HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 702S C, USTOM HOMESYre~iding at 50 DIANA COURT, WADING RIVER, NY i 1792 p~fthc firstpart, and , t IX "1 ! 565 party of the second part, WITNESSFrH, lba* in the mmal course of busine~ of the cotgomtion, the party or the tim pa~t, in cotzsidc~ati~ o£Ton Dollm's and othe~ va]uable considezafion paid by the party of thc seoand part, does h=vcby grant aud ~clcaae unto Ihe party of the second part, the heirs or suce. ns~ and ~J~n~ of the p~y of the ~cm~d pm fmc-vet, THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE IN THE REGULAR COURSE OF BUSINESS ACTUALLY CON'DUC i~ BY THE PARTY OF TIlE FIRST PART AND UPON CONSENT OF ,at I. ITS STOCKHOLDERS. SEE ~CIII~'DULF.. A ATrACIIED TO~ETHER with all fight, rifle md interest, if any. o£the party of thc first ~ o~, in and to any strce~ and nmds abutting the nbuve-des~ribed premises to the cent- lines thez,~f, TOG~.TIIER.with th~ s~m~enances nnd all the estate and fights of the pa~y of the trust l~t in and to mild premises; TO iIAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pa~ of the second part. the h=irs o~ socee~ors ~nd reigns of the pafly of th= ~co~d pail forever. AND the party of th= first part onvenant.s that the patty of the fi~t pan ha~ pot done o~ suffezz'd anything whereby th= ,=id premiscs have bcon encumbered in any w~y wh=!cv~, except aa afm~a/d. AND the par~y of the fw~t pm% in complim~e with Section 13 of the Lira Law, covenanta that the party of the first part w/Il ~'cei~ ~e ~sidemion f~ this conveyance and will buid the riL~ to receive ba~h c.o~s/dontlion as a trust fund to h= applied first fi~r th~ purpo~ ofpaying the cost o£flu: in'~rov~t ond will ~ply the ~n~ firg to the paymont of the cost o£ the impro~m~ent bdo~ using my pm of the total of the ~ f~ any oth=r pmpo~. Th= word 'l~'ly" sh=ll be construed ns ifit read "pm*ties" wh=never the sense ofthis indenture so requires. IN ~VI'I~NI} W~.EREOF, thc party o£thc first IN PRESENCE 0~..'...~ Ol3.1)0 5 z.oo part has dul~ec~ day and ycm' first above writtan. L- o 07 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with any buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk .,~c.,nd. State of New York, described ~)n th~ Tax Map of the Suffolk County Reel Property Tax :Service Agency as District 1000, Section 013.00, Block 02.00. Lot 008.033, bnd acquired by Tax Deed on May 21, 1999, from John C. Cochrane, The County Treesurer of Suffolk County, New York and recorded on May 28, 1999, In Liber 11985, Page 949, and otherwise known es and by the Town of Southold, Hill Crest Estates Map 7218 Section 1 Lot 31 bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Heath Drive distant 550,00 feet northerly from the comer formed by the Intersection of the easterly side of Heath Drive and the northerly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE north 20 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds west 156.60 feet along the ~northerly side of Heath Drive; THENCE north 69 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds east 263.85 feet; THENCE south 15 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds east 157.21 feet; THENCE south 69 degrees 50 mlnutas 40 seconds west 250.02 feet to the easterly sider of Heath DrNe the point or place of BEGINNING. SakJ premises bolng known as 850 Heath Drive, Orient, NY DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 013.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 008.33 'exec~m the mm~ m~ that said wimess ut the some time .ub~..dbed his/Tlur/their name(s) as n witness thereto · STATE OF..... Onlhc . daypf intheyear ' bcfme me, t~e und~sisncd, personally aplmared STATE'OF ~ COUNTY OF (30 IbC, day or* . in the y~,nr befot~ me IX~SOnally crime lO mc knov~n, .~.., beinJ by me duly swm11, did depose tnd jay that · hefeddes-~ that Ikebthe. of the codl(xaUon desc~bed in amJ which mmculed the fo~e~oin8 ,. ~al ~lx(Id to ~aJd In.ll~glr~tt IS reich co~ ~..,~; tllm~ it wal ' so IITixed by (MJer o[ the boerd o f ,tifecto~ o( Mid coq~ end that he d~l h twine khefeto by like ord.,. ..l~_:~.,,Jed at .Request or W.ASHINGTON n t t cE Number of psg~ Serial # Ceaificntc # Prior cir. # TORRENS Deed I Mortgage lustrum~'nt Page / 17iliug F~ Ilandling TP-584 Nolaliou EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. 0f Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Su~:hurge Other 15. 00 2009 ~ 09 02=20:~! Ptl EO~rcl P, P4x~i ne L I)00~12q02 P ?02 OT# 0~01461 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total Sub Total Orand Total 4 Section Real ProperlyI 0~024~9 1000 01300 0200 008033 Tax Serv]icc : ~ /Xgenc), Verit]catinu 61 Sa,isfi~ctions/Discharges/Rele~uies List I'roperty Owncrs Mailing Address RI{CORD & RETURN'TO-' Coneidera CPF Tax Title Com Co. Nnmc m~,lu # ~ 8 t Rccording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpacJAssit. Spec./.Add. TOT. MTG. TAX' Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment psi ax ~ _ ~q;m~a~ covered by.is mortgage is will be improved by a one or two mily dwelling only. YF-~ or NO ! NO, see'nppropriatc tax clause on of this instrument, -- 1 Fund $ Improv~ Suffolk County Recording & Etldorsement Page This page I'orms part of thc attached ~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. or HAMLET of BOXl]S 6'FltRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK. INK ONLY PRIOR TO RIFsC'ORDINO OR FILING. (over) Information 8u~rOX, X COU~i'ZY CT.~ RECOXOH OFFXC1~ ~COXDXNG PAGIZ Tqj'pe o]: :Z.umtru~snt: DBBDH/Z)DD ReoeLpt'-~ s 05-0082916 'l'19.M~FER T,~t huaiBZR: 05-01&61 o41trJ.c:t 1000 Deed Amount 8eat:~ons Blocks 013.00 02.00 ]EXAMZNROJDID~EDAS FOLLOWS $699,900.00 For 33:x~e TnmCz-umont TAX ZI~Z~RS 05-014,61 THZ8 ZB MOT A B'rLL Rxen~t: $5.00 NO G15.00 $?5.00 $0.00 No $o.oo HO S10,998.00 . $13,950.00 Reoordod~ 08/09/2005 ACt 02s20s31 ~ LZB]~: D00012&02 PAGE: 702 Lot: · 008. 033 Count~t' Clerk, Bu££oZk County , .. ~ PJ~EA-,~=~I~'PE--O~RESS FIR-I~LY ~V~Ir~N* WRITING ON FORM , INSTBUCTIONS: http:/! www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 L J · I Wi BUYER'S ATTORNEY BUYER ~.. ::.~ ,.U¥ ~:, i~- · , *r'T.. '~~ .. ,. :'~. :'", ~5~~' · NEW YORK STATE .. 'coe¥ -