HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12228 P 697'1- 6~3 D~H~.1000 SEC;' 21 BLK. 3 LOT 14 TH~INDF-NT~R~madcthe ~ ~yof September ,2002 BET%~F~N ANNA MELIE; a/k/a ANNA MELIS BILIANIS and FRANCES BILIANIS, residing at 6 Cambria Road, Syosset, NY 11791 P~r~Y°~ t~= ~r~= Ix~rt. =md ANtrA MELIS a/k/a ANNA MELIS BILIANIS end NICHOLAS BILIANIS, residing ~t 6 Cambria Hoed, S¥osset, NY 11791 party of the second part. SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED. SUBJECT TO A LIFE ESTATE~ TO GEORGE MELIS AND FRANCES MELIS. TOGI~THER with all right, title a.d inte'rcst, if any. o{ the part), of the l~rst part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described pre:~ises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances a~3d all Ihe estate and rights of the part), o.e thc I~r~t part ill and to said premises: TO FLAVE .AND TO oL t!.~e :'~rsl p,~rt will receive the consi era:i*n ~- -'-' . . L~.~.~ [.aw. here~y co~enan? that the part). ernt~on as a ~rust It:nd to e ~;*,~r-* ~- :~* ~,~.s conve~ance, anu.~m no]~ the r~ght to r~e~ve ~u=h cons d- the s~n~c 6rsr to ~he uavme ~r-~",%~ ~' '~'~"~Y purpose o~ pa~mg the cost si the Jmpro~'eme ~t a .1 will annlv ~,~ w.~7. ,V~,¥ o, ,,,~ ~,: ~, ~. ~,, .~.~,.~ ,,,. ,,~ ,,, ~., ~ ,~,~ ~., .~,.. · Frances Billanis Onme ~ ~"y0f September ~.~:.c).~ 200] bc£0~ m~ me ua~e~i~no~ perso~aUy appea~d Anna ~e 1 i s a/ Ann~. ~elis-Bilianis and Frances ~y~ ~ mc or p~v~ ~o mc on ~ b~is of ~6sf~ct~ ~{s) ~ cx~~T~ {N~ York Su~c,ibi,~ Wh.e~ ~c~o~ed~mem Ce~.tWca~e) S~a~e of New York. County of ) ss.: On ~e day of in ~):c · e sub~bln~ wimps Io ~he foregoin~ ins~me~t, wiO~ whom 1 any. thee~ Ih~ helshW~hey ~o be the individual described in and who execum~ ~he foregoing hi~erhheir name(s) as a wimess SS. ~40~OJ .WJ~X~f~VI'FORM~OR [Out of State or Foreign G~ne~l Ac~owtedgment Cert~cate] On the day of in the year evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (n~) subscd~d cxccut~ the same in his~edtheir capnc~(ies), that by hi.eM signature(s) on ~c ifls~ment, the indivi~l(s), or ~e ~n upon behalfofwhich thc individual(s) acted, ex~uted the in--meat, end that such individual made such appearance before the unde~igncd in the (Insert the city or other political srtbdivi$ion and the ztote or country or (~uilrtatm ~e~h TITL£ ~o. Melis-Bilianis TO Meli$-Biliani.=~ SECTION 21 ' aL,ocr. 3 LOT 14 COU~T~g~x Suffolk RETURN BY MAIL TO: Michael G. Psaro$, Esq. 29-15 Ditmars Blvd. Astoria, NY 11105 Zip All ~hat certain plot, piece or parcel of lan~, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Marion, .Tgwn of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: iR?NNINGat a point on the southerly side o~. Aqg~view.Aven~, ~%~-~0~ 19 f%et as measured in a westerly olrec~.lon a~o~g ~e ~l~-~k~e of Aquaview Avenue from the c~rne~ zormea D~ ~e ~c%ion of the-southerly side of Aquavlew Avenue anu =ne westerly side of Cedar Drive; RUNNING THENCE South 7 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West, along land now or formerly of Krowzellis, 148.75 feet to land now or formerly of Davies; THENCE aiong said last mentioned land the following two courses and distances: 1. North 75 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West, 66.66 feet; 2. North 69 ~gf%e~erl~ minutes 10 seconds West, 55.00 feet to land now of Sevasti and Nicholis; THENCE North 12 degrees 23 minutes Est, along said last mentioned land, 35.00 feet to land now or formerly of Melis; THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two 6ourses and distances: 1. South 69 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East, 55.00 feet; 2. North 12 degrees 23 minutes. 