HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 210DEED OF D~LOPMENT RIGHTS THI'S INDENTURE, made the i '~ day of .A, ,~ ~, ~ ,,.. 1.. ~. ,. ,2005 BETWEEN RONALD ELrON TERRY, r~iding at 3624 Via I~l Mar, Femnndina Beach. Florida 32034, PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, AND the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. a municipal corporation of the Statc of New York. having its principal offices at 310 Center Drive. Rivcrhead, New York 11901, PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, WITNESSETH, that pursuant to Chapter g of the Suffolk County Code, and in accordance with Resolution. No, 285-1981, aa amended, and The'Multi-Faceted Land Preservation Program, Resolution 459-2001 (5~h RESOLVED Cluaso) and Resolution No. 5'/8-2005 of the Suffolk County Legislature, that the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, in consideration of THREE HUNDRED'FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/00 DOLLARS ($350,000.00} -',nd other good and valuable consideration peid by the PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART, DO HEREBY GRANT AND RFI RASE unto the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, the successors and assigns of the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART forever, THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. by which is meant the permanent Icgel interest and right, ns authorized by §247 of the New York State General Municipal Law. az amended, and Local Law 16-1981 of the County of Suffolk, as amended, to permit, require or restrict the use of the premises exclusively for agricultural production az that term is defined in Local Law 16-1981 of the County of Suffolk, az amended, and the right to preserve open apace ns that term is defined in §24'/of the New York State General Municilral Law. az amended, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises for any puq~ose other than agricultural production, to the property described az follows: ALL that piece or parcel of land. situated in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of Now York, more particularly bounded and described az follows: (see description annexed hereto and muda n pa~ hereo0: BEING AND INTENDED to be part of thc samc p~mises conveyed to GRANTOR by deed dated December 15, 1995 from Lloyd E. Terry to Uoyd E. Terry and Ronnld Elton Terry and recorded December 18, 1995 in Libor 11754 nt page 677 each az to a one half inter~st aa tenants in common without right of survivorship in premises known and desigented az District 1000, Section 020.00, Block 03.00, Pan of Lot 003.000 and BEING AND INTENDED to be pat of the same premises conveyed to GRANTOR by deed dated July 25, 1996 from Lloyd E. Terry to Ronald Elton Terry and recorded July 31, 1996 in Libor 1 I,/85 at page 56 as to an additional thirty-three percent (33%) interest with Lloyd E. Terry receiving a seventeen percent (17%) interest az tenants in common without right of survivorship in premises known and designated az District 1000, Section 020.00, Block 03.00, Part of Lot 003.000 and BEING AND INTENDED to be pan of the same promises conveyed to GRANTOR by deed dated Jnnuary 22. 2002 from Priscilla Ten'y Bull and Ronald Elton Terry, as Co-Executors of the 'last Will and Testament of Lloyd E. Terry, deceased, and recorded February 13, 2002 in Libor 12168 nl Page 961 as to the balance of the reserved premises of seventeen percent ~ 17~,) interest in premises known and designated az District ! 000. Seclion 020.00, Block 03.00, Pnn or Lot 003.000 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ~aid DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS in thc preraises herein granted unto the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, its successors and assigns, forever;. AND the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART covenant that the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been 1 encumbered in any way whatever, except ns aforesaid. The PARTYOFTHE FIRST PART, as a covcnant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agree for the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the PARTYOF TI IE FIRST PART, to use of the premises on and after the date of this instrument solely for the purpose of agricultural production, THE development rights conveyed heroin are subject to the further terms and provisi~ns as set forth in a ccrt. ain contract of sale between the PARTIES hereto dated July i:5. 2005 as th... same is intended:to be recorded in the el'rice of the ~uffolk County Clet~ prior in time to this deed. portions of which us comained herein have and will survive the delivery of this instrument of conveyance. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, his heirs, assigns and/or party or parties in lawful possession of thc pr~nises subject to this deed of development rights, pursuant to lease, liecnse, or other arrangement, covenant and agree that it will not remove any soil from the premises described herein. A purpose of this acquisition is to protect topsoil by limiting non-agricultural production use~ of the land. The topsoil present on the p~mises consists of prime/unique/important soil. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, his heirs, assigns and/or patty or pa~ies in lawful possession of the premises subject Io this deed of development rights, pursuant to lense, license, or other arrangement, covenant and agree that they will la} not generate, store or dispose of huzardous substancea on the premises, nor allow others to do so: Co) comply with all Environmental Laws: lc) allow PARTY OFTHE SECOND PART and ils agents rensonnble access to the premises for the purposes of ascertaining site conditions and for inspection of the premises for compliance with this agreement. Where Federal grants and/or funds are used and/or reimbursed to the PURCHASER for this acquisition. representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture shall also have the right to enter the property as stated in subparagraph lc) herein. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. THE following covenants shall run with the land in perpetuity and shall be deemed applicable only if federal funds are in fact received by the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART for the premise~: (i) Contingent Right in the United State~ of America: In the event that the PARTY OFTHE SECOND PART fails to enforce any of the terms of this easement (or other interests in land), as determined in thc sole discretion of the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, the said Secretary of Agriculture and his or her successors and assigns shall have the right to enforce the terms of the easement Ior other interests in land) through any and all authorities available under Federal or State law. In the event that the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART attempts lo terminate, transfer, or otherwise divest itself of any rights, title, or interests of this easement (or other interests in land) or extinguish the conservation easement (or other interests in land) without the prior consent of the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture and payment of consideration to the United States of America. then, at the option of such Serretaty, all right, title, and interest in this ea..cement (or other interests in land) shall become vested in the United States of America. {ii) Unless otherwise agreed to by the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, United States of America Commodity Credit Corporation and the N.Y.S. Department of Agriculture and Markets, the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART shall hold title to any conservation easement or interest in land. However, title may be held by the United States of America at the request of the Secratnty of Agriculture upon mutual ag~ement o1' the PARTY OF 2 (iii) THE SECOND PART, United States of America Commodity Credit Corporation and the N.Y.S. Depmtment of Agriculture and Markets, or when the United Statas exemises its contingent right. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART cover{ants to manage the property in accordance with a conservation plnn that is developed utilizing the stand'axis ~ specifications of the NRCS field office technical guide and 7 C.F.R., Part 12, and is approved by the Conservation District. (A) As required by section 12381 of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended, the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, his heirs, successors, or assigns, shall conduct 'all agricultural operations on the Protected Property in a manner consistent with a conservation plnn prepared in consultation with NRCS nad approved by the Conservation District. This conservation plna shall be developed using the standards and specifications of the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide and 7 CFR part 12 that are in effect for DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS on However, the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART may develop nad implement a conservation plan that proposes a higher level of conservation and is consistent with the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide standards and speci fications. NRCS shall have the right to enter upon the Property. with advance notice to the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, in order to monitor compliance with the conservation plnn. (B)In the event of noncompliance with the conservation plan, NRCS shall work with the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART to explore methods of compliance and give the PARTY OF THE IqRST PART a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed twelve months, to take corrective action. If the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART does not comply with the conservation plan, NRCS will inform PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART of the PARTY OF THE FfRST PART'S noncompliance. The PARTY OF THE SECOND PART shall take all reasonable steps (including efforts at securing voluntary compliance and. if necessary, appropriate legal action) to secure complinace with the. conservation plan following written notification from NRCS that (a) them is a substantial, ongoing event or circumstance of non- compliance with the conservation plan. (b) NRCS has worked with the PARTY OF TIlE FIRST PART to correct such noncompliance, and (c) PARTY OF THE FIRST PART has exhausted its appeal rights under applicable NRCS ragulations. (C) If the NRCS smndm-ds and specifications for highly erodible land are revised after the date of this Grant based on an Act of Congress, NRCS will work cooperatively with the PARTY OFTHE FIRST PART to develop and implement n revised conservation plan. The provisions of' this section apply to the highly erodible land conservation requiraments of the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program and are not intended to affect, any other natural resources conservation requirements to which the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART may be or become subject. 3 (iv) After the DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS hove been acqui~t by the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, any amendments to this Deed of Development Rights shall be authorized 'in writing by the United States of America. THE following covcnants shall run with the land in perpetuity and shall be deemed applicable, only if New York State funds are in fact received by the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART for the premises: ¢i) After the DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS have been acquired by the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, any amendments to this Deed of Development Rights shall be authorized in writing by the N.Y.S. Department of Agriculture and Markets. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, his heirs, assigns and/or party or parties in lawful possession of the premises subject to this deed of development fights, pursuant to lease, license, or other arrangement, covenant and agree that he shall defend, indemnify and hold the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART and any of its officers, agents, employees, and, their respective successors and assigns, harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, responsibility for legal, consulting, engineering and other costs and expenses which may arise out of (I) any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any representation or warranty made by PARTY OF THE rig. ST PART in the subject agreement and/or this deed: (2) the breach or non- performance of any covenants requital by the subject ag~ement and/or this deed to be performed by the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, either prior to or subsequent m the closing of title herein; (3) any action, suit, claim, or proceeding seeking money damages, injunctive relief, remedial action, or other remedy by reason of a violation or non- compliance with any environmental law: or the disposul, discharge or release of solid wastes, pollutants or haz'.h-dous substances: or exposure to any chemical subs 'lances, noises or vibrations to the extent they arise from the ownership, operation, and/or condition of thc premises prior to or subsequent to the execution of the deed of development rights; or (4) the acts or omissions or negligence of the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. IF Federal grants and/or funds are used and/or reimbursed to the PURCHASER for this acquisition, the United State~ of America shall also be deemed to be an indemnified party under the indemnification as slipulated in the preceding paragraph, and the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART shall also indemnify the PARTIES OF THE SECOND PART and the United States of America as to the following: Violations of any laws and regulations which are now or which may in the future become applicable and including, but not limited to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, .t3 U.S.C. §12~51, et seq., the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation and Liability Act as amended. 42 U.S.C. 9601, et .veq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended. 15 U.S.C. 2601, el seq.. the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenti¢ide Act, as amended, ? U.S.C. 136, et seq., and the Safe Drinking Water Act, ns amended, 42 U.S.C. 300f et seq. (2) judgments, claims, demands, penalties or fees assessed against the United States: .(3) costs, expenses and damages incurred by the United States of America, or (4)'the release or Ihmatened release of any solid waste, hazardous waste, hazardous ~ubstence. pollutant contaminant, oil in any form or petroleum product into the environment. This covenant shall mn with the land in perpetuity. THE WORD "PARTY" shall be construed a~ if it mad "PARTIES" whenever the sense of :his iiidenture so t~luire',~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART has duly cxccuted this deed the d.~ and year first abovc written. · RON,~LD ELTON TERRY 4 STATEOF~C~o~&c. ) ) SS.: COUNTYOF e*,,.~.c..t ) On thc * '?~lay of x o ,s q' . in thc year 2~5, before me. the undersigned, personally appeared .q o ~ ,~ I & ~. '-/e=.v ~'v , personally known to mc or proved to mc on the basis of satisfactory eviclcnce to bc thc individual who~e name is subscribed to thc within instrument and acknowledged to mc that he/she executed the s~ne in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on thc instrument. the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual made such appem-ance before the undersigned in (iflscrt thc city or other political subdivision, state country or place acknowledgment was tuken) Record and Return to: Bob 'Zaher Division of Real Estate Department of Planning H. Leo Dennison Bldg. - 2nd FI. P.O. Box 6100 l-lauppauge, New York 11788 ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Title N~, ~-AS-33628 (9996) Amended Jaly 1~, ALL thn~ cemtin plot, pi~~_ or ~ of land, situa~ ly~ and being st Orimt, Town of SouRlold, Suffolk County, New York, being Ix~nd~d and described ns fol]ows: BEGINNING at a point in the Sot~erly lirm of Main Road (S.R. 25) where the Easterly line of thc p~mises to be desto'bed nmi the We~t~lyline of land now or fonnerly of Frederick Lloyd and Ethel R. Tcn~ int~an~'to the ss~d Soulbenty lin~ of Main Road, snid poin~ being nlm dimmt 3125 feet, mo~ or less, u m'~'urod Wmt~rly from th~ e. cnm' formed byth~ interm:tion ofthe Southerly linc of Main Road sad th~ Westerly lin~ of Cedar Bimh Road; RUNNIN O THENCB f~m said point ofbeginnins th~ following two (2) ~om and distanms along lnnd now or formerly of Frcdedck Lloyd and Ethd It. Tm'y: 1. South 13 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 290.50 fee~, North 77 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds F.~t, 1.~0 feet to lnnd now or formerly ofDian~ W. Whitalt; THENCE South 13 dcgn~s $5 minutes I 0 seconds East along said last monfion~i land, 9it 1.60 feet; THENCE South 86 de~rees 04 minutes 20 seconds West slill along said last mmtioncd land, 91.12 feet; TI-I~NCE South 13 degrees 55 minutes 10 secoads F..nst still nlong said Isst meationed ln~. 21.92 f~-t; THENCE No~h 73 degrees 53 ntinut~s 31 seconds West, 499.19 feet to land now or formerly of Todd Buchanan Memorial Trust (County of Suffolk Deve~pment Riglm); THENCE Norlh 14 deg~es 42 minutes 30 r,~conds West nlong mid last mantioned land, 453.37 fee. t; ADVANTAGE.TITLE A~gNCY, INC. Title NO. ~-A8-:~3625 (9~6) THENCE North 75 dcgr~s ! 8 minums 08 aeconds Fast, 353.26 ~ N~ 1'3 ~ 55 ~u~ 10 ~s W~ 574.71 f~ ~ ~ ~Y I~ of~ ~ N~ ~ d~ 34 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c 24.~ f~ m ~e ~i~ ~ pl~ of B~O. amber of ~Ses ~ · TORRENS =rtificate # im Ct]*. # ~ D~.d / Mortgage ll~tmn~nt RECOR~.-D 200~ Dec 13 02:22:01 Pit Eduard CL,EI~ OF SUFFOLK COMITY L 00001242~ P 210 DT# ~J- 190~ Deed I Mo~.~a~e Tax Stamp Reco~ia~ I Hlinit Stamp ] MoflgnSe Amt. age I Filing Fee I 1. Bnsic Tax :nndling 5. 00 [ 2. Additional Tax. ] Sub Total P-584 [ SpecJAs~it. {oration . or '.A-52 17 (County) . Sub To'al Spec. lAdd. TOT. MTO. TAX iA-§217 (State) t.ET.S.A. .'omm. or' Ed. Duel Town Dual County Held for Appoint~nt __ Trnnsfer Tax Mnnsion Tux ~ffidnvit · . .n r-" =NAT'. The .~...~rty covered by this motmgage is ~~ ~{ ? . w,,I ~ ,mpm,~ by n one or two ~ ~ fmnily dwelling only. ~eS. Copy ~ -- ~ Sub ~nl ~.. · y~ ~ NO 3ther -- = -- _ ~ __., ~~ If NO.. appmpdam .x. clau. on ~=~ /~ 0~1~ zooo ~ooo o3o~ oo~&o2 [ Con~deration Amount $ AB~ncy r ~ Improved _ V~fi~t~on ', ' - ......... , -=--I / Satisf~tion¢l~¢le~ ~/~ . { V I~ .... ~J Su~olk County Re~ordnn~ ~ Endorsement PaKe This pag~ form~ i~¢ TI~: premises hemh~ is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK· In the Towt%shlp of 1~ the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ((~v~r~ I IIIlfll Ill IIlll IIIII ii ! II Ill il IIII IHI Sum~OLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument; DEEDS/DDD l~,~her o£ F&ges: 8 Receipt ~--her ; 05-0129295 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19084 1000 Deed A~ount~ 8ecCion: Block: 020.00 03.00 ~N~D AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $350,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/Filing $0.00 YES Handling COE $0.00 YES NY8 SRCHG EA-CTY $0.00 YES EA-STATE TP-584 $0.00 YES Cert.¢opies RPT $0.00 YES SC'TM Trane£er tax $0.00 YES C~,Pros Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBEP.~ 05-19084 THiS PAGE IS A PA~T OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IB NOT A BILL Recorded~ At: Edward P.Romaine CounCy Clerk, 8u£folk County 12/13/2005 02:22:01 PM LZBER: D00012425 PAGE: 210 Lot; 003.002 Exempt $0.00 YE8 $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.00 YES $0.oo PLE~SE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN wRFTING ON FoRM .INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUN'[Y USE ~DNLY / / '~ ,,") ~/'C;~'C..,,J REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT '. / ... RP - 5217 BBIIng i~h~,tha~, b~addm~Lmb,,~.i~e~laml I ,,~ 48. SulxlJvi~on A~)rovll wag ~i(l~fid for 5',.~"~.'',I FROk~Fr FB:'r IXl iD&pill Jo.I .,~../ . , I 4C. pifml A,~prowd Jot Sub(bviNon with 1~4a~) Provided [] o.~, t "?'~.,u.~ I 2,,~'~ --~''' I I I I A [] O"0 trendy Residential ,~ ~l.~ 2 ors Femi~ Re~tti~ F'~] C~mme~iiI J ~.~ Ink.trial I)L.u No. Re,dot. airy. am Landz )ill Em~alnmeml,~tuaamem! I S~.E ~.;o.,^=o~1 I B C IT F G H I J Typo nM[ We.enty or Ba~Mn end SaM (81~iIy BiIow] ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - Data should ,reflect tho lateet FInal AsM~mem Roll a~d Tax Bill I' -. ' SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY ¥-