HomeMy WebLinkAboutUser ManualIQM2, LLC MinuteTraq Administrators Guide Agency Name: <YourAgencyName> Server Name: <YourAgencyName.iqm2.com> NOTES: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ IQM2 Address: 90-D Raynor Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone: 631-563-5005 Fax: 631-207-8387 E-mail: Support@IQM2.com Web: www.IQM2.com Date Ver By Reason for Change 6/3/2008 6.2 Bill Martin Added enhancements MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Table of Contents QUICK REFERENCE ..............................................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................................................................................I MINUTETRAQ .........................................................................................................................................................................1 AMT ................................................................................................................................................................1 BOUT INUTERAQ GETTING STARTED ..............................................................................................................................................................2 SR ...........................................................................................................................................................2 YSTEM EQUIREMENTS DMT ..................................................................................................................................................2 OWNLOADING INUTERAQ IMT ........................................................................................................................................................3 NSTALLING INUTERAQ OMT ............................................................................................................................................................3 PENING INUTERAQ CMT ................................................................................................................................................4 ONNECTING TO INUTERAQ OTSC .......................................................................................................................................5 NE IME ERVER ONFIGURATION MTIO ......................................................................................................................................6 INUTERAQ NTERFACE VERVIEW IMTPDF P ...............................................................................................................................7 NSTALLING INUTERAQ RINTER AGENCY SETTINGS ..............................................................................................................................................................8 OSS ............................................................................................................................................9 PENING THE ETTINGS CREEN GAI ............................................................................................................................................9 ENERAL GENCY NFORMATION ECAI ................................................................................................................10 NTERING OR HANGING GENCY NFORMATION AL .........................................................................................................................................................................11 GENCY OGO WPT ...............................................................................................................................................................12 EB ORTAL HEME SFP ..........................................................................................................................................13 ETTING ONT AND REFERENCE LFS .................................................................................................................................................14 EGISLATIVE ILE ETTINGS AS .................................................................................................................................................................15 GENDA ETTINGS MOS ...................................................................................................................................................17 INUTES THER ETTINGS LE-S ....................................................................................................................................................18 ETTERS MAIL ETTINGS AS/ AU ........................................................................................................................................19 DMIN ETTINGS UTO PDATE LISTS MENU ..........................................................................................................................................................................21 D& G ........................................................................................................................................................22 EPARTMENT ROUPS Department List .............................................................................................................................................................22 Add a Department or Group ......................................................................................................................................23 Edit a Department or Group ......................................................................................................................................24 Delete a Department or Group .................................................................................................................................24 R .............................................................................................................................................................................25 ECIPIENTS Recipients List .................................................................................................................................................................25 Add a Recipient ..............................................................................................................................................................26 Edit a Recipient ..............................................................................................................................................................27 Delete a Recipient .........................................................................................................................................................27 DL ................................................................................................................................................................28 ISTRIBUTION IST Opening Distribution List ............................................................................................................................................28 Add a Distribution List .................................................................................................................................................28 Edit a Distribution List .................................................................................................................................................29 Delete a Distribution List ............................................................................................................................................29 LFT ........................................................................................................................................................30 EGISLATIVE ILE YPES Legislative File Types List ...........................................................................................................................................30 Add a Legislative File Type ........................................................................................................................................31 Edit a Legislative File Type .........................................................................................................................................32 Delete a Legislative File Type ...................................................................................................................................32 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2007 Page i MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com DVR .............................................................................................................................................................32 EFINE OTE ESULT Defining Vote Result .....................................................................................................................................................34 CT .........................................................................................................................................................35 OMMUNICATION YPES Communications List ....................................................................................................................................................35 Add a Communication Type .......................................................................................................................................36 Edit a Communication Type .......................................................................................................................................36 Delete a Communication Type ..................................................................................................................................36 LNT .............................................................................................................................................................37 EGAL OTICE YPES Legal Notice Types List ................................................................................................................................................37 Add a Legal Notice Type .............................................................................................................................................38 Edit a Legal Notice Type .............................................................................................................................................38 Delete a Legal Notice Type ........................................................................................................................................38 MT ......................................................................................................................................................................39 EETING YPES Meeting Types List ........................................................................................................................................................39 Add a Meeting Type ......................................................................................................................................................40 Edit a Meeting Type ......................................................................................................................................................40 Delete a Meeting ............................................................................................................................................................40 ML ..............................................................................................................................................................41 EETING OCATIONS Meeting Locations List .................................................................................................................................................41 Add a Meeting Location ...............................................................................................................................................42 Edit a Meeting Location ...............................................................................................................................................42 Delete a Meeting Location ..........................................................................................................................................42 M ................................................................................................................................................................................43 EETINGS Meetings List ...................................................................................................................................................................43 Add a Meeting .................................................................................................................................................................45 Edit a Meeting .................................................................................................................................................................45 Delete a Meeting ............................................................................................................................................................45 FC ......................................................................................................................................................46 UNCTIONAL ATEGORIES Functional Categories List ..........................................................................................................................................46 Add a Functional Category .........................................................................................................................................47 Edit a Functional Category .........................................................................................................................................47 Delete a