HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntting Scrapbook Vol. V k" t M 1 M 1" y a F"1116flea winterl gventy -Fdve YYars No one need complain that we have a o / 7 Twenty.Five Years A o not been having an "old-fashionedvA.9,. t 5 7 winter." Monday was the coldest day At the meeting of the Presb terian The following were elected officers of in eight years, and for three days the Sunday School Temperance Society, the M. E. Sunday School : Supt., M. mercury hu Bled down in the ther- Henry Huntting gave an address on B Van Duaem, Asst, Supt., B. T. urometer clo6e to the zero mark. The Mistakes of Life, and two essays were Payne; Sec. and Tress., Wm. H. Vail; read, one by Miss Mary Huntting for storm commenced Saturday, and Sun- Librarians, F. Gomez and Geo. R. day was a terrible[i-s �{ Miss Motto Horton, on a Boy's Talk y. good des] with his Dog, the other by Mrs. J. R. Jennings. of snow had fallen, the wind blew a Robinson on Bessie's Paper. J. H. Cochran & Son opened an gale, and it was bitterly cold. No one being rapidly filled oyster saloon down town. with excellentt ice. ventured out unless he was obliged to. Ice houses At the annual meeting of the Ladies' ice. No services were held in the Presby- David Stevenson sold his premises on Aid Society of the M. E, church, the terian, Methodist and Universalist Town Creek, purchased of F. L. Judd, following officers were re-elected to Mr. Pollock, of N. Y. City. churches. A few braved the storm Pres., Mrs. Wm. H. Tuthill; Vice st{fl attended the Catholic church. No The parishioners and friends of Rev. Pres., Mrs, S. B. Corey; Sec., Miss t train left Greenport Sunday morning or Wm. F. Whitaker of the St. Cloud Hannah Carpenter; Tress., Mrs. F'•K. L. 1. City Sunday afternoon. The Presbyterian church gave him a very Tarry Sunday train due here at noon reachedpleasant surprise.Southold e 7 p. mse. At the annual Pariah Meeting of the ., having been all Philip W. Tuthill, of Southold, and Presbyterian church, Stuart T. Terry day an the road. Monday we had no and David H. Horton were re-elected trains, but early Tuesday morning three Mice Myra r Robinson,of New Haven, Trustees. It was voted that the frown big snow plows went through from the N. Y'' were married at the place. latter be not permitted to hold its annual west, and the Greenport morning train Charles H. Tuthill, of Southold, and Town Meeting in the church for leas went through about on time. The than$75. Mise Mary E. Dickerson, of Ballville, noon train was two hours late. Mon- N. Y, were married at the latter The following were installed officers day morning two big snow plowsplace. of Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F.: N.G., buried themselves in a big snow drift Geo. C. Terry; V. G., H. H. Huntting; west of Cutchogue station and there Twenty-Rlve Years Ago Sec., W. H. Terry; Per. Sec., B. L. they remained until the next morning. tyOL-v - -Ljk / Prince; Tress., G. Hahn; Con., A third plow, sent to the rescue of William Lowery and Margaret Albertson Case; War., H. H. Lewis; the other two, ran her nose in a drift Lindsay were married. R. S. N. G., 0. V.Penney; L. S. N.G., at Jamesport. Monday morning early Mary, wife of John Singley, Sr., F. Gomez; R. S. V. G., W. C. Albert- the thermometer registered 10 above died, aged 84 years. son; L. S. V. G„ G. F. Hommel; 1. G., zero and the mercury steadily fell and l Miss Metta Horton was engaged iu M, Steltzer; R. S. S., Geo. Fischer; about noon and it did not vary a degree organist of the Presbyterian church. L. S. S., John Korn. District Deputy from I above zero the whole afternoon. The German-Lutheran congregation Schuyler B. Horton, who installed the Early Tuesday morning the mercury leased Temperance Hall and held officers, was presented by the Lodge reached its lowest point, 4 below zsro, services every Sunday morning. with a handsome silver jewel and s but it soon commenced to rise, and as Silas Rogers bought of the Albert beautiful sash. Supper was served at there was no wind, Tuesday was a Albertson estate the two houses on the Judd's Hotel, fine winter's day, and many enjoyed north side of the road, adjoining Milln lourne meeting o t own; the exce ent sleighing. Owing to the Creek, and about 11 acres of land for Board will be held at the Town Clerk's xc ' high the snow drifted very badly, $560. office next Monde , at 10 a. m., to and It was necessary to do a good deal At the annual meeting of the Local consider the petition of 110 tax-pay,gb of digging to make our roads and side. Temperance Society, officers were for the formation of o lighting distr�Ct i Welke passable. From the Rockies tc elected as follows: Pres., D. Y. Hal- at Southold. d , 'I the Atlantic there was freezing weather lock; lot Vice Pres., P. H. Cantermen; everywhere, except in Florida and the ?.d Vice Pres., J. H. Boisseau; Sec.and n accounte a ria 88 u ay, Western Gulf States. In the Adiro i Tress., 0. F. Payne; Committee on the meeting of the Town Board, to act decks it was 40 below zero.da". 'L Music, D. Y. Hallock and M. B. Van on the"petition of a majority of the Dusen. Mr. Hallock, N. H. Cleveland residents of Southold village for the Southold, Jan. 5, John E. infant formation of a lighting district, has `a .'twin son of Andrew J. and Sadie and S. B. Corey were appointed Gagen, aged 1 day, delegates to attend the County Con- been postponed until Saturday cf this New York, Jan, 3, William B.Terry, vention at Islip. Remarks were made, week, at 10 a m., at the Town Clerk's eon of Mr. and Mrs: urlice. The Board will also act on the Ezra A. Terry, by the President, S. T. Terry and Dr. w aged 88y., 9m. Interment at Southold. Whitaker. petition of residents of Fisher's Island Henry Jennings is attending the - -- to forma Water Company. !If ur ee men, . Merry and Agricultural Department of Cornell Addison Baker, are happy and are fiU- Southold, Jan. 12, Mary McDermott, University. This is probably aha ing their ice houses. at Great Pond aged 44y'' 10111' finest agricultural sc}1og1 fn this with Bin. ice. country. A meeting of the Town Board was Twenty- Five Years Azo S. Dickerson's House On Fire held at the Town Clerk's office last L14,-x,, /�-7 On Monday night, about 11 o'clock, Saturday to consider the petition of 110 i S. P. Tuthill's Locust Grove schoolthe dread cry of fire was again heard taxpayers for the formation of a light- took a sleigh ride to Greenport. on our streets, and it was learned that ing district in Southold, the streets to Sch. B. D. Pitts was being rapidly the handsome residence of Samuel m be lighted by acetylene gas. After demolished by B. T. Payne. Dickerson was on fire. Mond m _ some discussion, the request was A good quantity of wood was recently ing Mr. Dickerson discovered that the granted and the district formed. The stolen from the pile of J. H. Horton. soot in the southwest chimney was 1 lighting committee will now take steps Present and former Arsbamomoque fire and he watched it all day. to raise stock for the formation of a pupils of O. F. Payne paid him a threw a large quantity of salt down company to light our streets, Public surprise at his home, the chimney, and thought that the fire buildings and private residences. At the beginning of the present would burn itself out. About 11 The Town Board also.granted the school year, Prof. Robinson of the o'clock that night he heard a crackling request of residents of Fisher's Island Academy made an arrangement con- and knew that the wood-work around for the formation of a water company cerning spelling with his students by the chimney was on fire. The heat ontheisland. 14044.1 which the ten who proved themselves had become so intense in the chimney Twenty-Five Years Ago the best spellers during the first two that it set fire to the wood. Then t LZ 4- terms were to compete for a prize. To alarm of fire was given, the fire the ten champion spellers one hundred and the Presbyterian church bell H. G. Howell, proprietor of the words were pronounced each day for and in a very short time Protech Southold Drug Store, was at his post nine days. Miss Minnie E. Terry, who Engine Co. and Eagle Hook and Ladder again, after a week's absence, oc- missed 22 words, was the successful Co. arrived. The chimney was flooded casioned by a severe cold. During sixcompetitor. with water and a hole was cut in the years he was never absent so long from At the meeting of the Southold side of the house, where it was hottest his place of business. Temperance Society H. W. Prince and and the wood-work drenched. It was Charles Prescott, a man in the J. H. Case were elected delegates to thought that the fire was extinguished employ of Daniel N. Thomas, Arsh- the Suffolk County Temperance Society. and most of the people left, but for amomoque, was carrying a large can At a meeting of the Board of safety the apparatus was kept there, of milk to the milk wagon, when he Managers of the Southold Town Ag'1 and Chief Corey and a few firemen, slipped, the can coming upon his hand Society, Chas. Reeve, Jesse G. Case with Mr. Dickerson's family, remained in such a manner as to crush it,render- and Hon. H. A. Reeves were appointed on guard, and it was most fortunate ing amputation necessary. Lockjaw committee on flowers for the June they did so, for about 2 o'clock the set in and he died Monday. exhibition, and Henry L, Fleet, Salem fire broke out again. Boards were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Richmond left D. Goldsmith, H. C. Cleveland and ripped up in the attic and the fire was Bay Side Farm for Brooklyn, to spend Daniel Terry were appointed committee the remainder of the winter. on horses. LJ 2- 9 Conway, to- soon extinguished. Considerable dam- The house of Thomas C all of it age was done by fire and water, but it 14 Ev-a or gether with practically was a narrow escape from a most Brooklyn, Jan. Stafford Sunda The house is Harrington, wife of Charles�Ainswor contents, was destoyed by fire disastrous conflagration. S'afford Ainsworth w �tll and only sister of Mrs. Jesse I L L. who lived insured in the Suffolk County Mutual morning. Mr.Conway,who lived a on "ebb' Case, of Peconic, aged 34y, lm, 16d. in the house, built a fire the KI Insurance Co. c/,%.).,. I-$- 1 i his h Geo. Terry has finished filling his stove and went out doors to do in ice houses with 12 in. ice. morning chores. When he returned he Joseph Thompson and wife to J amen north side North Road, Rhoda A. Tillinghast and others to found the kitchen in flames and his Thompson, lot nor in vain. adjacent land of James Thompson, Franklin W. Richmond, beach and efforts to quench the fire were 2_�3 $63.75 Meadow on Indian Neck Point near The fire gained such headway that Only Southold V IL, Evens, lot South Harbor, Southold nom. his desk,containing his papers,a lounge Caroline Quarty to Alice Eve and one or two other articles were west side Railroad Av., adjacent land A. R. Vail has sold 12 acres of land, urns, Southold nom. known as the swamp lot, to Wm. H. saved. Mr. Conway and F. E. Booth of Mary B A. Simons and wife to Alice were almost overcome by the heat. Stephen A Beebe. As soon as the fire was discovered Evens, lot south side Lower Road, ad- Harry G. Case is building a large Sexton Pottinger rung the M.E.church jacent land of Louisa J. Thompson, on to his bicycle shop and is to bell and the fire bell was also rung, but Southold Nra 0 -NIVI lam err nom. addition Coand Eagle The tunr put in a mill for the purpose of grind- when Protection Engine C - Ixrar-dipontiy att,�,ndod Hook and Ladder Co. reached the place, t1l'o oma 'of Ais cousin, Orr ing feed. the flames had gained such headway Prince, in Southold. Mr. Terry The good round price of$1 per bushel except to-'not been well silleM he was injure i,3 being received for potatoes,and vtult- that nothing could be done ex and t1io Elevated R. R. i a N. Y. 11.)w returning from $15 to$18 per save some adjoining outbuildings, it necessary to amputate his."igul"ta,", savers are returmug owierm" will Please soon the house was a mass of ruins. He was about 26 years of age.Uto, 2- bLirrll. "'J'aiamity h The fire probably originated from a V.r), sin nO_5,- EphW e, hiiW take notice. ae_%4, ker 7-13 flue. The house was insured of SOLIthold On Jan. quietly ab- Cutchogue, Jan. y ev. F. G. defective servea thp,52nd aliDiversary of their Beebe, John Otten a Miss Augusta for$Minthe Home Insurance Co., 111garriao, Which took pittoe Haynes, eldest daughter of Charles E I Wm. H. Terry, agent, and the it , on L alai I'S 1b3''.Haynes, both of Peconic. furniture for$500. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Conway in the losa.. of his home. c_J­­­­ to TIA — Alto A ova rk loss> tubi Iwett uaatlww �a really�j"►w k7 '� Twenty- ore oars to pnlcar. Wt+r Punt.r, lr hlsar4rr,106VII rriwot M1 a1J t ow ladle lace The L. 1. R. R. Iricrosliod slightly Its An addition of twwne L wolan VTerry, 'Clrraratroet y-dva volumes Jorrsir Lrdr4o coaw r6coan• fkwlitht and through piatoonrpr rates, war made to the llbmry of the South- " Win II Ilke, I attituvk The fare from Southold to 1., 1. City or 41 Lyceum Association.' henry A Wiltour, L'tshe»lsv 'Brooklyn was>1:dor, The oldest t sof Mklwtwl McCabeAtwrwaawYs-J'aha 1t Jltrrwu. grtsata tlar«lar henry If untlloir and A'lbertaarn C'aso bad two of his A l`Nduins,first Utsrloa a 'tred`k t.'d'kra- were apaxrinta,l Notaries Nblic, A taloa off by a t A,Orrkeat7brnl I AC I:riveti"ll,&Aalh• straw cutter. .drlrtlsuryrr 1i"irtaa,C.iexrt+e fasswk Ttla TaAvnt.r-a guvv notice that it At about 11 o'clock an llatunday Tow.t.1latlauai. wooki qus,n beirin the publdcatlotr of the night, while sitting reeding In bar Qdrwsd"1,P.,ar•J.,lorrFish ttrovar,irt Salmon it+a4rrtl. Tlta Iiccoty) wall ■ sitting ranm, Mn Jwdt4h 13mith " All.art o 11 Firedll.. 1culle to "WaseripR volume of 178 octavo ptagaw t1lNirr I ,,„Irwra��-•t.lao ll alr�l, gWtehryrwr chancwd to no a fight tYrnrragh a aravica t'4elerl".r- tlm J killy.11rer.r+1wit tt war mainly a record of marriagois under the kitaboun dew, neon oftening t]atlrt.4t.Mar-�taraurtttl+rtroy.tlrkrut:Crrtatr*tel mW dwtttho of reaidonta of thw Town of the door ehe framd the room full of ltaeva. 1'#00"wsirta Wake 1P Urattsa. 'tiaNfreld. The Mat extended from ION cooky. Mr. Smith. who had Mural, t44ftr4d tvor.W.mortlors,t'wetigtsawa to 1511. The mooed was Conrrarenred 1.Iw'dtli,turtenma.lk"Utaurk!Herbert WMllam Rlrllaon wt SailYrnkf, luirn erne summoned end surcrr4klal in Id aarrwtt;l'lrborr 101An;1. b9 extinguishing the Are, though at arra Tnlatara-I clrrar t W 1r11ran„ oti,_okL is ISM and diad In 1766, The rt+crtrd belare come artlrlrs of Ciot}rd t'trrg had wYl:lprrY; el4+pry.t Itear,ro+.tlrnrnwwr. ttwe ivaa SynrtdnWe$ by nrelnlir"iw of alta. been eeentnr4od and a good oisod We urrMtlran tY TarrY.rlreulhalrY:Jrwi,r.r'1' Flwn. y 13atm4or family. 1t was pmlxrntvd Ma C Itedr,rerr a t►rt r I`li"r tl+",,,14a rl14u«k btteoed lA a partition.the into t:idrwr rirlrron to UW lab Rrev.Comply At the donstian to Rev, far. and U Va. alt Tlwtrw-t►erlrrr It Jaya,�s,d`a1441' tray Jonathan I'tuntUna. frpm whom It Iqiloiltwkor rifts to the amount of Ilntmmtrrto-ol,r.»ph USelrruif,lllvortaaed tlesrmulevl to Henry Huntting, N. ever 6106 were Weive d. 4a Ca,,�rh,--tkntrt Yt'd irwatl flubbard Clevoland nude a copy of I1, At the meeting of the Southold OWL A1R'y•a1Jr.iarcr,rvrh,tiarltb•est James arrari twlal,halmocall . ahwllf aliwurr fi Nrewtaa.dtlrr•rriran.I "l" 7'ernpprance ti"xfety aoklr4rssea were R. H. Hunttiag presea nirrls b Itay. Dr. Wlrltatcer, it cera at Rall 1MW 1 on.Il vre ls4mol rw 1 y , J. Horton tladrrMMrlR law N lMti.1%ut Jamprson the Union Se" Library a Curacy of s (Awe &ml 11. Y. Hallock. The lUroatr Trrsnao,rwr-ilaety N. llrourlr. Itu.a't'n which he has had in his pea—Executive Cammdtt01w consisted of H, " t.la;*--W11,I w I Torry,nod pian her a long time, This "k is W. prince, Henry Iluattdnx. M. ft. th+a4flr ltwrkw-ilnla oleo Itetrdurar:Amurvlilw Van Drusen. A. !r. Tuthill. C. M. trae"ty' " WM 1+Y"killarnatl. tdhp,rfrvnrl Sawa.+ a rroveYRy, bwlnr aCovrrddag to dta ohnd,ofJ llleki+alrlok,11taliol"O', title pope An English Irish Diction. sand anal Cies. C. Walla. U.K cora aanrw" Jtwrtpadr tt tirt„rifa. 11nst. try wtrn ed for the use of arhtolw. ^"'t° cuntadmryr upwands of 11 ODD Illmlish William A. Tilll sur 1r.4r k.lt�pr"r.ldrt11dr4•�4iias fl 7Gitrril.Id"v'rl lirhaat and w•dfo ' roil " lifWO It 11WIter.W)u, l kr- John Co. Schafer, lot south stole Howa'ry, wro+ki. with th"rir mot 10"1 notiam in Irish." It was . In tone. adjacent land of liwnry C:affirw,. Vornawr-11r Mavivy 0 trirlA. PAWliumplen Dubtin In bell. Southold cam •• 11'sub, 0 f oleoy a. vatth.%viw -- " "" 1P.",Itria 1l7drrrxe,llav Above Alfred R. Vali, executor of W. LY. W�t f111iwg1.n+rethrotit«"n. a biMt rMrvlCthe the ddwsratnry of 'Near Vsll, to Wm. 11. Rea Ix, ill area adj. Cl s 7y ttrrarlpq,rlabwrsf.ar•l to submit plant spot oeltimattnr far A cent hard of Wm, H. NvIto and L 1. Tpw oe °r r breakview t"N and 'to the wr+rt of It. II. Co., liouthakd 1112Owo Y M r it ega A pllirr5tarlarp Morton's Point. and for the astab'lish• rhoodorw W. Wo ool and wife to John 4Ni 000 tlllJr"tof 11411 W rbor rnent of a harbor of relligw; also piano If. Lahr, IS acre farm vast ride Law*]dllytoaClrietr* alreitar 100610for the drarlging of i:l�rpart Harbor Av., sdjscent laud of Ruth A. HOMO taretasl9takitak tilitow "act llortem" arae) `�torlin Basin. lllaltlrtskookilavwa M1!fdetlridittbnnortt, t Ww ImAt the ann ,nrvrm t ion tin ek! ta see wdth Mnr fiWeow wa i""iraoit li Millol �roek and nnorth Per 11.RYails. N1 di and the SouthRoad;also 7 acres town ted 11 t Smith p y, nom luno tlaa..er aat+rlue. >illaiiricnr Sa ah W'hceler our Mmwkny Afternorm. W. Corry A rtson a rw,oR ex- , "3WWarxmrrl IrrMlr l�i�rrhlq dllunttnyka4 itol"NI irihor X-rb t r, ofldcsra ware elected aw follows; .Prva., ecutars of Wm.Albertson.to Daniel W, tlark,rre-lina•k el. 1401% rrioh• •aua. MNn. ldanh Wheeler; lot Vice Prea.. Grattan, lA screw, adjacent land of toot"ler rruarfr�. Mrs. Somuol Dickwrvorar; 2d Vie Poen. W'm. Wkkham ertato and faint Lala, ,1;1 pr In f acro«x . trNwn.en,l o•u,1J4rr. 1314=a Mies Jut'lls asaidy; Ser., Mrs. C,arrim with right or way to ane! (mom 01&141 Itetr4. 1.r J. Lewis; Trwas.. Miss J.,WI Dorton. roa,ds4rs. +olithohl now alereruat-r lAwiir ttaNl«r, Jr. Nt.rlloava LewisR. Caeer and wife parlor rd +�•«nntlrtr, tot. 16*1riee, wonoA Gnarl Por I Fob, 5rs. Ellis W P lkoft ile " air Ovmrum, widow of & lata f"rattklin C Williams, lot on talo trsy, all)s rat tonrat .t W nrl.ir ya.1 ulr t •.rror dsa"l w it. Overton, of ro"Mic. trod N6 yearo. lard of J. R. Coati at South Itartmr r ra.r..nte„1 1 Funeral services from the residence of limrthold us aro % ase opirn an her&tap-son. Was 4', Overton. Woo' In the hall over H. G. HowaM`a day, ta�ndl intnrmont at Willow Ilill am 7. enol tiew.rto' e stove and will holt justice's courts *8 Rr ' malas Cent Wm,vrr. lot an RaRroetl r 'another sell ware Av., sdjr¢tmt ion:d r,f Ri'�Yay Rrns.,Ma!- F' 1..`i night, and the thermometer reglwtenal tituck N11,2g11 thold, lriih.g,llemry Rrhonb ew.r. 6 above tmra Turaduy morning. On Charles) Gildcrai'eeve to prank M. 67 years. Woe4inesday morning the inareuryLupton, same I,ry x ray =1.2(N3 touclhM the tyro mark. 9 Minutes of New Y01 May 6, 14b6. Acadiens-.-..ibuted as l7an last Friday several people walked These items are taken from the Cal- follows : * * * Michel Richard,wife rom Shelter Island across to Pipe's endar of Council Minutes of New York and six children to Southold; Francis Neck. The next day Seth Raynor Colony, covering the executive minutes Martin, wife and five children to East Wove with a horse and wagon across from 1668-1783. This calendar is pub- Hampton; Francis Commo, wife and the South Ferry to North Haven and lisped as a part of the 85th annual re- eight children to Brookhaven. back, going on the ice at Shell Beach, port of the N. Y. State Library, a copy _ West Neck, and taking a southerly of which was recently received by Prin. course till the channel was crossed, and 9 Twenty Five Years Ago then southeast direct to North Haven. Wood for the School. Mar. 8, 1671. Consideration of the Notice was given that steamer W. MEscalops shipped last week brought refusal of Southampton and Southold Cit would go on the route bper Vallon. W. obetween to take out new patents postponed. Eastern Long Island and New York on We Have Had Colder Weather. Nov. 19, 1672. John Jennings to be Those who think that the weather of customer at Southampton, vice John March 3. the present winter is the coldest ever,. Laughton; Edward Petty at Southold; The ice was so far broken up in the may find consolation in the foot that the WWilliamPerkins at East Hampton. bay that e5r allop fis�iermen were again winter of 1741 produced something ex- Mar. 6, 1675. Customs regulations; active and quite extensive shipments traordinary. Snow covered the whole New York, Southampton and Southold were being made to the city markets. country as early ss Nov, 18, and was to be ports of entry. Protracted meetings were being held still found covering the fences the next nightly in the M. E. church. April. April 7, 1675, Rates remitted to The County�Temperance Society met Southampton, East Hampton and at Greenport On Jan, 12 of that year a tent was Southold. maintained on the Charles River for the Oct. 16, 1675. Ambusco, late sachem. The question of opening a public entertainment of travelers. People of Southold, allowed to remove to Shel- road from the North Road to Horton's drove every day across from Stratford, ter Island. Point Lighthouse was being agitated. Conn.,to Long Island ; Fielier's Island Sept. 14, 1687. Dedimus potesta.tem ` New York City, Jan. 21, by Rev. Was united to the mainland by a solid to administer the oath of assessors for Father Werth of Church of St. John body of ice ; Francis Lewis, a * * * Huntington to Ebenetus Platt, the Baptist, William J. Conway an(] signer of the Declaration of In- Miss Margaret M. Conway, both of dependence, In- for Seataicott and Smithstone to An- p arcus hle horse from drew Gibb, for Southold to Isaac Ar- Southold. New York to Barnstable, the whole nold for East Hampton and Southam Southold, Feb. 9 Mrs- anna length of Long Island Sound. Even on p p- Goldsmith; aged 79 years. July 17 snow was still lying in the town ton Major John Howell. The heavy wind of Monday night and of Ipswich, Mass.,about four feet thick, Oct. 16, 1700. Scow ashore near Tuesday caused the snow to drift badly. PP South-hold. The snow plows on the railroad were Mrs, Mary A. Gaffga, the oldest June 17, 1697. Patents for land, be- kept running constantly and so the resident of Southold, died on Saturday tween Southampton, Southold and trains were not delayed, except the at the advanced age of 93 years.. She Brookhaven,to be added to St. Georges °Cape Horn" train, which did not was a native of Germany, but had Manor granted to William Smith. arrive Tuesday. The North Road was resided in this country for more than Feb. 19, 1703. Letters received from drifted to quite an extent, )rJ, fifty years. Mrs. Gaffp-a is survived Lieut. Thos. Sanders of the Jersey All recor s or co wea ner are by six children, viz., Ilenry and Peter man-of-war, and tide-waiter Win. Sell, likely to be broken this winter. Tues- Gaffga of Southold, Mrs. Mary Webber informing that Edward Pette, Joseph day morning the mercury ago went of Greenport, Mrs. O. I. King of Fair Concklir 3 and Wm. Bradley of South- below the zero mark. -Ta"? / Ground, Adam and Michael Gaffga of old have helped impressed sailors to la, — New York. The funeral services were desert;order for their arrest. IAn Arctic Scene held from St. Patrick's Church and the May 19, 1721. Depositions received Long Island Sound was frozen over interment was in St. Patrick's Ceme- about ships commanded by Capt. Brad- from shore to shore, off Horton's Point, tery. Among those who attended the dick and by Cd Capt. Morton seized at on Wednesday. Capt. Ebbitts took his p furnexal from away were Mr, and Mrs. Southold. Gov. Spotswood of Virginia glasses and could see no water any- Michael Gaffga and three daughters, reports that Roberts, the pirate, is on where. Off on the rocks, off Horton's Mrs Paulo Mrs O. I. King and Adam the coast with two ships; Capt. Brad- Point, the ice is piled 15 or 20 feet high. Gaffga. (�'l Z' dick called before the council. John This unusual scene is well worth seeing. Southold, Feb. 21, Harold, son of Braddick committed for complicity G. Frank Hammel and wife to Rob- Mr, and Mrs, Geo. H. Wells, aged 1y„ with pirates. i ert Ebbitts, lot west side Railroad Av., 27d. April 23, 1730. Letters received fromadjacent land of Susan Salmon, South- Southold, Feb.20, Mrs, Mary A. Gaff- Henry Smith with examinations at old nom Gaff- ga, aged 93 years.Bay View, Feb. ry r0, Edward Fogarty, Southold and Southampton concerning y George H.Williamson to John Munch, aged 64 years. Samuel Booth firing at the sloop of lot south side Fine Neck road, adjacent Southampton, Feb, 14, at the home John Baker;order that Judge Francis land of Elizabeth Munch, Pine Neck, of his daughter, Theron W. Squires, of Harrison make inquiries about it. near Southold $35o Bridgehampton, formerly of Southold, April 30, 1756. People brought from In Greenport Feb.14,of t�ne+rneor,1a,Adel- aged 64 yrs., 6 mos- Nova Scotia (Acadiens or French neu- is hl.Davis of Soutnoia,aged 34�As.,S Enos. Potatoes at present writing are$1.20, trals) by order of Gov. Lawrence; how �2,t S a_ In Sor�thulsl Feb. t�v f paralysis after a but of course the farmers are now hold- to dispose of them. 1�1tK itinews,lianua�i tishurn, wrdu�v of St- Ing out for$1.25. las taoldeailtl�,aged 74 p®aea, x,Adlden Wedding Anhiverstiry President of the Suffolk County Equ LI Cf� Surrounded by .their children ;and ization Commission. Twice Mr, Teily grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan was the nominee of his party for the Theron W. Squires B. Terry quietly celebrated file fiftieth E office of Supervisor, once coming with- The funeral of Theron Worth Squires, " anniversary of their wedding last Sat' in seven votes of being elected. Mr. who died at the residence of his daugh- urday. During the day many tokens I Terry is a type of a self-made business ter, Mrs. Edwin H. Pierson, in South- of love and e.,.teerti, letters and tele-'l man, and is one of the most success- ampton, last Sunday morning, was held grams of congratulation, etc., were re- 'u' in the town. from the Brid_gehampton Methodist ceived by the worthy` couple. One of February 20, 1854, Mr. Terry mar- Church Tuesday at 12:30 o'clock P. mi,, the greatest surprises was a beautiful ried Martha J. Corey, who was bowl in and the interment was in the village silver gold-lined loving cup, presented this town July 28, 1833, and was a burying ground. The cause of Mr. by the directors of the Southold Sav- daughter of John 4. Corey, a farmer Squires' demise was a complication of ings Bank and the Suffolk County by occupation, and a soldier in the diseases. Several months ago he was Mutual Insurance Company. On one War of 1812, Mr. and Mrs. Terry are taken to the home of his sister in side is engraved •the parents of two children—Minnie Brooklyn, with the hopes that the ,`1854 ] ., the wife of Frank D. Smith, and change might benefit him, but he Jonathan B. Terry Carrie C., the wife of the Rev. Daniel gradually grew worse, and a few weeks Martha J. Corey H. Overton, pastor of the Greene ago was brought to the hone of his 1901" Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brook- daughter in Southampton, where he lyn. passed away Sunday morning. On the reverse side is The following poem, which was writ- The deceased was born at Good "From the Directors of the South- ten by Rev. Daniel H. Overton, ap- Ground in 1839. His father was Alvin old Savings Bank and Suffolk County peared in Saturday's Brooklyn Vmes: Squires and his mother's maiden name Mutual Insurance C':ompany. was Charry Lane. He was a brother ,r Mr. Terry is the President of both of Out.on tbyhk-t1w 4 t Lnug i land, 5 Dott•n by thea East F;ntl tt•ny. of Capt. Henry Squires, who was last these institutions and the cup was pre- The wedding hf�lls are lu'xalirtg Oil tho tt lnL'.ry air today. on the schooner Louis V. Plate off bone sented as a mark of the esteem in h Hill Life Saving Station in February, I7r t ht'1y�ontt n nrP t la y eluginE, which he is held by his associates. „r��f„� I Its'n,�tt ly��-t1cl, 1895. Mr. and Mrs. Terry during their Boar forI'or t1w lm'v and r e.t•otion MS u}res moved from Good Or h app tzg� lu4[cuatl r. q fang life among us have made manyGround to Southold in 1855, where be � `1'lx,�y rintr e:nt . friends, who will join with THE TRAv- This i th out: th l h�nfl in t..11lrt; y t ai.. resided twenty-three years_ Re located ELER in hearty congratulations and Of th<-tt,'d.led hf T"g thx-t at Brid than` tan in 1880 and has since best wishes, and we all trust that Iif tete,air 13ar1LLuld';ro aatenc. g� p r They ring for•7 B,Torry, made his home in this village, having many happy returns Of their wedding 1Anil Iii, [(,vin .faitl,rol ,if,' been engaged in the painting business. day ma} be given them. Vol,Jaouxth1an 13,nixd Marl Ina c'. The deceased served in the U. S. Navynr.ln Ixitlfk,,.IittIr. e,f Irl Mr. Terry was bort` in this village during 1862-3. He married Mary E. iaownt11 oelgh UY11"y""'., d, May 26, 1831. His lrtr)ho.ad days were Thron_tt xtraa �I r­sxtnt,r,Itfl,>hi, ' urilep' " Moore, of Southold, in 1865, and several spent on the farm and lie was educated Pact Re ddillg�ot Cin.anti rill tlx°y'Vu a aolWd the year .rfgohl• children were born to them. Of these at the public schools and Southold the following survive him: Mrs. E.H. Academy. In 1856 he became inter- Then t ing uttt, Ir Ali,,, I hLs tca,dtl. „ TU11 r, or rie:'it,autfful hriy, Pierson, of Southampton, and Alvin. E. e4tedin the produce and commis..ion ForJonnilima rxttml 'af,rtiwC. and Miss Louise H. Squires, of this Tlwir t ,Itlt-n ti d lilt diy. lluwanes;�, in which for more than thirty village. The widow and several broth- years he was successfully engaged. To FIo.With his It9'tnrl i:'<u•h a int-•-s, l3r`ravtdy Ilm..ltirry lik tti,ly, ers and Sisters are also left to mourn accommodate his large and increasing Rtandn naiad Ih,1111,11 if rlttt their loos, He was a member of fit t h re r;-nu, t rani.”t rhay. business, he erected the Southold Neptune Council, Royal Arcanum, of lie d,uoai Ilkwork S in th hoio� I�.�,c-n, wharf aria established a steamboat Southampton, a delegation from which fI,•its nla ha; plata.•li.y th i,ap-. line to New 'ori,. At the same time Ho crt xl al cr„tri n ,thin lit, ;n.> It, attended the funeral. HE was also an ind MU-110a.Yt las ua pay, he also,c ar r ied on an extensive. lumber II `active member of long standing in the land coal busines�4, the yard-, and office rni liitittIiy4tilt%Aflr ikilt%litni, local Methodist church. —Biid,ge- being located at the wharf. lit 18b7 I`1, Ilolil,I1 I,-.,it7+,Yu,f horror AtiOdLont cjhlrtlnt c t,, hampton Ne?vs. l Mr. Teary was elected President and _- �th=,with Il"r P,v'.ttnfailing, Sunda night we had a severe raid Treasurer of the Suffolk County 1Viutu- , �` Fn-om tluil �re'ddlrtlCxlst4 nra.til , ­this g al Fire Insurance Company. He has H is '11."I In Ow 11"Im.LIIP lot`e•-It_�lpi:,. and this with the melted snow caused Anri IIkoil,rt•d t1w marriage' t-„tt•. a flood. Mrs. James Carey and family held this office continuously elute, and to its interests he devotes the greater Her liY Ir l� 1'.1"11 liravL f'.1.ita'r Irn d, nno,,, had to move out temporarily. On, I'',,r d nt Itl,•r '1 tHl lltihillld,:ITLA I ltann�� part of his time. He is also the Presi- Fits^the Yn 11w h 1- II Iwola dr<el,l,y, Boisseau Ave. Tuesday morning the Pruni t.holiT-,r,,. h,.;e,a tat nor ter r,sriii, water was three feet deep from Frank dent of the Southold Savings Bank, Navin SUCCEEded tlrc late Bal'nabas R. Than Under O c oi,t f riraily' Y6ii n! I.It,'r it, J. Maier's to the railroad d and a boat g - l'nde i tdtr aeltil t d-t a'.,, 6611 Booth. Re is a staunch Republican withehildroll t.,lasca•tpu�l IaU�.:tlta>In, had to be used. With graxadrhlldr+,n Xtra tla,rlr kid"”, - - and served for nine years as Commis- G.W. Phillips to Christopher Le ch sione?r of Highways of the town, anal They'll Itt'd [oN," ,asrei happy to_y_•Ll , rn lfxa old Lot ',I barna=rn alit,v, 12 acres south side Pine Neck road, ad- one term as Overseer of the Poor, A And thnnict.oa tt,n lit, rerin,a,4. j,acent land of C. Leicht,Southold 1`5[1 lutl iris geld I.nc+'am Irrr tt'ary. few years since, when Southold Town Michael Steltzer, Sr., and wife t `. voted to have a Board of Trustees, he Tht'n ring out—vo belt<,I iii. itm Hing o'er tin,bekL tifu! hny, Christiana Hipp, lot west side Boisseau 1?§,r.lonatl,aIli B.and ,Min-11111 tl, Wells was chosen as one of the number and Av., adjacent land of Oscar L. Their goldon'rt"a'alrling LI R4}'. still holds that position. He is also Southold $6.00 we - Five Years A o We have been having a coal famine Flom the further details at hand re- ,i at Southold and the Southold Union yarding Hattituck's new hail and J. H. Cochran, Jr., returned from Sehool was unable to reopen Tuesday, library building it is shown that we are the West. but five tons were obtained from reen- to have one of the best, if not the best, Geo, C. Terry rented Mrs. Nancy port and school opened again Wednes- public amusement places on Long Island, 'Vail's house on Town Harbor Lane, day. That day the long looked for car It is through the great generosity of H. H. Lewis rented a part of the load of pea coal was received by G o. Frank M. Lupton,a Mattituck boy who Cochran house. C. Terry for the school. �" gained success in the publishing bus- Temperance Sunday was observed in Went - Five Years go iness,and who now spends his summers. the M. E. church. Remarks were ` x%+r 7 / �� in a beautiful bane here, that this place is to be permitted to have a beautiful made by B. T. Payne, H. W. Prince, J. R. Tillinghast took rooms in the hall and library. The N$ws wentioned S. B. Corey and Rev. T. C. Beach. olcl case house until his new house was some weeks ago that land had been Annie Howell read a selection, and completed, bought on the northwest corner of the Marcia Prince gave a recitation. Steamer W, W. Coit made her first Mattituck House lot. since then it-is The book, William Wells of Southold trip of the season on Monday night, learned lbu,rough plans have been pre- .i his Descendants, was issued from Dr. Payne, of Albany, proposed to 1 pared for the building, A two story the press. compile the history of the Payne P y building 4v x 100 feet, of handsome de- s Ttl>;T1tAv�L>;R began the pubIieation family. g panned for. The ball, of The Salmon Record. T, li, Cochran Sr. irl going to the sign and finish is g g 45 g 60 feet in the clear, will be in the An old-fashioned snow storm began house of Mrs. Albertson, Arshamom- second story, There will be plenty of on Thursday and at night the snow oque, found the house had been broken stage room and dressing rooms and a drifted badly, so that the trains were into, gallery. The ground floor will have in blocked until Monday afternoon, The Mr, and Mrs. Orrin Wiggins, of plow and engines were thrown from Oregon, celebrated their olden wed- the front end a trustees'room, waiting g roam, reading room and library, and a the track three times. At one time a ding, good siae;i room suitable fur store pur- F telegraph pole was cut off by the nose Green ort, Feb. a the Presb. of the low. Monday seven locomotives p poses will also be on the ground floor. p y parsonage, by Rev. Wm. C. McKnight, Stearn,gas,and thoroughly modern and. were standing on the track by the Ray F. Thornhill, of Greenport, and up-to-date improvements throughout i station. Miss Flora G. Morrell, of Peconic. aro also provided for in the building, It T Southold Fire District Southold, Feb, 28, Victor Cybolski, is expected that work will commence aged 55 years. just as soon as weather permits. The A meeting of the tax-payers of the Southold, Feb. 29, W'slliam. Turner, J Southold Fire District was held, pur- aged t years. cost will be at least$10.000, ani some of suant to call, at the room of Protec- our residents believe that the outlay tion, Engine Company, on Saturday Samuel Tuthill is putting up a tin, will bp not far from $20,000, But Mat- tituck people do not figure the worth of evening, to consider the feasibility ofshop on land]eased of P. May, in the Mr. Lupton's generoAty in dollars and securing additional fire apparatus. The western part of the villa e. cents alone—rather they estimate his meeting was called to order by Chief W. T. Voorhees is clerkin for F. T. generosity through food spirts that prompted it and the good that such a' J. Edward Corey, who stated the ob- Wells. ;gift will do for thriving and rapidly ject of the meeting. Fire Commission- - growing community like Mattituok. er Nathan Davis was made chairman, H. W. Prince has purchased of Mrs. — FIRST TO JAPAN. and Samuel L. Bennett, secretary. It Wm. H. Wells a lot 100xlg5, east side of Maple Ave. adjoining O, V, 7,nr,ithese days of war and rumors of was the unanimous opinion of all prey- � war,�anythng of interest about Rus- ent that additional fire apparatus was Penney's• sia:,and Japan is eagerly taken up. The-Sag harbor people,saps the Times greatly needed in the village, and it The coal famine is ended. During correspondent, are especially interest. was thought by many that a chemical the bast week Geo. C. Terry has re- ed from the fact that one of her whal• engine would be the best suited to Ceit ed two cars, C. H. Hommel one; Ing ships was the first American ves- present needs. A committee,composed and Goldsmith & Tuthill one. -vim eels to enter the harbor of Jeddo sixty of Samuel L. Bennett and Oliver V. ` years,ago, tinder command of Capt. ram the books of (}eneral Manager Mucator Cooper. Printed history and Penney, was appointed to ascertain the Fanning of the Long Island Cauliflower the annals of the village, in a sketch price of a chemical engine, and to find Association are taken the following S of the hardy mariner,. says; 1,Fie out if such an engine did practical ser- g g was a;sea Captain in the whaling en- g p uses relative to barrel shit ments from terpr�ise, and when in command of the vice in villages where now in use..`A s/" nine depots during 1903: Southold, 15,- t 5,- Manhattan, of Sag Harbor, having Mrs. Augusta Carpenter left Wednes 619 bbls ; Peeonio, 11,011 obis ; Cut- rescued taventy-two shipwrecked Japa- day morning for St, John's Hospital, chogae, 7,594 bole.; Mattituck, 10.0$4; nese fxOm starvation and death, re- Brooklyn, where an operation will be bble.; Laurel, 9,534 bbls.; Jamesport, aired with his ship boldly to the 8,886 bbis.; A uebw ue, 12,4•,9 bbls.• bort of.Jeddo to deliver there those performed on her for cancer. 4.,r � � g � he bad tsaved. This was the first visit -- Riverhead, 36,5;38 bbls ; Calvertou, 1 ,- of an Amorican vassal to the harbor William T. Graham, formerly of 678 bb1s. Southold, is now in Manchuria in the Tho average price per bbl. has been of that city, and occurred in the year interests of a large brick-making ma- $1 26. Tbese figures by no means cover vara 184,5. T€he act made a great and fa- g g the entire production,air large that po impression on the minds of chine manufacturingconcern, with p , 1 s.by itis- that Wore sent through other agents, by es- peo�la.eud doubtless made a tie- which he is connected, press,or in ways not reported to the as Rotation of 'a treaty of ccmmerce sociation , and a considerable quantity with the !united States by Commo- dore delivered to pickle houses, Perry more easy of accomplish- ment in hia znbsegaent visit," leg e stork {roes na ap neper Decision or oponl*67 Twenty Flve ars was hot perinatted to make a landing Y' ,e lu s proceeding Drought before Lim or even to tint vory far within the lar- 'aYvi.tfy - 'y� Y'� bor, before,his .ship was surrounded Tuesday in an order to show cause wby r with a hondo.of traps in their boats ri decree should out be made directing Mrs. O'Leary, a resident of this and prevented from fnrther ingress, payment of a note for $500, burrogate village, died in New York. whale negotiations for the release of B"Iford woo asked to decide whether a Thomas G. Scholl was clerking for the shipwreelked.Qape were carried on Lord &Taylor, New York. reaanG finding of Judge Petty was an York.within hailing distance. although -various gifts were bestowed in recog- opinion or it Aart decision, party of over thirty, mostly pupils mitinn of the services rendered tite `!'Itis pretty tine q;ueldlon cross in tie from Arshamamoque, spent an enjoy. crew of the mAortin ate junk, and the ,-trtM of the late$srnubaa H. Boorh ,t able evening at the residence of 0. F. Americans were warned not to return. y r li old. SrehmesinosJud a I'ttt Payne- ,of the sea in connection with the Sag haci car, account presented to him #n this The ladies of the M. E. church Harbor whalers, where shipwrecked estate. announced that they would give a town .crows were cast on rhe shores of Ja Allan P, Squires(if Good Grourd t,l. meeting dinner in the basement of the Pau and inhumanly treated by the na• [eged that the estate owed l#m $5UU on church. ties. _ . a note signed t y Barnubas H Booth,Jr,, William Voiney Horton, of tiouthold, FORTY ]1:,1 RS MAR12lF;D' and er,doised by lisrnalaas D. Bomb, tar, and Mrs. Sarah Ann Fkher, of Green- This iter" in the account was contested. port, were married. 1'u,h r thi,t iii, t]ie ltauulayu'1'h le" Judge Petty decided that the note was 1101mes W. `Sweaey,of Port Jefferson, in it,tiuf uaalnr uu;,u., th"fullow4ng v,lid was appointed Keeper of the County eoue•a rniu�; a�na �,rtnl histol., r. 'Tile latter, however, has never been ,tit+l ,11tH Us,.u, NilLelc, testees rest- paid and. in fact, the aeaount has never !Punas. been properly di.qused of, for the At Riverhead the following persons (leaits of Gri'vr,l,or1: attorneys onneithwr side have presented were, lined by Judge Hedges for the I'econic, Fel), u. Wednesday,Feb- the necessary dacrer to the Surrogate illegal sale of spth ituntrs liquors: Jahn 11 rnury 17,marked tho fortieth wedding far him to sign. �Yaek 0�; pirituol Claudia, int nttiveraary of Mr. clod Mrs. licca, Counselor htackpole, who repreEents , $3 $ Dir. Ktiuirus, instituted a pronerding toCharles Wright, $25; John 'Burns, $25; Silleck, of this village. Mr. Silleck "bow esus+, why this Li,eree should not John McCabe, $25; G. H. Corwin r$ is it retired coal ruerehunt of New he made in aeourda,„e with Judge Co $25; all of Gort. York City, having owned a yard for Petty's findings,' whiul, would iieueps. reen P itate paying the so:s, louring the The Republican Town Prininr„v was teeny years tit the corner of Second course of the argument the attorney held in Temperance Hall, with S. T. avenue and Fifty-"ixth atreet. He repreaenttng the esaye contended that Terry in the chair and Dr. 11. P. Terry also dealt extensively ,n,real estateJudge Patty';+ fludinge w.re not a de- , oiston, Itut merely a” opnL#on, recording. The following nominations and on selling out his bueinss was the Without going into ti,a aw tits of Judge were made: Supervisor, Jonathan B. possessor of a handsome fortune. Lie P,tWe fiuding.Judge Beit„ d later In Terry; Town Clerk, Henry W. Prince; now 6w'138 and oca:upies a handsome the • eek tt.,id Mr. Saachpole to prepare a Justice of Peace, John F. Horton; residence fu this village and conducts deeree under Judge Petcy's ti adinp{a and Ili" xouid sign tt, the sam{a sa Judge Assessors, John S. Howell and Moses a farm cin at moderntt° settle. Petty would have done bad tite devrr�e J. Terry, Overseers of Poor, ,Jonathan Nil'. Silleri, was horn in Now York Kenn presented to him before tits term Preston and William Ff, Pike; Cara- City, Sept rnilwr 1n, Ix40, and Is the e2pired, Thus Counaolor81,io<pole vir; missioner of Highways, LewisR.Case; Conn- son of Hen r) c;. a�u�1 Yaasan Silleck, tumily wine in this out rt, bon M )et r. l brdham's alone question is It i i. to the Collector, Sidney P, Tuthill Garde natives of I'eek,.tkill, N. Y. He higher coot for find deter Kit wation, Constable, Foster R. Fanning; Con acquired It good edtiontion in the should an appeal be taken. /✓!aW', / stables, James H. Dewey, John P. sohools of New York and tlen entered Twenty- Dive Vears Clark, Philip H. Cantermen, Henry C, a perivate wuhool at Yonkers. When /`2 It.�', ! f / �� � Horton, James H. Wines; Inspectors twenty years of age he entered his J. E. Corey raised the frame for J. of Election, Chas. E. Glover, Orville father's etuialoy as a clerk in the coal R. Tillinghast's new house. H. Terry, Ebenezer Clark, Henry W. business, and remained with Join, un- A no-license primawas called to Halsey, B. T. Payne, Chas. E,Overton, til he went into the stone primary bnslness for msec at Temperance ry Seth W. Tuthill, John M. Lupton. No himself. After he and ,naitu a coin nomination was marls for Excise Com- ments C fortable fortune he retired and aur•• James Allen was making arrange i. 1 missioner. The following Town Com- clased the piroperty tit ill's village, menta Por removing from Brooklyn to his residenmittee was chosen : Marcus W. Terry, ce here. which lie new ocenples' Thomas 11. Wood was making James Dewey, L. F. Terry. Isaac Cor- ()It 1'ebruary ["l, I861Bir. sith-ck alterations in his residence by way of win, R, T. Goldsmith,Sam']Dickerson, wits wal.rrled to ill ins Adnl#n,� A Pear- adding a story to its height, attaching Seth W. Tuthill, Geo. 0. Hallock. OR]],daughter tit Jolua Fran ldl, who awing to the oast side, etc. was born in NvNa hark city. trF tint Southampton, Mar, t;, Mary Kath An application was made by B. T. Stine, wife of J. Ambrose t,ulat�olit.it,- eloven children Itt11-a to RIs. "nd Mrs. Payne to open a highway from the formerly of Southold whams interment Silleck, fear smvive, nautely: 41""*, took place, aged 81 year.,;. jr., Mary, f}onl,l J. anti Jose1 ve.,hiNorth Road opposite Lighthouse. Ave, to the Sound at the LightthousSoutholl, Mar. f tit t te, I,. Dr, Arthur H. Terry, of Patchogue, A petition far'the erection of guide personage, by Rev. A. S. Hagarty, Y. g , rederick A. Thomas and Miss Nellie has purchased an automobile, posts at the foot of Mill Hill received L. Howard. E. D. Cahoon is to build a barn this the signatures'of many people, Brooklyn, Feb. 16, at 519 Thr•oopt spring on his premises on Sound View Ave., by Rev. Robert If. Carson, Otof Ave. Gates and Miriam Palmer, daug}tter of Henry C, Foster, both of Brooklyn. -0 F ` -A James M. Magee, of Long Island Shelter Island, Sout am on, Brook- City, .• ive T�Nfii City, has been appointed Chief Train 4-A X-7 1�1 !haven, Smithtown, Babylon and Hunt- J Dispatcher of the Long Island Rail- Melville B. Eggleston,of Middletown, ington elected Democratic Supervisors. road. N. Y., and Miss Annie H. Sandford, The Republicans carried East Hampton, Charles L. Davids to Horace C. -ng formerly of Southold, were married at Riverhead and Islip. Southold, Brook- 1 5 acres woodland, adjacent land of A. Middletown. haven, Riverhead and Shelter Island Mrs. Hannah Overton, died, aged 85 elected no-license Excise Commis on T. Goldsmith, lying between Cutchogue si rs. C y and Peconic nom ears. The other towns voted for license. The ladies of the M. E. church Walter Whitman and wife to John — I Bracher, lot south side Main South cleared $65 from their Town Meeting Elijah J. Hutchinson to Harrie Road, adjacent lend C. G. Corey, 31 dinner and festival. Hutchinson, during her natural life and Sch. Cycle brought to W. H. H. to Nettie D. Rogers in fee, lot east acres, Peconic norn lGlover's fish factory 35,000 feet of side highway leading to South Harbor, Twenty- Five Mears go lumber for a new platform. adjacent land of J. W. Hutchinson,near A ^"2- & ' ) j-2 �7 J. H. Case opened a select school or South Harbor, Southold namThe Town Auditors decided to hold kindergarten. Jennie R. Wells to Henry W. Prince, the Town Meeting in the M. E. church. J. E. Phelps, the well-known feiti- lot east side Maple Av., adjacent land Samuel L. Bennett entered upon his'lizer dealer,was canvassing this locality. of 0. V. Penney, Southold $500 duties as teacher in a district near On Sunday Rev. T. C, Beach con- Jennie R.Wells to Richard S.Sturges, Riverhead. eluded his third year as pastor of the lot east side Maple Av., adjacent land Ezra L. Goldsmith was nominated as M. E. church and according to the law of Sarah A. Fithian, Southold $450 a no-Iieense candidate for Excise Com- of his denomination his services, which George H. rleet and — e o 1 1 missioner, had been so acceptable, closed here. H. Holden, lot north side Peconic Bay, The total receipts of the Southold In the storm of Monday night seb. adjacent land of G. H. Fleet and the Town Agricultural Society for 1878 Kate McLain went ashore in the Sound highway, Cutchogue $800 were$1158.66, and the total disburse- off Arshamomoque and was a total ments were $475.66. Many of the wreck. The crew reached the sbore, Twenty-Five Year A exhibitors donated their premiums. though they suffered much from A-4 X 'y-- �10 At the Democratic Town Primary, exposure. The following were elected officers of William Betts was called to the chair, Tovm Meeting day opened quite Southold Division, S. of T.: W. P., and Hon. Francis Brill and A. Irwin "auspiciously. Snow had fallen the Win. H. Glover; W. A., J. Louise Booth were elected secretaries. The afternoon and night previousto an Buckley; R. S., J. N. Hallock; A. R. following Dominations were made average depth of six inches. The wind S., Hattie Terry; F. S., Edward Prince; had blown e Supervisor, Hon. Henry A. Reeves own furiously and in some places Tress., P. H. Cantermen; Chap., Chas. Town Clerk, Albertson Case; Justice the snow was piled as high as at an Weeks; Con., Robert Overton; A. R. of the Peace, Irad W. Gildersleeve; time during the winter. The eastwa S., Kittie Munch; 1. S., Gilbert Wells; Commissioner of Highways, William bound evening train of Monday did no 0. S., Walter Carpenter. H. Wilbur; Assessors, Edwin P. Brown, reach here until the middle of Tuesday-. The jury on the proposed road op Selden B. Case and William H. Case; There were 1250 votes cast, 150 les ing to Horton's Point unanimously Overseers of Poor, S. Wells Phillips than the year before. J. W. Case, S. attested to the necessity of such road. and James M. Worth; Collector, An- T. Terry and Rev. Dr. Whitaker wer John Kopman of Southold challenged drew Cassidy; Game Constable, Ben_ appointed a committee to confer Wit Charles Black of Greenport to engage jamin W. Case; Constables, Samuel K. the officials of the towns of Riverhead in a walking contest. Terry, Henry N. Young, Josiah Smith and Shelter Island in regard to havin The following were elected officers of Theodore W.Horton,Thomas H.Reeve�. the records of the town printed. Voted the Youth's Temperance Society of the Inspectors of Election, Christopher B that$1300 be appropriated for current Presbyter i ian church: Pres., 0. F. Young, Edwin P. Tuthill, William H expenses and $1200 for Overseers of Payne; Vice Pres., Howard W. Hal- Wells, Edwin S. Havens, William A. Poor. Hon. Henry A. Reeves defeated lock; Sec., William Elmer; Treas,, Cochran, Stephen 0. Salmon, Lester J. B. Terry for Supervisor by a Frank C. Booth. Arthur H. Terry Gildersleeve, Samuel M. Hallock; Com- majority of X Henry W. Prince's ma- was appointed speaker for the next missioner of Excise, Joshua W. Terry, jority over Albertson Case for Town meeting. Southold, March 16, ose, wi ow of Clerk was 3. Lewis R. Case defeated Rev. B. K. Douglass delivered a R William Turner, who died on Feb. 29, William H. Wilbur for Commissioner temperance lecture in the M. E. church. aged 64 years. of Highways by 130 majority, and J. Edward Davis and Miss Theressa H. H. Tuthill, of New Suffolk, with Sidney P. Tuthill's majority over An- A. Dunkel were married. his pile driver, is at work finishing the drew Cassidy for Collector was 137. Miss Mary Wells, formerly of South- bridge across Jockey Creek from Oak One Republican Constable, John C. old, died at Bridgeharopton, aged 90 Lawn Ave. to Pine Neck. This will be Clark, of Greenport, was elected. The years. a great accommodation to the people balance of the Democratic ticket wasMr. and Mrs. Nathan Sayre of South- living on Pine Neck and will tend to elected. The Democratic majority on ampton spent Sunday at their grand- develop that section. e-y-oAy,2., Inspectors of Election was 17. Ezra mother's, Mrs. Lucinda Smith's. Mr. L. Goldsmith, the temperance candi- Sayre has purchased the Wm. H. Cor- Southold, March 20, Mrs. Harriet date for Excise Commissioner, was win place on the corner and will move C I Hutchinson, aged 71 years. elected by 30 majority. Southold, ere with his familv next month. The attention of our ruxdors is Balled About 1$o'clock Twisdo r rt ,s^ Twenty - Five ve von ra Age the sortloo male adv, of the Harrsib" oound of the fire twits g ave warnb'i• / 1100th llontt"stea'l on Saturday, pita[a N late was rm flea, Which pfoi April 23, at t p. In. This is tete of the to be the+ Byers, house on Holosat', H. T. Payne sold his faun to wort, H. Ghent residential corners in Southold Ave„ oacupted by Mea lianaah Wily, man, of Brooklyn, and would snake a magnificent place and owned by in, 0, Tuthill. Tr,, Cov, John P#1'klugtun, of Astoria, fee a summer visitor or psrmumient Thompson, was go4ng by the house, ',tun al,pointad pastor of the M. L ft"illent, whist be noticed that It Was li& or' flrv" church. Rev. T. a Beach went to ![�na Bursting_ in rho docs, he foams+l Moa , 1 North list acre farm rlsarey, of Hay Vie=w, will be said W to but o�ht clothes 1 yid ion piss Jadals Smith lsufit an addition, bx241 rt f-ructanur r "to on Friday, April 2%' floor unconscious and nearly suf ecatat) ft., On the went side of D. Tarry$ at i i,. m., in front of the ltouthcW by the amo io. She waw alta burned buikh'ag ocruldad by S. Eldredge to a somewhat around the face and hands. wagon shop. Rotel, The farm has alx'ut was mala of ' shoes front on I''ecooic Hay, litm, N. Flo raocuod her from herr peril and sbsP The C:amralse ksiWen of illHe Jen rotty is the attorney, and T, M. Wes Won to H. .H. Tuthill'e NalgM'drrltial to 111Y out the nand to lienee': [l, 1 bows eavent a little eat lion furniture.r Point tad assessor!damagta at$I%. {trilling 'bt the Worse. bows Eidrintite. formers or South. Tha Fire Departmentrtrsp,tntlatl, tsutI EuKarn y GowflouWwld. April 6. Jane. widow of the house, %hieb was a small 000. wao�OK and Miss Emma lister, of `loci ltou sd roamnearly cwsaushod brforo It arrived.1 Harbor. were married. ` Opttt Sob � a Ala wider of The Aro started in the bodroorn, and It ; �Y �hotmtrorger, srfvw�"'f yoltrx, Mirlsaa9 Lucy aiw caste to ' " n Now Xark, AprU 4. , la sowssed was caused by the lamp Mary wkioto of sa The bootee was btatsrrrl fur Fart". 6 suns on Now1h item,#, gdie- tI hog's[[, of awthe' That wthter 1* lingovisg Pana t yeare. InOrrm,rnt rot � Win, It. Terry. Much rent t lap of sprit' 10 fully a trot to ,titer , sympathy Ia aapu9 wow for Mrs, Waril. Ismas tstsud' Is ap 0. K.ttlai i a bit Auguste arysonter, who tau Titin is the socaod "a that abs baa ,.� '" quality pew" tai6itd In tpku7 busts treated at Ili. John's limps the ass to this vialsYty.sad tin Tb IF p wort her home by Rev, her own home mutt we war. traced to a sp�eew BrottitlWn, for cancer, returned tame na twnaumod a Litt#s Over two yearn ' = i1,at would 1,.vxdtsuw Ycsad i AYtvinoedsy evestrsg. s; �j y with nearly all of its"mitsats.Mst AprU tO Jaaaary wsatbw. . ,t.;, / �. of 1'wt tw� 41 116-- T,cel+" i,,,o costI rtwd., affidavit before Notary tsuLh, ry, bisrlltta�,,oalobralaeJ Corhrao that No had caught 211 upon �Kbt,yy fnurth trirttrdr►r ttouiv*r rirat Morgan, r sl,tculator, Wants, and a Pols caught 14. V an tlatOrday Isal„ �' a Inryn WOUM Jowail lues ,ober of bis trlenth uses with blas Itichard Carter. owner of the 6iva- gartr to Na.rtfanl. [bat eiay to orlebrats the #WOOL bright, W Sandlarats. CL. whore Inc has srrurrti a p�sltd«r r„pg the uutatsrr present Were s1's Nat Taylor, captain of the litsahright, frith. the Inxurance company with whir), „are rrrkrg+eoaflapa, and the total I.txr Ttfom'rttYn. ,h1a laMrthrr Spencer is cunrarrtr+l. -'s of I +.f the toowpauy auWmtwl 1 up to tear years, anaveralproflll years Toddy Morgan, a runaway, Chris. FF 1'1, w. liinwaa W building a They rete CJOaatant Ta"y, N7 lir, [:rattan. for John McCabe on lfaWood",rton's Irether Wd", iwwls M,. C use. "r Wolf, a ntuwawsy, V. F. Buckley, lreeonla,iN.a Ralltytoorey,of South. C=rumbs. the xtoward, Frank Hagen. Mr.. A. T. Mckresrm as raturrs old, 78l Cl. Wall Tuthill, of Now Grace Moreno. Alvah'o daughter, ic M Matfalfl , Aline Irene Diller.or' the New Canaan Sanitarium. .76'7 ylrs. Josiah Albertson, Polly Tay4or, the captain's tot, Miss icily restored to health. /i/►r, t- 711,Jtadab Albertson, III, Austla It Ia AsrabNigtstau"itn 1t ,�t7 0?+„es,.+ Tuthill,W. Mrs. Austin A11. Tuthill, Twin Curl. .aer.4nsr widow of �n""n'so t'at•es+le` 77:.soba A', Smith,61, auA Oliver H,' Artdtsllet Caraway, Aivah's Aster, eathor tit charas. Miinrwei. 't`rst,lua« ori. C" ,It der this otrmbar there M�Kate Furey. ,r,twwi«k LAOIeIA, and Of alrw• ,[[arbiter, Phillis, Cram`■ staid, .lfixa Dais 11uua,rtand sttr"i bW4 t:a,at ss. 106:04x�, aeon ollibt present betweau 60 and to y wars,t moatms. bona[[cru l"o."las Apoll yew of�four bol wwrh au and W Carroll. : to ret.ASE,rrwta on+lOwY, tltwe of "- ._ yo*M aad,a proat tuany under 6 At the ar,aonl aneet,ng of the tax- Iiltnthold A first f, t t , am yearsof pyo. ttllncte Coo" Is "I". payer" of the „oth"1,1 Pira District Mr. anti lr�M Win. if Cktver. [Belt good Watch. tnrttl physically tad Oft twturtlay aveoina, Aprit 16, it was IT YM, B m,ar. rt P y y tales! to howl the district in the aunt Wet }fampttm. A 1 7t Mary �. nratstati . .Hrooklyn Tissue of IFaxs for tier,"tastes a now Begins w1fs ry! 4hari N. CJvertun. andthealmost human dot wko 'ao"I he�+ra, flap of it's a�mouut to be Itie tar of Nelaua $ htep, of dsil;hts to riding about ta"ag island oa land tearty. A eo•umittoe. consisting fitly, lm. 7<I tatsrmnnt of J Edward Corey. H.Howard Rout- llrttn Ikis. A sr l i1. Harm,. wife of nn n.da a q,as ghL the tgaino, lootiod in cart as. [inose and Lola W. Korn, was ap- fdolttbo 'A � T Monday of ht.. lie arc Is'ie'terl to Investigate as to what ap- uai orr , ed , 4011 *41. t art"rr, paratua was boat suitor[ to the 11"s lhineral eervires 1 +rbo wate.hsr ttre eo t tbs district, scarf to report ata a w• t f4 Van Horan alt. Rhos alt tfae iawl 1 lyoatlsy eventng, Internment at Ctrpern a Va st nfght, for tAa dolt stayed' alt +bol trpeetio at the district. to ars colt We•Ine"ulay nftcrnom. eight cath tlr. Ctrtor, ata break{gas 'nil by the Depart- 167711010 Chief OI tl►a IrirO l t b blas 4be alai sin to and the Mot. A. tLldretlt;o a ltrt,ufrUxl of HrWiraiwrt, tit.., April 8, ltnna+orn lI. 'task the 14 oYeloek [rata to tlrreaport, It. A. M P (Isok, ager!,'Z yearn- Us ie pwn'"I by a 1"skwtan,e at (tam Y10, on "1lcrsltir , e u crettind, ora brlr'g ' 'y"od. (salt pawn Ava. in which he will Twenty- Five Years Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago J. Wells Hutchinson and wife to ar- l� r ),-` `' 4'-l" 'Z" -�—, f19 ie M. Hutchinson (daughter) 2J acres, J. B. Sweezey traded his farm at Franklin N. Terry died, aged 62 east side South Harbor highway, adja- this place with J. G. Case, of Peconic, years. cent land of Elijah Hutchinson; also for a farm at Hauppauge, L. I. Steamer W. .W. Coit made three lot south side Cooper's meadow, adja- Ira B. Tuthill, of New Suffolk, pur- trips a week to the city. cent land of Wm. L. Glover, 15 acres: chased some of the effects of the Tuthill&Richmond caught 106 bunk- also beach, upland and salt meadow, Graham brick yard at Arshamomogue ers in their pound one morning—the adjacent land of Elijah Hutchinson and and removed them to his brick yard at first of the season. Peconic Bay, 15 acres (life reservation) ri Robbins' Island. The Peithologian Rebating Society Southold om J. H. Cochran painted a life-size 'of Southold Academy elected the fol- Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Marshall and E. portrait of the late Dr. Wm. H. Van lowing officers: Fres., Helen M. Hunt- D. Cahoon and family, of Brooklyn, Mater. ting; Vice Pres., Frank T.Wells; Sec., have arrived at their summer cottages We had a late spring. The past Hattie M. Terry; Treas., Howard W. at the Sound for the season. �i t winter was very severe. Hallock. rna bas. H. Booth homestead W. Chatfield Buckingham,of Peconic, The Presbyterian Sunday School was bid The Ba J. J. Bartlett for homestead purchased the lot just east of the elected the following officers : Supt. for the executors, at the auction sale residence of H. Jennings. and See., Stuart T. Terry; 1st Asst. last Sat_ day. The executors of the Albert Albert- Supt., Henry Huntting; 2d Asst.Supt., son estate sold the farm at Arshamom- Miss Nannie W. Horton; Supt. of In- Burton orwtn as again e oque, known as the Booth place, to fant Dept„ Miss Angie M. Horton; from the Riverhead Savings Bank, Mrs. Pell, of Berea, (thio, for$3204, Treas., Miss Minnie L. Hommel; Li- and will act as a general agent for the B. T. Payne rented a part of Col. J, brarian, O. F. Payne; Assistants, Gil- Equitable Life Assurance Society, mak- ing Eugene L. his home in Riverhead, Mr. Cor- Wickham's house, cor. Main St. and g win, who is a thorough busyness man, Railroad Ave, Boss Josiah Smith contracted to tear believes that this business will give him John Wolf received a pension of $4 a down the residence of Miss E. J. Jen- more out door employment, and that month, with$700 back pay, Mr. Wolf Wings and Mrs. F. Barbour and to his health will be improved thereby, He completes his employment with th was twice wounded in defense of his build on the site a new house. bank to-day, Herbert H. Howell, son country. Boss Albert Overton contracted to of School Commissioner Howell, will It did not'-feel much like planting build another building on the Town take Mr. Corwin's place at the bank" fair rounds far 44 Mr, Howell is one of Riverhead's hright ar potatoes Wednesday morning, with the g $ 3. young men, and he will be a valuable thermometer registering 25. 