HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 354]dy ~. hrpJn and Sale Dtmd w~,l, Go,w',,-,~' ~iin~ Ommor's Acts Individual or COllm~lo~ (Singk. Shea! (Nyg~) Z~l~ ) CONSULT YOUR LAWYI~R BFJKMElr SIGNING THIS IHSTKU ~'i'. 'THIS INsTnI~IKNT SHOULD ~ U~KD BY E,AWya:I~I ONLY 'rms ~Dzh'rum,.. mndc ~ i 0F~ BETWEEN day of p b , ia the year NORTHFORK REALTY, LLC. s New York Limited Liability Company with offices cJo Korea Soon, Esq. 140 Elst 92nd Street, New York, NY pray or' Om fast pa~ and · QUANAH POINT CORP., a New York Corporation with olTic~ e/.~En:~0.'Morabito, 28 East Gate, Wainscott, NY !1975 party of the second part. WfrNF~SETH, lira Iht party of thc §m ~ in eomideratinn of Ten Do'liars and other valuable ecmsideratlon paid by lbo Party of ~he secood p~. dnes hcrsby gn~m ned relea~e umo the Ixu'ty of the second p.~rt, the ~in or su~ ~ m~ns of thc party or,be second pazt f~mever, ALL that ce~nln pk)t. piece ar i~rm~i of hnd, wilh the huikl/n~ and imp~vemems tht.wenn e~c2d. ~muc, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART IIEREOF TOGKTHFJt with all fight, tide and interest, if any, of the pa~ty of the first pan of, in amd mnny stz~cc~s and roads abutting the above.descdbnd premises to the center lines dum.'~ff'; 11~GKTHER wi~ ~e nppurtenenem and nil tie emte and right~ of~e party of the first pm in and to said pn~nises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ~he psemises herein granled unto t~e party of the second pa~, the heirs or sancet, sors and assigm of ~e parly of the second pa~ forever.. AND ~he party of ~e fu~ parr e~wemnls that ~ ~ of ~ tint ~n ~ m ~e ~ s~e~ ~y~i~ wh~ ~c ~ ~ ~n imum~ in any ~y w~r, e~ ~ afl--id. AND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, in c~pli~ ~ ~ti~ 13 of ~ ~n ~w, ~v~ts ~t ~ ~y of ~e fi~t ~ will ~vo ~ c~n f~is ~nv~e a~ will h~d ~e d~t m ~i~ s~h ~i~i~ ~ a ~t ~ to ~ a~li~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~yhf ~ ~ ~ ~ im~M nd will a~ly ~ ~ fi~t M ~ ~y~t of ~ c~t oF ~ ~ ~f~ usin8 ~y ~ of ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ Fm ny ~ ~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ibc i~rty of thc fi~ part has duly executed this deed thc day nnd year f~t above w~tten. Title No. L-277817-S · ' SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or pan:el ofland, sitttatc, lying and being at :East Marion, Town of Southold, County Of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the ordinary high water mark'of Long Island Sound at Ihe northeasterly corner of land, now or formerlyofGuimaraes and the northwesterly comer of land now or formerly o£Cove Beach Estates, ]nc., from said point ofbegimting; RUNNING THENCE easterly along said high water mark aa me~.vtu-ed by a tie line, Nm~h 71 degrees 00 minutes East, 135.00 fdet; THENCE South 7 degrees 27 minutes 10 seconds Fast, 507.38 feet; THENCE Soulh 69 degrec~ 00 minutes West, 100 feet to land now or formerly of Guimaraes; THENCE along said land, North 11 degrees 26 minutes West, 505.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. THIS conveyance is made together with a right ofway fifteen (15) feet in width throughout · running from the southerly end of the above parcel in a southerly and westerly direction to the wcsterly line ofl,'mds pow or formerly ofRaoul Wittcvcen, said right o£way granting access to the nearest public mad and being in place of any right ofway including but not limited to the right of way set forth at Liber 8718 Page 267; the patties hereto will more particularly define and describe the right of way in a sc'par'ale eaaemant agreement. FOR CONYEYANCING ONLY: T~lh~ with all right, title and interest el', in and't~ any greets and road~ abutting the above d~scFIbed prembes, to the center II.e thereof. m be the indivldml dmc:ibed in nnd who ex~:ulM th~ fc~oing insmu~ dm sam sulmr~ng w~mess wns i~ent and saw s~l t.v~_ ~,~e tl~ mm~ md thnt mid w[~m~c '.GIhe mine lime suhs~bed his/hen~hck ~) as I wimcs~ tl~cto. city or c~er polilic~l ~.l',di~L,ti~ ~nd the ~ate or TO QUANAH POINT CORP ITIDELLTY NATIONAL TITLE OINSURANCg COMPANY DIS~[CT ~ 1000 SF~no~ 022.00 Rcocl( 03.00 I~T 003.000 CO~TY OR TOWt~ Southold Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 44~ Grilling Avenue P.O. Box 1~47 Riverhead, NY 11901 i Number of pa&es [ TORRENS Deed. M~ Inslanmaonl Page / Filing Fee Huedling TP-$84 Deed I Morl&nge Ttut Stamp FEES Nolatio~ EA-5217 (County} EA-5217 (Stem) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Cer tU'w.d Copy Sub Total Reg. Copy O~het 4 Rc'.d Property 'IRt Sa-vine Agency Verification 05047966 1000 02200 0300 003000 6 SatiM'.'-'timu'lDiachargc~JRcdcase List Property Owner~ Mailing Addrnas RECORD & RETURN TO: CHARLES R. CUDDY, ESQ. 44S Griffing Avenue Riverhmd, New York ! 1901 REC..~RDED 2005 Dec 02 02:;$8:47 Ed~a rd P.Romaire CLERK OF SUFFOLk.."~OUHTY L 000012423 P~4 OT# 05-17675 Recording / Irding Slamps Mortgage AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Trot Sub Total Spec. I At, aiL or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town Dual County I [eld for Appointmel~._,~ Frun.~fer Tax Mansion Tax The ixoperty covered by b~L,~ molgnge is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO __ If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page# o Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due Vecaal Land TD, Suffolk This page forms p~ut of~hn attached DEED NORTHFORK REALTY LLf:- TO OUANAH POINT CORI~. T~lle Company Infornmtlon Co. Name Title # & Endorsement Pa made by: fSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 'rl~c premisia heroin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In t~e Township of ROUITHOLD In Ihe VILLAGE or IIAMU:'I' of EAST MARION BOXES 6 'ITIROUGH 0 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIbrI'ED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RRCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD N~nber of Pages= 4 Receipt Number = 05-0125560 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-17676 Dtetrict: 1000 Deed Amount= Section: Block: 022.00 03.00 EX~I~NI~AND CHARGED ~ FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYE SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cer~.Coptes RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Cctv. Pres Fees Peid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 05-17676 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded= At= Edward P.Romatne County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/02/2005 02=38=47 PM LIBER: D00012423 PAGE: 354 Lot~ 003.000 $5.o0 No $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $242.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS RRMLY WHEN W'R~I~(~ ON FOR~V~ INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, ny. us or PHONE (518) ~,73-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY I " '"' RP - 5217 [ Quanah Paine Corp. / L 6. Deed 8. SetlM L Notchfork Realty, LLC I I I I I (Only II P~n al · P&M~ C~ck as they 1 j IofParcals OR Pm~tof·P~rc~ 4~Fla~Bol/cIW(~lSUbd~vtsioitJ~ho~E~im fIRST KAME I_ I 'P. Fa, Sd.F,'",. L . , ~ . ~,,~ ~ , , ,;0.01 14. IncGclta the U~ d ~ I. , ~ , , O , 0 I I ~S~S~ME~ IN~R~ - Dam ~ ~m ~ho ~ Final ~m~nt Roll ~d T~ ~11 J I J t 1000-022.00-03.00-003.000. I I I I I I I ~cfl.r,CATION [ BUYE~ By: 'F.~L:O Hor:~blt:o - ' . ~EL~R Nor:hfot~ IBUYEI~S ATTORNEY Cuddv I Charles 6~1 I 369-~20Q I NEW YORK STATE COPY