HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 277 TITLE NUMBER: FNP.01176 Amended 10/28/06 ~HEDULE 'A' DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of lend, situate, lyfng and being at Orient Point, Town of Southold, Count~ of Suffolk and 51~te of New Yo~ shown and designated se Lot NO. 9 on a certain Map en~Ued, "Map of Hill Crest Estates, Section 1", and filed In the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on August 15, 1983 as Map Ho. 7218, ~ald Lot being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Hill Crest Drive distant 126.00 feet w~terly h~m the m~rmme w~tari¥ end of the arc of a curve connecting the westedy side'of Sound View Drive with the southerly side of Hill Crest Orive~:i THENCE SQuth 47 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West, 267.00 f~mt; THENCE North 42 degree. 37 mlnutae 50 seconds West, 150.0i) feet;' THENCE North 47 degrees ~2 minute~ 10'seconds East, 267.00 feat to the southerly aide of Hill Cre,~t Drive THENCE along the m)uthe~dy side of Hlll'Crest Ddve, South 42 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds East, 160,00 lest to the point or place of BEGINNING. TGTIqL P. 04 Illll llllllllllll lm~OiiDfJ OIq~CB boalpt ~r . 05-0123S93 ~SFBR TAX ~ 05-~6892 L~Rs D000~2422 P~:: 277 1000 013.00 02.00 008.021 ~ed ~t~ 80.00 ~eco~ed~ :~1/28/3005 Pavo/FLI~ COB 85.00 IA-CT~' $5,00 T~-584 $5.00 RPT 830.00 Transfer ~u; 00.00 se,ud2:f, ng Ss.os !~8 flRC3~O 815.00 BO RA-HTAT~ ~165.00 ~ O~ 00.00 ~ ~.Prte 80.00 ~ roes PaLd $242.00 TILl:8 PAGI| Za A PART OiP TilB ZWHTR~ THUG TH 1lOT A BTLL ~o~uCy Clezk, Bu££olk L~U~LI:;y 4 Bl~.k rr.~f~.~ F.G~iird P,~llJne C~ St4~ C~ 631 ~2 1566 P.02/04 I'~IOR