HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 836CONSULTYOOR ~ BP-FOI~ .Si(3NgiO ,'DAB INSTII~IENT - 1108 INSTRLIENT 814OIJLD BE tjSEO By 1_4WyEKs Ot/Ly. THIS INDENTURE, nuzle0~e O-~.~.. dayof '"'~7 BETWEEN ! 2OO5 Roosevelt and J. Willard Roosevelt 340 Poquat:uck Lane residinl~: at ~ , Orient. pnr~y, o f the fir~ p,~, and , NY , 11957 Cm'ol Roosevelt 360 Poquat:uck Lane residin§at ' ~ , Orient , NY, 11957 pnfly ,of ih,: s,.,cond pan. WITNESSETII, fluu the ir, my of~e lust part. in considomoon of~n (bllm.s ami oth~- valuable cm~'ideralmn paid by the patty of the ~,m~ld pail, dm.~; h~reby ~ranl aAd ~[ense tmto th~ Imzly oftl~ s~.~nd pa~, the h~m or ~t:ces~ots and ~.~ I h~.l~,offl~e p.~ty of tho so:ond pa~ Ii. ever. AL L th,at ¢cflain plot. piece or ir.m.-~l of lined, with the buildings and improvcmelll:s tilex, eon erm.'t,~d, siltmte, lyin~ and bein$ in the See attached Schedule A TOGETIIEK with all risht, tith: and interest, if any, of lhe party of tho first lxuL in and to any sca..eas anti roads abuUm$ tho abov~- describ~l premises to Ihe o.-.ter lin¢~ Ih~eof; TOG ET111:,14 with ~ aplmfl~n~;,.,s and nil tile c.-.lale mid fitOds ol'the lumy oflhe I'u'st pan in in'ti t~ ~ p~nuses; TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe pt~nis~s herein fimnted unlo rise patty of the socoud I~m, tho i'ieins or ~cc.~r~ mai torsions of the pa~y of Ih~ ~'c~d ~ thmvc, r. AND frae part}, of the fl.,~l ~ cov,,,.manl,s tirol II~ p~rty ofthe fir~ pan l~.,t a.,t do~ or sullina] anyllfinll vdxert, by the said pmmi.,tt~ havo bccm ~mcumbe~:d in any way wlmtevcr, cxgq~ a~ a foremid. AND lite paAy of the I'lr~t paA. ia ccn~lp "Ua~Cc with *~tioa 1~ of Ibc Lien Law. c'o~mfl~ tha~ I~ patty lin~ p~t will rc'c~,4ve the ,:~mrddcmti~m for this ¢ tmv~.,yal~-e and will hold dm ri,~'tt to ~.'ceivv~ such consideration u~ u tt'u~ fund to i,m appli~ tim for tl~ of payi~l$ tl~ cc~! of dte improvonent eald ~ill ~q~ply ~he ~ae fu~l lo the payment of the ct~! of Ihe impm~'emenl b~.,4'~ r~ usitl~ any ti of the sm.e for any other ptupo~, The word =ptuty" slutll be conmm, d ~ if it tco. d '5~uxies" wl~neve, r Ihe sox~ of this indenture so I N WITNESS WHEREOF. the imay ,,t'the I'.s~ p,m luts duly egecum! this d+.'~d the day ;md y~,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,~- t'ust akr.~ wtiu~. SCHEDULE All that ce{$aln plot, piece or parcel of land, with th~ buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and descrY)ed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of King Street at the northwesterly corner of land of Robert J, Douglass Estate; RUNNING THENCE along said nor~heastarly side of King Sweet, North 40 degrees iX) minutes 10 seconds West 86.98 feet; .THENCE along land to be conveyed to Thompson and F~h~. the following three cou~sas and distEmces: (t) (2) (3) In a general soutbeastexly direction along a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 50.0 feet, a distance of 56.48 feet; North 75 degrees 17 minutes East 366.07 feet; Non;h 17 degrees 55 mi-utes 40 seconds East 171.77 feet to the southerly line of lot no. ;13 show~ on #Map of Bayview Farm" fried in Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 7045; THENCE along the southerly line of said lot no. 13, North 65 degrees 43 minutes east 117.88 feet to other land of I(~ng Bay P~'tnars (lot 2); THENCE along said last mentioned land of King Bay Parulers, South 32 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East 790.32 feet to land now ar formerly of Traube: THENCE along said last mentioned land of Traube South 49 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds West 323.20 feet to the easterly line of land of Schnoar; THENCE along said last mentioned land of Schnoor and along land of Mayer, North 32 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds West 345.68 feet; THENCE continuing along said land of Mayer North 2 degrees 41 mi~utas West 106.10 feet; THENCE continuing along said land of Mayer and along land of Mar~i~_~en, and along land of Douglass, North 29 degrees 18 mlmites 50 seconds Wast 262.70 feet; THI/NCE continuing along aald land of Douglass, South 75 degrees 17 minutes West 381,48 feet to the point of BEGINNING, SAID premises being the same as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 9/22/88 m~d recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on 10/18/88 in Liber 10714. pg. 597. Nuti~be~.~ pa~es TORRENS · qerial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed / MortPs. ~natrument 3 Pa~e/Filing Fee __, '/ HandUng 5.. 00 Notation BA-52 17 (County) --~ EA-52'17 ($tnt~) R.P.T.$.A. COmm. of Nd, --_ 5. 00 Affidavit Cc~ined Copy --_-- . NY$ Surcease ---- 15. 80 Other · Deed / Mm*tgage Tax Stamp Sub Total Agency Verification 6 05020570 ~ooo o27oo 03o0 oo'~-- [..ist'Ptopcrty Owners Mailing RECORD & RETURN TO: P. EO~DED · 2013~ Jul 01 Edward P. CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNT~ L DT~$ 04-47509 l~oording I Piling St~ Mortg~it AmL ~.. Basio Tax .~ditinnal T~x Sub Toud of Spco./Add.. Dual Town ~ Dual County .,, Held for Appointment~.__.__ ~be t""t"m~Y~oover~ by this rno~ngo ia or will be 'improved by it onit or two f~ .mily dwelling only. '. YES or NO If NO,'~co nppropriato tax clauae on pa~e#i . +.. ~ommunity Preservation Conaflteration Amount CPF Tax Due $ Improved Title T~tle # s Suffolk & Endorsement Tlds pa~e forms - · The premises herein is sima~ ~ ~ ~~ s~ co~ ~w vo~ In ~c V~ 0 ' ... nox~ ~ ~u s ~ nn ~ o~ ~ ~ n~ ~ o~ ~o~ ~ ~co~o o~ ~L~o. madc by: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~%--~er of Pages: 4 Receipt Number t 05-0069270 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-47509 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 027.00 03.00 EXAH~NO A~ ~mR;NO AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ~xempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Hanchling COB $5.00 NO NYS BRCN~ EA-CTY $5.00 'NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax: $0.00 NO Co~-.Pres Peas Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-47509 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMenT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.R~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County o7/ol/2oo5 04:10:23 PM D00012395 836 Lot: 004.003 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO : PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hRp'~/www.orp~.state,ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 =.o..~ I/7/ { /~' ~O~ INFUSION ~ ~[ [ ~ Poquatuck ~ne REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP -5217 { 0rtent: { 111957 now L Roosevelt I Carol L I ~ l Jxl , L I #ofFiw, M8 ~ N P~RolaPareel , 5.7.0l I m { , ..~.. I s. e-Iht [ Roosevelt I J. ~illaTg I s,,, INFORMATION I /N/A / I A C D £ F G H ! J Signlflc~m O~nge In hope~y Bmwmm Tmmide ,~us taxi Sale i;~tes ll.p~p.~.n [ 2~_1.0 I-I I 1L~h~D~idRN~mo I O~ster Pond 1,0 ,5 ,0 ,0 I · I [ ~l~l]~lld PoauaCuck L~q Orient I ~ I L1957 ~ELLER BUYER'S ATTORNEY R. Edward I 212 I 687-4385  NEW YORK STATE COPY