24 James A. Thomas and family, of] assistant to the bank's clerical force. Brooklyn, arrived to take possession of I Owing to ill health Wm. A. Williams James M. MageV, of Aquebogue has is tfta•etire from business, and begin- their new hams. __, sold to J. Victor Wilson of Brooklyn of ning April 25 he will sell his entire J. Albert Tillinghast, a well-known the firm of Wilson Bros", a tract of stook of goods at cost and a great many resident of,Southold, died at his horns land,with a fine frontage on Peconic below cost, for cash only, on Thursday, April 21, after an illness Bay. The property is known as the of several weeks, aged 70 gears. The George Terry farm. It comprises 45 J. Brown, of Brooklyn, the well- funeral services was hely on Sundav known builder, is building a fine afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late acres, running from the main highway residence. The Rev. Albert S. Hag- to the bay. The frontage on the bay residence on South Harbor Lane. arty, pastor of the Methodist Church, is in a beautiful section, with a com- Work on Dr. Sturmdorf's house is officiated. Mr. Tillinghast leaves a manding bluff, and deep water in front The masons aro progressing finely. widow and three children, who are Mrs. Addie Glover and Mrs. Edward Mr. Wilson paid$6,000 for the purchase, now plastering, and Boss Corey and P. Baker, both of Southold, and Al. He-intends to build a $10,000 summer men are building the barn. When bert L. Tillinghast, who is at Los cottage upon the land at once. The completed, Dr. Sturmdorf will have Angeles, Cal, He is also snrvived by house will have a frontage of 125 feet, one of the prettiest places on Eastern two brothers, namely John R. Tilling- hast and George J. Tilling;hast, both Long Island, of Southold. C. Williams, lot at South Harbor, ad- Jonathan B. Terry and wife to Mariejacent land Lewis R. Case; also lot At the foreclosure sale of the Walter[adjacent th side Peconic Ba W. Howell,. lot south side main high- Hennerbury place at Bay View last y. adjacent land way, adjacent land of J. B. Terry, bert R. Daley, Southold nom Friday, the property was purchased by Southold nom : artlett for Samuel Eichner ofrederick C. Williams and wife to T. Oscar Worth and wife to Franklin the House and Home Co., New York. v's R. Case, lot at South Harbor, W. Richmond, lot north side Indian The price received for the North Par- Land of F. C. Williams; also Neck road, adjacent Peconic Bay at ish property was $2,054, and for theon Peconic Bay,.adjacent land of F. Indian Neck, near Peconic nom home place, $1,950, T. M. Grilling wasWilliams, Southold nom Woolworth, "the clock charmer," referee, and Judge N. D. Pettyplain- nie rattan and wire was in town this week, greatly to the tiff's attorney. r G, 2— rick Kelly and ano., lot on old road, ad- joy of his friends. jacent land of James and Wm. Wick- Geo. es• W. Prince is to lightham 10 acres, Southold nom H. Wells will plant 50 acres o with acetylene his star potatoes this spring. y gas. Sam't L. Tuthill installed the plant. .......... N & pk og., x a Q X!�y SW-1RH �/.tya_. -A g� VIV 0 I>Ivl) X. ,, ," ..": 'W?!11'1� : . , -S::: -,!Y i:4.(NIA T K r b, 'S1 a..4 at!I u X :y ............ q I$:;x,0 gay F s r & 1. 0. .,I!p Z, _?Y;:1v%.�*-_-.;�- o W V.0 D, x ) A V,Tv 0 SIC' > X. m 5 'd­Mb'iN1vpEr(,v.,1 Of y V-S ju - qft� Viol,r q!-%".�.i-,� 6 pi-ot :-.y f by W uk ge Y tl -P P_P all a c X0 -141 i! M q 2 10Z 'All i 'if"A n g, I '10 '(110 Bu,M- 1 o] 3.1.IV. -v Nih c W I i e r.(s:%. 1:�'. 'Y -tjj 'H:!.: ONX R M. W, .fm�,_ 16 t "Wi. Z t h4m.", f 6 Mt v..T%T 1.1 s 4 di"' bb t.r-.%iht dil, "0 t t W C.-Irt$1,0 S 0 1 c Rd 0"i -51�_b Wh; i�.d �j A I. 1, 91'. r:%4lul It NV 0 U.Q -RUI Oil' ... . -T.�tu W�.� VIP.,VU.. v ....... M t A, c 1; ......it""" "d e, b."I R VJ!"ill .2" f Ljj 4!.­,�ij< W. I cl .0 -4 -p, ........... _MW P v" -f i f VAIMUII W� I',F'iTe; :i%l bi I k-le I ..... old 1 jq g �f Pei! c .'Afl 011 W11 EJ� W A k v a. K f r f �­j�vci_ f >- iqup- A-111.�� �b "L "d.0t et W i V.I W ot '%'T��%, -6 V 'T-A I -, . 4 S y el lot, a J; iW Wj P V. J f 7"p.�. .0. x ...... 1)P i fibk'tiiN& 1),-N -Y u Rb ................. 11 1 t P) R Mv...18 "f?"n%5,, U r:i W 1:V.-D V v U:%"!;-�f.,.:.,.:� i,,-,-in 1.1.).a U p :;,�ffi t W.."'i I U "'Oh ......-4 F A '16 (jr v,, a 0 r _p. .;1.q`A.V.mxo . .,'!,,.,,,-.., -I, _ze x %TAU U., p6t%pg-%Q( I N R M. I-V.../_P�1' A W U va All, "K MA 4'' v ...... f R:; W.. r f Mit 2, -(YOU,. b. d :1 uy :;!,,,anc Jb, liv'erp qW, D"; V Ra u g, U S LA R�J,I ........... .......... ? ;g%? (10 $U A f1'e1.1'_'1.,j-%1105 gal. I le- o b.. .5,. 07 Uk ;�f W ff ftg .d­ Rid., z. 6 t ty .Ina h me'.0 Y, g. "th 'Y' 1":11(, --i fi v r 'LU S-%Y,`.q1;-11. b 4.1 t FUAW I ..q',i'L 9D J.6 W k ? ....../'.�x a V.-I 0 tfj 'ell W, 's, ;JA p.. Uct r .1. ::;. �_%Ve��. "R. It W."?,V P 6 kb W. 0 ti y !A to -Z.0 M, 0 J'A x 4f Bft N 1, A: M!7 0-, , %YV 1.i I.6'rf i V ft' va Rol Wpe D:k ZOWW. M� 4 ig 0--W.71's�I V W: M, j U A g, Z, Z' T 2� 3,ps;,� 0 MAN, Ift 31 J­�-_.V,-�;­ s 80'C-i'1 'A"�,.: ., .,'? < -N. J ft;1; %�A�r' V 8 o M" LQU P, Mi g p %-V If. '00 Z u V C 'tj'j _71-77­1*1"1_17�p it, d 1�i�,b)%,,%, ,?,., M, 11 Y�,T... P 1�ftdef$M'C*a.. Z.. ? .41 4, TUSP -.ree I.pr '046. h"d a pa A' i d. iagu p T. in, A- A I'd V. '4 z iv dy d d; f fta Yi W%%;�, J i.,? rd( -q%: -g -pul .; .I XN1 5, '0 .............. .......... L ...... N X.,I%( .44. WN� g,� cvin 'M; ff f ;J` �J­ Cam.�W-gimp-,Ng 'm,%:t d 5�# Aff effi;6, p M, gmr,�.',66 1 tow,-S."i'.1 il f W -&�,r p J�l "vj - �- M( N1. wevej,, M� Ugi i rk'm H h B.' % �t> X. Ape 0[ d';:W a A..4% DY... r.6 1 IOU .1 U�-I'1 fib K A ror',�.,,� x� g� ku.Jac py. -j�:-UrIc.:�J-U. I IS'-.1tiffifftt s "M A 1':,�?.'�,"?".,I,.;,% . . . MI a1c.(Y'0000. d; 011 . i, R. h -ME"! W.01 7 .4"P Vv%?�,�....A Z! 9ffj:1PM NON .............. 0 ....... J.",ON "'i.04, lip v 11v m pj Wif, P 4 6! 'M ip W C f t I Gvem il,U i.t; e. d b I% Mid Mi.]3. i6A:b AV 0,1. Q m: M W,9101� -kW 1H 67�5 p. 11b W AA pffl .b mg, J Y."/s , 3? -,w r 1.-0. .0 f; P, P W6 Is _4 r "W-d PR mi ', I � U& f af 5 Ell.- M % 0,VW I I I R! & A: Y#-> m"a c.e p ��,% -Me z W If `;�R��p �y. gy U. 'J16,b .-BIR.11X m y uipm U."Ott',114 M-b K A n- 4AMx1'--_W?Z KNi mg,"'n.tAmm.ae p A le,01 ngr W jx."� �7g�,T A M'. #,# r ju M DR, Agrr y > 6, v?;- 'e%x.a.g.ga q,0�f�&% 0, e wv;­ v a N ,> 011 - > Nk t f W "No-"T, gpl% W A .-B W. b,1, c W%1' TWID V. _A A PP E I W r M,k 'Abin f Uv, f vx�j �.,.j ftOrM C F 74.3 1 a L"'p r f 98difl-'I'm tj g/ g,.0 g. i c .WK�X. w. g 0)" �1' Ulf xM54-n h I'M, �A t 0 Ms 30 --3 AT i 19.-01,�; R klll'at R eXIM 'Pv�lfpl 1�2' �V. �Mlblx ef Tr ;,� - ��@ pMj,9041 ap. xP�, n -��f yvj. Y,�Y/��t 1-0 r Y4 d M ME furpt W y %n gg, .xfil� MORE, 'A MI/N 1/1 n 1"1 N% I R 00; ,gv '00.� r �W It A i n NJ"a g. x A .X2e,?P1;!>% or�� v q.j%r-M"y Up M�lr 0.1p P"it W.il"�90, 111 W Ipjyw­�.rp W Is �-c ,RAM v'3 y'e., P,'�r. r__. j J�x I I S MY', g\ .I%R e I o;,-7% -We., A- ; h gg 0 If 4 v- r. j MO-$ 09,01XRE g P,M I n m M I f rr�;4.lp ",:,I iNd .1y RU C, We.7 1 4 1;11 T:i Twenty- Flve Years Ago Twenty- Five Years Ago Sound View Hotel 2- Mrs. R. C. Davenport, the new pro Rev. F. F, O'Hare, of St. James J. B. Young /removed to Orient.719 pri,tor of the Sound View Hotel, has arrived and is getting the house ready Cathedral, Brooklyn, lectured On tem- The Presbyterian Sunday School for the opening on Decoration Day. perance in St. Patrick's Church. made a considerable addition of new The house is most delightfully situated A great improvement was made i In books to its library. of Indian on a bluff at Norton's Point and com- the old cemetery In this place. In ad The Skunk Fishing Co. dition, to a general clearing up, some Neck caught 300,000 at one haul Mon - portions of the grounds were dug up day night; the Crows, 200,000, and the and seeded down. The work was done Covers, 100,000. under the personal direction and at the Boston parties visited the strawberry expense of Henry Huntting. growers of the East End. At a meeting of the managers of theWm. H. H. Glover received 150,000 Town Fair it was decided that the as- fish at his factory Monday. A steamer sociation would have charge of the came to the factory with 300,000, but . ..... eatables, and Mrs. Wm, Y. Fithian Mr. Glover could not take care of so and Mrs. A. F. Lowerre were appointed many. a committee to manage the same. H. During a severe thunder storm a pear A. Reeves, Jeremiah Moore and J. B. tree on the premises of H. Jennings mands a magnificent view of Long Isl- Terry were appointed a committee to was struck by lightning. and Sound, the Connecticut shore,Shel- engage a vessel to run between Orient, A thousand bushels of seed oysters ter island and a long stretch of East- Greenport, Shelter Island and Sag were planted in the bay off the north- ern Long Island. Fine bathing and Harbor to transport passengers and west of Bay View by A. R. Vail, J. B. fishing, excellent roads and bicycle articles for the fair. Terry and Capt. Peckham. paths, The house is newly furnished At the annual meeting of the Suffolk Strawberry sold for 16 cents per qt. throughout, is lighted with acetylene County Mutual Insurance Company, The Presbyterian Sunday School sent gas and has hot and cold water through Hutchinson H. Case, Geo. S. Phillips, $50 to the Presbyterian Board Of the house. A pleasant dining room and Sidney L. Sea-an, Henry P. Hedges, Foreign Missions. large kitchen are in the basement. on Henry H.Terry,John O.Ireland,Moses Beni, R. Fitz, of Peconic, received the first floor are a large parlor, sinok C. Cleveland, Rensselaer T. Goldsmith, the second prize at the National Acade- ing room, hall, several bedrooms and athan D.Petty,David H.Rose, David my of Design, New York. bathroom. The second floor is devoted Huntting, John S. Havens andJ. B. Terry and family visited to bedrooms and a bath room. There Jonathan B. Terry were elected direct. Niagara Falls. are 18 bedrooms in the house and four ors. At a subsequent meeting of the I - ShmoI more can easily be finished off in the Board Hutchinson H.Case was re-elect- New Principal R 0 third story. A large piazza is on three ed President and Treasurer, R. T. The Board of Education of the South- Sound View Hotel Goldsmith Vice President and Assistant Frank sides of the house. summer's outing, old Union School has eng%ged is a, ideal spot for a Treasurer, Franklin H. Overton Setre- Principal of the E, DeGellekep Asst. Prine . Principal and as the hostess thoroughly under- tary, and Nathan D. Petty Attorney. dGreenport High School, as stands the hotel business, we predict a _.on ana- othersy as for the ensuing year. Mr. DeGelleke most successful season. G. F. Hom- W. Corey Alberts Rochester University and builder of the ho- heirs of Wm. C. Albertson, to Charles Is a graduate of ' experience in mel, the owner 50 acres south side L. I. and has had five years great credit for his work W. Sullivan, car in a large district tel deserves I adjoining land of Wm. A. teaching, one y ,Schools Of, has rented Mrs. Sound, nOTft- school, two years in evening Asst. Henry house on Beckwith AV- Rm' A. ' lisynes, near PeeOn1c.___._ nom. Rochester and two years as M ly Malone' in. '`Mary r Samll'L. Tuthill has his new tin store principal at Greenport. Ile is a man and will take Possession when Prin. c highly Tillinghast has in the western part Of the village com- f high character, and is Wood leaves. Geo- J. s 'J ,d with goods. 0 pleted and has it stock 0 i thought of as a man and a teacher by the rented the rooms over F. Gomez's He is now prepared to do all work in people of Greenport, From what we 1 store, now occupied by Mr. Jewell. his line. know Of him, we predict that he will Riverhe- May 19, George H. Skid- th Homestead has prove a very -successful educator and snore;aged 62 The B. H. -BOO the high sfanclard of our been sold to Oliver A. Mayo, Of will maintainGordon Case, of Southold Academy, school. Mr. DeGellige Is thoroughly Mattituck. 1"11— -J- U' I School work, won the high jump, in 5 ft. 6 in., at fishermen catching competent to do High S010 ur the Suffolk County interscholastic Meet e' near future o Our pound fish i d think in the ne at Riverhead last Saturday. By his immense quantities of weak fish. we advanced to that grade. inches. caught school will be , mark he broke the record by 2 es. Mon�d��morning Chas. E.Terry ca . should be to have One Of the 1�boxes in one pound. Our aim Suffolk County, Arthur V. A. Fitz, of Southold Union c waste rly est schools in School, was second. Southampton The L. V. L S. has placed two was - mm"M — the pennant. The cup paper barrels in the village, one in Mrs. Helen ant,ting is NFGV)ng 11eT carried away een ffice and the')the'at for the relay race went to the Green front of the post 0 barn to the rear. O. A. Prince's meat market. High School. .................... ............. .......... ... ............ ............. JI, Y. N. ............. �.;�Z'u, pp%if�%!"- ;.411.�.1�11K'�i:.._-,K;I 7 0 MORE k I a 0, Ir IM 1!"XI k 0 W, I V1. r%.0, % dg )s lots till. Y %ft'd-Mb-tti -tot j Y. SQ 1/,R�9 M,11. ;j 4u_ 7. 1"'T 1.41 Aow ft."j.�6 W J 5 t 'f ell e e,!;. W-ii -j:%%,,,, ...:,�% 2 RM INV ui %V1 a hilly NMI f%!' X MUIR in f i��,Y; qjj ky Z- 7-7 J .......... M, R� D % N 6 u v lost -N H too, Ww'', 0 q e S'S to,n, 0 :01-WIT W1 :%M. q �b W,V % f, IN, ­:f:Y--.(, T V.-ti s!I p 9: 1fq W!I ., . R...,C to % % 9. ij W666 'PAU. am! A Id"' 64 %...... -u­ k -J�,,II:,?.�.R No gym A m OWE it)1. _4 % N. Is. n 0 f;,�Ohc -0A-11`%, bu ( . D, Z V a .......... 3:11;:1 j;;:,,r,.:�%�'?-!%',J,�.. s%:�.wV': ;.�;�)P X.U"li , -, f:-, X% 1.! 0 U,A.P tjX,I Xn( �,;i-.%,u.%%,r-r�, V.. fa dA V""h, 0 V- % % 31 [10%.att-ok 0 % all A "'B iu .6 ;?Z' B"J" I In p I e d."th Ix 4h: it :i.i IDY..;.., U Yr) 0". ........I. j lht R� A B. --i ,Itypi.;1gy "fjii-oft.. fid.. Mill _T.1%x...-i:%" k) 1 10 brld-!��I.16 HIS It IN! I-_V..I.I 7�, %9, fte id"Iffi,qnm M. D 'Q.Xlfj OWD, VAVTO'a"'11.1 % j h 'Ill 0,11 e T Ow C '0 RVV111W4 I g-al g ff., A U -�J; A"J"L g" -,%,,,,,,, `;11 ,: k.I e v d li"4%";"" "� I , MY.N: J" NIS "T" j. T. 0 .4 df M'Q'R k,4 X o.V:! "::'11iffe OhW( WIX8`K(W P j. % xv R., iv IJ- .4, Jlgj.ill A�A/�O! h a 10 '9 111 1%-'"'/.' , ';,"11 0,%6.�t.I I �5 h . , I f 0 k ffit1k. Rt R I i e 0 1:Y P6,11 d Ur 0 i...A.AIL�i Iifls %.......... H. 710M > % uk Ao M 'W w % 9: Y i6 :14 HER N ........... b It 4 Y"'O'.IV L 1!V11(Ou U.). kNprml `:T 16 3 'k. AAA 0 R� .'%',�ve.':�,.";,.,F,;,�,�!i�:.;"",%:�.%:. wl 111L. 3 0 Ing 7 j -Y W:� .2, r 6 y 1 f,%., 0;1 % > r ell(ab%d M. h, is k6,;:h.,6j",h % .6 7;7. 7:7.7 y.rF7M ..... .7".. -.-77MV�M % mow V zikii�- i A- 23 J."d i .0 % Moog % ri Ya W'. V.,�j gy ;.. . I % % 7;7., .......... S., Y. t vii b SM fit es... g LI..n! % L 4 IF C 11,L. 51f` i, C E I'd :N"O .0 A, If % or a 1"Ll 10 t -/s, I �0...,J'JW '6 . . ... ...... ,;J1%",.I Z, z'V.. Vfibi 1?J f njr AND W IV­�'Y-;: '6'.' ';j. ist i �.,P,� !, -, bid % �,O ............./Y."... % /.s;-:-,j N HR'el ............ 'VI &.%%�,,.. .... - . ) .f.ItXl 1 6 1 A"J, Y;:-%.?'. r.,R) low k if k-Ac %! T, 1�!: i_js b %�Z" -,,_.T Me?w� ji .% 6 ..W4.' �f j .9 -TH j C V11,Y Ij Y h 77, J, F, T fig,.6.C b Lit ­11...Cb.., ;,, . ,. .4 Ad v1s,-JO . ....... .......... I 14%'WeIv.- ffi. v. "IN -X,--�1:111., �e:l�W. W. 111'I`6%1!1'@�� ,-%., %1:1 0.: %��.,:,�'.­ * ; . ." J%g/,C, ,.-j�JW� u ul Vz, V. OgI. % % f -T P'l-A t Aig U % r W..j Y", ........... Q. �N -;Z 111'61�46. �. 11"ljl,�,-1.;-%0, . .-R, R, We 0",G. t,ti _p ed. i'Z ;it m 1=0010m. MINIM X. �0'1 i n _7 U ft i M `0 K, W., -P r p,� n":i T W­­ aai A"' v % gq '0// q IV, �J, R Hr R., i rf 4 ...... r r :% p it'd Y 0 % ? y R L C R 4.0 '%`T, -�yL Offl. r IN. ,q _j 0H 6601 f b M, 0% Y Ow! % l M­i� y T A ­- - (�-",9,-­Jji,%�;�� NXII n:x tit q-)!W.q 00. U.401..WrO V a ,- A16,1EM sit: g-1 r s", V MQ A_V: Y q� P.a.V V A Q S R �?le; g M 0 A�rl � %! OPI 'A- q % V n-fes tqlmy, b 6 r 0.6;..11.f.a.r q % iif`-:­ % Mile. T --ti..1-, q . .. -",f,e R'� % --w u p Z ...... V Cl or V1 V., L X "x W% ;.!:%.! F -0 IQ J%.?;��-,:<,.��,.��%. I S%i W/ % %. A e 0-)�;` , I DRINK 1�1)-- NA, x p, 5. 011�1,�.�?//Z'.i?. 17 % If , ,0_11. it 0 M 0 h( 9 lonmupw tic NOR h.b",A A .10W A gqpuz t. d"If H �0;nj WIN W I i MIN Mk > 71. 0 T 0.V, 0.f % 4�/ 01, y .7 Y-W M -�,wAxTJ 4 r,-�nv us'1i Out H;I�s�g,;%,j%;!� KIM U �7 51 q 0-a I f % d Y OWN dkn®�( M..' k g 1�� XX ? E W." R M ug) P F -X� ell !`A P., ,R. ID ...... I Y ve.�4 N IT %Y. 11R,v/W.-V. �R5 i ff. 7/M7 % set % g. ;V�!F� % _iz _ (11 Y:i till-k�. jy 4 loop MN K, % fto%`�`U.m..q.h. f X.0 '7'M m M I M! �0 i 7� trip, V`J, 'r;, �0`!,-?�ir 51 W WM K ,K""I AIT.VP xGlp AII; A tw ul AII; prul IV - ..,-:: IIII. 1... --�) �%_,I'1-.D...%% If IM,"I V0.."I j'$ ImMw�, ,-I IS % '0 WHO F...V.. ......... .5 ff"I C.JV �Ir� J, U/1 R'A tgj.g -!pg V. k-IM0.1 B. -W v % '/-q _g. "A m 1_�"ji?,.,H/M..e u Vt sip I Ill 01 % I 1 A. B 'N"M rgg' W q; % 4- S M'. 11 A."A von aw my Z�l -i 10 1. Wamw .%_,?r1.,,?,, ,, , 4. % 11,01§ Q,& _Q % ........... n mps 4:�111%%`!," M S ?N �Og A / .0 T 1, 4:1� 1'.M-"D 0 S'K" Kil r1u,u1Cp-i:ugu AX 6 r 6 1 v�� yr e(guq%�.qt'�',,_.'�;RIOR I .tr - ,IW&�I ip,iVl. 1 T - b0f; J.'..)VIA Ito ep 9 St t 1i 6 IT i b.."Y,f..,4� J` D t to X%.� pjr�,,.% ow T x'111;-FiM 'Y to MTV u� R 9* I/M !P, % '-sd 41 y I N P41 a gwuNg 6: MY.p.i. % % r K L I A-g,%. rQ, X Jlim!.�' .w X % gl; '%" - '. ?" - 1 R1\81�24�u 0 q 11� M .MI . 1�',I UL,P X1.X.Q P. G WIM ki 1111�111N G 0 .14 I I -.-?.9 4�C fill lqggl Ig! 111N 11�l "V4 .......... Min KIker-Holton UrOg Wiublfle The commencement exercises of the W+LN d Library Association 1-4j - The`Riker drug stores,of Manhattan, Southold Union School will be held at A goodly number met at Belm,,_' and the Bolton drug stores, of Brooklyn, Belmont Hall next Monday evening. Hall last Saturday evening to hear have been consolidated. The change Music will be furnish&_Ey'Geehreng's address by Herbert L. Fordham, Esq. took place on Monday. The following Orchestra of Greenport. Rev. Wm. H. ',of Greenport and New York, and officers were elected: President, W. Lloyd will offer the invocation, and the form a Library Association. Rev.Wra C. Bolton, former President of the benediction will be pronounced by Rev. H. Murray presided and J. N. Halloe Bolton Drug Company; Vice President, Father Mathews. The` diplomas will'recorded.• Joseph H. Marshall, M: D., President be l resented by Prin. Wood. The The address by Mr. Fordham on Th of the Riker Drug Company; Treasurer, graduates and their subjects are: Iva Immortality of Letters was a finished E. P. Cahoon, Treasurer of the Riker M. Lewis, Early History of Southold; and scholarly production and was welt. Drug Company; Secretary, John J. Caroline A. Leicht, Pdssession of,worthy of the reputation he won at Haigney, director of the Riker Drug Wealth not a Cause for Envy; Rens- college and later at the Bar. The Company; General Manager, A. H. selaer G. Terry, The Panama Canal; kindness of Mr. Fordham in donating Cosden,Secretary and General Manager Arthur V. A. Fitz,'Russia in the East; his services was greatly appreciated by of the Riker Drug Company. This is Clement G. Carey, Rise of Japan as a our people. It is very seldom that w said to be the largest consolidation of World Power. Caroline A. Leicht will interests ever effected in the drughave the privilege of listening to an as, give the salutatory, Arthur V. A. Fitz, able, eloquent and uplifting address business. The Riker Company was the class poem; Clement G. Carey, the that given here Saturday evening. established in 1846, and the Bolton class history; Iva M. Lewis, the class After the address the Southold Free Company has been in business for over prophecy, and Rensselaer G. Terry, Library Association was formed and a. a quarter of a century. The main store the valedictory. The full program of constitution recommended by the State' of Riker's, at,the corner of Sixth the evening will be published in the was adopted. It was voted to have avenue and Twenty-third street, school paper, Tee Leader. We trust nine trustees, four of whom shall be probably does the largest business of our people will manifest their inter- the pastors of the Universalist,Catholic, any single retail store in the country. est in our school by being present. Presbyterian and Methodist churches. A handsome new store is now being An admission fee of 10 cents will be A nominating committee, appointed by opened at the corner of Broadway and charged to pay for music and rent of the chairman, will report as to the Ninth street, Manhattan. The Riker hall. ^^ 's—(, kA other five trustees at an adjourned interests are affiliated with the new Twenty,-Five Yeats Age meeting to be held at Belmont Hall Cahoon-Lyon drug store, recently � p ;Saturday evening, July 2, at 8 o'clock. opened at Buffalo, and some of the The bay croji was unusuarfyy heavy. The trustees will have full charge of largest stores m New England ,-6 Geo. W. Fitz was engaged to teach the library, elect their own officers, To Organize Public Library the Bay View school the coming year. appoint committees, etc. A meeting of the subschbers to the J. B. Terry bought the yacht ,Sea A friend of the library said that for Public Library and all others interested Robin, to be commanded by Capt. every $100 raised by the people he is called for Saturday evening, June Henry Gardiner, would give an additional$25, and when 25, at 8 o'clock, in Belmont Hall. Z'he Frank Gomez and bride began house- the chairman asked if anyone wished to one hundred dollarstwhich the State rc- keeping in H. D. Glover's cottage, duplicate that offer, J. C. Eustace said quires is in sight and is the reason for The trustees of the Southold Savings that he would. A vote of thanks was the call. Not all by any means have Bank directed that interest be credited extended to Mr. Eustaee for the use of been seen whom we would like to have depositors at the rate of 5 per cent on Belmont Hall for this meeting and all subscribe if they are so inclined, and all deposits not exceeding$1,000 and at ubsequent meetings of the association, we trust our not calling upon them will the rate of 4 per cent on all amounts and also to Mr. Fordham for his ad- not be construed as meaning that we over$1,000, ress. The meeting then adjourned can do without their good-will and help. Arthur H. Terry graduated from until Saturday evening of this week. Moreover, it is most desirable that a Yale College. -- large number be present at its initial The trustees of School Dist. No. 5 TUNNEL CONNECTION meeting in order to give the enterprise engaged Benj. H. Van Scoy as Principal STARTED a good start. Some few of our best and Miss E. C. Bunce as Assistant of The;fork of ninLing a shaft u summer residents have subscribed and the public school. &4e edge of the Eaat River for t expressed their purpose to be present: Pennsylvania tunnel began in Long it would not be creditable to the village Samuel Bic hen and wife to The Island City June 18. There wa4 no display and no gathering of officials. for them to find only a handful of us House and Home Co., 45 acres, south A big scow was quietly towed into there. That would not look as if we side Town Harbor, adjacent land of the steamboat slip in front of the de. ourselves were as interested as they Caleb Iyer; also 40 acres, north side pot A gang of laborers appeared i. in wiat is after all and must always be North Road; adjacent estate of J. R. with new tools and new wheelbarrows J A square of heavy timbers batt been our own institution. Note the date and Horton, Bay View nom laid out under the old express shed be present. e 1� W. H.MURttnx• Henry Taimage and wife to Alvah S. and a workman approached and stuck In Ureentrort June 20, of heart disease, Terry, lot west side Bowery Lane, ad- his shovel into the ground and throw- Louisa,wire ofJaeob I3aglel,aged 7G years, ung a shovelful of earth ,into one of d menthe,l5 days. jacent land of He Gafdga, 17 acres, the new ,wheglbarxowe actually started In l;reenport June 21,arter a long illnoss, Southold no the Long Island end of a railroad tun. Lucretia,wire urJoei W.King,aged 75 yrs. nei that is to have a big effect upon, 5 mos., 11 daye, t business in the East. Mrs Ago I Wenty- Five Years Ago Caths Yrc yasoela fon was ar it , / � l— tended, the receipts being about xe' ' A& Ofthe Board of Excise Benj. R. Fitz painted the poneait of But two from this place joined thel . were made Miss Katie M. Williams, and several excursion per the L. I, R. R. to Brighton Were granted. sketches, which were used at the Acad- Beach, and less than a hundred on the Wim, of the Cut- emy entertainment. whole central line. The rush to Sag' x Harbor via str. W. W. Coit was great, kexcltangedpulpits Boss Josiah Smith built an addition to witness the opening of the new park 13 feet square on the rear of Daniel or fair grounds. e Southold Academy Manney's house. Fallowing were the officers of South- d to secure funds County Treasurer Newins sold the old Division: W. P., W. A. Clark; W. property late of David Stevenson on A., Alvah Terry, R. S,,Geo. H. Wells; it F. S., Eddie Prince; Treas., P. H. t gtaiduated from the Town Creek to Thomas Carroll, of Cantermen; Chap., S. B. Corey; Con., e ter. Brooklyn, for a summer residence. G. W. Wella; Asst. Con., Lillie Booth; Following were the officers of South- L S., Charles Moore; 0. S., John g flwe Table old Lodge, L 0, 0. F.: Noble Grand, Munch. Y time table of the 1L. L All students who attended Southold e 0. V. Penney; Vice Grand, G. F. Ham- Academy g Y owed an Wednesday, y Burin the first faun ears s mel; Sec., Wm. H. Terry; Tress., H. after it was founded were invited to'� is 1� Schedule of trains were baby malting alter- tenclas anceet�he t est who had be n in at - Arrive sda rrtvr ac l.LLl H. t attend the as those �axg�hu cars. even- Carpenters The Southold tit 1 E1,!k li,s, ations to the rear of M. T. Horton's yy call was issued by Prin.J. R. Robinson. residence, r•- 'ape Horni Regular services were being held at10111 SoutYxrrld Library Association the Universalist church until further pox An adjourned meeting; of the South- d_46 m 4 pinnotice. old Library Association was held at 'a Mo s u, J. Henry Cochran contributed to the �r►r&y village another fat, of Belmont hall on Saturday evening. f guide-boards The nominating committee recommend- , itteBL a m naming streets and avenues, erg that the Board of Trustees be om J. '41r'. Case, S. T. Terry and Rev. j 11.1P p tat Dr, E. Whitaker, a committee increased from nine to fifteen and l < . Arrive at Southold Dr. a ppoint- nominated the following, who were t Vdot a in ed at the last Town Meeting to act elected members: Rev. Wm. H. Mur- _. 11.47 a m with similar committees of Riverhead tlllriri iElorns 13 p m and Shelter Island Towns, to investigate ray, Rev. Father Mathews, Rev. Wm. a.W-v au H. Lloyd, Rev. A. S. Iiagarty and the expediency of printing the public Prin. Rev. F. E. DeGelleke, ex officio, - 1,m records of Southold Town before River- ;.x� a,nt by virtue of their office, Prof. A. P. �,y�l CIS P r,a head Town was set off, met on Thurs- Somes, H. H. Huntting, J. C. Eustaee, - untY) 8.04 a at day evening at Judd's Hotel. The 11.11 x,® printing of the records was thought Geo. Henry Terry, Thomas Farley, ` 7,01 eau K Geo. R. Jennings, Chia. L. Sanford, both expedient and highly essential, and Justice Jesse Lewis Case, L. W. Korn mss-�1=::. Srrl�•r at SuouwUatt a resolution was passed authorizing J. OWYJ 4.31 a,r, p g and J. N. Dickerson. The Board will H wFnrl,�,r; Wickham Case, Esq., to copy the meet for organization at the office of records for printing, empowering him Justice Jesse L. Case, Southold, on AN'°'I ,'ERSARY. to abstract and allowing the insertion lebtfires said friends y explanatory y remarks that would `Saturday, July h, ate p, dm.e Several of an e.x lanator minor changes were made in the, r►JC fir.and� add to the historical interest of the constitution the ut told, %ye --ea='work. principal one being +'.Tone 32d fa crileV�rate the number constituting a quorum of a d "reddtng auniver ry. The oldest inhabitant could not ac- meeting of the association. Instead of w a SRrttrise Party and was so taunt for the frame-work which was ;D aged catrried out that the yearly being unearthed by the tide on 2ii per cent of the membership, it is. ISM ccapied almost before the now fifteen members. ►•-L,{ - �s &'scare of tivl ar leas the beach ,car Southold wharf. After Stephen Walter has purchased of A. A Remeiral good time fol- a space of fiver:years since the structure S. Terry the house now occupied by 84 Is always the case wheu the was first discovered, nearly the whole 004t 40"w FOOMVM is host. The bride and was then above ground. It is probable Henry Talmage and about five acres of lhegift O with a u anV that the heavy timbers were a buried land. )bare, the Ii�t of the r_.ompauv. 4"0 Mm ved a present of a standard for a flag-stafr, which n Chas. M. Ledyard, after an absence Vldr Of ftay doUs• dr ed alike. Dur- doubt did service long before the"liber- of sixteen years in San Diego, Cal., f "O-�a party of sonng peo ty pole" and Independence Day were where he went for his health, is visit- ?e Trirh fare crackers aa,rl ing his sister, Miss Abbie M. Ledyard. a brought into being. It was exactly 0111111117 where the original settlers are said to Wrn. Batterman, of Brooklyn, h:a -L Jewoll and family have have landed. rented the McLure place on Bay Ave. 1-11 oi'616 VM Malone's house on July Fourth was ushered in by the for the summer. ringing of bells and the firing of on of Peconic, 1 ar ea' As Wt holiest day of the crackers from midnight out. The purchased Capt. Geo. Williamson 611 registering 91 i4enic �Y O1<k Lawn by the Ynnng men's' irhu•e. to 26 Brooklynss , June 29, Clinton S. Ramee Twenty Hive Years Ago Alvah S. Terry Mrand wife to Stephen of and r.. and Mrs. Frank S. Fame anning.ng hter �� /$: Walther, lot north side Lower Road, Greenport, June 26, at the Lutheran Rev. Abram Conklin formed a Mle adjacent land of Henry Gaffga, South- parsonage, bgg Rev. Henry Reumann, class at the Universalist church. old noir Albert R. Hohnbaum and Miss Emilie Through the real estate agency of J. Nervie A. Wells to Arthur M. Task- Hipp, both of Southold. B. Terry, Wm. C. Albertson bought of er, 10 acres south side highway, adja- Brooklyn, June 8, Henry Irwin and C. H. Merrill, of Greenport, the house cent land of Ezra G. Beebe Bay View Miss Harriet Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Wells, formerly of and lot just west of Mr. Albertson's $1,500 Greenport. store. H. Howard Huntting and others, ex- Edinburg, Ill., June 26, Charles Hon. John S. Marcy and Geo. 1. ecutors, to Oliver A. Mayo and wife, Edwin, Payne, formerly of Southold, Stevens entered into a partnership for the Barnabas H. Booth homestead,cor. aged 64y, 8m, 27d. the manufacture of phosphate. Main St. and Tucker's Lane, adjacent C. Clement Carey is learning-=Q Josiah Smith took the contract to L. I. R. R. and estate J. Halsey Tuth- telegraph and railroad station busi- build a house for August Garbsch. ill, Southold $6,200 ness of Station Agent Terry. A. Irwin Booth found on the Sound Harry arey is news oy on the morn beach the skeleton of a man. Justice H. W. Gordon and Win. J. Bacon ine and evening train. J. W. Case held an inquest and the have built a very neat log cabin for Southold Library Association body was buried in the Presbyterian J. N. Hallock at Paradise Point. The Trustees of the Southold Library Cemetery. The boot and shirt button co i r Dickerson, who took were reserved as the only possible tba cold air ticatinent for tun- truu- Association met at the office of Justice p y p ble last winter, has larely Leon aril Jesse L. Case last Saturday afternoon means of identification. ously Ill with tlialmieal fever at he' for organization. A. S. Hagarty bang in Wouthold. At least accounts rgzation. Rev. ag The New York and New Jersey ;bo was sosrnewlitat bett(,r.ui,-e 16 was elected temporary chairman and Telephone Co. is making a great The ninety-second semi-annual state- Jesse L. Case, temporary secretary. change in the system in Southold and ment of the Southold Savings Bank, The following officers were elected: Shelter Island Towns. All the busi- just issued, shows the total assets at Pres., Rev. Father Peter F. Mathews; Hess east of Mattituck will be handled par value, to be $3.931.082.67; total through the Greenport central. Tnis amount due depositors, $3,577.067.81;. Vice Pres., Jesse L. Case; Sec., Rev. central will be an all night office, and surplus of resources over liabilities,. Wm. H. Murray; Treas., L. W. Korn. anyone who can gain access to one of at par value. $354,015.36• total re, Rev. A. S. Hagarty, Prof. A. P. the pay stations may use the phones sources at .market value$4.014.072,10. Sarnes and L. W. Korn were appointed at any hour of the day or night. An additional cable with twenty double The sixty-fourth semi annual state- The committee to find a suitable temporary wires is to be laid to Shelter Island. ment or the Riverhead Savings Bank, place for the library for at least one From that cable branches will be Just issued, shows the total resources, at par value, to be $4,147,549.510; total year. The following committees were The play of Mesamates was given at amount due depositors $3,813,267.49; elected: Finance, Rev. W.H. Murray, Belmont Hall last Tbursday evening by surplus of resources over liabilities, Geo. Henry Terry, J. C. Eustace; St. Patrick's Dramatic Society to a at par value, $984,327.01; total re- sources at market value, $4,23.3,033,10. Books, Rev. W. H. Lloyd,Prof. Somes, very large and appreciative audience. Rev. Mr. Hagarty; Administration, They say the players acted their parts Twenty Hive Years Agv Thomas Farley, Prin. F. E. DeGelleke, the best of any time that the drama L/(A- C. L. Sandford. These committees has been presented, and that is saying Dr. Sweet's horse wandered out of will serve for one year. By-Laws were a great deal. Our young friends are the pasture lot and had two legs broken prepared and adopted. All books will to be congratulated on the success that by an extra engine. The animal was be loaned for one week and if kept has met their efforts. The play was shot. longer a fine of 2 cents a day will be given under the auspices of the Village Albertson Case and H G. Howell imposed. All persons borrowing books Improvement Society. entered into partnership as agents for will be required to give a $5.00 bond. the New York Home Insurance Co. All persons who are not residents will Suffolk Council, No.33, Jr.O.U.A.M., be r `uired to a 2 cents a da for the has broken up and been disbanded. On The annual camp meeting at Shelter pay y Thursday of last week twenty members Island was held. privilege of loaning books. The term Steamer Cygnet made daily trips of trustees was decided by lot and they from Southold united with Empire will serve as follows: One year, Council, No. 28, of Greenport, and, it between Sag Harbor, Southold, Green- Thomas Farleyand H. H. Huntting; is said, more are to follow. Greenport port and New London. Lodge has a membership of nearly 200 A Southold Town Temperance organ- two i-.,soe, t e Sanford and HenryJ. N and has $1,500 in its treasury. ization was formed at Southold with Dieki:eson; three years, Geo. Hfollowing'ferry gnu Prof. A. P. Somes; four Manhattan, June 30, eo. R. Dutton.theg officers: Pres., E. Y. ears, L. W. Korn and J. C. Eustace; of Afton, N. Y., a teacher at Wood Reeve, Mattituck; Vice Pres., J. G. y lawn, L. I., and Miss Helen Agnes, Tuthill, New Suffolk, J. H. Boisseau, five years, Geo. R. Jennings and Jesse daughter of Conductor Wm.J. Cunning- Southold, Chas. E. Tuthill, Greenport, L. Case. Rev. Father Mathews, Rev. ham of Greenport. Orville H..Terry, Orient; See. and A. S. Hargarty, Rev. W. H. Lloyd, Oregon, Mattituck, July 4, BradleyTreas., H. W. Prince, Southold. Rev. W. H. Murray and Prin. F. E. S. Wiggins, aged 6'!years. `/i" w& . DeGelleke are ex officio members of—Southold, July 11, Daniel Manney, The W. C. Albertson Co. is loadir, the Board. a ed 84 years. James H. Conklin and family have potatoes, at 45 cents. The crop is good,, John Anderson, of Jersey City, is some pieces turning out 200 to 250 bu. clerking for H. W. Prince. mewed into Albert Albertson's terse- to the acre merit house. - Ill., July 18, William Ht[ll Treas.'s Report, Southold Union School On �l�a1 c��,ivrirs Wells,formerly of Southold, in the 15th Report ofmrea,urc;r of aJulan t3choo1 Di a- IAhe regular monthly meeting of year of his aagge, Funeral services at trict No.5, Southold, fnizu.July 1, i9os, to the Library Trustees with ten mem- residence of Albertson Bros., Thursday Julie 30, 1:kti. and interment in Presbyterian Cemetery. 1903 RECEIPTS hers present, steps were taken to in July 18, Mrs. Hannah D. Ward, aged'July a Balance on hand =49i,s sure the opening of a library to the 77 , Funeral services at residence ;, I R.V.A.Fitz,tuition 28.517 public in September, the earl art if 1 Bal front Bldg.and Site Fund 93.8 P P r y part,of Sturges Wednesday and inter- 7 w H.Terry,baal.Locust.Glrove 85.00 no hitch occurs in the actual carrying rnent in Presbyterian Cemetery. Sept,22 Kate Griswold, tuition 15.00 out of the 1 22 Win.F.Vail,tuition to' out Pans. ! Middletown, Ct„ July 17, Mrs. 2.2 Southold Say.Bann,Interest. .711 The Board accepted Mr. Eustace's George H. Rahn,formerly of Southold eat David Griswold.tuition 12.01; P ?rS about 5E years. Funeral services Oct. 1 f hestsr Beebe 7-Ao offer to rent the parlor of Mr. Heubel'a Ibt M. E. church Wednesday and inter- Nov. 2Regents,N.Y.State in2.gi residence for its use for one year at no ment at Willow Hill Cemetery.- 1 412 Geo.C.Terry,,crass r,•tl<1 expense to the Library. Nathaniel Wells, of Pittsburg, Pa., Matt 14 B.11.Skinner,Supervisor 528.55 The President was authorized to fill J e Parc Wells of Omaha, Neb., 31 Michael Fischer.tuition 10.8.; S y , June 15 rv.Y.Mate,tuition 40.3x1 in and certify the application blanks to and Joseph A. Wells, of Toronto, Can., Louis Baumann,collector 4,0511.92 the Regents for a Charter and for the came on with the body of their brother, Total x,516,11 $100 of State money. To meet the William H. Wells, from Chicago and iwa DISBUR€PMENTH views of those who objected to a bond attended the funeral on Thursday. July 1 L.W.Korn,supplies 3 Nx+ of$5 as a piece of red tape, it w.a. 5 W.A.iloebran,hall rent 3.1ki The Presbyterian cure is ein 3 G.H.Dlc:kerson,carting wood s.:,ii voted to rescind that rule with the un- 6 iiouthold Bank,int.oil del,t >"11.(k) Q G.B.wells,,lowers,etc. s.70 derstanding that if an difficulties renovated and recarpeted, 8 Albertson cease.legal services 4.50 arise in collecting from borrowers the AuF, 19 J.B.Terry,gravel 1.117A wen y _e ears o t0 H.D.Horton,wood 17.w damage assessed against them for „ 18 S.L.Bennett,cartage 19.W J`9 +� 17 (7onrad Hipp,grading,etc° a,1K1 harm to a book beyond reasonablf / 19 w,C.Albertson Co..seed,etc. 6.8o! Cassidy Bros. caught two sturgeon, 24 Goldsmith&Tuthill,lumber 11,49 wear and tear, either by carelessness weighing 225 and 200 pounds respective- Oct" 24 W r1,Terry,Chemicals %m or accident the Board would feel com 24 various Items 10.02 ' ly, in their pound. 24 " apparatus 1&5:24 Pelled to re-adopt the rule. Tile former students of the late Miss Nov.y6 Albertson es,extra on ring.`"s iso utl Instructions were given the Book E. C. Mapes, of Cutchogue, erected a 14 Goo.D.Terry,coal 124.46 Committee to be prepared to submit a Dec. 4 Gen.B.Wells,bulbs 18.41 handsome granite monument, costing7 WH Terry,ins.and sundries 0.31 list of 15+0 books as well as a selectio $240 n over ° Ira W.M:Wood,counsel fee,hooka 29.18 from the State Traveling Libraries of , over her remains. The 9 23 R.H.Sturges,,sash 55.45 subscriptions were fixed at$1 each. Jas L.W.Korn,Mdse, f04 100 books at a special meeting to be Crops taken as a whole were never 9 Southold lsav,Bank,interest mow held Monday evening, Aug. 15, This S bond 5iM i.tps i will give us 250'books at the start. better. The 11ey crop was heavy and ' 14 A G1.Clase,recharging battery 4 20the harvest crops were better than the 22 '''1'•A•Terry tuning piano 3.50 Mr. Eustace asked leave to present ins.,hardware. 17.84 average. There was a large acreage V Albertson Case,counsel ,.,xi the Library$100 down as his eontribu- F2 W.O.Albertson co., sundries 7.65! tion, 'which was willingly accepted. i, r of potatoes and the yield promised to Feb. 20 Geo,t7.Terry,coal 157.58 be extra heavy. Potato bugs were less Mar. 9 J.N.xanock,printing �--otl, The Finance Committee promise not to r ' 15 W.H.Terry,coal 22.44 dodge any other lightning bolt of the troublesome than in seasons past, 1M H1.C1.Prinee,cartage,telepholie C40 29 W.ri.Terry,supplies 11.7!, voltage of one hundred. Indeed, one i.,. Corn looked fine and grass appeared as Apr. 26 Geo.C.Terry,coal 22:oo of fifty will be received with a shock, , May 3 W.H.Terry.ink 3;1x1 lr and green as In Way. William M.Wood, salary 925.00and even atwenty-five will give them It was decided to have the annual Margaret 118131 4_3Ai,U r a thrill. Aim your bolt their way and Elizabeth A.Term ia5.txa j turn it loose. W. H. MURRAY, Sec. t. the Winifred Brainard " 400.00 reunion of Co. H, 127th Rept., a Clark house, Greenport, Sept.on Se g, F:lizabetli Elmer 300 M Goo.J.Tillingbast 270:84 Miss Susanne Ellsworth Cumings and A T. Conklin and B. T. Payne were appointed literary committee. Ralph Emerson Wales were.married at Total 55,014XP Balance on hand 501,74 the home of the bride at Barre, Vt., on t` MM Thomas A. Terry died, aged. 52 Wednesday avenin Aug. .. The 4f yew• t5,l;lu.I1 y g, g• Bonds remaining unpaid,s1.t,5tw ceremony was performed by Rev, E. �. Mrs. Albert B. Terry died, aged 75 ALBERT T. DICKERSON, Trews. Wilmot Cumings, father of the bride, years, who will be remembered by many as a James Flood died,. aged eta years. Edward F oath, a New York comic former Principal of Southold Academy `' ' artist, and William H. Wunner, a he bride is ap graduate of the S sued There is every indication of an ""rag-time" pianist, are spending a g p enormous potato crop this year. The week at C. Leicht's Pine Neck House. ing Graded School and has for the past „ two years been a very successful recent rains were just what the late J. E. Howell has moved into Geo. C., teacher. The groom is an employee of ;. crop needed. Some early potatoes are Terry's house on Beckwith Av, the granite firm of William Cole & turning out 250 bu. to the acre, The W. C. Albertson Co, ship e a Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Wales are spend j Wrn_ A. Williams has leased his store large quantity of potatoes this week, Ing-9,few days at Wm, H. Terry's, I , to Andrew J. Case, a former resident at 50 cents. Thever large, ,1 geld is 9<` y y g , Arnold P.Danz,of Southall Academy, Of Peconic, but who for some time has and at that price, out of the lot, our who will enter Syracuse University been in business in Brooklyn. Mr. farmers can make good mone this fall, has passed examinations Case is a first-class citizen and we wish y entitling hien to a 72-count Regents' ` k. hila success, H. H. Huntting and Milton Terr are on a trip to Nova Scotia. ti�i' ,3_- Diploma. P Twenty ve Tea a enan#y- ive para go School Meeting Returns c� f 1 ' 1 �" I 7 i' Following are the officers elected at ,There were a number of applications Doss J. E. Corey contracted to build the annual school meetings, held in the for licenses at the meeting of the Board a house for Mr. Hall. several districts of the town Tuesday of Excise, but none were granted. J. R. Landon, of Brooklyn, gave a evening, Aug. 2 A trot was announced at Oak Lawn lecture in the Presbyterian chapel on Dist 1—Orient Point—Trustee Louis between A. M. Salmon's Nellie Glover Alexander Hamilton. M. Young, Collector Walter L. Tuthill, and Daniel Terry's Blucher. The trot at flak Lawn between A. Clerk Rufus W. Tuthill. Rev. W. D. Thompson,of Greenport, M. Salmon's Nellie Glover and Daniel Dist 2—Orient—Member of Board of gave a lecture before a public meeting Terry's Blucher was won by Nellie Education John H. Brown. of Southold Division, S. of T. Glover in three straight heats. Dist 3—East Marion—Trustee Ed John Dungall, editor of the New Complaint was made in relation to mond T. Rackett, Collector Wm C. York Witness, spoke in the M. E. 'the seaweed heaps at the head of Town Bahr, Librarian Anthony Beha, Clerk church Sunday evening. Creek, and the Town Board -of Health W. Halse Wiggins. Mrs. James Wells died, aged 78 ordered that the heaps be removed b y y Dist 4—Fisher's Island—Trustee F. years. Sept. 20 and made the rule that no E. Hines, Collector C. E. Edwards, The owners of sch. Marietta Smith seaweed was to be landed at that point Clerk R. C. Shanklin. and a few invited -guests were off on and allowed to remain on the Keach for Dist 5—Southold—Members of Board their annual excursion, The voyagers more than 24 hours. of Education James Thompson and were R. T. Goldsmith, Davis Gold-� The tin wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Korn. amith, F. H. Overton, R. Jefferson, L.1 M. T. Horton was celebrated. Dist 6---Bay View—Trustee Michael R. Case, J. G. Case, Jerry Case, J. S. Fischer, Collector Thomas B. Wells, Howell, J. E. Dorton, T. 0. Worth, Belmont T=was crowded last James Lupton, Thos. A. Hallock, J. F. Thursday evening to witness the cants- Clerk J. N. Dickinson. Horton, J. G. Tuthill, 0. B. Goldsmith, ta, Strange Visitors or Meeting of Dist 7—Peconic—Trustee Geo. Ii. H. P. Hedges, Warren Sneden, Wm. Nations, given under the auspices of Smith, Collector Jesse L. Case, Libra- Burrell, James Kerr, Mr. Swan, B. F. the Ladies' Society of the Presbyte- rian Geo. B. Petty, Clerk Wm. A.' .Jayne, James H.Tuthill,T.M.Griffing, rian church. The cantata was under Haynes. B. H. Booth, S. T. Terry, Seam'l Dick- the direction of Mrs. Chas. H.Hommel, Dist 8—East Cutchogue—Trustee erson and A. F. Tuthill. who acted as accompanist. The rep- Wm. C. Grathwohl, Collector Fred D. The largest audience ever assembled resentatives of the different nations Richmond, Librarian Bertha Beck, in Belmont Hall is said to have gath- appeared in their national costumes Clerk Wm. 0. Davids. and took the parts assigned to them to Dist 9—Mattituck—Trustee Geo. H. eyed there an Tuesday evening for the Fischer, Collector Wm. H. Pike, Clerk Ladies' Minstrel entertainment given perfection, as did the Entertainers. It J Wickham Reeve. was truly a most enjoyable evening. in connection with the Universalist The parts were taken as follows: En- Dist 10—West Mattituck---Trustee Fair. The hall was packed and over- tertainers, Miss Elizabeth Elmer, Miss Benj. C. Kirkup, Collector Albert L. flowing, so that many were turned Elizabeth Terry, Miss Ruth Horton, Bennett, Clerk C. P. Howell. away. Mrs. H. F. Van Wyck, Mrs. Wm. H. Dist 11—Laurel—Trustee R. S. Fan The "Gals of Crow Valley" gave Taylor and Miss May Case ; England, ning, Collector 0. A. Atwood, Clerk R. "Aunt Chloe" another surprise party, Mr. Tees and Miss Gladys Matthews ; W. Wells. and with the memory of their success Scotland, Frank Leslie and Mrs. R. C. Dist 12—Cutchogue—Trustee Geo. B'. of last year, it was with genuine en- Davenport; Ireland, G. Fred Hummel Corey, Collector 0. P. Gould, Clerk heri that she and her guests and and Miss Lucy Hallock; France, Dr. J. Morris H. Wells. her inimitable pickaninnies were re- ceived. H. Marshall and Miss Byrnes; Ger- • Dist 13—Arshamomoque--Trustee Mrs. Harrison Goldsmith as "Aunt many, E. D. Cahoon and Miss Elinor Joseph F. Cassidy, Collector J. Fred Howell; Norway, Mr. Byrnes and Miss Davis, Librarian Isadora Corwin, Clerk Chloe' a wonder, and possible she Mary Simons; Sweden, Mr. Eells and Michael Cassidy. outdid her previous rendering of the Miss Emma Boisseau ; Italy, Sereno Dist 14-'Oregon—Trustee R. P. part. It was an evening of pure, rolicking Smith and Miss Bertha Sweet; Hol- Burns, Collector E. L. Tuthill,Clerk 0.. fun. /�,,, land, Fred G. Prince and Mrs. Mina B. Robinson- fun. Friday evening, Aug. 19, the H. Edwards; Spain, Mr. and Mrs. Dist 15—New Suffolk—Trustee Wm. 'Crow Valley Gals" will "surprise" John H. Lehr; Switzerland, John An-li Corwin, o ec r awrence u iva�n, "Aunt Chloe" in Greenport at the derson and Miss Mildred Prince; Japan, C#erk John F. Fanning, Miss Bessie Goldsmith; China, George! Dist 16—Greenport—Members Board Auditorium. Bedell. The fair was a great success, of Education Dr. C. C. Miles and Isaac When Herbert A. MacCarter wasA. Monsell. the net receipts for the two evenings digging his cellar for his new house on being over $3W. +" 1-Z Oak Lawn Av. he found several large Boss Geo. H. Smith has taken the Dr. H. M. Payne is the Republican pieces of coal bre feet below the sur- contract to build a house for Herbert candidate for Mayor of Williamson, face. The question is, how did it come A. MacCarter on his lot on Oak Lawn `vest Va., and has an excellent chance there? Has Mr. MacCarter a coal Av of election. mine under his property? Twenty-Five Years Ago ]Father .'Cutchogae, Aug. 1, at the Twenty-Five Yenrs AgipParsonage by Rev. Mr. Jeffries,Chas, M, Ledyyard made the first Kirby and Miss Jesse, daughtshipment(2517 bushels)of new potatoes„ felka and Letitia Horton of NeCorey Albertson dislocated his elbow per str. W. W. Coit. joint by a fall from the table to the Miss J, W. Horton, of Brooklyn, was Brooklyn, July 27, by Rev. door. Donahue, George, son of John Cmakipg her annual visit with friends in sr., of Greenport, and Mrs. Boss Daniel Glover was making this vicinity. Clausen of Brooklyn. extensive improvements to Gilbert A wide-spread and disastrous storm STONE. Southold, Aug. 9, Horton's place at Bay View. occurred. Oyer 100 trees were blown' Marian Mayles, daughter of CThe following widows of soldiers of down in' this vicinity. Williams and.Arthur G. Stone, the War of 1812 recently received Rev. J. W. Beach, the new Presiding sixteenth year. Funeral services at 4 pensions of$8 per month: Mrs, Laura Elder, preached in the M. E. church. p• s Aug. I1 at the home of her pax- Booth, Mrs. Rejoice Horton and Mrs eats on Bay View Avenue.. J Treasurer H. H. Huntting, o t e Fort Leavenworth, Kas.,Aug.5, Mrs. Martha Overton. Southold Savings Bank, and his neph-, Elizabeth Anderson Peck, formerly of A new brick walk was put down ew, Milton R. Terry, returned on Sat- Peconic. from the Presbyterian church to the urday from a two weeks' vacation New London Conn.s July 28qBrown, Fannieroad. pT-.asahtly spent in Nava Scotia. They Lee, infant daughter of GeorgR. B. Conklin, of Arshamomogne, are enthusiastic over the sooner and of Southold, where intermesold Rarus, the world-famed trotting y place, aged 1 month. horse, to Robert Bonner forclimate of the land of the "Bluenoses'° $36,Ofi6, and the kind reception accorded visitors Arthur M. Tasker to Ezra GThe Republicans of New York State from "The States'"—especially of lotsouthside highway, adjacent annominated Alonzo B. Cornell for Digby and their good treatment there of E. G. Beebe, Bay View nam Governor. at the hands of mine host Throop, of There will be an exhibi­t,`o—, -oT the At the Democratic Town Primary, the Hotel Manhattan, and Capt. O'Neil work of the new chemical fire eating- Israel Peck was made chairman, and. of the good yacht "Forget-me-not." uishers at Eagle Hook and Ladder Albertson Case secretary, Wm. G. Huntting says that if Longfellow had Souse Saturday evening*. 14'ka. Z O Wilcox, Hon. H. A. Reeves, A. J. A. taken the drive through the Gaspe- Twenty- Ivo Years Ago Pollock, J. W. Case, W. H. Wilbur, neaux Valley and Grand Pri with driver � /.,,— W. M. Betts, T. H. Reeve, Samuel Smith of the local livery at W.a,lfoilio, � K. Terry, J. T. Gallup, James Timson, More than 80 persons from Southold Albertson Case, F. L. Judd Hon. he could have obtained many points e, went on the Brighton Beach excursion. Francis Brill and E. A. Boutcher were wc� "oh to Evangeline and her people, The Universalist Society organized a elected delegates to the County Conven- which he failed to get, ,�+.r.�.,r,� y g g Sunday School with Geo. C. Wells as tions. W. G. Wilcox, Wm. H. Wells, New Fire Engine Superintendent and Mrs. A. F. Lowerre H. N. Booth and. Geo. M. Betts were as Secretary. reappointed members of the Town Chief Chas. T. Gordon and ex-Chiefs The Sound bank at Horton's Point Committee. J. E. Corey, L. W. Korn and S. L Al- was badly washed by the recent storm. bertson went to New York on Monday Brooklyn, Aug. 19, Mary K., widow Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Payne celebrated to look up a suitable fire engine.for theof the late George Fmnmuller and their crystal wedding. daughter of the late Adam Bersenger, Southold Fire District, as was voted at The M. E. Sunday School picnic was of Southold. the last annual meeting. They found a held in Warren Richmond's grove. Toronto, Canada, Aug. 21, Joseph very fine second-hand engine, which, The Southold Chowder Party, under Albert, Jr., youngest son of Joseph A. however, has never been used at a fire the charge of Commodore Cleveland, and Mary H. Wella, aged 5 mos., 20 and is practically as good as new, the went on its annual excursion. days' price of which was $11M, It can be John Hagmayer was found dead in Tunkhannock, Pa., Aug. 27, Bessie purchased for $6659. The committee his house. The coroner's jury renderedEstelle, wife of Prin. W. M. Wood, will recommend that the district. pur- formerly of Southold, aged 27y, 11m, a verdict that he died from either apo- chrse this engine. A meeting of the lexy or heart failure. 26d. district has been called t a tnkr action pYaphank, Aug, 27, Josiah Smith, der the report of le „ lr i for At the Republican County Convention, aged 65 years. Interment at Willow E. A. Carpenter, Geo. F. Carman, Hill Cemetery. nursday night of this wee.t. 'I'lse James Otis, William Nicoll and Thomas — gentlemen while in New York pur,_ Dr, C. A. Sackett, of Afton, N. Y.; Young were elected delegates to the is visiting old-time friends and scenes. chased two chemical fire extinguishers State Convention. Jesse G. Case and and aheadlioht for the truck. The doctor leaks just as young as when. J. Madison Wells were elected. County he left here 15 years ago, and he is A special meeting of theax-pays Committeemen from Southold Town. receiving a hearty greeting by the, of the Southold Fire District will be - Southold people. bell in Protection Entine House on At a special meeting of the Southold Harry Eldredge Stephens, of Cape Thursday evening,Aug. 18,at 8 o'clock, Fire District, held last Thursday 'even- May, N. J. a student at Jefferson to take action on the report of the com- ing, it was voted to approve the,action Medical College, Philadelphia, is visit- mittee on a new engine. of the committee and purchase a new ing at Dr. Hartranft's. CHAS, T. GORDON, Chief. fire engine for$65©. - Mrs. Ethel Ames, of Cicero, N. , Louis M. Sandford has purchased a has been engaged to teach the Bay llv business at Bay Shore. View school this year. Twenty-Five ears wenty- ve en /�f cr+ y� f/ — ,!, Bridget T. Car oy to omas onway, A pigeon shooting match was an t 4 fl/► 14 acres west side I orton's Lane, ad- Dr. A. L. Sweet addressed e Cut- jacent land of James Donahue, South- nounced to take place at Oak Lawn. chogue Temperance Society. $200 Six applications for licenses were Dr. Huntting's character songs at the old received by the Board of Excise, but deo. C. Terry, Jr., left Thursday no licenses were granted. Universalist concert brought the housedown every time. morning for St. Lawrence University, Col. Thomas Carroll was a delegate where he will begin his Sophomore The Universalists were preparing for to the State Democratic Convention at the ordination and installation services Syracuse. A Terrific Storm of Rev. Abram Conklin. The members of Southold Division Rev. C S. grown of the Five Points One of the worst storms that ever went on an excursion, per sch. Marietta Mission was in town looking after visited this section began early Thum Smith, to the Connecticut shore. donations. day morning. The wind blew a gale The Southold Town Fair was an- Rev. Isaoe Philip Coddington, who an " the rain fell in torrents. The nounced for Sept. 24, 25 and 26. was being educated by P. T. Barnum, roads were littered with branches and Capt. Benj. Colo closed the Peconic preached in the Universalist church. many large trees were uprooted. House, Greenport, for the season. Telegraph and telephone poles and wir Capt. Benjamin Wells died, aged 86 are down. / — Misses Carrie and Nellie Huntting, of years. this place, Miss Hattie Fanning,of NewLucius Robinson was the Democratic VETERANS' KEUNION. Suffolk, and Miss Ella Foster, of candidate for Governor. Tammany Peconic, were to enter the fall term of bolted and nominated John Kelly. Comrades of the 127th New York the Oswego State Normal School. Meet With Co. H. Miss Martha Whitaker left for Boss Geo. H. Smith and R. V. A. Newton, N. J., where she had a Fitz are to build a large barn and out- On the invitation of Co. H, the de- position as teacher of mathematics and buildings for E. D. Cahoon at Breezy teran's Association of the 127th Regi- the sciences at the Newton Collegiate Bluff' The material to be used in their ment, New York Volunteers, held Institute.. construction, is cement blocks, which their annual reunion in Greenport on have been manufactured by John A. Thursday, Sept. Sth. It was one of Sag Harbor, Aug. 27, Warren 0. the most successful and best attended Overton, a veteran of the Civil War, Bliss and Mr. Fitz. A building made a the reunions of these hardy old having served 3 years in. Co. H, 127th of these blocks will practically last sordiers of the Civil War. Regt., aged 59 years. forever, and it will also present a very The roll call followeti anti there Southold, Sept. 4, Henry a erma , fine appearance—the blocks having the was a total of 83 comrades answered of Brooklyn, a summer resident of appearance of hewn granite. This to their names. Company H lead in Southold, aged 93y, Sm. Interment in looks like a very promising industry. point of attendance,having 33 present. Two deaths were reported since the Brooklyn. Mrs. st er enn�e t—iras purchased Peconic, Aug_.JJ'I9, Deborah A. Weeks, last circular was scut out, the do wife of Albert�" Goldsmith, a ed 69 ceased being Comrades Chanes B. the Swain cottage and furniture, on g y', Edwards of Co. B, and Warren Over- Bay Ave., for$2,000. 12d. Babylon ppers please copy. ton of Co. H. Mrs. Ella B. Hallock's book of meth- Southold, Sept. 13, at "The Pines," Company —James H. Yonne, But- ods r teaching physiology in lower by Rev. W. H. Murray, Franklin Fitz N. Booth, G. L. F. Booth, L. T. But- ods for has been placed upon the text- Overton, of Peconic, and Miss Susan ler, B. T. Btllard, John D. Cieveland, graMaria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. T. Conklin, Geo. Culver, J. Addi- book list of the schools of New York H. Sweet. son Corwin, Robert Ebbitts, Henry Cit Cutcho ue,Wednesday evening,Sept. Galfga, Samuel Harris, G. F. Hopi- y. g well, H. M. Halloca, B. A. Horton, Miss Elizabeth G. Elmer has entered 14, at the residence of the bride's Henry . Horton, Robert Jefferson, the Fitchburg, Masa,, Normal School, parents, by Rev. F. G. Beebe, Albert J. W.