HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 685 .. CT /, · TtlIS~NDEN'FIJRE, ma~ qth 'dayoflunc . ,intheyenr200~ BEI'~'EEN ANTHONY MARSICANO AND ESTELLE MARSICANO Ilqsq puny of the f~t p~, and Wil|i~m Stamafis and Susan Slumalis , 'T party of the se~ood palx. WITNESSETil, ~ t~ ~ cftc fi~ ~ ~ ~ m~ dol~ ~ki by ~ ~y of~e ~o~ ~ ~ ~by ~ ~d ~ ~to ~e ~ of the ~o~ ~ ~ ~i~ or s~ce~ w~ ~i~ uf~ ~y of ~ ~ ~ f~, ALL ~ ~n lying m~ ~iug Town of ~ld, C~nty of SU~O~ Fil~ in ~ O~ of~ C~ of No. BEGINNING al ~ ~im lying ~ ~e ~n~r li~ cfa 50 f~ fi~t of ~y wh~h Corer of ~ 'Fh~ linc ofd= afo~t~ ~ ~ ri~ of way: THENCE N~ Ibt= of the af~lio~ 50 f~ fi~ of why 1.50. f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ of BEGINNING. 'I'TO~ETI41~.R with inl~ess and el~ess over a 50 foot Right of Way ov~ the Southerly 25 f,~ of Lot No~. 2 and 3 and over the Not~hedy 25 fe~ of Lot No ? As sl~sw~ on the afor~2ki map to Rocky Point Road Saki pr,.'miz's hei~ known as 3657 Rocky Point ~ East Marion, New York, Thc premises herein ~.~ribed ~ and are intended to bc thc same a~ ~ described in deed recorded in Liber 12236 ~t Pnge "81. _. . .- TCK]ETIIER with all right, tith: and inten~l, if any, oflhe pmly of Ibc first p~rt in and to any su~e~ and roads abutting the above d~acrihed p~i~ Io ~ ct.~gr lin~s zl~2zof;, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all dtc ,.,suv, e aud rishts of the party of th= 6rst Prat ht and to ~ Iwgmk~s; TO HAV£ AND TO HOLD I~ Ixgmis~s herein p~mted unto the pan)' of the s~ond part, the hei~ or su~:essm% and assillm, of the pa~ty ortho s~ond part forever. ANn Be ~ of.the t'~t ~ i~ anmpllance with ~_~e~_ ion 13 of the Lien I.anv, ooveanmm that Iho party of the first part will receive the consid~atio~ for this conveyance and will hold the nght to tee. ewe such considerahon u first a n'ust fund to b,: at,lied lust for the ~ of paying the ansi of the improvement and will apply lime same to ~he payment of thc cost of Ihe improw''''''qt hef°m mina any prom °f the tntal °f tho same f°f any °t -{~n'- puqx~m' The word ~ shall b~ constn~l -, ifil n~d "lmasties" whenzver I~ smse oflhis indenture an requm~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of tho first part ham duly cancut_-d I~ia dexd the day and year first above IN PRESENCE OF: STATE OF - ,' I)n the cl~br " . in ~hc yca~ before me. the unde~m.~ persomdly .,~......~ on the basis of sadsfamm~ evidence to he Ihe IndividuaRs) whine rmmots) is (am) subEribed to th~ within insmmm~ and fl,: in.qrunmm, tl~ individuall~l, ur Ihe~q~.m on hdmlfctf w;nich ] I.~,-.~ IO me dl~ I~ ex~culed thc mon~ in t~ imimm~, lh~ hKl~idmd(l~ of rite pe~on on b~nlfo~.wbkh th~ individual(s) acu~d, e~mmted the insmanont .. ' / ./.~..Ml~t~j~. _.II~_U~- _ _ ..~ ~ laddlbethlkMinsitme~isai~:?~NYSonel' STA?E OF N--'~/ YORK , COLINTY OF' SUFFOLK f~, tl~e ~h d~.~' .~ Ju~" in tl~ year · b~fi~ me, th~ und~i ,gm~d. a Notn~y Publk in and lu h~ I~ individual dc~'rihed in and ~t cx~:u~:l ~ fort~oin8 · in~rumcm: thai ~dld ~u~ibin~ witfl~ wss preset Sat ~ub.~riboJ hL,,~her/thcir n~n~'(~) as a wim~,.q d~:~cto STATE OF , COUNTY OF On th~ day of in the year bffon: me ally came Bargain and Sale Deed WI'IT I Cf IV I".NA NT AGAINST GR^NTOR'S AC'FS '['11'l .J:. NIL ATtritION Y MAR~ICANO AND J:~'P61,1~. bgqRgl~ANO TO Wll J lAM S'rAMATI$ AND S~ S'F~A~S DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 02 I BLOCK 06 LOT 006 · COUNTY OR TOWN SUk~OLK II&'TUl~ BY MAiL TO: Di~'ib~l By Chicago Title Insurance Company PAUl. CAMINITI, ESQ. 53345 MAIN ROAD AT FEATHER HILL P. O. FJOX 846 SOUTHOLD, NY 119'/I k ¢ ~ ~0~25698 £' . .~, oo ~ ~'"'~-T~ . . ". ~ ~ ,/~ ~~' .. ] ~ , ~ ....... · ~000 02~00 0600 006000 & F. ndorSemen_t SUFFOLK COUNT~ ~ YOP3~. lNG SUFFOLKCOUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ DEEDS/DDD Number of Pa~es~ 3 Receipt ~her = 05-0082893 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-01450 District: 1000 Deed Amount= Section: Block~ 021.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $599,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRC~G EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO tort.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $2,396.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBRR~ 05-01450 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIB IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Sufiolk County Recorded: 08/09/2005 At: 02:05:40 PM LiBER: D00012402 PAGE: 685 Lot: 006.000 $5.oo NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $8,980.00 NO $11,525.00 PLEASE 'TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITIN~-0-~-F-(~RM- INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps, state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY ..., .... .-* ....g, ~. I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STA'~ Of NEW YORK · ,,~ =., v, L ~;l RP - R~P17 ' .-..-.-..-...--.----------. _ _. I1.~, ~.,..,,PROPERTY INr-O~M~TION ~ _ -- J I ¢¢'.~-l" Y'Y~',o~ ...... ^1~_' ,r;,.,k V~-, ,~' ,,u I I I ~4~I~I~m~MI~M I , i I #ofPmreelm OR PertofmRIn:el SAtE INFORMAllON ~ I / / I ,.,........ , , , _~',q q t~OD . o, G ,I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Ollt~ should refte~ the Mt-st Final All~sment Roll and Tex gill BUYER SELLER BUYER'G ATTORNEY 0..,,,.¢,. , NEW YORK STATE COPY