HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 701NYS'I-r DISTRICT 1000 013.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 008.033 ~:cn'm ~2 (9~) - 20M - R~li~Jn ~ ~ ~ tJlh C~r,~n~qlS ~ Otamm's Aeu. tndJvidsd a~ C~i~oratian (single I~etl) THIS INDENTURE, made this . BE'I%VEEN Manuel £.~t~'es and Antonio Esteves, residing, at. 80 Sunset Avenue. Selden. NY 11784 i~u'ty ut'the first pan. Ro'~N~l~Roberrs Cnslom Homesl inc., residing at. PO Box 372, Wading River, NY I 1792 ~rty uf the .'~cond pan, NITNKSSETH, that the pony of the fivat pan, in consideration often dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the,,.sec°nd part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the sanond pan, the heirs or su~ and assigns of thc party of the ~.'cund pan forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the hoildin~ and improvements the~on erected, situate, lying and b,':ing in th~.' Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described on the Tan Map of the Suffolk County Ruul Property Tax Sen'ice Asen~' a~ Dislrict 1000, Section 013.00. Block 02.00. Lot 008.033, and ncquin.'d by Tax Deed on May 2 I, 1999, from John C. Cochrone, 'll~e County Tmnsurer of Suffolk County. New York and recorded on May 28. 1999, in Liber I 1965. Page 949. and olhetwise known as and by the Town of Sonlhold, Hill Crest 'Estates Map 7218 Section I Lo! 31. 'fOGETI I ER with all right, title and inlereSl, il' any. of thc party of the first part, in and m any slreet,~ and roads albutting thc above-deserihed premises to the center lines thereof:. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all Ihe e:aate and rights of the pony of the first pa~ in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO i IOLD the premises herein granted unto the pony of the second part, the heirs or successors and asaigns of the party of the second pan forever, AND the pan of the first part covenants that the party of the firta part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said pre,nisus have been encumhered in an}' way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien law, covenants that the puny ofthe first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consider- afion as a Iros~ fund to he applied first ~br the puqx~.e of paying the cost of the improw.'ment and will apply thc same firs! to the pa.'fluent of the cast of the improvement before ~in8 any part of the total of the same for any other puqx~e. The word "party" shall he construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense oflhis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pony of the first part has duly executed ~h deed the day and year first above written. IN PRI'.'SI-.'NCE OF: Antonio Estcves ,NE llhat certain plot, piece or parcel of land with any buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and. being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State' of N~w York, described on thd Tax Map of the Suffolk Counly Real Property · "r~;x Service Agency as District 1000, Section 013.00, Block 02.00, Lot 008.033, and acquired by Tax Deed on May 21, 1999, from John C. Cochrane, The County Treasurer of Suffolk County, New York and recorded on May 28, 1999, in Ut)er 11965, Page g4g. and othenvlea known as end by the Town of Southold, Hill Crest Estates Map 7218 Section 1 Lot 31 bounded and described es follows: BEGINNING et a point on the easterly side of Heath Drive distant 550.00 feet northerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Heath Drive and the northerly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE north 20 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds west 156.60 feet along the northerly side of Heath Drive; THENCE north 69 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds east 263.85 feet; THENCE south 15 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds east 157.21 feat; THENCE south 69 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds west 250.02 feet te the easterly side bf Heath Drive the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises being known as 650 Heath Drive, Orient, NY DISTRICT 1DO0 SECTION 013,00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 008.33 Acknowledgemenl liken in New Yurk S~ta On thc ~ day a .~'~keg/~1%J..,~ n thc)'(,-ar 2UO~. bt'ore mc. thc undcrsitmcd, pcrson~y appcar~J Manuel F..sleves Antonio £.steves :iatL~lim:tury cvJd~a'.ce m I~ the individ~Ks) wh~ n~s) is (~) h~s~/thc~ ~Uk~ Ibc ~' in hi--/their ca~it~i~L and that by hi,or, heir ai~u~ .) ~ ~e i~t~L' the individual(s) aa th~ ~o~ M~1lrl ~'wh~ch ~e i~ividu~(~l ~tL~. ex~u~ thc ~IOTARY P~. ~ Ct.A~'~ Acknowledgemellt by SubKribinB Witness taken in New York State State of New Yor~.'