� Klipp, Oliver A. Mayo. C. E. where she will take the regular Nor- W. Albertson, of Southold, and Miss Overton, Thea Overton, B. T. Genevieve Merwin. Payne, Henry W. Prince, W. E. mal course. She is already a graduate West Coxsackie, N. Y., Sept. 7, at Price, Geo. B. Reeve, Thos. E. of the Kindergarten department of the bride's home, Rev. Theodore 111. 112aeva, J. Sullavan, Barton D. Sktn- that school, For the past two years Shipherd, of Newark, N. J., formerly nor, M. D., Win. Sterling, Wm, she has taught in the Southold Union of Southold, and Miss Esther I. Howe. ! . Shipman. C. E. Terry, George School as Kindergarten teacher and Frank L. Downs, one o ou o s C. Wells, Henry H. Wood, F. A. Asst. Principal, in both departments promising young men, who has been in With. lyn for the The ceremony o doing most excellent work. She goes the drug business in Brooke the laying of e o£the to the Normal to perfect herself in her past six years, has purchased the store corner stone Chapel, Depot add work. building for$15,000 and is doing a flue Administration wn was held Thursday laf afternoding at on, Septne als. Miss Florence Van Dusen who has business. The Right Rev. Frederick Burgeak been attending Southold Academy, has Geo. M. Hahn, of New Haven, has Bishop of Long Island, presided. entered Pennington Seminary. moved to Southold and will conduct his 47th Regiment band rendered a Arnold P. Danz, who has been business of paper hanginga d furnish- propriate selections. attending Southold Academy, has ing paper. 5 0 A , ' � Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson started entered Syracuse University. potatoes are selling far 50 cents and week for Fort Leavenwotth, Kan Oa Sept. 15 Luisa 5 itl:1 Al. 1'tince our farmers are rushing theta to where she will spend the winter resigned her place of at t:stmjt i-ecper market. her sen-in-law, Lieut. Robert Peck.: est Horton's Voint liglithouse, ............ Pf V� XV j Is' P'n-60, W� Mp; N ll;��";_,.% 01.0'." VN 0 M r elft AMR 1.0 4�'.f.%31��.��, I �0/1 M 0 'R, ,: " 0.1 f;R., M -old AV 7N, ,O"'n, M,V rf�', N! M,/ Mlm 'Y.Ro KIM g(/ r VIM I It go ....... �;,Al, 4� "®rMYNIN r �i.r,�-_ffl�ll�a rk' 04.W"�mmll iN 05� r Ell r-'v. 11 All" I 0,Mo, fla .."WPA.,013-won :,g 0 koag,N. ._, l.' It g; iNO� 6�,g PEI. MTV .P T. ®r Rw ,MO,, z A.-WRIM: P/g, On %W,I %;,;,.,(,r.!,. ." kin j:: e.,k f V%419?pe. r) 5'. t,.,A ms If r .fflm,,� M.-IMMJ? M'M gw, WL41W ........... INN If en Pm ?g" Y/; IN kv r Kv El kp glg%i Im MI'MIN, g #"",Mw M ml, wvi K,J, v I wy, " YrM�eZil 180%1� rV®r 'To 1g, fe,% WE 11" .wr ,f 9- pr 7( 7 ME W-V w Mo ez MIr % ro ."W,?,On 0,01,,� wit M? Y� r % R��."M;'. An. 0 ffill" le fji .Mel Xj 21, pu R"'O'S R Wk� M Mil r r. .r W. 1 r .v.,om .UK. vw. Nil gg% p/.��Illll fflmrAm�.& MO i��Illrjvl ®R r e r M lgffi,_�Rrl iz V 1 /4 in Rtil W WWI. Q-4 N t"I W_le r.'or, i A M', mm. f.11"r",�I gle x gs, MAW-, 'R. lei %e k A e4 t0� W r V IV. Tlq V 'g "p J % g,7gm n -4 @ d nP. p) lb M Q -4 AYR Z..vll,mt N REM. 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E. passengers on board, all nen, and IT-he of ic€�rs of Southold Lodge, I. Q. they were cared for at the hotel. n church elected the following officers. +�. �'. Wednesday evening the e P°res., Mrs. H. Jennings; 'ice Pres. engines ran , were installe b District out of water and the Fire Department t eputy S. B. Horton, of Greenport. Mrs. S. B. Corey; Seca 'Miss Hannah Carpenter; 'Tress,, yrs. F. Terry-. was called The Board of cine held a meeting on to pump some water into g their tanks. The cistern back of the to investigatecharges of violation of The following were elected officersof ;license against F. L. Judd. ,. Southold Division, S. of T.-0 P., A.. engine douse was used and that was t the meeting of the S�or�thc�ld R. soorl pumped dry. About a dozen men `'Vail; T. Vii., S. Prince; R. S. Temperance Society, . Y. t�allacl Harriet "Terry; A. R. S., Carrie were then hired to shovel snow into the engines' tanks in order to supply and S. B. Corey were elected delegates Merrill; F. ., F. T. Wells; Treas., P. the needed water. to the Count Convention, Remarks H. antermen; Chaplain, W. H. Vaal, were made by Rev. J. Pilkington, Rev. 'Con. " , Mrs. W. A. Clark; A. Con., The plow which preceded the noon , train rcrn the city Wednesday became lir. Whitaker, H. G. Fitz, Van Hattie Prince; I. ., Peter Owens; . fScoy, S. T. Terry and S. B. Corey. S., John. Murch. stalled in a huge drift at Bridge Lane, , Peonic about� and there at J Batson Cochran in behalf of the Messrs. Hurd and Waitress, of New p'still remains young people of D +r. hapin's church Landon, addressed a temperance meet- � though it is likely the 'resented the Universalist church with ing in the M. E. church. blockade will soon, end. The train and ' the rotary low are behind it. +fin the three pulpit chairs, The Horton Genealogy was nearly '� �_�..���. ready for distribution. South Side train are stalled at South- 1 e der an. re ericl W. At the annual Parish Meeting of the ampton and l' +ariclea and there is Brower, brother of the late Mrs. Wim, Presbyterian church, James B.Fanning general tie-up all along the line. Y. Fithian, of Southold, aged 7 years. and Samuel Dickerson were elected n account of the non-arrival of the out o , a4n. 11, at St. Patrick's R. trustees. Miss 1' etta Horton was rnall much of our correspondence from C. Church, by Rev. Father P. F. retained as organist at an advanced. neighboring villages does not appear. Mathews, John C. McCabe and Miss salary, A committee was appointed to Mary J. Dooley. consider the matter of procuring heaters ,;= i%ollowing the operations of the firm of C. R. Simonson, of Ridgewood, L.1., for the church. Fog, Rain & Fog, who deruimated the is acting as supply agent at the depot. Thep arishioners of Rev. r. What- we th+er politics of last week,and sncc� c:d- Station .gent F. K. 'ferry has been an te aker gave him about $1010 at his 'gid wings ini as well as in the�rbig job sof spending � � ' r�i�r ,s inl,�ht have, do � s endan his vacation in the Southold donation. snow removal,Saturday,. the 31st day of Savings Bank. rubber coat and Moots were ;December,proved to be one of the mildestLity. ard Terry has entered the g_ presented to Samuel Weeks, the mail and finest of that entire inonth. `�*lac ral Department of Cornell Un- carrier. The meeting was held in the effect of fog,rain, and uoutherly air ser, "This is the finest agri+et�ltur-drug stare, and the presentation speechd tot i�id of Itis rawly fast, ege in the country. was made b Lawyer 1. H. Tuthill. and whip slush and water were disagree- - - ably evident the walking was not so lead The Long .Island Railroad Co. issues Blizzard of 1905 as could have been looked. %Sun la, Jan, no more 500 mileage books. The new Though no great amount of snow fell ,,was another fair day with bfi ht suin rule went into effect Jan. 1st. Only and moderate temperature. Monday, the Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, 100 mileage books are now sold. legal holiday,opened fair for few hours, th eavy gale accompanying the storm thea clouded over before a sc utlrerly wind The hottest day during 1004 was made the snow drift very badly and and near night rain began dropping at ire- June 26 ",,.jen the thermometer reached caused great trouble to the railroad. tervals,b+ ronin another i;soft Pell"" of g � s 89 tiers and the coldest day was Tuesday it began to rain, which fog and rain which lasted until toward8 changed to hail. in the venin and night of Tuesday, when the wind +cameJan. when the mercury dropped to g g ydegree below zero. The mean temper- about midnight it.be an to snow. The y d another furious � g ature for the year was 45.,7 degrees. c�ttt more northerly an wird blew at a terrahc rate, and snow storm witlr d�r�itrg wind set i��. ft Wednesday morning the cuts on the lasted all nr bt and did not clear oft fill Brooklyn, Jars. 11 at the residence neap'noon ► ' Tedi slay, wired flrlly 1c� of the bride, by Rev. C. 1 . McAfee, railroad track were filled and many of - James Wickham of Cutchogue, and rnc:hes on a level had. fallen, The snow the highways were blacked. `edne - wasd;crap and heavy,but the strop Minerva wind Miss P. Mallard. Prudence, daughter of Mrs. day night was the coldest of the season, drifted,it b.:dly and packed the .R. arts Me- it being 10 above zero early in the full, The express train that morningwas Soutbold, San. Francis J. 1c-. evening, and the thermornter registered stalled in a bank east of LS�outh ld and staid Cabe, aged 30y.p 9d. y y '- � J*, daugh- zero earl Thursday mornin there till Thulrs�ay M.,when it was re- Southold Jan. 14 Louisa Over- Great trouble was caused to the rail- leased and proceeded. o train readied ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W.r ad and at this writing (Thursday Greenport until 1.45 P. m. .5th, when the ton, aged yrs., 11 mos. g y Cor- morning) ploul�a��l one engine forced its P�,i. e�head, Jan... 1'�, ' illam H. orP morning) the blockade still continues, �►rwin formerly.of Peeoni+c aged 73 yrs., a through, closely cl f�llow� b o�rc � The train left Greenport Wednesday y mos. Interment at Willow mill f the Russell ploughs driven by two Cemetery Thursday.morning, driven by two eagines, but ' engines and the mail train of the 4th # • drawn b two engines that had been *Baker have without a plow, and became stalled in Geo, C. Teri and J. A. a large deft east of Boisseau v. stalled mar tyuteliogue. The evening finished filling their large ice houses a There it remained until one o'clock in train on Thursday earne in an liour late. Pond with 9-in, ice, the afternoon, when it got clear and great "t"went - Five Years Ago went - Five Yearn Ago The rotary plow cleared the way to 4 01— ter, Greenport last Friday afternoon, and lit was soon fo&owed by Conductor 4e license of F. L. Judd was kev. Abram Conklin,gave temper- , re gal ed for illegal liquor selling. once lecture at Cutchog te. Cunningham s tram. Conductor Ivens The Church of our ;saviour* of �rhich The measles wereprevol�ent. train was dug out that afternoon from he drift at Bridge Lane, Peconic, ars Rev. Dr. J. M. Pullman was pastor, At the annual meeting of the Lyceum presented the Universalist church with Association the following officers were started for New work. Miss Tess�e silver communion set. elected: Fres., A. M. alrncn; dice Carl was one of the passengers on this train, which had .ss r3rrle Goldsmith was spending Fres.,Israel Peck; Sec., ern. H. Terry- .. been stalled since the winter in Brooklyn, preparing leer- Treas., Geo. C. Wells; Library ComThursday morning. ., A., &elf for a music teacher. mute , H. H. Hunttiug, Albertson Geo. C. Terry met with a very bad The New Orleans University Jubilee Case, J. B. Teary, H. G. Fitz and S. accident Saturday,aft+ernoon. He was .Singers,gave two entertainments in the I.H. Moore. going across the road at Albertson's M. E. eburch. The receipts were$160. We were having a very mild winter. livery stables when he slipped on the Rosanna Cassidy died, aged 87 years. Steamer W. W. Coit was undergoing ice and fell to the ground, breaking his &_ thorough repairs. right leg above the ankle. He was "The attention of our readers is called � -_ - - carried borne and Ir. Hartranf t was the announcement of the Heffley � _ pother Blizzard called, who set the bones, and the Drug Co. The Southold stare has been "No great amount of snow fell wines- patient is doing as well as can be- fitted up in fine shape, and we will have one of the best drug stores on thedays but the wird blew at a err h.c expected. t . . Island and one that will well deserve rate and we hadone of the worst Twenty- Five Yea rs Ago your patronage. P. J. McDonnell, a blizzards in years. To add to the dis- graduate of the New Fork College of comfort, it was very cold, the ther- Pharacy, i rns in charge. rnvrr�eter registering Dery Thursday[fa7mily . H. Wilbur was about to move his l<rII J. Eenry Wolff of utchogLie licas morning. 1t was impossible to stay to N. Y. City. sola hiq bicycle repot• business to out in the storm for any length of S. T. Terry said that for two months Lewis W Overton of Southold, who time Wednesday, and at night the past a spotted seal had inhabited the e}}♦l there. Istreets were deserted. The noon train waters of the bay.near his place. -. Miss Fannie Mosier, of 1 iverhead, Burton Corwin an wife to Nathan arrived two hours late, and it remained H. Sayre, lot east side Pecon c Lane, in Greenport until Thursday morning. purchased Mrs. W. H. 'ilbur's adjacent land Silas F. Overton, Be- The snow plow went through Wednes- millinery business. Rev. r. Whitaker was regarded by e�rn.�c I, 0 day evening and returned from G�reen- ,. Willis Hoxton and wife: to Moses part the neat morning. The plow ran his mirlisterial brethren as the most J. Lindsay, 50 acres south side ]forth into an immense drift at Bridge Lane, learned member of the Long Island Road, adjacent land Lewis R. Case, Peconic, and there it is likely to remain Presbytery. Peconic nom until the rotary comes from the west. At the communion service of the Universalist church thirteen members Thomas M. Burke lice Burke, 1 The Wednesday evening train had. not a+r~re east side railroad v. adjacent left L. 1. City Thursday morning. were received into the church. o e h H. Prince, Southold � nom .Father R. S. Foley was presented Av., Rev. land J s p , Bernard McCa ee Southold Savings Bates with a magnificent carriage robe, the Mary . Came young work of two ladies of his con- 12,acres east side bridge Dane,adjacent The annual meeting of the Southoldy g Savings Bank was held last Thursday, g • tion, bliss Jennie Brennan and land`M ses Lindsay, Peconic nom re a _ Williamson o E. Williswhen the following were re-elected Diss Julia Cassidy. The robe was a merge H. �llYarnson t lj() n, 7 aeras west side Bay View officers: Pres., J. . Terry; 1st Vice large afghan, seven feet long and five ..fres it F. Everton- 2d dice fres. feet wide. number of friends met ., Silas ,bi ghway, adjacent land William Tay- Henry' W. Prince; Sec.sand Treas., H. at the rector and Col. Thomas Carroll nom y ler, Southold � n H. Hunttingt asst. Treas., A. F. made the presentation speech. luring y f Lowerre; Counsel, Herbert L. Ford- the two years that Father Foley had. 1� Lindsay and wife to Jo dray, 571 acnes North road., extend loam. FZk s F. Jennings was re-elected been here he had greatly endeared g to L. 1. 'Sound, adjacent land John Bim, Peconic no xn a member of the Finance Committee, himself to his parishioners. and Wim. H. -Terry o the Examining --� ----- Jr . Fanning has sold his half of the Committee. Frederie K. Terry was Slteamer Mauhauset Burned Beck:Store, including the post office, engaged as an assistant in. the Bank. , The steamer l�"Ia�nhanse�t 1toms J. E. Howell's shoe store, W. M. May- Mr. Terry is to be congratulated on was burned almost to the water's edge ' a g p y New London. She na s store and add F'ello s Nall, to securing this position, and the Bank. �s earl Sunda at H W. Prince. .700, also to be congratulated on securing was the property of the Montauk e understand some f our f a.rr ers his services. He has tendered his steamship Company and was employed missed it by holding their potatoes, as resignation as Station Agent of the as a freight and passenger carrier be- they are now quoted at 55 ets. per bu. L. L R. R. On invitation of Treasurer tween New London and Sag Harbor. —Green mountains at than. H. H. Huntting, the Trustees en�jo ed The boat was tied up to the dock after South6ld, Jan.725, Henry G. Howell, an. excellent turkey `dinner at the discharging ber cargo and all hands bad aged 64 years, 5 mos. Southold Hotel. left, with the exception of the watch; he cause of the fire is not known. TV t dere % Argo Twenty- Five `ears Ago Twenty-- Five Fears AZO. removing several partitions, . J. B. Terry was tete purchaser of the Blackbirds had put in ars appearance. V. Penney greatly enlarged and farming land sold by the executors of Presiding Elder Beach preached improved his store. the Albert Albertson estate. Price, the Methodist church. tr. W. W. Coit was to resume her ,000. Over thirty new books were received trips to New York on March s. Notice e wa.s given that Miss L rttie'by the Lyceum Library, The addition to Wm. H.Terry's More "Thomas, of Cutchogue, formerly of G., E. Horton was mate of sit. was about completed,-and H. H. Lewis New Neork, would open a millinery Marietta Smith. d of Mrs. Republican Town Primas elect- was to move his tin and stove stere establishment at the old sten The R p there. ed the following delegates to the Wilbur about March �. Ice houses.in this section had been County Convention: J. Brown Young, Recent improvements made ern. -11., Tuthill's residence one of the finest rr filled. Chas. Mover, Judge G. S. Adams, the village. S. E. Corey was about to have a J. Madison Wells, Samuel Dickerson, rev. John Pilkington received a call store erected.between his cottage and Jesse G. base, Dr, H. P. Ferry and.. to become pastor of one of the Terry's building. J. Corey, Robert Newbold. Brook- lyn churches. builder. The first floor was to be f � , Southold Feb. Diss Julia , Luce The Suffolk County Temperance occupied by hiss Fannie Mosier a � � y' Society met at Southold. ,Addresses millinery establishment. aged 25 years, 7 months. - were made by 14°ties. Peckham, of The Cleveland Genealogy was publish- Riverhead, Feb. K by Rev. W. 1. 'California, Rev. T. I . Benedict, Rev. ed. Chalmers, Albert W. Conklin and Miss Temperance Society envie C. weep Abram Conklin, E. I. Sackett incl E. The Southold p y �t�e Y. Reeve. was addressed by Rev. J. Pilkington. n rn ense co wave and meeting was held at Southold to Mrs. Jeremiah Goldsmith died, aged countr• Monday and � Tuesday, ears. y a comrr�ittee to rna'� arr•ang�e- 64 -,-- --� Tuesday mo thermometers here appoint restexed 4 above zero, as also Thurs- xtents for nominating a candidate for Minnie E. cLure to Sydney R. � da morning. Excise ommissroner, who was against Howell, lot west side Bay A.v.,adj acent y granting licenses. land of Mrs. Esther Bennett, South- Who says we are not having an Arc- . � g i} � t Lon �sl- s o Rev. 1 a John Pilkington cit �-� tic winter? This wee The friend...., visit. old gave hire a donation.vi and Sound as far as one's eyes could Jai Fanning and wife to Henry r. Samuel Dickerson was elected a W Prince, lot r s Main Vit, adj laud see not a bit of water was visible. For delegate to the Republican Mate Core f Henry '' Prince, 'outhold•......nom miles and miles there was a solid bei vention. He favored the nomination Edward Goldsmith tom of ice. n the shore the ice is piled of James Maine for President. Conway, 1 acres adj estate Jaynes up to a great height. Peconxc Bay is Overton and land of Charles .�" also f�roerx oer. ttinTic �■'y '#� �t 7�-+� /�/� bra nom - - :.. - h.e people l .ve been Haynes, JIL. conic....••...w•.s.....4iom ' Grattan easel wife to Boss Geo. W. Smith is to bur a 1 p cutting six - J Grattan, 7 acres s s Sound View two-story store, about 25x25 for Wm. inch ice on the lake in Boissea:u Ave., Road, adj. land G F Hommel,'South- A. Williams, .which be will use for a and there is a foot of water under the. old...■. .., .......... +...,.■■■3 or shoe store. ice. This is something that ne-er Jas M Grattan and ane to Dan'1 Grattan acres e s Horton's Edwin Goldsmith and wife" to happened before. During the heavy '' Lane, add land Jas J Gagen, South.- Frc�de c +l W Carpenter, lot , s s fain rai n some time ago a large lake was old................................nom st, adi land Daniel Manny; also lot s s formed on Boisseau Ave., north of the Dan'l W Grattan and wife to Jas fain st, adj land Herbert W. r ions, railroad, and cold Breather corning on 1 Grattan, 7 acres e s Railroad eastern art of Southold.._....... � the body of grater froze. `�1�e lake u Av, adj land Luckey Boisseau, utcho ue, Feb. 1 , at the rr e s Southold.. .. •....., .,...nom g' E. Jeffries Le Roy the road made traveling rl�rngerou.s. ....... .. home, by Rev. W. Frank Rommel and wife to 'Stanton Reeve, of 1' attitucl , and Miss Either one had to go through the Chas E'Terry, lot s s Hommel Av, Clara Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' fields or around the North Road or adj land of G F Hommel,Southold nom Geo. H. Fleet. over the ice. Last Saturday F. T. Anna, Hommel to Chas _E Terry, Brooklyn,+Oct. 19 14, chug e E. Wells was driving over tl�� lase when lot s s Hommel Av, adj land of Agri and Miss Nellie E. daughter f � ..a gust of wind struck l�rs delivery F�Hommel, Southold.....•........nor Jeffrey Smith, formerly of Southold. wagon and threw it around so that it - '� P,ey. . g' Southold, Feb. 1, by the Rev. Epher Madison, N. J., dart, .' , of turned over. Fortunately some people y Arthur Luis 1'I�Ierriarn' Whitaker, , Edward Haynes Gold- P. feeler, were cutting ice and they cane to 1' r. smith, of Southold, and Miss Lottie New or $ and.Miss Ellen Galt Martin) May Horton, of Peconic,_ _ daughter of Wm. 0. _Rogers, L L.D•: Wells'assistance, r. Wells was badly xty, Feb. Elizabeth ., a former summerresident of Bay View. bruised, the horse's legs:. were cut and widow of Jesse G. Case, of Peconic, n Sunday we had the l,west r the wagon was damaged. Interment at Willow that we aged 7 years. Sunday lost a number oF ��col Bay, 'ux�da both.in hie found and e boilers of t rill cemetery ears. walked across the ba to belter•Is.I. rrYs f the will of the late have bad in fifty rnodore, which was .111d and edarlsland hobt ouse. Th( By the ter steamer o Jesse G. Case, Mrs. base having died, the rte. ice was from 1� t0 1E� inches thltk,— ed ixr,the Sound o the Inlet r�narty Academy will now receive a burn visible. Southold y years ado, Fere plainly I )rre+�tor, Feb. 11. bequest of between $9,000 and 1�, . vu ��Fty � E ry I L � �, !G , r � � �,�saapp t to Ilinkn it a great al1CCCAA, for 1t will prove of groat public benefit If well � h administered. l ✓ 1'he'1)lroctoraor the banklitstFal 5. I q t tiny olected the following o0loora: IL(Ca'1, Jolla lII: LUptiOPi VtC B•I'1'ee ty Nat S, '1'utbill• Cashier, lauust Cos {` r, i d 31# wio ; [nonose Uotn„ Nat S. 'Tuthill, ,�•- iJohn 111, Lu tan [toil chits. C111do1 i •-: p t� < sleeve rY1'v,✓„'�1 n SiresI R1 ug „What is the Lighting Cnmmittc ' doing T' is the question asked rel edly nowaclays. They have been work- ing ork ing for several months slowly and qui r' otly, but With good results. -i r'" re• r� "':' That the majority of the people are the %Greets o£ ° i ln favor of Sighting Southold wa { ryt W11Bn, about a •B evident .+ Y� n the Town Board set off a Year ago,Distriet and were sutharized bighting i to contract for lighting the streets 3E ��� an annual cost of$700. Plyi,' ? It has also been lettrneil by canvass- 'of aflhe.!lroakiina pante. ing the village that the people aro sof Lziir aztY 3ar.z.: hint[rz.2'uatc: ficiently interested in the Project to l give assurance that enough gn will be er This handlag as prraentod to the village o!' Htaultack by Frank IST, Lonten of Brooklyn. III1 Consumed hY private and busi33oss it coat more n,na$d0,ote,has.been endowed wub !'x10,000,and will be dedlcatod on Feb, M y' na I - houses to place the company pay- •„ Mattltuck Library Hall lane leas, The toilet rooms ars supplied ing basis f1-3111 the start. he8ptendid Girt of Vi%uk nr, Murtax—, with hot and cold water. on the floor It is estimated that the plant wit lcost Ground Tnuvaday' Nigist with Ur1t- _ with the library are several rooms,one $6 000. It is proposed to m°ganise It 1lant Program and M%noing for the trustees, a room that will be The now Library /Tali was opened Company with a res of of$25 each, th uoaopied in about a month by the Matti- divided into shares of $25 each, the kllliantly Thursday evening with an at, took]rank, and two or three that will be stock to he nen-assossable and the ]is endance of morn than eight hundred ranted for stores. The upper door is de. briny limited to the amount subscribed. pdtes sad gentlemen from Mattituck voted V the assembly hall, stage and nd neighboring villages, from UTuan- dressing rooms. Phe hard wood door of some of tlieAs a i1townsoeaulCi and those in n ort to Iliverhexd, wlCll many visStora tihc 1'a9t Is h0 feet wide by 00 feet in townspeople iengttt, and is furniahed with movable telestei] in the in3provement of the From places as distant as New. York Brats as that the door oen be cleared for . iaco have been asked to name the r nd Brooklyn, The building,the magnt• dancing: The stags to Isrga and perfectly p 1 cent gift of Frank M. Lupton of Brook- appointed, laving aeveral oomblote and amount of ate Ck far winch they rOLlld � r Tl ✓ aiegnnt ante of aaonery. At the Opposite be willh3g to subscribe. lyn, to his native village,anrpassae In Its and is a ball®r•9 that seats one hundred The amounte thus far suliseribed�have leganoe, completeness,and fltness the people, Gu file fluor are seats for four been from $a0 to $2ra0. Tlls fact that fit, ,l I eights%[ expsalotions of the delighted hundred, wltlr room far roots if paedad, more than , i,ti00 irax bush suhscril ed Weld people of Mattltualr, TIa Cgpenso At a meeting of the f lastioldeira, indicates further the 'interest of the ' nae heon spared, and the most expert held Saturday afternoon of last week, towns eo le Those who are cuutcli3 +» knowledge and skill obtainable have been the following gentlemen were electcel listing subscriptions would rc=sefeL tt f , seoured to make the building perfect in directors of the Mattituck Bank : ' 1 communicating in the 1, 1' ,1 `^ dl(si, n appointments and Chas. B. Wiggins, Greenport; Samuel favor lis „ t-; g pp I tune with the secretary orsomelnVol14 ilio, round Beer are the itbiary and Dickerson and S. L. Albertson, South- her of the committee, tlrB mBmbers of Uw. reeding room. Tlicao are bCautlfLrl, tliB old ; R. Jefferson, Fecoule ' 'fTe lery Albertson shelves era already slacked with some Kaolin, Cutchogue; Chas, H.'AI rich,' tvill0b are: IT. II• Tiunttint Case; T, B, Skidmore)J.. A. Tl6iss, L siu � { fiftesn bendred books,and many volumes. John M. Lupton, Charles Gtldersleove, 1torn secretary. rz� � r "'• aro to ng added uantlnually, Tho at. Arthur' L. Downs, Nat. S. Tuthill, W �• tractive reading ronin will be supplied Wm. H. Hudson; Amos Silkworth and1,oconie Bay was frozen oVOr to s1len 4 Pref r v9Lli the leading periodicals and news. Iferbert R. Conklin, Mattituck ; Chas, art stalked g3c.r4 s tin: t; papers: By the terms of the gift tbB kt• d. McNally and George A. Penny, mi extent that a party t braxy and xeading roams are to be open laurel, The meeting for the election to Southampton Last weak and to every duly except Sundays, from 10 AM, of officers will he heli Friday after- turned. � to 10 P. M, These rooms, like all the in. noon of this week. It seems to In tetter of the building, are finished fled generally conceded this is s geed field furniob, it in old oak. All Is beatpd with for a bank and evet'ybody in pie ni x r, l6soilYiightoI with sects _tY should worhard and 1x,. osis Btaam and hrira. Twenty- Five Years A o Thos Farley, Mrs Emma 'Thompson„ Twenty- Five Years Ago r " '1 /�J Geo (I Richmond, James Thompson, H At a meeting of the Board of Excise C Prince, Mrs Denman, Miss Mabel Geo.Boisseau, Judge Whitaker, Miss Rock- Geo. W. Fitz closed the winter term b6t one application for a license was ,sell, Mrs J A Thomasof his school at Bray View, received and that was refused. , Mrs McCabe, John B. Swezey sold his farm at C. M. Ledyard was buying potatoes Mr Grattan, Miss Allie Salmon, Charles Hommel, Dr and Mfrs Stuxmdorf, Mrs Hauppauge and was to return to South- by the car load and things were lively old with his family. depot.about the de G W Bullock, Thomas Fox, Mrs H N p Booth,Miss Emily Boisseau,Jahn Lehr, Samuel Dickerson was a delegate Cp Israel Peck received from Illinois a Wayland Jefferson, Mr eau,John Le is, the Republican State Convention at large stuffed bald eagle—a gift from Utica. Albert Folk. Marcia Prince, Mr and Mrs John A Bliss, Mrs D W Howell, Mr and Mrs Geo. J. Tillinghast engaged himself H. D. Glover sold his property at James MatthewsMiss Alice Wheeler to Gilbert Terry, proprietor of the In- , Peconic and was about to move into his let Flouring Mill, Peconic. B F Macomber, Geo H Smith, Fred house on Railroad Ave. The game of base ball played here The Southold Baseball Club challenged Williams, Miss Amy Sturges. Miss 5ophronia Goldsmith, Salem D Gold- between the Southold and Shelter W the Shelter Island Club to play,a game and nines rasulted in a victory for. at this place. smith, Miss blehetible Goldsmith, Geo B Petty, Mrs Henry Fitz, Mrs S Dick- Southold by a score of 10 to 9, Tho Hubbard C. Payne died, aged 66 Southold players were Thompson, Ben ears. arson, Mrs C G Carey, Capt. Gardiner, Mr Fickeissen, John Howell, Mrs Hen- edict, W. Cochran, Korn, E. Cochran, Southold Public Library rietta Horton, S Edgar Tuthill, Willis Maier, Van Scoy, Fithian and Kenney. Horton, F E DeGelleke, Wickham. Charles J. Williabis and Miss Ev Fallowing are the subscribers to the Conklin, Horace King, Mr and Mrs elyn H. Osborne were married in Brook Southold Public Library: Lewis K Case,J H Young,Mrs Dayton, lyn by Rev. Dr, Epher Whitaker. Mr and Mrs Geo Henry Terry, Mrs Howard H Terry, Henry D Horton,Mrs Jesse L. Case, of Peconic, returned Martin Lehr, Mrs Annie Spooner, Fred' Henry Van Wyek, Wm Y Fithian, Mrs home; Navin finished his studies at K Terry, J N Hallock, Lewis Wilkin- Hadley, Daniel Terry,Mrs Nancy Beck- g y with, Mrs Thos B Wells, Mrs Ezra G the Yale College Law School. son, Jahn Conklin, Miss Mary L Day- Beebe, Mrs.J E Davis, Mrs Schaefer, - arsons, business ton, Capt and Mrs Chas L Sanford, Mrs David Conklin, Courtland Case, If any person, or p Albert Folk, Mr and Mrs John C Eus Addison Conklin, Wm C Salmon,Gilbert firm or church, wishes a stone walk Terry, Mrs Elects Williams, Mrs A F laid across any part of Main street, the taco, Mr and Mrs Jesse L Case,Mr and Tuthill, Mr and Mrs Albert Albertson, Mrs Frank Mitchell, H Howard Hunt John Brietstadt, Dan'l Horton, John Ladies' Village Improvement Society ting, Herbert Hawkins, H W Prince, Boisseau. is willing to pay for half the expense Dr and Mrs J M Hartranft, Henry l, has of laying it. They will lay five or six The Editor of the TRAVELER . Unwell, M T Horton, J E Howell, walks in this manner if there is a d Albert T Dickerson, Rev A S Hagarty, kindly consented to publish the list of mand for them. They are not willink► 'Miss W Brainerd,Miss Jerusha Horton, members of the Southold Free Library to bear the entire expense of laying Miffs Emma Conklin, Rev and Mrs D H who have paid this year's annnal fee. the crosswalks for the reason that they J B Terry, The list is in this week's issue, have not sufficient funds to enable Overton, Albertson Case, Mrs Belle Van Dusen, Geo Horton Our circulation last month was nine them to do this, and also for the rea- Terry, Frank Gomez, Henry Jewell, 0 hundred and fifty books. As three son that if there is trot enough demand A Prince, Wm Harrison, Mrs Carrie hundred of our five hundred books are for the walks to warrant contributions Lewis, M I Booth, Edwin Harrison, constantly in the hands of readers we towards the expense of laying them, Prof A P Somes, Miss E G Sanies, J M could use to advantage some additional the walks are not worth laying, As Howard, Rev W H Llo d, W R New- funds. Those who have not subscribed y lung a our Society is dependent for' bold, Geo C Terry, Geo Jennings, T B are hereby assured that their names funds upon entertainments and twenty- Skidmore, Frank T Wells, S Lester would be welcomed as an addition to five Cent annual dues, it will not be this list, coca• important Albertson, Samuel L Bennett, Dr J G _ able to undertake alone any lluntting, Richard Sturges,. Fred, Car- on Tuesday, Feb. zs, \Srs. flunttilig village improvement. It will do its penter, 0 V Penny, Miss Margaret widow of Rev. William I-iuntoup and part, however, in any improvement for harper, Irving Fanning, Louis Tuthill, 'later of Mr. Wm, ti. Herne Moore of which a demand is manifested. L Baumann, J E Corey, Mrs C E Over- N. Y.Pity, who is living at mr. Moure`s It is hoped the petition left at ton, Mrs B L Prince, Harry Taylor, country hotne an the North Road near Prince's store asking for subscriptio Thomas Taylor, Mrs Annie Tillinghast, Greenport faecatne 95}ears old Shc is i„ will be generally and generously sign A F Lowerre, Rev W H Murray, Mr full possession of her mental facull.ies and Any amount, however small, will, and Mrs L Vd Korn, Mr and Mrs W H enjoys a fair aneasure of bodily health and welcome. As many crosswalks as Jonst, Dr and Mrs Marshall, Mrs Paul :ate irs o She w es a lively in a d the contributions warrant will be laid in :affairs of the town and country, and life Taylor, Mr and Mrs Wirt Evens, Miss lass as much zest and comfort to her as to the near future. Communications may, Mary Uuntting, J N Dickinson, Mr and .,inay nnot half her years. be sent to Mrs. J. M. Hartranft a5 Mrs Stone„ Mrs Chandler, W H Terry, Mrs. J. N. Hallack. A MEMBER The bill extending the charter of the Mr and Mrs F D Smith, Mrs Post, B F Suffolk County Mutual Insurance Co. Sinciais Smith's gardener, Mr. ho.. Price, Mrs Geo C Wells Miss Ada for 30 years from 1906 has passed both gan, has arrived with his fancily and is Booth, Mr and Mrs Millard, Rev Peter houses of the Legislature and FMathews, E E Boisseau, Mr and Mrs g ' gone to occupying John Korn's tenement lmzthe the Governor. on Korn Av.. n ou o , a e ohne'z&i par- w'e01ve ears te, March 2 after a long illness, Y gri r^_'L a 1'7 z �ivzat . - € ive b'ear's Aizro ha, daughter of the Rev. Epher �' �1'�1'Ll �I+"L", j�y � /t 'talker, D.D., and sister of the Rev. The following evidences of the mild 7 R Force Whitaker, D.D., of Al-, ness of the past winter were given ; Presiding Elder Leach preached in yr N. Y. � Thomas Terryrecently g the M. E. church. t Seattle, W ashingtan, Feb. 20, Wil-i y picked up some Warren L. Tuthill, of Mattituck, P.Bennett,formerly of Greenport, apples which had remained out a1.1 win- engaged to work the farm of Mrs. F. 37 years. Interment at St. Pat- ter under one of his trees and were un- N, Terry. a tk's Cemetery, Southold, Tuesday. injured by the frost_ In January Ezra The Southold Town Agricultural t Sowthampton, Feb. 22, at the bride's Boisseau, over 80 years old, set posts Society revised the premium list for b Rev. Mr. McAllister, Em for and built a long piece of fence. the June fair. ett L. Yonde and Miss Helen, daugh- G. F. Hommel made material alter- Moses T. Horton went into the in- of. Walter Whitman formerlyof surance brokerage business in New ations in the interior of his store build- York with Wm. E. Booth. nlc. ing. A jeweler's shopwas partitioned Wm. H. Vail and Frank Gomez rented Southold bodge, 1. 0. 0. F., has off from the shoe store and the Odd Daniel Terry's store, recently occupied moved into its new rooms in W. H. Fellows' hall was greatly improved. by Ii, H. Lewis„ and were to open it on 'ferry's building, and held its first sets- Stephen 0. Salmon, of Southold, was inpr iI Istwith a stock of gents'furnish- ' gigs there Monday evening. The lodge chosen as the no-license candidate for g goods, groceries, confectionery, etc, has elegant ne�uruiture and carpet Excise Commissioner. There will be an auction sale of and is the best equipped of any lodge At the meeting of the Southold Tem- antique furniture, etc., at the late in the district. Besides the main lodge perance Society, D. Y. Hallock, Moses residence of the late Amanda Wells on room, which is very handsome, there Cleveland and S. B. Corey were elect- Saturday, March 25, at 10 a. m. e two large ante-rooms, closets, etc, ed delegates to the County Convention. A Grange was formed here Wednes- e Odd Fellows have good cause to day evening with about forty c-harrer i mud of their new roomlbeen 6 The Grand Committee meeting of members. Addresses were made by We have been having a ine Odd Fellows of Suffolk District No. 2, State Overseer G. A. Fuller incl State t Deputy E. H. Chapman. l` ,�, , L2_ t Southold, and Wednesdaool was held with Southold Lodge, No, 373, ad to close for wantt ues- Wednesday afternoon, with forty-five Through the realestate agency of E. day afternoon C. 11- liommved Past Grands in attendance. Leicht, Valentine Heubel has sold his r a tai of nut coal q"liesre a lilacs to A. M. Salmon, of Peconic, far e A sumptuous repast was served the $2400. Through the same agency, famine at Greenport for me, local lodge and visiting delegates by John Fleiscbmann has sold his farm at e and rrtlro-rr cillages laava all the Ladies" Society of the M. E,church gay View to Chas. E. Terry for$2,000. Mr. Leicht has sold the harness busi- p111,:. in the church parlors. I'T*-y ness of Frank Roth to C. W. Hartley, C. 14i. Phillips, of West Hampton, Southold, March i1, Eve, wife of of Greenport. g commenced his duties as station n Sin ley, aged 82?years. Rev. William H. Russel], of Ocean g t at Southold. f'170 1a, / Ernest Corwin, for years our faith- Grove, New Jersey, will Breach in the y ful station master, has resigneMr his po- Methodist church at Southold, Sunday, le Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Mayo have futon to accept that of cashier in Mat- April 9, and his son,Dr. Isaac Franklin mewed from Mattituck to Southold and Russell, of the New York Isar, Profes- �- tituck's new bank. He will take a sor of Law at New York University, rd occupying their place, the B. II. month's instruction and practice in the will preach in the evening of the same as Booth homestead. bank at Southampton before entering day, Mr. Russell was pastor of this n, Mr, and Mrs. E. Willis Horton have upon his new duties. Mr. Rogers„ of church for three years from 1868 to 1571, and has many warm friends is moved from Peconic to Southold and Greenport, now has charge at the R. among those now prominent in its or _ are occupying their home on the road R. station. i'r'e V bga „'' counsels who joined under his pastor- y_ t-'Bay View. Southold, March 17, Julia M. Landon, ate. Professor Russell is a perennial a ed 88 visitor here and always welcome. be t; . Corey Albertson has moved into years, 6 months, �ti er s n n ore , nt i new livery stables, which are as Frank H. Roth, who recently started A fire started in the upper part of its ane as any on Eastern Long Island. a harness shop in T. Baumann's store, the barn owned by Albertson Bros., at. 'or James Grattan digs en a ed Boss H. not meeting with the success he ex- about 11 o'clock on Friday evening. engaged petted, has sold his stock to C. W. Fortunately, the fire was soar discov- W. Simons to build his new house on Hartley, of Greenport, and left town. Bred and a prompt alarm was given. ir• Railroad Ave. Mr, Hartley has hired the store and City,a c of L. The Fire Department soon subdued the }ns Word was received on yesterday that will have a harness matter there two flames and but little damage was dans. Far. ed. days rthe week, or more, if business I£ the fire had gained much headway it U.LIarG; I. chief clerk in requires it. All work not done on the be U.S.postal service,formerly for many premises will be sent to Greenport and would have been hard work to have saved adjoining buildings. The barn the rsascho,st teacher and at one time done with all passible haste. had not been used for some time and in :;' cigalaf Greenport L'❑iasashoul,tiled F there was nothing valuable in it. It y r F. C. wNil tams as ,arc asecl at na :.ieufy at his honic,aged 64 years. Only Oliver A. Mayo a lot, 100x'218, on Main is not known haw the fire started. This or a week-before on March i,Editor Terry of St„ adjacent"land of Mrs. J. Halsey is the first fire at which the new en - r tcc"Flares met him in Jacksonville, Pla., Tuthill. Mr. Wilharrss will erect ori gine has been used and it did fine work, where he had gone on a month's vocation. this lot in the near future a handsome g _ Io- 7 we funeral will be to-morrow at Center house and barn for his own occupancy, Caroline i is Moricibes,his forint_• home, and will be from plans prepared by Tuthill & Plainfield, N. J., March 22, iliggisi, Jamaica. Moore, wife of Edwin M. Daniel, aged' site c,nlucted by Peconic Lodge, F. &A. Al., 70 years. v c:reenport,of which l as a member, Nathan Davis purchased the J. Ams Orange, N. J., March 8, .T. Frank ^-L- ,, biose Goldsmith dace at Sheriff's sale Young, formerly of Greenport, aged last Saturday, for$900. 5 7y, 6m, 4d. Twenty. Five `rears Agcn ifEast ovJ Fisher's ri�Lr°n tioutU- Cut- :'vlattl-. puFrank P. ellg Witch District W. island d Or nt t.'Port G4reeoport of Peeoule choogue tuck o Warchased tile slero ves. Supervisor Frank D. Schaumburg opened a jewel- Barton D Skinner,R 24 120 149 134 90 133 103 91 181 1 ry store in G. F. Hot bildi 1g. Chas R Leverich, D 7 28 1'29 130 163 129 62 91 87 Dr. A. L. Sweet purchasedarge drug business at Geneva, N. Y., and Town Clerk was closing up his affairs preparatory Wm Y Fithian„ R 24 119 148 144 85 145 110 92 181 to leaving Southold. Louis Baumann, D 7 27 121 119 156 119 57 95 84 The Republican Town ticket was as Justices of Peace follows: Supervisor, Jonathan B. " Terry , Town Clerk, H. W. Prince; Elisha M Rackett,R 24 103 147 127 87 154 104 92 178 Pg, L F Terry, R D 31 142 271 253 23 Justices of the eace, 7 255 i63 187 266 1806 J. W. Huaittin &E. t Rackett,J. F. Horton; Assessors, N B Schellenger, D 7 41 126 130 154 114 59 95 88 814 Ebenezer Clark„ O. B, Goldsmith; Over- Assessors seers of Poor, H. W. Halsey, J. F• John H Brown, R 24 123 149 128 87 139 105 90 179 1024 Horton; Commissioner of Highways, Barely P Adams,R 24 115 151 136 88 138 103 88 179 1022 H. W. lilowell; C.ollcctor, J. F. Booth; wed C Bebe, R 24 118 150 130 81 132 102 90 180 1007 Game Constable, F. R. Fanning; Con- Chas E Overton, R 24 113 137 123 82 79 110 85 180 932 stables, S. H.Tuthill, J. C. Clark, R. Henry O Horton, R 244 117 149 131 86 114 56 79 164 920 S. Sturges, A. W. Turbush, J. H. Isaac N Teed, R 24 116 148 132 87 133 102 92 181 1015' Wines; Inspectors of Election, A. H. J R Kokendoffer, D 7 25 121 125 154 117 59 96 88 792 Latham, C. E. Glover, H. W. Halsey, William Rackett D 7 " 31 122 122 152 123 59 99 88 803 Jeremiah Moore, C, E, Overton, G. C. Dan'l N Thomas, D 7 28 125 133 167 126 62 97 87 M2 Wells, S. W. Tuthill, Joseph Wells. Lewis W Korn, D _ 7 34 134 136 159 186 57 102 87 903 The Democratic ticket was as follows: Andrew J Case, D 7 28 121 124 157 141 112 112 103 905 Supervisor, Henry A. Reeves; Town. Abram K Brown, D 7 28 120 123 154 118 61 96 87 794. Clerk, Albertson Case; Justices of the Peace,. J. Wickham Case, Irad W. Overseers of Poor Gildersleeve, S, K. Terry; Assessors, Julius D Boeram, R 24 103 125 113 71 122 87 87 180 912 Andrew Gildersleeve, W. H. Case; Albert B Tuthill, R 24 112 147 129 83 81 96 79 182 933 Commissioner of Highways, Henry L. Ansel V Young, D 7 41 156 153 183 136 77 99 88 940 Fleet; Overseers of Poor, S. Wells Wm A Cochran, D 7 32 122 124 156 180 70 107 84 882 Phillips; J. M. Worth; Collector, Ben- Com. of Highways. jamin Horton; Game Constable, H. D. Albert W Young, R 23 98 147 123 77 87 80 180 87 Goldsmith; Constables, W. E. Brown, Jas. McLean, Josiah Smith, T. W. George H Fleet, D 8 51 128 13:1 168 1713 89 13333 96 Horton, F. A. Tuthill; Inspectors of Collector Election, D. A. Petty, O. F, Tuthill, E. ,John B Reeve, R 25 99 125 114 62 96 87 84 184 87 S. Havens, W. H. Wells, W. A. H Everett Young, D 7 48 153 151 192 164 79 106 83 9 Cochran, H. N. Booth, S. M. llallock, Local Qtion Lester Gildersleeve; Commissioner o Excise, Antone Krancher. No. 1 Yes 16 35 140 166 178 112 78 77 83 gout o range 11 No 12 104 96 78 70 118 58 93 143 772 Following ars the officers of Southold No. 2 Yes 10 24 123 143 148 108 78 60 72 766, Grange, which was formed here las No 10 100 89 78 70 103 49 90 137 7 week with 38 charter members: Master, No. 3 Yes 15 88 152 171 16$ 161 105 88 110 10 Geo. H. Wells; Overseer, Geo. H. No 6 38 57 52 52 52 15 63 98 Smith; Lecturer, Melrose I. Booth; No. 4 Yes 14 23 117 145 142 112 72 75 83 7 Steward, G,-o, 1?'. Dickerson; Asst, .� No 7 99 92 74 69 108 25 84 136 6 Steward Ezra G. Beebe; Chaplain, Game Constable 7a,�age-dhis r M. T. Horton has en Geo. R. Jennings; Treasurer, Fred Hubert W. Klein R 96ephew, Chas. A. Booth, o Fiekessan; Secretary, Jalin H. Lehr; Theodore I3oinkis D 84n, as assistant in the post Gate I;eep,er, Fr nk L. Leslie; Pomona,Mrs. M. 1. Booth; Clora, Mrs. Geo. H. Constables Booth and family will to Smith; Ceres, Mrs. Fred Fickeissen; James S. Dewey R 1001?. Gomez's store. Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. Ezra G. Garrett W. Howard, Jr. R 97Theressnow at Paradise Point that Beebe:; Executive Committee, .lames Alfred R. Wail R. 9K3 felLin December. Donahue, C. H. Tuthill, J. 11. Young, William W. Sterling R 968 Southold Grange will hold its meet- Jersey City, March 27, at the reel- Edward O. Chapman R 1004 Ings in Good Temlilors' Hall in the Bence of his daughter, Mrs. Moses L. Augustus G. Wilcox D 803 'Preston, J. Sidney Wells, of Southold, William :M H. Macomber D 859 Brick ore. aged 81 years. Interment at Willow S. Lester Albertson D 824 Bass Albert G. Case has built a ba Hill Cemetery Wednesday. William Mason D 834 for G. F. Hommel at the Scrun Cutchogue, March 24, Joshua T. Bee- be, T.aged 51y, 5m, 19d. Edward W.Latham,Henry A.Reeves, House. Jonathan B. Terry, William A. Fleet Fdaidnot etrie alarm has been placed a and Otto P. Hallock were elected Town Iirrss Geo. W. Smith is buildiri r . R. R. crossing at Horton's barn for F. C. Williams at his place Trustees. South Harbor. Edward F. Dewey, 'William E. 'Ship rmers are selling off the a" man and James Williamson were elect- Lewis R. Case and wife to Ac c it he'r potatoes at 50 cents. It Powell, lot on Bay ave. adj. land ay 0 keep thein this year. ed Town Auditors. Soot f Twenty'- Five ears Tmienty- Flvd YeArs�A_ 0 & Sweezey purebased C. D. / �� , _�,,17 -�6v 2-/ '�t H. 11. Lewis put a peddler wagon on a,farm on Railroad Av. The new pastor of the M. E. church, R.Watt was assigned to the the road for the sale of tin ware, with Rev. E. Watt, accompanied by his sis- of the M. E. church. Charles Overton in charge. ter, Miss Mary Watt, arrived in So Ezra Boisseau, S. B. Corey, S. A. old, following were elected officers Beckwith and L. H.Tuthill were elected Youth's Temperance Society of John Dunkel went to Virginia to take Presbyterian church: Pres., 0, F. Trustees of the M. E. church. charge of a fish oil manufacturing plant Syne; Vice Pres., 1-1. W. Hallock; D. P. Horton,of Brooklyn,purchased Miss Ella Foster died at the Oswego �4 Dr. A. L. Sweet's fine residence. Normal School of malarial fever. ,ev., K L. Conklin.: Treas., Chas. H. The first bunkers of the season were Hommel Thomas B. Skidmore and Miss D. J�m C. A. Conklin, of Troy, N. y.,I caught. Sophia Edwards were married at the wnpied the pulpit of the Universalist At a meeting Of the Board of Edu- bride's home in Saliville. chorch on Sunday. cation of the Southold Union School, At the Democratic County Conven- Chas. D. Benedict went to (,le-neva X.Y., to engage in the drug business. held on Tij2sday evening, it was voted tion, Henry A. Reeves, H. C. Platt and Dr. F. E. Knapp located in Southold to engage the following excellent corps Arthur Dominy were elected delegates for the practice of medicine, of teachers: Principal, Frank E. D- to the State Convention. At the annual Town Meeting the re- Gelleke; Asst. Principal,Miss Winifred steer pias very close, most of the Re- Brainard; Grammar, Miss Elizabeth At a meeting of the Fire Department candidates being elected. Terry; Intermediate, Miss Jessie B. Chief C. T. Gordon reported that there Reeves defeated J. B. Terry Polley; Second Primary, Miss Addie had been three fires the past year,Mrs. fuerPervisor by 7 votes. Henry W. Peiroee defeated Albertson Case for Emmons; First Primary, Miss Mar- Wm. H. Wells'barn, Albertson Bros.' Tk�rn Ckxk by 3 votes, Jonathan W. garet Deale. Geo. J. Tillinghast was barn and the Presbyterian Cemetery, 11&ttfttg, Trad W. Gildersleeve and E. re-engaged as Janitor. /�L-A 'L, H to all of which the Department res- h*W' Rackett were elected JusOwing to the crowded condition of ponded and did good work. The 22 fire tim Ebenezer Clark and William F. wells had been recently inspected, most Lane were elected Assessors; Henry the Primary room, there now being 65 we W.Halsey and James E.Horton, Over- pupils there, it was voted that the of which were full of water. The De- seersof Poor; Henry L. Fleet, Com- scholars in the first grade be put on partment had been out on parade once, rni of Highways; Benjamin Hor- Thanksgiving Day, and made a fine ton, Collector, Foster 1t Fanning, half time, part coming in the morning Game Constable; Samuel 11. Tuthill, and part in the afternoon. This showing. Treasurer L. W. Korn re- JeOn C. Clark, Richard S. Sturges, arrangement will only last until the port" that he had received$19.18, be- AlOw Turbush and James H. Wines, school close-, in June. Next year we ing the tax on foreign insurance com- Citstable-R. Anton Krancher, the li- eause candidate for Excise Commis- will have an additional teacher and all panics. After paying the assessment Aqw, defeated Stephen 0. Salmon, the scholars can be accommodated• to the Firemen's Home and other ex no-Beense, by 271 votes, This is the best arrangement that can penses, there was a balance of $16.91, be made now, and is far better for both which it was voted to divide between H. W. Prince has taken his son, teacher and pupils. the two companies. Dederick G. Prince, as partner in the . Rev. William W. Gillies, the new The following were elected officers of general store business. Mr. Prince pastor of the M. E. church, comes here the Fire Department : Chief, Henry has done a successful business in South- from Westville, New Haven. He has L. Jewell; Asst. Chief, Albert W. Al- old 34 years and will not cease to make bertson; See., F. K. Terry;,Treas., L. the store an attractive and popular had charges at Long Island City, twice W. Korn. place for his many friends and custom- at Forsyth St., New York, Huntington, ers to buy goods. A new and increased Lawrence, South Third St., Brooklyn, Nearly all the stock has been sub- Greenwich and Litchfield. It is ex- scribed for the acetylene lighting plant, stock will be opened next week. pected that he will occupy his Pulpit and a meeting Of the stockholders will The L. L it. RT';;,Il run its regular next Sunday. be held on Saturday evening in Bel- Spring Excursion to New York and Rev. A. S. Hagarty has been trans- mont Hall for the purpose of Organiz- 'Brooklyn,on Saturday,April 8. Tickets (erred from Southold to Seventeenth ing and taking steps toward incorpora- good only on train leaving Southold at St., N. Y. City, at a salary of $1,500. tion. The outlook is very promising -jM a. nL, at$1.80 for the round trip.. for a successful plant being established 'tickets will be good for return on any John Fleischmann and wife to Cho regular train until April 10 inclusive. G Terry, 12 acres n s main highway, in Southold. Ij Cedar lane and North road, Bay wife 0 W aged 29 yrs., .........nom Southold, April 20, Esther J T. View, Southold_. Albert T. Dickerson, Elton Booth is clerking for F. T. Valentine Heubel and wife to Alvah 1()mos. Funeral services at the Pre Sunday, at 2 p. in. 0 return inclusive. n luo n or I v'e any y e c ", V g F . ' Wells. M Salmon, lot n s Main street, adi byterian church, i f, 11 1 m Wrn. T. Voorhees is clerking for 11. land Augustus Schaefer,Southold ..nom.J T e -V landd Terry,John Salmon, r n Cedar e Ir Augustus The barn built by Boss, J. E Corey F. Macomber. Gilbert H Terry and Wife to Chas completed E Terry, interest in lot n 7 Main for Sinclair Smith is about c George H. Fleet and wife to:William street, R R and land of A street, adj L I h adj. I"w,y ,Ij io _no-rn�and will be one of the handsomest Iwa a( 'Southold, •........ buildings H.Holden, lot south side big], y I' Folk, in Southold. land of G. 11. Fleet and Peconic Bay, Arthur Gordon has resumed his po Jesse Wells, of Greenport, asren .,in. 8,tl.,l - Miss Helen Horton's place and Cutchogue. nom. sition as eiiujaeer on the Shelter Is h lari d . land and Greepiport ferry, now, rtai- moved-there with hire-family. .i.g , 1 nit3g on The stpainer Kelp lia twenty-Pve erlrs lin The i''" �r— Twenty- Five Years Ago —The Peconle Flank at Sag Harbal e following were elected officers of t-VZa_V is` the Presbyterian Sunda z 1�� .� aloxerl its dour-s on 1�ltrnday^, 4lay 1 S, T'. Terry; Sunday Supt., Mr- and Mrs, J. Edward Davis moved ucviue to peculations of its crtsi,ier 2d2d Asst.,y; Is Asst., Henry Huntting; to Greenport. Francis R. Palmer. who c,auresded t, As ss Mattie Wells; Supt. Daniel Terry sold his horse Blucher a s�'ortage or sottte$40.0ul.t—since inorf, y "Dept., Miss Angie Horton'; to Mr. Harris, of New York, for $500. tlefinitet.y sti,ted ea ,41,x,00. He turned' Sec., S. T. Terry; Treas-, Miss Mar ovor prope`r.. aalued at rr-,, $-2;3,(x41. Asst., n William H, Glover and Miss Jennie to :4,{7}1!,and was under a $111,000, g; Librarian, Cl. F. Payne; 1st, A. Simons were married. Asst., Gilbert W. Horton; 2d Asst., );. At the annual meeting of the Board baud,leaving unsecured some x;,0411 L. Conklin; Committee on to $8,000 or perh,p.. Ill,[+0o Tliie Benevolence, Thos, Systematic of Excise, Austin B. Tuthill was elected $• Force, D. Y president, and Antons Kranrher, seers- amount, it is stated, will be [Dade up Hallock, Mrs. Celia Wells, Miss Sarah tary and treasurer. The following by directors a,t the ba ,ti or friends or Whitaker; Lis. M.ary Committee, Henry license fees were adopted. Z alme,, who in that event would not Huntting, Mrs. M. Force p Hotels in be arrested. Tho e,epositors are not Wells, Mrs. J. , Miss Mattie 'Greenport, $75, elsewhere $,50; store- likely i.e, h. ee anything. though their R. Robinson, Prof. keepers in Greenport, $40, elsewhere, money may be tied up for a lime. Robinson. The number of iregistered was 147 scholars $30; ads and beer, $20. Wickham & Th•at was the prospect as report,+o oil The Wanderinga 'Case were retained as counsel. Hotel Mon I: &Terry, Jew, built by Smith licenses were granted to Geo. M. Betts, on the bark door read c"`1"hisr bank is was launched at Greenport. Mattituck, and Abram Sully, Green- in the h fnciri or ilia state examiner, Southold Lighting Co. part. pending investigation,,,and the be A meeting composed of persons who au o tg : mg [l. iter was current that the bur:k wall go had subscribed for stock in a lighting The Directors of the Southold Light- Jul" i;cl,aWal.ion. The Surety Com- plant, was held in Belmont Hall Satur- ng Co. met on Saturday evening and pany's a,g`nt i� quoted as saylou that day evening. H.' H. Huntting called organized by electing Frank R. Mitchell, no action will he taken by it if Palmer he meeting to order. Frank R. President; L. W. Korn, Secretary, and can raise $5,ou 1 itchell was elected chairman and F. H. H. Huntting, Treasurer. Thomas The latest word thet reached us on . Terry, secretary. Farley, J. M. Howard and S. Lester Thursday p, in , was to the effect ihAt It was voted that the board of direc- Albertson were appointed as Executive the Final shortage to be maele good ors be composed of seven members. Committee. This committee will visit would be about$12,000: that the stock- he following directors were elected: places where village acetylene gas 1701•lers we-re ,issessed and will have csssr.. F. R. Mitchell,Thomas Farley, plants are in operation and report. H. to ImY:,o per cent, of their holdinge.; W. Korn, H. H. Huntting, S. L. H. Huntting was appointed a committee and th"t the b,auk would probably is- lbertson, Dr. J. H. Marshall, J. M. on by-laws. It was voted that the suine business on Monday.8 h, Howard. stockholders pay 25 per cent of their The Peconic Bank, which closed its It was voted to incorporate under stock on May 10 and the balance on doors a week ago, as the result of a the name of the Southold Lighting Co., July lo. It is hoped to have our streets shortage in the accounts of Francis H. $6,000 to be the amount of capital lighted this summer, and the village Palmer, the cashier, who had lost $41,- stock. will have taken a long step forward. 600 of the bank's funds by speculating, The: directors werp empowered to All public improvements are for the resumed business Monday. Mr. Palmer act as a committee to draft by-laws. betterment of the place and increase is succeeded as cas ,i er Uy a Mr.Travis, There will be a meeting of the direc- the value of property. c,Z'), 2-/9 who comes from College Point. Thomas torr on Saturday evening, when officers -- F. Bisgood is assistant cashier and the will be elected and other business S. Denison Corwin to Emma C. f clerks has been retained. Davis, -lot north west corner Carroll ald force transacted. 1— Ave. and North Road, adjacent land John Turner, Peconic« subject to life Those who saw G3rdon CaFe, of Through the real estate agency of Peconic, in the games at the Green, E. Leicht, lire, Jennie Barreshasrent- ' estate Sarah A. Corwin nom port Driving Park at various times, eta her cottageat nnie Hill to Drug- G. Frank Hommel and wife to Wil- as conducted by the local as9ociattone, g liam H. Terry, lot south side Hommel will bo interested in knowing that ha gist P. J. McDonnell. Ave. adjacent adjacent land G. F. Hommel. is the only freshman at Vale this sea- Oliver A. Mayo and wife to Elsie E. Southol _ -$2,000. son veno has qualified for the track Williams, lot west side Main St., adja- Mr. ami Mrs, Burton A. Corwin expect team- He has made the high jump cent land Oliver A. Mayo,Southold nom,to move to Sag Harbor next week,where there at five feet nine inches- " " Mr. Corwin goes to take charge of the J. E. Howell has sold bis s oe Willis F. Mitchell has moved from railroad station and the stea,uboat busi- nes.to Win, A. Williams. Greenport to Southold and is occupying nese. tae will at the �amg time continue — the Sound View douse, which he will as agent for the Equitable. 