HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 204f CONSULT yOUR LAMPt'ER BEFORE EIGNING THIE INETRUMENToTHI$ INETRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY I. AWYERa ONLY THIS INDENTURE, madethe 20th dayof JANUARY , 2005 B N ~OB~N ~SOUMPAS ana ELEUTHERIA TSOUMPAS, UX, residing at 535 M&nhasset woode Road, Manhasset, New York 11030 party of the iirst part, End KARMEN DADOURIAN, residing at 5 Ridge Circle, Manhasset, New York party of the second pert, wI'rNESSETH, that the party of the lirst part, in conaiberation of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration . paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant End release unto the party of the second par~, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pan'7 of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying andbeinglntha County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Premisss known as: 695 PETTYS DRIVE, ORIENT, NEW YORK SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION TOGETHER with all right, title BAd interest, If any, o! the party o! the first part in and to any streets and toads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the EState End rights of the party of the first part in and tn said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parly of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of Ihs Ilmt part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been Encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance End will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the paymenl of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of [he total of the same for any other purpose4 The word 'party' shelf be construed as if It read 'parties' when ever the sense of~is' indenture so reflulms. ' ' . .. ."; * /x. L.,/ / . ~-LEUTHERIA TSOU Sl:~nda~l N.Y.B.T.U. Farm SOO2. - Bargain and Sale Dead. with Ciw~nl agalnM Gmnto.-'l ACII - Un#g~n AcXnowle~ment Form 3290 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOW~ F_nGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATF Slate of New YDtk. County of (~ 0~../~.~ ss: Sl.I. of N~ Yo~, C~n~ of ss: On me 20 day of JaRuary In ~e ~ar 2005 On the d~ of in the year ~a me. I~ u~em~. ~nl~ ap~ ~f~ ~, the ~e~lgn~, ~.l~ ap~ar~ JOHN~SOUMPAS and ELEUTHE~IA TSOU~AS .a~.fA~ ~ to M Ihe I~dual(.) ~la n~e(s) ~ .aUe~o~ ~n~ m ~ the ~dMdual(.) ~ ri.ma(.) Is ~ ~t ~h~ e~ ~ seine in hi~e~hek me IM! ~ e~t~ ~ la~ in h~er/ih~ ~), a~~M~e~ ~Mlum(.) ~ I~ ~), .~ that ~ M~rh~ .~s) ~ ~M · -.,--u.,,.).....--,.,n.--. (sign.~ and ~ i~i~ual ~ki~ a~Wq~t) (sM~tum and o~ of I~Mdual ~k~ a~nMedgm~O Pa~ A. I~ · No. 01B4~7~4~ (Iommi~ion Expi~ Jan. 31, ~t TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOV~IF_n~_MENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATF Stale (or DisMcI of Columbia. Tenltofy, or Foreign Country) of Ss: On the day of in the year before me. Ihe undef~gned, person&qy appeared perlonely known to mi or proved to me on the I~1, of i~lilfaciov/evidence to be the individual(a) whole name(s) I. (mm) m~o~crlbad to the within In.~'ument .nd acknowledged to me that he/~h~/they executed the .ame in h;'sfner/Ihair capacily(lae), and I~at by his/her/their signature(e) on the Inslnm~nt. Iha individual(s), or file person upon behaff of which the [nd'~dual(s) acted, executed the Instrument, and that such Indivldue! made such appearance before the undersigned In the In (immd the City or other pMtical ,ulxlivltlon) (aM I~rt the State m' Coumr/or other place Ihe admowle~gmem w~ taken) and of~c~ of individual taldng ecknoMedgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED wl~%{ COVENANT AGAINST ORANTOR'S ACT8 JOHN TSOU~PAS and ELE~HERIA TSO~AS TO ~N D~OURI~ DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 014 BLOCK 2 LOT 23 COUNTY ~ Suffolk STREETADDRESS 695 PETTYS DRIVE ORIENT, NEW YORK Recorded at Request of COMMOhM/EALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO~ VINCI~NT A. ALBANESE, JR. ESQ. ALBANESE & ALBANESE 1050 Franklin Avenue Garden City, New York 115.30 U Tilde No: RH043014,46 SCHEDULE A - DESCR.TP'T/ON AMENDED 1/14/2005 · ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Orient, Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated es and by lot No. 5 es shown on a certain map entJtled, · Map of Perry's Bight at Orient, made by Van Tuyl & Son, L. / S., Greenport, New York, dated April 6, 1972 and revised June 28, 1972 and owned and developed by TrYing end George Newman', end filed In the 5uffoJk County Oe'rk's