HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 678,.~..~T .YOUR LA .WYER BEFORI~ ~N~ TI'aS IH~T~JM ,W~, .11~ ~Sl~UM~T ~ ~ ~ BY ~WY~ ~Y B~N KRISTOPHER J. PILL,S, residin~ a~ 1075 Cl~per DriYe, ,Southold. New York, LO~TTA AGRO, residing at ~87 Third S=ree~. Brookt~. New York, TEN ($10.00) ................ and ocher good and valuable conaideracion O~iem paid by the party o~ the m~nd pm1, dram hereby grant am:l release unlo the party of the 8~ ~, ~ ~b or successors and asslgns of the paAy of the aecond pad forever, and other good and valuable ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ~ the buildings and Improvemenm thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the (SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED MEKETO AND .%a. DE A PART HEREOF) TOGETHER with all dgM, flue ancl Interest, if any, of *,he par[y of the fire pm1 In and to any streets and roads abutting the above ~ premlmm to the center lines thereof; TO~ETHER with the appurtenances and all tho eatato and dg~ts of the party of the rcet pml in and to said premiee~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preml~as herein granted unto the parly ~f the second pad, the hatr8 or 8ucceasom and asslgrm of the party of the ascend part forever. AND the party of the first ~ covenants that the pan'y of the first part hu not done or suffered anything whereby the said premlsex have been enoumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the pally of bhe first pa~, in compliance with 8e,~on 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of tbs first part will receive the ~onaidofation for ~ conveyer,s and will hofd the right to receive ~uch consideration as · trust fund to be K~ied limt for the purpose of pm/rog the cost of the Improvement and will apply the sams first to the:payment of the cost of the Impmvemef~ before ul~g any pall of the total of the same for any other requlras. (~l~Li~.q~ I:1 ~r~3,,'f II~'Wh'NESS WHEREOF, the party of the flint D~ ~';l'~.'_d~. '.exanutod this deed the doy and W tim! above written. · mmLmi, lmrlc' q CV/HrE C' IN PRESENCE OF: KRIS~PHER J. PILLES TO BE U~ED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGM~rI' IS MADE IN NEW YORK · 8llmje~ N.y.~T.U. F~ mw~_. Blugaln m~/~lle O~ed, wflh C~/~ilt iglk~t G~i~O~i A~i _ UnLf~.m AC~ FMm 3290 TIUe No: RH0530357G SCHEDULE A - DESCRTpT/ON Parcel Z ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being nt East Mar&on, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as ~follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of Cedar Drive and the southerly side of Stars Road; THENCE RUI'~NING North 79 degrees :1.4 minutes 00 seconds East, t20.00 feet; THENCE South [0 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East, 50.00 feet; THENCE South 79 degrees [4 minutes 00 seconds West, ~20.00 lc'et; THENCE North 10 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds West, 50.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH a right Of way running with the land hereby described over a strip at' land lying between the northerly line of Aquevlew Avenue and Long Island Sound, reore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of land heretofore conveyed to Alexander Lehrmann; and RUNNING THENCE westerly along seld northerly line of Aquevlew Aw:hue 45.00 feet to land of Stewart; THENCE along said land of Stewart North 07 degrees tO mreutes ~.0 seconds west, 260.00 feet, mare or less, to Long Island Sound;. THENCE easterly along said Long Island Sound 59.00 feet, more or less; THENCE alol~g said land of Alexander Lehrmann South 04 degrees t0 minutes ~.0 seconds East, 280.00 feet, more or !ess, to the point or place of BEGINNING. ~EING A_ND INTENDED TO ~F. the same premises conveyed ro :he flrancor herein by deed dated 09/07/04 and recorded 10/19/04 tn Liber 12'349 pa~e 809. , Certificate o: Title KRISTOPHER J. PILLES pe~xte~y knov~ to me ~x paved to me on the batla d 8~w_~_ _~ ~ ~ t~ the Inc~d,,,d(.) ~ n,Enu,(s) I~ S'tate of New York, County of 88: pemon~y k~mw~ to me m pronnd to n~ on In~ I~ml~ of mat~mfmclmy evMonc, to be the Indl~a) v,+~ee name(a) Is (am) -,,bmr.