HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12220 P 602TIIIS INDE~dRE, made ~s ~'~.'~ of Octob~. ~wo ~ and twv BETWEF.~ _' LYNDA MYLES. ~esidAng r~ ~.~l~Wes~ 81~ Sue~, New York. NY 10024 ROBERT GUERRA, r~sidin~ a~ 4~ x*Vgst End Avtmue. Nc~ York, NY 10024 pa~y of the firs~ pan, GRACE C. PILCER & SAMUEl. A. PH. CER. residing az {230 Park Avznue. Ap~. 16C. New York., NY 1012~ of lhe f~",t parr, m comidernfion of a~n doUars and ~t v~le ~m~ ~ ~ AIL t~xat ccr~in piok p~:cc or parc~ of land, with d~ buildings a,.zl impcovcm~:ms thcrcoo c~c~d, situate, lyU~ and ~.in~ ~ I~ tum~ of Gem, Town of SouzhoM. Cou~y of Suffolk trod S~e of ~w York. bounde~ ami ~ ~ SEE y.:'IIEDIJLE *'A" ANNEXED HERgTO. BEING AND I,'WI~E~DED 1'O BE 6'~ s~une prcmis~ describ~xl in da: decc~ of doc pa~t.s of ~ first part herein by dc'cfi from Pntrice Edward Lyons n.,zl Linda M.-~z Lyons. d~d Nov~-n,,ber 11. 1968. recorded in tl~ Suffolk Coumy Clerk's OIT~'c tm Nox'embcr 30, ][~ in L[her 10745, Pnge 4.16. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~f: ~ER w~ ~ ~, ~ of ~ ~ of ~ tim ~ in ~ m ~ ~: ~ HA~ AND ~ ~1~ ~ ~y of ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s~ of ~e ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ tim f~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ of~ ~ ~ w~l apply OF: LYNDA ROBERT GUERRA TO ~ I..~ f,i) O~lLV WIIEN ~ ACKIMiWLIUCMI'I~? IS &'IJ, l~ Iii Nw YOlK bargain and Sale Deed eow^~ A~3'r On~rron's LYf'DA MYLi~ & ROBERT GUERRA GRACE C, Ifll~ER & SA. ARIEL A. PILCER DIST. [000 SECTION 0tS.00 BLOCK 03 .O0 LOT 012.001 COUNTY OR TOWN Suflbllf~aoalhotd SCHEDULE A - DESCRZPTZON ALL that certain I~, ~lace.~o~ ~ of I~nd, wi~ the ~ildings end impmv~e~ t~r~ er~ si~, ~ ~ ~1~ ~ H~let ~ ~ T~n ~ ~, Coun~ ~ ~lk and ~te of N~ Yo~ ~lng m~ BEGINNING at a monument on tr, e Northerly line of the Hain Road the southeasterly comer of land now or ~ Of D. H~re and the Southwesterly comer Of premises descr~becl hereatter from sai~ Doint of beglnmng; t'u~nlng along said lend of D~ IMloone and land now or formeJIy of Schmidt North 42clegr~es 20 minul~s 20 sacond~ west 192.80 feet to idm~ now or ~ of D. Rose; thence along said land North ~4 ¢~egrees, 05 minutes 20 so-.oriels East :~79.06 feet to lancl now or formed,/of Philip and Elm/ne FInlde; tl'~ence alon9 said last mentlane~ land South 28 degrees 25 mlnul;es 40 se~nds East 2~L9.30 feet to the nO~t'~:ty line of Main It. oaei; theflee ~long Ute said no,-tl~rty line o~ Iqein Road South 65 de~rees 00 minutes ~.0 seconds West ~34.69 i~et to the point of Beginning. ~ub:~eet to ;~ht o]~ M~v of zeco~ct. ALTA Loan Policy Insert 1 ~rial # Conificam # Prior Of, # TORRENS Pa~e I Filin~ Handling TP-584 Nmation EA-5217 (Cotmly) *E~-5'2.17 Comm. of Ce~J f't~l Copy Re~. Copy Deed I M{vtl~age Tax Slump Sub Tolal F"~"7 Grarai Te4at ~ Nov 18 L O0OO1222O P602 DT! 0~1~'/i0 Ra.x~ding I Rling Mmlgage AmL i. Basic Tax 2. Addilionul Tax ,, Sub T~al Spec. 1 AssiL Spe~./Add~ TOT, MTG Dual Town Daal County Held for Appointm~m ,, l',4a~sion Tax T'I~ property family dwellin~ only. YES or NO ........ If NO, ~ a~ate ~ ¢lau,w. on Real Properly Tax Scrvicc Agency Vorificafio~ O~ XOO0 OXO00 O~O OZ200~ Suffolk Co~idoralion Aamum CPF Tax Du~ & Endorsement (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTKUMENT} SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. in d~ Townshlp of ~ In ibc VILLAGE made by: BOXES 6 THROUGH il MUST BE TYPED OR PRI~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING ORiF[L~G [I lililliiiliB 02-15710 1000 Seat,:t. on: Bloc~: 018. O0 03. O0 $3?0,000. O0 1~/18/ao02 0~:&5:os D00012220 602 012.001 ~teml:Lved t:be Follov~ng 1tees For PIg~/r&lt,ng $12.00 CO~ $5.00 · JL'-C'L~ $5.00 'L'l~584 ~5.00 ~ $30.00 T=ane£ez tr.a.lr $1,48~.00 02-15710 $5,00 ~0 $15,00 ~0 $25.00 ~0 $0.00 XO $0,00 ~0 $4,400.00 ~C) ~5,982.00 Count*~ Cierk, Su~£olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www,orps.s~ate.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 PROPERTY INFORMATION I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT _J I I1)00-018.00 -I]3.Dil-O12.0il1 I BUYER Wick.h~m ;%bi '1 A: NEW YORK STATE COPY