Office on January 26th, 1973 as Map No. 5859; being more particularly bounded end described as fellows: BEGINNXNG at · point on the no~dnerly side of Patty's Drive dL~tant the following two (2) courses and distances from the northwesterly end of a curve hevlng · radius of 20 feet and a length of 31.42 feet connecUng the southerly side of Perry's Drive with the westerly side of Bight Road: ' (1) North 22 degree 17.00 mlnutas east, SO. OO feet ~cross Pe~/~/~' Drive to Its northerly side; (2) Along the northerly side of Petty's Drive along the arc of a Curve bearing to the right with a radius of * 200.00 feet a dlstanco of 26.00 feet to the true point or place ~r beginning; RUNNING THENCE North 12 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East, 318.4S feet to the high water mark of Long ;sland Sound; THENCE along a tie line South 44 degrees 56 minutes 15 seconds East, 134.23 feet; THE~NCE South 07 degrees 04 mlnutas 10 seconds West, 273.11 feet to the northerly side of.Perry's Drive; THENCE along the nor'cherty side of Potty's Drive the'following two (2) courses and d/stances: (1) North 67 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds West, 115.39 feet; (2) AJong the arc of a curve hevlng a radius of 200.00 feet a distance of 26.00 feet to the potnt'er place of BEC~NNING. Certificate ~ T~e Numlx. r ut' pnges L~ TORRENS Serial # _ Ccrtific;nc # Prior eli' ~ [~'cd MnngaFc lnstrunlcnt Parc / H:in~ Eked I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES H;mdhn.~ '1'P-584 EA-5217 {'County) EA-5217 (State) R.F'I:S.A Cvmnl. ~11' Ed. Alfidavi! Ccnilicd Copy Sub Total $..00 Rvg. Cop) Sub Totul OIher Grand TolaJ 200~ Feb O? 11-'201;20 Eckard P. RoMine O. EI~ OF ~UFFOLK C~UNT¥ L I~3~012370 P204 DT* 04-2?72? Recording / Filing Stamps Mnrtgaile Ami. I. Ba.-ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub 'lbtal Spec. / Assit, or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town .... Held Transfer Tax Dual County The covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one ur two family dwcl YF~ ~ NO If NO. see a l~x clau~ an ~ of Ihss instrument. 4 Real Prolx:ny Tax Service {\gcncy ~erificatir,~ oso~3 /~T $\ 1000 01400 0200 023000 Satisfilctinn/l)iKcharge:,i/Release [.ist Properly Owner~ Muiliu§ Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Conside. ratiun Amount CPF Tax Due Improved - Vacant Land TD TD Fund O(X,~a.C,~ C',..'~ ~ [? { Title Cumpany lnfomaflml .~, t ~ 5 5~ co. rg.m~ ,..s } Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Tilts page Ibrnls pan of Ihe nllached - ~ ~-C.(~ made by* (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) "~"-'":> 0 U ~ ~ The premJsis heroin is situated in so o,., cou, T . N .W YOR . TO ,n,h T wn,hip ,' .......... _=O_c._d__0..,~ ~,.,~r, ,n ~e V,,.,.AO~. BOXES 6 'I'HROLICiH 8 MUST BI". 'F'fPED OR PRINTED IN BE.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I IiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiIiiiillil llllmllllllllllllll I llllllllllll[Hll ]ll SUFFOL~ COU~x'~ CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDZNG PAGE Type o£ znstz~ment: DEEDS/DDD ~gr o£ Pegess 4 Receipt ~mher s 05-0014098 TRAI~TSFER T~X NUMBER: 04-27727 DistrActs 1000 Dced Amount~ Recorded~ LZBER: PAGE; 014.00 02.00 EX~T~h-,,ANDCH~RGED~ FOLLO~8 $995,000.00 02/07/2005 11:20:20 AM Received ~he Following Fees For Above Ialtrunent Page/Filing $12.00 NO H~ndling COE $5.00 NO N'ZB BRCHG EA-~-L'~ $5.00 NO F~-~TATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO 8CT~ Transfer tax $3,980.00 NO C ...... .Pres Feee Paid TRANSFER TAX NU~BER~ 04-27727 THZS PAGE ZS A PART OF THE ZNHTRU~E~iT D00012370 204 F~wir~ P. P~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County Lots 023.000 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $o.oo $18,400.00 $22,622.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orps.state.ny, ui or PHONE (518) 473-7222 J FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. swm Code I ~"~ ' ?'~ ,,~ ,c~ I I ~ REAL RRORERTY TRANSFER REPORT =__ RP-__,, .5217. ~. I ~ INFUSION 1. ~ 695 PETTYS DRIVE I ORIENT, NEW YORK za.~ [ D~OURI~, [ ~N [ J JOHN l[Oma(md--ITKBI~ar [ i / 20 / 05 I ~995,000.00 ! ! · [Full ~a/e Pr~e ~- I~e ~ smom~t paid fe~ the p, ~,,~, [ndud/~ pemonal iwo~eAy. ELEUT~nT ~ F. I~ T~ n.t W.~ or ~ ~d e..,. ~,:r,v ~,vI ~llll~m OI~e In F'rQl~y B~l~m~ Tm~ld~ ~ilu~ ar, d ~ Dm~l I [ ~:...-f.~TION I I NEW YORK STATE. COPY I .-~?=~r iiif~AMATION - DaW Mlould ~ the/I Final -A~---~:,ent Roll incl T~ Ill I ,~h~m~.~, ~ . E~-~.] I