HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 278 MAR-l~-2007 1~:]9 SC R,~a! Proper~ E31 852 i5~6 P,04/04 T~TLE HUMBER: FNP.01176 Amondld 10/2,~5 GC',HEDULE "A' DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or Imml of imt, sitult~ lying and being at Orient Point, Town of SouthoM, County of'Suffolk and 8tato of New York, shown and designated as LUt No, 9 off, a certain Map entitled, 'Map of Hill Crast F~h~:s, Section 1", and filed in th~ Suffolk County Cledfs Office on August 15, t963 ae Map No. 7216, said i:ot being bounded and dascrlbed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on t~e southerly side of Hill Cmt Drive distant 126.00 feat weMedy from the extreme westerly end of the arc of a cuwe connecting the wastm'ly side of $oun(~ ~ew Drive .with the southerly side of Hill Crest Drive; THENCE South 47 degrees 22. minutes 10 asconds..West, 267.00'feat; THENCE No~h 42 clegmes 37 rain .u~,s 50 seconds West, 150,00 feet; THENCE North 47 degreet~ 22 minutes 10 second~ East, 267.50 feet to the southerly side of Hill Crest Drive; THENCE along the southerly side of Hill Crest Drive, South 42 degrees 37 minutes 60 seconds East, 150.00 feet to the pol~ or place of BEGINNING. TOTAL P. 04 SC Rea! Proper~W CLEF~ ~ ~ 000012~22 P2'1~ / //79/ ,c ~,.-,zz~, cr ,,ac. , Suffolk Co~t Re~;ordl, '&:. Endorsement P · · J~ b ! (~I~C~I~' TYJ~ OF INS'TR UM~JT) ~I. IJ,'lPOt. K C~t,,'l~q~ ~ YORK. "~o BOXE~ 6 THRU g I~ BI~: l'Yr~ 011 PRJNTI~ IN BL~AC'IC INK ONLY P~IOR TO RJ~'~ORDI NC; OR FLUNG. (aver) 852 1!;66 P.02/04 MAP-:6-200'7 191:39 SC Real Propertu] E~;[ 852 i!~b~ P.01/04 Illllgllllltlllll OOF~OLE COUm~ CL~LE RBCORDS OYrTCl~ RBCORDL'M~ PAG~ Ty~e of ZnO~,r~mant~ ~~ T~ ~ 05-3.6893 ~z D000~2422 P~: 278 ~000 0~3.00 02. Q0 008 · 0~ ~ ~ ~ M ~LL~ $e65,000.00 Above TIULMHI~BR TAX iSi~J~BAz 0S-3.689."! TllZS TS ~ A BTLL EclwuEd P. XcmmLne CounL~ CLerk, H~£f~o'tk Co~:y 11/28/300S