141r. Dor The carpenters of 1{iverhead and vi- run this season. win is familiar witti railroad work, lie cinity have decided to form an orgoniz,1- Iiavinl; bean in en segs of tla� Sxg Har. tion for [xautual benefit, principally to Boss J. I,, Corey is to make extensive bar, Riverhead, and Peconic depots in rel ailate the matter of wages, which it alterations in Wm. R. Newbold's house. ye,re past, is d?s'sdrd shall be three dollars per day artor May 15, 18[15• rented Mrs. Cook is planning programs for We resume this week the publication Station Agent Phillips has a series of concerts of German,Italian, of B. T. Payne's papers on village; rooms at Cl- A. Mayo's- French, Scotch and Irish music. history. y^'� � ; Twenty-Five Years Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago- The W. W. Coit was making three I It was very dry weather. The first car load of baled hay ever trips per week to the city. The question of a street sprinkler sent from this place was shipped. Mrs. J. Havens Case, of Peconic, was being agitated. Nassau Point was sold at the tax purchased the John Hagmeyer place on B. H. Van Scoy and Miss Helen sale. Railroad Ave. Bunce were re-engaged as teachers Of There was a great failing off in the 13, T. Payne put up fifty rods of barb the public school. catch of bunkers. Edible fish we wire fence on the Lighthouse road-the W. A. Cochran was accidentally unusually plentiful, from three to ff first in the town. caught by machinery in Glover's fish tons being sent daily from this place., Daniel T.Terry was about to remove factory and ran a narrow escape from Capt. Beni. Cole was to open ism Willow Hill to New Jersey. serious injury. Peconic House, Greenport, on July L, Prin. E. R. Shaw, of Greenport, ad- As Ezra Goldsmith was Putting a Lewis Glover was suffering fro' dressed the Local Temperance Society. vicious bull in the stable, the animal at lockjaw. Rev. Dr. Whitaker was making his an unguarded moment severely gored Johanna, eldest daughter of Daniel —punt visit to his aged mother in New him in the upper part of the leg. Manney, died, aged 27 years. Jersey. At the annual meeting of the Suffolk Following were the officers of South- County Mutual Insurance Company the Yaphank, May 19, Samuel Weeks, of old Division, S. of T.: W. P., A. R. following Directors were elected- Southold, aged 87y, 9m, 16d. Vail; W. A., E. Prince; R. S., Frank Hutchinson H. Case, Goo. S. Phillips: N. Y. City, May 19, Ezra A. Terry, Southold, Welk; A. R. S., V. B. Goldsmith; F. Sidney L. Seaman, Henry P. Hedges formerly of took place Sunday, awhere interment aged 68 years. S.,Mrs. W. H. Terry; Treas., P. H. Henry H. Terry, John .0. Ireland,' Cantermen; Chaplain, W. H. Glover; Moses C. Cleveland,' Rensselear T. Joseph Freeh will move his 'Con.,John Munch; Asst. Con., Bessie Goldsmith, Nathan D. Petty, David R. repairing business to T. Sauma Griswold; I. S., Robert Overton; O. S., Rose, David H. Huntting, John S. store next week. - Wells. Havens and Jonathan B. Terry. Of- Dr. J. H. Marshall made a trip UP An article in Sunday's Eagle says that ficers were re-elected as follows : the Hudson this week to investigate "Ile up,14.ate potatoes have been selling Pres. and Tress., Hutchinson H Case; the merits of village acetylene gas *fth difficulty at from 20 to 25 cents at Vice Pres., R. T. Goldsmith; See., plants. Messrs- Farley, Howard and puts in the interior counties, very lit- Franklin H. Overton; Attorney, N. D. Albertson returned from their trip the ,me of the Long Island crop has f4one ut Petty. latter part of last week. A meeting of oy time for less than 60 rants. It is t I f- the directors of the Southold Ligbting saperlot quality alone that has enabled a Southold, May 11, Mrs, Mary Malone, Co. was held Saturday evening. The tong Island potatoes to bring the higher aged 75y. 4m, 17d. k Orient, May 15, Orinda T., widow of proper plant for Southold W Won, Price. Henry C. Rackett, and mother of Mrs. decided on. '6 Dotal- crop CFxFe 51T11 I Geo. C. Wells of Southold, aged The new time table of the &MIlhold, Riverhead,and the Ils"104111" 78y, 1m, 14d. aceta every year to moretLau$2 000,- went into effect on Thursday,' W& jbiny f''k riners bave paid for their Chas. T. Gordon has purchased of Following is the schedule of trai farms in two or three seasons with their Mrs. Hannah Wells a lot on Bay Av., aflfttoerop. There are some farms in just north of Mrs. Wm. H. Tuthill's. leaving and arriving at Southold &4ithold Town -hose profits have. t ever rear of Leave Southold Arrive at L. I. (11 gone below$6.000 a year ill the hardest Mr. Gordon owns land in the (1.51 a In R.20 a of times such as 167:3 and 1894 this lot and also in the rear of Mrs. 7.13 it in 9.25 a in The new national bank of East Tuthill's and Dr. Sturmdorf's. He 1.08 P M (Cape Horn) Hampton will open for business On, will build a residence on the lot. 12.58 P in 5.58 P in Jane 1. Applications for stock WOM 8.08 a in (Sundays only) 10.34 a in closed on May 5, but the amount is- Through the agency of H. W. Prince, 4.18 p m .1 7.33 p in has already been largely Mrs. Lucy Gordon has sold her, fine Leave L. L City Arrive at Southold 'a Sued tb;Zi�d. The directors of the ever place at Town Harbor to Win. A. 8.42 a in U.40 a m lank are: Hiram Sherrill, President; Brown, a New York broker. Mr. I (Cape Horn) 12.22 p in (Ttkaries W. Rackett, jr,, Vice Presi. 4.15 P in 6.3*2 P In, dent. Benjamin H. Van Scov TreaR. Brown will build a handsome residence 5.16 P ul 7.40 P Tu fir; George A. Miller, James h. and greatly improve the property. 914 a in (Sundays only) 12.17 P in ,()Sy, J. Edward Huutting, George A This place is one of the finest forl 4:t2 p in 7.01 p in McAline, Abram E. Sherrill, Georgsituation on Eastern Long Island. The train leaving here a t o;13 a. in. and A. Eldredge, Jonathan J. Gardiner. i 'I L.1.City at 6.15 P.In. win not run on Atay wife Al-30th. Buffalo, Percy Y., Apr James B. Fanning and wife "outh., Wheeler Clark, formerly 1 d, benison Case, 2J acres, adjacent land Alexander amilton, of Brooklyn, and Miss Margaret 1). Keleher, of IS S. Vail and G. S. Conklin, South- building a 2J story addition, 24x36, Buffalo. Oid ...... ............. ..... $100 A Aexa rider a H bl8d r 2' I Ma A G u peT­­ A. Fear- Dr. J. H. Marshall's residence at So onle. A­p-r1T2U,­Adehne Vi w sail, wife of Oscar Silleck, aged 69 B. T. Payne has been app ointe View. yea . Census Enumerator for the 6th Election's os' A. G. as as to Boss A. May k t to to-story cottagct Peconic, Martin Sebus Y' District of the town. The work begins B , M contract to build a aged 8 mos. the first day.of June. �,2( f r H. Edwards 0 0 0 1 38x26� for Mrs. Mina g Mrs. Chas. H. Hommel has resigne u I ian church. Prof. C. O. Moore has been engagedlot on the Sound- las organist of the Presbyter "he Presbyterianher Prof. t Twenty - Five Years Ago Twenty--Hive Yearn Ago Twenty-Five Years A tf vi L _ �— l! tiff ci- (� — "' �l � U K-11 u /fe-- 1 K,- Geo_. C. Terry was about to erect a Samuel.S. Vail became 00 years old. A,hot wave swept over this s, house on his lot on Beckwith Ave. The day before his birthday he worked the mercury reaching the mnetse Capt. Geo. Rowland purchased the on the road. He was a veteran of the Geo. B. 'Bennett opened a ha house and lot, the late residence of War of 1912, store in Brooklyn. Mrs. Albert B. Terry, deceased. S. B. Corey purchased of Mrs. J. Ezra. Boisseau had new potatoes Decoration Day services passed off havens Case the property known as green peas from his garden. appropriately. At Willow Hill Ceme- the Salmon cottage. Army worm's were destroying mang tery Rev. Abram Conklin read the Rev. Abram Conklin received a call fields of grain and grass. Scriptures and offered prayer and to a Harlem church at an increased The Commissioners of Excise granted America was sung. All graves of the salary, but he decided to remain in a hotel license to Chas. C. Wright, heroic dead, some fourteen in both Southold. Greenport, and refused one to Ellen yards, were profusely decorated. The whole East End of Long Island Claudio, Greenport. At the commencement exercises of was alive with army worms. Q Elijah Hutchinson received a telegram the Hampton,Va., Normal School, Miss Dr. F. E. Knapp, who for a few that his son Frank, mate of sch. S. B. Blanche E. Freeman, of Southold, de- weeks was a citizen of Southold, Franklin, lay acorpse Gat F e B charge livered the salutatory address and read returned to New York. Southold Lodge, an essay. William M. Dickinson and Mrs Julia of the exercises at the grave. A meeting of the directors of the A. Bennett were married. Miss Emma F. Peters died, aged Lighting Co. was held last James A. Garfield was the Republican years. The June Fair of the Southold Ag Saturday evening, and another meeting nominee for President of the United i- States. cultural Society took place. The at- will be held on Saturday evening of this tendance was€100. Geo, Fleet's Nettie week, when it is hoped that final The Southold Lighting Company has took first premium in the trial of spew arrangements can be made for install- been incorporated with the Secretary by four-Year-olds, and Oscar .Wells' ing a village acetylene gas plant. of State with a capital of $6,000. Its Slippery Dick second. Thos. Goldcn's Wm. A. Williams took possession of directors are Frank R. Mitchell, H. H. Shark took first premium in the trisV the shoe store in they Brick Store on Huntting, Joseph H. Marshall, Thomas by horses of any age,and J. A. Brown's Thursday. Mr. Williams will keep a Farley, L. W. Korn, John M. Howard Cuyhoga Maid second. large stock, and Geo. J. Tillinghast and S. Lester Albertson. will be in charge. c/--6 / A meeting of the directors of the POSTMASTHRS` SALARIES. Clifford Prince, who i, emp oy as Southold Lighting Co. was held Satur- Under the annual readjiiptment Of fireman on the L. I. R. R., spent the day evening. Representatives OT postmasters' salaries these ("i3119e5 Sabbath with his parents. in Long Inland offices are auirouticed 5veral acetylene gas companies were'' Mrs. F. C.B s removed to present. Another meeting will be held today has The salary roats,d�ttr�n�Sone Jamaica, where her husband is em Saturday evening, and it is believed at thousand to fourteen huaidred dollara. 1 ed, this meeting a contract will be made Southold ottlen gets an increase froira The cerneteries presented a very with some company for installing a thirteen to fourteen biindrod. The lent here.,- a present postmaster is M. T. Horuin. attractive appearance on Decoration p- _ - A reduction has been made at Fieller s ,Day, Lot owners have never shown so Arthur L. Dawns left last week for Island from thirteen to twelve ntiu- much interest in the care of their lots Brooklyn, where he will keep a music died dollars. The postmaster is Epee as this year. in one of the stores owned by his ra 1. postmistress, Gordon. Sea ess, Lillian r Pear- store sell, posttiiist,ress, is also related Richmond Bros.' Bay Side Farm at brother Frank. from seventeen to sixteen buudre. South Harbor, which has for many " M. A. Monsen is chief engineer, and dollars. `years been in the possession of the N_ E. Booth, assistant engineer on the F. H. Hill & Bra., of Riverhead, are Richmond family and has been con- Shelter Island, boat Menantic, to put up a fine piece of work in the ducted as a very successful summer broken for F. C. Presbyterian Cemetery for A, i41. boarding house, was sold at partition. Ground is being Smith Salmon. This monument will be about' sale, in front of Southold Hotel, last Williams' house, Boss Geo. W the ten feet e balls Saturday b Frederick S. Lkye, ref- has taken the contract ce willdbe a of stone,hthe largest uof which nted by vweghs S Y Y ere"e. -deo. A. Maier acted as auction- house and barn. The place more than half a ton. t eer. The place was sold to Charles M. decided addition to Southold.. - Susan, wife of "t Higgins, of Brooklyn, the well known H. Everett Young and daughter of Babylon, June 11, at St, Joseph's R=' Greenport, Juno of Southold, g C. Church, by Rev. Father Tierney, manufacturer of ink and mucilage, forSouthold lace, aged �40y, where interment took p $18,650. Mr. Higgins is to be congrat- Patrick J es E. Pettit, of Babylon. and Mrs. sen T. Salman, Mated on securing one of the finest Miss Age uo e, June 7, at the home of thre .v3 e o Ire e places on Eastern Long Island. We . Lloyd eels ase an bride's mother, by Rev. W. H Y fat north-east elle Pecs regret very much to have Bay Side bride's Southold, Chas. Miller Phillips of C. Williams, Farm closed u a summer boarding Westhampton Beach, Station Agent at Bay. adjacent land L. R Cass, Souk old and Miss Bessie,oldest laugh- Harbor, Southold ........ ....... h 0 ement Southold, fie to - house, under the popular mariag ter of Mrs. Mary Payne. Edward W. Price and wife , Richmond]Bros. �� -� Silleck, Jr., lot east side flay Av., jacent land 0€C. T. Case,Pecon�c..n St4�et lighting I �a e 13t} l;.r i, , � II sj Twenty-Five Years Ago �. the Southold Lighting 4/(-v-La -3c) - — / j 1t`4i1 t y1 p 4 a Z-4— r / a a contract with a repre- There was a long continued dry spell. Charles Barth, Jr., died suddenly of of the Monarch Acetylene typhoid fever in. Kansas. of Omaha and Buffalo to J. H. Thompson caught a large G. Hahn sold a lot, 50x100 ft., with a plant at Southold for fighting number of sheep's-head in his pound. dwelling house„ on the corner of Main and t o Southold ld Fong private At the annual Parish Meeting of the St. and Beckwith Ave., to F. Gomez, and places. There are two Universalist church, Geo. C. Wells was who was to convert the hawse into a upd d the salary of re-elected trustee, an ' store. a£ligkiting�one known as the Abram Conklin was increased Howard W. Hallock rescued his m ' utoatic Rev. father's farm hand from drowning, system and one as the aI It was decided to have the $200. The mercury stood at 141 in the 4 tic system here. With this There was a great crap of cherries. shade, 0. A. Prince and D. T. Conklin Francis Byers, a native of Scotland, there are two generators, so if hing happens to one the other purchased the right of renovating died at Southold. . ttnr will take up the work. The feather beds in Chenango and Cortland The season was remarkable on ac- cau ties count of intense and prolonged heat rlf CO.has installed more street and drought, the prevalence of de- ing plants than any other company, The ]Democratic National Convention structive pests, such as potato bugs, 4 ay of which have been in successful nominated Gen. W. S. Hancock for army worms and rose bugs, and the President. succession of marine disasters. -gyration for five or six years. The I, -at be installed and ready for ,l:he new steamer Queen Carolin. The summer time table of the L- .iri inside of sixty days. The pipe bought by the Lnug I:rla°ld -,ii road R. R. went into effect on Thursday. ti bly be here by July 1st and a C ripauy of tho i?tae❑ Anne €tailr.in d �' Following is the schedule of trains gang of men will put it down in the Company waS tested yeaterdn,}°rpt Bal- arriving and leaving Southold and the generators should be tlmore, Anel, as she came t'uity up tel I Heave [`c,11tr1otd Arrive at L. I.city 9 �o a 311 -e by July loth, The plant will be the requlre►nents after a t1ial ilii .it t, tt.51 a m t1u K rJ 10,213 Ss 11, with all the latest K.16 a m _at ,up-to-date, Commodore Pon Cleaf, of talo ,uc u- 2,08 p m (cape Horn) ,-Onments„ A site has not yet been tank Steamboat C011-1l7any, 2.33 pll1 5.31 pm idgdon, The building will be built and Railroad supeliutenrlent.,and J 3.08 pn1 {cape Born) 11.20 p tri the Southold Lighting Co. The F. Keeney aboard, she was ace,3grte' S.2o a733 v in ul (Mondays only) tt°ll a m -r have done a good deal of hared and arrived at New Yr,rk harbor OIL 808 a,xn (Bundayrt only) 10.34 and *Rand they deserve the thanks of afternoon. She will he pot o 1 ttl, 4.18 p nl 7.zst k n1 new express route dletwiaen Oren up',r 9.07 p m 11.37 p 111 .for their public spirit. They wanted 11 •. icape zlorrl) be sure they were right before they and Block Island Mull Alouta3,4 au 6.47 a m sot Dead, and we believe they have i Leaave Manor Block Island upon ttoc, ur1+tom r„+i„[ Arrive at Southold and,well. With our streets of the sumal r lino ns t dole, 1't tr H.57 a 111 aeted wisely 4,50 p In 6.57 p nl lioted Southold will have taken a long 2% The name of the b)"It ort l t” Leave L. L City sup forward. changed to Montank. �i e a01 le-.�+ 8,42 a1n It„47 am (cape Horn) 12.y3 Greenport dtl}i} for T l ock IeVuuti at p nl 1f.21 F Ill Southold Lighting Co. has pur- about 8 u'c:ioek, shor114• alter the RT 4.12 p m i,1 p]SS a 54 foot front lot of J. M. rival of the stealners Shin uecook Kurd 5,15 p in 1.40 p ni (Saturdays only) 3.44 v ISS arroll, situate south of his carriage Oreenport, which will run uieibts ai UK)a ni (Sundays onir) 9°08 t!111 tel nately from New York, s)14 a In 701„ 1' p In on the new rand to the wharf, -:prop ,. ,. 7.01 p In on this lot Boss J. E. Corey will erect The steamer will slake the run from 4.2` p'IIS s building for the acetylene gas plant, Train Ul 3eat 4.1 Southold at t rm ' nr. a,31 Greenport to Block 1si11url in tl�o L.L,city at 4:12 P.in-,clues not run.ruin�err soon to be installed here. hours. She will ieturu Croat ffloel Sept.4, Will leave Southold for the e31ty at 9:V7 P. ISS• At'a meeting of the directors of the tisland to neet a fast express xpre8 Llaia to leave Nee ill Jute 4 nthand port. an addiat�rr©n,train ;pxlthold Lighting Co. an Mondaypipes v- York and Brooklyn at 10 3ti u'.loci. D. 0. Freeman, by ening, it was voted to eaten }ie i-es Y., has taken the contract to install every morning and arlivelrt Montauk the acetylene gas plant in Southold. of the plant up Boisseau Av. to the his adv., be will North !load and then east as far as at ataoue 130 p m. The etearl?er will 4s will be seen by return In the afternoon i'rcrua 3.3rAcV also take orders for piping buildings. Thomas Farley's. Mr. Farley will put Isirind,art(}°ing at Uree❑port. iu time three street lights and also put gas to catch a westbound trail for New Southold, June 27, at the residena e in his three houses„ [�w^^r Iof the bride's parents, by Rev. m. York. - ,, H. Murray, Milton Tyson, of Phoenix- A. B. Gordon has accepted a position Southold, June 18 a name of ville, Pa., and Miss Sophia E.,daughter as Chief Engineer on the ferry boat. Ile daughter, Mrs. O. L. Wells, Mrs. of Capt. and Mrs. Chas. L. Sanford. Oakland at Babylon. Caroline Coffin, of Orient, in her 321 Brooklyn, June 25, in St. Augustine's year. Funeral services at Orient M.E. Church, yby Rev. Edward McCarthyp, ULhe es Currie, formerly with Edw. church Wednesday. Joseph P. Wells, of Catskill, N. iffrng, of Greenport, has leased Cutchogue, June 21, Miss Rhoda E. fcirmerl of Sautha�9d, and Miss Marie reutzer Park•Pavilion. Hallock, aged 65y, 11m.Northport, June 14, by Rev. Chas. en Carroll and wife to Thi E. Cragg, Homer Davis Lefferts and ld Lighting Co., ]cit west side MissEdith Stephens Dent, yyoungest ay leading to dock, adjacent land daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W• Ken. Y. Fithian, Southold ...nom formerly of Southold. The incorporators of the Eastern Also the Dr. s`"Cream or the Valley" enurcil opener or a unera e an Long Island Hospital Association, and —a baking powder— every head of invite to all to attend; a private, the Board of Directors till the first, the family cuisine has knowledge of house funeral, is come if you please, annual electron in August. are: Hoa, its rising qualities and of lifting if root, no matter—marry do not go. Henry A. Reeves, Frederick H. Tas- many a family tribe in these days of Let the whole village arise and deep- ker, Dr. Barton D. Skinner, Dr.,Clar- indigestion and dyspepsia into new le request that every funeral, of an ence C. Miles, Rev. Charles A. Jes- life ana longevity—a presto change adult person especially, shall be prrb- sup, Louie Jaeger, Lewelen F, Terry, I from flour into leavened bread—from, lie so that we may render appropriate Frank D. Schaumburg. Mrs, George drooping life to David's slaying vigor. regard to the passing away of oar E. Post, Mrs. Benjamin H. Reeve, The attendance upon Mrs. Coffin's neighbor and Errand to a barna from Rev. William C, McKnight, Miss funeral was as to numbers and, char- whence no one shall ever return. 'Maria L. Wood, Mrs. Charlotte A. acter a highly respectable gathering I have in mind I will not atteuii G of Greenport; Mrs. Joseph though the weather 'was lowery and another private house funeral—Cher N. Hallock, of Southold: Dr. William the threatening rain keeping away are a failure in a village where ail P. Manaton, Tir. Arthur C. Loper, of many persons who would have been are as of one family corn parativoly— Greenport; Lucius H. Hallock, of in attendance. an introtiucing of a cold soul don't Orient; Frederick L. Terry, John J. As far as I knew her Mrs. Coffin care of the fact of a friend and com- Bartlett, of,Urenport; Dr.,Frang E. was an exemplar worth following, rade's farewe!l— a death trap wi h Benjamin, of Shelter Island; Dr. Jo an ever friend, neighbor and valuable doors open and drafts of winds from septi M. HartraAft, of Southold; Rev. mother, and indeed does not such every quarter in fall, spring and John A. Gray, of Orien; Miss Bessie riches left behind our departure sur- ter-time, giving severe colds, pnaa M. Clark, Mrs. Annie L. Fordham, pass comparatively heaps of €ilver mania etc. Thomas Hassett, jr., Nathan Goldin, and gold? I'll not obje€;t to meeting In the uity where every family is E. Olin Corwin, George Waag, sr., her again in that land where she will for number one, a private house fun—though of small estate here—be as eras is another matter, and even there. of Lireenport. rich as Croseus. It will not be in ilio deceased being of the public an that country "go thou there" but open public funeral is celebrated. Szo Prin. S. S. Shaw has given up school 'S with me:" Crest and over self iii the country where the deceased has teaching and will open a drug store at eaterm beyond our brother man will been a long time resident the satire is Central Valley, N. Y., this fall. Mr. have ceased, of the public, hence lot there be cele- Shaw, who is now representing Ginn i was exceedingly made glad, for brated a public funeral, a deference; &Co on Long Island, is meeting with it was the best funeral service I have that should be paid, allowed and glr- attnded in many a day. It came to on, and would be paid with reason- marked success in selling books for mind before the day was over why, able opportunity in church or hall as school libraries. largely, it was the superior. It was may fit the family choosing. Circum• in church where every person could stances may force a private pouts William Arthur Horton, formerly of come so desiring, see, hear and join funeral. > this place, at the Commencement of N. in heart with the service. The sing- This day one of the heft we est of ing was public to all present, not to her long ho Y. University, received the degree me; her.pleasant etaie cramped into a small room or con- pany and her sympathetic heart Master of Science, as the result of fined air nor retired upstairs and have no more; a mother some oue has three years post graduate work in heard only by way of hall and door last to whom gentle ]'counsel in sng- chemistry, the branch of science to nor sif toft hall wherest in neither et eriroom ened helping words and extended der. ha'willve loving, er which he has given his attention. living can do any justice' to music. been given, nursing so richly bestow, DR COFFIN—WIFE'S FUNERAL— sentenced than tooin by one be calearaupon bo ceasing, 1 watching sorrlong followed WHERE TO HAVE ON sing at a private house funeral. The them. Farewell lovely neighbor, Mr. Editor, Having just returned speaking and singing today were to farewell dear mother, farewell; we from the funeral of Mrs. (Dr.) Coffin, "all present, because in a public room cannot forget thee and present Of Orient, I thought to offer some dot- fitting to the gathering, with reso- song a balm for our mourning; tinge of the mused in connection nance of sound to the voice "There is an hour of peaceful rest., therewith for the columns of your and the speagers, especially lift- To mourning wand'rers given, publication. ed in their efforts having the There is a joy for souls distressed Of the celebrity of Dr. Coffin, de- whole company present before them A balm for every wnunded breast,— ceased, some years ago, I need hardly with eyes, ears and hearts open, the Tis found above in heaven" say a word, for lee was known to service was excelsior; it was a grand, The First National every one in Suffolk. County east of cid fashioned, whole souled—ueaa tai r Riverhead and therein, upon both fangled notions and formalism sat n s er Weds at 81 branches of the Island even unto the aside. rising sun. Many can testify to itis Furkhcr, I should liked to have The Rev. William H. Russell, a r heard the church bell tolled as it ever tired minister of Ocean Grave and efficacy of his medicines as Having when applied gone to the spot—just should be. '.•his is so appropriate and owner of a cottage in fleck Avenue, wast they wanted—while other a touching reverence to the occasion; has surprised his friends and acyuairrt medeirres patent fatted to give re- and then too the whole village at. rp port. We especially mention his lead- tends a neighbor's funeral, though anees by slipping away auil marrying ilig remedies, "Lockjaw liniment," confined at hone, by the calling to Mrs. Catharine Armour DiEfle , who "Needle Extractor," "Burn Oint- mind the passing away of a life—long has been living in Ocean. Grove for ment" and "Healing Salve." We friend and comrade being borne to several months, having come there, it have not heard of a case oL tetanus yonder cemetery for deposit to bt, seen in body and communion of heart is understood, from New York. The for many a day on the, fist End like- no more. It calls to mind too the en- bridegroom is eighty-one and the bride ly.because every family has the Dr.'s tire community of the bridge each forty-five. Mr. Russell willll ewe n€ l mentioned remedy at hand and of its must pass over, may be not far array, membered as a former pastof almost electrio power p and to the "Sweet bye and b_ye' free over tetanus is not fforgotteu. to all who will ask for it. Southold 141. E. church, 'boss Geo. W. Smith is building a Southold, July 2, Gordan and Ro cottage for Frank W. Richmond at 'twin sons of Addison and Elnara 11, Indian Necks. aged ZI days, Twenty-Five Years Ago a new oua vas soon arise on the D• p, Freeman, who is to install the ruins of the old. Mr. and Mrs. Farley acetylene gas plant here, arrived the rer e w ,a r��`� are now making their home at Joseph latter part of last week, and with a There was a drought of six weeks' Thompson's. force of men is now laying the pipes in duration. the streets. ��- 6-) / Rev. G. L Keirn, of Mt. Vernon, N. Southold Free Library Y,, occupied the Universalist pulpit for Twenty- Five Years So d two'Sundays. The annual meeting of the Southold f � � / �.�-d The following were elected officers of Free Library was held in Belmont Hall, J. H. Tliompson caught a number of Wednesday evening, and notwithstand- S apish mackerel in his pound. the Ladies' Sewing Society of the good audience p Presh. church: Pre:s., Mrs. D. A. log the warm weather a g Mrs. O. 1. King and Miss Mary Horton; Vice Pres., Miss Helen Terry; was present. The Trustees occupied' Gaff.ga presented the Altar Society a Sec., Miss Angie M. Iforton; Treas., seats on the stage. The President, St. Patrick's Church with a fine lace Mrs. M. A. Force. Rev. Father Mathews, presided and canopy for the altar. The Catholic picnic on July 4th was gave a most finished and eloquent ad About one hundred were present at largely attended,and there were several dress on the value of libraries in general. the annual reunion of Southold Academy family gatherings. In the evening Mrs. R. Earle_ Linton, of Greenport, students. Bon, Wm. H. Barker, Journal Clerk of charmed the audience with her sweet The M. E. Sunday School picnic was the Assembly, furnished a large display rendering of several songs. She was held at Oak Lawn, of fireworks. accompanied by Miss Mabel Boisseau. Frank L. Judd and Miss Addie H. y The following were elected officers of The Treasurer's report was given by Sayre were married. Southold Division, S. of T.: W. P., A. g W Korn. Rev. Wm. H. Lloydavean extended report of the work Mrs. Roxana Merrill died, aged 88 R. Vail; W. A., V. B. Goldsmith; R. of years. of the Book Committee. The Librari- The reunion of the Class crf '72 and S., Mrs. Wm. J. Buckley; A. R. S., Jacob Appley; F. S., Mrs. Wm. H. anr s report was given by Miss Lucy '73 of Southold Academy was held at Terry; Treas., P.H. Chntermen; Chap- Hallock. Rev. Wm. H. Murray, who Judd's Hotel. Misses Ella Judd and lain, J. R. Robinson; Con., Hattie has been indefatigable in his work for Etta Tuthill were the hostesses. Miss a the library,gave the Secretary's report' Etta Tuthill gave a recitation, and the Fernee; A. Con., Bessie Richmond; I. Rev. W. W. Gillies made an appeal .class history was read by Mrs. H. P. S„ Ettie Beebe, O. S.,Stephen Simons. for funds and read a list of the con- � urea owe l�round Terry. 'Toasts were responded to by tributions already made„ amounting to Prof, J. R. Robinson, C. S. Frost, Tomas Farley's handsome resident about $400. J. C. Eustace, who has Miss Ella Judd, Arthur H. Terry, W. e on the North Road was Burned to the been most liberal in the matter, headed H. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. 'Tuthill, &' ground early Tuesday morning. 'Phe the list with$100,and James Matthews, S. L. Bennett, Miss Hattie Fanning, origin of the: fire is un nown, but it is another good friend of the library,gave Mrs, J. R. Robinson, T. B. Force, Mrs. "r supposed that it came from a defec. $25. There were a large number o£ W. C. Albertson and Benj. It. Fitz. ' tive floe. The fire originated in the $10 and $5 contributions. About $100 Prof. Robinson was presented with a rt attic and was discovered about ti was contributed as the result of the handsome chair. d o'clock. At first it was thought tha appeal Wednesday evening. H. H The lecture, "Life on the Frontier," r, e, the fire could be put out and consider Huntting and Thomas Farley were 'given by George F. Hummel, M. A., n able water was carried up stairs. Un- unanimously re-elected Trustees for on last Thursday evening, was excel- fortunately the water tank was lower five years. The exercises closed by all lent, and for such a sizzling evening than the fire, so a hose could not be singing America, after which ice-cream there was a very large attendance. used. When it was seen that the was served, "Fred" is a man with a message and house was doomed the family and The Southold Free Library is one of he knows how to present it. There neighbors carried out the furniture„ our very best institutions and deserves was not a dull sentence in the enter •- most of which was saved, we are hap- the hearty support of all of our people, tainment. He is humorous and intel- py to state. Included in the furniture The library has proved a great success, lectual and has an unusual gift of mas- was a new piano that Mr. Farley had nearly 1,000 books a month being taken terly expression. The lecturer was rd given his wife as a birthday present out. The young are being trained to ably supported by Miss Hettie Hart- the day before. The logs is partly cov- read good books, which will be of great ranft, Mrs. C. H. Hommel and the e, erect by insurance. Eagle Hook and benefit to them. e/s-11Y / Z` quartette, composed of John Howell, t" Ladder Co, went u to the fire, but b' J. H. Lehr, Prof. Spencer and G. F. g P Twenty- Plve Years Ago ` the building was already burned when �J1 / Mo Hummel. The last song sung by the "1taken out of the house, but hearing S A.LAt,arrived. Protection Engine was' in a and J. E. Corey were to quartette was Mr. Hummel's own corn- orr taken it that the house was in ruins the mem- band F.iGomez's new store on Main St. position.. The Y. P. C. E. of the Pres- he bens did not o u We deeply re William T. Half died, aged 69 years. byterian church wish to extend their de g p' p y g c;` Mrs. Jerusha Landon died, aged 88 thanks to Mr. Hummel for the pro the loos that our good friends, Mr'. and coeds of the lecture, which enables •e'° Mrs. Farley, have sustained in the years. he burning of their home. Mr. Farleyis Don Salmon 4Vhit.comb was graduated them to redecorate the interior of their not easily discouraged, and being a at the 37th annual commencement of aha el. U w IL/ ' +'� rt cnan of grit and push, we presume that Cornell University and received the % cedes was the tartest day of the :r, Il�attitutk, Ju y 7, Josh errs, degree of Bachelor of Arts year, the thermometer registering , 31n 25d. On Sunday, July 23, the L. I. R. 'R. T*ent_y'_F1_v_e_Y_ears Ago I Wgculy- F-IVU I earl —5 will run a special excursion to Rockaway A, y — / wy // — / Yura Beach from various points on Long Is]- Geo. �. Fitz, of Peconic, was to Glover and Overton were building a and. Special train will leave Southold enter the Oswego Normal School in cottage on Railroad Ave. for J. Havens at 8.13 a. m. The fare for the round S t ber. Case. trip from this station will be $1.00 for Sep was laid for Geo. C. 's house on Beckwith Ave. Lowell M. Hallock, of Mattituck, adults and Terry50 cents for children. The Excise Commissioners granted a dressed the Southold Temperance S. Bailey Corey and others to"Chas. hotel license to Ellen Claudio,of Green- cicty. % port. Clinton Burling, of New York, g M. Higgins, beach and meadow on A Hancock and English Club was South Harbor Creek and Peconic Bay. organized here with the following readings here. .,r, , Indian Neck Point, Southold......nom I Pres., B. H. Booth; Vice Miss Josephine Silone, of Mattitu Godfrey Hahn to Patrick E. Murphy Pres., T. S. Lester,J. M. Worth, S. D. gave a lecture on -Glounings from Goldsmith, Albertson Case, James lot west side Beckwith Av., adjacentThompson,John Singley, W. C. Albert- Cotton Fields. land Julia Cassidy, Southold......$1500 son; See., S. H. Moore; Treas., G. A praise service, under the direction William A. Richmond and others to Hahn, Finance Committee, Israel Peck of D. P. I-lorton, was given in the Thomas Farley, 3 acres on old King's W. A. Cochran, O. L. Wells; Canvass- Presbyterian church. ing Committee Highway, adjacent other land of Win. Horton, S. H� �l Beni. Horton, T. W. The following gentlemen were abs A. Richmond, Southold............nom onre, D. W. Grattan, J. E. Cochran; Banner Committee, S. on a cruise on sch. Marietta Smi Hannah S. Wells to Lucy J. Gordon, H. Moore, W. C. Albertson, John Capt. S. T. Preston: Hon. 11. lot east side Town Harbor Lane, adja- Bingle cent land said Gordon, Southold .nom y. Hedges, R. T. Goldsmith, F. H. Over- ton, L. R. Case, Davis Goldsmith, The first electric, train on the Long Twenty- Five Years* Ag,o the Loll Tuthill, J. T July 18 fro Island Railroad was run July 18 fro- Jesse G Case, Franklin L/4,1% Y'6`W Woodhaven Junction to Flatbush and Frank C,rwin, J. Edw. Horton, J. Rev. Chas. A. Conklin, of Troy, N. back. Two round trips were made for Howell, A. Justin Horton, lion. E. A. Y., preached in the Universalist church. the purpose of testing the clearances of Carpenter, S. T. Terry, James Kerr, F. L. Judd was spoken of as a the contact sltocs on the third rail. This J. G. Tuthill, James Lupton, Thomas probable Democratic candidate for is the first practical test of the now elef- A. Hallock, John F. Horton, S. R Member of Assembly. tric equipment, on which the road is Goldsmith, J. Elbert Horton, Josiah C. The case of James Ryan, of Orient, spending $40,000,000. July 19 a train of Case, Charlie L. Case. vs. Chambers Bros. of New York, was five instead of two cars made a trial trip tried at Temperance Hall. Verdict for to Rockaway Beach, and it is expected During the heavy thunder storm last plaintiff. A. J. A. Pollock for piff.I that this week electricity will take the Friday afternoon, the borne of Geo. H. H. H. Benjamin for deft. place, of steam on the whole Rockaway 6ick,6rs6n, on the North Road, was Beaoh Division. General Superintendent truck by lightning. The lightning Boss R. S. Sturges is partitioning off C. L.'Addison and Electric Superititell- entered the house on the telepbone an extra room in the assembly room of dent L. s. Wells were in charge of the wire and exploded in the room where the Union School, which will be used for the grammar department. The trial run, which was considered 11 very the receiver was with a loud noise, satisfactory one,. A speed of thirty-five The room was filled with smoke and ,desks, blackboards and furniture have to forty miles and hour was maintained 9 of glass were broke been ordered and will be in place when elevated Por- several pane without difficulty on the r- Otherwise no damage was done. school commences in September. tions of the track. Thomas Farley is to build a 2-story Tax Commissioners Resign Through the real estate agency of and attic house on the site of the one Leicht, Godfrey Hahn hay sold five recently destroyed by fire. The house The Tax Equalization Commissioners acres -,f woodland at Bay View to :will be 38x3f1, with 6 ft L on the front of Suffolk County, Jonathan B. Terry, Alvah S. Terry. :and bay window on west side. There of Southold, John M. Price, of Pat- Emily M Simons and ors, to Chas'- will be a 10 ft piazza across the west chogue, and James H. Ludlam, Of M Higgins, 2 acres woodland, w Oyster Bay, have resigned. It is South Harbor road, adj land - side and part of the front. Boss H. W. Southold......... understood that Mr. Ludlam's health Chas G Corey, Simons will do the work, th— required his resignation, and it was Through e agency of Reeve Maas. T. Gordon is to build a house agreed among the commissioners that Bartlett the Lucy J. Gordon pro V t and barn on the lot on Bay Ave. at Southold, has been sold to the recently purchased of Mrs. Hannah when one went out all should go. This Board has served for several years and folk, Nassau.Queens Realty Co, Wells. The house will be two-story, neral satisfaction. The private terms. This property is to :12x3g, with bay window on the south, has given general e - and 10 ft. piazza on front and part of gentlemen were splendid business men, developed and placed on the matkt north side. There will be a balcony of fine executive ability and were well The annual meeting of the Soot over the front piazza. The barn will fitted for the duties of the office. Lighting Co. was held at Belmont 11 the fol in,, wheat be 24x34. Boss H. W. Simons will doGreenport, July 23, by Rev. C. A. on Saturday everq the work. Knes1 1, Frederick Stark, of Southold, ing directors were re-elected: F. and Mins Ida Hallock, of Greenport. Mitchell, Dr. J. H. Marshall, H. Mills The potato season openen tis wee J(), Samuel as Farley, L. W. Korn, Cutchogue, July Huritting, Thorn on The W. C. Albertson Co. loaded at M) Hallack, aged 84y, 3m, 12d. j, M. Howard and S. Lester Albertson. Q C' cents per bushel. We are sorry to It was voted to increase the capital o state that the early cr r y Op is V stock from$6,000 to$7,500. e annus mei rng o the czar ul � rtL s�octar�tih Fwenty _ F=ive V'ears Ago s of the Southold Free Library The first annual meeting of the Hast- b G ni held Monday evening, eleven Pm- ern Long; Island Hospital Association being present. The folkmem was held in the lodge room of the Aud- A. F. owerre was elected sexton of itorium, Wednesday afternoon, Aug, the Universalist church. for the ensuing; year were 16, with Hon, Henry A. Reeves in the Mrs. A. E. Shipherd moved into spontaneously and unanimously: chair and Rev. Chas. A. Jessup, re- ent, Rev. Peter F. Mathews; cording. Fred'k H. Tasker and L. F. rooms in the building of F. Gomez. e President Justis:e Jesse L. Case; Terry were a pointed inspectors of Rev. Dr. Epher Whitaker was tea election, and a ballot for directors re- deliver the historical address at the tary,Rev,W.H.Murray; Treasur- sulted as follows: Three years—H. A. r; L W. Korn. The following stand- Reeves, F. H. Tasker, Dr. B. D. Skin- the of centennial celebration of the opening ., committees were appointer): 1,`i- ner, Dr. C. C. Miles, Rev, C. A. Jes- the old Stone church, Fas�t,n, N. J,, . e, Messrs. Eustace, "Perry and su1a Louis Jaeger, L. F. Terry, F. D. on 'Sept. filth. 4chaumbur Mrs. Geo. E. Post, Mrs. August Garbech of this place di,.l y; Book, Messrs, Sornes, Tle- Benj. H. Reeve. Two years—Rev. very suddenly in a German hospital in lleke and Lloyd; Administration' Wm.. C. McKnight, Miss Maria L. New York. rs. Case, Farley and Jemm�g, Wood, Mrs. Charlotte A. Griffin, Mrs. Vication was authorized for the J. N. Hallock, Dr. Wm. P. Manaton, Geo. W. Fitz, Misses Anr:e Forbes, pp' Dr. A. C. Loper, Lucius H. Hallock, Ida Wells and Nellie Huntting were yearns one hundred dollars from the Fred L. Terry, John J. Bartlett, Dr. about to start for the Oswego Normal tate. The Book Committee was F. E. Benjamin. One year—Dr. J. M. School, and Miss Jennie Salmon for the empowered to purchase a list of 125 titles Hartranft, Rev. John A. Gray, Miss eo le �s section and some Resaie M. Clark, Mrs. H. Fletcher. Albany Noi.r.al Scht il. for the young;p p '` Fordham, Thos. Hassett, Jr., Nathan Col. Thomas Carroll presented the 84 for the general library. The Board Goldin, E. Olin Corwin, George Waag, ancock ?-id English Club with a lostructed the librarian to close Herman Sandman, L. V. Beebe. plendid banner. The Democratic cam- promptly at 3 p, m. on Saturday even- At a meeting of the dircAors held paign was to open here with an . It was their judgment that the after the meeting of the association, dress by Han. Wm. C. DeWitt, of Drs. Skinner,Miles and Loper,appoint- Brookla a. practice of coming some fifteen minutes ed as nominating committee, presented Mrs. Nancy C. Overton, died, aged to one half hour after the time of the following names as officers of the 91 years. closings must be checked. Miss Hallock Association, and they were unanimous- Samuel L. BenneL , a graduate of was re-elected Librarian at ars increase ly elected: Pres., Henry A. Reeves; Hamilton Collcoe, was compl-~rented Vice Pres., ' Rev. Chas. A.Jessup Sec., as having the best prepara_.on of any of twenty-five dollars, Fred'k H. Tasker ; Treas., E. Olin one in his class when he entered college.. The Board of Education of the South- Corwin; House Com., Rev. Wm. DC. old Union School met on Tuesday even- McKnight, Thomas Hassett, 4-7—Southold Street's Lighted p, Schaumburg, Nathan Goldin, Rev. J. iing and elected the following officers: A. Gray; Wardrobe Com., Mrs. B. H. Our streets were lighted with acety- ,,James Thompson; Sec., Wm. H. Reeve, Miss Maria L. Wood, Mrs. G. leve gas for the first time last Friday Terry; Treas., A. T. Dickerson; Libra_ E. Post, Mrs. Wm. W. Griffin, Mrs. H. evening. The plant works to perfection rian, F, E. £1eGetleke; Janitor and F. Fordham; Executive Com., J. J. and a fine light is diffused. If our Bartlett, L. V. Beebe, Louis Jaeger, g Tenant Otlicer, Frank P. Pottinger; the chairman of the House and the trees were trimmed the light would be Wlector, H. M. Hawkins. It was Wardrobe committees, together with much better. The trees will look voted to hk up the basement for a the officers of the association. better if trimmed and there will then The directors were requested to se- 10-h room, be nothing to interfere with the lamps lect a design and procure a seal for g p Cutchogue, July 29, Mary B,, dough- the use of the association. throwing their light. The village is ter of Warren and Mae Newbold, aged The treasurer reported$276 on hand. certainly to be congratulated on having 8months. The selecting of a medical staff was its streets lighted. We trust the°•e deferred to some future time. y will be a lame number of private - wenty- Five Years Ago F. H. Tasker and L. F. Teri were g p t �f appointed a committee to prepare a consumers. You can help the Bead pamphlet, to be printed, stating the cause by putting acetylene gas in your The Universalist Sunday School had object of the association with constitu- house or place of business. The light- picnic at Oak Lawn, tion and by-laws, F. 6umez's new store was completed. A vote of thanks was extended to ing of our streets is in many respects Mrs, I). T. Conklin, in liftin a lawyer F. H. Tasker for his valuable the greatest improvement that South- g assistance in preparing articles of in-;old has ever witnessed', and all honor' vy boiler on the stove, broke her corporation and having the association to those who have carri-d it through. St. She at once went to work and incorporated.—Times. the bone. After the accident Mrs. East Mar.on,Aug.23,at the residence Dr. A. L. Sweet of Geneva, N. Y•, of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. in went crabbing in the after- y y J. Tuthill, by Rev. L. A. Rowley, � after an absence of twenty-five ears, and caught a bushel and a half of visited Southold friends this week, assisted by Rev. Mr. Jobnson,Ralph S. trous crabs. a Eldredge, of Southold, and Miss Alice Mrs. Richard Peters died, aged 61 George Jennings is having a large V. Tuthill. water wind mill eroeted to furnish Peconic, Aug 6, at Peconic Hall, by water for house and barn. Robert Rev, Mr. Ten Hyek, of Cum Cityw,Chas. 1 A large and handsome banner was Pitz is dewing the work. .. Royal i nd Miss a11ie Jarliss, both of fiarerl for the Southold Hancock and Lucy J Gordon, to the Suffolk, P_'econic. lish Club. Nassau and Queens Realty Co, 24 Herbert MacCarter and family will acres e s Town Harbor lane, ad,i leave on Saturday for Marion, N. C., Joweph A. Wells and family, who I Dr Arnold Sturmdorf and Peeonie e spent several years in "Toronto, Bay, Southold ...... .............. nom where they will make their future make their future home in Brook- John Howard,to John J Howard, home. l acres n s South road, adj Mill econic, Aug. 25, Charles L. Davidsi Creek and L I R R, Southold......nom' aged 83y, 1m. By a siDglo 8h-otp rf a. I'Vii, 011-Ing There is a general dissatisfaction At a meeting of the Board of Edit-, -trial ordor. Coun this season with the results obtained cation Saturday evening, Geo. H. his SigliatUre t1i a foi ty from Irish Uobbler potatoes. They Stelzer was elected janitor of the Judge Walter 11. JAyvox ),L-1 &it tv&ky were introduced lost season and School, in place of F. obliterated the last Lo'l rorid it, 4tiff(Ak "cracked up" to be the best thing Southold Union T. County, Thr toll rfx4d in quo-,'Lim, :s that ever grew. Some of the farmers p. Pottinger, declined. 11 were wary of them and planted none Clue four mile private roadway vx*�t11­ but the seed they knew gave good Miss Fanny Naserkurn% to Dean' ing from Bridge Hatuptoii to Sag Hqr- results here. Others put in several Academy, Franklin, Mass., on Monday, Jtbu.r,.,pkLlowu 'is the Bridge Hatupton acres each and are sorry. The Cob• where she will resume her studies in e,and for tars the res- blers have grown soggy and entirely music, elocution and English. Miss idents have tried to have thrown ollen unlike the potato that has made Eastern Long Island potatoes famous EncCase, of Peconic y , will also attend to the public. The applioation U) IoAkO and it is safe to say that no more school at Dean this year. the toll road a public- higi-way wa€ Irish Cobbler stock will be planted Druggist.P. J. McDonnell has rent. made by Highway Corrimissionenq C. P. in the towns of Southold and River- Herbert A. MacCarter's house oil Oak heat. About all the Irish Cobblers Rogers, Frank Phillipq and Sherwood are (lug and gone the farmers taking Lawn Ave- Hallock of Soutbwrlptnu Town, who advantage of tne Arst opportunity to Mrs. F. E. Booth bas been engag engaged Lawyer Henry U. ChRl field ship them, They are now digging to represent ihoin in, tire oaHe }rafts. ship old statidtiva that are nice and at organist of the Presbyterian church. the court, Gs urge Kiernan, the owner mealy and always in demand. Reunion of COMPIMY of the turnpike, appeared in oppositiusi and plea(lid IniS Own eaSCL He asked Brooklyn, Aug. 26, by Rev. Dr. Last Friday furnished'the finest of for time in which to plaoe the rnmiway Schultz, Horatio A. Clark, and Miss _T in good condition, but the tvstir]9011Y Of Edna G., daughter of Mrs. Margaret weather this important event, and several wealthy summer resi'ents of Williams, formerly of Southold. about noon the comrades with their Southampton wb•i�ippaarpd fic fiv,.r of wives, children and grandchildren gath- the application, was more 4-onvineirip Twenty- Five Years Ago w Hotel, South- to Judge Jaycox, who ininiediately ered at the Round Vie greetings. old, and exchanged si sea the order. /4,,., /9 _ed hearty gret The Bay View school opened with Some of the Company hada sorull of Twenty- Five Years Ago Miss Carrie Huntting as teacher. gathering there last year, inviting sonic, 1� a 1; 1�, / — / `1 `6 Rev. Abram 11 Conklin preached on of their neighbors and f riends;and they Cuyhoga Maid beat Nellie Glover in "Amusements at the Universalist -1 were so well pleased with Lhe place three straight heats at the trot at Oak church Sunday evening, it being the that they recommended it for the rc t awn. second of the series on "Village Life." Miss Josephine A. 'Silone lectured in The young ladies of the Cutcbogue 'union.) In the business meeting Comrade J. I ie M. E. church. M. E. church gave their Leap-Year The Blue Grass Yacht Club went on Entertainment in the Southold M. E. Addison Corwin was made chairman. Comrade Jas. H. Young, the secretary, 4S first annual excursion. church. read the minutes of the first gathering The Republicans called a meeting to Misses Martha and Bertha Whitaker Wgimize a Garfield and Arthur Club. left home, the former going to Sing of the. Company after the war, April llon. E. A. Carpenter, of Sag Harbor, Sing, N. Y., where She had a position 27, 1876, when after attending the full- was to address the meeting. as instructress, and the latter to eral of Comrade Chas. S. Til- linghast they met at the house of J. W. Mrs, Jonathan W. Huritting died, Wellesley College, Mass., to resume Huntting, Esq., appointed a Committeeafed 73 years. her studies. on resolutions in honor of the dece sed At the Hartford races R. B. Conklin's G. F. Hommel was circulating a member, and nlso voted to meet annu- Wedgewood won in the 2:23 class. subscription for some fire extinguish- ally on the 8th of September. The Democratic banner raising in ing apparatus, on which more than a On that day in 1862 about 96 volun- front of Southold Hotel was a great� hundred dollars had already been success. Speeches were made by Hon. subscriber], teers from this town were mustered IL A. Reeves and A. J. A. Pollock, of A Garfield and Arthur Club was into government service as Co. 11,127th N. Y. V., of whom about 44 have died. Greenport, and Mr. Birck,of Brooklyn. organized-with the following officers Of the remaining number* 27 were ------- HenryHuntting; Vice Pres., J. ()n Tuesday night as Thomas Conway Pres_ Hen present last Friday. Tlieir ages ranged r. to bed' he had a H. Boisseau, G. C. Terry, G. A. Maier, red 64: so the was going up stairs from 641 to 72 and averaged fell to the Jas. A. Squires, Alvah Terry, A. W. stroke , their ages at muster-in of apoplexy and average of bHB never Turbush, Ree. See., O. V. Penney; 'leven of them en were not the bottom ttorn of the stairs died on Cor, See., A. F. Lowerre; Treas., G. was 21. 14, regained 1�onsciousrless and 1� ,no years old, foul.not 19, and one not 1 fi Wednesday afternoon. :)r,& J_ F. Hommel; Executive Com., J. B. "Boys" indeed they were, and it is Terry, Samuel Dickerson, D. Y. Hal: Southold, Aug. 30, Thomas lock, J. G, Case, R. T. Goldsmith. strange that ill sorne cases h orn aged about 76 years. ness so ovenwrif,thein and di-beat ' be.. to boa 11. H. Huritting and nephew, Milton George and Renss Terry leav them that they were unable Terry, to Nova Scotiat Lawrence University. vicissitudes of army life. Conway,C 0 ehad n d wd t v b a0 ya e r n Milton T C F T o u Cor. r 't r kB r are off on a trip a" on Friday for St. t, T William Arthur Horton, -Tormer y the St. Lawrence and other points Of� The former will begin the Junior year, while the latter will enter as a Fresh- this place, has received an appoint interest. z, a h "7--, - I of as chemist in the Brooklyn water de- r, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Conklin, of man. or 41 C -ja—rdcyrf,of Islip,i has purchase partment, standing second on the CIV, Brooklyn, have leased T. B. Skidmore's C. L. in family will the Skidmore and family will Schaefer and service list among fifty competi house. Mr. Skidrn the bakery business of G move to Brooklyn- has taken possession, wentv-Five Years Southold, Sept. 20, John Howar SPeco Sr., aged about 70 years. me, Sept. 14, by Rev. A. o Eagan, of Good Ground, Chas. B, T Th,Newport train made its last trip. Detroit, Mich. Sept. 18, Ogden Jew- hill and Miss Josephine A. Glover. ell, eldest son of Wm. P. Jewell, of J.N, Hallock made his first Political Detroit, and beloved husband of Louise Southold, Sept. 25, Annie M., W1 •h before the Garfield and Arthur Pond Jewell. of Win, T. Voorhees,, aged 54 years. Club. Wm. T. Bacon, by direction of—rom- P. Edward Allurpliv, of New Yo - Rev. Ahrarn Conklin preached on missioner Geo. H. Fleet, is trimming has been hRViE39 his prrpertv on lka4ons of Village Life. the trees on our sidewalks. This is a Beckwith avenne put in fint, shape by Patrick Burke, of N. Y. City, moved much needed improvement, and our boss carpenter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Angustus Schaefer the McCormick house. village will look much better with the left us on TueFday for their tie Over$2(0 had been subscribed for trees neatly trimmed, and then, too, home in Northport. purchase of fire apparatus for the there will be nothing to prevent the F_Goldsmith &Tuthill have purcha diffusion of light from our street lamps. of W. S. Newbold his property at The Southold Temperance Society depot, addressed by Rev. Dr. Whitaker Reeve &Bartlett have sold for the eP Suffolk, Nassau &Queens Realty Co., Go if e( Hahn to Alvah S Terry, J. Wickham Case. the Gordon property at Southold, to a lot no,rO d Mill road, adj land of Mary Dayton, Bay View, Southold notfi prop r Society _r v t t d t agency o r Silas F 0vertunan_"ife_­t0_Wm' 'Through the real estate agency of resident of New York. The property e& Bartlett, Daniel H. Hortolnwill be improved. C Salmon, 2 acres w s Peconic sold his farm to Edwin H, Brown, Lane, adj land of Leroy P Jeff or- Bertha Grithwohl to Charles E son, Peconic ...... ...............nom New York. orry, lot cor Cottage Place and JoMthan B Terry and wife to TKornWve, adj land Henry Water- Of S01411101d, a leg 1, Sanford, lot w 1; South man Estate, Southold... ........Dom ;It ( I I i &T i i I I i i I V, ,i,,I adj 1,1 R R, Arshamomoque, s has rented the 'Francis H. Palmer, defaultingBashi_ ahold..... .....nom Prof. A. P. Some k, lower part of Win. Evens' house, next of the Peconic Bank, Sag Harbor, Chas, E, Terry lias purchased Mrs. to M 1. Booth's. sentenced by Justice Smith, on Mon VT Grathwohl*1, house, which lie 1, G�al is piping H� H. at Riverhead, to not less than one y occupies. B. F. Macomber or more than three. Mr. Palmer ff,Andrew Wolforts has been chosen l Huntting'q house for acetylene gas. A Tuesday morning 15mitor of the Southold Union School. Potatoes are selling for 55 cents per Sheriff Preston to begin the sentence bushel. imposed upon him, ,th T. Wells, Samuel L. Bennett has received is - Se View. taken to Sing Sing y There are about 25 consumers of about;,4 yea­rs� appointment as District Deputy Grand acetylene gas at present. The last in- Twenty Years 0 M Twenty Master of Suffolk District, No. 2, Q. stallment on the plant will be paid this S#� F. month. Nearly all the additional stock 0. F. Sheriff Petty appointed A. R. Vail a" B%,Shore, Aug. 27, by Rev. E. P. has been taken, and the financial out- ty SheritT. Armstrong, Benjamin E., son of Eu- look is most encouraging. It goes Geo. C. Tarry's new house wa gene Eldridge, formerly of Southold, and Miss Bertha L. K' kuD. without saying that the lights are a y approaching completiom Rears AV?. Twiiinty - Fivi great success. The following werc the Southold Democratic Sam'l L. Tuthill has laid 200 feet of Town delegatts to the John Butler bought of Mrs. Julia the acetylene gas C conn qty pipe, onvention: Samll K. Teary, North Road. connectins; with Conway's win, J. Bouteher, Andrew Cassidy, Crook the farm on themain on Hornmel Ave,, of Northville., gave Fienj. Horton, Sani'l M. Halloek, Wm.1 Eugene Hallock, wranee Hall beforeJnn. 1J. Betts, Barnaba,,1 Garvey, Jr. an address in Ternt t- p posts have Town Primary, the the Hancock and English Club. The acetylene gas 'am im- At the Republican New been painted a dark gralreen, Much lowing were elected delegates to the Arthur 11. Terry returned to Convention: Mare-us M Brown, York City to resume his studies in the proA19 their appearance. enc cy 0 County wells, College of Physicians and Surgeons. Through the real estate ag f3isha M. lta(4ett, J- MadisonG. Case, The Democrats made the following Reeve & Bartlett, Ezra G. Beebe ba L F. Terry, J, B.Terry,Jesse inations for County officers: Mem- Sold his farm to Edwin H. Br6wn, 0 Organ Morgans, s,til W. Tuthill. norn Elijah Griswold; who purchased the Danis The fourth annual exhibition of the ber of Assembly,Poor, Francis Brill; New York, al Society Superintendent of H. Horton farm. Through the same uthold Town Agricultural Coroner, Dr. Robert F. Cornwall; agency,Mr. Beebe has purchased Chas- held at Ottk Lawn. Convention Justice of Sessions, Charles R. Smith- 11. Tuthill's farm on the North Road, The Republican County ethefollowingnominations: Mem- Hon. Henry A. Reeves was re-elected Southold. County Committee. NT C propelly ue,�,t, etLSt ibly, Everett A.Carpenter; chairman of the V11 snule r( '111 r of Asset, , favorable to the nomination ,f -,ki r. iL. 13. Hoctoa,6 lar (I at lWii' Superintendent of P00r, J. Madison Delegates for Congress - FhitLi the C10'v ,man Neek, PPOODic- on 'A 11 tR beou Wells; ju,_ z)L8r,u 1-ish 11,uee i8 located. Justice()f Sessions,J- H. Foster; of Perry Belmont n 4�d Builder Coroner, Dr. J. E, I-lartranft. Samuel were elected. .3()Jti to 1,810y Jofforso� Dickerson and 1�. F. Terry Were chosen Oolo. Smith 01 roy$4,ono. an , Town mernibers of the Large quantities of lima beans are wi I be developed bv i hern,It A'AiBs as the Southold i,,)meres and fruutb 8=83'j rods County Connuittee. being shipped from this station ou the ba,'. r5rough the real estate ageney of Twenty-.Five Years Ago Twenty- Five Ye;a, Ago Reeve & Bartlett, John H. Young has sold his farm at Bay View to J. Thorn-' Judge Henry P. Hedges, of Bridge- ton, Jr. Through the same agency Mr.' THE TRAVEI.F.R wits enlarged to its humpton, and J. N. 1-Iallock, of Bay Thornton has purchased of Gilbert H. present size. View, addressed the Garfield and Terry 12 acres of land at Pine Neck, W. H. Vail was employed as sexton Arthur Club at Peconic Hall. bordering on the creek, "of the M. E!. church. 'Ellis B. Schnabel addressed the Han- Col. Thomas Carroll planted ten cock and English Club at Temperance Through the real estate agency of 'barrels of seed oysters in the creek Hall. Reeve & Bartlett, J. B. Terry has sold opposite his premises, The Board of Excise granted licenses the east part of his bluff at Town B. H. Booth raised 650 bushels of to Peter De Grief, Margaret Yack, Harbor to Mrs. Lucy Ruebamen. The ,potatoes from a little less than two John Heil, G. H. Corwin a Co., and plot is 150 feet on the bay and 320 feet on the rear. Mrs. Ruebamen will acres of ground. 