HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Wizard Working with the Agenda Wizard The Agenda Wizard allows you to organize and structure your documents for the Agenda. Once the desired structure is achieved, you can generate the Agenda for the meeting with a click of a button within the Agenda Wizard. MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Document Version Date Ver By Reason for Change 3/21/2008 5.6.0 Bill Martin Base Document 6/4/2008 6.2.3059 Bill Martin Updated Page 2 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Contents Opening the Agenda Wizard …………………………………………………………….. 5 Agenda Wizard Tool Bar ………………………………………………………………….. 8 Auto Fill Agenda …………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Adding Items from Different Meetings to the Agenda …………………………. 12 Legislative File Tab …………………………………………………………………………. 13 Agenda Tree …………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Deleting and Renaming Items on the Agenda Tree ……………………………… 14 Adding a New Section to the Agenda …………………………………………………. 14 Organizing your Agenda Tree ……………………………………………………………. 16 Numbering all Documents…………………………………………………………………. 17 Other Numbering and Agenda Options ……………………………………………….. 19 Saving Default Agenda Outline ………………………………………………………….. 20 Generating Agenda …………………………………………………………………………… 21 Opening Agenda ………………………………………………………………………………. 25 Publishing Agenda/Minutes to Web Portal ………………………………………….. 26 Distributing Agendas and Minutes ……………………………………………………… 29 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 3 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Page 4 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening the Agenda Wizard The Agenda Wizard can be accessed from the Meeting Calendar, Task Pane, Tools Menu and Agenda Wizard Heading. The following sections describe in detail on how to open Agenda Wizard from the various places within MinuteTraq. Opening Agenda Wizard from the Meeting Calendar Open your meeting calendar by clicking on the Calendar Button on the Tool Bar. Right click on the desired meeting, and click on Open Agenda Wizard. This will open the Agenda Wizard for the meeting. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 5 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening the Agenda Wizard from the Task Pane If the Agenda you are trying to open has already been started and was recently viewed or worked on, it may appear on the Task Pane on the left under Recent Documents. In this case, simply click on the meeting date of the Agenda to open the Agenda Wizard. (Agenda Icon) Opening the Agenda Wizard from the Tools Menu You can also open the Agenda Wizard from the Tools Menu. This will open the last Agenda Wizard that you worked on. Page 6 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening the Agenda Wizard from the Agenda Wizard Heading If you are in Agenda Wizard and you want to open the Agenda Wizard for a different meeting you can open it by right clicking on the Title of the current Agenda Wizard and selecting the desired meeting from the popup list. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 7 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Agenda Wizard Tool Bar Once the Agenda Wizard is open the following Tool Bar will appear at the top. In the following sections, we will describe the functions of all the buttons and dropdowns present on this tool bar. Save & Close The Save & Close button saves the Agenda Wizard at its current state and closes it. Add Dropdown Most of the items under the Add Dropdown are available by right clicking on the Agenda Tree. However, the Add Dropdown is another way of accessing the same items. New Section – creates a new section on the Agenda Tree under the selection. Resolutions – activates the legislative file tab on the Agenda Wizard. Public Hearings - activates the Public Hearings tab on the Agenda Wizard. Communications - activates the Communications tab on the Agenda Wizard. Minutes - activates the Minutes tab on the Agenda Wizard. Statement – allows you to add a Blank, Default Call to Order, and My Call to Order statements to the Agenda Wizard. Motion – allows you to add a Blank Motion to the Agenda Wizard. Page 8 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Edit Button Edit Button allows you to add comments to a selected item on the Agenda Tree. These comments will show underneath the item when the Agenda is generated. This can also be done right clicking on the Item in the Agenda Tree and selecting Edit from the Popup menu. Actions Dropdown Button You will be using the Actions Dropdown menu frequently to accomplish various tasks in the Agenda generation process. Here we will briefly describe what each item under the Actions Dropdown does. Auto Fill – brings all your documents that are associated with the selected meeting into the Agenda Wizard. Synchronize Attachments – refreshes attachments in the Agenda Wizard if attachments were changed or deleted in the original documents. Number Documents – allows numbering of Legislative Files for organizational purpose. Clear Numbers – clears numbering of Legislative Files that were previously numbered. Finalize Agenda – time stamps the Agenda and changes the status of the Agenda to Finalized. Delete Agenda – deletes the Agenda for the meeting. Settings – opens the setting screen that is also available from the Tools Menu. (see General Agency Information) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 9 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Generate Button Once you have desired organization of the Agenda in the Agenda Wizard, you can use the Generate button to begin the generation process. (see Generating Agenda) Open Dropdown Button The Open button will be available if the Agenda has been generated. If the Agenda has not been generated, the Open button will be inaccessible. (see Opening Agenda) Full Agenda – opens the generated Full Agenda. Public Agenda – open the generated Public Agenda. Before Generation After Generation Page 10 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Auto Fill Agenda Once you have the Agenda Wizard open you can add items by clicking the Actions Button on the Tool Bar and selecting Auto Fill. This will add items to the Agenda Wizard that are assigned to this meeting. HELP If a Legislative File is missing from the Agenda make sure the file was approved to be on the Agenda. If you want a Submitted Legislative File to appear on the Agenda please see section: Adding Items from Different Meetings to the Agenda. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 11 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Adding Items from Different Meetings to the Agenda You can also add items from different meetings to the Agenda Wizard. To do this, simply Select Any Open Meeting or Other Meeting Groups as your filter options. Once you select the desired filters from the Task Pane, the Tabs on the right will displays items listed under any open meeting as well as submitted items. Simply Drag and Drop the items you wish to add to the Agenda Tree on left. Page 12 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legislative File Tab Once you open the Agenda Wizard for particular meeting it will display all the Legislative Files for that meeting under the Legislative File Tab. You can use the filters on the task pane to display legislative files from other meetings or groups as well. Legislative Color Code The files under the Legislative File Tab are displayed in different colors. These colors make it easier for the user to know in what stage the document is. Green – means the file is already on the Agenda. Blue – means the file is for this meeting but not on the Agenda. Gray – means the file is scheduled for a different meeting or group. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 13 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Agenda Tree Deleting and Renaming Items on the Agenda Tree To Delete an Item, simply right click on the folder or the item and select Delete. If you Delete a Folder all the items in that folder will be deleted from the agenda as well. Deleting an item from Agenda does not mean that item is deleted from MinuteTraq. It just means that it will not appear on the Agenda. The same procedure is followed if you want to rename a heading (folder) or item. Simply, right click on the heading in the Agenda Tree and select Rename to change the name of the heading or item. You can not rename legislative files directly from the Agenda Wizard. You can only rename the Agenda headings and items that were directly added to the Agenda Wizard. Adding a New Section to the Agenda To add a New Section to the Agenda right click on the folder under which you want the New Section to appear and Select New Section. A New Section will be added to the folder allowing you to enter the desired name for the Section. Page 14 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 15 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Organizing your Agenda Tree The Agenda Wizard allows you to arrange your items and headings the way you want them to appear on your Agenda. You can do this by dragging folders or items on the Agenda Tree to different locations. If you move a folder the items underneath that folder will also move to the new location. To drag and drop: click and hold the left mouse button on the item or folder you want to move, while holding, drag it to the location where you want it to appear. In the picture below, I am dragging New Section Folder to the Minutes Approval Folder. Page 16 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Numbering Documents Numbering all Documents You can number your documents once they are ready to be generated. Before numbering your documents make sure you are in the Agenda Wizard. To number new documents, go to Actions and Select Number Documents. The following message box will appear after you click on Number Documents. By default all legislative files are selected to be numbered. If you don’t want certain legislative files to be numbered, simply uncheck the box next to the document. The starting number of the documents is automatically calculated by MinuteTraq based on previously numbered documents. You can choose any starting # of the documents as long it does not conflict with existing numbered documents. In most cases, the auto generated number is most suitable. Press OK to number your documents. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 17 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com As shown below, originally the documents are using their id numbers 1281 and 1282 for the numbering scheme. After numbering, the number on the documents appears as 2006-198 and 2006-1. The 2006 is the year in which the document is being generated. The documents still have their original id numbers 1281 and 1282, but now they also have document numbers that are more meaningful. Before Numbering After Numbering Numbering Documents One at a Time You may choose to number your documents one at a time by right clicking on the document and selecting Set Document #. Page 18 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Other Numbering and Agenda Options From this same shortcut menu you can also regenerate printouts, remove the number from an Agenda/Minutes item or change the format of the outline. With Regenerate Printouts you can now regenerate the printout for the Agenda on an individual basis. This will update the previously generated printout so when regenerating the Agenda the system does not have to recreate all the printouts resulting in faster generation. The Do Not Number option removes the number or letter from the outline and the items in that section will number continuosly around the unnumbered item, the before numbers will resume after. Outline Format allows you to manually set the format on any section where the numbering scheme is not satisfactory. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 19 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Saving Default Agenda Outline MinuteTraq allows you to save Agenda Outline for each meeting type, so you don’t have to type your commonly used heading or wording every time you create an Agenda. MinuteTraq can save the following items and structure as part of your Agenda Outline: ??Positions of your sections and statements. ??Sections and Statements ??Comments that may be present for sections and statements. Instructions on how to save Agenda Outline for your Regular Meeting. 