HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 849~N IRENE MALLI~ mn Bd~t Ind~duml hmv~g in Iddmli ~t 45 Su~n Pbl~ 8ou~ #18F, New ymk, NY 10022 p~yofb~eflrstp~.end TRL~TE NALLIS, an adult /ndividual having an address at 45 Sutton Place, ~lSF, New York, NY 10022. EVA MALLXS, an adult individual vith an address at 752 Forest Avenue, Rye, NY 10580 and PAILES HALLIS, an adult individual vith un address at Prophet llias 18A, Kl£1sia, Athens 1t565 Greece, AS TENANTS-IN-CONNON; ~$~p~/~ENE NAT-LIS · tvs-thirds (2/3) undivided interest, reserving unto* T~(1.00) ps~d by the pmty$of0theiecodld I~r~ does hereby grant mid ~ unto Um pretty of ~ls ~¢ond pa~ ~le heV8 ~qng end b~ng In b~e . . EVA HALLIS.e one-sixth (1/6) undivided interest, and reserving unto PAPAS MALLIS a one-sixth (1/6) undivided'interest;, the estate nmi tights of the patty of the flint pad In end t~ said ~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD AND me party of the first I~rt co~anto that the pan'y of tho ~ p~d has not done ~- suffered anything AND the party of ~e flint park in compkmce wllh E~ 13 of the Lien L~w, ~oven~- ~t h'm I~dy of the limt p~t will ~-,,~,~ lbo c~-,~ldemPe~ ~' th~ ~onveyance md will hold the r~ht to receive mJch considemlk~ pu~. The wold "pm*ty' shal be cofmbued ua If it read 'pml]H' wliml ever ~ sense of Ulh, indeNum ,o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ute party of the flint p~t has duly executed 'this deed the day and yem' ~ust above m. title Insurance oompany · SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION Tiffs No: 05-28219-8 ALL that cortein plol, place or parcel of lend, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Hamlet of Orient, Town of Southoid. County of Suffolk end State of New York, bounded and das~ibed as follows: BEGINNING et · post or stake set in the aouttmmsl corner of the premiass herein described which po~t or stake Is set on the northerly side of the Main Road where the eastedy side Bighl Road intersects same; THENCE running along the easterly side of Bight Road North 6 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds East lg2.35 feet; THENCE running North 00 degrees 50 Leco__nds Wset 250.14 feet to the monument; THENCE Ninth ? degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West and paselng through a monument 878.00 feet to the high water mad( of Long Islam] Sound; THENCE running along the highweter mark o! Long Island Sound as measured by a tie line course and distan(~ of South 58 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds East 475.09 feet to land of C. Rose; THENCE running along last mentioned land end passing through e monument South 2 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds East 903.00 feet to a monument and land of A. Sledjaski; THENCE running along last mentioned lend South 0 degreas 03 minutes 10 seconds West 300.43 feet to the northerly line of Main Road; THENCE running in a westerly direction along the nerthedy side of Main Road 364.5 feet more or less to the point or I~ace of BEGINNNG. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY: TOGETHER with all the right, tiffs and interest of the psi'b/of the flint pad, ~ any, of, in and to the land lying in the 8beet in front of and adjoining said p~emlsas. IRENE MAI.LIS . pemonMly, known ~ me (x proved to me on IM tmsis M SS: ~fltha diyof Inthe y~ar ', I~ore mo, tAe undersigned, parsonofly appeared poruonolly known to rite or proved to me on Iha b~8i~ of utJgfocto~y evk:kmce to be the individual(s) whoso rulme(s) i$ ?et~.fm:te~ oM~ to bo the Indidduad(i) whose naM(s) is (are) lubocrJbed to b~o within ina~umont Irld W to qam) ~ber. zibed to the ~ Iflslmmflt ufld ucknowledged to me thlt he/IhMt~W e~,~.*M ~ha ~ in hlMw~heit me ~ he/ihehhey ixicuted the Mnte In hisJ'nerhheir ~),~.,s~.~.L~..~ h~.M .,,rm~,~}~ ~e W). ~d .mm...~. ,is~e~hat, .~na~,u(.) on ~ ,~ .~p~.~ .