1 W. F. Brown, of Greenport, and H. G. erect a summer residence on the lot. ,i A steam mud digger was excavating Howell, of Southold. -about Southold wharf. Mrs. Caroline L, Gardiner died, aged This is a most desirable location. The The following were installed officers 6 years, price paid was $5,000. Southold Division, S. of T.. W. P., Geo. C. Terry has sold his plact, on X B Goldsmith; W. A., Robert Over- Cauliflower shipments have lbeen live- -1,- c Beckwith Ave. to Miss Julia Ca,�,idy. on;B. S., E. S. Prince; A. R. S., ly this week through t7he Association i . '" I" MissJuliaCassi y asso tier p ace, Axilbert Wells; F, S., Mrs, W. H. Terry; and the price has been satisfactory, 'to on Beckwith Ave. to Mrs. Julia L. .ADr P H. Cantermen; Chaplain, S. B. Manor has shipped 392 barrels a d 3`14 orey Con., Chas. H. Moore; A Con., crates; Calverton, 483 barrels ; River- Conklin. iss Lillie Booth; 1. S., Miss Theresa head,3,305 ; Aquebogue, 1,220; James. Jennie Davis and ors to Henry 5 M. Beebe, lot n s highway leading ooth; O. S., Charles Prince. port, 569 ; Laurel,345 ; Mattituck, 395 ; o Bay View, adj land Thomas Con- The following Overseers of Roads in CuLchogue, 114 ; PeConjo, 423: ; South. wa Southonorn ;thold.894 These figures included ship- its vicinity were appointed: J. Cas- went® Crow Monday to Thursday night,, The will of Sarah Augusta. Billard idy, 0. L. Wells, J. A. Tillinghast, S. Aside from these eight refrigerators were was proved Monday. The entire estate,e, ickerson,Geo. C. Wells,M. V. Gordon, sent Out, The cauliflower output is be- hich is valnaued a $2,500, was given to ing nicely handled by General Manager w . L. Goldsmith, L. R. Case, J. A. Conkling and his capable afisiatants, so sister, Hanh Lt Carpenter. uires. far this season the Association ham suriu Sturges"ras to en the Mrs. David Bux�(_)niWho has bCenoUt the f-Alowing totals : Southold, Boss R. S. I ', Peconic, 581 ; contract to build the new brick school occupying part of P. E. Murphy's house 1,188 Cutchogue, 1:33 , Alat,Liluck,572 ; Laurel, 740 ; James- house at Arshamomoque. is to move to New Suffolk, and her port, 1,208 ; Aquebogue, 3,554 River- I daughter will enter the New London Wad. 14,757 ; Calverton, 3,35 JS Manor, a about a boom in real estate—the Business College, Station Agent C. M. 1,871 barrels and 1,216 crates, Q-1- 'lo eAition is who next will sell out and got! Phillips will occupy the rooms vocated- a fabulous pricey Bay View led in high by Mrs. Buxton. Tw��e , -_ V -- /'nty- Five Years Ago figures for real estate the first of last ( � , - John Quarty has rented John Munch's li� week, butthefirst of this week it struck tenement house at Pine Neck and will There was talk of reorganizing the cid,Southold and Mr.J.B. Terry sold a re with his family from Brock- Southold base hall nine. fine'water front on Bay Avenue for the move he The steam dredge finished work at reported slim of$5,000 for less than two lyn about the middle of this month. Southold tides.wharf, and Mr. Terry, owner acres, to'Mrs. Lucy Ruebsamen, a weal- Moses Taylor has r water at the lowegt, ted the house, of the wharf, uaranteed ten thelady boarding at Southold hotel, lowest formerly occupied by him, on Mill Hill. The Ladies' Society of the Presby- Twenty- Five Yeargo The railroad has c ange tie name terian church sent a box of articlesof to -or Jefferson branch road, and the girls' school in Tripoli, Syria. ,lie The Hancock and English Club was known as the Wad- The friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. addressed by Hon. E. A. Willis, of hereafter it will be k Jewell gave them a surprise. on the New York. ing River branch, fifth anniversary of their marriage. The New Orleans Jubilee Singers Phebe Led- At the annual school meeting, J. sang in the M. E. church. ithold, Oct".11 Mrs. aged Terry was elected chairman. The fol- C. M. Ledyard was rushing off a SOL Simeon B.Horton, al lowing officers were electod : Trustee, great many vegetables. yard, widow of yearn. an- Mrs. D. T- Conklin; Collector, C. M. �6 y Miss Mary E. S 1,edvard; Clerk, W. 11. Vail; Librarian, h rougTr Southold, oct. 2, INI I ,Reeve &Bartlett, Mrs. Stuart T.Terry, ford aged lov. sm- 9 B. H. Van Scoy. of Peconic, has sold 70 acres of wood- �__to I!;',- Lawyers Geo. 1. Stackpole, of Riv- hill. Horton allu -,-- d Ira H. Tuthill of Sontlicil,l land at Oregon to Nat. S. Tut - Daniel H. corner erbead. an callops that-other _st,a;6m9 have ddressed the Garfield and Arthur, S win H. Brown 90 acres s e �ad,adj a been y_ie(ldled around the streets at 25 highway and Brown, Beach r, norn. Club at Temperance Hall. ets. a quart and often a drug on the land D. L. Beebe, Bay Vie, e Samuel L. Tuthill has laid y- Iniarket at that price, are now worth, Miss Ida M. Wells has hired roomsAve., in $1-50 a quart and scarce at that. - W. R. Newbold's lone gas main down Maple houses of The rapid jump in the price of poLa- in the east part of order to connect with the M• toes is jump farmers rich. As house. John A. Bliss, Wm- H. Joost and E. the price soars it goes in jumps of five Philadelphia, Oct. 7 Orlando W. Millard. cents per bushel and within a few days Mrs. the price has advanced from (3.5 to 85 Southold, and -painted and re Cents, while Wells. formerly of D. F. Buckley has re within a month the price lettered the mile-stones throughout the has};one uP from 50 to 85 cents. town. went -Flve esus go Scautho d Lodge sa now one athe Following is the vote in :_ finest equipped Odd Fellow lodges on County: James A. Garfield was elected Pregi- the Island. The latest acquisition to Justice Supreme Court 1( dent of the United States. The Re- the new, spacious rooms, handsome and Burr R.and P. 7136 Whitehouse D 46 tie-ins had 210 electoral votes against costly furnishings, gas lights, etc., is Burr's majority 2514 56 Democratic. New York State a hot air heating plant, which W. H. went Republican by 25,000 majority. Terry has had installed this week by Member of Assembly Dist. 1 Perry Belmont was elected Congress- B. F. Macomber. Lupton R 3897 Squires D 2586 man in this district. All the Republican Miss Lucy 11allock is visiting s` Lupton's majority 1311 nominees for County offices were I elected. at Brooklyn and Bridgeport, Ct. 6ur- Member of Assembly Dist. 2 Samuel Hazard Moore died, aged 82 ing her absence, Miss Amy H. Sturges Hubbs R 2800 Dusenberry D 2182 years. ey, Jr., sent a number of has charge of the Southold Library. Hubbs' majority 618 ars. I . . lumber wagons down South, East Quogue, Oct- 22, at the bride'sSheriff The following students of Southold home, Orrin B. Corey, of Peconic, and Wells R 6817 Grimshaw D 4645 Academy passed the best examination Miss Jessie A.,(laughter of John Frazer. Wells' majority 2172 in arithmetic: E. L. Conklin, J. C., Case, E. J. Maxwell, Minnie L. Ham- Southampton, Oct. 31, J. Ambrose District Attorney met and G. W. Holton. I Goldsmith, aged 73 years. Interment Furman R 7001 Half D 4507 ----Reeve cele- at Southold Friday. Furman's majority 2494 Mr. and Mrs.- Gee. B. brated their golden wedding anniversary Twenty- Five Years Ago at their home on Tuesday, by a reunion Yyo County Treasurer of children, grarid-children and one Brush R 6853 Brewster D 4566 great-grandchild. The family Was Presiding Elder Burch held quarterly Brush's majority 2287 joined by the Mattituck Presbyterian conference in the M. E. church. Superintendent of Poor church eboir in the evening. For half A pleasant company celebrated the Hirsch R 6721 Gerety D 4711 a century Professor Reeve has been connected in one way and another with birthday of Miss Annie Fithian. Hirsch's majority 2010 the music of the local Presbyterian Mrs. Albert G. Case died, aged 70 School Commissioner Dist. I Church. He began by playing the years. Howell R 2570 Bennett D 1449 melodeon of that church, and is now Frazee A. Snediker, of Newark, N. and has been for many years, leader of J., and Mrs. Helen Wiggins, of Bay Howell's majority 1121 the choir of twenty-five voices, Mr' . d in the View, were married. School Commissioner Dist. 2 and Mrs. Reeve were married Vunk D 3564 Franklinville Church in 1855, by the Henry Beebe has sold his farm now Moore R 3761 Rev. John Reid, then it pastor. The�oc pied by Antone Zernick. Moore's majority 167 Rev. J. N. Hallock, now editor of 11 The Prohibition vote in the County Christian Work and Miss Angle M. I J, N. Dickinson has sold his farm to was 272. Horton, deceased, daughter of Sheriff!J. Thornton, Jr., of New York, and Silas Horton. "stood up"I with them. 'has purchased the farm of C. G. Terry, On the Assembly vote the Republi Mrs. Reeve was formerly a well known,formerly owned by John Fleischmann._. can majority in the towns was as fol- school teacher. She taught in the - lows: Riverhead 200, Southold 391, Franklinville district school, in the Julia A Cassidy to Julia 1, Uonk- Shelter Island 49, Southampton 363, F'ranklinville Academy, and had charge lin. t w ' Beckwith Ave, adj land of a girl's seminary in Middleton Point, of'Godfrey Hahn, Southold .......nom Brookhaven 318, Huntington 55, Smith H'. J., for some time. Mr. Reeve Geo C Terry and wife to Julia I— town 69, Babylon 82, Islip 412. East, received his musical education at the Cassidy, lot e s Beckwith av, adi Hampton gave 10 Democratic majority. lanhattan Normal Musical institute, � . land Sarah Clark, Southold....... norn uninnecock Hills gold. He taught vocal music here for many years and is remembered as an able Jonathan B Terry and wife to Dean ®word of Brooklyn, the big teacher. In 1861 professor Reeve en-:Louise Rubsamen, lot n s Town Brooklyn and Long Island real estate listed in Compan H One Hundred and�Harbor ane -dj highway leading operator,has bought 3,000 acres of Shin- Twenty-seventh r; also land under water in Twenty-seventh U�York Volunteers, be' —2,500 acres of up- and served(hiring the Civil War. Mr. front of above premises, Southold nom nock Hills property Vro- and Mrs. Reeve have four daughters 13 R Sturges_has eoiraeted to land and 500 acres under water. 1`b:' ale all latter, James Wick- S. of th and one son, the build he,,- for Fred C. Leicht , bi, purchase embraces practically ham Reeve, residing with his parents. Shinneocmk Hills property from Canoe. The daughters are Mrs. J. F. Booth, lot at Fine Neck. Plaos to Southampton, and It contains Greenport; Mrs. William E. Hallock, L- of Brooklyn; Mrs. O. Howard Tuthill, William�Griwofdbo and -family-move aut fifteen miles of shore front, , South Harbor, on the The Hills conatitute by far the moat' Rockville Center, and Miss Mary L. this week to So picturesque section of Long Island, 1dr, Reeve, who resides at home. C11r/k 3/ premises owned recently by Richmond Alvord bought from. an English syndi. Bros., and will have charge of it this cate. It is likely that V e property will Peconic Lane is the scene of decided I winter. be developed and sold for country eo. ,activity in the building line at present. tates. ,The new houses of Frank Overton and Samuel L. Bennett made a tine run William Salmon have their foundations for Sehool Commissioner in his home GTuesda;, about 1:30 p. m., in barnof_J`­Rffi_6§-Wickharn, on the Tut' laid, Gee. Smith and Nathan $ayre poll, having 50 majority here. th hill Terry place, was discovered to he being the respective builders, while on the south road the residence of Eugene Charles M. Ledyard is at 1�i`s_(;Id—corn- 'Ell on fire, and it was soon destroyed with Davids,is being enlarged and improved years Mr. Pr its contents of hay and straw. The m. direction of Albert Overton. mission business. In former VO place was occupied by Poles. The fire under the dir o L rd purchased thousands of bushels caught from a straw-stack outside., G. F, Hommel has 661U a 0Glover's,1The Fire Department responded to the 0and other farm produce. edya Iof potatoes alar but the fire had gained such met Av., next west of L. L. m, on which he will Mrs. SU—san to Peter Mahoney,, ic Southold. Nov. bt. headway that nothing could be done. Link, aged 77y, 5m. The barn was insured in the Suffolk build a residence. The dream-that astern Long a an wenty-Five Yea Ago Twenty- Five Years Ago that astern Long people bare so fondly cherished fo some Years—a railroad from Illverbea W. H. Vail was about to occupy part A pleasant company celebrated the to Wading River—seerns destined to of the late residence of Lawyer 'J. H. fifteenth marriage anniversary of Mr. r.deceased come true in the near future, At least Goldsmith, and Mrs. Sam'l Dickinson. President Peters told a Riverhead Town The Southold base ball team' was man in so many words, last week, thatexpected to play the Rustics of Shelter Rev. Thomas J. Watt preached in the M. E. church. work wag to oomm3noe on the road very Island on Thanksgiving Day. soon, and that it wo-ild likely ba inMiss Jessie K. Payne won the prize Movements were o'n foot for forming singing classes, to be conducted by working order by next summer. The for greatest improvement in writing Prof. D. P. Horton and D. Y. Hallock. best part of it is, too, that the road is during the term at Southold Academy. Joseph H. Thompson and Miss Emma going from Riverhead to Good Ground, First mention was given to Minnie L. I Poppendick were married. Charles U. Aldrich, pr esidr lat of the illornmel, and second mention to J. C. Long Isldnd Cauliflower Association, Case, The Court of Appeals on Tuesday was in conference with railroad officials Miss Jerusha W. Horton returned handed down a decision in the case of one day last week an business per sin, from a trip to Europe. the Town of Southold vs. Parks, sus- ing to cauliflower shipments. After Win. H. Wells become the owner of taininthe decision of Justice Wiln-tot concluding this business and while talk- g 4 ing about other matters, Mr. Peters vol- the property, formerly owned by his M' Smith and the Appellate Division. unteered the information to Mr. Al- grandfather, Lawyer J. H. Goldsmith. The court of last resort in this State dtich that, ',wozk was to commence on klin �f the Wading River extension to River- -1.Ric mon wife has thus decided that the Town does Fran W Mc head very soon." Ott,beach and meadow not own the lands under water in to Marian South This looks decidedly like business. It t d n Neck Point, near Peconic and Gardiner's Bays. The means a big boona for Riverhead and on In ia Southold .................$225 Harbor, ou old southern boundary of the Town is thus eastern villages, and withal is the most important undertaking in recent years old her decided by the Court. Conklin has for this section of the Island. I Mrs. Julia Conplace on Beckwith Ave., recently pur- Lewis Overton is erecting a large' to Albert -e station to Population of Suffolk chased of Miss Julia Cassidy, building on his lot near th ,be used no his shop for making slid The population of Suffolk County on A. Folk. repairing almost any kind of macnin- June 1, 1905, was 81,653, a gain of 4,- Ntl'-. V['4Lll('l­ 1,111177-1. ery. 071 over the census of 1900. The "'flj. 1141111 Jill-". ;Mll L 11 l-1'01 F. G. Prince has moved from his Hew lll31m,11" divil ml �tlll(IaN I recent home on Beckwith ave. to H. distribution of the population by towns a(, i NIT. NIOM-c %%J1:11 111-1. W. Prince's on Main st. iq as follows: Babylon, 7,919, 807 in- ill[1-1 lit-I'S. Silt' JUL6 liVCd Ill and :1--j. S 11 Ill. .1i'd Capt. and Mrs. Win. W, Overton c ase; Brookhaven, 16,050, 1,458 in- I " I�,;:Il i i �,i I `;'111 l'i Victor H. Overton and fancily v reI ijiid lyl I Ie crease; East Hampton, 4,303, 557 in- lil roliial-( lt it" ll" 111119 t III i t.iaia moved to Greenport. erea:;e;Huntington,10,236, 753inerease; Prof. O. F. Pavvo ant] on, Dr. Islip, 13,721, 1,176 increase; Riverhead, Tbi, I'mwi-ol look jilui-4- fr,.m 4,950, 447 increase; Shelter Island, I,- r"'111cill.l. ml, I li" Norl It Roa'l. Henry U. Payne, have had a fine new hill]. lief', W. I house erected in Williamson, W. Va.. 105, 39 increase; Smithtown, 3,325, 2,- C. NI, 1-� t1w for their own occupancy. 538 decrease, caused by deduction of lo.�, Ill-. Klihol. Wililaicr 'd, --mll U&=sl=l 1;will! 1hr i Peconic, Nov. 12, WalentyGolobiecki. inmates of State institutions; South- i'; aged 4 years. t. Ali. 11ll!,w1,.A4 1�11, �% "I' r_-Y"iddletown, N. T, Nov. ampton, 11,024, 653 increase; Southold, w plqt "r� 11l.. l"j1lwi;!,j i a4 8,989, 688 increase. The population of Boston Dickinson, father of Mrs. Chas.� the incorporated village of Greenport is Reeve & Bartlett report the follow. H. Tuthill, of Southold, aged 76y, llm, *follow- 5d. 2,667, an increase of 301• ing sales of real estate through tneir offices: Through the efforts of the L. V. L A Men's Social Club has been organ- At Bay View, Southold, sixteen S. granite crosswalks are being laid in to J. i zed at Peconic with 35 charter members, acres and residence, belonging Itbe business part, of the town. The Nelson Dickinson, to John Thornton, Me club,bas rooms over Addison Conk- Jr., of Now York City, This property Village Improvement Society pur- lin's office. The following officers have includes a long shore front on Gorey chased the stones, soliciting a small been elected: Pres., Geo. B. creek and one of the most sightly amount from citizens interested in the Joseph Dietz; See. and hills on the Hog Neck peninsula. improvement, to aid in the expense of Vice Pres., Three acres and residence, belong- Treas., Leslie Eldredge; Trustee, Dr. ing to Mrs. Annie J. Cook, daughter transportation. Mr. Fleet, the road J. C. Case. of the late Seth T. Wells, at Bav commissioner, who is always ready to - Southold Nov. 11, Jeannette, wife. View and next east of the Dickinson encourage every public improvement, of John R.,Tillinghast, aged place, to John Thorton, Jr. kindly agreed to see that the stones I Farm of twelve acres, residence Greenport. Nov. 12, Francest .1 -s S. were laid. and barn, belonging to Charles widow of Rev. William H in in Terrv, of Buy View, to J. Nelson Lucy Lcicht has return Miss Petty;-jd Sec. an D vlf, 5f)y 5m '[k M Huntting, her_96th year. ,Dickinson- This property is directly rents. She will grade-' on our J. H. Boisseau.is seen againopposite the Dickinson place and Mr. a visit to her paDickinsons family will occupy it, on ate as a nurse next Thursday from the streets, looking as 41 good as new." leaving their present residence. an Hospital, New York.. Germ— - D. Y. Hallock, of Hastings, Florida, J. H. Boisseau has sold IS acres of Julia L Conklin to Albert A Folk, Is visiting Southold friends. land on the North Pond to James J. Ave, add land lot w s Beckwith Donahue,. i, , JV ,Julia E Murphy, Southold......11014, Twenty Five Years A.,Xu, Praise for Library Eastern Long Island Hospital Association 0- cr jf�a It is safe to say that the Eastern State Library, Albany, N. Y, L. I. Hospital, to be located at Green- About one inch of snow fell on 22 Nov., 1905 �eoart�dabout which we have occasionally Thanksgiving morning, slight reports, is now an assured Rev. W. H. Murray-.—After 7anin- fact. Underneath the apparent quiet A wing was added to the east side of spection of twenty-eight libraries on on the subject, a great amount of hard, IL N. Williams' residence. Long Island, it affords me pleasure to effective work has been done. The Sch. James Douglass was being speak in special commendation of the I seemingly insurmountable obstacle has . been, of course, the securing of suita- loaderovidence.d it the wharf by J. B. Terry for good work your library association Is ble quarters for the proposed hospital 'P ' doing in Southold. Few, if any, of the 'work, All felt the need of the work, James Donahue (lied, aged 73 years. libraries visited can show a better use but the amount to be raised for pur- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dickinson, of of the facilities possessed, or a larger chasing the site erecting the building, Bay View, celebrated their wooden rtion to and equipping and maintaining the hos- wedding, service to the public in aro ital, was of a size that daunted the Over means. In matters of internal econo- Uarts of all but a few of the interest- $2(X)was raised to equip a Jhook my, there is only one thing to criticise, ed people. The greatest obstacle i. e., and ladder company. and that is the exceedingly cramped securing the site. and building, was re- quarters in which you are doing your moved last Saturday, when, at a meet- p,,/ Surprise—to-Yr.—Miar-sha- work, but the library is too young to ing of the board of directors, Rev. C. criticise on that score, and I have no A. Jessup announced for the Misses Mrs, J. H. Marshall gave a surprise doubt that a community which shows Mari, and Evelina Wood that the to her husband last Saturday evening such a large appreciation of the library property, located at the head of byinvitingthe directors of the South, in the way of use, will show the same Sully b Sterling Creek, had been Purchased by appreciation in the way of adequate at old Lighting Co. and a few other friends Nthese ladies and was now placed financial support. Your work is cer- disposal of the board of directors. the to dinner. The invited guests were F. tainly deserving of very much larger use of the The property for hospital pur- R. Mitchell, H. H. Huntting, Thomas facilities than you now have. poses was offered free of charge under FarleyL. W. Korn,J. M. Howard,Dr. Any service that we can render you certain conditions, viz., that the re- J. Mnow or in the future, will be gladly. Hartranft, 0. V. Penney, F. D. pairs, taxes,s and other expenses be Smith, John M. Howell and J. N. Hal- me given. y the association. The offer was With congratulations and good wish- received with applause, and a commit- lock. Lester Albertson and E. D. Ca- es to your whole board, I am tee was appointed to express in an ap- hoon were unable to be present, much Very truly yours, propriate manner the appreciation Of to their regret. The company burglar- ASA WYNKOOP the board for this generous gift. The iously entered Breezy Bluff by a win-burglar- _ will be an executor's sale of property is ideally located for hospital . purposes. There are nearly five acres dour, and the good Doctor was cap- the house, lands and household furni- of ground and the house is well built turgid. It was a genuine surprise to ture of the late Henry Waterman at from a sanitary standpoint and is in a him, but there were no indications of his late residence on Tuesday, Dee 5 good condition, "surprise" in the elaborate prepara- at I p. m. Geo. A. Maier, auctioneer. It rests now with all classes of peo- ple at the eastern end of Long Island tions ons made for the entertainment of to take hold of this most humane and the party. The dinner was both dainty There will be a big auction sale of charitable of projects and aid in carry- , ing it to a successful and speedy com arming implements, stock, produce - and bountiful, for which the guests, after a cold drive, showed no lack of pousehold goods, etc., at the residence tletion. The treasurer of the board is. Olin Corwin, of the People's Nation- appreciation, The menu and place bf Chas, H. Tuthill on Wednesday, al Bank, Greenport. cards were unique. They consisted of Dec. 6, at 10 a. in. Geo. W. Bullock, a little booklet made up of post cards, tioneer. 111si'01(lu HOUSE SOLD. with all aPpr- litit, dash of fun in The liiRtoric old house 1<nawn as the each. Even tg charming waitresses There will be an auction of house-Hnutting 11mitic, in Southold villagy(l, added to the pleasure of the dinner. hold goods at S. I. Mitchel's Huntting-erecteil in 1661, and located ou the north ch Nide of Main kitreet at the jimelion of F. R. Mitchell, who has a reputation as horst on Saturday, Dee. 9, at 1 P. M. , toastmaster, was more than usually Pucicer'8 Lane, has been sold by Sir. S. I. happy in that capacity on this secasion, Twenty- Five ears Ago Mitchel, of Philadelphia, to Mr. Daniel i After-dinner speeches were made by N 1-1 Horton,of Bay Viexv- The sale was Drs. Hartranft and Marshall and madi) thrmigh ilie offleea (if Reeve & While We had winter weather,but no snow. Bartlett., Greepport. The PreSOI)t I)rOp- Messm Farley and Iiallock. Whi e W. A. Cochran was about to reopen erty, which is but a small part of the thegentlemen were smoking their ci- his oyster saloon at the old stand. original farm, includes about live acres Ears a noted Spanish lady appeared on The oysters planted a year ago in The place is closely connected with the the scene and danced for their enter- Town Harbor by J. B, Terry and others interesting early history of the town- tainment. At 11:30 the guests took were found to be all dead. Thiswas re- ship. their leave, with many good wishes for girded as conclusive evidence that I Gilbert If. lerryandwif toJohn the Doctor and his family. Breezy tern could not be successfully propa, Bluff has entertained many friends,but gated in our bay. `Thornton, Jr., lot n s Pine Neck we will guaranty that alone have ell- ad, adjacent land John Munch, The Board of Excise granted ale and road, 'I ed thernseivvs better than the beer licenses to George Moody an and and wife to nrm CvUse-breakers 4 Saturday night. James Clark. G. Frank Hornmel Letitia A Mahoney, lot n s Hommel Through the rein) k Good Templars' Lodge was ora Letitia rev, adi land of G. Frank Hommel, estate agency Of ized here, Southold Division, S. of T.' Southold.�z d here., SOU $325 I' 1`00d in lays's' Lod e Division, ivis'on le Reeve & Bartlett, S. 1. Mitchel, of having surrendered its charter. thold e Southold Philadelphia, hassold "Hurittinghurst" A cornet band was, organized here. Through the MI. estate—alreney 0 to Daniel H. Horton, of Bay View. Reeve & Bartlett, Mrs, L. W. Korn Cu ch g Nov. has purchased of the executors the Cutchogue, Nv30, at the Church Henry Waterman place. The price Pow H, W. Simons has taken the. of the Sacred Heart, by Rev. Father paid was$4,100. This is a very desir- in t to build a house for Peter James H. Lynch, James M. Grattan f Southold, 0 1 is. Rose Be Riley,ril able property. Mr. Korn purchased ey on his lot on Hommel Ave. of Southold, and Miss Rose Belle Rilethe household goods and sold them at of M -,' I attituck. auction at a good profit. Char es Booth and family have taken The report of the Equalization Com--W�. THE the rooms in Mrs. R. L. Downs' house mission was made before the Board of i Rev. Mr. Marra at Creekside, recently vacated by Supervisors Wednesday, and was as -Y, I)nr;tt)r of 1 i Arthur L. Downs and family. follows: Piliver"list Church of 14outhold. h&A Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Assessed Eumilized socePted a pomitinu to light ilio qTreet Prince have Value value lilithtf, of that village tit *"Iri pertaken the rooms over F. Gomez's store. East nanipton $3,144,001)00 S 3j239jKV thanipton SW.Woo 8.&35,21r2:1110 tuouth. Lester Alhortmon who had Miss Julia Cassidy has moved to her ffA3(h'tel I t e r I s I it n d 1,635.82.5.00 ','391,slil-oo ho jobI resigned and me Board of newly purchased property on Beckwith Southold 5,768,1MMU 5j175,31)G.()0 t Ave. Riverhead 2,792,51KUX7 l.453,wioxo Directo"stet Monday And apjx)iutv,-d Brookhaven 10,056,4M.00 10.144JX.00 Twent y - Five Yea rs Ago Islip 9 380 , ,9 y.05.00 oj5Rs,w].00 Mr. -MurraThe place is not 0oo Babylon 3715,159.10 34111,1T9.10 that, was sought after. The village SmIthlown q_o11q,7W.LX) L", '633.00 ,Steamer W. W. Coit made the last 11"nLitigton 5,N16,445.00 8,W,561.00 is lighted wilill ftcet.viene gm all the trip of the season. S5,*j,9g4.2-,j).10 pereou who attends, has to light theD.Y. liallock opened a singing school for young people. Twenty- FPlve Years Ago I lanips, in the varix evening and turn John Turner and Miss Mary Conboy -X)6 a �-2-- / r Y,j them all out again at 11 o'clook at were married. James R. Foster and J. Horton Case Slight. Mr. Albertson tried it a Ator At the annual meeting of the South- were re-elected Elders of the rresby-� time and then asked to be relieved. old Temperance Society, officers were elected as follows: Pres., D. Y. Hal- terian church. I Mr. Murray is it paQtnr who is no 2d A large schooner struck the bar offl ' ' afraid of work. His fiock is a lock-, 1st Vice Pres., S. B Corey; Great Pond in L. 1. Sound, but went J10C k 1A11111 Vice Pres., H. G. Fitz; Sec. and Treas., off in a few minutes. ono and his salary only about, salo per O. F. Payne; Committee on Music, Slisses Met.ta Horton and M. Louise The trustees of the Southold Savings year. Tho phwe lie h"necOptva is uot Prince. The society was addressed by Bank directed that interest be credited an 0.s�v 0110, but M.,. Murray hits depositors at the rate of four per cent r H. G. Fitz. agreed to try it for six mouth& His A lodge of Good Templars, was insti- Per annum. B. The ladies of the Universalist Society hotiou in o(Minierided anti lie im :coretuted here by Lodge Deputy Julius g8 held a Chinese Kettle Drum at Peconic popular thanovor now in son(hold. Young, of Orient. There were all. charter member$, and the following H The ladies of the Presbyterian Society Twenty- Five Vears Agra officers were elected -. C. T_ Rev- sent a box of Christmas things to the 4,0 2_ Abram Conklin T., Hattie Terry; children of the Mission School at Tripoli, ; The students of Southold Academy R. S. J. N. Llock; A. S_ Lillie Turkey. Booth; F. S F. T. Wells; Treas., P- More snow was on the ground than presented Prof. Jas. R. Robinson with H. Cantermen; Chaplain, C. S. Weeks; for many years, and there was a snow a handsome gold pen and ebony holder Albertson; 1. G_ Lucie Peck, O. G., Mar., V. B. Goldsmith; D. M., Mamieeblockade on the railroad. [s it was as a Christmas present. J. R. Robinson; R. H. S., Julia L. At a meeting of the citizen protection A petition for the establishment of a Conklin; L H. S., Lizzie Terry; P. C. voted that the matter of fire laid on the table. fire district in this village was presented T., J. H.L. be Cochran, Sr.; L. A. R.� At the anti ual meeting of the directors to the Board of Supervisors, also a Banner Vail. The lodge was called of the Southold Town Agricultural remonstrance. Lodge. �Society, the following officers were ing were elected office elected: Pres., S. Wells Phillips; Vice The follow Is of Ezra G. Beebe has moved from Bay Pres., Geo. C. Wells; Treas., S. D. the M. E. Sunday School: Supt., M. View to the farm he recently purchased Goldsmith; See., C. D. Elmer; Dire�c- B. Van Dusen; Asst. Supt., B. T. of Chas. H. Tuthill. Mr. Tuthill has tors Andrew H. Latham, Joshua H. Payne; Female Supt., Miss Nancy Vail; moved to his mother's place in the Smith and Chas. E. Overton. The village. Treasurer's report showed a deficiency See. and Treas., Miss Mamie Albert- Lester Albertson has resigned as of$16. son; Librarian, F. T. Wells; Asst. superintendent of the Southold Light- Boss H. F. Van Wyck has laid the Librarian, F. C. Booth; Chorister, E, tog Co., , the resignation to take effect crosswalks. Two are at the hotel, one L. Boisseau. Jan. 1. Rev. W. H. Murray has been across Main St. and the other aeross6 - - appointed superintendent by the di- Railroad - one from the Post H. W. Prince has retired from busi- rectors. office to the Ave,Vrug Store- one across ness, and his son, Frederick G. Prince, We extend hearty congratulations to Main St. at B. F. Macnniber's; one will hereafter carry on the business at Miss Anna 1-1. Terry, who won the across Beckwith Ave.,from F. Gomez's the Brick Store. Mr. Prince has been, prize in the professional oratorical to Mrs. Beckwith's, and one across in business 34 years in Southold and i St. at Oak Lawn Ave. The contest at Greenport Wednesday even- gain walks will be found to be a great con- has established an enviable reputation ing. venience in muddy weather, and great as a sound business man. He will de- r. E. Booth has been appointed al credit for this improvement is due the vote his time to his work as a member Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff Preston. Village Ilmprov,:.ment Society, the public-spirited citizens who subscribed, of the Finance Committee of the South- Pftonic, Dec. 4, Charlotte Jane, wife and lornmissioner Fleet. old Savings Bank and real estate. To of George Goldsmith, aged 69y, 4m, the new proprietor of the Brick Store Miss Maude Terry has been engaged we tend best wishes and trust that Mrs. Helen Huntting fell on the a.,organist of the Presbyterian church. he in ground last Friday and broke may have as prosperous a career as Owing to hl�r`advanced ageitwas Isabel L Mitchel to Daniel H Horton, his father. e thought best not to attempt to set thje5 acres, n e cor Main st and Tucker's Riverhead, Dec. 27, at T, Griffin fracture, 0 U C4 , lane, adj L I R R, Southold,......nom House, by Rev. W. 1. Chalmers, Frank L. Leslie, of Peconic, and Miss Jennie Southold, Dec. 20, at the home of the Suffolk, Nassau and Queens Realty Avah Lane, of Riverhead. bride's parents, by Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd, 'Co of Long Island to Edward J O'Gor- lo Alfred Case Simons and Miss Florence man, lot e s Town Harbor lane, adj Southold, Dec-25, Mrs. Ellen O'Neil Lyndon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peconic Bay and land Dr Arnold Sturm- aged 85 years. Oliver A. Mayo. dorf, Southold. ................norn B. Greeutaort paucea M Soxty miles of track are to le id in r'vwCnty- Five Yea[-R The will of the lata F V f Hanttin of roved re the L. 1. R. li. frel ht east of 4!- 1 — oenthp. leaves an estate valued at $,5, Jamaica. OW, divided as follows: The ,money Eggs were 40 cents a dozen. in houtbold Savings Bank is divided THE SUFFOLK WEEKLY Timms, fol The Christopher Leicht farm was between Jonathan (3. Huntting and thirty yearn publisbed by Lewelen F sold to William Foley. H. Howard Huntting, nephews, who Teriy, and in more recent years by Mr J. B. Terry's wharf received con- are given the further sum o $100each. To the three daughters of �Terry and his Hui,. Fred L. Terry, war sdamage dre from the ice. Edward Huritting, a brother of the 80111 this webk to John L. A. Kabler, Jr. D. L. Horton and S. T. Terry were husband of testatrix, is given $200 of Sayville, L. 1., and C.W.Va,n Nostrand re-elected trustees of the Presbyterian each. All r:ersoual effects are given of Greenport. I church, to William H. Moore, a brother, who WH. Glover purchased the house is also Liven one half of the residue. Twenty- Five Years Ago m. p The remaining nalf is given to the ,�- - �� � ��`tl and lot of Mrs. Julia Dickerson at Peden of tlharles B. Moore, s de• S, A. Prince drew plans for Willow Dill. children brother. F public One Hnndreth Anntversary� hall at Southold. At the last meeting of the Southold ' Cornet Band, Prof. J. R. Robinson The Youth's Temperance Society of The one hundreth anniversary of the was elected leader. W. H. 'Vail was present Presbyterian church edifice the Presbyterian church was addressed Y by Prof. D. P. Horton, D. -1'. Hallock, elected president of the band association, vraa celebrated last Sunday morning. Rev. Dr. 'Whitaker and J. W. Huntting. and G. R. Jennings, secretary and The pastor, Rev. W. H. Lloyd, read treasurer. portions and commented on a sermon Miss Mary Huntting read an sassy. po The fallowing were installed officers preached in the church in 1807 by Rev. Through the reaesy tate agency of of Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F.: N. G., ' �r Jonathan Huntting, who was pastor of Reeve &. Bartlett, Herbert A. :Mac- B. L. Prince; V. G., B. H. Van Scoy; the church for twenty-one years. The Carter has sold his place on Oak Lawn ,Sec., W. A. Claris; Per. Sec., Geo. C. sermon was given as an illustration of Ave. to Miss Sarah E. Beebe, of Bay Terry ; Tress., G. Hahn ; War., F. the tone and strength of the theology View. Gomez; Con., W. H. Vail; R. S. N. G., preached in the pulpit one hundred years ago. The Rev. Dr. Epher Sheriff John S. Wella has appointed W. H. Terry; Trustee, Geo. Fischer. Whitaker, who was pastor of the church Thomas J. Furey, formerly of South- The Ladies' Sewing Society of the F M. E. church elected the following for forty years and is now the honored bid, as Warden of the fail. officers: Pres., Mrs. C. S. Tillinghast; pastor emeritus, gave a brief history MR. EDITOR:—An item recording the Vice Pres., Mrs. M. B. Van Dusen; of the church, which we present to our sale of the Sufolk 'T£nies recalls the Sec., Miss Hannah Carpenter, Trees., readers in this issue. time when I was printer's devil" in Miss Jessie Boisseau. jrj-5 Burning of Mortgage �r ,. the office of that venerable publica- The parishioners of Rev. Dr. Epher l6— tion, and had charge of the ink roller Whitaker presented him with $loo at very interesting incident occurred upon the Washington press with which the annual donation visit. the M. E. church on Sunda morn- - y the office was equipped. I think the Ezra G Beebe and wife to Mary E at,in the burning of a mortgage of Sil.folk Tinxsq was the only newspaper Barker, 1 acre, part of Cedar Beach, fifteen hundred dollars on the church that ever gained the distinction of be- adj No Man's Beach, Bay View, South- parsonage,, which was the last vestige ing `'alike on both sides." This was old.............. ... .........num of indebtedness against the church due to the fact that the office force Ezra G Beebe and wife to 1,]Wik1 property. S. Bailey Corey, the presi- was rather small and as we had diffi- Brown, lot as Bay View adj estate o lot of Ettie C Fisher; also s s North tint of the Board of Trustees, made a culty in getting up enough type to fill, Bay View road, adj land of Wm Aksien, brief statement expressing his grad- we were accustomed to utilize the Bay View, Southold.... ..........nom tode to all who had helped to bring same advertising matter upon bath Henry M Beebe to Daniel H Horton, about this happy consummation. The sides of thesheet. 1 remember that 22 acres s s North road, adj estate Ettie' orn mortgage was placed on an ornamental on one occasion we blossomed out with C Fisher, ,Bay View, Southold...wife to tray,held in the band of Sexton F. P. a new heading, and an "esteemed con- Jonathan o B,26 a u and wife to Pottinger, and amid the grateful James J j landue, 26 acres, n s North � temporary" at the other end of the road, adj ]and of Lewis S Tuthill, f the congregation the match county recorded the event in this,fash- Southold ........ .................nom was applied and in a few minutes every ion: "The Scr9U.1r, Tim" has a new Charles FW ilhamson and wife to material evidence of indebtedness head. We would respectfully suggest Michael Zaniewski, 20 acres w s Bridge lane, adj land of S Spencer Case.; also > t the splendid property was in anew tail for the same." But this pastor, Rev.W. W. Gillies 12 acres woodland s s North road, adj,, The pa , was a long time ago. land of Florence M Green, ted the tray on which the docu- Very truly yours, Peconic ..........................nom MW was burned to Mr. Corey, as an F. X Lu?ToN Southold,Jan. 5, Mrs, Hannah Wells, appreciation of personal regard, while F. C. Williams and Chas. T. Gordon aged 85 ym. i�burnt snatch was resented to Mr. Y, ' p have moved into their new houses. Cutchague, Jan.. 4, Oliver B. Corey,. aged Sl 4m, 23d. Patter as a memento of his partici- Both houses are an ornament to the Green port, Jan. 5, Capt. HenryS. patica in the happy event. The service village and are greatly admired. Ackley,aged Eloy, 9m, 6d. with a most hearty rendering of Liner Metre Doxology. Daniel W.Grattan has been appointed The thermometer registered 9 above Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff John S. zero Wednesday morning—the coldest SmAlyn, Dee. 31, Don Salmon t Wells, of the sea-sun and Miss Florence King. Southold Town Officers. P7ty_+-Fy_e_Years Au William 0 Davids and ors, to Michael 1 . Supervisor Barton D Skinner,Greenport / � — I .9 H Howard, M acres n New North adj Town Clerk Win YFithian, Fouthcld William Elmroad,Elsner wag clerking at F. Cutchogland of Michael H Howard, ue........_.......... nom Jnstiee Elisha X MtAiMt� 0riemt Lewalon F T,,rry, (41.enport Gomez's store. John N Dickinson and wife, to John Jos-.so Low,-Cr.r. 1 eeuarx Mrs. Lowery, of Brooklyn, gave a Thornton, jr, 184 acres s s main high- Win,B.It.,L-v, Mattituck missionary address in the M. E.church, way, adj estate Seth T Wells, Bay Henry A W it bur, Fishers Is'd and organized a missionary society, View......_............... ..._nom Assessore-John H Brown. (Orient; Barclay with the following officers: Pres., Amanda PHubbs and ors, to Frank I'Adams.East Marlon, Fred'k C Bee- McBride, 20 acres woodland, ss OreLynn be.Greenport; Chas.E Overton,South- H. Jennings; Vice Pres., Mrs. F. N. North road, adj land of Chauncey E old;Henry 0 Horton,Peconio; Isaac N Terry and Mrs. Geo- B. Simons; See., Glover, North Woods, Cutchogue,"nom Teed.MattlEuck. Miss Mamie Albertson; Treas., Miss Overseer Poor Ansel V.Yomr., Greenport George Aldrich to John Macweieik .. ., Albert B Tuthill. Peconjo, Mamie Beckwith. and wife, 10 acres, e s private way, adj Com'r highways-Geo H Fleet, Cutchogue At the meeting of the Southold Tem- land of Josiah Albertson, Cut- Coltector-H,Everett Young,Greenport perance Society, Rev. Abram Conklin ch0gue.................. .........norn Constables-James 8 Dewey, Orloijt; Garrott and S. B. Corey were elected delegates Sarah E Beebe to Mary E Barker, Hawartlir,Greeni),,rt-,T)fLtiic,I W Gnittan, to the County ConventionTM' lot on highway leading to Paradise Southold:Win.NV,S.Leflillg.('1101LORLte . T. Point, adj estate of George Hallock, Taylor, of New York, delivered a -fine Edw'd 0 Chapman, Mattituck; Pett, Bay View, Southold_�............nom Hatison,Fisher's IshtwL temperance address. Peconic, Jan. 12, Mrs. Horace Prince, Town Trustees-Edward IV LiLtliam, Orient -'TFe--Dnt semi-annual statement, of in her 87th year. /,L 7, President, Henry A llei)ves.Grevm)ort, ';cc the Southold Savings Bank was issued i. Jonathan B Terry,Southold: Joshua T Bee- It is very pleasing to t e many nen s be.Cutchogue;Otto 11 11altuck.Nattitack Jan. 1. On Jan. 1, 1906, the amount of John A. Wilbur, whom Southold due depositors was $3,967,160,60-a claims as one of her bright and enter- County Otficers. gain of $143,977.57 during the six Co. months, and the surplus $466,304.11-a prising young men, to know that he has been appointed School Commis- Surrogate---Joseph 31 Belford.Riverhead gain of $13,205-91. The total assets Is Clerk-Robt IV Duvall sioner in New York City. He is ar- Dist.AtCy-George H.Furmati,Patchogue were $4,433,464.71. rayed against "frills and fancies," as Sheriff-John S.Wells, Eiverhea,l During the six months ending Dec. he calls them, and will work for a !Warden atJail-Thos.J.Furoy,Kivorheadfrom 31, 1905, $336,267.97 was received thorough knowledge in the essentials, Turnkey" - -(",AritonR131typort oerani, depositors, and 29.5 new accounts were Under Sheriff-Chas V P41tt.Part Jefferson opened. After paying all the expenses reading, writing, arithmetic and ge- County Treasurer-henry 14. Brash, Hun' 'n ography, in the common schools, County Clerk-Solomon Ketcham,Amityville for the six months, and crediting $74,- . stead of the languages, as they can Dep'ty " Win F Flanagan, Riverhead 845.62 to depositors for interest, in Supt.of Poor-Wm.H ir,;rli Lindenhurst, 205.91 was added to the surplus. be secured afterwards if the pupils can U.S.Loan Com'r-Joseph S. )sborn hafnPtOD. During the first ten days of January, friend success. School Com'r.ist Dist-Chas It Howell,R'v'd 1906, 129 new accounts were opened 2nd " E(livials.2lo-re, Bay and $162,410.14 received from 929 de- port Congratulated by President Uoroner -DrlforleyB Lmv!-A, J'asthamptoo positors. --gue The Mattitack Bank has m.qde re-1) 1'eteisim. Cuictic Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Grattan Win B.Sav,wv,Ea.it Islip. markable progress sinee it was chartered have received a letter from President, W B Gib.401a,fliLhtiDgton. on April 28, 1905. For the eight months Roosevelt,congratulating them on their Chas W Gordon,Fisher's Island from Hay 1 to January 1 ito-. resources remarkable family of twelve children. BOARD OF SUPERTISORS-1905-UX7. grew from$30,53190 to $111,253.51 ; its The President sends his best wishes to Town. Name, P�0.Addrei,;a. deposits increased during th.,. same them all. Easthampton George A Hiller Springs Southampton Thos IV LLqter Sag Harbor period from $5,501.17 to $82 517,90 ; The new teacher in tbe-Southold, fihelte.Lrl8landl):i�-iLlliY�,iiii,-, 18b,4itt.rlmrncl and its loans expanded from $1,825 to Union School, Miss Harriet Stout, of Southold $59,995.69. Its profits Oct. I were$71-'77 ; Homer, N. Y., began her duties Riverhead Chs s8Ldmird,, My iiwiLd Nov. 1,$292.33 ; Dec. 1. $642 ; Jan. 11 Wednesday morning. Miss Stout, who Brookhaven WinfleldhBennett,Patch,,gao $830-63, That tbo bank is capably man- will have charge of the eighth grade, is Smithtoiva John 8 Huntthq:�jijjt lit'n B'ch aged and has the confidence and support Islip Julius Hauser 8;tyville. of our business community is made a graduate of the Cortland Normal Babylon Edward Daily Babylon clearly apparent by these figures. School, has had five years' experience' Huntington Edward"ilreland Hnnt!rjgt,,2i Chairman. George A.Miller. Benjm F. Macomber has purchased of in teaching, and comes very highly Clerk.John Bagmha%v.Elver4oad A. A. Folk the house on Beckwith Ave., recommended. The second room in the District officers, formerly owned by Miss Julia Cassidy, former assembly room has been fitted Rep.In Congress-wm,AY Corks, Old IV-: and a lot 60 ft. front. Mr. Macomber out for her grade. The school is now bury will improve the property by building a splendidly equipped for High School State Senator-Caril S.Burr,jr.,Conimaeli piazza in front, bay windows on the work, there being seven teachers, and Member of Asqnmbly. Ist District-John K we have no doubt but that the State Lupton,fKattituck north and south, and the kitchen he Will Member of Assembly, 2nd Dist-Orlando. raise up two stories, having bath room Department will soon grant our request Hubbs.Central Islip on second floor. to be ranked as a High School. Mary E 1-1 Terry to Nat S Tuthill, 70 Frank D Peterson ex, to Michael H Albert.A Folk to Mary Adelaide Ma- acres "Tusten," s a L I Sound, adj Howard, 8 acres woodland north of new comber, lot w s Beckwith av, adj land atrick E land Robert L Waters and North North road and cast of Depot lane, aldiP 0 Murphy, Southold........noin Country road, Oregon.............nom land of John Drumm, sr, Cut- .. ..... ........... nom r-..7 Twenty-flMe—vears Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago The Western nunIng arAMR, ford's Claim," was presented by S' ere was good sleighing. We bad zero weather. Patrick's Dramatic Club, at Belmo I The following were elected officers Of A gentleman said this was the third Hall on Wednesday evening, to a larg ,Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T.: C. T., J. old-fashioned winter since his thirty and well-pleased audience. The dra. H.Cochran; V. T., Lizzie Terry, See., years' residence in Southold, the others s an excellent one, with a good pl J. N. Hallock; F. S_ F. T. Wells; having been 1857-8 and 1867-8. ind lots of fun. Our young frien Treas., D. C. Tuthill; Chaplain, C. S. The L. I. R. R. was blocked with took a fine conception of their sever Weeks: Mar., V. B. Goldsmith; Guard, snow and the trains were delayed for parts and they all deserve great cred W. H. Terry; Sen., Geo. C. Terry. several days. or the manner in which they present The Cornet Band rented the upper Geo. H. Wells,of the Albany Normal he play. The drama will be repeat room in S. B. Corey's building. School, was home for a two weeks' n Thursday evening of this week, wi J. A. Tillinghast gave up his milvacation. ancing after the performance. Do n. route, and 0. A. Prince and D. B. Benj. L. Prince, of Southold, and iss this play. It will surely ple Wells took his place. Miss Daisy L. Tuthill, of Orient, were OU. Summer—Wealfleor In 3antlirf. married. Twenty-Five Ye's For three days this week this part ofChief Train Dispatcher the country has actually felt uncom-� S. A. Prince added a bay window toAdble in summer best. Ladies worn I Ina recent issue of the Brooklyn the residence of M. B. Van Dusen. white shirt waists to church Sunday, Eagle an article filling two columns ap- Win. H. Glover was having impro peared, which greatly interested the and then C.Ouldn't keep cool. Many peo-- many friends of James M. Magee,whom meats made to his residence at Will pie enjoyed their Sunday paper and Hill. their cigars whale sitting on the veran- we claim as another of Southold's suc- 0. A. Prince sold his milk route to dna. At �iagara Falls Sunday the ther cessful young men. Mr. Magee is the ilD. B. Wells. Mr. Prince purchased a monictem registered 85, while at Palm son of Mrs. Margaret Magee, who was half interest in the Centre Mark!t,, Beach,Fla.,It was only 81 in the shade, left a widow when James was but two making the firm name Landon a P3 In Pittsburg a man was prostrated by years old. He received his education the heat.Lf _2— ' at Southold Academy, and has ascended The following were elected offic' On Monday the thermometer 7regis- the ladder until now "he occupies the the Southold Lyceum Association icle Pres., A. M. Salmon ; Vice Pres., tered 60; there was not a particle of most important and responsible posi- . w Samuel Dickerson; See., W. H. Terry; frost in the ground, and farmers were tion on the Long Island Railroad, being ploughing grass ground. It is no chief train dispatcher at the Long Is]- Treas., Geo. C. Wells; Library Com- getting mittee, J. B. Terry, Mrs. A. B. Crosby, Com- wonder that ice men are getting and City office." Thousands of lives anxious. } and hundreds of thousands of dollars S. H. Moore, H. G. Howell and MaryHuritting. William H. Hommel has returned worth of property are intrusted to him Prin. James R. Robinson, of South- Nfrom a trip to Los Angeles, California. while at the post of duty. There is old Academy, gave the following prizes I _ - more dependent upon him than on any to his students: Arithmetic, Eugene John Conway has gone to Seattle, other man in the service. Every move- L. Conklin; physiology, Minnie L. Wash. merit of every train all over the 392 Hommel; writing, Gilbert W. Horton. Annie J Cook to John Thornton, jr, 3 miles of the Long Island system, with E. J. Maxwell was second in arithmetic, acres, ss main highway, adj land John over 297 passenger trains and many H Your.una, Bal View...............nom freight trains, is subject to his con- J. C. Case second in physiology, and G. Cutehogue, Jan. 22, Barnabas T- trol. He is acquainted with every mile F.Tuthill second in writing. Jay Robin- llfflard, a Veteran of Co. H, 127th N. of the road and thoroughly understands son was present every day during the F a- ro'i He is e he ad n' Y. V_ aged 65y, 6m, 4d. f t road and two terms. the business intrusted to him, and the R. has decided to reduce r, of Thomas M. Taylor, of New York, E patrons f the spec- occupied the pulpit of the Universalist ons of the L. I. R. R. and e r railroad fares. For a point 70 ially his friends are justly proud of his n church. L. 1. City or Brooklyn the achievements and thankful his steady i t There was no mail for four days on o�tlsM=",ri,o. be:' Ten trip book, 2 1'10 band Lis upon the key. twenty trip book, 2 cents account of the snow blockade, 11 '50 p boob 1 8.10 cents a mile. Miss Iva Lewis leaves next Tuesday The parishioners of Rev. E. Watt Ml�,e rate between local stations will be: enter the Oneonta State Normal gave.him a donation. T "'we to book, 2 4-10 cents a mile; 20 it 5 ,�J!i,�uk -10 cents IS mile; 0 trip School. The thermometer registered, four cents a mile. Brooklyn, Jan. 21, by Rev. H. E. above zero Saturday morning. liver- Burnes, Walter Howard Allen Wasmer, Jeasel-case an wi e, of Jamaica, L. I., and Miss Mary Eliz- B. F, Macomber has purchased of Goldsmith and ors, 9h acres s 9 New George Aldrich and abeth Davis, of Southold. W. Overton the shop recently bui read,adj land of Jan. 28, and has moved it on his lot, to be u 'esse-L Cis "sinith an a'j 'a. 0 0— r New Dept lane, near the depot, Cut- Seney Hospital, m 51 JameDavis, of Southold, ..nom. s Edward I as a barn. Chas. T. Gordon mov til ewe.. ...................nom. place, aged 49y, r enry P I :�rince and ors, to Mary where interment took Henry W Prince n HSS "Cott W�eilf,lot e s Cottage place adj land 3m. dj ,Cassidy, S� djohn Cassidy, Southold...' Om gen In nine years out.of twenty, Geo. Through the real estate agency Of E. e ' at Cut- Terry has finished getting his ic Leicht, the John Glover far- not un Theresa February, and some years ebogue has been sold to Mrs. The Lpicht. last of the mond, -F ii l�.�earao 3" Albert B Tuthill and wife to Twenty - Five scars Ago A house filled to repletion greeted Mabel G Richmond, 8 acres e s 4i-Lr v. :- '�� the entertainers at the Scotch Recital, highway leading to Peconic Park, Dr. J. M. Hartranft leased the Law iven under the management of Mrs. adj land of J M Terry estate; also -mith homes€cad. g 12 acres n s road leading to Indian er Golds M. H. Cook, at Belmont Hall on Mon- Neck Lane, adj estate of Evelyn Sion.J. S. Marcy was making general day evening. Jackson, Peconic.... ...nom epairs to the Glover fish factory a d -the musical talent of the east end of Thos H Wood and wife to John added 100 feet to the wharf. the Island was amply represented, Quarty, 6 acres n s Pine Neck road, The annual meeting of Suffolk County which was a tribute to the manager's adj land of G Wells Phillips, near Lodge, 1. O. G. T., was held here. L. musical acquaintance, and indicates the Southold............ .............nom Geo C Wells and wife to Chas E G. Ackerly was elected C. C. T.; Mrs. be found among us. rim� � "� V , Terry, 5 acres e s Jacob's Lane, D. T. Conklin, C. V. T.; Geo. Horton,variety of musical talent to _ adj estate J Sidney Wells, Bay Terry, C. R. S. _ ''View, Southold.., nom Twenty-five Years Ago _ John B. Sweezy repurchased of Mrs. Ball the£arm sold by him two years c r Herbert Ii.. MacCarter and wife to R. B: onkl}n sold his horse Wedge- Sarah E. Beebe, lot e s Oak Lawn Av, ago. Mr. Sweezy sold his farm atx wood to a Boston gentleman for s price adj land Anna Eldredge, Southold..nom Railroad Ave. to Patrick Carey. Nit.as not far from $25,000. He gave $10,000 ' _ Carey sold his house in the eastern With this issue, TkiE TRAVELER part of the village to J. B. `ferry. '.l for the.horse about a year and a half carnes out lar an enlarged fr7rrn, Two At a meeting of the directors of the J, ago inches have been added to our columns, Southold Town Agricultural Society, it Col, Thomas Carroll gave a generous retaking 64 inches of additional reading was voted to have a floral and hart°s gift to the Southold Cornet Band. matter. Ea The ice broke up in the Sound and, TWent - Five Years cultural exhibition on June 15. Peconic Bay. �/ I William Wickham, Esq., of Cut- tiu Capt. Geo. C. Gibbs had steamer W. it was said that Han. John S. Marcy drogue, senior member of the lav firm?W. Coit put in thorough repair. of Wickham &Case, died of lockjaw. The W. H. H. Glover fish factory would give employment to forty men John CSallager and Mrs. Ann Paine in the Glover fish factory. was sold at mortgage sale to Hon.John were married. S. Marcy for $3,900, including mort- Wm. H. Glover moved into his house -—�-- -- �' gages. Mr. Marc purchased the at Willow Hill. Southold March 4, Thomas. Taylor, t y g g y P Fithian & Horton met with a $600 aged 63 years. Interment at Braxol: steamers Emma, Lottie W. Merrill and loss by the smashing up of one of their lyn- ',"A Pauline Wilbur for use in the business. sloops in an ice jam on the Connecticut Twenty-Five Years��n Rev. E. Watt addressed the Southold Temperance Society. River. George Bolles, of Southold, and Mise Wm- V. Horton sold his farm of 30 Mrs. C.D. Elmer bought her rrotht+rs" Lazzie Baird, of Greenport, were acres on the North Road to J. Halsey interests in the family property here.. married. Tuthill for$3,500, and. Mr. Horton pur- Capt. D. T. Conklin sold schooner chased J. B. Fanning's farm of 20 William Henry to Capt. Moses Young, Geo. C. Terry and Addison Baker acres, also on the North Road, for $2,- of Greenport, + 1. commenced filling their ice houses at 200. Barnabas H. Booth suffered pecuniary Great Pond on Monday with 5-in. ice, We had snow squalls and almost zero loss by the burning of Brooklyn. but the rain of Tuesday stopped work. weather. property owned by him. From Dec. 1 to Feb. 1 last winter 47 John Carey' who lately had a livery Lewis Goldsmith was about to move stable here, obtained a position on the his house from Willow Hill to his land inches of snow had fallen. This year New York police force, further west. the=re has been less than 4 inches. The At a Sunday School service of-the N1. average temperature has been 371 Miss rlzzie Beebe is building an E. church, Benj. A. Hallock read a ief;ree. Only two winters since a addition to her house on Oak Lawn brief history of the school. He said record has been kept have been milder Ave. and is raising up the kitchen two the school was organized in 1845 with viz: 1879 and 1389. stories. Boss Geo. W. Smith is doing' three teachers and ten scholars, and Tai 1�mthotd Feb.7 su1111elili-n - the work. that it now had a membership of '200. ai r ar zv,13e urietta C., wife of Fried:ri-1, f -- Fi kisser send danghter of the late L. L. Glover has purchased a lot of Ctrrlasantia +nrith, aged 5 years, U G. F. Hommel on Hommel Av., just Mrs. J. E. Davis has sold her place ,rrhlt east of his residence, and will erect a to Geo. A.Maier for$1800. Mrs. Davis Melrose I. Booth represented South-house on it. will go to Jamaica to live with her May- old Grange at the State Convention at daughter May- g V4'm. H. Glover has purchased of The Arshamomoque School Utica last week, Mrs. F. A. Ely the lot { acres) on ;i Miss Alice P. Wheeler and 11'lilton R. Main St., next to Mrs, A. F- Tuthill's. 1 Last fall ground was broken for a, Terry are visiting Rev.and Mrs. Abram new school building at. Ars7hamornoque, Conklin, of Boston. George Wells Phillips and wife, to and May Ind saw its completion and Theresa Leieht, lot e s Oaklawn ave, N. H. Cleveland and J. E. Corey will adj land of John Pugsley and Jockey formal dedication. The plans were attend the Long Island Dinner at New Creek, Pine Neck,i.ear Southold...nom ;drawn by Capt. C. L. Sanf��rd. Buss s R. S. Sturges was the builder, and York Saturday evening. Some small ice houses were filled Parker P. Moore did the mason work: ` with 2 in. ice last Friday. !%r. Joseph F. Cassidy is the sole trustee. L A z,o eo. e of Peconic, is now I rwenty - vivc Vcars. Twenty- Fiv­ ,%��o having his own corn stalks and all hePC 4-d Can get of his neighbors,, baled and The first robins of the season made J. B. Terry sold the 4acht Sea Rob shipped to New York, where they com-,1their appearance. to 1. C. Egerton, of Brooklyn. nand a good price as stock for paper Wm. O. Williamson was clerking for Repairs were made to the railro making. If this industry continues W. C. Albertson. bridge at Mill Creek. and the stalks are found to supply suf- Steamer W. W. Coit made the first, J. E. Corey contracted to build ficiently well the place of straw, now trip of the season. I barn for John Henry Young at Oric hard to get and costly, a new The O'Leary farm on Railroad Ave. H. H. Huritting accepted a positi is opened before growers of corn on was sold to Daniel W. Grattan forin the Southold Savings Bank Lcng Island.—Watchman. $1500. assistant to Henry Huntting, and Fannie M. Wiggins and ano, to D. Y. Hallock and A. F. Tuthill were F. Lowerre succeeded Mr. Huritting Theresa Leicht, 10 a w s Cox's lane, appointed delegates from the Southold , station agent of the L. 1. R. R. adj land of Chauncey Glover, Cut- Temperance Society to the Count)" M. B. Van Dusen was nominated as chogue ._.. -.... .....nom Convention at Southampton. the no-license candidate for Excise Theresa Leicht to George W. Grath- wohl, 10 a w s Cox's lane, adj land of A caucus for the nomination of a, Cornmi,"ioner. C. E. Glover, Cutchogue... nom candidate in favor of vo-license was On the evening of St. Patrick's Day called. a large party assembled at the residence Spencer Petty has purchased of the J. Wickham Case had ready for' of James and Joseph Thompson. estate of J. E. Davis the interest in publication Libers A and B of the, Rev. E. Watt and sister attended the,; the blacksmith shop. Southold Town Records. At a meeting marriage of their brother,Rev.Thomas John A. Bliss and family and Miss of the committee it was voted that J. Watt. Marg- Stelzer have returned from Lake Southold Town should bear two-thirds! James Kenney went to New York o Placid, N. Y., where they spent the and Riverhead one-third of the expense go on the police force. winter, of publication. Edw. 1. Winters, of Sag Harbor,was Potatoes sold for$1.00 a bushel this Thesale bv Mr.Parmenus Jackson, en- acting as station agent here during the week. We had no idea they would gineer on the L. 1. [,t, R. and familiarly touch the dollar mark this year, known as ".Sandy," of the noted Sound vacation of H. H. Huntting. ar. 4 Ti0w farm late of Ricb'd B. Conklin de. Iii ilet-onic March 11,atter a long and Geo. G. Richmond harvested 120 tons ceased, at Arshamomcque, and widely painful illness,Ilebeix C.,wife.of George. of 2j inch ice Saturday and Sunday, known for having been the birthplace of H.Corwin,and daughterof the late Ja- and Leo Thompson harvested 60 tons. the famous racehorse Rarus, is a theme of cob Hahn.sr., formerly of Greenport, much local interest. The property is said aged 55 years- I I New York City, March 23, at toinclude'30 acres, extending from the in Peconic March 14, of paralysis,E. residence of his daughter, Mrs. P. South Road thrmigh to L. 1. Sound. on Davis Tuthill, long and widely known Murphy, Godfrey Hahn, of Bay Vi it,facing the North Road, is a IN,-ge 2, as a mprehaut for many years,aged 87 aged 90y, 9m, 7d. Funeral services room house bufltby.Njr. cojj�_jin and the yrs. Funeral at 2.10 p. in., March 17. Southold M. E. church Sunday interment in Presbyterian Cemetery. accessory buildings are numerous. The I ��t Peconlc Mr. Alvah M. Salmon is We came across an old copy of The south part of the farm is of heavy clay, having a house built to the west of 0orrector the other day. It is dated not adapted to Lillagt•btit good for pastur- R. V. A. Fitz's premises on the road Feb.7, 1857. More than 49 years ago. age;the north part is of a better quality ,G long late jn por'. y E k n .-ed 87 March 17- st of road of soil. Mr.Jackson is understood to have running north. Boss Nathan 83avre It !a unique. Printed on brown wrap paid for the farm some years ago about has the job, Wag paper and Of small size. The ex- 4,.5oo and to have laid out On it $2,r as x>o or Mrs. John S. Glover has purchased planation is tinder the editorial head L;ore,making it stand him in $9,5oo; he of Mrs. Alice Evens the house at "We have had no direct com- zetstorit $zoow. Tile purchasers, rep- Willow Hill, now occupied by Mrs. munication with New York this year. resented by Wm. Post of East Wimston, Glover. Price, $1,200. The Long Island care have not been L.L,offer it for sale by an ad.in Mauday's — through since the 23d or December Bro"flyn Times, in which, after setting I J. E. Swezey has sold 10 acres of last. Our stock of paper is extiaLls. torth its varied attractions, they close land on Horton's Lane to Wm. J. ted." Snowed tip for 45 days. Think 'with saying; "Cheapest property offered Conway. Or Lhat and contrast that winter with An tell years,because gale is compulsory, Joseph H. Prince has sold hisplace the one just gone.—Corrector. Which raises au interesting; question not on Railroad Ave. to J. E. Swezey. lea-ily answerc-.d, Price, $1200. 9a� Forty Years Ago During the year 1905 there -wereHere are some of the prices of fo shipped from Southold station 182 cars We. congratulate PostmasterMoses years ago: Calico 30 cents, sheeti of potatoes, 2840 bags of beans, 19,398 T. Horton on his reappointment for 30 and 35,flannel $1.00,thread 10 cen barrels of cauliflower, 1082 crates of four years. crackers 16, sugar 16, tea $1.60, cuff Sprouts. 