Functional Category ....................................................................................................................................47 LC .....................................................................................................................................................48 EGISLATIVE ATEGORIES Legislative Categories List ..........................................................................................................................................48 Add a Legislative Category ........................................................................................................................................49 Edit a Legislative Category ........................................................................................................................................50 Delete a Legislative Category ...................................................................................................................................50 CF .......................................................................................................................................................................51 ONTENT ILES Edit Content Files ...........................................................................................................................................................51 SR .......................................................................................................................................................................52 AVE EASONS Save Reasons List .........................................................................................................................................................52 Add a Save Reason .......................................................................................................................................................53 Edit a Save Reason .......................................................................................................................................................53 Delete a Save Reason ..................................................................................................................................................53 BS ..................................................................................................................................................................54 UDGET OURCES Budget Sources List ......................................................................................................................................................54 Add a Budget Source ....................................................................................................................................................55 Edit a Budget Source ....................................................................................................................................................55 Delete a Budget Source ..............................................................................................................................................55 ODT ......................................................................................................................................................56 THER OCUMENT YPES Other Document Types List .......................................................................................................................................56 Add Other Document Type .........................................................................................................................................57 Edit Other Document Type .........................................................................................................................................58 Delete Other Document Type ...................................................................................................................................58 Page ii IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com P .................................................................................................................................................................................59 ROJECTS Project List .......................................................................................................................................................................59 Add a Project ...................................................................................................................................................................60 Edit a Project ...................................................................................................................................................................60 Delete a Project ..............................................................................................................................................................60 T ..............................................................................................................................................................................61 EMPLATES Template List ...................................................................................................................................................................61 Default Templates .........................................................................................................................................................62 Template Merge Fields .................................................................................................................................................63 Legislative File Merge Fields .....................................................................................................................................64 Agency Merge Fields .....................................................................................................................................................65 Agenda/Minutes Merge Field .....................................................................................................................................66 Meeting Merge Fields ...................................................................................................................................................67 Legal Notices Merge Fields .........................................................................................................................................68 Public Hearing Merge Fields .......................................................................................................................................68 Outline Merge Fields .....................................................................................................................................................68 Letter Factory Merge Fields .......................................................................................................................................69 Recipient Merge Fields .................................................................................................................................................70 Other Merge Fields ........................................................................................................................................................71 WORK FLOW DESIGNER .................................................................................................................................................72 USER ACCOUNTS ................................................................................................................................................................75 OUM ......................................................................................................................................................76 PENING SER ANAGER UM ......................................................................................................................................................................77 SER ANAGER CEMTU .................................................................................................................................78 REATE OR DIT INUTERAQ SERS User Account Entry Screen ........................................................................................................................................78 CYUP ......................................................................................................................................82 HANGING OUR SER ASSWORD CUP ............................................................................................................................................83 HANGING SER REFERENCES MINUTES ARCHIVE INDEX WIZARD .......................................................................................................................85 OMAIW ...............................................................................................................86 PENING THE INUTES RCHIVE NDEX IZARD MIWS ........................................................................................................................................87 INUTES NDEX IZARD CREEN GI ........................................................................................................................................................88 ENERATING THE NDEX PACKAGE AND SEND MINUTES ..................................................................................................................................89 OPSMS ...............................................................................................................90 PENING ACKAGE AND END INUTES CREEN WPUS ...................................................................................................................................90 EB ACKAGE AND PLOAD CREEN SM .......................................................................................................................................................91 ENDING YOUR INUTES PDF INBOX ............................................................................................................................................................................92 OPDF I .............................................................................................................................................................93 PENING NBOX PDF IS ...............................................................................................................................................................94 NBOX CREEN PDF IC .........................................................................................................................................................95 NBOX OMMANDS APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................................................1 AA ...............................................................................................................................................................................2 PPENDIX Department Examples ...................................................................................................................................................2 Communication Type Examples .................................................................................................................................3 Legal Notice Type Examples ........................................................................................................................................3 Legislative Categories Examples ...............................................................................................................................4 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2007 Page iii MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com MinuteTraq About MinuteTraq MinuteTraq is a comprehensive software package that tracks Legislative Files, Agendas, Minutes, Public Hearings, Legal Notices, Communications and other documents. The program provides full- text searching of Legislative Files, Attachments, Agendas, Minutes and Documents as well as field- based searches on all record types. MinuteTraq implements department level security of your documents and provides a sophisticated approval process and change tracking system whereby the Legislative Files may be shared with other departments and sponsors while changes made are logged by the system. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 1 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Getting Started For this section of Getting Started you will need Windows Administrator permissions on your PC Workstation to download and install programs. If you do not have these permissions please contact your Network Administrator. System Requirements Minimum: 600 MHz Processor Computer/Processor Recommended: 1 GHz and 2GHz for Clerk Minimum 256MB RAM Memory Recommended 512MB RAM Minimum 500 MB Hard Disk Space Recommended 1GB Operating System Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista .NET Framework Microsoft .NET framework version 1.1 MS Word Word 2000 (Word 9.0) or greater Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Reader for PDF Support Downloading MinuteTraq Please go to one of our websites to download MinuteTraq: http://www.townclerk.com or http://www.IQM2.com and Click on Downloads link. There are three downloads on the download page. The first is for the MinuteTraq client and the second is the MediaTraq Encoder Microsoft .Net Framework. Microsoft .NET Framework – For users with Windows 98/2000/XP or higher, the framework may already be installed from the Windows Update Service. If it is not installed you may download it from our site by clicking on the .NET Framework link shown above or use the Windows Update Service. Please note some users of Windows XP or higher the .Net Framework comes preinstalled. MinuteTraq client - Once you have verified the installation of Microsoft .NET Framework, click on the link to download MinuteTraq client. Page 2 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Installing MinuteTraq Once the download is completed you can begin the installation process by clicking “Run” on the download window. This will launch MinuteTraq installation wizard which will take you through rest of the installation process. Opening MinuteTraq Once the installation has completed it will place the following MinuteTraq shortcut on your desktop that can be used to open MinuteTraq. Double Click the shortcut to open MinuteTraq. MinuteTraq 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 3 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Connecting to MinuteTraq In order to access and use MinuteTraq you must have a valid user id and password. During implementation MinuteTraq comes with one predefined admin user that will give you access and allow you to create other user accounts for your organization. However, once you have created additional users we recommend that you change the password of the default user that we provide to you. If you do not have a user id and password, please contact your administrator to obtain one. In addition, you will also need the agency name that is assigned to you by our technical staff. Making the Connection Type your user name in the User field. Type your password in the Password field. (Case Sensitive) Type your Agency name in the Agency field; orangecountyny. Check Auto-Connect on Start if you want MinuteTraq to connect automatically when you double- click the icon. Clicking on the Lock Image sets the encryption mode. By default the lock is on and encryption is enabled. If the lock is open encryption is disabled. Keep encryption on, this will ensure no one can see or access your information while it is being transferred to our server. Once all information is entered click Connect to connect to MinuteTraq. Page 4 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com One Time Server Configuration You can change the advanced connection settings by clicking on More >> next to Auto-Connect on Start as shown in the previous picture. This will expand the connection form to configure server settings. The name of the server is orangecountyny.iqm2.com. On this form you can also restore default settings by clicking on Restore Default Server & Proxy Settings. Proxy Settings Select: System: (Default) uses the proxy that your system is configured to use. To hide the expanded form click on << Less. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 5 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com MinuteTraq Interface Overview Once you have successfully connected to MinuteTraq you will see the following screen. Menu – is located at the top of the tool bar and contains the File Menu, Edit Menu, View Menu, Lists Menu, Tools Menu, Window Menu and Help Menu. Standard Tool Bar – contains New Dropdown Menu, Save Button, Print Button, Print Preview Button, Meeting Calendar Button, and Search Button. Quick Find – allows you to quickly search your Legislative Files. Task Pane – displays various short cuts depending on the current window that is open. In most cases, it will display short cuts to Recent Documents and Quick Links. Status Bar – displays current user information, MinuteTraq PDF Printer status, and other related information. Page 6 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Installing MinuteTraq PDF Printer MinuteTraq allows you to convert and attach PDF files to your MinuteTraq documents. It also allows you to generate your Agenda and Minutes in PDF format. In order for this feature to work the MinuteTraq PDF Printer must be installed, it is typically installed by default. If the PDF Printer is not installed it will be indicated in the status bar next to the Printer icon, as shown below. To install the printer: click on the Little Arrow where it says “Not Installed” and select Install Printer. Click OK to install MinuteTraq PDF Printer. Please note that you must have Administrator permissions to the install the printer. If you don’t have these permissions please contact your Network Administrator. Once the printer is installed the status will change to Waiting. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 7 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Agency Settings Before you begin, you must setup your Agency in MinuteTraq. In most cases, your agency information will be setup by our technical staff during the initial stage of implementation. You may need to fine tune it as you become more familiar with MinuteTraq and learn its full capabilities. Page 8 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening the Settings Screen To open the settings screen go to the Tools Menu and click Settings. The screen shown below will open. This screen allows you to configure various settings and options that fit your organization. In this section we will use the settings screen to configure general options for your agency. General Agency Information We will start by entering your agency’s general information such as address, phone, fax, town logo, etc. This information is used throughout MinuteTraq to generate various documents. For example, Town Logo can appear on Agenda, Minutes, Letters, Legislative Files and other documents depending on the templates. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 9 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Entering or Changing Agency Information Open the settings screen. To enter or change agency information, select Agency Info from tree on the left and enter your information in form on the right. The following fields are required: Name, Address, Phone and Website Agency Message appears on website/portal homepage. Page 10 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Agency Logo Your agency’s Logo will appear on the documents generated by MinuteTraq. In order to use this feature, you must import your Logo to MinuteTraq. Open the settings screen. Select Agency Logo from the tree on the left and browse to your logo picture by clicking on Browse on the right. Please note the preferred dimension and settings for the image are: Size: 200 x 200 pixels Resolution: 96 dip (dot per inch) Format: png or jpg Color: Gray Scalar or 16 – 32 bit color (recommended 16 bit) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 11 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Web Portal Theme You can change the theme (color) of your MinuteTraq Web Portal to match changes in your agency’s regular website if desired. Click on Web Portal on the Setting Screen Select the Theme Color from the Dropdown You can turn other Web Portal features on and off by selecting or deselecting check boxes. A support link is provided for use on the Web Portal to direct viewers to IQM2 (DEFAULT) or to anywhere you choose. A Logo Link can be added to provide a link from the Web Portal back to the main Web Site. Page 12 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Setting Font and Preference Open the settings screen and select Document Defaults from the tree. The document defaults allow you to change the following setting for your Legislative Files. These settings will affect the drafting of the documents. Font – set the desired font for your organization. The default font is Verdana. Size – select the desired size of the font. The default size is 10. Margins – set the desired margins for the Legislative Files. The default is 1.00”. File Format – select the default file format that will be used to draft the Legislative Files. The default is Text (Fastest). You can also select Rich Text or Word. Attachment Settings – you can also set the default option for your attachment. None – attachments will not be included on the Agenda Reference Only – only the name of the attachment will be referenced on the Agenda Include – the attachment will be included on the Agenda 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 13 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legislative File Settings Open the settings screen and select Settings from the tree under Legislative files. Legislative files settings allow you to set the following options. Keep Document Private until the Official # is assigned If this settings is checked the document will not be available to the website until an official number is assigned. For more information please see Numbering Documents. Alert Sponsors when Approving an unapproved Document If checked MinuteTraq will notify the sponsors when the document is being approved. Only Clerk can edit Documents that are on an Agenda If checked only users with clerk permissions will be able to edit the Agenda. Final Legislative Files are Read-Only to Everyone If checked once a Legislative File has final status (Adopted) it will not be modifiable by anyone. Allow Clerks to edit until the Minutes are Finalized If checked users with Clerk permissions will be able to modify Minutes if the Minutes are not finalized. Hide Discussion Field by Default If checked this will keep the Discussion Field closed by default Page 14 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Agenda Settings Open the settings screen and select Agenda from the tree. Agenda settings allow you to set the following options. Roll Call Format You can select the desired roll call format from the dropdown. You can choose Table (Checkboxes). This will display a roll call in a table format with check boxes for the Agenda. You can choose Paragraph format that will display the roll in a textual paragraph format for the Agenda. You can choose Table Full format that will display the roll call in a table format but without the check boxes. You can also choose none if you don’t want the roll call to show up on the Agenda. Extra Rows You can enter the desired number of extra rows to be added on the roll call table. Allow Clerk to Add Unapproved Documents on the Agenda If checked the clerks will be allowed to add documents to the Agenda that have not been approved. Call to Order This setting will determine if Call to Order section will be placed on the Agenda or not. You can choose none if you don’t want the Call to Order section appear on the Agenda. Includable File Formats (CSV) In this text box you can add or remove file types that you wish to include on the Agenda as attachments. Add Minutes to be Accepted when Finalized By selecting this item any Minutes that have been finalized will Auto Fill on the next Agenda. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 15 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Page 16 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Minutes Settings Open the settings screen and select Minutes from the tree. You can also set up additional settings for the minutes that may be useful to your organization. Error when a Public Hearing record is missing If checked it will generate an error if the public hearing is missing preventing you from saving the minutes. By default this is unchecked. Please note this only affects documents that are setup to require a public hearing. Error when a Legal Notice record is missing If checked it will generate an error if the legal notice is missing preventing the user from saving the minutes. Please note this only affects documents that are setup to require a legal notice. When a document is not numbered This option allows you to setup error options when a document is not numbered. You can select from Nothing, Warning or Error when the document is not numbered. Archive Index This setting allows you to choose a template that will be used to generate the Minutes Archive Index using Minutes Archive Index Wizard. Include Minutes in Agenda Appendix when Accepting This setting causes the Minutes to be included in the Agenda Appendix Packet. It will add the full number of pages of the Minutes which will significantly increase the size of the packet. Lock Minutes that are Finalized This setting will cause the Minutes to be locked to all users, the Clerk can Un-Finalize the Minutes if changes are necessary. Roll Call Format This sets the Roll Call Format to Table (Full), Table (Check Boxes), Paragraph or none. Unanimous Vote This setting sets the Unanimous Vote to None Opposed, All Present or All Members. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 17 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Letters E-mail Settings Open the settings screen and select E-mail from the tree under Letters. The letters e-mail settings is used to customize the e-mail template that is sent to the recipients via letter factory. E-mail Sender & Body Enter the desired e-mail and body. The body you enter will be displayed in the outgoing email. The reserved fields are entered with curly braces around the field. For a complete list of reserve fields see the Help Menu. Request a Read Receipt on all emailed Letters If checked the request for a read receipt will be sent to the recipient. By default this is setting is unchecked. Page 18 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Admin Settings Open the settings screen and select Admin Settings from the tree. For our hosted solution, MinuteTraq can automatically check for available updates and automatically update itself. Automatically Check for Updates when Client Connect If checked MinuteTraq will check for updates when connecting and display a message to the user if a new update is available. By default this setting is checked. Please note the user must have permissions to install the update. If you don’t have permissions to install programs you can use the following options to install the update. 