HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12211 P 369 Arch flicksvilim, NY i180{ H~eC of O~i~uc, County of $~ m 25 fooC rl{hC-of~ay over l~mt 1) Hooch 82' 40' 10' ~sc, 25.1a ~,et; choace 2) Notch Che~ce ~lon~ ~id southerly line, No,Ch 75' 55' ~c 175.0 [eec; t~e~Ce al~8 ocher ~n4 n~ or ~o~;Iy of Lloyd E, 05' ~c 279~t; ~eeC; 2) Sa~ch 75' 55* ~esc 175.0 ~eec co ~tn ro~ Co ~che ~ub~ecc pr~l~s, vhich 8a%d ~t~hc of ~y i) NotCh 14' 05' ~s~. 2171.21 f~ec; ch~ce 2) ~or~h 5) Sou~ 12' 13' 50" ~t t~.04 [eet~ ~ce 6) South will ~- ~i~; ~ 8AVE ~ TO I[Hfl[ll llmHlll ~w.j~ T)~X ~: 02-08515 ~tr~ct: S~a~on: ~Loak: 014,00 04,00 $0 09/26/2002 07:54:55 ~ ~0012211 :369 OOl,O00 $9, O0 $5.00 30, oO TIIAII~ ~J,,.x ~: 02~G85~5 $25.00 ~0 $0. O0 $99. O0 Sub Ta~J 020~76 ~ooo o~4o0 0400 3601 & RC, AT LAW NY Name 2. A~ T~x Sub T~ ~: MTG. TAX ........ ~td ~m Appe~ __ ~T~ CPF Tax Dee $ --~L~A-~ETT~E ~: ~-~I~~-~VR~-mNG ON FORM (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAt1[ OF ~ ¥OeK RP,. 5217 880 1. Property TerCy Lane I STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME Cl~ OR TOWN Indicate number of [ # of Parcels OR F~ Part of a Parcel 0 0 [ Roll parcels transferred on the deed 5. e~ 1 0 0I Property . X L ] OR [ '~c~s' · ' Size FRONT FEET DEPTH 6. Seller Eeaate of Cathertue Lough_r, an I A[~'One Family Residential B ~ 2d~ii. Eap~i~y Residential. c [---I .,~t~, v~ ~0~ D~ Non-Reside~tial Vacant Land FIRST NAME L~STNAME COMPANY - I FIRSTNAM~ 7. Check the box below which most accurately desedhes the use of the property et the time of sale: Agricultural I [] Commungy Service Commercial ] [~ Industrial Aoartmel~t K[_.~ Public Service {~ntertsinmeflt Amtlsement LLj Foresl 12. Date of Sale :1 Transfer ' ST~,TE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Purcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists [] 4B. Subdivision Aoorovm was Required for Transfer [] 4C. Parcel Approved fi3r Subdivision with Map Provided [~ Month ~Day 7 ~/ 18 Month Day 13. Full Sale Price rctJ~l Sa~e Price is the total amount paid for the proper~¥ including personal property. I This payment may be in the form of, cash olner properq/or ~oous, or the assumption of j mortgages or other obligations.) ~ase round to the neares~ whole dollar amoun£ 14. Indiente the value of personal e Check the boxes belew as ~ apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium [] 9. New Construction on Vacant Land [] 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District [] 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating [] that the propem/~s in an Agricultural District C F O, -,0.01 ~e Between Relatives ~r Former Relatives ~ Sa~ BetW~een R/elate~l Con~oanies'o¥ Partner~ in Business One of the Buvers is also a Seller BiJyer o~Seller, is Gover~nment Agency or Lending institution Deed Type no~ Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Slbecify Belowl Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factocs Affecting Sale Price {SDecl~/ Below) None 16, Year of A~es~ment Roll f~om ~ 2 which iof~mation taken ] , ] 17. Total Assessed Value (el all parcels in transfer) 5 2 0 0 I ½ ½ ' i 18. PmpmWClass I 2, 1, 01.~J lg. SshoolDist~tName ] Oyster Ponds School 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) / Roll Identifier(s) (If more than four, attach sheet with additt~tal identifier(s)) [ Section 014.00 J I Block ..... 04.00 ] certify that all of the items of lafo~aa~iop~ this form ~ire tru~ sad ~ (to the ~ of m~ ~wi~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~d ~ ~e ~ of any willful false statement of mate~al ~ will subject me to the provi~as or the penal law relative to the making ami fdthg of false instruments. BUYER ~ BUYER'S A'rrORNEY - ''~' ':~" ~ '~'l 731 520tl Z58-11 I 781:~ Si~reet Howard Beach { H { 11414 SELLER '"U'tt, pt ¢- l'tlr(-'.',~-~'- . SELLEaSlGNATUREEa~re~"Itl~ F. ,.i~O~/reary