~mmd to the within Inatnm,,anl and W to (am) mutm~tbe~ to the m~hln Instrument and ackW to me that ~ey mmcutod ~ mae In Nmdher/th~r me that h~'ahe,'they exec~nd lite same in I~r/tbeir ~,'.?-cfly(Imm), and thai by lit/hm'/Ibelr .ignmtum(a) on the W}. and that by Nm/her/their Ilgnatum(.) on the ~toto (or ~ ~ Colun~a. Tem'to~/, or Foreign Country) of . - - ~ day of ~r appee~ before ma. the underalgned, pemonally pemonally knovm to me or proved to me on the brads of mS~actory evklonce to be the Indivklual(8) who~e name(a) lo (am) mub~ilped to the wffhln Inmtrument 'Ad m:~nowtedgnd lo mo that he~mhe/they e~montnd tho lame In hl~ caped~/(lea), and that by ~ IEgn~tum(a) on the Inltmmont, the Indiddu~a), or the per. on upon bebelf of whkth the Indlddual(a) aotod. exmcutod the inatrume~t, and that such Individual mede au~ app&~.-ar~o before the un~emlgned In the (Irmen the City or otlm peadcal m.,bddslm) Jn (a~natum and affirm of In(~ldual t~Jdng mckmMled~) BARGNN AND SA! I= DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST QRANTOR'~ KR'rSTOPHER J. pTLLES TO LORETTA AGRO SECTION 022 BLOCK 02 lOT 036 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS East Marion 50 West Stars Road Rec=orded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BYMAILTQ; Jennifer B. Gould, Esq. P 0 Box 177 Greenport, NY 11944 Numher of pagCT~RRENSLf Scrial # Certificate # Prior Or. # Deed /Mortgagc Instrument Page / Filing Fec Handling .5. 00 TP-$84 Notmion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R. ET.S.A. Comm. of F_zl. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other =o- Sub ToLul Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp k~.ES Sub To, al Grand To~l /~. Recording I Filing Stamp.~ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional T~ Sub Total SpecJA.~sit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County __ or will YES covcred by this mortgage is improved by a one or two or NO appropriate tax clau~ on of this instrument. 4 Di~.00 022,0~) Block Lot Real Pmpe 0~03_~05 1000 02:~00 0200 036000  ~nsidemfion T~ ~k Age~y CPF T~ Due J Satisf~tions/Di~harges/Releases Lial Property O~n~r~ Mailing I RECORI) & ~I~TURN TO: Jennifer S. Could, Esq. P O Box 177 Greenport, NY 11944 Pre~ervnflonFm~d Improved Vacant Land __ TI) 7 Title Corn lnfo_rmati_on Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page lbm~s pan of the attached DE?.D made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) KRISTOPHER J. PILLES The prcmiseshereinissituat~in SUFI~LKCOUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of Southo ld LORETTA AGRO In the VILLAGE orHAMLETof East Harion BOXES 6 THRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORI)ING OR FLUNG. lover) l llll lll lll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll B~I*'.L,'OZ,K COUN'I~ ~ RECORDB OFIPZCE ILECOR.DZMG PAGrB · ~j~eo£ Znltz~ent8 DZ~DB/DI~ Receipt ~md~er ~ 05-0086862 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 05-03011 1000 022.00 02.00 ~ ..... $310,000.00 ~oeive~ t~ Foll~g Peel ~Above xnBtz3me~t 05-03011 Tll'lr8 PAOTM 'rH A PAR~ O~ ~ Z~B~ THZ8 Z8 ~K)'T A B'rLL Bd.waz-d p. R~4ne Cou]zty Clerk, Bu££olk Cou~P.y ~ardadz 08/19/2005 Att 07z45z44AM LZBER: D00012404 PAGEz 678 036.000 $5.00 NC) $15.00 ~0 $75.00 NC) $0.00 NC) $0.00 NC) S3,200.00 HO $&,S92.00 ' ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orpB.State.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY ~ I . ' . RP - 5217 ,~ Is'~rr,,~,~'~'""*' Star? '0.,o,4_ ] East Marion j I 1193ql A~ro I Loretta I I L~41M I DTT T VC~ I I I I S*~E ,NmaMA'noN I 108 //O / 051 B C D Ofle of the Buye,s ~ also i Sdler Died Type not Wlzrinty Oe 8argab ind SMe (Splc~y BokaN) Sale of FmctioMI or Lms than Fee Ir~ 4Sp~y BIdowl , 310 OOO. 0,01 14.1ndM~t~MiMm.ml I , , ~n, 0, 0 ] I ~S~ME~ INFUSION - Dm ~houid m0~ the I~ Fin81 ~mem ~oll I~ T~x Bill I 1LYmd~f~I 0~/Q~.T~im~d~l . 3001.2700 . ~ L~-~ 1,.~~1 O~ster Ponds School I ~000-022.00-02,00-036.000 I I I I I I I I C~.~F,CAT~. I ,~,,,.m= ,,~, ~ ~.,.,~ 11939 I I 8EL~ER 631 I 477-8607 NEW YORK STATE COPY