HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12396 P 4941000 022.00 Blk. 02.00 015 · 000 C. Ot~,ULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 81GNING THI~ INS'IRUMENT-1141~ INSTRUMENT ~HOtJLD B~ U~ED BY LAWYER~ ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mede the BETWEEN party of the first part, and HENRY M. HELLMAN, residing at 20708 Co]fax, lowell, Indiana 46356, and LINDA ;LORES. rmddlng at 4236 AuguSta I:~ve. Crown Point. Indlan~ 46307, ,m Co-Tmatesa of the HENRY M. HELLMAN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED Ogtober 8, 2004, WITNE~$ETH, ti, mt the party of the flint ~ in cen~deratJon of TEN DOLLARS AND 00/100 **"*(S10.00)*'"'" AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION dollam paid by the party of the second pa¢. doss hereby grant snd retease unto ~ party of the second part, the helm or ~,_'-:ce~__.c~. ~d assigns of the party of the-econd part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buiklJngs and imprmmmente thereon em,Aed___ _. situate, lying and being In the Town of Southoid, st East Marion, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and d__a~_ Ix~ as follows: BEGINNING at a rnonumant on the Easterly beundaiy line of land of the Party of the First Part, 467.82 feet ,'~outhen'y along said beundmy line from tho point wbere it Is Intmsacted by ~e Southerly line of a 50' Priva~ Road, amid Southerly line beginning at a monument at tho Eas~'ly torminus of the Southerly line of Aquavlaw Avenue; amd RUNNING THENCE two (2) courses, sa follows: (1) South 78 dngrees 23' 30' East, 76.03 fast; (2) South 71 degrees 23' 30' East, 257.78 feet to said Easterly boundary line; Said point of beginning being also the 8ou~esatedy corem* of land conveyed by the Party of the Firm Pm1 I~= James Sarmousaids; From said point of beginning, running along sakJ ;-~Mdy beundmy of land of the Party of the Fimt Part, South 10 degresa 31' 00' East. 100.01 feet; THENCE along land of the Party of the First Part, South 78 degrees 36' 30' West, 129,55 feet to the E.:asL-,dy line of a 35' Right of Way;, THENCE centinuIng on the same coume, 17.50 feet to the center line of said 35' Right of Way:, THENCE along said center lIne, Norlh 11 degresa 23' 30' West, 100.0 feet to said land of Sarmousakis; THENCE along said land, Noilh 75 begresa 36' 30' ;e~-t_ ~ 17.50 feet to said Easterly line of said 35' Right of ~Vay; THENCE continuIng on the same course along saJd land, 131.08 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with a Right of Way over said 50' Private Road from the Easterly end of Aquavlaw, Easterly about 334 lsat to said Easterly boundary of land of the Party of the First Part. ALSO with a Right of Way over said 35' Right of Way from said 50' Private Road ata point about 134 feet Easterly from said Easterly end of Aquevlaw Avenue, Southerly about 4475 feet to the Main Road. ALSO with a RigM of Way over a strip of land 35' and then 50' In width from said 36' Right of Way at a point about 300' Southerly along said 35' Right of Way from said 50' Private Road and runnIng ~ about 240' to C~dar Drive, Ihs Southerly line of said sblp beIng about 250 feet Nortbedy from the Nerthwsatedy comer of the ALSO with the ~ht to usa, in common with others, a RigM of Way over a 40' ship of land, t~ Wsatedy lIne ;i' which is the Easterly beundmy of land ~onveyed by the Petty of the First Pert to William G. Lenz; and runnIng from the Northmly line of said 50' Privets Road Nmlhorly about 275 feet to Long Is/and ,~xmd. SUBJECT to the rights of others over the ~ 17.50 feet of the premises horeinabeve dsacdbed. