HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 156N.Y.S. ~eal Estate Transfer Tax 800/(9/~) - 20M -- Sarpin and Sale Dast wkh Coveums spins Gml~'s A~--hdkMuol or C..p~.xbt (sinsl~ sheet) THIS INDENTURE, nudethe 1A'~Ch dnyoF SepCember , 2005 and 'BETWEEN. HENRY WERNIKOMSKI, restdin$ ac 1131Woodcreat Avenueo Rtverhead, New York 11901 pa~ofthefirstpart, nd DAVID T. BULL, residing at 34625 01d Hain Road, 0rtent, Hew York 11957 party of the second pm~ WlTNESSETH, dm~ d~ p~fly of the first ix~ in coesil:he*~fioo of ten dollfu3 ofld mher valuable comidcre,lm~ Imid by th~ Party of th~ s~:ond part, dom ben,by gnmt and ~lea~ unto th~ party of th~ second pa~ th~ heirs or successors and af~t~ of the pan'y of the second i~t fo~wcr, ALL that ce~ain plot. piece or ixuccl of land, with the b~ildin~s and iml~ovemcnt~ ~creon e~c~ed, situam, lying nnd heing in thc (SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE A) TOGETHER with all right, title nnd interest, if any, of the party of the first part. in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-dsscrlhed premises to the center lines thereof: TOGF~THER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premim; TO HAVHAND TO HOLD thc premises herein granted unto thc party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pafly of the second pan forever. AND the party of the. first part covenants that the party or the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encomborcd in any way whatever, UZCept as aforesaid. AND the party of thc first part, in compliance with Section 1.3 of the Lien Law, covcoants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consider- etlon ns a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "'party" shall be construed ns if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the potty of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above ' Wrilten. SCHEDI:/LE & ALL that c~tn~,~ plot, piece or parcel of lend, with thc buildings thereon ez~tod, situate, lying end being in Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk end State of New York, bounded end dcscribcd es follows: BEGINNING at a point at the northwesterly comer ofthe land of the pon'y ortho first part, said point being distant from tho intersectiun of thc southerly line of Main Road with the e~sterly line of Tabor Road the following two (2) courses and distances: l) No~th 80 dcgrccs 31 minutes 30 seconds East 286.0 feet, 2) North 76 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds East 52.55 feet, from said point of ginning; RUNNINO THENCE alor~ thc sou~crly side of Main Road the following two (2) 1) NotCh 76 degrees 33 minuU:s 50 seconds Eest 65.76 2) North 72 degases 14 minutes 20 seconds East 1.46 feet to lund now or=formerly of Ten-y; . THENCE along land now or formerly of Tm'y, South 21 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 210.56 feet to land now or formerly of Schriever, THENCE along land now or formerly of Sclulcver, South 87 degrees 47 minutes 30 seco~.ds We~t 70.57 feet to land now or formerly of Gloria; THENCE along land of Gloria, North 21 degrees 18 minut~s 10 s~eonds West 196.58 feet to the southerly side of Main Rend end the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the anme prem.ieee conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated July 2. 1997 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 3, 1997 in Ltber 11839 Page 141, Pa~e 4 of ~ Acknowledgemo~ tMmn In Nmv York Stem State of Now York, County of Su/folk , as: On the 1&th ~y diSepteubev In the y~er 2005, before mo, the undomlgned, personMiy hppeared SENI~Y perecnMly known to me or proved to me on the baal8 of .a~ry evtdef~e to be the Ifldivkluel(~) whole came~l) I~ (a~) ~Jblcrlbed fo the v~ln Instrument and Wedged fo ma thai he/l~l~ Oxo~LIt~d the lame in hll/ll~,/,;,.~, cabeolty .(4.eM, end that by hl~'flmflh~r"algnlturl(u) on the · e Indi,/,dual(o) ac~ed, elacufod the ins~umect Acknow~dgemem by Subeorlblng bo °-Jam h New Yo~ Sma State of NewYork. County of On the day of , in the year the undemign.d, pemonally appear~ tho suMc~blng ~ to the fo~ In.romar4, v~lh whom I am pemonally acquainted, who being by me duly Iwom, did depots and see, that he/she/thee res]de(a} In m ha the Ir~a~ludi _ _4e~_ ~rth~d In and who .xecut~l the forogoin0 I~; ~ ~ 8~ ~m ~8 p~~ .ex.ute the ~ma; ~nd that ~ld wl~ela ~t the ~mo time HENRY WERNIKOWSKI DAVID ?. BELL M.K.M. ABSTRACT SERVICES'INC. 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD P,O. BOX 427 MINEOI. A, N.Y. 11501 (516) 742-4700 AdmmlNKIg~ tlkl~ In I~ Y~ ~1~ 51aI~ of Nowyofk, County of Off tho dee of , In the ylar the undersigned, pemonally appeared personally known to me or proved lo me on lbo belta of IltllfaCtory or,dance to be Ule Imffvklual(a) who~ mime(a) b (em) eubecftlx~ to the wfthln imtrumo~t and .cknowtadged to me that hi/aha/thee executed the lama In hla/herAheir capacity(lei), end that by blather/their algnatum(i) on tim In~ the IndiMdual(e) or the pemo~ upon ~.