~,o~. ~s). ? ~ pmm~ upm3 meuwof w~ch irutmme~t, the indivJdusi(s), or tho pe~on upon beha~'ofwhich m~lum;~flm~t~s ) R~II}I, ~ the i? .u~mer~ the IndivldnaJ(a) acted, executed the inmflJmenL ~ .. ~~g~ 0~ (qnature ,nd ~ of individual to~ng icinowJedp~flt ) State (or Disiricl of Columbia. Tenl~xy, o~ Foreign Counby) of · a: On tho day of in the year bMom me, ~e undemlgned, perl~'tsily appeared per~onally known to me or proved to me on the be~is of latisfacax'y evidence to be the individual(s) v/ho~ name(s) is {are) that by NMxa'/thelr signature(s) on ~te Inltmment, the individual(s), or the bemen upon behalf of whk~ the Indivldnal(s) acted, executed the Inst~monl. end that Such tndMdmd medo such apl~aran(~ before the undersigned Iff the k~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WffH COVENNfr AGNI~T ~ AC~8 T'JtJe No. IRENE MALLI$ TO IRENE MAI. US, EVA MALLIS and PARES Id)al. LIS, as tenants-in-common DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 14.00 ~.OCK 2.00 LOT 025.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRES~ 32625 Main Road, Orient, ~___.~.~,ded at Request ~' THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSU~NdCE AGENCY LLC Rc'=ll. JRN BY MAJL TO: [-OWEN K. HANKIN, ESQ. ~(URZMAN EISENBERG, ET AL. DNE NORTH BROADWAY ~NHITE PLAINS. NY 10601 iu Number of, p~es ~, ~', TORRENS Ccflificate-# Prim Cfi. if Deed I Mortsa~ Instrument Deed / Moflsngc Tax Stmnp REL'0R~ 2005 ~.,g .10 I0:~;~ ~ CLEW{( OF ~UFFOLK ~ L D00012402 P 849 DT# 0'~-01574 Rm~:ling I FiiJng Stamps Pa~e / Fili.ng Fee Haudiing T~-584 Nomfion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (St,m) ILP.'I'.S.A. Comm. o fEd. Affidavit Ccflified Copy Rcg. Copy O~her __ Sub To~I Sub To~ GRAND TOTAL { I I~al Pmpmy Tax Sen, ion A{mcy Va'ir, c~j~ ~..r]~d .... I .... Ep~,'i~ I~. _R lndr____l__ _ t...,, ~ 05030837 3.000 03.400 0200 025000 initials · / [ Sotisfactions/Discharges/R~leasos List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Mortr~So AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. · Or Spec./Add. TOT. M'~. TAX Dual Town Dad County.__ i leld tm' Apportionment ~ Transfer Tax , Mausi.on Tax 'llm properly covered by Sis mortgage is or will be improved by s one or two family dwelling only. Y 'E,q~or NO If NO. see aplx'opria~o tax clause on page if ~or~b instrument. I 6 CommuniB~ Pr~,~ntion Fund Consideration Amount 3; "~ · CPF Tax Due $ O tmp~vcd Vacant Land TD TO (SPECIFY TYPE OF f~ i KUMENI' ) Th~ p,~mLm~s i~in is slmaied in SUFFO~ COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Townsh/p of o .A -rof BOXT. S 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.AC~ INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII .lNG. f~VFm max:la by: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLRR~ RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAaE · ype o£ Znstruuent= DEEDB/DDD ~he= o£ Pages: 4 Receipt ~,--her : 05-0083217 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-0Z574 1000 Deed Amount~ Section= Block= 014.00 02.00 EXAM~MEDAHD CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO HYS BRCHG · A-CTY $5.00 NO F~-flTATE TF-584 $5,00 ~ CerC.Cop~e, RPT $30.00 NO S~-/ Tr~a~or t~ $0.00 ~ C~.Preo FoOa Pa~d TAX )Td~BRR: 05-01574 THZ8 PAGE ZS A PA~T OF THE ZNSTROMB~qT THZ8 ZB NOT A BZLL Recorded: County Clerk, Su££olk County O8/lO/2OO5 ~0=53:33 AM LIBER~ PA~E: LOt: 025.000 $5.00 $X5.00 $75.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 D00012402 849 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE 'TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY'WHE~q ~NRITING ON FORM iNSTRUCTIONS: harp'.,'/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 , "' RP - 5217 i'll 32625 I Nain Road I Sour:hold [ ~ient ] ~ I ._Jxl I~al , , '~ t~k, ] Vallis. Irene I I I I s~,~ ~NFO. M~ON I I [] Community Sm~ce J ~ Indust~al ' KI,~ PuMc Sevioe '41 ~m ASSESSMENT INFOM,4ATION - Data ihould re~ect the litw Final MMssment RMI and Tax BIll=1 1?.TM ........ v-~-- (M Mi lae~i k mw~Mf I Section L4.00p Block 2.00~ ~o1:025.001 I I I I I I c~m~,:,~o. I I c~d~ Ihall d M'die linlai C~ .k~m egzkimd ea IIiM ~Mln M&~ Ulae ~nd a~Kt (1~ the h~ld M W ~ M ~ M I ~ imf ~ ~ . I I~ene Hallie, Co-Tenant, et el. 45 I Sutton Place tlSF New York I NY I 10022 Irene Nallts Eanktn I Loven (914) I 285-9800 NEW YORK STATE COPY