1. Have your administrator enter a windows user name and password that does have permissions to install programs. This information can be entered in the User and Password fields shown by the screen shot below. This is the recommended solution. 2. Have your administrator install the update. 3. Have your administrator grant you write access to the directory where MinuteTraq is installed. Remote Assistance If you require remote assistance you can call our support number shown below, and we will be more than happy to assist you. Disable Beta Enhancements This setting will turn off any enhancements to the system considered Beta. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 19 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Page 20 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Lists Menu For all other items that need to be set up to create your Agency we will use the Lists Menu as shown below to define various workflow components used throughout the organization. The access Lists Menu, simply click on Lists on the Menu: 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 21 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Department & Groups Departments and Groups allow you to define your agency’s department structure within MinuteTraq. For a list of department examples please see Appendix A. Department List To add, edit or delete departments, open Department & Groups from the Lists Menu. Right click on department area, and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new department/group Edit – edit an existing department/group Delete Department – delete a department/group. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a department/group inactive Show All Departments – display all departments/groups including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Page 22 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Department or Group To add a Department, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your information. General Tab Name: enter the name of the department or group. *Required Sub Group of: if part of another group check the box and select the parent group. Type: Select type of group. This is user defined data populating from Organizational and Group Types. Formal Name: enter formal name if needed. Address: enter address of the group or department. Phone: enter the phone for the department or group. Website Message: enter a message to be displayed on the website for the group. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 23 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Members Tab Under this Tab you can add members to the department/group and set permissions. This can also be done from the User Manager for a user. Meeting Group: check meeting group if a meeting is held for this particular group, all committees are meeting groups and give additional voting rights in the grid . Users & Votes: add users by selecting from the user drop down in the grid and set desired permissions with the check boxes. Edit a Department or Group To edit a department or group, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a department; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Department or Group To delete a department, select Delete Department from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents or has users) Page 24 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Recipients Recipients are receivers of Letters generated by the Letter Factory. They can be internal or external to the your agency. Recipients List To open recipients go to the Lists Menu and click Recipients. Right click on Recipients List and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new recipient Edit – edit an existing recipient Delete Recipient – delete a recipient (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a recipient inactive Show All Recipients – display all recipients including inactive Show Recipient Filters – display a filter form to search for specific recipients Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of recipient 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 25 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Recipient To add a recipient, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Recipient Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter recipient information. Recipient Name: unique field that will represent the recipient. *Required Visibility: allows users to create departmental recipients; users with manager permissions can modify or make global and take ownership. Only managers can modify or create global recipients. *Required Salutation: enter salutation for the recipient. Full Name: enter first name and last name of the recipient. *Required Title: enter title of the recipient. Company: enter recipient’s company name. *Required only if last name is left blank Address: enter address of the recipient. *Required only if mailing letters to recipient Email: enter the e-mail address of the recipient. *Required only if e-mailing letters to recipient Phone / Fax: enter the phone and fax number. Sign-Off Sheet: If you want to include a Sign-Off sheet check the box below e-mail. This is used be the letter factory. Preferred Method: select the method of sending letters. This is used by the letter factory. Notes: enter any notes or comments for the recipient. Click OK to save the recipient. Page 26 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Edit a Recipient To edit a recipient select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a recipient; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Recipient To delete a Recipient, select Delete Recipient from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) System Users Everyone that is set up in the system will be copied to the Recipient list by default unless the setting is unchecked. eCitizens Anyone viewing the web portal has the option to register as an eCitizen. This is a self service function that adds them to your agency’s Recipient List. The fill-in fields are the same as the regular recipients. Any or all of the distribution lists created in your agency’s environment can be marked to allow Web Signup, citizens can add themselves to these lists and when information is sent out to the Distribution List(s) those that signed up will get it. Of course recipients can be added directly to this list by a system Manager. For more information on Distribution Lists, see below. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 27 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Distribution List Distribution list allows grouping of recipients that can be added to a Legislative File, Agenda distribution, etc.. Opening Distribution List To open a distribution list go to the Lists Menu and click Distribution List. Right click on the Distribution List and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new distribution list Edit – edit an existing distribution list Delete Distribution List – delete a distribution list (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a distribution list inactive Show All Distribution Lists – display all distribution lists including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the distribution lists Add a Distribution List To add a distribution list, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Distribution List Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter distribution list information. List Name: enter a unique name. *Required Add Recipient to distributions list by typing the name of the recipient and pressing Add. If the recipient is not found, a popup window will open allowing you to search for the recipient and if they are not found there is a link to click that will allow you to enter all necessary information to add the recipient to the Distribution List as well as the Recipient List. You can also click on Add on the lower part of the window to go right to the search window. Page 28 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Click OK or Next (add another) to save the distribution list. Edit a Distribution List To edit a distribution list, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a distribution list; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Distribution List To delete a distribution list, select Delete Distribution List from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 29 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legislative File Types Legislative File Types allow you to define any file types for Legislative Files such as Resolution or Ordinances for your organization. This gives you the flexibility of adding new file types that you may adopt in the future. You may only need a few types, but you can define as many as you need. Legislative File Types List To display Legislative File types, open Legislative File Types from the Lists Menu. Right click on Legislative File Type area, and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new Legislative File type Edit – edit an existing Legislative File type Delete Legislative File Type – delete a Legislative File type (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a Legislative File type inactive Show Legislative File Type – display all Legislative File types including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of Legislative File types Page 30 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Legislative File Type To add a Legislative File type, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Legislative File Type Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your Legislative File type. Type Name - enter Legislative File type name NOT plural. *Required Plural Name - enter plural name of the Legislative File type. *Required Final Meeting Group – select a user defined meeting group or select Global if you want this file type to be used by any group. Numbering Prefix - enter a numbering prefix for numbering your documents. Discussion Template – This template will be used to define the Discussion field of the entry form. User Text 1 Label – Enter the caption for the User defined field if it will be used. Printout Template – this template will be used generate your individual file printout for this file. Appendix Printout – this template will be used to generate the appendix portion of the Agenda or Minute for this type of document. Public Template – same as Appendix Printout but it will be used for Public Agenda and Public Minutes. Require Body – check mark if you want to require a formal body when drafting this document. Require Functional Category – check mark if you want to require a functional category when drafting this document. Require Financial Impact – check mark if you want to require a fiscal impact when drafting this document. Require Sponsor – check mark if you want to require sponsor(s) when drafting this document. Define Vote Result – please see Define Vote Result section of this document. Please note if numbering prefix is changed ALL the documents of this type will display the NEW prefix. However, if the prefix was merged into any documents those documents will have the OLD prefix. This field should only be changed under careful consideration. Click OK or Next (add another) to save your Legislative File type. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 31 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Edit a Legislative File Type To edit a Legislative File type, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a legislative file type; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Legislative File Type To delete a Legislative File type, select Delete Legislative File Type from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Define Vote Result You can customize vote results for individual files that you create with your MinuteTraq system. For example you may want your Resolutions to have vote results like Adopted, Tabled or Withdrawn, but your Ordinance you may want Adopted, First Reading, Second Reading or Defeated. Minutes Item Type – select the file type for which you want the vote results defined. (Ex. Legislative File, Public Hearing) Legislative File Type – if legislative file is selected then the file type for which you want the vote results defined. (Ex. Resolution, Ordinance) Page 32 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 33 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Defining Vote Result Name – enter the name for your vote result. This is what will show up on the minutes drop down when you enter a vote for this file. Motion Name – enter the name of the motion it can be the same as the name or similar. Final – check if the vote result will be final on the document. (Ex. Adopted, Defeated) Require Vote – check if this vote result will require a vote. Successful – check if the vote result is positive. (Ex. Adopted) Cancelled – check if the vote results cancels the meeting. Controlling – check if the vote result is part of the controlling body. Update Status – select the status you want the document to have when this vote result is selected. Sort – enter the sort number that will position the vote result in the dropdown on the Minutes. Default – check if this will be the default or commonly used vote result for this document. Inactive – mark inactive if a vote result will not be used anymore. Page 34 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Communication Types Communication Types allows you to group or categorize your communications. For examples of Communication Types please see Appendix A. Communications List To display communication types, open Communication Types from the Lists Menu. Right click on Communication Type area, and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new communication type Edit – edit an existing communication type Delete