoint the remainder and/or Grantot's life use in the premises to any one or more of the issue ofthe Grantor. This power shall be exercisable or may be relinquished during the Grantors lifetime by a deed to the Orantec herein or to others who are members oftha class of appointees set Ibrth herein, making express reference to this power and executed and recorded in the County Clerk's office where this deed is recorded, prior to the Orantor's death. No exercise of this power shall be deemed to release the Grantoes life estate unless such a release is explicitly made in a deecl. The exercise of this power shall not exhaust il, and unless the power is specifically released in such a ~ the deed recorded last shall cant;al as to any ambiguities or inconsistencies. 'I'O(}F,'['I II'.'R wltil ;sll right, lille a~l iJil~rett. If m~y. of ~e ~ly of ~ f~t ~n, ~ ~ m ~y ~ und ~ SUlth:S Iht ;~ve- p~ i~z and ~ &~d p~ ~ ~AVE ~D TO HOLD I~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~o ~e ~y of ~ ~o~ ~, ~c ~s or .AN[) flza pKrty of thc lust pail coven~n;J d:at the party of the £Jra Mm has na~ done or suffa~d any~ag w .h~rcby the aid pran~,ise$ lulvc: b~n oncumb~r~d in any way wtulh.w~, cxcepl aa don.'aid. AN [} the [}any of lhe lirst part, in compliance ',s. ith S~tion I 1, of fl:e Li~ Law, c~m~t$ Ih;a ~e party finl i~trt will ~ f~any o~ pu~. ~e ~:M "~"' ~ be a~ u if it ~ '~i~~ w~ ~ ~ arima ~ m ~. I N WI TN ESS WH E REOF, i~ ~y o f ~ tim pm ~ dMy ~u~ ~ ~ ~ day ~ y~ f~ ~ ~. SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION All that .certain plot, piece or parcel of laud, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town o! Southold. County of S,,ffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of King Street at the northwoster]y corner ,of land o1 Robert J. Douglass Estate; RUNNING THENCE along said northeasterly side of King Street, North 40 degrees 00 minutes 10 seconds West 86.98 feet; THENCE along land to be conveyed to Thompson and Fahs, the following three courses and distances: (1) In a general southeasterly direction along a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 50.0 feet, a distance of 56.48 feet; (2) North 75 degrees 17 minutes East 366.07 feet; (3) North 17 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds East 171.77 feet to the southerly line of lot no. 13 shown on 'Map of Bayview Farm" ~ed in Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Mal) No. 7045; THENCE a/ong the southerly l/ne of said lot no. 13, North 65 degrees 43 minutes east 117.88 feet to other land of King Bay Partners (lot 2); THENCE along said last mentioned land of King Bay Partners, South 32 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East 790.32 feet to land now or formerly of T~aube; THENCE along said last mentioned land of Traube South 49 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds West 323.20 feet to the easterly line of land of Schnoor; THENCE along said last mentioned land of Schnoor and along land of Mayer, North 32 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds West 345.68 feet: THENCE continuing along said land of Mayer North 2 degrees 41 minutes West 106.10 feet; THENCE continuing along said land of Mayer and along land of Martiasen. and along land of Doug]ass. North 29 degrees 18 minutes 50 seconds West 252.70 feet; THENCE continuing along said land of Douglass, South 75 degrees 17 minutes West 381.48 feet I[o the point of BEGINNING. , Numb~ of Serial # Ce.~ificatc # Prior CU'. # Deed / Mortgage In,tremont Handling 5. O0 TP-584 '~ ___ Notation EA-52 17 (County) __ EA-$;~17 ($tat~) R.P.T.$.A. Corem, of Ed. Affidavit Cea'tiffed Copy NY$ Sumharge FF · Deed / Mortgago TaX Stamp SubTotal 5. O0 Re. al Propetl~ Tax Service Agency Verification ,~. oo I~' --- Sub Total 0~963 ~000 02700 0300 004003 6.~ Satiafamiun~l~ise'-~goa/Releeaee List'Propr~y Owners Mailing Addre~ RECORDED 2005 Jul 20 01:40:18 PH Edward P. Romaine CCERK OF SUFFOLK L DO0012400 P 469 DT# 04-51247 R~otding / Piling Stamp~ ~2~' Mortg~g~ Ami: 1. Bulo Tax 2. AddiUonalTax ,, Sub Total Sim~J~it, ' ' Spa9./Add.- TOT. gITO.'TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for 'IYan,f,'r Tax l~Iansion Tax il'ho ptopet~.aover~l by this mortgngo or will ba.lmproved by a one or two fRrgi. 'ly dwelling only. '- YES ,-. or NO .. I.f NOi'~'ee appr0ptlata tax ¢lnua~ on COmm""ity Pt'enervation Fund CPF T~x Due- Consideration ,Amount ~~0~ Vacant Land Cil% ,-, . . -. ~ , \/-,. . , [7 [ Title Company.Informnhn_~' - [~l,j'~,~l Ot~, 0 Co Name' ~'~ . -. __ ~! County RecordmR ~ Endorsement Pa~e F . ~' ~}~ The P~-- ~m~ i, ,ima~ in SUFFOLK CO~, ~W YORK. ~rcK ~ - . ~ the ~J-AGE ~ l BO~ 6 THRU 8 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o~ Instrument; DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages; 4 Receipt Number : 05-0078425 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER; 04-51247 Dietrict~ 1000 Deed Amount; Recorded: LIBER: PA~E: Section: Block 8 027.00 0~t. 00 EXAMINED AND CHARQED A~ FOLLOWS $0.00 07/28/2005 01;40:18 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYe SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO fA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Con~n. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX itT(~HBER: 04-51247 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012400 469 Edward P.P~maine County Clerk, Suffolk Co~tnt¥ Lot; 004.003 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpV/www, orps.statB.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 .COUNTY USE ONLY I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER ...... ' - ' ~~1 ~~ ,~,,~ ~l~w I Roosevelt I DLrck ~,~.~ t ,=,,,~/xl Io~1 . .5. 7. Ol Roosevelt I Ca=ol I SALE INFORMAllON I I ~ IN~fl~N. Dltl i~uJd r~ the I~ ~1 M~ floll ~ T~ Bill I&YmMWMI~mi O~ 51 retained life est-aCe ~p,o~.vo~ 12_~ L, 01.I I ls,~d,oMlX.t~;~N.m~l OYster Pond I 261 I Pearl Street 02139 212 I 687-4385 xl NEW YORK STATE COPY