. Cuunly uF On thc du.,*' of . in the y~ar . b~tbrc n~. dlc u.dkTsilpmd, p~:nmnally aplx*arcd thc su~k~bin8 wimcss lo thc f'oFcgoin8 irulmmumt, with wh~ t ~ ~nA]ly ~'qmllnt~. w~u ~mg b)' ~ duly swo~ did d~ and ~y. thru ~l~tc/thcy n~id~s) in Ilmt half,hey knu~s) to ~ Ihe individual ~bing wimc. ~-~ pn~mt and ~w ~d ~u~ the ~; ~d ~m ~id ~ln~ al thc ~ li~ ~b~ hidh~hhcir IJanc(s) ~ a wimess the~o. NOTARY Ill)BI.lC AclmowJediemeut taken ia New York State Stale of New York, C. ounrff of' . ss: On ~he IDAYI c~,' oFIMONTHI, in thc yr.'~ I.~l. bclbrc me. tht un~c;sill~'d, pcrsanally ~ppem'~d NOTARY PUBLIC Acknowlediement tabu outside New York State State of . County oY (t)F imlcn Di~riL't of Columbia, 'lYrrito~: Possession ar ForciJn Cuunuy) On tlw__, day of. . in thc .year ..... th~ undmdBned, ~ll)' ~opea~d. · SS: · before mc. pcf~e~aJly known ~o mc or proved to me on thc b;mb of satisfKIoO' cvidelace to be IM individu,,l(s) who~t mL, T~'(~.) is (arc} ~ubscribed m the within thsu~mem and ~:kflo~, IL~IRc~ LO nit thai hn/l~ld~.' ~l~d Ibc xame n h ~/J~f/l~ i' Cal~cily( j~l), Ihal by his/h~r/Iheir lijlp~lur~l) off th~ iflmrume~, da: individual(S} or Ihe l~wson upon bchllr of'which the individual(si luted, c',o.~:uted th= instill, and dmt individual mode such q)~e before the und~isncd in the (mid tho city or fmiitimfl sobdivision and thc state or country or uther place thc aeknowKq:l~cmo, I ,,.vas taken. ) NOTARY PUUI.IC 'ride No. i!:CA38617 Robert's Custorrt I*lomns Inc. I I:\~ p~O0do~v* p601DOC'S~R F.~L~Rl.'.l~gsled3~er t hdr deed v. pd RIL'TUI~N BY MAIL TO: GLYNN md MERECP. LLP I'O Box 712 Stuny Brook. NY 11790 Numbc~ ~t' pa~,~s L~ TORRENS Serial C,'nificate Prior Cir. 20~ ~ 09.0~:.20..31 p~ £d~rd P. Ro~aine CLE~X OF ~UF'FOLK (~ITY L D00012402 P DT# C~-014~0 Dccd I Moggagc lnsmmtent De. ed I Mortgage 'Fax Stamp Recording / Filing Stamps Page / Filing Fee ~.l6 MortgalzeAmt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 5. 00 2. AddilionalTax TP-584 Sub Total Notalion Spa~./Assit. OF EA-52 17 (County) ._ Sub 'lbtal __ S[~c. ladd. I~A-5217 (Sta~¢l '-~ TOT. MTG. TAX R.P.'I:S.A. ~f" ~ Dual Town ~ Dual County --~ ~ Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 . · TransfcrTax /.~0 '--_ AtI~davil ~ - Mansion Tax/__ _ "Fha proparty fovered by this mortgage is Certified (.opy __ or will be i~hproved by a on~ or ~o family dwell~g only. NYSSurcharge _ 15. ~0 SubTotal YE~.._._.~ or NO__ Omar I~ ~X ~ If NO, se¢'appi~prinm tax claus~ on - -- -- Grand 'roml ~ '~,, page # ' ' ~f this ina~mm~nt. n IBIockO~jO0 II.x,tOO[}t0~a S Community ~ervation Fund a,., P,o~..rt: ' 0.~2423-~ ~o~o -~-;oo'--~;o~. o~a~)'~3 ' ' Consideration ~.ou~_ .~ Tax Service ' /~r~,~'-~. Agency P CPF T~ Du~ $ (~,~ V,'ritication I ~7~ ' Improved ................ Vacant Land ] Sa~is~acdons/Discharges/Relensea List Prol~rty Owners Mailing Address 6 . RECORD & RETURN TO: TD / 0 ] ~o.INam~ Title~Comp..n,y (~o A ~' Information sl Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This pa§e forms pan of tile atlached ~ made by: (SPeCI~ ~PE OF ~S'I'RUM~ SUffF~LK COUP, ~W YORK, In t~ VIL~GE or HAML~ of BOXY; 6 THRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRI~ED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y ~IOE ~ EECOgDING OR ~ILING. ~ -. (over) BUFFOLK COU~'],'z' CldgRK RECORDS OFFZCB RECOIt.D]:~G L~AGE Type o£ Z"~atz'um~tz DEBDB/DDD ~/,..'i.~r o! Pagel z 4 Rece4Dt ~r,.,-'f,~F : 05-008:2916 TRANEFER 'FAX N~BER: 05-01&60 1000 8ecti.onl Blockz 013.00 02.00 EXAX'rmmr) A~iDC'dARGEDA8 $181,328.82 the Foll~tng Feel For ~bov~ Znstz~ment ~t ~,o. ge/F't 1:Lng $12.00 NO w=~,ql'l ng COZ $5.00 NO NY8 HRCHG RA-C'I~? $5.00 NO RA-GTATB TP-S84L $5.00 NO Cert.Cc)pt. aB RP'I' $30.00 NO ?Fo. na:f!el" ta.~', $726.00 NO C- ------- · L=~es Feel TRAHBFER TAX ~MBERz 05-01460 THZ8 PAGE ZB A PART OF THE I'NS'I'R~M~MT THZfl ZB MOT A BTLL Reco~ed z A. tB Edward P. Rc~a:Lne County Clerk, 8u££olk County 08/09/2005 02t20131 ~M LTBER: PA~E ~ Lot ~ 008.033 $5.00 $~5.oo $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo S626.58 $1,504.58 D00012402 701 .... PLEASE TYPE OR'PREs~ FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.ori~.etate..ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY'USE ONLY ' " c,. ~,~ ~ ~', .~ ~'~ ~' ~" ?' I . ~t~' _ .~,.o~.~ ~ .Eeo~r ~TATE ~F NEW I ~o~m ,~o~ I 55o i Heath Rd Orient I Robert's Custom }lo~es. Inc. I ,'Robert Cttscito I L Ixl Iml ...... I ~ ~.w Aw,o~ ~ sa~qv~n ~ u~ ~ovm-, [steres j M~nuel I Esteves I Antonio I 3500 I , ~ ' , ½ , ~ ' , Oyster Ponds ] 11. I~ Clmm I 1000-013.00-02.00-008.033 ] I I I I I 650 I Heath Dr Orten~f, I NY ) I 631 I 744-8300 NEW YORK STATE COPY