Communication Type – delete a communication type (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a communication inactive Show Communication Type – display all communication types including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of communication types 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 35 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Communication Type To add a communication type, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Communication Type Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your communication type. Type Name: enter name of communication type. *Required Click OK or Next (add another) to save your communication type. Edit a Communication Type To edit a communication type, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a communication type; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Communication Type To delete a communication type, select Delete Communication Type from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 36 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legal Notice Types Legal Notice allows you to group or categorize your legal notices. For examples of Legal Notice Types please see Appendix A. Legal Notice Types List To display legal notice types, open Legal Notice Types from the Lists Menu. Right click on Legal Notice Type area, and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new legal notice type Edit – edit an existing legal notice type Delete Legal Notice Type – delete a legal notice type (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a legal notice type inactive Show Legal Notice Types – display all legal notice types including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of legal notice types 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 37 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Legal Notice Type To add a legal notice type, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Legal Notice Type Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your legal notice type. Name: enter a unique name for the legal notice type. *Required Distribution List: select distribution list from the dropdown menu. Please note you must have the distribution list setup before you can select it from the Dropdown. Click OK or Next (add another) to save your legal notice type. Edit a Legal Notice Type To edit a legal notice type, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a legal notice type; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Legal Notice Type To delete a legal notice type, select Delete Legal Notice Type from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 38 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Meeting Types Meeting types define the type of meeting held for the Board or Committee. Some examples of meeting types include: Regular Meeting, Special Meeting or Work Session. Meeting Types List To access meeting types, open Meeting Types from the Lists Menu. Right click on Meeting Type area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new meeting type Edit – edit an existing meeting type Delete Meeting Type – delete a meeting type (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a meeting type inactive Show All Meeting Types – display all meeting types including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of meeting types 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 39 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Meeting Type To add a meeting type, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Meeting Type Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your meeting type. Meeting Group – select meeting group for the meeting type from the dropdown. Type Name - enter a unique name for the meeting type. *Required Template Set – select a template set from the list, this will be used to define the appearance of the agendas and minutes for this meeting type. Each meeting group and each meeting type can have it’s own set of templates for flexible and tight customization. Type your Agenda Meeting Segment(s) (section) in the grid, these are used for Agenda placement Click OK or Next (add another) to save your meeting type. Edit a Meeting Type To edit a meeting type, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a meeting type; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Meeting To delete a meeting type, select Delete Meeting Type from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 40 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Meeting Locations Meeting Locations are where your agency will be holding it’s meetings, all locations should be entered so regardless of meeting type the location of the meeting can be chosen from a list. Meeting Locations List To access meeting locations, open Meeting Locations from the Lists Menu. Right click on Meeting Location area, and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new meeting location Edit – edit an existing meeting location Delete Meeting Location – delete a meeting location (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a meeting location inactive Show All Meeting Locations – display all meeting locations including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of meeting locations 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 41 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Meeting Location To add a meeting location, select New from the Popup Menu (see Meeting Location List). This will open the Meeting Location Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your meeting location. Location Name: enter location name. *Required Address: enter address where the meeting will be held. *Required Click OK or Next (add another) to save your meeting location. Edit a Meeting Location To edit a meeting location, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a meeting location; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Meeting Location To delete a meeting location, select Delete Meeting Location from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 42 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Meetings Meetings are used throughout MinuteTraq for Legislative Files, Communications, Agendas and Minutes. Meetings List To access meetings go the Lists Menu (see Lists Menu) and select Meetings. Meetings can also be accessed by clicking the Calendar Button at the Tool Bar. Right click on Meetings area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new meeting Edit – edit an existing meeting Delete Meeting – delete a meeting (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Delete Media – delete the media for the meeting if MediaTraq is used. Open Agenda Wizard – opens the Agenda Wizard for the meeting Open Minutes Maker – opens Minutes Maker for the meeting Open Letter Factory – opens the Letter Factory for the meeting View Agenda (Full) – opens the generated Full Agenda View Agenda (Public) – opens the generated Public Agenda View Minutes – opens the generated Minutes Show Meeting Filters – displays a search form at the top of the meeting list to easily find the meeting you are looking for. Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of meetings 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 43 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Page 44 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Meeting To add a meeting, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Meeting Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your meeting. Meeting Group – select the meeting group from the dropdown for the meeting. Meeting Date: select the meeting date by clicking on the small calendar icon in the text box, and make sure and change the time. *Required Documents Due: select the Legislative File due date by clicking on the small icon in the text box, and change the time if preferred. *Required Type: select meeting from the Dropdown. *Required Location: select location from the Dropdown. *Required Status: select scheduled for the new meeting. Edit a Meeting To edit a meeting, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a meeting; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Meeting To delete a meeting, select Delete Meeting from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 45 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Functional Categories Functional Categories allow you to re-categorize Legislative Files for public viewing; however, they are not required. Functional Categories List To access functional categories, go to the Lists Menu and select Functional Categories. In the main window, right click on an existing Functional Category or on an open area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new functional category Edit – edit an existing functional category Delete Functional Category – delete a functional category (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a functional category inactive Show All Functional Categories – display all functional categories including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of functional category Page 46 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Functional Category To add a functional category, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Functional Category Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your functional category. Function Name: enter the name of the functional category. *Required Description: enter a description for the functional category, this can be output on templates. Edit a Functional Category To edit a functional category, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a functional category; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Functional Category To delete a functional category, select Delete Functional Category from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 47 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legislative Categories Legislative categories allow you to break your Legislative Files into common groups so you can search files easier as well as define Rules and Workflow for your organization. Legislative Categories List To access Legislative Categories, go to the Lists Menu and select Legislative Categories. In the main window, right click on an existing Legislative Category or on an open area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new legislative category Edit – modify an existing legislative category Delete Category – delete a legislative category (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a legislative category inactive Show All Categories – display all legislative categories including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of legislative category Page 48 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Legislative Category To add a legislative category, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Legislative Category Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your category. Rules and Defaults Tab Category Name: enter a unique name of the legislative category. *Required Legis. Type: select the Legislative File type from the Dropdown. *Required Send Letters to: select the distribution list where the letters will be sent from the Dropdown. Func. Category: select functional category from the Dropdown. Resolution Financial Impact: mark a check if this category will have a financial impact. Create Public Hearing: mark a check if you want MinuteTraq to automatically create a Public Hearing when Legislative Files of this category are adopted. Used when your agency creates a “Call for Public Hearing” when document is adopted in Minutes Create Legal Notice: mark a check if you want MinuteTraq to auto create a Legal Notice when the Legislative File is adopted under this category. Legal Notice Type: if you check mark Create Legal Notice you must select the type of public notice. Add Resolution Sponsors: check mark if you want the sponsors for the Legislative File of this category to approve Legislative Files. Department: select department(s) from the Dropdown if you want Legislative Files of this category to go through an approval process from that department. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 49 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Routing Tab Here you can add routing information for the category to which the document will go through. *This routing information cannot be edited or deleted when creating a document. Check Route to Initiator – if you want the document to be reviewed by the initiating department and enter the stage to when the initiator should review the document. Check Route to Sponsors – if you want the sponsors to be included in the review and set the stage number to when they should review. Route to Target Meeting – enter the stage number for the target meeting of the document to indicate when the document should be marked to be on the Agenda. Departmental Review – you can also add department and meeting groups for the routing and reviews process in table (grid) shown on the screen below. Stage: enter the stage number for the review Action: select action type from the drop down Group or User: select the group or user as the reviewing body Default Description: enter description for the review Instructions: enter instructions for the reviewing body Edit a Legislative Category To edit a legislative category, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a legislative category; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Legislative Category To delete a legislative category, select Delete Legislative Category from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 50 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Content Files Content files lists all the pictures used for logos and user portraits. You can modify this information on this list or store additional pictures. Edit Content Files Right Click and select edit on the content file list. Title – enter the new title of the picture. Type – select the appropriate type from the drop down. Browse – browse to the picture and Press OK. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 51 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Save Reasons Save reasons are used to facilitate Legislative File changes. For example, if a reviewer makes a change to a submitted Legislative File MinuteTraq will prompt the user for a reason as to why the change was made. MinuteTraq comes predefined with the following save reasons; Minor Change, Major Change, Amendment and Spelling Mistake. For most organizations, these save reasons will be sufficient; however, you can make a list of your own save reasons. Save Reasons List To access save reasons, go to the Lists Menu and select Save Reasons. In the main window, right click on an existing Save Reason or on an open area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new save reason Edit – edit an existing save reason Delete Save Reasons – delete a save reason (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a save reason inactive Show All Save Reasons – display all save reasons including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of save reasons Page 52 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Save Reason To add a save reason, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Save Reasons Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your save reason. Reason Name: enter a unique reason name. *Required Increment Revision Number: if checked revision will automatically increment. Reset Approvals: if checked approvals will be reset. This will send the Legislative File back through the Approval Process if one was defined. Send Email: if checked, users on the approval list will be notified via email. Edit a Save Reason To edit a save reason, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a save reason; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Save Reason To delete a save reason; select Delete Save Reason from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 53 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Budget Sources Budget Sources allow you to define sources which will be used for financial impact when drafting a Legislative File. Budget Sources List To access budget sources, go to the Lists Menu and select Budget Sources. In the main window, right click on an existing Budget Source or on an open area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new budget source Edit – edit an existing budget source Delete Budget Source – delete a budget source (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make a budget source inactive Show All Budget Sources – display all budget sources including inactive Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of budget sources Importing Budget Sources If you have large number of sources and you want to import them to the list, please send an excel spreadsheet or CSV to us at support@TownClerk.com. Page 54 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Budget Source To add a budget source, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Budget Source Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter your budget source. Source Name: enter a unique name for the budget source. *Required Account #: enter the account number if desired. Click OK or Next (add another) to save your budget source. Edit a Budget Source To edit a budget source, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a budget source; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Budget Source To delete a budget source, select Delete Budget Source from the Popup Menu. Can not be deleted if used in documents) 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 55 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Other Document Types MinuteTraq gives you the ability to define custom document types. This is extremely useful, if you want to bring your old documents into MinuteTraq to have full text search capabilities. To open other document types, click on Other Document Types from the List Menu. Other Document Types List Right click on the List area; Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – Create a new document type Edit – modify an existing document type Delete Document Type – delete a document type (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – makes the document type inactive Show All Document Types – shows all document types including inactive Refresh List - redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – prints the list of document types Page 56 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add Other Document Type To create a new document type click on New on the Popup Menu and click New. The following screen will display. Type Name: enter unique name. *Required Plural Name: enter plural name. *Required File Format: select file type for attachment. Ex: Excel, Word, MP3 etc. *Required Allow Multiple File Formats: allows multiple file types to be attached. If multiple formats selected, file format becomes the default format. Reference Fields: allows you to define custom fields that will be used when drafting this document type. To define these fields: check the boxes on the left enter field name and check the box on the right if you want the field to be required. Private Check Mark: only managers have access. Read Only: can NOT add documents anymore. Click OK 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 57 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Edit Other Document Type To edit other document type select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding other document type; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete Other Document Type To delete other document type, select Delete Other Document Type from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 58 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Projects Projects can be set up to link documents that pertain to a specific project that is undertaken by your organization. For example, if your town is building a New City Hall, the New City Hall would be the project and any documents pertaining to this project can be linked to it. To open Projects List, go to the Lists Menu and click Projects. Project List Once the Project List is open, right click on the list area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new project Edit – modify existing project Delete Project – delete a project (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Make Inactive – make the project inactive Show All Projects – shows all projects Refresh List – redraw the list to reflect any recent changes Print List – print the projects lists 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 59 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Add a Project To add a project, select New from the Popup Menu. This will open the Project Entry Screen (shown below) where you can enter project information. Project Name: enter a unique name for the project Project Type: select project type. Visibility: select a department from the Dropdown to grant access to that department to the project. Click Ok or Next (to add another). Edit a Project To edit a project, select Edit from the Popup Menu. Follow the same procedure as adding a project; however, in this case, you will edit existing information. Delete a Project To delete a project, select Delete Project from the Popup Menu. (*Can not be deleted if used in documents) Page 60 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Templates Templates allow customization of the Agenda, Minutes, Letters and Legislative File printout. This means you can tailor the output of these documents to meet the specific needs of your organization. With templates you are not limited to the output format defined by default templates. On the contrary, you can tailor the output any way you want. In this section, we will take a look at how templates work and how they can be modified. Template List To access templates, go to the Lists Menu and select Templates. In the main window, right click on an existing Template or on an open area and a Popup Menu will display the following commands. New – create a new template Edit – edit an existing template (*Default templates cannot be edited) Duplicate Template – make a copy of an existing template Delete Template – delete the template (*Default templates cannot be deleted) Make Inactive – make the template inactive Show All Templates – displays all templates including inactive templates Refresh List – refreshes the template list to reflect any changes Print List – prints the template list 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 61 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Default Templates MinuteTraq contains variety of predefined templates that may be used to generate your Full Agenda, Public Agenda, Minutes, Letters and Legislative File Print Layout. The following is a list of all the Default Templates used in MinuteTraq. MT Header: Doc (Detailed, Executive and Simple) – These templates can be used to generate print preview or Appendix printouts for Legislative Files. MT Insert: Doc (Simple, Long, Full, and Executive) – These templates can be used for Legislative File portion of the Full Agenda, Minutes, and Letters. MT Header: Agenda – This template can be used to generate header for the first page of Full Agenda and Public Agenda. It also places Agenda header and footer for all other pages. MT Header: Minutes – This template is used for the first page header of the Minutes. It also places Minutes header and footer for all other pages. MT Header: Letter – This template is used for Legislative File Letters and Legal Notice Letters. It is responsible for placing the header portion of the letters. It can be changed on Settings Screen under Letters section of the tree. MT Insert: Sign Off-Sheet – This template is used for Letters. It is responsible for placing the sign- off section at the bottom of the Letters. MT New: Call to Order – This template is to place and format the Roll Call portion of the document. It is located under Settings under Agenda on the Settings Screen. MT Header: Archive Index – This template is used in the Minutes section of the Settings Screen under Other. It formats the minutes archive index. The following Nine templates are used in Full Agenda, Public Agenda and Minutes. MT Header: Legal Notice – responsible for Legal Notice Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Communication - responsible for Communication Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Public Hearing (Detailed and Simple) - responsible for Public Hearing Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Section - responsible for New Section Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Minutes Acceptance - responsible for Minutes Acceptance Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Statement – responsible for Statement Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Motion – responsible for Motion Heading portion of the document. MT Insert: Roll Call – responsible for Roll Call Heading portion of the document. Page 62 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Template Merge Fields Templates are customized by removing, adding, positioning and/or formatting merge fields within your templates. For example, if you wanted the clerk name to appear on the first page of the agenda you would add {ClerkName} to the header of your agenda header template. If you wanted the clerk name to appear in bold you will simply apply the bold to that merge field in the template {ClerkName}. User Defined Merge Fields for Legislative Files Merge Field Description Example {ResUserText1or2} Optional Field i.e. {ResUserText1} Adds up to 2 user defined fields {ResUserText1or2Label} Label for above {ResUserLookup1-4} Optional Field i.e. {ResUserlookup1} Adds up to 4 user defined lookup fields {ResUserLookup1-4label} Label for above {ResUserDate1or2} Optional Field i.e. {ResUserDate1} Adds up to 2 user defined date fields {ResUserDate1or2Label} Label for above 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 63 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legislative File Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example {ResID} Merges ID of the document. 