HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12368 P 686Tw~M~ 1000 021 BIIc 06 004 ~,oo.s. a~pln md ~Me IXmd v,i~ Covemm .~k,- ~ Am IMivtdml m, C. axpemim (Slngk m,-,,"." (NYB'TU ~002) CONEULT YOUR LAWYER BEFOBE 5]~IING THI~ h"~TRI~V~NT -- ~ INSTRUMENT ~IIOULD BE U~ED BY LA'WYEP,.~ ONLy THISINDEN~13RE, n~dothc 27th dayof January ,inthe~cer2005 BET%NEEN ANTHONY LOPRESTI AND MARILYN LOPRESTI, HIS WIFE, presently residing at 3661 Rocky Point Road,P.O. Box 173., East Marion, New York 11939 partyofthcfu~tpart, amiANTHONY LOPRESTI, AS TRUSTEE, THE ANTHONY ~._ LORRESTI REVOCABLE LIFETIME TRUST, DATED JANUARY 27.2005, & MARILYN LOPRESTI, AS TRUSTEE, THE MARILYN LOFRESTI REVOCABLE LIFETIME TRUST, DATED JANUARY.27 $005 both having an address at 3661 Rocky Point Road, P.O. Box 173, East Marion, New York 11939, as Joint tenants with right of survivorship party of the second peri, WITNESSETH, that thc pan'y of thc font peri, in consid~ution ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the peri], of thc second part, does hereby grant and release onto the party of rte second part, the beim or successors and assigns of the pmiy of the second part fomve~, . ALLthatcer~ainp~iceeorparee~f~an~withthebui~din~sandimpr~vemantsthere~crectad~situata~ying and~inginthe Please See Schedule A, attached hereto and incorporated herewith. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed ~o the par%y of the.first part by deed dated December 30, 2002 and recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on January 15, 2003 in ~iber. 12230 Page 415. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, oftho party of the first part of, in and to any sleets and roads abuttin~ thc above-described prem/sce to the cefltcr lines thereof;, TOGETHER with the nppuflannnces and all the em~ and fights oft~ party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto tho party of thc second park tho heirs or ancc~m~ and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND thc pen~ ofthc £ust pert covenants that the pa.,fy ofthe l'ont part has not done or suffered anything whereby thc said premises have been incombered in any way wha~ver, except as aforesaid. AND the party of thc f'~t part, in compliance with Section 13 oftl~ Lien Law, covenants that the pafly of the first part will rcccive the conside~tion for this conveyance end will hold the right to receive such consideration as a uust fund to be applied first for the purpose of pnyin~ thc cost of tho improvement and will apply the rune first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any othe~ purpose. The word "pan'y" shall be consU~ed as if it read "partics" whenever tho sense of'tiffs indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this d~ed the day and year first above wdttan. Ir/PRESENCE OF: ~27~ January h~2005 Anthony LoPrest~ & Naril~n LoPres~i .' ~ = ~ ~ ~.~;) ~ ~;) b (~) ~,~ = ~ ~ ~ S~w York Acmvo~,~m~r Fmu~ ~xt t~ lF~nw NEs, Yo~ $~ Ost~. {New tm* ~ ~ A~m~t C~e) ~ta~ ofN~ Y~ Coun~ of } On ~ ~y or in ~ ~ ~f~ m~ ~ ~d~i~, ~lly ~p~ ~ ~b~g wi~s M ~ fo~ i~ wi~ ~ I ~ p~ ~h~ w~ ~ ~ me duly ~ did d~ ~ say ~at ~sh~ ~s) ~ m ~ ~ ~dd~ d~ in ~ ~ cx~l ~e i~ ~ ~id ~b~n~ing wim~ ~ p~t ~ ~w ~id h~r m~s) ~ n wim~ ~. and t/se stye or co~m'ry or BARGAIN & SALE D~o Tm. ENO. Anthony LoPresti & Narilyn LoPresti, his wife Anthony LoPresti & Marilyn LoPresti Trustees FIDELITY NATIONAl, TITLE INSURANCE', COMPANY OF NEW YORK DIs*nucF 1 O00 SK'I3ON 021 BLOCK 06 LOT 004 Cou~rr~ o~ TOWN Ndlty Nntlonnl Title Immnee Company of New York Celia M. Josephson Esq. 2 Dune Alp~rt Drive North East Hampton, New York 119~7 Schedule A at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 4 as shown on a certain map entitled 'Map of East Marion Woods" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 8, 1989 as Map No. 8759. BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of a 25 foot Right of Way, which point intersects the division line bet~veen lots 4 and 5 on the aforementioned map, the following two (2) coumes and distances, from the comer formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Rocky Point Road and the northerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); 11' northerlly along the westerly