164 cars of brick, and 1116 Wm. H. and Geo. C. Terry will 50 cents, prunes 22, cheese 28, appy cases of eggs, This does not include install an ice plant at the coal yards by 75 a peck, bushel basket$1.20. Broken car-load lots of cauliflower the depot. The plant will have a ca-- Julia Kenyon ex, t,o-A I gnes S Ko shipped by freight. pacity of two tons a day and will be lot,5, 6,7, s s Main st, adj land Caroli Eugene W Foster to JohnSimon ready by May 1. The engine and boiler Merrill; also 3 acres s s Main st, ad I road, adj now in the coal yard will be used. land Sarah Fithian; also lot a a hig ano, So acres, n s Main north road, L I Sound and land of James Bums, way, adj land Joseph A Goldsmit Peconic...........................namSouthold.. .......4,1 I-wenty - Dive Ye ars- ixgo Twenty-Five Yearys Ago Twenty-Five Yea�_a Ago�z� The'Good Templars held a public Wm. H. Glover was engaged as Col. Thomas Carroll donated'a hand- meeting in the M. E. church, which sexton of the Universalist church. some confessional to St. Patrick's was addressed by Rev_ D. McMullen, Frank D. Schaumburg rented Prof. Church. Robinson's house on Beckwith Ave. The Good Tem lora had a of Cutchogue. p public Rev. E. Watt preached his farewell meeting in the M. E. Church. Miss Fannie Glover, of New York, g had charge of the telegraph office until sermon as pastor of the M. E. church. The Long Island Presbytery met at Station Agent A. F. Lowerre learned The Southold Cornet Band serenaded Southold. Chas. E. Havens, of Shelter the art. Supervisor Franklin H. Overton and Island, and J. B. Shaw, of Bellport, Prince and were W. The Youths' Temperance Society of flown Clerk H. were licenced to preach. Rev. Mr. hospitably entertained. Webster, of Port Jefferson the Presbyterian church elected the prof. James RRobinson resigned , and Elder fallowing officers: Pres., 0. F. Payne; R. Foster; of Southampton, were elected Principalship of Southold Academy, the , delegates to the General Assembly. Vice Pres., G. W. Horton°' Sec., E. L. g y a after ten years' service. Miss Sarah The Southold Temperance Conklin; Treas., Chas. H. Hommel. Whitaker was engaged to take his p ance Society a The Democrats made the following was addressed by Rev. Dr. Whitaker, nominations for Town offices: Super- place. J. Wickham Case, Esq., and Henry visor, Henry A. Reeves; Town Clerk, At the annual Town Meeting 1380 Huntting, Esq. Samuel H. Moore; Justice, Cicero B. votes were polled. The result was the King; Assessors, D. C. Brawn, S. D. cleanest sweep the Republicans bad Joseph rinse to Sarah J Sweezy, Goldsmith, Andrew Gildersleeve; Over- made since 1372, when Henry A. lot e s Railroad av, adj land of Emily, r seers of Poor,Walter A. Wells, Samuel Reeves were elected Supervisor over Baker, Southold..... ............nom his present victor by a majority of less Sarah J Sweezy to William J Conway, M. Hallock; Commissioner of High- 10 acres s s North road, adj land of than ten, since Mr. Reeves had unnter- ways, N. B. Schellenger; Collector, Edward H Goldsmith, Sautliald....nom ruptedly been his own successor. 'Benjamin Horton; Game Constable, Thomas H Wood and wife, to G Wells Benj. W. Case; Constables, Wm. E. Benjamin Horton for Collector was the Phi119ps, lot or Pine Neck road and t only Democrat elected. His majority Oak Lawn av, adj land Samuel L Tut- ; Brown, H. N. Young, 0. L. Wells, T. was 64. Franklin H. Overton's ma- hill, Southold..,............. W. Horton, I. T. Reeve; Inspectors of. e, •...,..nom Election, Geo. L. Edwards, D. A. Petty, jority for Supervisor over Henry A. G Wells Phillips and wife, to Theodore Reeves was 20. Henry W. Prince �' Meissner and wife, same property E W. H. Wells, E. S. Havens, W. A. above described...................nota defeated Samuel H. Moore for Town .,,,Cochran, W. C. Albertson, Lester Same to Samuel L Tuthill, lot u s sl i Gildersleeve, E. A. Boutcher; Com- Clerk by 55. Joshua W. Terry was Oak Lawn av,adj Jockey Greek,South-: of Excise, Joshua W. Terry, elected license Commissioner of Excise old.. ...................... ......noon The Republican Town ticket was as by 237 majority. M. B. Van Dusan Boss Dray wen EFie city was the temperance candidate. the fore art of the week and signed a l follows: Supervisor, Franklin H. p Overton;Town Clerk,Henry W.Prince; The Republicans Carried Southold, contract with. E. J. O'Gorman, the ,Justice, E. Irving Rockett; Assessors, Shelter Island, Riverhead, East owner of Harbor-Holm, to build a l Hampton, Islip, Southampton, Babylon handsome house on the south-east cor- S. Harmon Tuthill, Chas. E. Overton, Z. M. Woodhull; Overseers of Poor, H. and Smithtown. The Democrats carried ner lot. The house will be 36x40, with W. Halsey, dames E. Horton; Com- Brookhaven and Huntington. kitchen addition, 20x26, all two stories. missioner of Highways, Andrew H. Word was received this week of the Shellfish Commiss overs sport Latham; Collector, Julius B. Young;, death of Roland P. Marks, of Chicago, Last week the Suffolk County Shell- Game Constable, F. R. Fanning; Con- son-in-law of Mrs. Wells Hutchinson, fish Commissioners, William H.Conklin, stables, J. D. Cleveland, J. C. Clark, of Southold. Mr. Marks has been a R. S, Sturges, A. W. Turbush, J. H. ` of Greenport, Warren Corwin, of Good I great sufferer for a long time and Ground and John B. Phillips, of Sag Wines; Inspectors of Election, T. H. under the care of specialists, and with Harbor, presented a report to the Suf Young, Sam'l H.Tuthill, Henry Tasker, excellent nursing it was hoped he would folk supervisors, the first made since JH.W. Halsey,A.R. Vail, 0. V. Penney, receive benefit, but he could not. His 1832, according to the Eagle. Since G. I. Tuthill, J. M. Lupton. two daughters, Grace and Edith, have January of this year the commissioners C. H. Hornmeris—putting up a ourn 1 been faithful, constant attendants.A-6 have deeded 9,600 1-2 acres of land, for 26 by 28 in modern style, using the Brooklyn,March 22,Rev.Christopher which the county received$9,630.50 and material from the old barn that stood S. Williams, a former pastor of South- the three commissioners a total of$14,- old M. E. church, aged 65,years. on the W. C. Albertson grounds at the ���1'sitet�ugue.1Ta=%'Is . t, „f Bright'+ 545.50. For this period, between 189'7 M7 corner of Main Street and Railroad 1 ,�4e, wiln,ot M, ❑,itl, t,astiee of tt,e. and 1905, according to the report, it avenue. - - ,i lrrean,° rt aged:54 y ear+, S days. seems that the commissioners have Miss Anna Hohart-retry is now E u�,t r•al at tt,t C,o-n .(11111-ell at P.-r,., received$41,271,50, which added to the training contestants for silver medal \taa[t'l,:i• _ amount received so far this year, 19W ;contests at Riverhead, Baiting Hollow Buffalo, N. Y„ March Ill, George B. $14,545.50—the tidy sum of $55,817 is and Southold. Later she will da the Ledyard, brother of Charles d and found to be the perquisites of the three same work at Patchogue, Good Ground Abbie Ledyard of Southold, aged about commissioners.. 62 years. ad Southampton. Geo. C. Terry has moved his ofl Mrs.J. E. Davis has moved to Jamsi- Helen M Bly to m river, acres e s Main st, adj land Henry building on Traveler St. to his coal ca, where she will live with her daugh- Talmage, Southold................nom ocketo by the railroad. ter May. Tonl,V_Five ears go For San Francisco Sufferers Twenty-Five Years Ago wI li-,,:4" � �, — I Yte—1A meeting of the Board of Trad John Costello was promoted as brake- Building was duller than it had been was held Wednesday evening, to take) man from the freight to the express for several springs. action on sending relief to San Francis- train, . W. Y. Fithian presented the sloop co, and a subscription paper has been Patrick Burke rented D. W. Grattan,s Native to Capt. Charles Gardiner, who left at the Southold Savings Bank with house on Railroad Ave. proposed to occupy it as a residence. H. H. Huritting, who will forward all Steamer Manhanset stopped at South- While ploughing, Theodore Smith sums subscribed. old wharf on signal, found a peculiar looking copper coin of Special collections will be taken in The remains of Mrs. David Hahn of the date 1697., a11 the Southold churches next Sunday N. Y. City, were brought here for B. H. Van Scoy was re-engaged as interment, Principal of the Southold Public School, for the relief of the San Francisco suf- Rev.John Brien was appointed pastor and Miss E. C. Bunce as Assistant. ferers. We trust and believe that the of the M. E. church. Rev. E. Watt The following were elected officers of appeal for help will meet with a most went to Greenport. Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T.: C. T., J. liberal response by our people. The K. Cochran, Sr.; V. T., Mrs. Jennie earthquake at San Francisco is one of Last Thursday Governor Higgins W. Albertson; See., Mrs. Julia L. the most monumental tragedies of re- sppointed_Uo�inty Judge Walter H. Conklin; F. S., Frank T. Wells; Treas., corded time. Such a calamity makes the whole world kin. Coffers have been Joycox as a Supreme Court Justice, to P. H. Cantermen; Chaplain, C. S. succeed the late Justice Wilmot M. Weeks-, Mar., Win. H. Terry; I. G., opened everywhere. The homeless in Smith. TnE TRAvELER, in common Geo. R. Jennings; Sen., C. M. Ledyard. San Francisco are estimated at two hundred thousand. Many have lost WM hosts of other friends, tenders A new story recently added to the —NO hearty con all. They are absolutely helpless. gratulations.,4hY, 17 post office building was being finished 'Those who give help them to tide over Daniel Terry has sold to Thomas off for an office for Justice of the Peace Farley the large lot west of Huntting. an emergency. Give and give not Jennings' and back of Mrs. Stuart R. Dr. C. A. Sackett opened a dentist rudgingly. IJ4,A, -2�_7 office at Southold. As a—result of the collections taken oo� ,i,w, Southold, to J. B. rented 0. V. Penney's house on Bay scriptions by the Board of Trade, nearly Horton, 15 acres '0041- William Morgan, of New York City, up in the churches Sunday and sub- Ave. $200 has been sent from Southold to G Frank Hommel and. vv to he following were elected officers of the San Francisco sufferers. Adelaide Glover, tract of land nort the Presbyterian Sunday School- Supt., Twenty-Five ears Urowtb side pommel av, Southold, adj other S. T. Terry; Asst. Supt., Henry Hunt- The following figures relative to thk . lind of Mary Adelaide Glover......$$250 ting; Supt. of Want Dept.,Miss Angie condition of the Southold Savings Ban�r, Dr. Stokes, a son of Rev. Dr. John !,Horton; Supplementary Teacher, Miss in 1881 and now show the woriderfu! D.Stokes, of East Hampton, will coin-'Mattie Wells; See. and Treas., S. T. growth of this institution, which nov mence the practice of medicine at,Terry; Librarians, 0. F. Payne, G. W. ranks as one of the most solid Saving Southold on May 1st. The new doctor'Horton, E. L. Conklin ; Missionary Banks in the State. Twenty-five year: will have his office at Geo. C. Terry's.',Committee, T. B. Force, Miss Sarah ago, in 1881, the total assets of the At a meeting Of the Board of Edu-' Whitaker, D. Y. Hallock, Mrs. Thomas Bank were $1,009,308.92. In 1906 the �B. Wells ; Treasurer of cation of the Southold High School last, Missionary iassets are $4,433,464.71—and increase Thursday evening, it was �Fund, Miss Mary Huntting. voted to, I of $3,424.155.79. The surplus in 1881 engage the present efficient corps of William Redmond, of Sag Harbor' q $109,773.53; in 1906, $466,304.11— and Miss Catherine A. Wolfe,of - was teachers and janitor for another year. South an increase of $356,530.68. In 1881 The teachers are' Principal, F. �. De- old, were married. there was due 2170 depositors the sum Gelleke; Asst. Principal, Miss Winifred Mrs. Harriet L. Terry died, aged 86 of$876,867.34, and in 1906 there is due Brainard; 2d Grammar, Miss Harriet years. 5326 depositors $3,970,065.73— an in- Stout; 1st Grammar, Miss Elizabeth In its "Old Times" notes the Cor- crease of$3,093,198.41 in deposits and Terry;Intermediate, Miss Jessie Polley; rector says that the first constitution of 3156 in the number of depositors. 2d Primary, Miss Addie Emmons; 1st the Suffolk County Agrioultural Society There were 295 mortgage loans in 1881, Primary, Miss Margaret Neale. The was adopts Oct. 6, 1818. Thomas S. amounting to$435,000, and now there janitor is Andrew Wolford. Miss Strong was president, and Ebenezer are 1991 mortgage loans, amounting to Emmons, who has given excellent Ca e recording seor9tary, This item is $ 6 in number also included : The Bi-('entonnial cele- $2,592,000—an increase of 79 satisfaction, has accepted a position in bration of the founding of Suffolk and $2,157,000 in amount. the Sayville High School. County was held in Riverhead on Nov. Bogs L. Glo15, 1883, The public exercises In the N. Mab=Y' Imaung ami y ve ver is building a fine E, Church consiated of addresses perti Peter double house east of his Pre,;ent rest- neat to the occ sion, by Ron. Henry J. moved into their new house on Hommel deuce.on Hummel Ave- The first story Scudder, Hon. Henry P. Hedges, Rev, Ave. E. Whitaker, D. D,, Rev. S. E. Herrick, is built bf granite Blocks And Edward Goldsmith and family have who'-' D. D., Hon. C. R. Street, Hon. Henry completed will make a very desirable A, Reeves, Hon. John R. Reid« moved into their home on Norton's house indeed. iii Fel - So far this year 215 liquor tax cer- Lane. w,zey and family'have m 0 net eeto top p tificates have been issued i E. S Southold, ad n Suffolk J ave n, lot 8 s Bowery, �Am �County. to their new home on Railroad Ave Lewis Stelzer.......... r. Twenty-Five Ye 1 tS 0 M. There is a good prospect that South- Wm, M. Maynard caught in pots. one I old will have a Carnegie Library build- 10,530 uild10,530 dozen eggs were sipped from night 150 dozen eels, ing. the R. R. station in April. The thermometer registered 92 in the At the meeting of the Trustees of - It was announced that Isaac H. Bil- shade. the Southold Library on Monday even- in g,of Cutchogue, would succeed F. G. F. Hommel had a barn erected on i g, j. C. Eustace reported that 17e had r L. Judd as proprietor of Southold his premises. seen Mr. Carnegie's secretary for h- Hotel. The Southold Temperance Society braries, and that Mr. Carnegie would Steamer W. W. Coit made three was addressed by Rev. Dr. Whitaker build a library for Southold, provided trips per week. and H. W. Prince. that id provide a sulfa ,lLhe village would provide a su Israel Peck, who had been for some site and guarantee to raise ten per The Board of Excise organized by time in Virginia at his fish factory on cent of the cost Of the building each electing Ezra L. Goldsmith, president; it is pro- the Chesapeake, was expected year for running expenses. A. Krancher, secretary and treasurer, Ing posed to bring up the matter of raising and Albertson Case, counsel. Licenses Called to Sea Cliff the ten per cent before the three school were rated as follows. Hotel, $60; Prin. F. E. DeGelleke has accepted districts of Southold, Peconic and Bay store, $30; ale and beer, $15. Hotel the Principalship of the Sea Cliff High View, and if they vote favorable, to licenses were granted to I. H. Billard, School at a salary of$1300. Sea Cliff put it in the tax levy. It is pr'op'osed Southold, and Wm. Betts, Mattituck. There were frost and ice on May 4. is to be congratulated on securing his to put up a building costing $3,5o0 or S services. He is a man of high charac- $4,000. This would mean the raising', I - be old,was probated Monday by Surrogate The will of Thomas Taylor, of South- ter, fine education, has the spirit of of$350 or$400 each year by tax to the true teacher and holds the esteem divided among the three school dis Belford. The provisions include $20,- of all his pupils. He is also a good tricts, according to the assessment. it citizen, and will be greatly missed in will be seen that the individual tax 000 each to Ellen Taylor, sister, of the community. Both the school and would be very small indeed. If the Sheffield, England ; Fanny Stephens, the village will part with Mr. DeGelle- matter is brought before the school sister, of Builds Lake, N. J.; Harry ke with regret. During the two years districts, we trust and believe that the Taylor, brother, of Southold; his wife, that Mr. and Mrs. DeGelleke have three districts would vote favorably. Mary L. Taylor, $5,000; Basil 1. Dalton been among us they have made many Mr. Eustace, with his usual gener03- and William K. Dalton, nephews, of friends. Mr. DeGelleke had received ity toward the Library, has offered to :Gainsborough, England, each $15,000, an invitation to remain at Southold give$250 toward purchasing a lot, and and some personal effects; Theresa another year, but of course the Sea there is no doubt but that the balance Carl, $200; residue to the two sisters Cliff school is a much better position could be raised by subscription. and brother named. than Southold. There are ten teachers Southold, Peconic and Bay View now George S. Harper is having a bunga in the school. Mr. DeGelleke is de- have a chance to secure a splendid li- low built on the southern part of his serving of good things, and we con- brary building through the generosity �,is land and near Jockey Creek, Boss J. gratulate him on securing this fine of Mr. Carnegie, and if they are r, E. Corey doing the work. A pipe position. willing to raise theten per cent for 126 feet failed to reach Dr. John W. Stokes, the new pby- maintenance of the library it will be driven downsician at Southold,is a graduate of Jef- ' water that was not brackish, but a ferson Medical College, Philadelphia. very poor policy indeed. We now have surface pipe may take water from his He did hospital work in Pittsburg, a fine lot of books and are constantly- residence to adding to them. Let us show our pub Penn., and had one Tear's service in J ,­Jrroo n, ay, Ste Lien Oliver lie spirit, progressiveness and pride in yCarnegie I the Elizabeth, N. J. General Hospital. Jennings, aged 82 , 7m. nterment in our village by accepting Mr. . 's t family lot std on Thursday. The Western mining drama, "Craw- Li- he & most generous off er. A Carnegie Dr. Stokes, the new physician, has ford's Claim," which has been so suc- brary is a magnificent investment for arrived at Southold and has his office at cessfully presented by St. Patrick'Sa place. Dramatic Troupe, will be given in Be]- Geo. C. Terry's. Quite an earthquake shock occurred mont Hall on Wednesday evening, °yljnothy U. Griffing of Riverhead May 23, for the benefit of the Village on Long Island on June 18, 1871. An was appointed as COuntY Judge by Improvement Society. old print says "The shock of the Gov. Higgins on Wednesday. The Daniel Terry to Thomas Farley,about eartbquake was very.4perceptibly felt appointment wail i1iw ___ - n the east end of Long Island, It ­,7_edTate1Y 0on- acres n S Main Stadj Mary E. H. o tirmed by the Senate. Terry, Southold.. ,.- ..........nam Ift9ted about fifteen seconds and jarred Albert G. Case has taken the crockerv, etc. At Smithtown, Port r c Boss Alb commodious cottage Spencer W. petty has rented the contract to build a lower part of W. A. Clark's house. Jefferson, Northport, Brentwood and at Bay Home for Rev. Louis Wolferz, Farmingdale the shock was very dis- Boss Albert G. Case is building a tinct and noticed by many." In 1886 of Brooklyn. summer cottage for J. B. Terry at at the time of the Charleston earth. Mr. and Mrs. Paul fflrs�_c , o ew Town Harbor. York, have returned from a visit with Etta quake the ground trembled and pic- eb's father, Albertson Case, � Round Pond, Me., May 4, Mrs. tures and chairs rocked at Sag Harbor Mrs. Ilirs 1puland, formerly of !Southold, aged and ottlor YiLla2es on eastern Long Island.—Ex. umry The wenown vau evi e en era Twenty-Five Years 0 ment enterprises of F. F. Proctor and The regular monthly meeting of the _Vir,,_ ly5V B. F. Keith in New York City and Library Board was given over to a con- Mr.7arey's steamers bad takenBrooklyn have been combined. The sideration of the Carnegie offer. This about 150,000 bunkers. new corporation will be known as the is the situation. it's for the voter'; to The Grand Master, I. O. O. F., ofKeith & Proctor Company and will con- accept or reject the proposition. Never the State of New York visited South- trol Proctor's Twenty-third Street, forgetting that, the Board understands old Lodge. Proctor's Fifth Avenue,Proctor's Fifty- that it is permitted and indeed expected At the annual parish meeting of the eighth Street and Proctor's One Hun- to sift the matter thoroughly and Put Universalist church, it was voted to it dred and Twenty-fifth Street, Keith's the proposition into the best form for rel Rev. Abram Conklin as Union Square, in New York City, and the voters' intelligent acceptance or pastor. Chas. E. Overton and S. D. Keith's Bijou Theatre in Brooklyn. rejection. Goldsmith were re-elected trustees. ,Other playhouses will be built at an The first thing to do appears to be to Thompson and Voorhees,J.H.Thomp- earl v date. find out if the money for the lot is son and Cassidy Bros. shipped about 5,- forthcoming. And the first step in 000 lbs, of fish to Fulton Market in one Governor, Higgins has signed As- that direction is the choice of a lot, se- day. semblyman Lu bill, allowing the the refusal of it and the price. At the annual meeting of the Suffolk proprietors of the common and un- curing There was substantial agreement in divided lands and meadows in the town County Mutual Insurance Co,, all the f Southold to sell their interest in the the Board that the site should be on directors and officers were re-elected. oMain St, A committee was appointed H. G. Howell was elected Inspector of same. to secure options on any of the few Election in place of F. L. Judd. See- Governor Higgins on Tuesday signed available Main St. lots and call a spec- retary F. H. Overton's salary was Ithe Page Mortgage Tax Recording bill. ial meeting as soon as ready to report. increased to $900. The President re- This bill substitutes a single recording The Village Improvement Society voted ceived$300 and the Attorney $100. tax of one-half of 1 per cent on mortg- fifty dollars this week to add to Mr. ages for the annual tax of one-half F ustace,s offer of two hundred and Any person wishing their lots in the of 1 per cent., which superseded the fifty, and quite a few have volunteered Presbyterian Cemetery cared for by general property tax on mortgages their readiness to subscribe. But no jtheVjllage Improvement Society dur- imposed prior to July 1, 1905. One- general canvass can be satisfactorily ling the summer will please notify half the proceeds of the tax goes to the undertaken until people understand either Mrs. J. N. Hallock or Miss state and one-half to the local sub- where and what price the lot will be. Margaret Harper. As improvements division of the state. This information we hope to publish Tw should be made before Decoration Day, nty-I next week. p777ATOV cars Ago it will be well to notify the committee at I / y'1� For the sake of putting this thing in once. Mrs( A. Allen and son James moved definite shape to be handled, the Board Twenty-Five Years Ago to Greenport. put on record its judgment that the ,n(�, _ 4— / A. H. Terry was building a cata- negotiations should proceed on the basis E. W. Dowell, J. H. Boisseau and B. maran. of a$5,000 building. This would neces- T.Payne were re-elected trustee of the Quite a company met at the ceme- sitate the raising of $500 by taxation. M.E. church. teries on Decoration Day to pay 9. Roughly speaking, Southold's share It was a decidedly "off" year for tribute of beautiful flowers to the would be $325; Peconic's, $125; Bay apples on the Island. honored soldier dead. Rev. Dr. View's, $50. This would make a four T. H. Wood and Albert Overton built Whitaker made an impromptu address cent rate on the$100 taxed valuation. s large addition to E. L. Goldsmith's and Rev. John Brien offered prayer. For instance, a property owner in any residence. Rev. Samuel Whaley, of Cutebogue,, part of any one of these three school Nelson S. Bishop moved from the, preached in the M. E. church Sunday districts assessed at $1,000 would pay house of Martin Lehr to that of Mrs. evening. 40 cents a year; $1,500; 60cents;$2,000, C. S. Tillinghast. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Sackett arrived 80 cents; $2,500, $1.00; $3,00(), $1.20; Miss Anna Hobart Terry is drilling' in Southold. $5,()00, $2.00; $10,000, $4.00. the contestants for the Parrish prizes Rev. Dr. Pinney lectured in the Pres- This is a wide-open business and the' at Sag Harbor and Southold. byterian church on Missions in Africa. largest publicity is desirable for the Mrs. Henry P. Tuthill, of Mattituck, facts and the situation as it develops. has sold her place between Southold F.C.Williams and family have move The law provides that after due notice and Peconic to George H. Wells, to their summer cottage at S tb has been given school districts may T Elias �_nings and wife to John D Harbor. vote upon this matter at any meeting ells, I acre on 'Bay av, adj land late Boss Geo. W. Smith is making a t: where money is voted, and the qualifi- B T Billard, Peconic...... ........nom. story addition.to Mrs.Geo. W. Dayton's cations for voting are the same as Mrs. J. E.lia—v&is at SOR1301d, af-_ house at Bay View. those entitling a person to a vote in The Library Board ter spending some time with her Chas. E. Terry caught a school meeting- Ldaughter_atJarnaica. weighing 276 lbs., in his pound, and will do its best to keep the public in- weighing formed concerning the progress of the a Henriekfi_XTu_f@fll—toGeo H Henry Clark caught a 100-1b. sturgeon Wells, 5 acres on Main South road, negotiations until the fate of the Pro- ''M J Is d f in his Pound. is settled. adj lands of Fannie B Wood, Pe- Jett, success or failure; c co" onic ............................norn Twenty-Pive Years Ago The summer time-table of the, L. I. Twenty4ive Years A R. R. will go into effect next Thursday, There was a frost here. On the main line the most striking The Bay View school, Miss Carrie The Board of Excise granted hotel innovation will be an early mail train, Huritting teacher, closed for the sum- licenses to Egbert V. Strong, 'John which arrives at Greenport at 7:12 a.in. mer. Heil and Edward Ging,'of Greenport The N.Y. &_N._T_T_eFe`plFon-e Co. as Rev. O. L. Ashenfelter, of Jersey _'ne and an ale and beer license to Georg, The its lines up Railroad Ave. City, occupied the pulpit of the Uni- Moody, of Gr eenport. from the depot to the North Road. versalist church. The L. 1. R. R. summer schedule PECONIC At the M. E. church a collection of went into effect. $75 was taken to complete the fund for I F. F. Overton moved into his new 9 the new organ. Boas F. K. Cochran is painting Edw.' I home on Tuesday. Mrs. Overton, who E. Irving Rackett, of Orient, ad- H. Brown's house at Bay View, Oc- has been making an extended visit in dressed the Southold Temperance cupied by Daniel H. Horton, Boss New York, returned home Sunday, Society. Geo. W. Smith has made a great accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Howard W. Hallock arrived home, change about the place, having made Sweet. L/ after a six months' absence in the extensive alterations and improvements _The Summer time table on L-1.R.R. West. ...,on the house. A new barn. has also took effect on June 14. Under it on Mrs. Neal became a resident of 4'been built. Mr. Brown will occupyof the house this summer. the main line the trains to and from Southold. part Greenport are: Newspaper and mail, The June Fair of the Southold Town FOR FHE TRAVELER. leave L.I. City 3.52 a.in.,reach Green- Agricultural Society was being held at If the L. V. I. S. would really like port 7.12. Mail (Conductor Ivens), Oak Lawn, to do something for the benefit of the leave 8.42, reach Greenport 11,28,a. m. Lemuel Whitaker was engaged to town, we would suggest that they set Cape Horn, Conductor Chas. Cunning- teach Southold Academy. in operation some means to exclude ham, leaves S. H. and Amagansett at the "small boy" from entertainments 9.40 a.in., reach Greenport 12.30 P. — Miss Ruth Horton, who is attending that are not especially suited to his On Fridays only, leave L. 1. City 3.02, Brown', Business College at Brooklyn, tastes and understanding. It is a pity reach Greenport 4.58. Leave Eastport 4 e. ent the Sabbath with her parents, that the pleasure of one half of an au. 5.20 p.in.,reach Greenport 6.44. heave Southold, June 11, John A. is$, aience should be spoilt by the unruly L. I. City 4,00 p. m., reach Greenport ed 41 years, 8 months, 22 days. conduct of three or four boys, and a 6.29. Sunday—leave L. 1. City at 9 a. Washington, June 12, pity, too, that grown people will sub- m., reach Greenport 12.20 p. m. Leave A na E. Woodward, daughter hte r of the mit silently to such conduct. L. I. City 4.10 p. m., reach Greenport late Franklin and Emma H. Tuthill, GOOD ORDER. 7.09. formerly Southold, aged about 53 Westward—leave Greenport 6_37 a. years. ORDER. Belle E Baker to Richard J Sand- Leave �rm�a,E. Woodward, daughter to tn., reach L. 1. City 9.20. Lea I lands, lot on highway leading to port B.()8 a. rn., reach L. L City 10.26_ Mrs. Anna . Franklin and Emma H. Horton's Point Lighthouse, adj of the ed leave Greenport 1;et9tP�' lands Belle E Baker, Southold.....nom Cape Horn, lea .3�j Tuthill, formerly of this village. passed Arnold W Fismer and wife, to - reach S. H., 4,41, Arnagam away at her home in Washington, D. Southold..... 'ad t Leave Greenport 2-22 p-m., reach L I-I C., Mrs.Woodward leaves Louis Wolferz, lot on South road on Tuesday. h- 't 4.0� ad land of Mary Kreutzer, South citairy at 5.22. Leave Greenport �;P. a family of four children, two sons And ................................ 250 M., reach Manor 4.56, connect at East_ two daughters. she was a devoted, Michael Stelzer to Albertson Leave Green- t with Montauk Div. �jj mother, and they will miss her in the! Case, lot on Main et, adj land of port Albertson case, Southold ...nam port 7.30 p. no., reach L. 1. City 11-26. household, wherti she always shed a Sunday—leave Greenport 5.40 a. m-I beam of cheer, even in her last days. .... Boss N. H.Sayre, Peconic,has begun the erection of acottage for Rev. Mr. for S. H. and Arnagansett. Leavee Ilahn of 13outhold, Fismer, south of the one being built by Greenport 7.50 a. m., reach L. L City probated ))Y Surrogate Belf(ard MandaTill 10.24. Leave Greenport 3.35 p. M., r an estate of Boss A. G. Case for Rev. L. Wolferz, reach L. I. City 6.Z3. Leave Green- disp6sCs 0 ��tl)l"I I at Bay Horne. port 9.00 P. Tn., reach L. I. City 11.17. rmm, -young,granddaug and a give wkrringe, httroes-R, "Doctor" untting Robinson, .n horsp, Riverhead,May 26,Christiana Martha, lb houtallold goods in the BAY View home;. 4 4. ,wife of ex-Sheriff Geo. W. Cooper, of Ithaca, has been the guest Of reAdue to Mary L Dickerson,Carrie A. a aged 74 years. Interment at.Mattituck. aunt, Mrs. Philip Wickham Tuthill, rYanng, Kate A, �0111)g and Clara 13 Southold, June 4, Margaret E., the past two week When she taught "ahn,grandchildren. e. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard school here some years ago, she was to Charles Ilogan, aged 7y, 4m, 11d. John P Wells and ors, very highly esteemed both by parent Terry, 5 'acres woodland on a' Bay H Riverhead, wife of aged 74 y a , t d b er '_ -11- h E woodland of 3roo �, June 6, at the residence of and pupils. We understand she expects Jacob Lane. adi the bride's mother, Benjamin (Ga. ay View,South- Conklin, to locate in Elmira, N. Y.,and practice Daniel H Horton,B ..nom Conklin, formerly of Southold, and Id Miss Louise Mitchell. surgery and medicine there. She is a o ............ John Bromi-n—an-d-faFy--IFa-v-iR—rn6 —mive very capable, brilliant young lady and Through the real estate agency of into F. K. Cochran's house on Boisseau has a fine future before her we trust- E. Leicht, Mrs. Esther Bennett has Ave., vacated by S. W. Petty. sold her place on Bay Ave. 1A) Win. H. Ralph Booth has gone to n_South- Glover. ampton, where he has a position. Tweni �Five Years Agar Twenty-Five .x ear ii A u we �- ��e ears ger The hoarding house and hotel keepers Rev. Abram Conklin began his third J. a Terry purchased a small yacht were waiting for hot weather. year as pastor of the Universalist for sailing and fishing parties, with Preparations were being made for church. Capt. Henry Gardiner in command, the celebration of Fourth of July. Following were the officers elect of A. seH. Terry built a catamaran. Mrs. F. Maxwell transformed tier Southold Lodge, I. O. O. F.: N. G., Bosses Payne and Betts made quite i extensive repairs to Southold Hotel. � barn into a cottage. O. V. Penney; V. G., W. H. Terry; The district school closed. Sec., H. H. Huntting; Treas., If. H. The Board of Excise granted an ale Henry M. Griswold and Miss Annie Lewis; Representative to Grand Lodge, and beer orton'to Mrs. Margaret Con- $.Smith were married. H. H. Huntting; alternate, George way, r' Horton°s Point, and a store, ;Robert Gill and Miss Mary Gaffga Fischer. keeper's license to Herman Sandman, of Greenport.. were married. The Southold Cornet Band gave a The'Town Board appointed Schuyler There were three trots at the June festival. Fair at Oak Lawn, In the five-year William Elmer addressed the Temper- B. Horton, of Greenport, Justice of the old class J. A. Brown's Hambletonian ance Society of the Presbyterian Sun- resigned.in place of George H. Cleaves, Maid won; in six-year old class Wm. day School. resigned. H.Glover's Dick won, and in the free- Benjamin H. Van 5coy and Miss Ida The Young Men's Catholic Association for-all class A. H. Latham's Sam won. F. Glover were married. held a picnic at Oak Lawn on July 4th.' There was a fine display of fireworks: At the last examination for chemists, Father Mathews' successor at South here on the evening of July 4th. They- William hey l�illiam Arthur Horton, of the Mt. old will be Rev. Father Edward. Holley, were set off on the grounds of R. L. Prospect Laboratory, Kings County, senior curate of the Church of St. John Peters, Samuel Weeks made an ad- was one of five out of fifty that passed. dress. the Evangelist, Brooklyn, Father The marking was very rigid and he Holley was born in Brooklyn about 35 John H. Young and Miss Mary E. stood third in the list. Mr. Horton is a years ago and comes from a well known Beebe were married. n'tive of Southold and has kindred here, New England family. President James A. Garfield was as- The Board of Educatio7Greenport, Wm. H. Glover has sold the lot, sassmted' Miss Josephine Stark, of which he recently purchased of Mrs. Cutchogue, June 26, Susan B.,widow teacher of the second prFrank A, Bly, in the western part of of Wilson Glover, aged 76y, 3m. meat, in place of Miss the village, to Capt. George William- Brooklyn, June 30, by Rev. Epher resigned to go to Sayvillson. Whitaker, D. D., of Southold, assisted is a graduate of the Greenport Highl It was voted at the last meeting of by Rev. Theodore M. Shipherd, of School and graduates from the Jamaica the L. V. 1. S. to receive gentlemen as Newark, N. J., Henry Robinson Normal School this month. She is a Shipherd, of Cambridge, Mass., and honorary members, the dues for one Miss Sarah Annis, daughter of Mrs. very worthy young lady and comes year to be $1.00, or $10,00 for life. Minerva P. Billard. highly recommended. One gentleman has already applieIfor Geo, C. 'ferry's ice plan rs now rn L. Baumann}las urchased a gasolene life membership. operation, and he is serving his Gusto P g ers with manufactured ice. ,engine, to freeze his ice cream. The recent conflagration whichHigh sch-0ol-11161aver the city of Williamson. WesLast Friday afternoon a mad dog ra Ron. 41T lliani W. Cocks, our Repre destroyed eighteen of the buildinfrom Greenport to Orient Point, a di sentative in Congress, has offered a the business portion of the cityCanoe of twelve miles, and bit six peopl small prize to the pupil in each grade came very near Prof. O. F. Payne's and a number of animals on the way who has maintained the highest average)new residence. Dr. H. M. Payne is Finally the dog was chased by Georg, standing during the year. The list of foreman of the fire department and b s Hulse, who works on Lawyer H. those pupils is as follows: heroic efforts saved several persons Fardham's estate, and killed with a ho Grade 1, Emma Booth from death, receiving painful burns in Aust as it was again attacking a Litt so doing, girl on the street. Mrs. Fordham w Grade 2, Barbara Conway one of the victims of the dog, She w Grade 3, Ann Hallock James Henry Young of Orient lies on the piazza when the animal ran int Grade 4, Miriam Boisseau produced a potato this season that was!l hki yard and bit her. None of tt Grade 5, Vera Maier dug two weeks ago, yet it measured 1"1 unds are believed to be serious ; a ieight inches in ciroutuference. A, S., %ore hastily cauterized by lir. SkinneGrade 6, Clarence GloverLi,ter Ihe+ Board of Health orde ed tis Grade 7, Israel Terry Cartwright of Shelter island picked a all,euirnule bitten be closely examin Grade 8, Mary Kenney quart of strawberries one day last week, and, if necessary, killed at once, The following pupils were neither and every berry measured five inches in Rev. Louis Wolferz and fami y absent nor tardy during the entire circumference ; there were 27 berries in�LBrooklyn, move into their summer cschool ear. M ra Newbold, Israel a heaping quart. At Middle Road.H•enrl ge at Bay Home this week, y y J. Howell has rows of potatoes that Terry, Willie Ho}nkis, Clarence Glover. ) ' ev. r. A. I�ismer and farni mei sure 180 rads over half a mile in. _ i length. These are but three of the many have moved into their new cottage Brooklyn, June 24, George W. Cor- farming records that are in evidence }p Ba kothox-in-law of Geo. 11'I, Howell 9astern1uffol4 gou•,t . e report of the Librarian, Two or three things shoald be borne The I3aard of Education of the South- grown largely the past ya�adrrar. Ther$' Ilallock showed that the in mind about our street lights. one old High School has engaged Elwood W. Shafer, A.B.„of Kingston,N.Y., as arc,now 26 names on the register o is, that the lights are candle-power, Principal of the school. Mr. Shafer is borrowers. There are 1.,260 books in which is more than double the paver of the lights of many villages. It has 28 years old, is a graduate of Syracuse the library, 647 of which were added been a question whether our village University, and has had five years' the past year. The number of volumes experience in teaching. He spent two issued for home use last year was could afford such lights. Another thing years in Syracuse in the Department 6,816, while this year the number tiaras that should be remembered is that this 11,560 makin nearly one thousand per is the first year of the experiment and °f Pedagogy, studying the theory and g l many things have to be learned that practice of teaching. For the past month. Of these, ti,BC).l were fiction, can be learned only by experience. It three years Mr. Shafer has been teach 1,T59 solid, rncludingr history, bioara has been known for some time that the ing in the high school department of plry, ciente literature.e. l hil.,soph'y, village was not paying a sufficient sum Ulster Academy, Kingston, N. y„ useful and tine arts sod €o meral A-orkti, to meet the actual cost of running the where for a part of the time he was :i,211 juvenile fiction ane! 1,Ot .yyrvt:rtile street-lights. The question, therefore, head of the English department. Dur solid. The library has been open 1:,_, ing the other two years he had expert- days this year for lending. came up, should the street lights of ence in the work of the grades. Rev. W. H. Murray reported that he diminished in paver and one-half foot a new pastor of St. Patrick's had already secured $800 toward the instead of three-quarter foot burners purchase.,of a tat for a Carnegie Li- be used, or should the tax be raised a Church, Rev. Father Edward Holley, p occupied his, pulpit last Sunday and brary building, $251.) of which was con- At especial meeting of the L. V. I. S. trihuted by J. C. Eustace. it was unanimous] voted to request made an excellent impression"L ,�1�, ,' y y I Able, witty and telling speeches in the Southold. Lighting Company that neither lights nor tax be changed, and Twenty-Five Fears Ago , favor of a Carnegie Library for South- they offered to pay at the end of this elm 1 13 --- r n-/ old were made by Rev. Father Holley, The M. E. church bad a new Mason E. D. Cahoon, Rev, Daniel H. Over- fiscal year of the Lighting Company &Hamlin organ, supplied by Prof'. D. tion and Rev. W. H. Murray. one hundred and fifty dollars towards the expense of running the street P. Horton. J. N. Dickinson was re-elected trus- ligltts, and during the taming year, one The following were elected officers tee for five years, and E. D. Cahoon hundred and fifty dollars more. Per- of the Ladies' Sewing Society of the:. was elected for the same time, in place feet willingness was liars expressed by the Presbyterian church. Pres., Mrs. C. of Capt Cl., L. Sanford, declined.. D. Elmer; Vice Pres., Miss Mary Hunt- Miss, May Woodworth charmed the'. society to aid in improvements in the, ting; See., Miss Lucy Goldsmith; audience by her solos, and site recrivec➢ plant until the private consumption of gas would furnish the necessary work- Treas., Miss Sarah Whitaker. a hearty vats of thanks for her kind-'j ing capital. L. V. I. S. Joseph Hazard Horton died July 13, ness. rt a in his 86th year. A great surprise awaited the friends It has been decided to lease of the Frank W. Richmond and friend, of the library, and Rev. W. H. Murray L. I. R. R. the property adjoining the David H. Cobb,of Brooklyn, arrived at road two letters which set the audience Southold wharf for a number of years, Day Side Farm after a five days' walk. wild. One was from Albert A. Folk, with a view tourchasin This bit of Their longest day's walk was 35 miles. offering to give the association a build- water front seems to be the only avail-il- Frank, little son of S. F. Overton, of ing lot, rOxl25, on Beckwith Ave., for h able land for a public park with a Peconic, fell from a ladder in the barn a library building, and the other was water front. It is, according to tradi- to the floor, striking on the back of his fron-i J. 13. Terry, offering to give tion, the point where the first settlers head. He was picked up insensible and $50f),'to be expended in books, provided landed, and for this reason. if for no so remained for twenty hours. the offer of Mr. Folk was accepted.others, should be retained by the vil- Jenning's Point, Shelter Island, was Three cheers and a tiger were given to lage of Southold. The building on the sold to J. N. Stearns and John Cook, of the generous donors, a hearty vote of Brooklyn, for$6,0601, The tract of land thanks was extcr�lc.d to Messrs. Folk property is in good order and there are comprised 26 acres. and Terry, and the audience votett to possibilities of making this spot a very acr•,,I,t their olFers. attractive little park for the people Carne is ibrary celtng when funds will warrant extensive im- c',..ly t! k` ' The rlu stion of accepting; Mr. C ar- provements. At present the grass will A large representation of our people nogie s otl'Pr to put up a $5,00111 build- be cut, the rubbish cleared off, the was present at Belmont hall Wednes-ing, the people to pay 10 per cent to- building opened, and refreshments will day evening at the annual meeting of ward its maintenance each year, wil! be sold every day excepting Sunday. the Southold. Free Library Association. come up before the voters at the an- The L. V. I. S., which will lease the The meeting was called to transact the nual school meeting in Districts No. 5„ property, wishes it to be clearly un- usual business and also to discuss the 6 and 7. At this meeting every friend derstood that the wharf is not rented, 'Carnegie Library proposition. Vice of the library should be present, The M President Jesse L. Case presided and great cause of education, public spirit, and it is not responsible for its condi- the d teon alat- tion, use or accidents that may occur the trustees were seal progressiveness, pride in the beauty form. and welfare of our village, all demand on it. The report of Treasurer L. W. Korn I thatwe accept 1G'lr. Carnegie's gener- showed that the receipts last year were ous offer" $760.81, and the disbursements,$741-06. That the Riverhead Savings Bank is Twenty-Five Five Years A Y ough the real estate agency of E. Y" o g still rapidly growing is evidenced by C, c, I- � a, — t. bt, Nathan Davis has sold his lot 7 h' — Gthe Mtn semi-annual statement issued Dr. Bliss said that he thought Presi J. G Main ., east of f BrBooth's, to this week by the bank officials, sbuwing dent Garfield would recover.g. Hehr, Brooklyn. Mr. the couLlition of the bank on the let day There were more summer boarders will build a residence on it in the of July, 1906. This statement shows r future,. w .here than for several previous seasons. I that the total resources now closely S. B. Carey, P. Conway, G. Wells Serah E Bennett to William TI crowd the five.and-one•quarter-million Phillips, W. H. "Tuthill, W. B. Vail, ' filovgr and ano, lot w s. Town mark. Capt. 0. E. Prince and A. A. Ward l9arl,nr lane„ adj land of William I3 Together with this statement the 'litthill, Southold..,......,. ....nom +sank officials print an. appended state• had all they could accommodate. William II Glover and w, to Ger msnt showing the growth of the bank Hiram Terry fell off from a load of Wto illiamson, 3 A on Main st, adj giuce 181,2—a comprehensive and inter- hay, breaking his shoulder blade. of Mrs. Nancy Tuthill, South- esting table of figures for the many peo- George H. Wells graduated from the ..nom pie interested in this bank. The first 3. Albany Normal. School. Addison Goldsmith has sold his fine stat hat t was ieaued on July p icor 8t that time the amount Sue depositors There was aboat-race around Shelter flame on Borough Park, Brooklyn, and was$09,480; market surplus,$805;total Island between Wm. E. Booth's ca has leased ""Hunttinghurst,'" where he assets, 870,286; and 4450 accounts. On boat Topple, sailed by John Bunk July 1, 1887, the bank became a mil- ,will his family this week. lienairs in the matter of the amount due and J. B. Terry's cat-boat *rneless,, whn has been attend_ devositors—$1,054,490; this was due 3,- sailed by Henry Gardiner. The Mame- ' lMiitnn Terry, 398 depositors. The second million less won by five minutes. hotel at l,oston, Af icz•, is borne. came in a less number of years, for in July, 1896, the bank-owed depositors$2,- Rev. E. Watt, of GreenpO. t, and e trustees of the old Bridge lamp- 002,608, divided among 5,;380 acoounr.s. Miss Hattie P. Hunt, of I�e�"9[;enter, tap Literary and Commercial Institute l'he third million came along shortly 1 N. Y., were married. hitve voted to surrender their charter to afterward—July 1, 1902, when the thelitate. If the school is continued in statement shows there were $3,',248,565, Through the real estate agency of E. the future it will be as a strictly private .awing to 6,574 depositors. It took but Leieht, L. W. Overton has sold his ir, three years for the depositors to leave properly an Traveler street to W. H. tA4 , Arrested for rorgery - still another million with the bank, for Glover and C. E. Overton. Me W. Smith,of Brooklyn, former- in July, 1905, the bask had $4,211,470. Now, in only one year, the depasftorem )over and wife, to ly of'Southold, was arrested at Hunt- have left more han ane-half of th"fifth Charles C3v�crton and wife, lot on ing million, as N shown by the detailed Town Harbor Lane, adj land. I last Wednesday by Brooklyn detectives on a charge of making and statement published above, In fact Arthur G Stone, Southold... ,...-no_m each succeeding million comes vastly passing bogus cheeks. Capt. frank slut`oker than the preceding one, and itMrs' Julia A. Ldwa1Vli rd ,of canapy, Schermencurn, of Port Jefferson, is will be only a very short time before the Fla,, is visiting Southold and Peconic one complainant. Smith was locked up depwits themselves will exceed the$5,• friends- n Brooklyn. He is also wanted in 000,000 mark. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lowerre are off During the first ten days of July the Riverhead,Southold,Greenport,33aston, big eutn of $-304,000 was heft with thin on a trip to Niagara Falls, the Thous- Bridgeport, and other places on similar bank officials for deposit,thus breaking and Islands and other points of interest charges. Sheriff Wells has a warrant all previous July records; Tuesdav was and will return by way of Boston. for Smith, sworn out by Southold Sav- the largest day, with a total of $33,000. A total of 130 new accounts were opened perry W. Smith Sentenced ings Bank ofi'icers Tuesday, where during the sante Deriod. Smith cashed a forged check that day. gtaos January 1 of this year the total Percy W. Smith, formerly of South- Smith was accompanied on his check resouroes have increased $264,701,86; old, plead guilty to forgery before, cashing tour by his younger brother, now they are$5,223,103.81 The amount Judge Crane in Brooklyn, and was R. H. Smith, and a young fellow due depositors is $4,740,204.01 ; an in- sentenced to seven years in Sing Sing. named Canthers. It is said they got croase of $354,568.79 in six months. Over twenty forged checks have between $300 and ,$400 in Greenport The surplus is now $182,929.82; an in already been traced to Smith, his ope Monday, then they got $125 in South- urease of $10,133.07. ",_ ations extending all over the country. old Tuesday morning, and$100 in River- The first week of the new ;mortgage He had previously served a term head that afternoon. In these places recording tax brought $1,050 into the Sing Sing of eight years for highwa they used the name John Corbin as Suffolk County Clerk's office. This rep. robbery. The indictment on which h maker of the checks. At Riverhead resents one-half of one per cent. of the was sent away this time was based o- Smith went to see Warden Furey at value of the mortgages filed. The new two checks made out on the Titl the jail. He inspected the jail and system of taxation is considered a big Guarantee and Trust Company, pay. improvement over the old" able to Smith, and signed with the complimented the keepers on its neat Newtown, Connecticut, July 7, 1906, appearance. During all this time the Mary Cleveland, wife of Elliott W, name. of Frank M. Schermerhorn. jail officials were unaware that Smith Peck, of Stratford, Connecticut and Lewis W Overton and wife o was wanted- After leaving Riverhead land, of Nathaniel Hubbard thirsixth adjnl11 ofver, lot on T Traveler rJS, Smith and his friends drove to WadingSouthold .... ...........Horn year. The interment was made to the Fanning, River, thence to Huntington, where Peck family lot at Stratford. Wm H Reynolds and wife to they were to take a boat to Connecti- Chas S Taber, 60 acres I Sound,land of Southold, July 14, William Furey, Wm A Haynes cut. The boat didn't run that day, aged 73 years. Peconic ..................•.•...., nam which left Smith in one glace long I Candor, N. Y., July 7, by Rear. J. R. _ Robinson, formerly of Southold. James IL Robinson, Jr.,and Elsie L. Williams. `C wority-Five Yoa,rs A o � `�Opc>siurg of the Park Carriae�ue l.ilur.•ary �. L A large company came together at Great interest is being manifested in Improvernents were being made about Southold, Peconic and Flay View over the depot. what was styled the opening of the. the Carnegie Library proposi tion,which Rev. Dr. Hiram S. Hutchins, of Park. The only indication of a Park will be voted on at the annual school Brooklyn, occupied the pulpit of the M. wag the fine water-front and view meeting in these three districts. It is E. church. across the bay, which the little strip proposed to ask Mr. Carnegie to build H. N. Fithian sold his trotter, Gingerf commands and the L. V. I. S. has seen a$5,000 building. Mr. Carnegie puts Blue, to Benj. Johnson, of Brooklyn, fit to lease. The possibilities of the spot, or Park purposes were apprecia- up the building free of cost to the peo- for$500. Mr. Fithian secured a fire- ted f the speakers. ple. His only conditions are that a man's position on the New York Dr. Whitaker recalled in a most ha. site shall be furnished and that ten per elevated railway. i cent of the cost of the building (in this Following were the officers elect of py manner the history and past useful-11 case$500) shall be raised each year for Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., ness of the wharf, referring appropri- the maintenance of the library. Mr: J. H. Cochran; V. T., Mrs. W. C. ately to the builder, Mr. J. B. Terry, and his services to the Town and Coun-1 Carnegie does not receive one cent of Albertson; Sec., Mrs. Julia L. Conklin; ty. He saw the old wharf in its pres-I this $500. A site for the library, Asst. See., Frank T. Wells; F. S., 50x135, on the west side of Beckwith V. B. Goldsmith; Treas., Mrs. W. H. ent condition, as having served its day Av., has been given by Albert A. Folk, Terry; Con., Chas. Weeks; Mar., John of practical usefulness, and lending;, and J. B. Terry has given $500, pro- W. Gordon; L G., John Munch; Q.. G,, now a picturesque feature to the scene. vided this site is taken. Besides this, Benj. B. Tuthill.' Dr. A. TdW. Fismer, of Bloomfield, . about $1,0010 has been subscribed by The total resources of the Southold J., cordially expressed his interest in our people, $250 of which was contrib- Savings Bank were $1,023,042.02, and Southold, in the work of the L. V. 1. uted by J. C. Eustaee. Good use can the liabilities, $305,292.72, leaving a S., and especially in their latest ef- rt—to get possession for public use, be found for this money,. in the pur- surplus of$122,744.30. fort—to fo the only available opening to sr, chasing of furnishings, books, etc. The Dr. J. M. Hartraraft and Miss Mamie bay. $500, to be raised by tax, has been ap- E. Beckwith were married, Sir. H. W. Prince spoke of the value, portioned among the three districts as of a place like the Park as one of the follows: Southold, $325; Peconic, $125; Our dealers comrnnenee supping influences that tend to make society Bay View, $50. The tax will be mere- potatoes Tuesday, paying Fib cents per better. The wharf and the old build- ly nominal-40 cents on $1,000. The bushel. Thr ee ur s every evidence of a ing had bad a commercial value in the great majority of our people would not big crop. L/�-20.4' Z past. Now it was to be used for the enjoyment of the people. All the ad- have to pay over$1.00 a year tax for `!'lie plans for the new Polish eslarnrclu dresses were greatly enjoyed. the support of the library, and very at Riveriiaand have been :approved. The Instrumental music was furnished by many not even that. building will also not iu rooms for a the Misses Carr ea Goldsmsses ith of New Mabel Stone, of It seems to us that this Carnegie polish school, and is to be a u,aguific;ut Brooklyn. The audience sang "Amer- Library proposition is a question that building, to cost upward. of$50; 000 It ica Mrs. Metta Horton Cools, a solar, should appeal to every public-spirited is ex>ectoi that the contract will be and Mr. E. D. Cahoon, a song, entitled l "Southold," words and music by Mrs. citizen in the three districts named. }liven out noxt week. According to the mak. As we believe in education, progress, polish statistic-, there ,are uo e 143 the beauty, welfare and good name of farms between Wadiug River and Orient Mrs. Emily W. Peale died at her the village, we should vote "yes onthat are owned 6y the Polea, Tho home in Washington, D'. C., on Tuly 28th. Mrs. Peale was born in South- the question. The school meetings in church o-ougregation is now above 1,000, all three districts should be largely at- yy old and was a daughter of Rev. Dr. tended. Let there be a full and free Twenty-Five Years p�"O 1 George F. Wiswell. In 1875 she was expression of opinion. It is the duty 4, -5 — married to Dr. Peale and moved from of the people to show their interest in P. ConAy had seventy summer Philadelphia to Washington, where Dr. our public schools by attending school guests. Peale was connected with the Geolog- meetings at all times, and it is espec- Rev. Abram Conklin was spending a ical Survey. She was a member of ially important that they should be two weeks' vacation in Now Jersey. Dolly Madison Chapter, D. A. R., and present this year, when a question of The Tuesday Evening Presbyterian was a prominent church worker, such vital importance to the welfare Bible Class had a picnic at Oak Lawn, II. It. Ituntting am as nephews, and growth of the community is to be About 175 people were present. Milton;and Israel Terry, are spending considered. The school meeting in a oiase at tTia Whart as now open two weeks ;at Digby, Nava Scotia, Southold will be held at Belmont Hall. from 10 a. M. to 9 p. m. Goorge Hor- Rev. Wm, II. I,ln.,ii sailed from New In Peconic and flay View it will be held ton Tarry is in charge. Cold drinks, York Wednesday for his old home in in the school houses. The date is ice em am, and confectionery are for W;ait.s, where he will spend the in Tuesday evening,Aug. 7,at 7:30o'clock. sale; chowder and coffee sin specialof August. 1 Herbert M Hawkins and wife to occasions. for coq cents Lewis W Overton, lot on Traveler Through the real estate agency of E. Potatoes arc seg g St., adj land of Jas B Fanning, _00 Leicht, Mrs. J. E. Davis has sold her bushel. Southold .............. .........$1,9. Jesse L Case, referee, to Dr. place on Mechanic St. to Spencer W. Clareneeville, L. I., andy to Charles Joseph H Marshall, 191 acres on Petty. S. Bates, a forme conductor on North road, adj L I Sound and land Fred Kreutzer has resumed control L 1, R R , for some years rosi41cr4. of Julia Crook, Southold........,$2,075 Greenport, aged= of the:Park Hotel. wenty-Five Years jL9 Carnegie Library Defeated Merit roll atiout to�io,(mm or the rL' a vote of 104 t The allad'depot and f, o 69 Southold School $100,000 on the roll of the distrieL freight house School The consensus of opinion of those were painted white. Dietrict defeated the Carnegie Library voting against accepting the bounty of Miss Sadie K. Salmon was engaged proposition at the school meeting held Carnegie was that if a library is need- to teach the primary department of the Tuesday evening. peconic School Dis- ed in Southold, the inhabitants would Mattituck school. trict also defeated it by a vote of 31 to do better to build themselves same William Lowery purchased of Mrs. 16. Bay View was the district to thing that could he used in part for e only Ann Lindsey her place on Town Creek. other purposes to help pay the running We had very hot weather, the mercu- vote in favor, which it did by a vote of expenses, as the library at Mattituck ry reaching 95- 13 to 9. is doing, and not bond the town for an Sharks were iinusjjallsr plenty in the The annual school meeting in this indefinite period, as must be the case Sound. district organized at the school house, if we accept Carnegie's gift, which to Miss Fanny' Ledvard celebrated her as required by law. The meeting was their minds is simply a monument to 79th birthday. Icalled to order by James Thompson, lCarnegie. Rev. 1)r_ Whitaker addressed they President of the Board of Education. Yours for protection, Southold Temperance Society, 1J. N. Hallock was elected temporary C. E. TERRY Ichairman, and an adjournment was —Livery to the Beach .1,.