1215 Merges Number of the {ResNum} document. *If not assigned will 2004-1837 put ID of the document. Merges Number of the document. *If not assigned will {ResNumFull} RES-2004-1837 put ID of the document. {ResStatus} Merges Status of the document. Adopted Merges meeting date of the {ResMeeting} 12/29/2004 document. {DocTypeName} Merges Type of document. Ordinance, Resolution Will place the formal title of the {ResTitle} Merges title of the document. document. Merges short title of the Will place the formal title of the {ResShortTitle} document. document. Places the body of the {ResBody} Merges Body of the document. document. Adds recommendations and/or {ResDiscussion} Adds review discussion discussion text. {ResComments} Adds comments of any type Adds any type comments {ResUpdated} Merges the last updated date. 1/10/2007 Merges Name of the User who {ResUpdatedBy} Jeniffer Lopez updated the document last. Merges Department name of {ResDepartment} Public Works the document. Merges Category of the {ResCategory} Bonds document. {ResInitiator} Merges initiators name Charles Brown Merges Preparer of the {ResPreparer} Linda Bow document. Merges Sponsors of the {ResSponsors} Jackie Chan document. Merges Revision Number of the {ResRevision} 0.12 document. Merges Approval information of {ReviewList} Merges The Approval List the document Merges financial impact to the {FiscalImpact} NA document. To cover expenses incurred Merges Description statement during the implementation of {ResFinImpDescription} for financial impact the new Capital Budget software {ResFinImpDetails} Merges Account Details NA Merges document history if {ResHistorySentence} NA present. Merges names of attached item Doc.pdf {AttachmentList} for the document. Plan.tiff Page 64 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com {MeetName} Merges the formal name of the “Board of Diredtors” meetin group Merges the description of the current work item in the {ResWorkItemDesc} Review, Information Item, etc. workflow/routing for the current meeting. Can be from a drop down list or adhoc entry Merges the description of the {ResFunctionDescription} “This Priority addresses …..” functional category Merges the recipient list (comma {ResRecipients} Wonder Woman, Batman, …. separated) from the current legislative file. Agency Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges Board Name of the {BoardName} City of Terryville Agency. Merges Address line one of {BoardAddress1} 123 Merry Rd. the board. Merges Address line two of {BoardAddress2} Suite 300 the board. {BoardCity} Merges city name. Terryville {BoardState} Merges state abbreviation NY {BoardPostal} Merges zip code of the city. 12345 100 Main Street {BoardAddressBlock} Merges Board Address Terryville, NY 14226 Merges Board Address in 100 Main Street, Terryville, {BoardAddressSentence} sentence format. NY 14226 {BoardPhone} Merges board phone (555) 325-6000 Merges board website {BoardWebsite} www.cityofsmallville.com address. {BoardLogo} Merges Board Logo Picture NA {ClerkName} Merges Clerks name. John Doe {ClerkTitle} Merges Clerks title. Clerk {ClerkPhone} Merges clerks phone 999-999-9999 {ClerkEmail} Merges Clerks e-mail clerk@smallville.org 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 65 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Agenda/Minutes Merge Field Merge Field Description Example Merges vote results for Default is shaded box can {MotionBlockText} document. be changed via word style Merges vote results for Fill in Grid with Check {MotionTable} document. Marks. Merges Comments from the {ItemComments} tree of the Agenda / NA Minutes. Merges Comments with no {ItemComments:NoHeading} Heading "Current Meeting NA Comments" Merges comments with no {ItemComments:NoStyle} NA style like the shading. Merges comments with no {ItemsComments:NoHeading:NoStyle} NA heading and no style Merges Roll Call grid into the {RollCall} NA Agenda or Minutes Merges the Motion Name {MotionName} Adopt from the Vote Result Merges the result of the {MotionResultName} Adopted motion. Merges the mover/initiator {MotionMover} John Smith of the motion. Merges the seconder of the {MotionSeconder} Kelly Thomas motion. Merges the motion {MotionTitle} Resolution RES-2004-1837 document type and number. Merges the outline number {OutlineNum} of an item from the VI, 1, A Agenda/Minutes Tress. Merges the full outline {OutlineNumFull} number of an item from the VI.1.A Agenda/Minutes Tress. Merges title of the item on {ItemTitle} Build a new road Agenda/Minutes Tree Start time of the meeting {ItemStart} NA items Duration time of the meeting {ItemDuration} NA item. Merges meeting history of {MeetHistory} NA the item. First Reading (if first time Merges times read on a meeting) {ReadingNum} information of the item. Second Reading (if second time on a meeting) Page 66 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Meeting Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges the date of the {MeetDate} 12/2/2006 meeting. {MeetType} Merges the meeting type. Regular Merges the location of the {MeetLocation} Town Hall meeting. Merges Address of the {MeetAddress1} 111 Clark St. meeting location. Merges the second line of {MeetAddress2} Rm. 301 the address. {MeetCity} Merges the meeting city. Smallville {MeetState} Merges the meeting state. NY Merges the meeting zip {MeetPostal} 11122 code. Merges the entire meeting 111 Clark St. location address as a text Rm 301 {MeetAddressBlock} block. Smallville NY, 11122 Merges the entire meeting 111 Clark St. Rm 301 {MeetAddressSentence} location as single sentence. Smallville NY, 11122 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 67 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Communication Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges the title of the {CommTitle} Coast Guard Warnings communication. Merges the communication {CommType} Bid Openings type. Merges the body of the {CommBody} NA communication. Legal Notices Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges the publish date of {LegalPublish} 12/2/2006 the legal notice. {LegalType} Merges the legal notice type. Notice of Estoppel Merges the body of the {LegalBody} NA notice. Public Hearing Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges the title of the public {PubTitle} Acquisition of Land hearing. Merges the history of the {PubHistory} NA public hearing. Outline Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges the publish date of {LegalPublish} 12/2/2006 the legal notice. {LegalType} Merges the legal notice type. Notice of Estoppel Merges the body of the {LegalBody} NA notice. Page 68 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Letter Factory Merge Fields Merge Field Description Example Merges the name of the person who the letter is {LetterAddressee} Lex Luthor addressed to. Merges the company name {LetterCompany} Lex Corp. of the recipient of the letter. Merges Address of the {LetterAddress1} 111 Clark St. recipient. Merges the second line of {LetterAddress2} Rm. 301 the address. {LetterCity} Merges the recipient city. Smallville {LetterState} Merges the recipient state. NY Merges the recipient zip {LetterZip} 11122 code. 111 Clark St. Merges the entire recipient {LetterAddressBlock} Rm 301 address as a text block. Smallville NY, 11122 Merges the entire recipient 111 Clark St. Rm 301 {LetterAddressSentence} as single sentence. Smallville NY, 11122 Merges the email of the {LetterEmail} lex@smallville.com recipient. Merges summary information of the letter as {LetterSummary} NA to who else is getting the letter. Same as letter summary {LetterSummary:NoCC} except with no cc NA information. {LetterType} Merges the type of letter. Legislative File Letter 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 69 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Recipient Merge Fields Merge Field Description Sample Output Merges the name of the {RecipName} Lisa Monroe recipient Merges the salutation of the {RecipSalutation} Mr. recipient Merges the first name of the {RecipFirstName} Lisa recipient Merges the last name of the {RecipLastName} Monroe recipient Merges the title of the {RecipTitle} Citizen recipient Merges the full name of the {RecipFullName} Lisa Carol Monroe recipient Merges the name of the {RecipNameTitle} Lisa Monroe Citizen recipient and title Merges the title and name of {RecipTitleName} Citizen Lisa Monroe the recipient Merges the salutation and {RecipGreeting} Mr. Smith last name of the recipient Merges the salutation and {RecipGreetingFull} Mr. James Smith full name of the recipient Merges the company of the {RecipCompany} IQM2 recipient Merges the address line 1 of {RecipAddress1} 764 Clark Rd. the recipient Merges the address line 2 of {RecipAddress2} Suite 300 the recipient Merges the city of the {RecipCity} New York City recipient Merges the state of the {RecipState} NY recipient Merges the zip of the {RecipPostal} 14225 recipient Merges the complete 114 McParlin Avenue {RecipAddressBlock} address of the recipient Cheektowaga, NY 14225 {RecipAddressSentence} Page 70 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Other Merge Fields Merge Field {RollCallAgenda,Minutes} {IndexName} {OriginNum} {OriginTitle} {SectTitle} {TaskList} {All} {AgendaDraftFinal} {AgendaFinalized} {MinutesDraftFinal} {MinutesFinalized} {MinDate} 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 71 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Work Flow Designer Work Flow Designer allows routing to be assigned to different areas in MinuteTraq; Legislative Category, Department, Project and Functional Category. The idea is to create building blocks of predefined routing steps based on what is required of each area and then have them combine when the Legislative File is created to then define the proper workflow. To open the Work Flow Designer go to the Lists Menu and click Work Flow Designer. If the Work Flow Designer is not accessible, it means you do not have permissions to access it, only those with Manager Permissions can access the Work Flow Designer. Once the Work Flow Designer has opened you can select which type of work flow to create. Page 72 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com When you select the source the dropdown list of records will change to match the source. For example; when you select Category the dropdown will be populated with all legislative categories in the system, when you select Department the dropdown will be populated with all departments in the system and so on. Once you have selected the source and record you want to define, begin to add the routing steps. Each step must include the proper Stage number, the Action (Review or Meeting), the Group or User and a Default Description. Any Instructions are optional. If any Sources combine at the Legislative File level to create work flow that have steps at the same stage, the stage numbers will be duplicated and will have to be corrected there. Over time it may be possible to plan stages so this is kept to a minimum. Combining the following 2 work flows will show a couple of examples. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 73 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com First you will notice that there are 3 Stage 1’s and 2 Stage 2’s. This is caused by combining the work flows and also the default setting for the Target Meeting – Stage 1. We can correct this by manually changing each step to the desired Stage; which entails opening each step and changing the Stage or right-clicking on the step and choosing “Move to Next Stage or Previous Stage.” This can be minimized or avoided by preplanning the Stages by source, like the following. Another trick is to set the Target Meeting Stage at a high number, like 99. These 2 changes will create the following results. One last thing, you’ll notice in both Work Flow items; Category step 3 and Department step 2 are the same. When combined at the Legislative File level duplications are eliminated. All predefined Work Flow cannot be deleted at the Legislative File level. If it is determined that a step is not required it must be skipped in lieu of removing it. To do so, right-click on the step and choose “Skip Step.” Page 74 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com User Accounts In order to access and use MinuteTraq, you must have a valid user id and password. During implementation MinuteTraq comes with one predefined admin user that will give you access and allow you to create other user accounts for your organization. Once you have created additional users we recommend that you change the password of the default user, provided to you initially. Please Note: You must have MinuteTraq Admin permissions to manage users. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 75 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening User Manager User Manager allows you create, edit, delete, make inactive, and change password of MinuteTraq users. To open User Manager go to the Tools Menu and click User Manager. If the User Manager is not accessible, it means you do not have permissions to access the User Manager. Only Admin accounts can access the user manager. Page 76 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com User Manager When you open User Manager the following screen will appear listing all current active users. By right clicking on the List or User you can execute the following commands from the popup menu: New – to create a new user Edit – to modify an existing user Delete User Account – to delete a user Change Password – to change password of the selected user. Make Inactive – to make user inactive Show All User Accounts – to display both active and inactive users Refresh List – to reflect any changes that were made to the list Print List – print the list of user Users Connected – connected users are indicated by the check marks under the connection icon. