HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12432 P 673~ONSULT YMIR LAW'~R I~rgNE IIGNINQ THIS INI'IIIUIdENT Till IN~llUMIN? ,IffMILO IE UII~ IV LAI'4111 ONLy THI~t INDENTURE, made tho BETWEEN , ~i~ and ,lAMES DEMILT & A,~OCIATES, LTD., residing at 72 Nassau Street~ Islip Terracc, New York 11722 party of the first par~, and ROBERT W. JOHNSON & CHRISTINA JOHNSON. as Rusband and Wife, residing at 76 Marine Avenuc, Brooklyn, New York i 1209 party of second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first, part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party ofthe ~'ond part, does hereby ~rant and release unto the party oFtha second part, the heirs or successors and ~si_~n. of~e party of the second part forever, ~t1.T. that certain plot, piece or parcel of lurid, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situuto, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF BEING thc same premises dcscribed in deed dated 3131104 recorded 4/23104 to thc granlors recorded in tIBER 12315 page 233. "This convcyance has been made with the unanimous consent in writing of'all the stockholdcrs of the party of thc first pan." TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any~ or the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appartonanes~ and all the estate and rights o[' tho party of the first I~rt in and to s~id premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party orths second part, the heirs or successors und aesigzzs ofthe party ofthe sucond part forever. AND the party of'the first part covenants that the I~art.v of the first part has not done or suffert~i anything whereby the said premises lave b~n encumbered in any way whatever, except es afonmaid. AND the .p~rty of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 o£the 1,ion Law, covenants that the party of the ficst part'~'ill'r~eive the consideration for this eonveyanc~ and will hold the right to ~coive such essmideration as a trust fu~,d, to be applied first ~or tim purpose 0f paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same Fu~t to the payment of'the cost of the improvement before using any part ofthe total of the same [or any other purpose. Tho word "party' shall he ranst.rnsd as ifil read 'partie~' whenever the sones of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WH~RI~OF, the party of the first part has duly executed thi~'dasd the day and year first ahevo written. LN PRES~g 0F: Schedule A Description ..Title Number L601875S Page 1 SECTION 013.00, BLOCK 02.00, LOT 008.027 ON THE TAX MAP OF SUFFOLK COUNTY .ALL that certain plot; piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, shown and designated as Lot No. 25 on a certain subdivision map entitled, 'Map of Hill Crest Estates, Section I", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on August 15, 1983 as Map No. 7218 which lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Sound View Drive, which point is the Eastedy side of the arc of a curve having a radius of 39.27 feet and a length of 25.00 feet connecting the Southerly side of Sound View Drive with the Easterly side of Hill Crest Drive; RUNNING THENCE the following 3 courses and distances along the Southerly side of Sound View Drive; 1 ) North 47 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East, 124.71 feet to a point of curve; 2) Alon9 the arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 175.00 feet for a distance of 95.32 feet; 3) North 78 de~rees 34 minutes 40 seconds East, 44.70 feet to the land now or formerly of Vallo Benjamin; THENCE South 14 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East along said aforementioned land, 136.11 feet; THENCE South 47 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West, 213.48 feet to the Easterly side of Hill Crest Drive; THENCE North 42 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds West, along the Easterly side of Hill Crest Drive, 143.00 feet to the Southerly end of the first mentioned curve; 'I'HENCE Northeasterly along said first mentioned curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 39.27 feet for a distance of 25.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. State of New York, County of ..~'h:~r~r.~ M.: o. 17-' ~onully appea~ __ . sub~d~ m the within inst~mcul and uckn~k~g~ m me I~l ~/sbeh~T e~l~ t~ s~e in hi~r~eir ca~it)'ti~), and ~u[ by hi~cr/their siganlU~(S) on I~ insl~mem, the individual(sL or the per, on upon behalf of which the individual( ~, acted, ex~ut~ ~i~jrumenL Rtate of , County of ~.: On personally appeared before me. the undersigned. personMly known to ,Tie or pn~'d lo me on the h~.~is of s. atis- factory evi~nce :o ~ thc ifldividua](s) who~ n~e{~ ) i~ (a~) su~fi~ to ~ within insfmmem u~ ~'knowl~ged to ~ · at h~c~e)" ex~uted ~ ~ in hi~h~ir ca~citytiesL ami t~t by hi~/t~ir ~ignatu~ts) on the in~l~nt, t~ individuahs), or ~he person upon behalf of which ~he individualfs) ~ executed the i~t, and that such in- dividual m~e ~uch up~aru~c ~fo~ the u~e~igm:d in State of ! County of ~ ss.: On personally appeared · before mc. thc undersigned. thc subscribing wilttes~es) to thc forcgt)in8 instrumem, with whom I am personally acquainted, whn. being by tm: dui],' sworn, did de~.~.~ and sa],' that helshe/Ihey residcis) in platy tif resldtm'~ L7 ia O ,'~. Im'lgvl~ Ik~ sirra trod )~n'es nwnher, if nr~ that he/Se/they knowLs) to he the individual(s) descrihed in and who executed the fore- going insu~ment: that said sub,~,'ribing witnc~s( ~.~ ) was (w(:~) pl~-~.ent and saw said cxccute the san)e: and thfil .,aid witness(e~) al thc same time subscribed his/hedtheir name(s) as a wimesstes) Ihereto. state or ('ottat~. or tvhtr i~tfwe admo~,led~al~ll M]~I And that .'~id subscribing wilness(es} made such appearance before Ihe undersigned in .} t aigmmtre and off~e a/in~idtlmd mkin~ ~knt~'ledsmeat t Tm. Li No. L601875S JAMES DEMILT ASSOCIATES~ TO JOHNSON TAnOAan FOnM OF/(~'w YOaK Bo*ne OFTnte u~oem~are~s Distributed by CHICAGO TrllJE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. s~.cnon 013.00 al.OCg 02. O0 LOT 008.027 COUNTY OR TOWN Southold Reemded at Request of CIIICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN B%' MAll. TO: Patrick W. Johpson 9118 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 ZIp No. .Number o.t' pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate Prier Cfi. P. EC~RDED 2006 Jan 26 10s03:17 ~M O.ERg: OF SUFFOLK COL~TV L I)00012452 P 6'73 DT~ 05.;-241~36 Decd/ Mortgage Insfnlment ' Page / Filing Fee Handling Ndtation EA-52 17 (County) EA-521'7 (~la~'e) R-P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Af(idnvil - Certified Copy . Reg. Copy Other ~-' .--.-._. Sub 1'omi GRAND TOTAL ' ~lamp Dale Initials Deed I Morlgage Tax Stamp FEES Real Property Tax'Service Agency Verification DJsl. ~eefirm Iq In~k I ..,.. 06002604 1000 o3.30o o2o0 ooe02-/ Satisfnctions/Discharges/Relcases List Properly Owners Mailing lin'CORD ,e. RETURN TO: Suffolk This Page forms, part oflh~ attached Recerdi g7 Filing Stamps ' Mortpge Amt. I. Basic :Tax 2. Additioonl Tax Sub Total Spec.lAssil. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG, 'FAX Dnal Town_ _ r)ual C, onmy_ Held for Appodion. mant __ Mansion Tax. The property covere~y Ibis monF~age is or will be improved by n one or two family dwelling only. YES o~' NO__ If N.O, see'ap~l~opriate, tax'clause on page Il ~. of this .instrument. (~ommun Preservution 171 (~o'n~lideralh on Alll~u'n t Tax Duo S~,~ Improved Land TD Title Cdmpnny Informntion Co. 'N am e :Title # Recorditi & Endorsement Pa (SPmFY JwE oI* INSTRUlvl~r cou, rrv. voRic In the Township of_ In i~ VILLAGE made hy: BOXES 5 IlIRU 9 MUST BE tYPED OR PRIN'~ IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO IU:=CORDING OR ~'ILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF'rCS RECORDTNG PAGE T~pe of Znstrument, Du~nS/DDD Number o£ Pa~es: 4 Receipt ~,mher , 06-0008639 TRANSFER TAX ~u~BER: 05-24896 Dtstrtct~ 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: PAGE: Bectton: Block~ 013.00 02.00 F~J~Zh~J ~ C~RO~D A~ $650.000.00 ~ceived t~ Foll~ing Fees For ~ove In.trident P&ge/Ftltng $12.00 NO Hsn~Ztng cee $5.00 NO NYE SRCHG · d~-CT~ $5.00 NO gA-STATE ?P-584 $5.o0 No Cert. CopLe8 RPT $30.00 NO SCTM ?ransfer tax $2,600.00 NO Co~m. Prss TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-24896 THZS PAGE TS A, PART OF TH~ ZNSTRUMENT THTS 'rS NOT A BTLL 01/26/2006 10z03;17 AH D00012432 673 008.027 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $o.oo NO $10,000.00 NO $12,752.00 - PL~AS~ ~'1~ OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM-- - - 'I,NSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orl0s.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~q53 FO.'~OUNT¥ USE O.LY C2. Date Deed INFO.K,ATI~,N I 1000 I Hillcrest Drive Orient Buyer [ Johnson [ Johnson REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE O~ I~W YORK STATE BOAR~ OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 111957 j Robert W. i Christina LS~b, /James DeMilt & Associates. [ I , I Jo~l ,,~. .9. 31 Ltd, DL_J Non-ReaidentialVK~tlJmd IlL_I Entmlainment/AmuNmen! I ~ ,~FO.~TC. I 11.~alBC~m~a=tDm I 11 / 02 /2005 A F. F O H I J 14~,~~ I , , ,0,0,OI 1t~m ~'~ 1L~~ [ Oyster PoRds 1.3 . 0.0 I I 1000-013.00-02.00-008.027 J I ROBER'~. JoHNsoN 1000 ORIENT I HILLCREST DRIVE 11957 ~ BUYER'S AI'[ORNEY JOHNSON I PATRICK W. 718 I 745-5530 I NEW YORK STATE COPY