-Soulhold Lighting ghting oinPan) — taken to Belmont Hall. Mr. Beginning Friday of this week, Rus- The annual meeting of the Southold was elected permanent chairman, and Lighting Co. was held in Belmont Hall Secretary W. H. Terry recorded. S. sell Hadley will run a two-seated livery last Saturday evening. The secretary Lester Albertson and W. R. Newbold to the wharf every afternoon, from read the vall of the meeting. A. F. were appointed tellers. The minutes 2-30 until 4 o'clock, or later if there Lowerre wits appointed teller in the of the last meeting were read and ap- are passengers. The livery will leave' to 9 absence of Mr. Cleveland, and the polls proved. The Treasurer's report was the post office, and persons wishing ride to the beach will be at that place. were declared open from 8:30 to -30, read and accepted. The list of teachers The fare will he 10c each way. for the election of seven directors. In- engaged with their salaries was read. Many have expressed a desire to ride teresting reports were given by the The estimate of the Board of Education to the beach. In response to this wish president and secretary, treasurer for expenses for. the ensuing year, has and executive committee. The follow- $5,665, was carried. The estimated the livery b, been provided. If it is well patronized it will run through ing items were gleaned from the re- receipts from the. State are $825. This August. If not, after a few days'. ports: The street lights have been leaves a balance of$4,840 to be raised trial, it will he discontinued. We hope running for about a year; house lights, by tax. that Russell will be kept busy. less than it year. There are now about Geo. H. Dickerson and J. N. Hallock fifty consumers of the gas. It has were re-elected memhert3 of the Board Miss E. Gertrude 60mes, 737M"Iy been a year of beginnings with more or of Education for three years. principal of Southold Academy, has be less things to learn. The streets have Then came the Carnegie' Library been unanimously elected principal of that pr b been lighted at too low a price. In- proposition, hieb brought out the the union School at Valley Falls, N. stead of raising the price and making a people in large numbers.The proposition Y. The school has the same number new contract with the Town Board, was to ask Mr. Carnegie to erect a I of teachers and about the same num- ,c the Vjllag(_� Improvement Society voted $5,000 building. The lot was donated her of pupils as the Southold Union C to make up the deficiency of $300 that, by Albert A. Folk. According to Mr. Sr the directors demanded for lighting the Carnegie's pffer, the district has to' School. aac Tun- streets E. Read, of Hoo! streets during the coming year. raise 10 per cent of the cost of the M 8, who has had twelve years' The treasurer's report showed the building each year for its maintenance. net, a. w y receipts and expenditures for the year This was apportioned among the three experience as a teacher of commercial branches, has been engaged as Princi- about equal, which is a remarkable districts as follows: Southold, $325; pal of Southold Academy. The Acade- showing for a new enterprise. The Peconie, $125 ; Bay View, $50. At my will be run as a commercial school outlook for the coming year is encour- Southold 172 votes were cast, 68 in, this year, and will open Sept. 4. aging. More houses will connect with favor, and 114 against. the main. There will be a larger in- -Sunday'm N. Y. Herald has an i1- come from both private and public BAY VIEW lustrate7d�j_)age under the large type lighting; and less expense in severalMR. EDITOR:-At the annual school. heading: "Oldest Village on Island,say particulars. meeting of School District No. 6, held Residents of Southold.- A sub-head The election resulted in the ro-elec- Tuesday evening, the following officers reads: "Settled in 16411, According to tion of the Board of Directors; F. R. were elected: Trustee, Jesse H. Terry; History,but Villagers Easily Make One Mitchell, H. H. Huntiting, L. W. Korn, Collector, Miss Mattie A. Wells-, Clerk, Believe a Year has been Dropped by Dr. J. H. Marshall, Thomas Farley, Adolph Durrier. I Error." The text is readable and there J, M. Howard, S. L. Albertson. On ballot fok Carnegie Library there are views of "Hallock's Landing Leased Messrs. F. K. Terry and W. 11. Glover were 22 votes cast, 13 for the library by Women for Village Park"; ''Old were elected ins1wetors of oleetion. and 9 against. The district is assessed First Presbyterian Church"; "Resi- dence of John C. Eustace"; "Main Theresa A Davis.to Spencer W for about$100,000. The 13 ballots foi Looking East"; "Church Yard t lot adj lands of Geo S Prince. accepting Carnegie's munificent gift, Street E Church, Southold.........nom will represent on this yeara 's-assess- Established in 1640." It is a pleasant and complimentary-write-up. 2- Twen—Five Years gom Twenty-Five Yo k aid C hairroan,Case,-I'm glad to see /Z14-57- /;7 z ", t-, �,t --,r� / YK An offor creme fro,n carneiee I Rev. ;r. Whitaker published his Miss Hattie Fanning,of New Suffolk, To build for us a libraree." History of Southold. was engaged to teach the Locust Grove said jovial Breezy 1311iff calloon, John Quarty sold hisPlace and busi- school. "1,111 guru that Ave WH I have it soon. "This 11brarpo froiki Oarnokev." ness to Fred Latin, of N. Y. City. A large number of summer visitors And then said Mr.Overton. The M. E. Sunday School had a picnic spent the season at Southold. Pay Your libravan more'mon': at Oak Lawn, Rev. C. A. Conklin,of Troy,occupied Oil,do not plaguey friend carnaygle." George Fischer purchased -six acres the pulpit of the Universalist church. Oe ur nibryonle legal Letcht of woodland of B. T. Payne. The Board of Excise granted a hotel Said,"Vote him down and out of sight Prin. B. H. Van Scoy and bride com- license to Francis M, Webb, New Suf- "Dofeat lilin Quick, tills inau CarklICk." folk. menced housekeeping in part of Wm. They'll foozio you,"says mr.Murray. Albertson's house. Rev. J. Henry House, a missionary, 80 pass the Vote; btl in a purrs Rev. R. P. Ambler, of Huntington, spoke in the Presbyterian church. No than is bigger than frond preached in the Universalist church. I George Fleet's Snowflake won the trot at Oak Lawn. Saidrt Folk,"I'll 141ve a lot William A. Booth died,aged 19 years. ' 11 if Aly(lu will build upon the spot I Victor B. Goldsmith and Miss Sarah "Tho from 01.1"119te." DanielL Beebe to Edwin H Brown, J. Haynes were married. "Five hundred down,"said Mr. Terry, 1-5 int in lot on highway leading to Miss Nancy Vail died, aged 69 years. And then the audience, [reside Berry. Paradise Point. adj estate of George He.he.It's free,—witll oarnagiL Hallock, Bay View, Southold......nom Benjamin A. Hallock was engaged to 6olliez, j)jci:erson, Quarty et al. Ezra G Beebe and others, to John teach a school at Peekskill, N. Y. Said, "We'll be bOlind you never shall H Young, 3-5 int in lot 5A, n e s, Howard W. Hallock was attending "0[1 PoStcritCe force Oni'llOgiO. Bay View road, adj land of Anna E Eastman's Business College. Beebe; also 9 acres woodland, adj Nor.stall In perpotultee land of E H Brown, Bay View, "t3,hoof districts tbrue maintain this free Southold.... .... ......nom........... Ill Vitishiiig Ang. 17,at.Flushing 11 ts- Lffiraree from Cal-liogio." Daniel L Beebe to John H Young, pita! it i'tur anoperrtiou for(fouble hrr- said R. V, Fitz. "don't tea: a cont 16 acres, s s Main South road, adj itill, ( ll .'eorge W Ive4, e0lidUctor On L. For un keep of this monument— land of Ezra G Beebe, Southold n,no1. it.it. for many }'ours, formerly Of " This free 0arnagie libraree." Frank G Hommel and wife to Will North Port, aged 59 aears. Burial in(;I,- I Hagerman, lot w s Old Kings nola (lural (,elll(-Ltq.y. last- Northport. �,nd then.alas I and WOO is mo, Highway, adj land of Wm I Hager- d there should never be The price of potatoes has dropped to They vote man, Southold.............. nom A llhrurue called ....... .. 11. W. Ft. Phebe J Rowland by committee' 45 ectil.4 per hushel. An�l William W, Griffin, station agent at to John H Young, 5 acres n e a BayTalent Five Years Ago View road, adj land of Wm Aksiell; <I Greenfor about M years, has sent also 9 acres adj land of Edwin H ek his resignation to the L. I. R. R. Co., to Brown and Wrn Aksien; also 23 Southold had 1,221 inhabitants. take effect after the summer rush is acres on highway leading to Paradise Rev. Mr. Coddington preached in the over. Mr. Gritlin is a son of Henry L. Point, adj estate of George Hallock, Universalist church. Griffin of Riverhead. He has been ill Bay View, Southold........ ... ...norn The Universalist Sunday School had the employ of the railroad for about 39John 11 Young and wife, to Edwin a picnic at Oak Lawn. H Brown, 1-5 int in 23 acres on Fears, nearly all of which time he has highway leading to Paradise Point been jit uhiLrge Of the station at Green- adj estate of George Hallock, Ba; Geo. C. Terry, Jr., left on Thursday'� port, and where he has been a careful, View, Southold........ ...........nom for St. Lawrence University, where he pain.staking,mid highly valued employee Same to same, 4-5 int in 5 acres, ill enter his Senior year. Mr. Terry Even now the railroad officials do no n e s, Bay View road, adj land of is manager of the college football team � Anna A Beebe, Bay View, South- and goes early to make arrangements 6%isli to accept his resignation, but Mr. old................................nom (triMn says he is determined to take a Same to same, 16 acres, s s Main for the season's games. South road, adj land of Ezra G Capt. William Tumbridge, proprietor B vsibeing station master Mr. GiBeeldgelofiis largely identified with main of the�, Albert Lebnhardt and Edward Fauth, building a concrete house and barn on Inbusiness enterprises of Greenport, of the Criterion Comedy Four, are the lot he recently purchased of Justice and has been and is still a prominent village spending a few days at Leicht's Pine Jesse L. Case at the Sound. Brooklyn Man in thee. life. He is a member of the Village Trustees, a position fiq 11 Neck House. builders are doing,the work. nas held fur twelve years, and was for .ilx Years a mem,)er of the Board of Eju 1 Now Suffolk, Aug. 13, George Emlen Ezra T Beebe and other to Nancy cation, beside being aotively identified I0ymeb�, W�6y, 4m. Tuthill and husband, 5 acres, adj with nearly all of the movements of pub. French Benevolent Hospital N. Y. land of Gilbert Horton and n s of ife beriefiCity, Aug. 15, Mrs. Jennie.Casie Wells, t. highway, Southold ..........$CM He has a number of large Private busi- of East Hamilton, formerly of South- J. J. Richmond, of Willitimantic, Ct., nese entervirises and it is his purpose to old, aged 27 years- lnteriient at Wit- look after these interests after leaving w Hill Cemetery, was in Southold this week. Many the depot. Prin. W. E. Shafer, and bride arrived changes have been made in the place Hot baked beans and eoffee at the at Southold Wednesday evening. For since he was a resident here. Wharf. House this (Thursday), after- the present they will be guests at Gen. Miss Marcia L. Prince has sold her noon. R. Jennings'. millinery business to Frank D. Smith. I ,j,,, Lam er and Burned Twenty-Five Years Ago Twenty- The lurnber yard of Goldsmith &Tut- S , -. �--, / �-�(-/, So �- t e'.,— / k-,Lr-/ hill at Southold was discovered to be on There was a very serious drought. Frost, the first of the season, was fire early Sunday morning. The fire During the month of August 237 reported. was first discovered at 3:15 a. m, by persons ascended the tower of Horton's The Board of Excise granted a hotel Engineer T. M. Burke, who was run- Point Lighthouse. license to Mrs. Ellen Claudio, of Green- ning Geo. 'C. Terry's ice plant. Mr. Rev.Dr.Whitaker preached a sermon port. Burke immediateiy sounded the alarm in the Presbyterian church, in review John Quarty bought a barber es - by blowing the whistle and the fire and of his thirty years of pastoral service tablishment at Bridgeport, Ct. church bells were rung. The fire in Southold. Rev.John Brien addressed the South- started in the middle of the large new Rev. Abram Conklin attended the old Temperance Society. lumber shed and when discovered had Universalist State Convention at Middle- burst out. The Fire Department and port, N. Y. Jelly Glasses, per doz., 22c.; Tuml- citizens responded promptly, but the Gen. W. Jackson's Fredonia Boy won lers, per doz., 22c., at L. W. KORN'S flames had gained such headway that the trot at Oak Lawn- nothing could be done to save the build- The body of James C. Coleman, of See the latest models from the Tam- ing. A large quantify of shingles in Boston, was found on the Sound beach. ous piano factories of Chickering, Eu- the west part and the adjoining build- -_ — tey, and Kroeger, at the Fair. ings and lumber outside were saved. Miss Marcia Prince left on Wednes- ELLtOTT YOUNG, Greenport Fortunately there was no wind. Other- day for Aniston, Alabama, where she Selling Agent for Long Island wise far greater damage would have will be the buyer and manager of the The annual reunion Of CO. H, 127th been done. In the burned building was milinery department of J. W. Fore. Regiment, N. Y. Vol., at the Booth stored all the most valuable lumber. She will be greatly missed in Southold House, Greenport, last Saturday, was The building was valued at about $2,- society, and her many friends here red letter day for the veterans and 00-0, and the contents at $6,0W to $9,- wish her success and prosperity in her heir families. The presence of the 000. There was an insurance of $5,- southern home. S'v/J old commander,Gelm Stewart L. Wood- ford, added greatly to the enjoyment 000 on the building and contents, The Last Wednesday 33 car loa s 0 f the occasion. A fine dinner was origin of the fire is unknown. All the potatoes were shipped from the East erved. S orate doors were locked and no one could get,End. The Wharf House will be open for inside. The proprietors will rebuild Southold Grange has voted to accept the last time this season on Saturday and restock at once. Goldsmith &Tut- H. W. prince's proposition to fit up a afternoon of this week. Refreshments hill showed their appreciation of the I)dge room over his store, will be served by a committee of work of the firemen by presenting the — competent gentlemen. A good feed, at Fire Department with$50. Jesse Wells and family have moved" a very reasonable price, is expected. to Greenport. You want to be there-S,�,,U :/'- New Hotel at Southold— s returned Albertson Brothers have ]eased the Miss Frances Goldsmith enters the, Miss Jessie A. Prince has Albertson House, corner of Main St. Oneonta State Normal School this fall. to Lynn, Mass., where she will resume and Railroad Ave. Southold, to Willisl A new form of postal card, uelArly her duties as head trimmer in a mil- F. Mitchell, who will take possession' square, and printed in a delicate blue, linery establishment at that Place-. Nov. Ist. Mr. Mitchell will run the is now being issued by the Govern- Mrs. Mina H. Edwards has sold her house as an all-year-'round h ment. It bears an excellent likeness cottage at the Sound to William J. large east front room will be cut up, of President Grant. In form and air- Russell, who has occupied the same into three bedrooms. Connection will" pearatice it is a decided improvement this summer. made be made with the main of the Southold over the card now in general use. —`The-r0U-tT,M 1F1r_cDep7­rr-­euF Lighting Co., and the house will be Southold, Sept. 2, Vera M,Wd a fine showing at the Firemen's Tour- lighted with acetylene gas. The house of Mr. and Mrs. Ss enter daughter nament at Greenport. is very desirably situated as a hotel, 1LX%J 4 y — !��. rs, 6 mouths. 777� purchased of Win. has large, well-lighted rooms, and G. F. H,mm71 has p7 under the efficient management of Mr. Mrs. Annie Smith Cummings, Of J. Grattan his lot at the Sound, on the and Mrs. Mitchell we are sure that it Barre, Vt., wife of the first Academy west side of the lighthouse road. -Sept.out will be very popular with its guests. Principal, is visiting Mrs. Wm. H. 0 , 10, James B. Fanning, The new proprietor has had consider- Terry. Her old schoolmates are plan- aged 70y 7m, 4d. able experience in the hotel business, ning to give her a reception on the and for the past two years has had Academy grounds. charge of the Sound View House. We It is stated that Mr. H. W. Prince wish Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell abundant owner of the brick store building at prosperity in their new undertaking. Southold,has notified the P. O.Dep't, the Grangv, nod the Banner Lodge Herbert A. MacCarter and family 1 O. G, T., that they uiust vacate o have returned from North Carolina and �ov, 1, the building having been are now living at East Hampton. leased to Win. A. Williams whu +viii occupy it as a store. MM'Mr�NeNv York Cavalry The rest or trio 9.Pt-/&127th7=9iment Reunion sent. composed of the- Twenty,-Five Years Ago The 17th annual reunion of the 127th c0l"Pauy pre 5& i t7- )_ / 'e, 2f r" Regiment was held at Huntington wives. children and grand-children of , President James A. Garfield di'ed. Monday. It was also the 44th anni- the veterans and a few invited friends, Blue fish were very plenty in We Bay versary of the start of the regiment to making a total of 74 who larticipaterl and Sound. the front. Huntington gave a warm in the festivities of the day. A full I. H. Billard rented P. Quarty's welcome to the veterans, whoparaded hour was spent over the menu, then house on Railroad Ave. on Main St. Flags were flying and followed an impromptu but Pleasing It was a poor year for apples on Long business houses and residence-, were program of musical and literary Island. decorated. The sessions were held in merit. It was reported that three But one keeper was employed at members of "Company H," have an Horton's Opera House. R. F. Gurney, a Horton's Point Lighthouse. Geo. S. son of William Gurney, a former Col- swered to tile flual. "roll call" and Prince was retained. .1 onel of the regiment, called the meet been inustered out" during tile A public meeting was held at Odd ing to order. Supervisor Ireland wel_ past year, viz: James R. Aldrich, Fellows' Hall and arrangements were coined the visitors, and Dr. B. D. George B. Ledyard, and Barriabas T. made for observing the day of Presi- Skinner, president of the association, -Ballard. dent Garfield's funeral. responded. Prayer was offerLd b Hearst Followers County The Republican County Convention Chaplain W. W. Hulse. A. large num- The Independence League elected the following delegates to the ber of the survivors were present. The Convention was held at the Grilling StateConvention: C. D. Elmer, S. S. County 0 t ffi, T I y 0 F in dent e T n made e t The Fellows' G e eds 0 State C' T following from Co. H. responded to,House, Riverhead, last Thursday. It W St t The following were elected delegate Hawkins, G. F. Carman, W. L. Suy- a William s dam the roll call: James H. Young, G. L. s dam and C. E. Shepard, Samuel Dick- F. Booth, L. T. Butler, George Culver, to the State Convention : William ra, erson and L. F. Terry were elected Sag ounty W. Keating and George H. Gaffga, Sag Addison J. Corwin, isaac T. Moore, k County Committeemen for Southold Isaac G. Terry, Sayville; F. Tow E. Price, B. D. Skinner, W. W. Steri- Harbor, Crj, Town. ing, W. E. Shipman. Dinner was -K_ Fidell, Islip; George H. Crinn, e W ill of Elizabeth G. Case, late of served at the Huntington House. Of- Kings Park ; Ezra A. Tuthill, East Peconic,i divides property valued at ficers were elected as follows: Pres., Moriches; Geo. H. Fischer, Mattituck; Gen. Stewart L.Woodford; Vice Pres., J. Edward Fitzgerald, Jamesport; $14,0(9)as follows: To cousin Metta If., John L. Rutherford; See., James Hen- Livingston Smith, St. James; C. V. Cook, $250; niece Hannah E. Elmer, ry Young; Chaplain, W. W. Hulse. Piersig, Huntington ; Carl[ Duryea, $250; also piano, gold watch and ebain; Addresses were made by Gen. Wood- Amityville; Daniel R. Young John Q. niece Elsie E. Williams, furniture, ford, Congressman W. W. Cocks, Sen- Adams, jr., Riverhead; F. B. Smith, crockery and silverware; brother George ator Carl) S. Burr, Jr., and Assembly- Port Jefferson; Benjamin H. Bishop, S. Goldsmith, $3,000, and all residue to man Orlando Hubbs. The next meet- Southampton; Nathaniel E. Booth, nephew George M. Goldsmith. ing of the association will be held at Southold. Rensselaer G. Terry has returned to iN. Y Jamaica. Daniel R. Young and Morris J. Terry Canton, ., where he will resume The annual re-union of Old Coll'- were elected as state committeemen his studies at St. Lawrence University. the 127th Regiment, Now Rays A permanent county Ross Geo. W. Smith is building vanv H., of York Volunteers, was held at the Organization was perfected by electing lumber sheds for Goldsibith & Tuthill, Booth House, Grecuport, last Satur- the following officers: President, J. in place of the one recently destroyed day. so — . Edward Fitzgerald, Jamesport- Sec- by fire. 1�2'__ e�rtourrd that retary, Daniel R. Young, Riverhead; -At roll call it was Edward E. Prentice, f Peconic, has twouty-eight original members of Treasurer, N. E. Booth, Southold- Ex- leased of Theodore Hoinkis a Plot Of ecutive committee, George H. &nii, corapariv "If" were present: Stewart Kings Park; Jesse E. Payne William ground next to J. E. Corey's carpenter L. Woodford, Leonard. T. Butler, shop, and Boss H. W. SiMODS Will George Culver, Blaiklock, Sag-Harbor; Edward Gera- erect a shop, 26x30, for Mr. Prentice, J. Adulison Corwin, dette, Patchogue; Fred E. Booth, John D, Cleveland, David T. Cook- for use in his plumbing business. OY liu, Robert Ebbitts, Floury Gagan, Southold; the Rev. W. A. Wasson, Henry O. Horton, Benjamin A. Hor- Riverhead. Dr. Wenzel, of Brooklyn, has por- ton, G. Frank Homme],Robert Jeffer- We were told lit-4t, Week, too vaguely Y chased 2� acres of land of Cleo. G.land is situate on son, John W. Klipp, Oliver A. Mavo for publication, that Mr. Patrick Con- Richmond. The Charles E. Overton, Henry W. Prince, way had sold his very eligibly situated Mill creek. Dr. Wenzel will also,Charles Payne, Barton D. Skinner. Horton's Point property, fronting L. 1. chase a strip of land on tile Sound of Williain E. Shipman, William W. Sound to city parties, for, as stated to I-Thomas Farley. Sterling, George B, Reeve, Charlei us,$18,000, with some land in rear William J Grattan to G Frank E. Terry, Samuel Harris, Henry H. reserved. Hommel,13 acres,on highway lead- It is eslin-�,,ied that the ert--ipof cian- ing to Horton's Point, adi land of Wood, Henry K. Wood, George C. Albertson Case, Southold..........norn Wells, John H. Young, James Henry berries on iha marshes of the Peconic The old buildings at Goldsmith & Young. There were also Present as i River will a�,,gregate 30,000 bushols, Tuthill's lumber yard at the depol are it R. guests oz the veterans-, Comrade worth from $60,000 to$75,060,of which is I to be removed, and the L. 1. George Perry Squires, of Company about one-fith will be paid to the pick- to run a switch for the use Of the firm "G" Monitors, and Comrade Elbert ers. I through the lumber yard. W. Tabor, of Company "El" No. 6, I.M 111(jokilty, 4%1,11' Coijunutor Jas. New Post Office Dr. 11. M. Payne is the chief engineer 11 ni hmorv,of Hempstead, one of the 'tilt] highly of the new Burnmell Coal Co., at Burn- Most widely known . The Southold Post Office is to be well, Ky.,which is about to construct a ,,gm-ded employees fit the service of moved to Wm. H. Terry's furniture railroad branch from Williamson, West Lhe L. 1, R. R., I)y his own eleetion wu�- , building the first of next month, An Va., to Burnwell. UlAignt'd to the Greenport Mail t ain, Inspector of the Post Office Department woodmont Conn., Sept. 11, Emqj1ne] vv;ji,11 4,4111les I , ill near 110011alld OC-8 Otit, was at Southold last Thursday and Conklin, widow of Richard B. Conklin, some hours later,daily vx<-4qo1 SUHIIaVS authorized the change. Mr. Terry will loged 88 years, 3 months. this N Y PUP 1-01111d, to SLlVV(-t'(1 the 1.me throw the room now occupied as a Westhampton Beach, Sept. 12, Si I%ills. )Ir. Rush- furniture store and the room formerly Tuttle,a widely known personage,ager niori�h:,(l a pall to llemp!44-all for 111al Y occupied by L. W. Overton into one. 52 years, 4 months. yon is. fie will have a hearty weh un.e Metal ceilings will be put on and the Sag Harbor, Sept. 12, Clayton Hillard, 0-111 t I W J)HU-011S Of I I i,4 I Ie W 1-1)11[1-. of Peconic, and Miss Bertha Beek, of - sides covered with burlap, and it will Patricktand tJ Sag Harbor,arbor. Fogarty anwe o es- ' present the same handsome appearance - se H. Terry, 5 acres adj land Silas as the lodge room up stairs. The room PotOtOeS are selling for 60 cents pe l A. H. Dayton, Bay View........-$250 bushel. Charles W. Hartley and wife to will be heated with a hot air furnace G. Frank Hommel, half interest in and lighted with acetylene gas. New D. 11. Jackson has charge of tb lot n s Sound View av, adj land of and up-to-date post office fixtures will dining room at the Riverhead Fair. D. P. Horton, Southold..........nom be put in. This will include a large Rev. Win. H. Lloyd returned from Jesse L. Case and wife to Jessica number of lock boxes. When completed his European trip last week and occupied L. I ons, lot n B side Sound View it will be one of the bandsomest and j,_ ,�, av,alj land Thos. Farley,Southold..nom his pulpit last S T 4_/ most commodious post offices on the Unqu Same to Tumbridge Realty Co., Twenty-Five Years Ago lot n s Sound View av, adj land of Island. Boss Albert G. Case has al- Jessica L. Lyon, Southold... ....nom ready commenced work on the building. There had not been a rainy day sinceJ. B. Terry has sold a lot on Bay The partition in the present post office will be taken out, and Wm. A. July Sth. Ave., next south of Mrs. McLure's, to Williams will The Temperance Society Of the�Mrs. Schneider, who will build a cottage l occupy the whole of the Presbyterian Sunday School was ad-� on it. west part of the Brick Store, as well dressed by Rev. Wm. F. Whitaker and as the lodge room up stairs, and will C. L. Bardorf has purchased Of carry a full stock of men's and boys' Gilbert W. Horton. Gustav Schaefer the house and bakery clothing, harness, trunks, etc., in ad- Memorial services were held at Oak which Mr. Bardorf now occupies. dition to boots, shoes, hats, caps and Lawn on the day of President James G. Frank ,Hom ma rubbers. A. Garfield's funeral. A procession,i h is to add two - consisting of the clergy and choir in wings, _5x40, to the Sound View The plans for the merger of the Hotel. This will make 24 additional firms of Albert Willcox &Co., C. E. & carriages, the Southold Cornet Band, d the Odd Fellows, Good Templars and berooins. W. F. Peck and Walker& Hughes (of citizens was formed in front of Odd', Twelity-Hive ears go which J. C. Eustace is a member) are IF Fellows' Hall, and from thence marched (>- I _�I � ' about completed. The new concern under the direction of Marshal D. T. James Kenney secured a position on will be a corporation under the name Conklin and Asst, Marshal W. H. the New York police force. of Willcox, Peck& Hughes. Glover to the grove. The platform At the Southold Town Democratic Prin. and Mrs. E. W. Shafer haven' Was elaborately draped and adorned Primary the following were elected commenced housekeeping in the upper with wreathes and flowers. The at- delegates to the County Convention : rooms of W. A. Clark's house. tendarice was very large. Stuart T. Gen. L. Edwards,James Timson,Joseph —_ Terry presided. Prayer was offered H. Thompson, Sam'l M. Hallock Floral Park, Oct. 9, Rosalie L., wife of Seth L. Tuthill, of Southold, aged e Q 75y, 11m, 26d. Funeral at her late by Rev. Wm. F. Whitaker. The Band Henry A. Reeves, Albertson Car played selections, and the choir sang Wirt. M. Betts. residence at Southold Thursday after appropriate hymns. Eloquent and iecl- Arthur H. Terry resumed his studies noon, and burial at Orient on Friday. ing addresses were delivered by Rev. at the College of Physitians and Sur- Southold, Oct. 9, Jennie May, daugh- Dr. Epher Whitaker, Rev. John Brien, geon8, N. Y. City. ter of Harry A. and the IX Jennie Case Wells, aged 3 mos., 15 days. Rev. Father Richard S. Foley and Rev. The following were appointed Com- Southold, Oct. 8, Clarina, daughter Abram Conklin. missioners of Highway's for this vicini- of Torato and Guiadi Rudzo, aged 8 months. ty: James Cassidy, Oscar L. Wells, J. Sinclair Smith won ten premiums ........ s �'u Albert Tillinghast, Sam'l Dickerson, eight first and two second) n his William A Richmond and ors to exhibit Of poultry at the Sul County Geo. C. Wells, M. V. Gordon and E. L. Henq G Wenzel, lot west end of Fair. Mr. Smith made twelve entries, Goldsmith. Harshamomock Beach and n 8 Old Mrs. Catherine Foley, mother of Kings highway, adj Mill Greek, .......................... Waldo Gillies and Fred Jennings left Rev. Father Foley died, aged 73 years. Southold nom Y. this week for Hackettstown Collegiate _ London,_donn., Sept.14�'7rlik(, New Instijute. Edward K. Higgins of C%ioagohas New son of Warren H. Howell, formerly of '8 at r.9- Southold, H spital Arthur ave returned t e rat Southold, aged 8 years. given -p r Teague is visiting Miss of the Eastern Long Island Hospital Arthur T. Downs and family h Miss Abbi( ven$500 to f urnish the operst iniz rown An" White at Central Islip at Greenport. returned from Brooklyn and are living F. T. Well--_fiefs_this Ze7e`k77 Thomas W. Stack and family have in Miss Helen Horton's house. for a trip ill to the Bermudas. moved into Mrs, Jacob Tuthill's house an Railroad Ave. Years Twenty-Five Years A 0 A �',ERTOUS SHIPWRECK, vt"ON / 4/: — / 2_ Benj, B. Corey, of Riverhead, ware Charles E. Overton 'f, i7ectcd After.,orn"days of threatening Fuill about to occupy the Sam', Hutchinson trustee of the Locust Grove school 1-9-all fal I i iig­near night of ()et. 0, ft(.- homestead here. district. by a st - soil theaste 1.1 v I . ronIsaac Franklin Russell and Burton T. At the foreclosure sale of the Sterrett,f "'ill. In the nbAlt,the wind sllift,,d tu property on Railroad Ave., the premises r he N W. ,mlld New great guns, it I)eill,, Beach formed a partnership as a law were struck off to Albertson Case, .tee hull vit'st gale for many mouths. firm, with offlices at 33 Pine St., N. Y. plaintiff, for$1,700. Earl v ill t he evening the Br.tern sebr. City. ' Capt.Salter,with,36-o tong Daniel Goldsmith moved to New At the annual school meeting Stuart [Waco;11 from Edgewater, N. J. for Suffolk. T. Terry was elected chairman, It Wolf'021c, N. S , tor parshopo, Nova1 N. Y. City, Sept. 12, by Rev. Dr. was voted to raise $870 by tax. The SCOON, ztut-horeil to' the eastward of Chas. P. Tinker, Harrie R. Vail, oi salary of the principal of the school Toward morning,with. Southold. and Miss Augusta V.Schoen, was put at$725, and of the assistant, [,It(, %iin(l at its height, her anchors of New York. $325. The following officers were lraggvkl and site drifted into the bend TwelitY-Fiv Years Ago A of the Thomas farmhouicat Arsh- e elected: Trustee, 0. A. Prince; Clerk, 'trolonjoque,striking at 6.30 a. m. and W. H. Vail; Collector, T. F. Young; Librarian, B. H. Van Scoy, The 401"g Iligh ill)among rocks which Soon . Sylvester Hawkins and family moved AtON-0 her bottom badly. Word into the Landon house. ..6 Board of Trustees consisted of A. F Was i..� Tuthill, Mrs. Julia L. Conklin Ph011ell to the Rocky Point life-saving . The Southold Cornet Band moved i and 0. o the basement of G. Hahn's house. A. Prince. 4ation and as soon as practiVable Mr. into Anton Furst's teuin was hitched to the Mrs. J. H. Case purchased of Frank The Methodist and Presbyterian boat wagon carrying the boat, and P. Wells his cottage an Railroad Ave, societies each contributed $25 for the also(b-il v,i jig the.beach cart containing On the occasion of Dr. Whitaker Michigan sufferers. avi-r'llcus. On reaching the preaching his thirtieth anniversary, N 10, Irving M. Acker, of Cutchogue, and ivreuk it was fou-rd that the schoon,r sermon,the fresh. Sewing Society pre- Miss Lucy M. Wolfe, of Southold, were ill.v on a ioolot of rocks where the surf rented him with thirty one-dollar gold married. hon t, Would he apt to Ile stove if a res- The Republicans made the cut,, was attempted in tier. Capt. pieces. nominations for County officers:8L31-own thcretorn decided to use:use: the A course of popular lectures was Treasurer, J. Henry Perkin County bl-ecche.-;hooy and the allparatu., wit, arranged for Southold. Prof. D. P. , River- fixilclity r'ggc-d; the catj.&ill u( three a I th Horton made all the arrangements. head; District Attorney, Nathan D, of thu(rvw were safoly. 1:111do-11 in this Charles A. Jackson, of Greenport, F.1 Petty,Riverhead,• Member of Assembly, -,va3, Walter L. Suydam, Sayville; Supt. of ��a%ilig otfl*v suH, i-r-soijal effeetii and Miss Annie H. Fithian, of South- is they I-ollIll vurry. A fourth roan of old, were married. Poor, William W. Hulse, Bay Shore; I she ervw way a (rilopjv and could not The Democrats made the following Coroner, Dr. B. D. Skinner, Greenport, me lauded ill the buoy, so Capt. Brown nominations for County offlees: Mem- and Dr. Edgar Miles, Sag Harbor; I Cut the mate hack oil board in the her of Assembly, Brinley D. Sleight; School Commissioners, Cordello D. 1110Ywith instruction to put the man County Treasurer, Edward Hawkins; Elmer and Nicoll Floyd. Mr. Suydam in tile schooner's yawl boat which wa.4 declined the nomination for Member of ou her fee side and fasten the whip lino. District Attorney, John. R. Reid Assembly, and George M. Fletcher, of to the'100al, whiell was palled between Superintendent of Poor, William T. Huntington, was named in his place. tho rooks and through the breakers to Hulse; School Commissioners, George thesh-ire where the cripple was safely H. Cleaves and Douglass Conklin, Henry Jennings landvd. ('ai-tt. Broivni-,%wariniiii)rtiiie Henry A. Reeves was elected chairman gs recently took the of the people ill that loualitY,for their of the County Committee. Civil Service examination, and as a rvll(ly nild willing bell)to his crew, and The Republicans nominated John result has been appointed to a fine I—tit"'r 11"ll't"'ty to the t;l'iP- Birdsall for State Senator. The Demo- position in the Bureau of Soils at Ivi'ticked seamen. The rescue was wit- oats nominated Aaron A. De Grauw. Washington, D. C. Later he will llesee,,l by a large company. Thore probably do work for theszlved were:Capt.T.H.Salter and mate Government . .1.62L I I VV Of Pdr6bo ro;steward lames One of the largest coal mining in the Southern States, Mr. JenniFngs 'Vbbutb of Boston-. seamen August Ali- corporations ever organized in the State is a graduate of the Cornel I Agricultural dersom arid Sigard Nordlie. The vessel of West Virginia was effected at Wil- College. He is to be heartily con- is full of writer and it i-i doubtful it she liamson last week. The name of the gratulated on securing this excellent vary Ire floated. Her (ALrgO 13 ticiug new corporation, whose capital stock 'Government Position—a Position he 11tAilcrea. is$3,500,000, is the Mingo Block Coal secured solely on his merits. Mrs. J. B. Fanning is arranging her Co. The General Superintendent and E. Mortimer Jewell has gone to home for renting the first floor and Chief Engineer of the parent company, Kentucky, where he is engineer on a will spend much of her time with her Dr. Henry M. Payne, will assume full train running in that state, daughter, Mrs. Edgar Tuthill, at Pe- control of the company's operations Greenport, Oct. 6, Charles D. Wil- 'conic, this winter. She will use the and will devote his whole time to it. liams, colored barber, aged 82 years. second floor of her dwelling here when The Williamson Leader says that Dr. Alattituck, Oct. 'S, by Rev. C. E. n town, J. Irving Fanning will go in Payne knows his business and is full of Craven, John D. Well,;, of Southold, business in the city. energy and push. and Miss Carrie Waller, of Cutebogue. Hughes Elected Governor On Sunday evening, about 9 o'clock, r Twenty-Five Years Ago ist horse sheds, rear ofthepalrsonage and church, were 0 Election Day Patrick k Dean, of Randolph Hearst for Governor only of New, t Charles E. Hu hes defeated i jam arst discovered to be on fire. The alarm New Suffolk, fell from a wagon at rmrie was given and the Fire Department and Southold and fractured his.arm. six counties — New York by 63,31% people quickly responded. The fire Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T., elected Kings by 4,565, Queens by 7,594,: was confined to the sheds, and the the following officers: C. 7'., B. T. Chemung, Richmond and Schoharie by adjoining property was not damaged. Payne; V. T., Mamie A. Albertson; small majorities. Hughes' pluralit The furniture was taken out of the See., Julia L. Conklin; Asst. See., above the Bronx was 130,000. parsonage. Had the fire have broken Jennie M. Albertson; F. S., F. T. The remainder of the State ticket i out later in the night and had we not Wells; Treas., P. H. Cantermen; Chap very close. have had a heavy rain,both the parson- lain, Rev. John Brien; Mar_, J. W. The Republican Judiciary ticket is a' age and church would have been in Gordon; R. S., Hattie M. Terry; L. S., winner. The people of Suffolk are great danger. The sheds are a total Emma E. Vail; G., John Munch; S., particularly pleased with the electiozd loss and there was no insurance on B. B. Tutbill, of Justice Walter H. Jaycox, who them. The origin of the fire is un- The Republicans carried New York polled a tremendous vote in his ham known. C". ;i-// for State officers, Joseph B. Carr for county. Rowland Miles on the Dem Charles E Terry and wife, toSecretary of State and his associates, cratic ticket also made a splendid Tutt• Oliver B Goldsmith and ors, lot s s with the exception of James W. Husted in Suffolk, but was defeated with hi Rommel av, adj Charles E Terry, nom for Treasurer being elected. The Demo- ticket. Messrs, Scudder, Abbott an Tw©nty-Five Ye rs Ago crats carried the Legislature. Seth' Carr were on both tickets. Low was elected Mayor of Brooklyn. The Republicans will have a majorit Prof. D. P. Horton gave a lecture in James W. Covert, Democrat, was of 11 in the State Senate and 40 in th the Southold Lecture Course. elected State Senator from this district. Assembly. The people of Southold sent goods Suffolk County went Republican by 300 William W. Cocks is elected Memb valued at$150 to the Michigan sufferers. majority. Cordello D. Elmer was de- of Congress from the First Ilistrie The annual report of the Southold feated for School Commissioner by Carll S.Burr,Jr.,will represent Nassa Town Board of Excise showed that the Gen. H. Cleaves by 28 majority. South- and Suffolk in the State Senate. Jo receipts for the past year for licenses old Town went Republican by 100. M. Lupton and Orlando Hubbs are r were$624.48. _ elected Members of Assembly from Su The Board of Supervisors reported At the last meeting of the L. V. I. folk. Timothy M. Griffi;ng for Coun against establishing a fire district in S., it was voted to appoint a commit- Judge, 'William F. Flanagan for Coun Southold. tee of gentlemen to co-operate with Clerk and Frederick E. Finch f Israel Peck, one of Southold's most the Park Committee of ladies in ar- Coroner had no Democratic oppositio, influential and most public spirited ranging for the purchase of the Dock Suffolk gave over 3,200 Republi citizens, died, in his 67th year. property for a public park. The gen- majority, tlemen named were: Henry W. Prince, Following are the majorities for S Walter H. Jaycox is the only Suffolk Dr. J. G. Huntting, E. 0. Harrison, folk County: County man nominated on any ticket A. F. Lowerre, Thomas Farley, E. D. Governor—Hughes. ...............3D hfor Supreme Court Justice. Vote for Cahoon, Sinclair Smith, Albert A.Folk, Lieut. Governor—Bruce ..2 im. , .....,. Gerard S Johnson and wife, to Albertson Case, J. M. Howard and Congress—Cocks, .................37 The Tumbridge Realty Co,12 acres, Lester Albertson, all of whom have Senator—Burr.....................3562' L I Sound, adj Oregon North consented to act on this committee. Assembly--Lupton, ...............1752 I s Feconic... Assembl Hubby. ................ 463 rs J.Z. Conklin was elected See- The post office was moved to its new y— retary of the L. V. I. S. in place of home Saturday night. For the present Timothy M. Grifl'ing for County the old fixtures will be used, but in a Judge, William F. Flanagan for County Miss Marcia Prince, resigned. few weeks the new fixtures will be Clerk, and Frederick E. Finch for: W. F. Mitchell and family have installed, and then we will have one of Coroner bad no Democratic oppositio moved into the Albertson House. majority Cocks' ma the forest and largest post offices on Cocj y was 649 in Queen All of Suffolk's towns gnae ug a Long Island—one that will be a credit 3616 in Nassau, and 3704 in Suffolk pluralitie , as follows • 14un�tr, 2t13 ingtoritotal" 7969. 545; Smithtown, 43 ; I3Hhy I ; to the village. The post office has a Burr's majority was 3562 in Sufl'o Islip, 92, Brookhi*ve.n, 692 • Shelter plate glass front, two doors,one swing- and 3501 in Nassau—total, 7063. Island. 119 : Southampton, 520 ; South- ing outward and the other inward, Hughes'' ma orities h towns was old, 635 Fant Bampton, 118 ; River nd plenty of closet room. The build- g j y head,248. follows. Huntington, 586; Babylo ing has a metal ceiling and is trimmed ; Smithtown, 44; Islip, 88; Brook California, Colorado, Connecticut, with burlap. It is heated by a hat air Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, furnace and is lighted with acetylene haven, 702. Riverhead; 248; Southol Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, as 691; Shelter Island, 119; Sauthampto North Dakota, Pennsylvania, New as aric es, c ashua Ter- 533; East Hampton, 118, _ York, South Dakota, Wisconsin and aged 86 years, last surviving child The Republicans will have a ma'ori Wyoming elect Republican Governors. f'Deacon David Terry, formerly of of sixty in the 60th Congress. aLan Alabama, Minnesota, Nevada, Rhode ear the g island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Southold. Y y had 112. The Democrats Temis elect Democratic Governors.- gained 28 members and the Re publi- canS 2. Twenty-Five Years Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago 11 A Terrible Accident v 2- 5 A terrible accident, that has cast S. D. Goldsmith sold his trotting Turnips sold for $1.00 a bushel—an gloom over the entire community,ba, horse to a New York party. unprecedented price. pened to Ezra T. William%, aged about William Furey sold his farm at Ore- Apples sold for$4,00 a barrel. 15 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. gon to Patrick Mahoney. Mr. Furey Notwithstanding the drought, more Williams, on Thanksgiving Day. Ezra, was to move to Southold, where he had cauliflowers were shipped from'the R. in company with his brother William, bought the Tillinghast farm of Samuel R. station than ever before in a season Frank Young and Orrin Corey,started in Salata. 1-1,100 barrels. The price averaged, the morning on a gunning trip, Just There was a very mild fall. $4.00 per bbl. I before starting for home, they espied Special meetings were held in the M. W. A. Williams has moved his stock E. church. Rev. J. Brien was assisted several pigeons across a stream at the of harness, horse goods,trunks,valises, by Rev. D. McMullen, of Cutchogue. head of Corey's Creek, which they fired boots and shoes from Peconic to South- at, dropping two, and seeing a yawl on old. Later Mr. Williams will put in a Henry D. Glover died, aged 71 years. the beach, they launched it and crossed full stock of clothing. His store at The election of Supervisor Hauler & over for the game. On their return to Southold with its plate glass front, State Treasurer is said to be the first the opposite shore, Ezra, in reaching new fixtures, acetylene gas and a full time in over a half century that Suffolk for his gun, which was of 10 gauge and Glover 'ru died, of 8 '1 Supervisor Hauler an y Ik_'21 I er or is said to be the first half can tury that Suffolk stock of goods, presents a fine ap- County has been honored by having'one heavily loaded, grasped it barrel first of her none chosen as at State offlotal. and pulled it toward him. The hammer pearance. In 1852 F[ugh Halsey of 3rldge Hampton State te EngineIr a r of the gun caught on the forward —_ _1 nJdSu The Southold Academy' 113 having "' was elected State Enginevir and Sur full cock, flew this year, and veyor. thwart, but not going to very successful season . � __ �J_ good work under We mw_h e an early mail from the,down when it was released. The full the pupils are doing 90 1 the Principal, 'Miss City, arriving at 7a32. This is ai I charge took the YOUrg man in the right the supervision-ofhere are now twenty-one great convenience to our people and is breast-in an upward course,tearing away d T Read. much appreciated. The train was put the lower part of the lung. He stood pupils. on Wednesday and will be permanent. dazed for some seconds, and his com- This Friday evening the members of Ralph Booth has gone to Patchogue, lades thought it was from the surprise Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T., are to en- where be has entered the employ of of the explosion. He made no outcry joy a "Pie Social'° in their new and Swezey &Newins. I and stood so still, that his compornions pleasant Prince's ball. Let every mem- C,Kighway Robbery were speechless, until his head dropped bel be present. As Martin Appel], of Peconic, Was and he began to totter, when they ran Fred E.Booth has been chosen super- returning home Sunday night, at about and caught him before he fell. They intendant of the Southold Lighting Co., 12 o'clock, be was bela up by two me" then saw the large hole in his gunning in place of Rev. Wm. H. Murray, in the hollow just west of Addie coat, which was covered with blood. resigned. Mr. Booth commenced yvork Asten's. Mr. Appell had punctured the His brother and Corey carried him� on Thursday. tire to his bicycle and was walking nearly half a mile to the nearest house, along, when the two highwaymen that of Geo. W. Smith's, leaving al Land has been]eased of A. I. Booth jumped out. One grabbed him by the path of blood along the way, while� for the Universalist horse sheds and neck and told him if he made any out- Young hastened to telephone for a, they will be placed in the rear of N. H. physician. From Smith's he.was taken cry they would kill him, while the oth- Cleveland's barn and outbuildings. Mr. Ap- to his home by wagon. During the tire- er went through his pockets. G Frank Hommel and w, to Wil- pell had about$90-00 with him, all but some journey over the rough fields,the liam F Russell, lot a s Sound View about$8.00 being in checks. This the young men were compelled to lay Ezra av, adj land of G Frank Hommel, s took, together with his watch. down several times, but be never be- Horton's Point Southold......... m robber M i-n—a-Iff,---I Payment has been stopped on the came entirely unconscious. Drs. Hart. Edwards to William F ranft and Peterson were summoned Russell, lot n s Sound View av, ad' checks. After the robbery Mr. Appell did all they could to relieve the, land of G Frank Hommel, Horton's woke up Goo. A. Maier and told him and Point, Southold..,................ the circumstances. it is hoped that young man's sufferings. At this writ- nom A may be caught and ing (Friday morning) the young man John Elmshauser has gone to Sag the highwaymenis still alive, but there are no hopes of Harbor, where he has a position in the get tl4-e*r_i-U9b�de'ser�ts. . his recovery. Ezra is a bright, manly Fahys watch case factory. Geo. B. petty of Echo,for four year.-+ lad and his father relied on him to carry Cauliflowers are selling for$5.00 and principal of the school at peconie'llas re on his business. To the heart-broken ;17.00 a barrel, and those who have a .signed and become principal of District parents, brother and sisters we extend :air crop are making big money. I No. Z at Hempstead. He is succerded our heartfelt sympathy in their great i by John Coffin, a Cort!and Normal grad- affliction. Greenport, Nov. 4, Mrs. Ann Vail, I uate, late of Staten liland. Dr. Harry Stevens is anticipated wife of Capt. George Vail, aged 82 Conklin has accepted Rev. Abram with much pleasure by the citizens of church New York, Nov. 5, Leon H. San - the pastorate of the Universalist church Laurel and vicinity, where he has man, of New York, and Miss Maria F. 11 Mass. arranged profession. at Manson, Wells, of ged to practice his nzkvtnn, of Peconic. A. Thomas Carey is moving into the Mr. and Nils. Walter The Doctor is no stranger to Southold first floor of Mrs. J. B. Panning's resi. Brooklyn, are visiting I-Ars- Wells' and has made many friends in this dente. sister at Aquebogue. leommunity. I Twenty-Five Years Ago 11 Hill Brothers, of Riverhead, ha turday with /'„y+0„4, -3 d — " ��/ engraved a cenotaph inscription, fair and clear but cold weather, and Steamer W. W. Colt made her last in memory of Mrs. Elliott W' that night there was heavy frosL Sun- rip for the season. Peck, on N. Hubbard Cleveland's fam- day was fair :.ill toward night, with a Geo. C. Terry bought of S. A Beck- ily monument in the old cemetery. This fresh westerly to southerly wind, and with the scales and coal-bins at the L. genealogical record completely fills the then an overcast sky and chilly -air pre- I. R. R. depot. monument and covers a period of near- ceded -,now, which began "spitting" J. H. Cochran purchased tbe Cochran ly three hundred years from the birth soon after 6 a. in., 3rd. A downright homestead at auction. of the first settler, Moses Cleveland, to and lively snow followed, lasting till Capt. Chas. Gardiner purchased of B. Vie death of N. Hubbard Cleveland,. near 3 p. in., before, a s. w. wind; th�- T. Payne the remains of seb. B, D. daughter Mary, of the eighth genera- snow was too wet to gather much Pitts. tion, in July last. depth, but it whitened the earth and Albertson Case sold back the Ellen r Engineer Arthur B. Gordon for the Sent anticipatory shivers down all our Sterrett property to William Sterrett past few week has been on steamer backs. Tuesday morning, 4th, was cine for $18,000. Mr. Sterrett leased the Col. Ledyard, running between Groton of the severest evrr experienced here- property to L H. Billard. and New London. about so early in the month. The Hon, D. D. T. Moore lectured inI Win. H. Terry spent Thanksgivi�ng mercury in village therm(mmeters ti Southold. his son Milton at Boston, Mass_ averaged about 6 above zero,with lower Mrs. Albert D. Overton died, aged reports in a few localities. The day 46 years. Southold, Nov. 29, at St. Patrick's was fair but very co Id,no thaw appear- David A. Jennindied, aged Church, 1�y Rev. Father Mathews, of ing, but the high wind gradually de- g 58 Jamaica, Joseph Callahan, of New 1. years. York; and Miss Agnes McCabe, of dining. Wednesday was milder day The new fixtures t SoutSol Southold- and on Thursday rain fell for some Post Office arrived last week and have I Brooklyn, Nov, 21, James J. Gagen, hours. Yesterday morning was clear been put in place. There are 219 lock of Southold, and Miss Mary Sbalvey, and colder, with strong n. w. wind. of Brooklyn, formerly of Oregon. boxes, which open with a combination Southold, Twenty-Five Years Ago lock, and the call boxes number up to a Nov. 23, Town Clerk Wil- 7D e c,. iarn Y. Fithian, aged m 460. There are also generaldelivery: h 78 years, 10 Silver dollars with holes in them hs, boxes and a window for post money Riverhead, Nov. 27,John R. Perkins, were numerous. orders. The fixtures are very elegant, aged 79 years. The North Beach Commoners divided lots for drift purposes. The office is also furnished with desks, One of the most notable society' he beach into lo 'S' ('esy chairs, tables, etc. It is one of the events which have taken place in Har- Rev. Mr. Lee, of Yaphank, ad- handsomest offices on the Island. leen this season was the celebration by dressed the Southold Temperance —1 School Commissioner and Mrs. John A. Society. Southold is proud of its new post of- flee, Its large double doors and plate Wilbur of the tenth anniversary of Rev. Mr. Frankel, of Greenport, glass windows make a good impression, their. marriage. This important affair organized a German class here. which is not lessened when entering came off at the ball room of the Ells- I one looks upon the burlap covered mere on Nov. 21st. Mr. Wilbur made G Frank Hommel and wife to G Fred Hommel and ano, 4 acres, s s walls, metal wainscoting and California a very felicitous address of greeting to Sound View road, adj land of D W red-wood furnishings. Southold is in- the many friends Present,amOD9 whom Grattan. Horton's Point, north of debttd to At. T. Horton, its genial were Mayor and Mrs. Geo. B. McClel- Southold.........._—_nom postmaster, for his influence in obtain- lan. Air. and Mrs. D. T. Conklin were Stuart H Moore and ors to the ing this, and to W. H. Terry,who owns honored by an invitation. Mr. Wilbur ' Kimogenor Point Co, 3 acres s 5 Tuthill's Creek, adj Peconic Bay, the place, for his generous public spirit will be r0nellibered as a former South- New Suffolk..... ......... ...... nom in doing mare than the contract called "Irl 11— for. Twent Five Year Station Agent C. M. Phil has lip When Salter Horton was postmaster 71,C a. moved into Mrs. John J. Burn" house (be was father of ought Horton) Rev. Dr. �bitaker gave an �'ddress in Railroad Ave. —_ the mail was brought on horse-back on Alaska. Benjamin Glover, who for several from New York once a week by Uncle F. Maxwell built a new barn. years has been foreman for farmer Sam Vail (grandfather of Samuel L. Special meetings were being held in Geo. 11. ,Wells, has resigned his posi- Bennett). The letters, about half a the M. E. church. tion. It is rumored that Walter Smith, dozen, and the papers, perhaps a doz- Michael Young, of Bay View, died, of Brooklyn, cousin of Mr. Glover, has en, were placed on a table in the South aged 66 years. bought the Horton's Point Hotel prop- room of the house, where Gilbert 11. At a meeting of the Town Board, erty, and that he has engaged Mr. Terry lives now, and people went and held at the office of justice Terry, Glover as his foreman. Ben bad a helped themselves to their mail. Greenport, on Wednesday, J. N. Hal- very flattering offer from Chauncey In 1844 the cars brought the mail, lock was appointed Town Clerk, to fill Glover, but thought it better not to From the present Postmaster we out the unexpired term of Win. Y. accept it. trace back those baying the position, Fithian, deceased. _4D � Southold Lodge, 1, 0. O. F., has 'Win. A. Cochran, Wm. Y. Fithian J —9- received new paraphernalia for all four J. F Southold, Dec. 1, Ezra T., son of W. Huntting, J. Wickham Case,Fithian, aged 11 receive Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams, degrees. H. Wells,AAGoodliff, Dr. Frank 15y, 7m, 12d. Tuttle, Salter Horton. 1.4 Twenty -Ye—ars Ago -Five TwOnty-Five YeaTs Ago Twenty-Five Years A-go C-4,-k% — Z �-y- L-1 �E s,, , " — /�*-2_ - MiFs Ella Boldry, of Green Island, From Jan. 1, 1881 to Jan. 1, 1882, .�`&-I-, y y-— - N. Y., was engag W. Samuel Weeks moved into the house View School. ed to teach the Bay C.Albertson shipp3d 12,806 dozen eggs. iof Geo. S. Prince. The highest price paid was 44 cents, The tenement house on the Sanford J- B_ Terry purchased the sloop and the lowest 14 cents. Gipsy of Amagansett parties. it was Landon & Prince's meat estate was sold to Wm. H. Richmond. market had Rev. E. S. Wheeler, of Greenport, in charge of Capt. Henry Gardiner. a narrow escape from being burned. A addressed a public meeting of Banner 0. V. Penney sold his stock of spark escaped from the pipe and fell on Lodge, L 0. G. T. groceries, etc., to John Korn. Mr. Landon's bed. Rev, Abram Conklin officiated at the James M. Magee became agent of marriage of his brother, Rev. Cbarles There was a happy family reunion at Westcott's L. I. Express Co. Capt. 0. E. Prince's on New Year's mms Conklin, of Troy. day, at which all the members were years.. Benjamin Adams died, aged 58 present, for the first time in many Twenty-Five Years Ago years. J ; % -I-"�,- / ��2-_ James M. Magee has been appointed most of the ice-houses were filled. The following were elected officers of Day Assistant Train Master of 'the The following were elected officers of the M. E. Sunday School; Supt., M. L. 1. R. R. Co.,in charge of power and the Southold Cornet Band: Pres., Wm. B. Van Dusen; Asst. Supt., B. T. equipment. H. Vail ; See. and Treas., F. D. Payne; Female Supt., Mrs. B. T. Thomas Farley is breaking ground on Schaumburg; Leader, J. E. Corey. Payne; See., i. W. Gordon; Treas., his lot on Main St., recently purchased Th f 11 ing were chosen officers of e 'ow Miss Mamie Albertson; Librarian, o Daniel Terry, for the erection of a B,iineroLodge, 1. 0. G. T.: C. V. Wells; Asst. Librarianp Robert residence. T. Payne; V. T., Miss Mamie Albert- Overtonp- Chorister, W. A. Clark. Miss Emma Korn, who has been in son; See., Mrs. D. T. Conklin; Fin. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. business in N. Y. City for some years, See., F. T. Wells; Asst. See., mra. W. church elected the following officers. has gone to Redlands, Cal. C. Albertson; Treas,, P. H. Chntermeri; lain, Rev. J. Brien; Mar., G. R. Pres., Mrs. C, S. Tillinghast; Vice I Ernest C. Maier has returned from Chap Pres., Mrs. M. B. Van Dusen; See., in extended trip to the Pacific coast, Jennings; G., Wm. 0. Williamson; S., Miss Hannah Carpenter; Treas., Miss pa Rev. Abram Conklin. Jessie Buisseau; Epber W Haynes to Garibaldi Directors, Mrs. i. Haynes, lot s a North road, adj The thermometer xegistered six be- Brien, Mrs. F. K. Terry, Mrs. A. F. lana of Chas E Haynes, Peconic...$800 ow zero. Carpenter, Mrs. B. T. Payne. I Harriet N Corey to George H Long Island's first snow storm.of the William Furey sold his farm at Terry, 3J acres, B s railroad, adj r land of said G H Terry, Peconic...norn winter came last Thursday. Snow fell Oregon to Patrick Mahoney for $2,500. to the depth of about six in Mr. Furey bought of Samuel S Bii-iFey Gorey les E ches ,an,,11 Salata 1,Terry, 6 acres, s s Main South rd, there was some sleighing Fri( the Tillinghast farm on the North Road between Southold and Peconic, adj With the mercury eight aty. r� for$3,300. �bo v 0 land of Martin Lehr...........&....nom W�edlnes�ay morning, the hopes of the William Lowery purchased of Ann Cutchogue, Jan. 2, by Rev. F. icemen rose. Early Thursday morning Beebe, Henry Orville Beebe, of Cut- Lindsey her place on Town Creek for ebogue, and Miss Florence G., daugh- it dropped to four below. $6,000. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0. Salmon, Southold, Jan. 23, at St. Patri—cW' Dr. D. N. Brown settled at Southold of Southold. Church, by Rev. Father 'Holley, J. Leo and had his office at the hotel. Cutchogue, Jan. 9, at the Church of Thompson and Miss Katherine Elizat eth, Carey. - Lynch,James A. Hand and Miss Agnes, Anniston, Ala_ Jan. 16, by Rev. J. The parishioners of Rev. Dr. Whit the Sacred Heart, by Rev. Father daughter of,Mrs. Mary aker gave him $100 at the annual daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Henry Kaelin. D. Simpson, Herbert Leo Amos, of donation, Southold,Jan. 4, Mm-Suia—n0t7n�Wa�y Spartanburg, S. C., and Miss Marcella John Carey and Miss Bridget T, aged 65years. --- I J L. Princle, of Southold. Conway were married. Southold, Jan. 10, at St. Patrick'2 Brook yn, Jan. 16, George Watson Rectory, by Rev. Father Edward Diake and Miss Anna Elizabeth,daugh- Robert V. A. Fitz and Miss Maria E. Holley, George W. Smith, of Pecomr,[ter of Mrs. Jes.,�e B, Conklin, Davids were married. and Miss Rose Margaret, daughter of Herbert W Sirnon8 and wife foi 64mon—_S_ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bennett, Of Tumbridge Realty Co, 30 acres,w s The shooting match at p­ene e r Bay View. of Boisseau av, adi land of Albert 1'etty's blacksmith shop on New Year's N. Y. City, Jan. 2, Roy Goldsmith E Salmon, Southold...............nOm Day was wellattended. Nathan Davis Howell, son of Geo. M_ Howell, of von the quarter of beef for a club of Southold, and Miss Margaret Donoboe, Danie L Beebe to John H Youngs, of N. Y� City. 9 acres. adj land of H. M Beebe, ren. The turkeys were won by C. L. Vi ....nom homad Far'ley has purchaseiFof G. Bay Vi W, Southold..... 1�ardorf, 0. L. Wells and James J R. Jennings two feet front and ten rods I james J Gagen, et al, to Andrew Gagen, 32 .agen. f t s s Pine Neck road,&dJ 1, - T H of E B b a rb J r in s e dr g on e o sea W u R S e a 0 v a a e be a e re,c me agc C ;s p 3s '�' ag, 'L..L I W stcott E am d Is. B"J'm n Ad ' ie yei,s. J.m�, Magee has been app, G. it_ h_ Soto aged 65 3 S"th.1 R"t.ry, Hol y 's a rd an u Pan! I e L 1_3el J 9 a Pfor, Bay i W, 0, J ""J Gage 32 t" �G g f Si depth on Main St., adjoining his lot on B Si111cqn Southold..... nom land of G _ _p� M. Magee, chief train dis- the t- promoted to iam has 0 Harry Carey has been Cape Horn" teber of the L. 1. R. R. Co., Gen. W. Smith has rented rooms in I be brakeman on. the I promoted. Mrs. Annie Tillinghast's house. train. Lbere--- has sold his coal -hard Carey Is assistant station , Chas. H. Hommel uthill. 0 - business to Goldsmith�&T Twenty-Five Years Ago Hospital Items — - G. 