00 seconds East, 115.00 feet to ~he southeFly si~e of Aquavlew Avenue; THENCE along t~e southerly side of Aquaview Avenue, the following two courses and.distances: 1. South 69 degrees 10, minutes 10 seconds East, 35.66 feet; 2. South 80 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East, 17.34 'feet tot he point or place of BEGINNING.. TOGETHER with a right of'way in common with o{hers in, over and to strip of land 6eginning at the southwesterly corner of land ~ereto~ore conveyed%o Alexander Lehrman and; RUNNING THENCE westerly along said northerly line of Aquaview Avenue, 45 feet to land of Stewart; THENCE along said land of Stewart North 7 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds West 160 ~eet, more or less, to Long Island Sound; thence easterly along sa~d Long Island South fifty-nine (59) feet,more or less; THENCE along said land heretofore conveyed to Alexander Lehrman, South 4 d~grees 10 minutes 10 seconds East 180 feet more or less, to the polnt of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the part of the first part by deed dated December 29, 1977 and recorded in the suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 30 1977 in liber 8368, page 332. Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate Prior Cfi. # RECORDED 200~ Jan 06 01:58:53 PM Edward P. Romaine CLERK OF ~IJFFOLK C;OJNT¥ L DO00122:28 P 697 DT# 02-21949 31 Page / Filing Fee /(~ ~ Handling 5. O0 TP-584 ,,,ja~ -- Notation I~A-52 17 I.f~OUIlly , '~ ~ EA-5217 IStme ~ ~ ~ .-~omm. of Ed. 5. O0 A~davit Ce~i~ed Copy .%ah 'l;md Recording / Filing Stamps Reg. Copy Other 4 [ District Real Property Tax Service Agency /15 '--'-- Gr:mdTot:d% 03000001 ',ooo 02100, 0300 014000 Satisfaction~Di~hargc~Relca~s List Propcl:'ty C)WllUrs Mailing Address RECORD & REal'URN TO: 29-15 Ditmars Blvd. Astoria, .Ny 11105 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.lA.it. or Spec. /Add. TO'F. MTG. TAX I-laid for Appoinlme~ Transfer Tax The properly coverod by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. $ C~--munity Pr~ation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S TD TD 'I'L) '7 ] , Title Company Infi)rmation Title # Suffolk County Record ne & Endorsement Page. This page forms part of the attached Deed ': made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Anna Melis a/k/a Anna Mel/.~ %':a3Lliani'lqle promises herein is ~';itunled in and Frances Bil±anls SUFFOLK C¢)L.INTY. NIi%¥ YORK. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'FEI) IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDZNG PAGE TTpe of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD ~er of Pages= 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-21949 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 021.00 03.00 $o.00 Ol/O6/2oo3 01=58=53 PM D00012228 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SURCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptee RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-21949 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Lot: 014.000 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $o.00 ~o.oo $o.oo $102.00 NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 PROPER'fY INFORMATION I 1. Property j I 150 I A~uaview Avenue Location - ~ L Bllianis 6 Cambria Road Melis-Bilianis REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK RP - 5217 Ni~hola~ _S¥osset Property ] J X L I OR L .... 0 . 2 .5 I Anna NY, I I 1731 Melis-Bilianis I Anna Bilianis I Frances ~FI~IALE INFORMATION I ,~. s,i. co.*,,., o~ [ / N/_A~.__J 13 Full Sale Price ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ I IO I 0 ' 0 I OYSTER PONDS S~HODL DISTRICT I 473889 21.-3-14 j [ I [ 6 Cambria Road Syosset I NY j 17791  SELLER BUYER'S ATFO RNEY 718 / 956-8968 (NEW YORK STATE