~;-,~.'f of ~ tho JndMOual(l) acted, oxgcutad tho In~'ument. A~4umMedgement h,han out. de New YO~ StMe ·Slale of , C~unty of · (or Inlafl District of Columbia, Territory, possession or Foreign Country) , 0~ the day of , In the y~ar the undemlgned, pamonally appeared pemonelly known to mo or proved to mo on tho beale of latJ~ ovJdecco fo bO tho Individual(a) whola flame(l) Ifs (am) lubmcflhad fo tho within Instrument and acknovAedgod to me that he/she/thee executed tho cams In hit/her/their capacity(leo), that by hla/hlr/thelr signature(I) on tho Inatmmem, the bMIvldual(a) or the paraon upon behalf of which 1~ Individual(a) acted, ommufod tho In~blJrnont. end thof euch I~:hldudi mlde mmh appearance before thl underllgnod In the (mJd ~ city oF pollfk~l eubdivlelon end the mm oF country or other pbce the acknawledgement wu taken). RETURN BY MAL TO: PATRICTA O'DONNELL ESQ 157 NOBTH NAIN STREET EAST HAMPTON NY 11937 :Zip No. Number of pages SePal # Certificate # Pror Ctf. # Do-'d I Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Deed / Meflgnge Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (County) Sub TO~al EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. A~davit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total I I 4 I ois,. ,oooI s=tioo o s. oo Real Pmpet'ty Tax Service Agency Verification I Block 0.5.00 [ Lot o16.001 1000 01800 0500 016001 6 [ Satisfactions/Disehnrgns/Releas~s List Pmpcrty Ownen~ Mailing Address IF. CORD & RETURN TO: PATRICIA O"DONNELL HS0 157 NORTH MAIN STREET HAST HAMPTON NY 11937 RECORDED Sep 2:~ 03:0~St2~ PN Edward P. Roaaine ~24H P 156 DT% 0~171 Recording I Filing Stamps \ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County __ Held fo~ Appoinm~, n.t -- Trnnsfer Tax ' ['~'.'~' - Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or twu family dwelling only. YF_.S or NO If NO, see appmpriam ~x clause on page # __ of this instrument. 5 COmmu,,it~ Preserution l~md Conoidemtion Amount $ 333.205.00 Improved X Vacant Land TD 10 TD 7 Title Corn Information Tith~ # ~C8.-S-2/~426 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement PoRe HENRY WERNIKOWSKI This page forms pan of thc attached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein ~ilcated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE~'YORK. mn`b` by: TO In the Township of 8outhold DAVID T. BU~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Orient BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINt~O IN SLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page 1 of 4 (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE I~CORDTNG I~A~E T~pe of ZnHtz"dmont: DEEDH/DI~) Receipt ~her : 05-0100406 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-08171 District: 1000 Deed~unt: Recorded: LZBER: P~E: Bec tion: BZock: 018.00 05.00 EXAMZHED AND C~.ARGED AB FOLLOWS $333,205.00 o9/23/20os 03:03:23 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Znat~ument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COl $5.00 HO HYS 8RC~Q RA-CTY $5.00 HO U-STATE TP-584 $$.00 NO Cert.~opies RPT $30.00 NO BCTJ( TreinB£er tflx $1,334.00 NO Cctv. Pres Fees Paid TRAI~FER TAX I~iBERt 05-08171 TH.TH PAGE IS A PART OF TN~ Z. NSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012411 156 Edward P. ~---tne County Clerk, Su£folk County ~ot: 016.001 $5.00 $15.00 $?s.oo $o.oo $0.00 $3,664.10 $5,150.10 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SW~ Cede 4 c,.---~-- I /,~_,~/, 1,1 ~,~,/,~,~, PflOPER1Y INFORMATION I 1.~.u,,~,,,i 23650 I Main Road PLEASE TYPI~ 6~ [~i;~'i~i~l~l-[V WHEN wRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'~! www.orp~.state.ny.us or PHONE {818) 473-7222 , REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 6TA15 OF NEW YO~K RP - 5217 Southol~ J Or~en$ I 11957 I Rull I David RMIpm,od~ml~,~don'l~dNd I , , I #ofParMIo Oil PmtoflPamel L~- I Werntkowskl I Henry I I 4~. P~lnir~ Bored wah ~,__~o~ AuthoWy Exim [] DI I Ne~'~i~ntblV~r. am~ncl HLJ EnmrminmentlAmuMmem i.L~ F~ I s~ ~.FO.~o. I ..~.c.,,~.t~,. I 7 / 5 ,'05 I lZl~t, dlablVra~l~ I 9 / Z5 /05 I A B D E F I J , , .3 .3,3 , 2.0 .5.0.01 ! ! · 14.1mkl~d~vdUedllemaflll I. . , N/A, . , 0 , 0 I I A~J:~ ~8MENT INFORMATION - Data ih(~ld reflect the latelt final Ame~me~ Roll and Tax g#1 I "LL~,P."-,0, s, ,,.,.,--..,v.,.,...--.--.., , Oyster~onds l&FropMt'fClaa~ 12,1 ,0 I-1 I 400I , , I 18- 5- 16.1 I I i 9/l~o5 m ATr0RNEY O'Donnell I Patricia 631 I 329-2843 NEW YORK STATE COPY