HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12419 P 825TH~INDENTURE, made as of the 14th dayof July BEI~NF~N IRENE HALLIS, an adult individual havin$ an address at 45 Sutton Place, 118F, New York, NY 10022, EVA ~ALLIS, an adult individual with an addre 752 Forest Avenue, Rye, I~Y 10580 and PAI~S NALLIS, an adult individual with an address at Prophet Iliad 18A, Il[isis, Athens 14565 Greece, AS TENANTS-IN-CO~ ~p~R~$~i~ns a t~-thirds (2/3) undivided interes~, * QRIENT ACRES U.C, a New York limited liability cempany having an addraas at 752 Forest Avenue, Rye. NY 10580 party of the second part, WITNE88ETH. that the pal~/of the rust prat, in cermidsmtiun of Ten ($10.00) doffers paid by the pan'y of the aacond part, doas hereby grant and release unto the party of Ihs second part, the heirs ALL that cmtatn plot, piece or parcel of land, with Ihs buildings and improvements thereon erecthd, situate, lying end being in the . .. Hamlet of ~ Town of Southold, County of Surfak stat Stats of New Yodl. aa mom fully da~dbed on ~heduls A annexed hereto 'EVA MALLI~ holding aune. M~ih (1/~) undivided b~ and PARE8 MALU~ heintng s one-M~h (1/8) undivided Intm'eat tOGETHER with all dght, title and interest, if any, of the paW of Ihs timt part ~ ami to any streets and goads abutting Ihs above described premises to the ~ lines Ihemo~, TOGETHER with the spaurlene ._r~-~__ taxi all the estate and rights of the party of am ~ part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises heroin granted unto the party of the second pea the heirs or successom end aseign~ of the pah~, of the sesead part fomver. AND the party of the rust part cov~anth that Ihs party of Ihs rust part has nof done or suffered anyihing whereby Ihs asld premises have ~ emlund3emd In any way w~athver, excapt as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with ~ection 13 of the Usn Law, ~mnts that the party of lite first part will receive the cemkJemtkm for this ceflveyance ami vati hold the rl~t to receive such consiclemtlun aa a tftmt fund to be applied flint for Ihs purpose of paying the coat of the Improvomant and will apply the same first to the payment of the coat of the bnpmvemem before using any part of the total of the same for any omor puq~se. The word 'party' shall be cermtmad aa if it mad "padlaa' when ever the sense of this indenture so rmluime. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parly of the first part he,, duly esecut~d ~ deed the day and year rust above IN PRESENCE OF: EVA MN. LIS, Co Tenant PARES MAI. LIS, Co-Tenant Slmda~d N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 - Bm~aln and Sale De~i, w#h Covenma Igllns~ Grant. s Acts _ U~lfmm Ac~m,.dmt~ama Fmm 3~90 SCHEDULE A- DESCRIPTION Title No: 05-212te-8 end beb~ h gte Harem M Oden~ Town M 8omhdd. CouMy M 8uffdk ~nd 8tde M New y~ W ~ d~ll~ let on the nmlledy Mdc of Ore Mlkt Rold where ~e elMedy IkJe ~g~ Roed b~erl~l ~; THENCE running II(xto the eaelMty lidl of BI,ti Rsad N(X~ G dagree~ 10 mlmJMI 00 IMXm~I East 19235 feet; THENCE running North 00 degriml 50 .KO, d, Wilt 2~0.14 feet 1o ~ monumerd; THENCE N(x~ 7 degnml 49 mrnuk~ 20 NGmxJs Wel~ .nd passing ~rou~ · n~numett 878.00 ~et ID ~ high THENCE running MGng the highwim' ,turk of I.Mtg Illl~d S~uncl il ~ by · rm IM coume end dh.lan(~ ol' _~?"~ M G~reM M mitu~e 10 M~T.~-..I~ EaM 476.09 TNt lo Ired of C. R~e; THENCE nmnk~ .la~g Imst men~Jonecl I~d and pa.mk~ hough [] monument _~__~_h 2 ~grae~ 01 m~u'-- 2O ..==ndl ~ 903~0 feel lo · monumenl .tgi I~nd M A. ~ THENCE n~nning I~.n9 IMI menlim,.ed land 8oulh 0 degroM 03 mlnu~ 10 I.~c~.-.,~ Welt 300.43 Met k) lite THENCE nm~ kt I w~,imiy diredimlMO~g the nodhedy ikJi ~ Mlrn R(md ~M.5 feet ~-,~,-& m. ~ ~ ~ ~ er pllml, M BEGINNNG. ~ TOGETHER v~th 'q bm dgh~, t~ ~nd b~em~t of Um piny d ~te fht pe~ ~ any, M. · end M ~e lind ~dng In lie Ib~M kt fro~ M end mqo~g iIM prendlel. TO BE U~ED ONLY WH~I THE ~ ~'~Mm~ I~ M~rm ~1 I~f yORK ~rATE State' On tho/~..~d8¥ of~'~'~ fl in the year 2005 b~ ~, t~ ~fl~. ~ly ap~8~ IRENE ~LIS State of Ney/Yon~. County of/~;.v//~., ss: · On the///.TLbey ag ~'~/.-.1 Jn the year 2005 before me, the unders~gned:~bersenally 8pbear,.d EVA MALLIS pers~ully Imown 4) mo or pro. nd to me on the Mis of personally known to mo or proved to me o~ the basis of sstJsfactmy evidence to be the individual(e) whose name(s) is satisfactory evidence to be tho indJvJdull(a) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the withth Instrument and acknowledged to (are) subscflbed to the within Instrument and KknaqMedged to mo that he/shefl~ey executed the semo in hi.nar/their me thet be/sheflhey executed the same in hisrnar/theJr ,_c._.