HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-122.-7-9 TELEPHONE: (63 I) 727-8383 -A~NTHONY B. TOHILL, P.G. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 12 FIRST STR£L:-I' P. O. BOX 1330 ~[IVBRHEAD, NEw Yoa~, 11901-09013 TIELEFAX: (631) 727-63;36 December 21, 2005 Anthony Trezza Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Joseph Perino 20.8 Acres Main Road, Mattituck SCTM 1000-122-7-9 Dear Anthony: Here is an aerial photo with yield plan, three (3) copies of a yield plan and three (3) copies of a cluster plan, each submitted to enable discussion of a zoning amendment. Kindly advise when Joseph Perino and I can meet at your office with you. We are available as soon as you are able. All the best for the year end holidays. ABT/lm Enc. cc (w/o enc.): Joseph Perino Very truly yours, /knthony B. Tohill / 0~/22/2~04 12~18 631-727-$353 63172 A TOHILL PC ANTHONY B. TOHILL, P,C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 12 First Street P.O. BO~ 1330 Riverhead, New York 11901-0903 PAGE 02/03 FAX 631-727-6336 Hon. Joshua Horton and Members of the Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 A~ril 21, 2004 Re: Land of Joseph Perino - SCTM 1000-122-07-9 Dear Supervisor Horton and Members of the To~n Board: Thank you for permitting my client and me to speak at your work session on Tuesday April 20, 2004. This letter is intended to summarize the points made during that meeting. The captioned premises consist of 21 acre~ on the south side of the Main Road between the vacant diner and the former Marry Golchuau~ property southeast of the large NNB complex at Mattituck. The property is zoned R-80 and the property ts located within one-half (1/2) mile of the Ham/et Business District, the Handy Pantr~premises at the corner of Main Road and New Suffolk Avenue. Accordingly, under Section 100-141, the Town Board upon its own motion may designate these 21 acres as Hamlet Density (HD). ~er Section 100-42(a) (1) single family detached residences would be permitted in HD District. The proposal here is that residences be constructed on hal£ acre parcels, which is the minimum lot size required under the Density and Minimum Lot Size schedule in the Zoning Ordinance. Incident to this proposal the property owner would convey to the Town the northeaeterlymost 4 acres for any municipal use approved by the Town Board, including recreational uae. A further incident o~ any such proposal would he the agreement of the property owner to pay monies into a fund maintained by the Town for the acquisition and preservation of open space with each lot in the HD 1~./22/2204 12; 18 ~,3172 ~ TOHILL PC Hon. Joshua Horton and Me.ers A~ril 21, 2004 Page 2 PAGE 03/83 development bearing a separate contributory obligation. The inten=ion here is to covenant =he land so as to limit occupancy to persons age 55 and older resldin~ in individual detached single family residences. We would be pleased to continue at your convenience the dialogue that has started and, on behalf of the Perinos, I extend our gra=itude again for the TOwn's many courtesies to us, Very truly yours, Anthony B. Tohill Joseph Perino DRAFT MEMORANDUM From: Re: Perino Connelly Proposal Date: May 3, 2004 There are several questions that need to be considered. Should road location be shifted eastward or should it be left where it was proposed to be for the subdivision? If the road is left where it is, the separate commercial lot can be alongside the larger lot that is to be gifted to the Town. Is this a good precedent to set? o The proposed road is a dead-end road that exceeds the length and number of dwelling units that PB normally would permit. SCPC would vote against this layout for public health and safety reasons. o Perhaps road could be shifted all the way to the westerly property line - thereby permitting the potential tapping of this property from the Husing Estate to the west? o Given the emphasis on creating affordable units, should the Town allow this developer to gain commercial zoning AND build only upscale housing in return for "gifting" 4 acres for public purposes? o Should the Town consider alternative options that might meet the developers goals and the Town's goals just as well? · Not grant commercial zoning in return for waiving density payments on : 25% of the units, in order to make these affordable units? // · Require a tighter cluster design that calls for reduced road and drainage expenditures? LASER FICHE FORM SUBDIVISIONS Proiect Type: Standard Status: Incomplete SCTM # · 1000- 122.