side of Rocky Point Road a distance of 3837.62 feet to a point; 2} South 76 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds West, 471.81 feet to the true point or place of beginning; Running Thence South 76 degreas 54 minutes 10 seconds West, 140.00 feet to a point; Thence North 13 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West 304.22 feet to a point; Thence North 76 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds East, 140.00 feet 1o a point; Thence South 13 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 304.22 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. N umhe'~"o"f'pa~les TORRENS Serial # Cenilicat~ # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrdmem Deed / Moctgage Tax Stamp FEES 20C~i .f~ 28 02:15:.54 E~ard P. Rot. la%ne CLEM( 8F 5OFFOLK COON?/ L r..43001236-9 P DT~ 04-26576 Recording / Filing Sin,rips Page / Filing Fee Handling · TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (Count)') EA-5217 (Slate) tLP. T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy ~ Re8. Copy O~her ~ oo Sub To~l Stamp Dale Sub Tam] -- GRAND TOTAL Peal Property 'l~x Sen/ice Agn~cy Verifiealion Dist· Section B lock Lot 05004092 looo o::zoo DaDO 004000 [F~! CFE A) ~.,.. Initials ' ~J~--.~" [ Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases Li~ Property Owne~s'~ili~-g'-^dd'""~ RI;CORD & RETURN TO: Celi:.~ Ii. Josepheon Eeq. P.C. 2 Ourte Alpin Drive North East Hampton, Ney York 11937 Mortgage, AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Addilianal 'l;ax Sub Total Spee./A.,ait. Or Spec./Add. TOlL M'[13. TAX Dual Town.~ Dual C.unty__ Held for Apportkmment __ 'lYmk.~ fer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by Ihb mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellin~ only. YES arNO If NO. see approprlal¢ tax clause on page # __.__ orlhis instrument. Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 0 CPF Tax Due / $ 0 mprow.'d X ~/acant Lnnd 'FI) TD TD .  ,n [ Title Company Information · [ Title # q Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Anthony UoPresti & t~ar-lZ~-n LoPresti his wife Thi:; page fom~s parl of the altached Deed (SIT~CIFY TYlq:. OF IN$'IR~ ) 'lhe pren'dscs herein is silumed in SUFFOLK CO{JNTY, NI';W YORK. made by: TO Anthony LoPr~sti & Msrilvn LoPresti as Trustees In thc Tovmship or In the VII,I.AGE or I IAMLEI' of Southold East Marion IK%'~I ;:S 5 'ITIRU 9 MUST BI'~ 'IYPED OR PR] NIED IN BI.ACK INK (INLY PRIOR '10 RECORDING 0R. FILING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD l~--~er of Pages: 4 Receipt l~m~er : 05-0010438 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-126576 District:: 1000 Dssd Au~)unt: Recorded: At: ~.IBER: PAGE: Section: Block t 021.00 06.00 ~UU~]~D AND C~AR~SD AS ~O~.~OWS $o.oo 01/28/2005 02:15:54 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handl£ng cee $5.00 NO NYS SRCH~ EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copiem RPT $30.00 NO SC'fl~ Transfe,r tax $0.00 NO C~.Prss Fees Paid TP. ANSFE$: TAX NUMBER: 04-26576 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012368 686 Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk Co~mt¥ Lot: 004.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $10.00 $o.oo $0.00 $162.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE oR PRESS FIRML--Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 F, OR COL[NT¥ USE ONI.¥ m. swm code I y, ?, '~', ~?, ~', FI . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT cz m,~ D,,d m~d RP 5217 PROPEATY INFORMATION 3661 I Rocky Pnint Road J ~muk'hnld I 'l~a~'l- 'M'az"lnn 111q'~q I LCoPrestt I Na~tlvn. Trustee Roll pamds Iron.awed off tim deed I I I , P,.,q-~, I Jxl Jo.I .... L ~efler I l',oPresti ~ LoPreshi I IN,,A. / I i i / 2? / 05 I , , ,O,o,ol 1~. Full Sate I~'ice LI I ~ ~ · A B C I) F ! 1 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data ahould reflact 6~e latest Fin*l A~m~ment Roll and Tax Bill D~d TVI~ m Warrmn~' ~r ~ mhd Sate (Spaclfy Belowl Transfer t-o L~{m~ TrllCa{-= ½.. l[ l~lmt~ Om [~, 1 ,0 I-I I aL~l~ I Oyster Ponds I 1000 I I o21 An'i~"~"~y"'"[ Mart lyn T-,oPrest:l ,~'~T=uatees P.O. BOx 1173 East Marion I NY I 11939 '4.., 1/27/05 631 I 324-~2RR I NEW YORK STATE i ' COPY