1. Open Agenda wizard for regular meeting from the meeting calendar. It can be for any meeting, but it is recommended you open for a meeting that does not have an Agenda yet. 2. Select Auto Fill from the Actions Menu 3. Create desired Sections and Statements 4. Enter any needed comments for sections or statements 5. Once you have the desired Agenda Structure go to Actions and select Save Default Outline. 6. Close the Agenda Wizard without saving. Now you have saved your Agenda outline for the regular meetings. Page 20 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Generating Agenda Agenda Formats MinuteTraq can generate the Agenda in the two different formats. PDF Microsoft Word If you don’t have PDF Reader you can freely download Acrobat Reader form www.Adobe.com and view or print your Agenda or Minutes in PDF. It is easily posted and downloaded from the Internet. In addition, PDF provides an Appendix for your generated document. The drawback of using PDF is that you cannot manually edit the documents generated by MinuteTraq. Microsoft Word may be more familiar to users. In addition, if needed, you can manually edit the generated documents with Microsoft Word. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 21 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Generating Screen Click Generate from the tool bar when you are ready to generate the Agenda. PDF: builds the Agenda in PDF format allowing you to build an Appendix with attachments. MinuteTraq PDF Printer must be Installed, see Installing MinuteTraq PDF Printer. DOC (No Appendix): builds agenda in MS Word format. With this option appendix and attachments will not be included. DOC PDF: converts an existing generated word agenda to a PDF allowing you to build ? Appendix with attachments. Build Appendix: builds appendix with attachments, only available for PDF. Print Meeting Documents to Appendix: places meeting documents into the appendix. Build Appendix (Public Version): does the same as above but for public version of the agenda. Full Rebuild: Allows you to regenerate all documents from scratch, not just update. Save Agenda Outline before Generating: saves agenda outline in MinuteTraq before generating the agenda. Finalize: marks the agenda finalized. Publish to Web: allows you to select the date and time to when the agenda should become available on web portal. You can also choose whether to publish the Full, Public or Both. Save Options without Generating: allows you to save agenda screen options with generating the agenda. In addition, it allows you publish the agenda to the web without re- generating. Page 22 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com The generation process will begin and the length of the process will depend on the number of items and the size of the items that are to be generated. Once the generation process completes, a message box will appear to confirm generation completion and inform you on the time it took to generate the Agenda. Press Ok. To view the generated Agenda please see Opening Agenda. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 23 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening Agenda Opening Full Agenda You can open the Full Agenda by clicking on the Open button on the Tool Bar. If the Open button is not available it means Agenda has not been generated for the meeting. Opening Public Agenda To open Public Agenda click on the Little Arrow on the Open Button at the Tool Bar, and select Public. If the Open button is not available, the Agenda has not been generated for the meeting. Page 24 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Publishing Agenda/Minutes to Web Portal After the agenda or minutes have been generated they can be published to the Web Portal. Review the documents to make sure they are error free and you are ready to publish. In the agenda or minutes (we will use the agenda for this example, but the process is the dame for the minutes), go to Actions on the toolbar and select Publish & Distribute Agenda. When the Publish Agenda window opens, click the box in the upper section to activate the publish feature. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 25 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Select the date and time on which you wish to publish (it is 12 AM of the current day by default). Then select which version you wish to publish; full packet, public or both. Click OK and the publishing process takes place – quickly. You can check your results by going to your Web Portal, http://<youragencyname>.iqm2.com. On the Web Portal you will see the meeting calendar, the documents you just published will be listed adjacent to the associated meeting date. Anyone interested can click on the meeting documents to download and/or view. If for any reason you need to un-publish, follow the same process but click on Un-Publish Agenda instead of OK. Page 26 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com An alternate method is go to Generate on the toolbar. When the Generate window opens you will see the Publish to Web features at the bottom. To publish, click on Save Options without Generating. With this method you also need to save the agenda for the publishing to finish. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 27 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Distributing Agendas and Minutes Agendas and Minutes can now be distributed through Minutetraq to anyone that needs to receive them, internal or external. Prior to distributing, the distribution lists need to be created – see Distribution List in the Admin manual, page 28. To utilize distribution, go to Actions on the toolbar in either Agenda Wizard or Minutes Maker and select Publish & Distribute Agenda. When the Publish Agenda window opens, click on Distribute Agenda to activate the function. Select a distribution list for both the full version and the Public version, one is required for each. If you don’t want to distribute to one or the other, create a distribution list with no recipients and name it None. Press OK and the item(s) will be sent. Page 28 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2