-7-9 Project Name: Perino, Joseph Location: NYS Route 25, Mattituck Hamlet: Mattituck Applicant Name: Joseph Perino Owner Name: Perino, Joseph Zone 1: Approval Date: PLAT Signed Date: OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 2: C and R's · Homeowners Association · R and M Agreement: Address: County Filing Date: Zone 3: SCAN Date: ,~ANITAP.'r" yIJ~LO C, ALCAJLATION~ N I A , PROPOSED I~-~ID~=NTIAL plN~LLIN,~5: ~::~0 ~::~PDILOT SKETCH PLAN FOR: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION & CHANGE OF ZONE SITUATED AT MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C.T.M,~ 1000-122-07-009 SITE DATA: GROSS AREA: 20.821 AC. NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL LOTS: 3 NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS: 50 (AFFORDABLE HOUSING) ELECTRIAL SERVICE: UPA WATER SERVICE: SCWA ZONING DISTRICT: 51®SDEE P. OAD OF MATrlT~FK pARK" ~UFFOLK ~JNT~ FILE NO, ~10 1.00 AC,. 12 I ~ 15,1&'/.44 ~ I I ' - '' LOT *1~ LOT I LOT ~20 I LOT "22 I LOT *2i I LOT "20 I LOT ~lq I ' I I ~ X I I LOT "25 I LOT ~24 I LOT i ~- ~ / /' ' 10~1.2 ~.FT. 10¢51,2 ~.PT. IO~I.2 ~.FT. IOCDI~ ~.ET. 10¢~1.2 ~.PT. IO~DI,2 ~.Ft. IOCDI~ ~.FT .... LOT  / j LOT ~2~ , IO,O~l 2 ~ PT I0~ .2 ~ PT 0~ 2 ~.FT.. J0¢28.0] ~.FTa LOT ~1~ - ~ J j 10¢5¢~.~5 ~,~T, 10,120.~4 ~.~T. I I I / / I I I I I I ~O¢~L2 ~,~. I I I I I / / ./~ I %x, ' __1__1__1__1 ........ I__I__L_ l_ L / '- ' 50' RI~T OF 4~1.21 ~.FT, 110~'25 ~, 'l P ' ' 'l ' 'J ' 'l ' ' 'I ' ' 'J ' I I J I A~A OF P~P~ED 1,01 AG. ] I ~ G~MAeL~ ~5~ ~A~NT ~I<ETCH PLAN N/F CA-IAELE5 LOMAN~INO t STANLEY LOHAN61NO NAC, ANT) THEDE PRAININC:~ AND AC, OOI'dPANT'IN~ 5PEC, IFIC.ATIONS, A5 LN~TRUHENT5 OF SERVICE, ARE THE EXC, LU~IVE P~OP~3~ THE EN5INE~R AND THEIR USE AND F:5.~LIC, ATION 5HALL RE~TRICTE[~ TO THE ORI~IN,~L ~ITE FOR ]4HIC, H TH~Y p~EPA~ED. REUSE, P~P~OE~TION OR PLIBLI~,ATION I~¢ ANY N~tHO~, iN ~HOLE OR IN PARt, 15 P~J~HIBITED ~v~EPT ~TT~N p~HI~ION F~OH THE E~I~E~. tlt~ TO PLAN5 ~L ~HAIN ~iTH ~ E~IN~. V~ ~NT~T ~1~ ~M DHALL ~TI~ ~MA ~IE EVI~E PA~E: 1 oF I '" I LOT ~24 I I I 2~,404.01 ~.FT. I / I I I I I 23~24.~ 5~,FT, I I I I I I I I LOT ~1 2~,~6.2~ 5~.FT, I I / : I .... x I I I I I I / I I ~ LOT ~2~ I ~ I 24,q~ ~5 ~.PT, I 21,q54.~0 59 FT. I ~ I ~ I ' ~ ~ ~ I LOT ~2g I ~ I LOT "21 / /~0' .............. ..... ___ ,' , , , , , LOT ~¢ LOT "4 i LOT ~5 LOT "e I LOT ~ LOT ~ LOT ~ LOT ~10 I.OI AC. I I I I I I t I SKETCH PLAN FOR: SANITARY' FLOH ALLOGATION: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ~oPOSE~ co~MeRclA~ LORN, CHANGE OF ZO~ TOT~ PLON ALLOOA~O PROH STP (~ LOT~) = lO00 OPW NAX. SITUATED AT PROPOSED TO.HOUSE5 (~00-1200 ~.FT,)=225 OPD~NIT MATTITUCK ~E ~) CA-DO TANK5 (I,'~" LONe x 1'4"HIDE x O'~'1HIOH) GROSS AR~: 20.821 AC. LEACHINe POOL5 15,000 ePP/I.5 = I0¢~ 5.F. LEAOHIN5 A~A ~UI~D NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL LOTS: PROVIDE 2~ - I0' DIA~E~R X 12'0" EFFEGTI~ DEPTH LEAOHINe POOL5 NUMBER OF TOWNHOUSE UNITS: TOTAL LEACHI~ A~A PDVIDD = 10,1~.8 ~. FT. (AFFORDAB~ HOUSING) WATER SERVICE: SCWA ZONING DISTRICT: R-80 ~ UNiT UNIT UNIT UNIT UN T UNIT I COHMEROIAL LOT ~, i -- -- -- / % , BASIN A~EA IlhJllll I I I UNIT UNIT UNIT ~ ~ ~ 4~4.D0 ~.FT. J UNiT ~4 UNIT ~42 : UNiT ~51 UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT ...... UNIT UNIT UN'T UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT!UNIT UNIT ( 1.01 AG. J : 5~ETGH PLAN