__p~/(ie.s~,y?n~. ~t..l~. '..hi~barflhelr sigrm.ture(I.) .off ~ ~,~becJty(Ise),? th~by his/her/their signature(a) on the ,,m_m=men~ ~[?~,mmv~m. ue. Ka). orme I~.mon upon .enact mm'm:n tnm/~mont,~ie~lFdivllM~q$), or tho bemon upon baheli'o(vdach t ~'ltll:llvidu q,(s~actqcl, e'~ecuted the malrurpent. I~ I~dlvlduld(s) tlCt~l, a~m;;uMcl the instrument. ( / ( NJW~l'_PtJl~C,~tedNewYo~k / / / liqmgtYPUl~JC, Sttte0~NewYork -- _ _ . .... L/ PARES MAJ..LIS peroona[ly known to mo or proved to me ~ the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(a) whose name(s) is (are) 8ub~flbed to h'm w#hln inotmmeflt and acknoMedgnd to me that he/sheflhey executed the Borne ~fl hisAmrJthelr cabecity(iss), end that by hisflwfftheir signature(e) off the Inatmment, the Individual(l). or tho pers(m upon behalf of which the Individual(i) acted. executed the Jnstrumeflt, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned In the (inBMllhoCltyoro4hM t;f3i, ~(W~""s~"=c~w~"[~"~'=~'~M~llJoseph B. NO " '~ · ~_/ States of America " DISTRICT 1000 BARGAIN AND SALE DE~ W~I'H COVENMIT AGAINIFr GRANTOR'8 A~ .b Title No. IRENE MALLIS, Co-Tenant, et el. TO ORIENT ACRES, LLC THE ,JUOK~J. 1tILE INSURANGE A(~NGY LLG HAJ~ISON, NY 1~21 · 14.-381.e7~0 · 1~0'281-TITLE SECTION 14.00 BLCNDK 2.00 LOT 025.000 C...on.s,.,J. COUNTY OR TOWN SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS-32625 Main Road, Orient, Reoorded at Request of THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO: LOWEN K. HANKIN, ESQ. KURZMAN EISENBERG, ET AL. ONE NORTH BROADWAY WHITE PLA]NS, NY 10601 N,i~,ber of TORRENS Serial # Certificnle # Prior Cfi. # D~cd / Mortgege Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEF. S RECOVEr, ., 2005 Nov 15 11-'10:44 Rtl Edward P. Ro~aine CLEPJ( OF = SUFFOLK COI~T¥ L I)00012419 P825 DT# 05-149~4 Recording / Filing Stamps Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.I'.T.S.A. Comm. o£ Ed. Al]]dnvJl Certified Copy Reg. Copy O~hcr __ Sub Total Sub Total GRAND TOTAL !,_~ '1 Stamp Date Initials 7[ Sads facfions/bi~ ffarge.0Rdens~ i -ist Property Owners Mailing%=~, RECORD & RETURN TO: R~t{ I'mpe~y Tax Service ABency Verification ..~Di,,. I s,,iun I ~, I Lo,. 0.~.~.52,4 Z000 01400 0200 025000 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. 0r Spec./Add, TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town.~ Dual County,~ Held for Apportionment.../ Transfer Tax ~ ' Mansion 'Fax The property covered by this morlgege is or will be improved by a one or two famil~ dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropHale tax clause on page ~ of this instrument. Corem?airy Pregervatio.n/und Consideration Amount $ ~u CPi:' 'l'n.x Duc $ Improved Vacant Land TD lO TD 'Ibis page t'orms pan of the attachcd madc by; ~'ISIJL,.-~- ~ ~ t'~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In OkL-~..O' ~.ff/--ff-S: ,LL.O_.. In the V{LLAGE or HAMLET o£ BOXES 5 TI-IRU 9 Muir BE TYPED OR PR[N'FED IN BLACK INK ONLY PIUOR'FO .RECORDING OR FILING. ct.~7~' hatc~ ~ t. ocool ! * I T,tle Company Information Suffolk Count), Recording & Endorsement Page SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE Type of Instrument: DREDS/DDD ~m~er of Pages: 4 Receipt ~,m~er : 05-0118977 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-14984 District: 1000 Desd Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 014.00 02.00 ~YqMINEDAND CHA~GEDA8 FOLLOWS $0.00 11/15/2005 11:10:44 AN D00012419 825 Lot: 025.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt P&ge/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~---.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-14984 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTHU]~NT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County · PLEASE-T~P-E-OR PR~ FIFIMI-y WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: FOR COUN'i~Y U~ ONLY I Southold I 0rlent { [ Orient Acrea LLC ] I · MdMte the numb~ d iMis~m~nt R 5,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Tr~ s.~ ] ~lli,. Irene. T~n--~-in-C=n, e~ al, { [ B ~ 2 ~ 3 Family ~timl F~ ~M Intel 1~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~d~d~ V~ ~ ~ ~t ~c~ 1~ ~ ~ld~ ~ ~ {~INF~ON I I&~ww~MWW~M~W ,,-~m~. I ~ / ~ / ~,~ F ~ M F~ ~ ~ ~n F~ I~ ~ B~I ~'~M~ I , , , , , , 0 , 0 I I ~S~ME~ INfO. ON. ~m ~M ~W t~ I~st Fi~l M~t fl~l and Tax Bill I I Section 14.00. Block 2.00. Lot Q2~.0O I I I I I CERllFICATION I BUYER Orient Acres LLC 752 [ Forest Avenue Rye I ~ Y ] 10580 SE~EB Rankin I Loven L~T M&M~ F4~T ~ (914) I 285-9800 I NEW YORK STATE COPY