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same pmmisas dsac~bed in Deed to the Grantor herein dated March 1:3, 1959 recorded July 30, 1959 at Llber,168~ cp 348. TOGETHER with all right. ~ and intorsat of ~ party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abusing the slt~ove ~ premisas to the center lines Ihereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and sll the estate and r~ht~ of b'te party of the fYat part In and to ~ premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pren'dsas herein granted AND the party of the first part convents that the party of the ~at part has not done or suffered anything whereby ~he said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforsaaid. ld~lD the party of Ihs first part, in compliance wl~ ~ 13 of the Lien Law, covenents that tha party of ths first nam ne appllad [or the purpone of paying the coet of the Improvement and wtil app~ the same flint to tlm ~¥ment of the cost of the improvement before usIng nay part of the tolal of ttm same f~r any ~ purposa. rim ~ 'party' shall be construed as if it mad 'paisa' whenever the eense of this indenture so requirsa. I/~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the part of the flint part has duly ex_-~_uted this deed the day and year limt abovo wntten. IH PRESENCE OF ~ '~ HENRY M. Hm ~MAN TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE St~le of New Yark. County of p~,,~aly known to me or prmmd to rne an Ihe m of ~ e~lenm to be I~e Indlddu~(s) v/naee tatum(e) I~ (am) eubm:~ed W the ~tNn Instrument m~l hl:M'm~thelr c~pmity(ie~), mtd ~ by hlMmrJtheir Ilgnnlum(~) on the in~ummt, the indMdusl(~) ar the i~r~n upon befit of pemml~ lutown to me or pro~cl to me on Ihe baks of 8~ e~,dem~ to be 'd~e individuaR,) whae~ ackr~ to me that ha/~ exmuWd the aame In on the mmmt. IM indi~du~(s) atlhe peman %,?? beh~ of (niormw. a~ ,ainu ~ ifld~dunl tdiq th. admow/d~Mnt) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI.EDGMENT~ I~ MADE OUT~IDE NEW YORK ~JTATF SI'rote of INDIANA, County of LAKE ~1~: p~oni~ known ~o me ~ proved to rr~ on the ~ of #t~ictory m to b~ tt~ incll~lu81 ~ name subeail~d to the v~hin instrument and acknoMedged to me that tm exmcuted the lame in his capacib/, and that by hi: signature on tim Instmmenk I~e individual, ar Ihe pemon upon belmlf of whic~ the individual ~:Wd, executed the inslrumenl and that such JndJvJdu~ i1~ iuch I~Bmfl(~ ~ I~ undsli~ned In the Town of Lowell, ~ of Indiana. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENAN'I'~ AGAINST GRANTOR'8 ACT8 TWe No, HENRY M. HELLMAN To HENRY M. HELLMAN and UNDA FLORES, ~- Co-Tnmtee~ Of the HENRY M. HELLMAN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED October 8, 2004 STREET ADDRE88 :SAFE HARBOR TITLE AGENCY 1529 Main Street Port Jefferson, NY 11771' RETURN BY MAIL TO: IBENJ~UN J. 8CHW~RT~ m. F e,ood Road Fu~:~u~ NY 11935 Number of page~ ,.~ TORRENS Serial I~' '* Certificate I~ Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mongnge Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handling .~ TP-.