'Frank 11-omniel'has.961d fh_' z — f Work on the Eastern Long Island View Hotel to his son and daughte There v#as good sleigbing. Hospital is progressing slowly but sure- Fred Hommel and Mrs. Mina James Thompson bad received from ly. This was shown by the reports Edwards, and they will have charge of the U. S. Fish Commission a number and transaction of business at the last the house and run it as a summer ho of carp, with which he stocked a pond meeting of the Executive Committee of Boss A. G. Case is now adding at Arshamomoque. the Hospital Association. The matter wings of twelve rooms each to There came very near being a fire at of fitting a large building for hospital hotel. The hotel is delightfully situated, Southold Hotel. Some bed clothes purposes, so that it shall be sanitary I and under the management of the ne beds and a bedstead were badly burQ and commodiously adapted to its work proprietors will undoubtedly h v before the fire was put out. is a large undertaking. Grading the very prosperous 13LMSOD. Wilbur F. Rushmore, elocutionist, street, laying water mains, piping th( Boss Goo. W. Smith has taken gave an entertainment in Temperance house for water and beat, wiring it for contract to remodel the Bay Side Psi Hall. lights, are fundamental necessities,and, house, owned by Miss Maria Me t, an Mrs. Maria C. Jennings died at as every one of experience knows, are will also build a bungalow 9.4. Cohoes, N. Y. The remains were pieces of work that are not completed beach. Ite brought to Southold for ly erment. in a hurry. However, the work hall Twenty-Five Y IF M canulU-aye—sreceivea the secona i gone steadily forward during the past "A­ degree in Southold Ledge, 1. 0. 0. F., months, all bills have been met and Odd fi ellows' Hall was being f rescoiEd Monday evening. The third degree paid as presented, and the outlook now by J. H. Cochran, Jr. will be conferred next Monday evening. is most encouraging towards opening The high wind and tide moved the Southold Lodge never bad such a boom the Hospital in the near future. skeleton remains of sch. B. D. Pitts in its history. Propositions for mem- From a report of the recent meeting-, some twenty feet. The wharf was bership are received at each meeting. published in the Greenport Watchman. overflowed. we glean the following: It was voted D. P. Horton represented Five received the third degree at the to lay floors of hard wood in the private County at the National Agric!ll segsion of Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F,, rooms, and tiles in the operating and Association in New York. Mondayevening. The initiatory degree bath rooms. Progress was reported on Rev. E. W. Glover, of N. Y. Ci wjr—be conferred on nine candidates theconstruction of a fire escape and nephew of Mrs, Israel Peck, was k next Monday evening, and still there dumb waiter. Mrs. J. N. Hallock re- in a railroad accident. I ci AVV 1 V are more to follow ported a visit at St. Mary's Hospital, New York, and one at Nassau, Mineo- The heaviest snow storm of tile sea- Southold Public -PRrk ]a. Her opinion in regard to Miss Edith son occurred on Monday night. A The sub-committee (Jesse L. Case, E. Offer, who was in charge of the out- large quantitv of sn�w­f ell, and, as it Albertson Case and J. N. Hallock), ap- patient department at St. Mary's and blew a gale, it drif ted badly. Some of poin t ed to d raf t a bill for the f ormation had applied for the position of Matron the roads had to be dug out be of a Public Park District in Southold, at the Eastern L. 1. Hospital, was very they could be made passable reported at a meeting of the Park Com- favorable to Miss Offer. Miss Offer's snow plow, driven by one engine, ler mittee on Toe-sday night. The bill as application and letters of recommenda- Greenport Tuesday morning, followed drawn was accepted and copies will be forwarded for introduction in the tion had been read at a previous meet- by the morning train. The early mail ing. After some discussion it was vot- train was several hours late and Lh Legislature by our representatives- ed unanimously to tender the appoint- noon mail train did not arrive un The bill provides for the formation of ment of the p.'�ition of Matron to Miss o'clock. ond with the a Park District, to corresp Offer at a salary of$50 a month. Sev- Southold, Fe Ferdinand Kreutzer, bounds of the Southold High School eral bills were audited, Applications idence- District, and for the issue of bonds, to were received for the positions of care- reenpor , EUV,�--at the re run six years, for not more than $3500, of the bride's parents, by Rev. W. C. for the purchase of the L. I. R. R. taker and cook, but the matter was McKnight, Charles T.Gordon,of South- property at Town Harbor, and the laid over until the Matron should be old, and Miss Florence G-, daughter o improvement tbereof. In order for the installed. —- Osmun Young. Charles S Taber and wife to, a. 11, Newius & Son, of Riverbead district to be formed it will be necCS- 'der � high grad ion, signed by Frederick H Koster,50 acres,bor - manufacturer! .3.147,000 a y for a verified petit' ing on L I Sound, adi land of M eigars last, yeftr� Is r, peconic.............norn tax payers representing Moro Conway, near than half of the taxable Geo. C. Terry and J. Addi,,qon Baker The Southold Village lrnprovement� 0 e 0 have laid in front of property of said district,to be presented have been filling their ice houses at Society v t d t to the Town Board, and said Board Great Pond this week with fine 8-inch the new postoffice a cement pavement may then set apart such district as a ice. Mr. Baker has his house full, and which will cost about$35. Public Park District. The bill also Mr. Terry's houses are nearly full. Dr. Henry P. Terry, formerly of, provides for the election of three Park The fishermen have filled their houses. CuLchogue, was elected President of Commissioners and a Treasurer, and There will be no ice famine this year. the Suffolk Co. Nat'l Bank at River- the calling of annual meetings of the Southold, Jan, 30, Albert Lewis h�md in place of Geo W Cooper, wh district. a I Conklin, husband of' Josephine Gold d lined to serve longer. , as inhis77thyear. Funerai I ec George Henry Terry is serving as R smith Conklin 'I services at hi�late residence on Satur- William Conway and family ha iror on the Simpson murder trial day. Feb. 2d, at 2 13. M. moved to Greenporl, Twenty-Fiore Years A90 Twenty-Five Years Ago > "L, , _ g Twenty-Five Year Fro Feb. 15, 1881, to Feb. 15, X882, Josiah Smith's family ' W. A. Clark received on his grocery Mrs. Warren Carpenter's house.ed—into Dr. D. N. Brown moved his office to route through East Marion, Bay View Capt. W. H. Hurd of sch. James the residence of Capt, Wm. H. Horton. and Oregon, 11,075 dozen eggs. Douglass moved into the Sanford home- Rev. C. W. Millard, of Brooklyn,. A petition was being circulated, ask- stead. lectured in the Universalist church on ing Congress to appropriate $5,000 to Steamer W. W. The Tyranny of Fashion. Coit was deepen a portion of Town Harbor near the season's trip on March 10th. o begin A strong and vigorous movement'^ the wharf. Chas. H. Hommel was engaged as was inaugurated throughout the town, A Recital was given in the Academy, the Westcott Express agent here, to elect a temperance excise com_, in honor of Howard and Daniel Hallock, Hon. James W. Covert was mention- missioner. who were about to start for the West. ed as a probable candidate for Governor Mary Elvis, daughter of Jasper John Quarty sold his barber establish- on the Democratic ticket. Freeman, died, aged 35 years, spent at Bridgeport. County Lodge, I. 0. G. T., was to H. H. Lewis was making arrange- meet here on Marek 23d. The initiatory degree was conferred ments to open a tin and stove store at on eleven candidates by Southold. 6lattituck. The Watchman,, in speaking of the Lodge, L 0. 0. F., Monday evening. William C. Salmon died, aged 28 death of John A. Appley, formerly of The first degree will be conferred next years. Southold, at his home in Elizabeth, N. Monday evening, after which an oyster Potato Meetings were being held, at J., aged 92 years, says: "He leaves supper will be served. This is the which the best means of raising and a large estate, devised to him by hi', largest number that was ever taken in marketing that crop were*discussed by father, the income for life and principal the lodge at one time. The lodge now 'the farmers. to be divided after his death among numbers just one hundred members, Southold, Feb. 11, Michael Stelzer, the children and heirs of children Willard H. Howell has taken the aged 69 yrs., 5 rhos. '"then living, under which provision agency for the Aerocar, a light touring -Brooklyn, Feb, 9, Howard Green, some heirs resident in Greenport will car, and the Cameron runabout, both brother of Mrs... G. W. Phillips, aged come in for a share of the property of which are serviceable and moderate 34 years, Interment at Willow Hill which is said to consist of 46 houses 11� priced automobiles. Ce.mqery Tuesday. DeLancey and neighboring streets of IBridgehampton, a 4, apse N. Y. City, a farm in New Jersey, and Andrew VValout has resigned as Halsey, grandfather of Daniel H. $60,040 in bank. janitor of*fro Southold High School and Horton of Bay View, aged 89y, 4m. has gone to New London, where he has The second degree was conferred on ed ck ur icemen had no Cause for worry one candidate and the third degree on May rhas ataken 1Mr.on sWalf rd's placeas�rieyear. On Tuesday morning the nine candidates in Southold Lodge, I. 'anitor. t-Wtnometer registered 2 below zero. O. 0. F., Monday evening. Under 01aday was a very cold da Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garnett moved Tuesdaynight, y, as was Good and Welfare the new members to Greenport last Saturday. They will g but Wednesday furnished a fine supper, which was be greatly missed in Peconic, where the weather moderated. Our bays are greatly, enjoyed. Next Monday even- they made many friends during their tpletely covered with ice. . �_ ing the initiatory degree will be Con- stay here. wenty-Five Years A.go ferred on eleven candidates. When enrsetta Rose Conklin, eta to + , 1- — ✓ it 2 these have taken their deg'"=,es th Thomas 0 Horton and Philip H Hor- Rev, Abram Conklin made an after- lodge will number just 100 members. ton, 3 acres n s creek, adj land of &nner speech at the Washington -Birth- Never in the history of the lodge has Eliza D Horton, Peconic...........norn day celebration at Orient, there been such a boom. Cutebogue, March 3, Josiah Albert- Hartley &Kaplan, of Greenport, pur- The Government is putting in an son, aged 84 years, chased schooner William Henry, lately incandescent vapor light at the Horton's Peconic, March 1,Albert D. Overton, owned by Capt. D. T. Conklin. I Point ed.72 ears, 8 days. Lighthouse in place of the oil Henry Gaffga was appointed agent`light now in. -- for:Iouthold and vicinity of the White _ Twe�aty-Five Years Ago Cross Line of steamers, between New Charles C. Wells has entered the /"22 k2! 1`6— 1 �;- York and Antwerp, Price of passage— employ of the L. L R, R. as freight The M. E.church was newly carpeted. first cabin, $65; second cabin, $50; brakeman. Charles Williams' store in New York steerage, $25. was entered and robbed. Margaret Conway to Walter s Morgan Roland leased the store oa■ Smith., 56 acres,known as Norton's H. H. Huntting purchased a building lot an Norton's Lane, opposite the stared oa bald Cornet Band preparatory ,�old_:­_*­ r deHotel �'roperty...at.'South-n Academy. p pstarting a tral�ery here. likes participated rick H Koster and wife to The no-license people nominated he Washington's Birthday firemen' Edwin H Brown, 6 in t 9 acres, border- Austin B. Tuthill for Excise Commis- in -he at Greenport. ing on L I Sound and adj land of sioner.. Thomas Fax, near Peconic..........nom Wm. H. Hommel has returned from Charles Simon and wife to John JerseyCit where he has been employ- Simon,. J int in 80 acres, n s Main y. North road, adj land of Jas Burns, ed in a power house for some time. Peconic............ . ......nom MM A WRECK IN SOUND. �wims-hed ulmn- them. Two women Twenty-Five Years A90 survived the terrible exposure. Most i /VZ �_V. Z � — " f the passengers lived in Providence. A. R. Vail was engaged as sexton of e Lose Their LiVes on 0 The'Larchmont was a sidewheeler the M. E. church. Steamer off BloCh Island. I 80� The bills paid by Supervisor Overton of 1,80U tons gross. She was 250 feet on Auditing Day amounted to$1,125,12. long with a total depth of 20 feet, I New stained glass windows were put One Of the most, disastrous wrecksris believed that she sunk in about 20 in the Catholic church,each bearing the it, many years in adjacent waters ue- feet of water so that the waves name of its donor. curroo Party Tuesday morning. when of the gollud washed over her B. H. Van Scoy resigned as principal abOul 1811 liv4_wee lost and it is 'saloon dAc'k. She was purchased of our public school, to go in business as a merchant at East Hampton. B. feared that many either were drowned about seven years ago from the East- T. Payne was engaged as principal. or frozen to death as a result of the ern Steamship Company, that oper- At the session of County Lodge,L 0. Joy Line steamer Larehmont sinking ates a line of boats between Boston G. T., held at Southold, the following alter a collision wilh the three- and Maine ports. officers were elected: C. T., Rev. masted sphoonor Harry Kiinwltou, Abram Conklin; V. T., Mrs. W. C. John H Lehr and wife to Mary Albertson; See., G. H. Terry; Asst. Several boats came ashore front the Kreutzer, J int in 171 acres a See., Mrs. D. T. Conklin; F. S., Miss scene of the wreck during Tuesday main highway, adj land of RuibsA Rhoda Hallock; Treas., B. 0. Robin- forenoon and mauv bodies havo been Horton, Southold..... ............nom son; Chaplain, Rev. J. Brien; M., F. T. Wells; 1. G., G. R. Jennings; S., washed ashore on tile northwest side Ferd Kreutzer to John H Lehr, W. H. Beebe. of Block Island. int in 171 acres, s s main higbwa adj land of Ruth A Horton, Sout - A Temperance Society was organized The Larchniont sailed from Provi- old..................... ........ nom in the M. E. Sunday School with the dence for New York Monday uight following officers: Pres., F T Wells; with about 200 passengers, aboard and Twenty-Five Years Ago Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Brien; �ec.: F. E. a crew of about 1�0� The passenger �1 2-- /ef-�5-�f. Booth; Executive Committee, W. A. list was on board the steamer. The Geo. J. Tillinghast succeeded Wrn 0 Clark, Miss E. C. Bunce, Miss M. H. Williamson in the employ of W.* C* Albertson. Larchniont collided with the K110wl- Albertson. The Republicans made the following ton off Quonochontaug about inid- Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., had 102 nominations- Supervisor, Franklin H. night, outting off the schooner's bow. members. Overton; Town Clerk, H. W. Prince; Justices of the Peace, Chas. E. Glover, The steamer was RO badly damaged Grand Chief Templar J. Martin Jones Schuyler B. Horton; Assessors, Marcus that she ran for Bloc], Island, but be. gave an address in the M. E. church. B. Brown, Jesse G. Case; Overseers of fore she could reach the islana she Boss J. E. Corey took the contract Poor, James E. Horton, Henry W. sank. tobuild H. H. Huntting's new house. I Halsey; Commissioner of Highways, The Knowlton was run aground and Capt. Henry Gardiner moved into a Lewis R. Case; Collector, Orrin A. Captain Haley and his crew of six part of Win. Lowery's house. Prince; Game Constable, Foster R. s_ Fanning; Constables, John D. Cleve- men reached shore safely in their own The Temperance Society of the Pre land Elias P. Jennings, Richard S. byterian Sunday School elected the Sturges,Arthur W. Turbuab,James H. boats. The seas were running high following officers: Pres., 0. F. Payne; Wines; Inspectors of Election, Geo. A. and tile temperature was at about Vice Pres., Wm. L. Elmer; Sec', Tuthill, Edw. W. Latham, Henry W. zero. Frank L. Downs; Treas., Eugene L. Halsey, Ebenezer Clark, Chas. H. Tut- The horrors were Conklin. hill Gee. C. Wells, Geo. 1. Tuthill, Prin Ule- Jo�n G. Terry. captain McVey said: -It was a Henry W. tire aV]ng f rozon hell." One by one the people Republican nomination for Justice of The Democratic ticket was as fol- in ]uis little life boat died. One pas- the Peace, the committee appointed to lows: Supervisor, Henry A. Reeves; souger, crazed t)y pain, cut his throat fill vacancies substituted the name of Town Clerk, William A. Cochran; Justices of Peace, Jeremiah H. Tuthill, With a razor, and droliped dead in Jesse L. Case. James Timson; Assessors, Christopher the boat. The captain finally kneeled B. Young, Selden B. Case; Overseers down upon the dead bodies and Southo'd, March 17, John Singley, of Poor, Walter A. Wells, Frederick prayed his God to end the trazedy. aged 76 years. G. Terry; Commissioner of Highways, Brooklyn, March 11, Mary L. B,ld_ Ezra L. Goldsmith; Collector, Nathaniel That is all he remembers until rea- win, wife of Harry Taylor, of Southold, B. Schellenger; Game Constable, Benj. 01190. aged 58 years. Funeral service in W. Case; Constables, Henry J. Rack- Corpses have been washing ashore Christ Church, Bedford Ave., Brook- ett, Henry N. Young, Benj,. W. Case, in coffilig of ice. The sohooller Clara lyn, and interment in Greenwood Ceme- Theo. W. Horton, Geo. V. Moore; E. picked up a raft WedDesday with tery. Inspectors of Election, Edwin F. Tut- Boss Geo. W. Smith is making hill, Wm. E. Brown, Wrn. H. Wells, seven dead bodies upon it. on a extensive improvements to the cottage Edwin S. Havens. Salem D. Goldsmith, piece or wrectage Mr and Mrs. Har- J. Edwin Cochran, Samuel M. Hallock, ris Feldman. clung until rescued. at Horton's Point Hotel. The new Peter J. Wyckoff. One by one they saw their compan- owner, Mr. Smith, will occupy it this The license people met at Southold ions fall froin' the wreckage to which season. Hotel and nominated Lewis Williams they were cliugiug and disappear in We had a reminder of the great for Excise Commissioner. the cold, cold waters. blizzard of 1888 on Sunday. As much It was a pitable sight to see the snow fell as any tirde-this winter but John Cogan has returned to South- old, after an absence of six years, and women, in their night gowns,'cling. fortunately there was no wind and it will carry on farming again. ing to the boats, their delicate bodies-did not drift. n­s� , I ID Southold, March 22, Miss Emily G. covered with ice. The water froze iail, aged Sly, 2m. 19d. on their bodies as the, spray was rs. izabetb B. Anderson anj, Southold To w Eiiii Affon 018 the engagement of her n ece i Christine Rheberg, to Mr. George East rt Leslie, of Peconic. Miss Rhe_ Fisber's Mar'n South- cut- Matti- Island Orient,G'Port Greenport old Peconic chogue tack ,will leave for the South in April, District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total nd the summer in Covington, At- Supervisor and Athens, Ga. Barton D Skinner, R 22 123 142 116 83 108 74 93 167 928 . Anderson also announces the G Frank Tuthill, D 30 19 180 142 179 144 94 97 91 976 ement of Captain Robert Halford U. S. A., to Miss Mabel Rodney Justice of Peace of Brooklyn. The wedding will William B Reeve, R 20 114 163 132 111 131 91 119 215 1098 lace in May, at Camp Burnpa,, George H Fischer, D 32 22 147 115 150 117 72 69 45 766 Phillipine Islands- Justice Fisher's Ist. Twenty-Five Years Ago Frank E Hine, R 20 115 158 124 109 130 91 log 174 1030 40-/�,&. t)— — z Y�_!) The petition for the deepeningof Charles Monahan, D 34 21 146 120 148 115 70 77 75 802 Southold Harbor was presented by Con- A ssessors gressman Belmont in the House cf John H Brown, R 20 119 163 127 107 132 93 108 175 1044 Representatives. Henry C Tuthill, R 20 116 158 124 106 130 88 109 176 1027 A mass temperance meeting was ad-1 Fred'k C Beebe, R 19 112 186 142 120 122 86 105 1138 1060 dressed by Rev. Dr. Whitaker, Rev. George H Terry, R 20 115 158 129 106 ill 97 106 178 1020 Mr. Brien, Rev. Mr. Conklin and Hen- Henry 0 Horton, R 20 115 164 129 105 104 64 127 177 1005 ry Huntiting. Luther G Tuthill, R 20 115 160 126 103 128 87 102 151 992 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Leicht be- Bryant L Young, D 31 23 149 118 149 113 69 77 75 804 gat housekeeping in the James Mullen, H R Sebellinger, D 31 23 161 118 150 115 70 77 74 819 house near the depot. Lewis T Wells, D 32 26 132 110 146 124 76 81 78 805 Mrs, Martha Nickerson, wife of Rev. John H Young, D 31 22 149 116 15o 143 68 80 73 832 L. D. Nickerson, a former pastor of Andrew J Case, D 31 22 144 116 151 142 Ill 66 73 856 the K E. church, died at Easton, Ct. James L Reeve', D 31 22 146 119 153 117 71 87 115 861 There were 1436 votes cast at Town Meeting. Henry A. Reeves defeated Onerseers of Poor Franklin H. Overton for Supervisor by Julius D Boeram, R 19 109 144 119 110 122 84 103 166 976 a majority of 8. Selden B. Case de- Albert B Tuthill, R 20 112 154 122 103 58 85 103 178 935 feated Jesse G. Case for Assessor by a Ansel V Young:, D 33 31 177 135 151 130 78 84 88 907 majority of 87. The balance of the Wrn A Cochran, D 31 25 149 120 1.54 196 84 85) 73 917 Republican ticket was elected, as fOl- Local Option lows: Town Clerk, Henry W. Prince; No. 1—Yes 30 35 163 147 172 118 90 71 84 910 ustices of Peace, Charles E. Glover, 15 94 102 74 52 102 53 101 113 706 chuyler B. Horton; As"issor, Marcus 1—No B.Brown; Overseers of Poor, Henry No. 2—Yes 21 23 131 130 157 107 73 69 69 780 W. Halsey, James E. Horton; Commis- " 2—No 13 93 97 71 69 97 52 95 110 697 sioner of Highways, Lewis R. Case; No. 3—Yes 25 80 165 149 170 148 100 �86 89 1012 Collector, Orrin A. Prince; Game Con- " 3—No 7 40 64 5,0 37 66 29 74 90 4571 at-able, Foster R. Fanning; Constables, No, 4—Yes 20 23 123 121 146 109 77 72 78 769 John D. Cleveland, Elias P. Jennings, " 4—No 13 92 100 75 60 98 48 92 110 688 Richard S. Sturges, Artbur W. Tur- bliab, James H. Wines. The License Road Proposition candidate for Excise Commissioner, No. 1—Yes 41 94 139 106 91 44 40 41 97 697 Lewis N. Williams, was elected by 99 " I—No 11 30 62 74 68 145 68 107 86 651 majority. No. 2—Yes 17 55 105 101 107 162 102 102 174 925 T. Vincent Tuthill died, aged 82 yrs. " 2—No 10 40 46 47 40 25 19 45 8 280 Game Constable Nlr. Benjamiu Wells left on Wed- Albert T Conklin R ...............966 Joseph N. Hallock, for Town Clerk, neAay of this week for tiis now field Henry A Goodale D........... ...881 Jesse L. Case, for Justice of the Peace, ofat-ratious iu farminl- at Amagau. George H. Fleet, for Commissioner of SW and if FL favorable season awaits Constables Highways, and H. Everett Young, for him lie wiH show the people what Garrett W Howard, Jr R........ 105a Collector, were on both the I?epublican the soil can produoe as be is A I on Charles Edwin Terry R.......... 1030 and Democratic tickets. thus liue"4 William W Sterling R............1025 The Town Trustees, Edward W. William A. Cochran made a record- Edward 0 Chapman R........... 1030 Latham, Henry A. Reeves, Jonathan lireaking run in this district for Over- Augustus G Wilcox D............ 8217 B. Terry, William A. Fleet and Otto seer of the Poor. His majority in William H Macomber D...... ... 792 P. Hallock, and the Town Auditors, Southold was 138, but he was defeated 'rhomas J Carey D..�............ 792 Edward F. Dewey, James Williamson in the town by 18. William J Boutcher D............ 805 and William E. Shipman, were on both U711 iam T Robinson D........... 818 tickets. The vote on Justice of the Peace for: The new station of the Long [Bland l� Twerity-Five Years Ago Fisher's Island will give the straight railioad at Flatbush avetiue and '—I party vote in the Town. The Republi- Hanson Place, whieh has beell ill A. F. Lowerre rented the roonis over can majority is 227. onlarse of cou-,trucdOD for a long time, Landon & Prince's market. lwwmmmm� R-1 oponed for business at noon oil Potatoes sold for$1.25. The Democrats will control the next w )Iouday. Ample accommodatious are Board of Supervisors in Suffolk County. - D. T. Conklin, H. W, Prince and Six towns elected Democratic Super, afforded to the traveling public wllo G. F. Hommel purchased Col. John visors, while the Republicans carried have bee.u very much oramped aud Wickham's land lying north of the i0coliveulellood (luring the weary railroad, some thirty acres in extent. but four towns for the bead of the inouths that the new depot and con- ticket. The new Board of Supervisors Frank Schaumburg purchased of Col. is made up as follows: necting iubway have been in courge of John Wickham the house and lot just Edward S. 1reland, R_ Huntington construction.— ,_�- ,� 1,�, cast of the residence of Albertson Case. John S. Huntting, D., Srnitbtown G. Frank Hummel is making R Geo. A, Doyle, of Greenport, and i Edward Daily, D_ Babylon park of the land he bought on the Miss Carrie L. Merrill, of Southold, J. Milton Rogers, D_ Islip Light House rord of W. J. Grattan, were married. Dr. W. S. Bennett, R., Brookhaven. �,He intends to clear up all the bushes Harry B. Howell, R., Riverhead. and out all tho scrube out of the pou We received word on Wednesday G. Frank Tuthill, D., Southold which is in the contre of the lot. from Senator Carll S. Burr, ir.T­m-�t George A. Miller, D., East Hampton This is an ideal spot for a park as there the Lupton bill, to authorize the David 11. Young, R., Shelter Island is a fine view or the Sound witi) formation of a park district in the.town Thomas Lister, D-, Southampton plenty of shade trees, of Southold, the boundaries of which 1—Hefiry M Beebe'—fo-wary R Young, lare the same as the Southold High ­Vu—estion School District, had passed the Senate. The License 3-4 acre on e s highway leading Hard campaigns were fought in many to Hog Neck, adj land of i H 'The bill has already passed the As- of the towns of Suffolk County on the Horton, Southold.......... .......nom sembly, and it now goes to the Governor license question. East Hampton,South- Margaret--Fleischmann and ano. for his approval. A4 �7 to George H Stelzer, lot n a Main I amp�ton and Shelter Island go for no at, adi land of Albertson Case, The Board of Education of thesouth- old High School met Tuesday evening:, license. It will be the first time in Southold.............. .......i....$1,566 IV many years that the hotels of Shelter Ralph Eldredge has sold his wheel-! and voted to engage the following Island have not been licensed. East wright business to J. M. Carroll. Paint- teachers : Principal, Prof. E. W. Hampton has always been dry, and ing does not agree with Mr. Eldredge Shafer; Asst. Principal, Miss Winni Southampton has had no license the and he had to give it up. lie will work fred Brainard; 2d Primary, Miss Jose past two year-s- Riverhead reversed at the carpenter trade at East Marion. phine Stark; ist Primary, Miss Mar itself by going wet by over 100 garet Deale. Misses Stout, Terry an majority. Southold goes for license by Wrn. Batterman has leased the 200. Brookhaven and Smithtown also singley Place on Main street for the Polley are going to leave, much to o go for license. In the other towns the coming Beason anil is Luaking many regret, and their places will be filled license uestion was not submitted and . later. Patrick May was engaged as they will continue wet. improvements about the 4ame. janitor and truant officer, Andrew Wolford and family an Mr. Robert V. A. Fitz has sold his George Keeling,Mrs. Wolford Is father, There will be quite a change in the farm of about 67 acres at Peconic to have moved to New London, where corps of teachers of the Southold High Mr. William B. oodlimz of Nortbport Mr.Wolford has a position as engineer. School next year. Miss Stout goes to through Reeve & Bartle t. This farm Pearl River, N. Y., Miss Terry to has a long frontage on Long Island Grattan Bro herm have received a Bloomfield, N, J., and Miss Polley will Souni and GolLisinith's inlet, which car load Of up-State seed potatcell not teach. was the Hite of the old Grist Mill de- called the "Gold coin,I I They are of excellent stock aud are great yield- Jaynes McCabe is ready to try farm- stroyed by a gale several years ago. ing potator3q. ingagam, after fifteen years' of busi- Twenty-Five Years Ago i ot look much lk e "gentle ness experience in New York. , h 2",/� / spring" on Tuesday, Win. T. McCabe has been given the t wh T, we had one Win. E. Booth and family, of Brook-I of the hard�s—tsnow storms of the degree of honor for five years' service lyn, rented part of Wrn. Albertson's Reason. on the New York Police force house. The new pastor of the M. I,. church, The 500 copies of the Southold Town Brooklyn, April 6, at her home, Records arrived. Fennimore St Anna Carpenter, wife Rev. J. A, Swann, was greeted with Henry W. Prince was appointed of Azel D. M'�tthews, aged 41 years. large congregations last Sunday, and Notar- reenwood Cemetery. on. We y Public. Interment at G made a most excellent impressi h- Rev. John' Brien was returned to e M. E. church. Brook yn, April 10, Frank K. Coch- believe be will do good work in Sout Southold as pastor of th ran, of 'out old and Miss Elizabeth old. Mr. Swann is a graduate of SYr- I nt B A r rua 0 e kn 'y t n' t A h an, of out G p 0 en 0 e e 'O� Ceme 'te d 107 rank K Miss E i2 or Id B and Rev. E. Watt was returned to Green- Worthi ton, of Brooklvn. d acuse University and is a native of port. r 1 buil C 13 Re is building a William J. Buckley died, aged 39 Boss Albert G. Ca sielf on B, seboharie County. r t ,, , )p for himself on BoisseaO years. carpenter shc E C a Ve. on nd lea"d Of J. . 0, Charles M. Ledyard left on Tuesday Edwin D. Goldsmith and Miss Flor& A on land leased of J. E. Cochran. r G me, J r is manag E. Templeton were married. F xer of his for California, where he formerly re- Frank Gom z, Jr., is manag aided for many years. I t father's Btore. go TwentY-Five Years A 4 Odd Fellows, 6.4nq4t James Thompson's small btt�hi. 7 Nearly 200 people met at Belmont North Road, which he built for the I Win Y. Fithiansold the sloop Jes- Hall last Saturday evening to celebrate I sie Smith for$680. the 88th a�nivcrsary of the foundin occupancy of his workman, was tota y y of Odd Fellowship in America. South- fire broke out about 12 o'clock and was Mr. Ta lor, of New York, gave a 9 destroyed by fire Thursday night. The public address on Odd Fellewship in old Lodge celebrates this event each first seen by Mrs. Thompson. Mr. the Universalist church. year, but this is the biggest time it Thompson telephoned to Druggist Mc- The following were elected officers ever had. Four tables were set the Donnell, who gave the alarm o the of Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T.: C. T,, entire length of the hall. The mem- Fire Department. Neighbors quickly J. 11. Cochran, S,r.; V. T,, Hannah bers and their friends met at Odd ath're and saved the adjoining build- Carpenter; See., A. R. Vail; p. S., Fellows' Hall, and at about 8:30 the ff L d ing, which was filled with fertilizer. Mary H. Albertson; Treas., P. H. Can- Refreshment Committee announced When the Department arrived the termen; Chaplain, Rev. J. Brien; M., that everything was in readiness at building was destroyed. George Neal Frank C. Booth; G.. B. B. Tuthill; S,, Belmont Hall for the banquet. Soon was in the building at the time, and he Warren Newbold. the tables were filled and grace was A schooner from Bancroft, Maine, said by Rev. W. H. Lloyd. The menu probably knocked over a lamp. Mr. loaded with lumber for J. B. Terry, I was all that one could ask and consisted Thompson found Mr, Neal on the stoop co and got him to a place of safety. Mr. went ashore on the bar at Town Har- of olives, radishes, turkey, Id ham, Neal was burned abou bor. pototoes, turnip, baked beans,biscuit t the face and be had a narrow escape for his life. A,bram Cleaves, of Greenport, was brown bread, celery, ice crea , fruit: Fortunately the wind was southwest, drowned while clamn-dng at South cake, coffee and lemonade. and blew the flames from the other Harbor' When full justice had been done to buildings, otherwise the loss might Oliver Overton died, aged 82 years. the banquet, the service of which was The building excellent, the "feast of reason and have been very great. 01O.Mim"'Elilh Prince has gone to East flow of soul" began, with F. T. Wells was worth$300 or$400 and was insured aan , �..J I where she has a POsi- as toastmaster. The musical program in the Suffolk County Mutual Insurance ton as kindergarten teacher. consisted of piano solos by Miss Co. for$150. Mr. Thompson wishes us to express Miss Mildred Prince is assisting Mrs. Florence Maier and Mrs. Everall B. his appreciation of the good work done Jennie Benjamin in the millinery busi- Tuthill, violin duets by Clarence Moore by his neighbors in saving adjoining tness at Riverhead. and J. G. Fitzgerald, a solo by Miss Eleanor Lewis and a piano duet by buildings, to the firemen who so kindly H. H. Huntting and nephew, Israel responded, notwithstanding the fire Terry, have returned from a trip to Miss Lewis, and Carrie Goldsmith, was outside of the fire district, and Boston. Miss Anna H. Terry gave a reading. also to the Insurance Company for, The toasts, were as follows : The James Furey is learning the painter's Occasion, Justice Jesse L. Case; Our settling so promptly. 4 A trade of Boss F. K. Cochran. Guests, H. M. Hawkins; Our New P'econic, AprLril 20, Adelaide, widow of John H Pugsley and w, to Albert Members M. E. Sprague; The New Gilbert V. Howell. J Freeman, 1 1-2 A n s Main st, entury,'Philip R. Tuthill; Our Order, The Board of Education has voted to adj land of John Quarty, Southold..norn Grand Secretary Harry Walker. The engage Miss Bessie Farmer, who L Patrick Conway has purchased of his' Lodge was especially honored in having graduates from St. Lawrence Uni- sister, Mrs. Maggie Vail, about twelve the Grand Secretary present, who is a versity in June, as teacher of the 8th acres of land on the north road near very fine speaker, and his splendid ad- grade and High School work, and Miss his present house. dress on The Order was greatly enjoyed. Northport All of the other addresses were full of Florence H. Weston, of Schroon Lake, April 20, William Faley, N. Y., a graduate of the Potsdam formerlyof'Southold, aged 75 years. wit and wisdom and were listened to Normal School, and who has bad two Meral services at St. Patrick's R. C. by appreciative hearers. The recital years' experience, as teacher of the Church Tuesday and interment in St. and the musical program were of a Patrick's Cemetery. high order. The banquet will be put 6th and 7th grades. TWenty-Five Years Ago down as a "red-letter night" in the Daniel H. Horton h�s sold to Edwin "'?--, "�3 — history of Southold Odd Fellowship and H. Brown Miss S. Lizzie Beebe's lot on H, Jennings, E. L. Boisseau ar�d- L. will long be remembered. the north side of Cedar Beach Lane, H. Tuthill were re-elected trustees of The committees were: Entertain- Bay View. Mr. Horton has also sold Ithe M. E. church. ment, F. T. Wells, M. E. Sprague, S. to Mr.Brown his woodland and meadow Chas, T. Davis, of Orient, became L. Bennett; Refreshment, L. W. Korn, on the north side of the same lane. connected with THE TRAVELER. Win. M. Beebe, E. W. Morrell, John The Governor has signed Assembly- The Board of Excise organized by Brietstadt, C. L. Bardorf. man Lupton's bill, which places the electing Joshua W. Terry, chairman, bicycle sidepaths in Suffolk County land A. Krancher,secretary and treasur- miss Mary Huntting, on Saturday �u.rider the direction of the Commis- er. License fees were fixed as follows: morning slipped upon a frost-covered sioners of Highwa s. Inn Keeper's, $60; Store Ke, stoop, and, falling,broke her leg. 7'w7i liam H. Vail, a former resident Ale and Beer, $10. 1 of Southold, who has been in business The Town Assessors organized by[ N. Y. City, April 25, at the home of t the bride, by Rev. Mr. Paddock, Rich- in Day Shore for many years, has electing Ebenezer Clark as chairman. r of Pee decided to retire from business. mond Conklin, onic, and Miss I I Minnie B. Ferguson. I I Governor Signs Park BillTwentp-Five Years .Age M. A. Monsell will go as engineer We received a telegram from Senator' I''l l , o / _, and Walter Prince as fireman on the Carl] S. Burr, Jr., on Wednesday, that The V"tber was very cold. houseboat, Aunt Polly, this year. Governor Hughes had signed the upton Rev. Dr. Whitaker made his annual Silas Rogers has sold his lot on Oak j Southold Park Bill. .19 a, / visit to his mother in New Jersey. Lawn Ave., recently purchased of Mrs. The bill provides that the Southold B. T. Payne purchased of H. G. Anna Eldredge, to Miss ,Anna Beebe. Town Board may on the written, veri- Howell his house and lot. Mr, Howell fled petition of the taxable inhabitants was to build soon by the side of his William Russell and Mrs. Clayton, of a proposed park district, to be drug store. of New York, spent the Sabbath at coterminous with Southold Union School Justice Jonathan Huritting construct Southold. Mr. Russell is making great district, whose names appear on the ed a park at the corner of Main St.and improvements at his place at the Sound. last preceding assessment roll, as own- Tucker's Lane, in memory of John. Boss A. G. Case is adding a bath room ing or representing more than one-half Budd, who in 1664 built the house i to the house. R. V. A. Fitz is building of the taxable real property of such which Mr. Huntting lived. a novo-story cement-block garrage, the district owned by the residents thereof, Ezra S. Tillinghast retired frim busi second-st ory to be used as a billard establish such district as a park district, niss. room, an a cement walk to the beach., for the acquisition of the property at In Orient April 27,suddenly of lit-art The steamer Greenport has been sold Town Harbor, Southold„ now owned by ranure attending on nttuci. of ai•ute through Bowman & Barlow, Brokers, the L. 1. R. R. Co., consisting of about inttigesti,,n, `;ilbert T.Terry, fornier•ly 91 Wall street, to the Citizens' Line, to one acre of land, the wharf and grant for ma•iy yearq mille•lit the Old Intel take the place of the steamer City of of land under water, The district is Mill, Peconic ag%d`t y-ears. Remains Troy, on the Hudson River. authorized to expend not over$36t1b for taken on Monday morning to Mattittwk acquiring and improving said land. for bririal. I C. Clement Carey, lately of Hunting- ,ton, is now-assistant station agent at When such park district has been Geo. J. Tillinghast and family have Cutchogue. established the voters may elect three moved to Edgewater, N. J. It to reported from Ronkonkoma that residents to be park commissioners, one F Twenty—Five Years Ago between 1,5119 and 2,000 cases of Leghorn of whom may be a female, for a term hens'e of one,two and three ears res ectivel eggs are shipped from that place y p y, There was a bite frost nearly every every dap—one owner there has 1,000 and a treasurer for three years. The morning, full blood white Leghorn hens. first election of such park commis- Chas. N. Green removed to Peconic, sinners and treasurer shall be called Orrin A. Prince purchased Prof. J. Brooklyn, May 9, Rev, Fat ea within 30 days from the formation of R. Robinson's place on Beckwith Ave. Richard S. Foley, formerly rector of said district b stip notices and St, Patrick's Church, Southold, aged y posting At the annual meeting of the Suffolk 57 3m, 22d. advertising the same in a newspaper County Mutual Insurance Co.. the fol- y' for two weeks. Annual meetings of Bowing officers were re-elected: Presi- Southold,May 15, Frank Gomez,aged the district are provided for. The land dent and Treasurer, H. H. Case; Vice 55 ears. is to be laid out and improved as a i President, R. T. Goldsmith; pec.- l.prv„ y public park, which shall be free to the. F. II, Overton_ a i t,-agy 1rr n r Southold, Ma 12, William Arthur, use of the public, The bonds are to 1— 1"#�tr=� become due within six years and are to Fire broke out Tuesday morning, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. be paid in equal annual installments. about 8 o'clock, in {xeo.E. Horton's Grattan They shall bear interest at a rate not barn. It was caused by his little son, Mattituck,May 9, at the Presbyterian to exceed 5 per cent. Whenever the who was trying to roast potatoes. The church, by Rev. C. E. Craven, Albert park commissioners shall submit a straw caught fire, and then the boy ran T. Dickerson, of Southold, and Miss request in writing for an appropriation in and told his mother. The alarm was Ethel Wines, daughter of Mrs. Helen of any sum of money, the Town Clerk given and the Fire Department started 0. Boutcher. shall cell a meeting of the resident tax- for the place, but fortunately theTwenty-Five payers of said district for the purpose services of the firemen were not needed, Years AV of voting upon the question of appro- as the fire was put out by the neighbors Aea_y 2`r` — , _ priating such money. The Southold before any damage was done.r+v, .fV Noticeable improvements were being Park District is exempt from all made about the residence andremises taxation for other park districts that 6 'Southold firemen at their Dist. meet- of Adam Bersenger. p may be established in the Town, ing elected these officers: Chief,Henry Van'Wyck; Asst,Alfred R. Vail;Secy, The Southold Cornet Band was niak- Nathan Davis and wife, to o'fan . Albert T. Dickerson; Treas., Lewis ing arrangements for a strawberry G Hehr„ lot w s Laurel av, ado land W. horn. festival. of Laura Booth, Southold, ........nom Station Agent C. R. Simonson has Presiding Elder Burch preached in Ann M Eldredge and ars, to Silas been transferred to Central Park, and the M. E. church basement. A Rogers, lot w s Oaklawn av, adj Mr. Rogers, of Greenport, will have land of Sarah E Beebe,Southold...$351) M. B. Van Dusen purchased a lot on charge of the Peconie station. the corner of Beckwith.Ave, and Depot TON is the coldest spring recorded Through the real estate agency of St., on which he intended to move the since 1875. The general average for E. Leicht, Mrs. Ida Prentiss, of Pe- TRAVELER building. April was 48 degrees, which is the conic, has sold her property to Mrs. Boss J. E. Corey contracted to build lowest average recorded in 32 years. Martha R. Goldsmith, of New Suffolk. There were only eight clear days dur- ing y an addition, 2d by 29 feet, to the drug ing the month. Ice, one-eighth of an inch in thick- store, to be used as a residence b H. ness, formed Saturdaynight. G. Howell. Mrs. Shaw, of Brookl n,is with Mrs. l hu How is y that for spring'? But an Tuesday the gay Maier is learning the porn er s [Helen Huntting, thermometer registered 80, trade of Boss Frank K. Cochran. e Ceineter —APPlication has been male to the At a meeting of the Boar a u- y preseirted a. fine Trustees of this Town lay tl e present; caftan on Tuesday evening, it was voted appearance on Decoration Day. More owners of Nassau Point, a fine to employ the following teachers, to prep- fill vacancies: Miss Jessie M, Clark, a lata have been cared for than ever be- erty jutting out int) Peconic Bay and graduate of the classical course, 1906, fore. A large number of stases were of the Potsdam Normal School who straightened in the old, histarii; part, Presenting one of the finest shore front has had two years' experience, for the of which the Village Improvement So- on the north side of tha. Bay, for the 8th grade and High School work; Miss a bridge t, con- Anna will have charge the coming sea- privilege of building Anna L. Welch, who graduates from There was much difficulty in find- nett it with their private road from soon. the Geneseo Normal School this year, the foot of Bay-ay., Peconic, over that for the 6th and 7th grades, and Miss ing•the desired help to get the lots in Alice G. Santry, who graduates from order, but it is hoped now that there part of Bmadwaters Creek known as the same school this year, for the 4th will he no further trouble during the 'The Narrows." It is a necessary pre- and 5th grades. All come very highly liminary to the development: of their recommended. summer. property, They agree t), build the team arty oat enantie,of Greer.-bridge with approaches so as to afford Newi s dithw Williams has has returned to port, has. commenced her daily route, with two good, capable engineers, a safe and sufficient driveway for al.l'. very desirable position. Chief Arthur B. Gordan and Assistant kinds of road vehicles, and to complete' ]' y gi bat E. Booth. the work within two years from d fOn Sunda the thermometer re estate of consent. The Creek above the 85, and on Tuesday morning it was 34. AL Lne r: quarterly con erence, - held on Wednesday evening, the salary posed bridge is shoal and seldom used,'. Brooklyn, May 17, Elizabeth M. Post, o£the pastor of the M. Eh only small row boats being available, beloved w , churcwas ife of Charles M. Post, in her and for their facility a short span in 56th year. raised to$1,000 a year. - the bridge will be built:. The applica- Twenty-F"iVe Years Ago Dan Salmon Whitcomb and family, tion appears to be entirely meritorious ` and is not likelypublic Decoration n Day services were held A.Brooklyn, for the summer. Opposition, at W. opposition. See no'tiee elsewhere ofa in the Presbyterian church, and were meeting of the Trustees to consider and largely attended. Under the tasteful Twenty-Five Years M Ago act upon the matter. direction of Geo. C. Wells, the church a—,v -7 J ?1'1':1 was beautifully decorated. Comrade The Board of Excise granted hotel Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Huntting and Mr. H. W. Prince presided and gave earn- licenses to Egbert V. Strong,John Heil and Mrs. A. F. Lowerre are putting ini est words of welcome. Rev. John and Edward Ging, of Greenport. two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Abram Brien led in prayer. •"The Soldiers' Steamer W. W. Coit made three Conklin, at Monson, Mass. The doctor. Memorial Da trips per week. will be at his office, ready for business, y" was sung by a choir Tuesday morning, June 18th. of young ladies, Rev. Dr. Whitaker Mrs. Henry S. Ackley, of Greenport, _ was the orator of the day, and his a(,- sister of Mrs. B. T. Payne, was about The Southold Lighting Co. now has dress was a splendid production. The to remove to California. shout 73 customers, and more are being young ladies sang "Peace to the Large quantities of edible fish were added all the time. Brave." The large gathering then being shipped to New York. eo. W. Smith has purehased the moved to the Presbyterian Cemetery, Overton place at Willow Hill. and after some very excellent singing cft.c,we -'�3 lightnings Work Gilbert Horton o ecantc won e by Messrs. Horton, Conklin, Booth and Daring the thunder storm Wednes- $10 gold prize for boys at the school or- atorical contest and Fred Durnr of Tuthill, of Greenport, the soldiers' day evening, lightning struck two fir Bay View the second prize. With the graves were decorated. A procession i trees in 0. A. Mayo's yard. One tree,` girls, Rose Mahoney received the first was then formed, which proceeded to which stood very near the house, was Prize, and Mary Richmond of Peconic Willow Hill Cemetery, led by the Cor- 'shattered. A large sliver was torn off the second. The trained soloists and and hurled through an a trained speaker's made a most satisfac- net Band. At Willow I-fill the Green-I g upper window, tory and interq� ,qt ng entertainrs. Ger satiS port Quartette again sang and the taking the window sash with it. The graves were decorated. window-sash in the first story was Helen HunttillangBly`ssoil iFran ik, are on --- broken by the concussion. The glass from Hendereoriville, N. C., and will The following students expect to I flew all over the rooms. About 1.00 spend some time in Southold. graduate from the Shorthand Course at feet of wire on the wire fence on the Miss Minnie Hallock, from Florida, Southold Academy this June : Elinor place was melted and has completely is a guest of Miss Mattie Wells of Ba Lewis, Edna Glover, Anita Gomez, disappeared. Fortunately no ase was avid family bael­ Her se trented her Howart of iss rd I all k Dorothy Fickeissen, Harry Marraeeila, in the rooms next to the struck tree, Addie Aston's house for the summer. Clinton Voorhees and Henry Fisher, of and no injury was done to Mr. Mayo's Southold; Beulah Davids, Maud Price, family. The road around the house is Mrs. E. L. Radler, of Brooklyn, is and Alfred Dayton, of Peconic; Made- completely torn up. The holt also tore visiting Mrs. W. Batterman. Mrs. line Horton and Mary Coyne, of Green- up bricks in the brick walk leading Radler has rented the Glover house, port; Bert Silkworth and Frank Me- from the street to Idunttinghurst. The cor. Main St. and Bay Ave., for the Millen, of Mattituck; Harry Moore, of picture-moulding in the Universalist summer, and her family will arrive Riverhead. A part of the class also parsonage was turned black. This bolt shortly. complete the Business Course. was the only one that struck very near Miss Ada Booth,o i n, ,is orile for the surxi or Y$F$ition,_ MEET R1gZ1WUY%—U00 It NPOT, UIUM0­1, ttempted Myrder at Sout Twenty-Five Years Ago Colleetor-11.Everett Y01.11M.GrOE411"'rt tf��' L/1,Ll-1(, / Y— / �_r�_— Cortst4iblks—AugnstusG.Wilcox,Ori��nt;Gar- WgatVy pJrO%V'e to be a murder Ledyard and toebran caught 600 lbs. rett W. Howard jr, areenv,�rt: cltarle�., curred at Southold last Friday night. of sea bass at one lift of their pound. L(IiN,inTorrr, southold: Wzu. w. 8ter- About midnight of that day Michael The Southold Cornet Band festival ling, Ct_Ltchugue: Edward ().(Impman, Plafski, a Pole living with his family was a big success, the receipts being Rattituck;Clnren�!.e D, %Vhiltnait Fisfi- in Samuel Dickerson's brick tenement $163. eV'S ISlUnd. at the creek, was shot by an Town Trustooti—Ed ward W Latham, Orient, house At the annual parish meeting of the Presi(letit; l(eary A Reeves.GrecnpQrt. Sec; unknown assailant. The entire lower Universalist church, Rev. Abram Jonatla�nLTcrry.�,outhold; Wm. A. Peot portion of Plafski's jaw was shot away Conklin was engaged as pastor for Catelingue;Otto PlIallock.M116ttitUck and his right hand was badly mangled* another year, and Win. H. Terry was BOALPT)OF 8UPFRT1ROR8-1%,7­19(_1�). on Saturday morning be was taken to elected trustee, to succeed R. T. Gold- To-- Nit ra e. P.0.Address. the Mineola Hospital, where at th* BasViampton. George A Miller Sp gs writing lie is still alive, though in a Harhor smitb, resigned. Southanipton 'I'lios %V Uster SulL'111 Z ShiAterlsl'vd very Rev. Mr. Darnell, head of a college H YOU11L precarious condition. There is for colored students in Jacksonville, Southold u.Fraiiii Tntfiill, Greeiq,ot great deal of mystery about the attack Fla., occupied the M. E. pulpit Sunday Parorhead liarry B. JJUNJt4l, Rh,erlwad on Plafski' which appears to have bee Broalkhaven WmIlAd�i Bennett,P�-itob(igile a deliberate attempt at murder. Conrad.Adams to Katber Aai�thtown ;rohn S ffillittilltz�:Tnitbt,n B".11 representative from the District At- ine Breit- I.Nlip C,Mi!tolt Sayville. 5 adt, 21 ro Babylon onday an t acres, a a Pine Neck 7road, Babylon Edmii.1 Didly torney's office was here on Monday an adi land of George M Howell, Pine 11tiuUngton EdIVM"!S IrAind ffuutingtiai Tuesday endeavoring to procure evi- Neck, So an. Gf�,�T-go A.Miller. dence against the person who Puthold....................nom chairlm com E__�Du daughter of M!�_,boldr I—une 12-,—Tiene mitted the foul deed. Plafski had a a, rid d M years.M a, J. Elbert Swezey, aged DIstrict Officers. evidently been stealing corn, as a bag t—bo d June 12, at &e residence Re4).11,Cotwre�q—Um.NV. Cocks, Old Wegt of it,all blood stained, was found in the I bw y wise evident that on,b ev.Win. H. house, and it is like brl o f Ithu, de s parents, by R M r',y, of Brooklyn, State 8c -or—CrTl S,Mirr,ir.,Compiuk-l- getting over the urray, Walter M. Best, he was shot while of t Miss V,M,ud ora Simons, daughter of Mr. Alointiorof As'�p and Miss C � 'z111)ly' "'t fence at the cast of Oak Lawn Ave., and Mrs. Win. H. Glover. LuOun,Maltitunk Member Of A."embly, 2nd Dlst—Oriaudc� while returning to his house. Kernels Tlljhb�;,Cont'n1l 18l;r) of corn, matching the corn found in th OFFIGIAL DIRECTC)RY. bag, and blood on the ground, wer County Oincers. found by the fence at Oak Lawn Ave. Oreenport Village Officers. 00�.111-Ir e—Ti tu o t it y G rl il' I iwz, 665 feet from the house. A trail o President, lz�wuicn F.'rorry Sarroizato—Joser,li M 13,Afor-i, lLivelrboad Trustee, Win W Griffin Is Cl�n�L—No,U IV Duv,111 blood was traced for some distance ou A rail to th 11, F]t�hdwrFur(lhatn Met.Att I Y_GPOrr�,1.1.Furtnun,na,bog,, in the yard to the door. Comoration Coiiii.�el Fred'k 11.Ta4k�r Sheriff—John S. Liverbead fence also bore strong evidence of bl Treasurer. E Olill Corwin. Warden#LtJa0—Tw,,,.,J. Furey,ruverliatid Clerk, George H ('Orwiii,j, Toriikey" " —CarlonE.Gerard,axyl)ort stains. The fact tbatone of his ban Colleetor. John W Klipp Under S!iAriff—im.,1'Plau,1,ort received several of the shots tends Street Coin'r. iYat H Affwanalher County TrpaAliror—ilonry�-;. 1;msh. J111CCii the belief that be was carrying the b 11olice Constable G.W.Howard, Jr, eoutit�,Glnrk—�vni.F Fi-triagan, invori,etta over his shoulder when fired on. It w Night Watchman Jinines Heaney Dep'ty .. J Milton Dads,.)n Eivor head at first reported that Plafski stepped Proo*t Health Boarti 1qaau T Corwin iguot.of Ponr—Win.mrsrh Undw,hiln.'t Sec,y ­ George B rre8ton U.S.Loan(lom'r—josoph h, os��orn, out of the house and was shot by some- Member ­ J,Pseph W.mrore hampton. one hiding behindthe woodpile, which Health ofllr�er Clitrotwo C Milvs.M,l Ichool corn'r,I St 1)1 st--ul"LS 11 Mw0l, 1,V,6 Registrar Vital Statis'es iosel,)h W,Moore Ted " Ekl%�'llt S. �foorc. 1"ay is near the door. Plafski's wife says Pres't Boam of Education samuel 11 Heilge�,, Share that she heard no shot fired. Andrew Clerk Lowelen F Tarr Coroner -Dr Fre,iorie 13 rineh,Aim gs.n4ett Gagen, who lives at Pine Neck op- Member Frank 1) �Ietorson. Gitichtiguo, posite Oak Lawn, says that he heard a Fred C Beebe Pr.C.C."Miles AVIII Eait Islip. 1�ztac A-Mongull W i.Gib-11.11111!t�ngf,m. shot about that time. Joseph Koslaw- I)r A C Loi-er cha�NV I�-J�-C�Jslalpl ski, a Pole, was taken into custody on suspicion and taken to Riverhead jail, Chief tng,Firo Dep't Samuel B.Taylor Twenty-Five Years Ago 0 lat ArS'E Fr&nk Ber�vrv_rkr where be is held for examinati Charle�:(!.1;�0110ru "d lawski has been a frequent The annual closing day picnic by the soushoid 'rown officers. students of Southold Academy was held. the Plafski house for somp Nipervisor ('�.Frank Tud till, Gi eenport A. H. Graham, of New York, rented back. Koslawski denies any n6 Town Clerk iogej,b Y I­1allo,_,k 8- U-1,01d W.H. H.Glover's house for the season. edge of the shooting. Dr. Hartranft, Justice Eilsha M rwekett, Orient Lowel&i F Terry, (Ireenport The public school closed on Friday. who attended Plafski, says the man ie,,se i.Awjs case.reconic, The teachers, B. T. Payne and Miss was shot at very close range with a Wul,K Ekleve Nattittleh ave excellent satisfaetion. shot gun, which tore,away the lower Ella Bunce,g T h- h e t e I a B H e a 'u c I G b- r hea it h rs g e, and left the f Frank E.11ine. Fishers Is'd 'In . , 11 jaw, part of the tongu I F R Isaac F. Russell became Professor of IT. Brown, Orient; lienry li I S i so one could look C'A'Iultill.EALSt lizirion: Fred'L C.Dec- Political Science in the University o windpipe bare, f Plafski could speak It(-, Groem-ort'. (;cor�,v flenry Terry, the City of New York. down his throat. I Soutiv)ld; Henry O� Horton, Voeonic: English fluently, but has been rendered Dither G�Tlllhill.111;tPintk. peechless by his most horrible injury. T. M. Burke painted the flagpole s OyerFwor Poor,Jttlius 1) Boe am Greenport at Mrs.Plafski sticks to her original story q.,t bol Ho Albert B Tuthill, reconle Southold Hotel—a very diffickalt job. that she her husband, with the lower par 'by persons who wish6d no pains spared "rwOnT.Y-Five Years Ago is face shot away, and bleeding pro- in making the rooms as complete as ly, appeared at her bedside. He possible in all their appointments. Cherries were ripe. could not speak distinctly, but made The rooms on the first floor are al- Haying and harvesting bad begun. her understand what had happened,and most bare of furniture, these being Prof. Knable, of Brooklyn, met with that he told her to get the bag of corn. designed for a receiving room for pa- the Cornet Band. l Lawyer Albertson Case moved his Plafski had a wife and four children tients, a board room, nurses sitting- office to rooms in F. D. Schaumburg's and was employed by Gilbert H. Terry room and dining-room. The kitchen residence. as a farm hand. Mrs. Plafsk i was tak- was perfectly equipped. The closing exercises of the public en to Mineola Wednesday to see her it was on the second floor that the'school Passed off very pleasantly. husband. transforming work became apparent. The Cornet Band engaged Edw. S. The sumrr er time table of the Here were the Women'-, Ward, fur- Havens, leader of the Greenport Band, " Th, nished 'by two persons whose names:to give lessons. R_ R. went into eff ect ur��a ' Y' have not been made public, and in 1 The school trustees voted to re-engage 'June 20. Follow'ng is the schedule: which one bed has been endowed by Prin. B. T. Payne and to secure the Lvuv� Southold for New York, Brooklyn the Misses Wood by the payment of services of Miss Clara Wheeler, of I and prinellod intermediate stations, wo+�k $3,000; the Men's Ward, furnished by Gr�enport, in place of Miss Ella Bunce, days,6.43,8.14 U.m.,2.',93.7.41 p,m. Sundays. Hon. Henry A. Reeves in memory of resigned. 5.47,7.53 a.in.,S.43,Mri p.m. his brothe and sister; the Children's' At the annual meeting of the Ladies' WZ�i_n_97e_ave Southold for clreenvorL,weea�' days,7.41, ll.�X) U. in., 12.12� (3.51 Saturdays Ward, furnished by Miss Grace Floyd; Society of the Presbyterian Church,the auly),C21.4.32,7�54p.m. S1IndftY5,8-V3u.ID- the Holbrook Memorial Room, fur- following officers were elected: Pres., 12.JO,7.01 p.in. nished by Mr. 1. Standish Holbrook in Mrs. Geo. M. Howell; Vice Pres., Mrs. Train leaves Southold for Sas Harbor and memory of his f atber. All these rooms Robert Jefferson; Treas., Miss Sarah Mt)ucauk. Via Mwnor and Eastport. week days, 1.38; Poconle, cutchogue, 1.47: presented a beautiful appearance with Whitaker; See., Miss Lucy Goldsmith. Mui,ti tuck,I.&I P.In. their sanitary furnishings of white �h e M. E. Sunday School Temperance -4 lk.-ave Southold for Eustport� con- enamel and glass, maple 'i Train, floors and nucting with west tralms on Montauk Di- neutral tinted walls. The beds, mat-I So ety elected the following officers: visloil, wemk days, IA14. 3.54, 7.41 V. M.. �Prre s-- F. T. Wells; Vice Pres., S. B. Pevmilc�,7.4'J P.M.: Clutchogue,1.47. tresses, and bedding were of the latest ey; See., Frank C. Booth. 4g3,7.&4 p.in_� MattitUck, I.M.4.09,sm P.m. approved tTpe. Each bed was suppliea, Leave New York,84th street station. for with a tab e of glass and enamel a, Kattituck. Outeboguo, Peconto, Southold- bed-table, and individual tray-sets. The election for three Park Com- Greenport and principal Intermediate sta- tions.week days.3.u.".H.uAl a. in., OX Satur- each ward was a wheel-chair and a' missioners, for one, two and three days only). 4.00. 5.00 P. 11). �6=daYs- 9-W s- table on which was every appliance'�,year,3 respectively, and a Treasurer for in.,4.11)p.ul. used in nursing. The Children's Ward I Trains leave Brooklyn, Flatbush Avenue attracted perhaps more attention and three years, Of the Southold Park station, about 6 minutes later than 34tb Street time. This time table subject to favorable comment than any other District, took place at Belmont Hall on change without notice. room. Miss Floyd was in charge of it Monday. William A. Cochran was In- and spared no pains in explaining every s5ic-fix of Election, and S. Lester Sereno H. Smith and Fred Fickeis- feature that had been introduced f(;r sen have purchased the store business the comfort and happiness of the chil- Albertson, Clerk. The polls were open of the late F. Gomez and will take pos- dren. A large bath-room and linen- from 6 a. m. to 5 p. rn. There were closet, well-stocked with supplies, are 182 votes cast. Lewis W. Korn was session about July 1. also on this floor. �elected Park Comtni,,�sioncr for three Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Terry attend(d On the third floor were the operating the commencement exercises of cj�. room furnished by Mr. Edward M. Hig­years; Henry W, Prince for two years; gins, of Chicago, the instruments hav- and William 11. Beebe for one year. Lawrence University, at which their ing been donated by Dr.J. H. Marshall;'Albert A. FAk was elected Treasurer son George graduated. adjoining it the sterilizing room and �for three years. