HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12366 P 608CONSULT YOUR L.AWYER BEFORE BIONIIdO THE8 IN811~JMENT-THI8 ~IiENT 81'IOULD BE U~ED BY LAWYERB (INLY THIN INDENTURE, mJd~ I~e 4ch day of January 2005 BETWEEN DE~IS COLAITIS and ELAINE COLAITIS, hie wife, both residin~ at 132 98th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209 ,~ICHAEL C. LEVINE and PETER GALVIN, 6-t),4, m,~b'r,s~(. residing at 670 24~h Street ([~2C), N~ York, ~ 10011 ~ ~ ~in ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ M~, ~ ~ ~l~i~ ~d ~ ~n e~, ~, ~~in~ T~ sE Sou~hold, County o~ Suffolk and SCa~e o~ kn~ and des~ted as Lot No. 39 on a certain map enlisted, '~ap of ~reen Acres of Orient" a~ filed in ~he Office off ~he Clerk of the County of Suffolk on April 13, 1962, as Map ~o. 35~0; said loc bet~ bounded a~ described as foll~s: BEGI~INC ac a concrete mon~nt on--~he.~asterly side of Greenway ~es~ Southerly 119.00 ieec from a concrete mon~en~ se~ at ~he corner fo~d by ~he in~ersecClon of the Southerly side of North Sea Drive and the Easterly aide of Greenway ~esC l RUNNING TRL~CE North 74 desrees 36 minutes 00 seconds East, L50.88 feet rs a concrete monument; RUNNING THENCE South 06 de8rees 48 minutes 40 ~econds East, 145.&4 feet co a concrete monument; RUNNING THENCE South 83 desreee 26 minutes 10 Seconds Vest, 143.66 feeC Co a concrete monument and the Easterly side of Greenvay Vest; RUNNING THENCE North 09 desrees 24 minutes 00 seconds West alon8 the side of Gree ~reegway Vest, 122,40 feet to tbs point or place of BEGINNING. Sa' ~g' ~rem~e~.~o~m as 1180 Oreenvay Vest, Orient, Ney York. TOGETHER with ell gg~ HtJe aM intmut. If nny, ol' the p~iy of the ~t psalm ~ hakim aM m a~ ~ e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I1~ ~ T~R ~ ~ ~~ ~ all ~ ~ aM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi~ ~d M a~ ~ m~ ~; ~ ~ ~ TO HOLD ~e AND the party cd' the fist pwt, in compknce ldth SecUre 13 ol, em Lien i.ew, covef~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ firat Pa~ wifl receive ~e comldemOon for Ode conveym~e and wiU hokl tho dght to mcelm ~ m~n as a Wsfftmd to be applied fflt ~r the purpo, of 1~1~9 the c~t of ~e imlxovsm~t aM ~i# a~ ~ ~ first to Uw peyment of the oo~t of tM hnpmvement before u~q any part of the ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r requifu. IN WITNE~ WHF. REOF, Ule party of the fh~ pet him duly exKutK thb cieed the d~y ~d ~r tim ~ TO BE "BED ONLy MfHEN THE .Al.~.a'hu'tMe IwrV'UL'~. j IlSnl: IN NEW YORK ~TA¥- DENNIS COLAITIS TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI_ED~MIIMT lEI M&DE IN Nb-W YORK ~TAll: TO BE U~ED ~NLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLED~II~NT I~ uJru= QUT~DE NEW YORK BTATF Sma Cor D~td~ of Columb~, Tenitoq, or Foreign CounUy) of On the My of in ~e year bofom me, the unclm~gned, pemon~ly INNtcmllly immm t° me M Ix~ed to me °n the M~'k' of ~ elA~dM1M tO be the "'-,~Mdu~](i) IMtole mime(s) in(w) thlt by hbAlenlheir Mgn~um($) on the imminent, b"le Ir, dlddul~(i), M t~e pltlon upon beheff of w~lch BARC, NN AND SALE DEED DUNIg COLAITI~ & MICHAEL C. LEVINE ELAINE COLAITIS TO & PETER GALVIN Commomma SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRF.~S 015.00 01.00 023.000 Suffolk 1180 Graenvay Vest Orient, New York Recomed ~ Requeet o~ ~TH LMD Tn~E INSUR)~CE Cc)w)N~'Y RL='RJRN BY MAiL J. Kevt~ HcLaushltn, Esq. ·Wlnda Way Profeseional Center 44210 Rt. 48, P.O. Box 1210 Southold, New York IL97[ Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Moflgng¢ Instrument Page I Filing Fee , Hnndling 5. 00 TP-584 Notation F..A-52 17 ICouoty) EA-5217 (Stnte' 7~"'""-" R.P.'I;S.A. .. Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Sun:hnrgc 15. 00 Other Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total 2~5 ,fan 19 lO-'lO:l~ ~ Edward P.Renair~ CI.EI~ OF L DOOO 12'J66 P60~ DT# 04-249~ Recording / l 'ding Stumps Mortgage Amt. I. Bnsic Tax 2. Additiomti Tax Sub Total SpeeJAs~it. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for. Appo' .u~cnt ~...~_.$~ M~ion T~ ~ Thc properly covet~J by this tnoflgegc is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Grand Total If NO. sec nppropriate tax chuae on pa~e #__ of this ins~.Lt/ment~ ~--' __ Ren] Properly 05002001 1000 01500 0100 023000 Tax S~rvicc Agency ~ Yefificntion = 6 [ Sntisfuetion.qDischmXes/Rele~ Lisl Prolx'tly Owners Mailing Address RECORD & R~TURN TO: ] 7 ] Title Company lnfoFmation .... 8 Suffolk County ReeordinR & Endorsement Pn_ e This page forms part of the altached ~ nmde by: The premises herein is situated in · 3' SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of __~ BOXES 6 THRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED tN BLACK INK. ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOL~ COUNT~ CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORD'rN~ P~GE Type oE Ins~rumen2z DEEDB/DDD Receipt ~'"~r : 05-0006331 TRANSFER TAX N~MBER: 04-24937 ~ZBSR: D000Z2366 PA~= 608 Distri~t= 8ection~ Block~ ~t~ 1000 015.00 01.00 023.000 ~ ~ ~G~ ~ ~LL~8 $568,333.00 Deed Amount; aecorded~ At~ Reoeived the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Eszu:tlXng $5.00 COE $5.00 NO NYS 8ZCHG $1S.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATB $75.00 TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coptes $0.00 RPT $30.00 NO BCTM $0.00 Transfer tax $2,274.00 NO C~.Pres 68,366.66 Fees P&~d $10,789.66 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-24937 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF -r.~ INSTRUMENT Ti~S IS NOT A BILL F~wardP.Romatne County Clerk, Suffolk County 01/~9/2005 10:10:15 M( NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE oR~RE$$ I=iRI~I.~' V~I~I~I~ W?RI~I~G- ~N FORM L_ INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www.orp$.$tate.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 47:3-72;22 IFORCOUNTY USE ONLY . · ~ I c1. stms C~de ~ ] REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I c, ,,,,, /'~,L~,L~,~'=,~,~T~',~, , ,t ,~ RP- 5217 I IOdy II Rut d m RIm~ Ihm:k il tl~/qNdlc M. PbnlMn~ Bo~d vu~ Subciv~ion ~dthor~ E~ [] rl~lT 1MM[ se~- Prom~ LoGmd wlmln m Ag~:dt~l Dit~ B C D ~4-~..~,.oh...w~ I . . o .'O I I A~:,~hMENT INFORMATION - Date Mmuld mfiKt the later final A~ixlmant Roll ind Iix Bill [] [] ID' [] ~0.1'mx Map Idm~tlll~ I RMI Ideatidlldll II~ al~-~ them fo~,, Mtleh limit wRI~ idd~lomM I~) , /OW 0 - O/~',,~Z~ -' 491.0 D'"o2g.lty:lO I CE. ,rK,ATION INEW YORK STATEI COPY