~84 C~ __ Deed /Mortgnge Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (County) I-iA. 5217 (State) ICP. T.S.A. Comm. of F.d. Affidavit Certified Cop)' Reg. Copy Other Sub Tolal ~ O0 O ^.DTO,^L Iqq ~ Real Property Tax Service Agency Vetificatios, Dist. Sertion B lock I Smmp 0~024903 1000 02200 0200 015000 laitials st~ctie,ns/Dischars~s/Releases List' Property ~wners Mailing Addres~ RECORD & RETURN '1:O. BERJAMIN J. SCHWARTZ, 1845 Fleetwood Road Cutchogue NY 11935 ESQ. '1 RECORDED 2005 Jul 07 02~2:25 F~ Eadard P. Roe, aine CLERK ~F SUFFOLK COUHI~ L P 494 DTI 04-4~0~1 Recording I Filiog Slumps : Mortsnge I. Basic Tax 2. AddJtlonul 'l'ux Sub Total SF4..c JAssit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Cou01y Held For Apponiunment/e~t Transtar .Tax // Mansioo Tax The propen.v coveted by this mortgage is u~ will be improved by n one or ~wo family dwelling only. YES__or NO If NO. see appropriate tax cluuse mt page # ~ofthisiostrumem. ,~,/~. I~ '~ Prt'~rvatiou sider.',tion ~lttOuItt ~ Tax Due S Title Company informnlion Title # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ll~sP~efommrono£theauachcd Barqain & Sale Deed with Covenants (SPECIFY 'IWPE OF [NS I KCI~.'~NT ) HENRY M. HBT,T.MAN 'lhe premises herein is situated in SUI'T'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORIq. .... made by: '1'O In the 'l'u~hip oF SOUTHOLD HElOtRY M. H~LLMAN and LINDA ~'LORIiIS,intheV[LLAGE HELEN ~V~ABLE LIVING TRUST orl-~ETor ~ST ~R~ON DATED October 8, 2004 BOX~ 5 ~RU 9 MUST BE ~TED OR P~'I~D [N BLACK INK ONLY P~OR TO ~CORD[%~i UR F'II.ING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUlTer CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE ' RECORDENG P~GE Type of! Inet~tun~nt~ DEEDS/DDD Number o£ F&gess 3 Receipt; ~er I 05-0070655 TP~NSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-48031 D~stric2: 1000 DeedAl~untl Bec~ton~ Block~ 022.00 02.00 F, XA~NEDA~D CH~RGED~ FOLLOWS $0.00 Received ~he Follmeing Fees For ~bove Inst~,~-~t Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO 1~ 8~.,CHG F~.-CT~ $5.00 NO EA-~TAT~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t. Cop~es R~ $30.00 NO 8~ T~s~er t~ $0.00 NO ~.Pres Fees Paid TI~THF~R TAX NI~BERz 04-48031 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INBTRUMENT TH~S IS NOT A RILL Recorded: At~ Edward P.ltomaine County Clezk, Suf£olk County 07/07/2005 02~32~25 9x LIBER: PAGE: Lot~ 015.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 D00012396 494 NO NO NO NO NO NO · - ....... PLEASE ~'YP--E OR~RES~I~-~/~IE~N ~/R-IT~N~ '~:O~M ........ INSTRUCTIONS: h~p'J/www.c~rps.state.ny, us or PHONE.(518) 473-7222 COUNTY U,~ ONLY. . I ~i~r IN~ON m f m , 3.o m Stars Road ~ Southold ~ East ~rion ~ 11939 · ~, i~HENRY M. HET.~.~N ~V~BLE LIVING ~RUST DATED ~ctober 8, 2004 ~ H~=~el~ an~ Lln~a Flores, Con--tees ~ I Ix) Iml' . 3.3 I L ~UM [ H~T,T.MAN I Henry £ I ! [] Cnmmunlly 8ravia jj_] Indu~t~l LI I 4A. Pgmnlre Hemal wilt1Subdi,.~ A.dlei~ Eldm [] 4~ ~"~-~dm Appm~ ~. I~quhd h' Tmm~ [] 4C- Pm~J Aplm~ld kx Sub~,~,m wkh M~ Pm~md [] A B c D £ F I I .~.~ .y ~ bmdlflO InsUtlnJm I I HENRY M. HET,T&~AN · · Dated O :tobe~ I 20708 i Colfax -__ Lowe:l£ I Indiaqa 46356 ~R Henry A. Hellman ~r 631' I 734-~093 i NEW YORK STATE 1 COPY " I ~.iirW. ATION [ 1000-022.00-02 o 00-015. 000 I transferring to Trust i ~ : . 2.1 0 ,O I ! I