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 77 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Create or Edit MinuteTraq Users User Account Entry Screen To create or edit a user, go to Tools Menu and select User Manager. Right Click on the List and select New (if editing, select Edit and follow the same procedure). At this point you should have the following User Account screen where you can enter or edit the desired information for the user. General Tab User Name: uniquely identifies user on MinuteTraq. *Required Login Name: MinuteTraq user login for connection. *Required Password: case sensitive field used to connect with MinuteTraq. *Required Confirm: re-type the password. *Required Salutation: type or select from the Dropdown the salutation for the user. *Required Full Name: enter first name and last name in the text boxes. *Required Title: type or select Dropdown the title of the user. Phone/Fax: enter phone and fax for the user. Email: enter e-mail address of the user. Picture: if you click on picture you can add a picture of the user to the profile. Disabled Check Mark: prevents login but allows user account to still show on dropdowns. Inactive Check Mark: inactive accounts can NOT login. Page 78 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Permissions Tab MinuteTraq comes with four permission types: Admin, Manger, Clerk and Departmental. A user can have all permissions assigned or no permissions assigned at all. MinuteTraq also includes options to further define user permission with Board or Coouncil Members and Departments. Admin: as an Admin the user can manage User Accounts and setup Agency Settings. Manager: as a Manager user can set up the workflow of the organization. The manager accounts can Create, Edit and Delete: Legislative File Categories, Meetings, and other items listed under the Lists Menu. Clerk: Clerk can generate Agenda and Minutes. Departmental: gives the user the ability to submit, initiate, and/or approve documents for a particular department. User can only have one primary (prime) department. *If no user permissions are selected then the user will only be able to view selected information and will not be allowed to modify any information. *You can give multiple permissions to a single user. For example, if you want the user to be able to do all tasks within MinuteTraq, you would select Admin, Manager, Clerk and departmental permissions. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 79 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Departmental Permissions Details: You can assign departmental permissions by clicking on the Dropdown menu and selecting the desired department. Once department is selected, you can assign rights to the user for that department by checking of the boxes to the right. The rights include: Prime: makes the department as the primary department for the user. The user can only have one primary department. Initiate: allows the user to act as an initiator for the department. Initiators are typically the department heads. Prepare: allows the user to act as a preparer for the department. Approve: allows the user to act as the approver for the department. In other words, the user will be able Approve Legislative Files for the department. Manage: allows the user to manage MinuteTraq items for that department. *If you select a department that is a meeting group then the Vote and Clerk boxes will be enabled. Vote: allows the user to be a voter for that meeting group. Clerk: allows the user to be the clerk for that meeting group. Page 80 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Other Settings Tab Default Meeting Group: sets the default meeting group for the user. Check No Approvals: does not allow the user approve or review any documents in the workflow. Delegates: allows the user to act as a delegate for other users. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 81 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Changing Your User Password To change your password open go to the Tool Menu and click Change My Password as shown below. New Password – enter your new password. Confirm Password – retype your new password. Click OK Page 82 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Changing User Preferences User preferences can be changed from the User Settings & Preferences screen. To open User Settings & Preferences go to the Tools Menu and click User Preferences as shown below. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 83 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Once you have the preference screen open, the following preferences can be set. Enable Audio Feedback – if checked plays a sound when working through many of the tasks in MinuteTraq. Uncheck to disable. Recent Document – sets the desired of documents to be displayed under recent documents on Task Pane. Maximum documents allowed are 10. Auto Size…. – auto controls the size of the Legislative File form. Disable Fast PDF Conversion – a check in this box will disable the fast PDF conversion process and revert back to the standard process, this only changes the process for this user, there is a global setting that a system admin can set for all users. Leave this enabled unless issues occur. Temporary File Retentions – enter the amount days you want temporary files to be held on your PC. Maximum days allowed are 600. Page 84 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Minutes Archive Index Wizard Many municipalities maintain a paper copy of all their minutes throughout the year. One important time consuming aspect of this is creating an index where all documents can be grouped. The Minutes Archive Index Wizard will alleviate this time consuming process. The wizard will produce paper index for any date range to insert into your master book of minutes as an appendix or table of contents. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 85 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening the Minutes Archive Index Wizard To open the Index Wizard, go the Tools Menu and click Minutes Archive Index as shown below. Page 86 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Minutes Index Wizard Screen Meeting Range – date range for the indexes. Indexes to Build: Meetings by Date – creates an index of meetings by meeting date. Documents by Category – creates an index of documents arranged by categories. Documents by Function – creates an index of documents arranged by functional categories. Documents by Project – creates an index of documents arranged by projects. Documents by Sponsors – creates an index of documents arranged by sponsors. Documents by Number – creates an index of documents arranged by document number. Documents by Short Title – creates an index of documents (Resolutions) arranged by short title of the documents. Documents by Title – creates an index of documents arranged by the title of documents. Option Last First – lists documents beginning with last document and ending with first document. Option First Last – lists documents beginning with first document and ending with last document. Option Full Title – includes full title of the document for the index. Option Short Title – included short title of the document for the index. Build – begins the generation process for the indexes. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 87 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Generating the Index To generate an Index, open the Index Wizard from the Tools Menu. Once you have the wizard open, select the meeting range by clicking on the Calendar buttons inside the text boxes. Select the indexes you want to generate by checking the boxes as shown below. Select the desired options and click Build to begin the generation process. The time of generation will depend on the meeting range and the selections made. Once the generation process completes the indexes can be saved to any desired location. Page 88 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Package and Send Minutes If your agency has opted to use our real time web access tool then this tool is not necessary. However, once the minutes are generated for a particular meeting, this tool can be used to compress and send minutes to any recipient through e-mail. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 89 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening Package and Send Minutes Screen To open Package and Send Minutes click on the Tools Menu and click Package & Send Minutes as shown below. Web Package and Upload Screen Once you click on Package and Send Minutes, it will open the following screen. Meeting – meeting date of the minutes that are to be sent. Recipients – e-mail addresses of the recipients that are to receive the packaged minutes. Send – e-mail the minutes to the listed recipients. Page 90 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Sending your Minutes To send your minutes, select the Meeting Date from the Dropdown menu and enter the recipient(s) e-mail address(es) in the Recipients textbox. Please note that multiple e-mail addresses can be entered into the recipient’s textbox separated by comma (Ex. Person1@townclerk.com, Person2@townclerk.com). Click Send to e-mail your minutes. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 91 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com PDF Inbox If you have the MinuteTraq printer installed you can send document to MinuteTraq from any other application that can print to MinuteTraq printer. PDF Inbox lists the print jobs that were sent to MinuteTraq from other Applications. To use the PDF Inbox, MinuteTraq PDF printer must be installed and enabled. Page 92 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Opening PDF Inbox To Open PDF Inbox, go to the Tools Menu and select PDF Inbox as shown below. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 93 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com PDF Inbox Screen Once you have the PDF Inbox opened, the following screen will be displayed. If your print job is not listed, check Show All to display earlier print jobs. Page 94 IQM2 © 2008 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com PDF Inbox Commands The following commands are available for the PDF and can accessed by right clicking inside the list or by clicking on the PDF File drop down on the bottom left corner. Open – opens the PDF document in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Save Copy.. – allows you to save a copy of the document to a desired location outside of MinuteTraq. Delete Print Job – deletes the selected document from PDF Inbox. Show All – lists all documents including all previous print jobs received by the Inbox. Refresh List – redraws the list to reflect any recent changes. Print List – prints the list of documents to your local printer. The selected document can also be opened by clicking on the Open button at the Tool Bar. 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 95 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Appendix 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 1 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Appendix A Below is a list of examples that may aid you in setting up your Agency. However, these examples may or may not work for your Agency. They are only here to give some direction and not define your Agency. Department Examples Town 1 Town 2 Town 3 Town Clerk Town Attorney Department Name Supervisor Personnel Town Clerk Town Board Members Engineering Town Attorney Town Attorney Accounting/Payroll Town Board Accounting Highway Supervisor Assessors Parks Division Human Resources Community Development Community Development Bookkeeping Data Processing Prys Purchasing Engineering Housing Planning Highway Department Fire Inspectors Fire Marshall Human Resource Center Building Building Planning Board Records Police Department Police Dept Miscellaneous Land Acquisition Public Works Police Housing Zoning Board of Appeals Taxes & Assessments Land Preservation Town Clerk's Office Trustees Senior Services Building Department Historian Justice Court Tax Receiver Solid Waste Management District Recreation Fishers Island Ferry District 9/19/2008 ? Version 5.5 IQM2 © 2007 Page 2 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Communication Type Examples Town 1 Town 2 Town 3 Reports General Communications Correspondence Public Notices Bid Openings Announcements Communications Reports Events Discussion Announcements Executive Events Town Board Appointments Departmental Communications Special Presentation Announcements Events Legal Notice Type Examples Town 1 Town 2 Town 3 Notice to Bidders Notice to Bidders Notice to Bidders Notice of Adoption Notice of Adoption Notice of Adoption Notice of Public Hearing Notice of Public Hearing Notice of Public Hearing Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Notice of Estoppel Decision Notice of Estoppel Local Law Public Hearing Referendum 9/19/2008 ? Version 6.2 IQM2 © 2008 Page 3 MinuteTraq User Manual IQM2.com Legislative Categories Examples Town 1 Town 2 Town 3 Budget Modification Local Law Public Hearing Local Law Close/Use Town Roads Bond Traffic Ordinance Contracts, Lease & Agreements Agreements, Contracts, Leases Notice to Bidders Employment - Town Acquisitions Transfer of Funds Performance Bond Budget Warrant List Letter of Credit Conference Agreements, Bonds, Contracts Local Law Public Hearing Easements Appointments/Reappointments Grants Public Hearing Building/Housing Bid Acceptance Urban Renewal Modification SEQR/Site Plan Attend Seminar Appointments Recommendations Retirement/Resignation Approvals Community Development Equipment Easement Rezoning-Special Permit Enact Local Law Bids Accepted Grant Application Road Dedications Personnel Misc. Empire Zone Surplus Equipment Artist Studio Records Legislation Deeds Disaster Preparedness Refund Bids Rejected Employee Miscellaneous Litigation Fees Miscellaneous Traffic Study Issue Check Financial Foils Permits - Gatherings Assessment Audit Prof. Services (Attorney, Eng., Attorney & Legal Matters Minutes Appraisers, Cons.) Sewers Set Meeting Securities Accepted E M S Surplus Equip - Non Usable Securities Released Engineering Misc. Petty Cash Local Law Town Clerk Authorize to Bid Bids to Notice P R Y S Misc. Official Paper Permissive Referendum New York State Proclamation Change Orders Police Misc. Public Hearing Public Notice Award of Bid Tax Lien Bids Extended Personnel Miscellaneous Committee Appointment Bond Correction Public Hearing Public Service Amendment Adoption/Decision Fmla Rescinded Resolution Ordinance Category Budget Petitions Organizational Authorize Payment Appeals Support Resolution Coastal Erosion Landfill Misc. Affordable Housing Strawberry Fields Tax Certiorari Settlement Recess to Public Hearing Committee Resignation Trailer Permit 9/19/2008 ? Version 5.5 IQM2 © 2007 Page 4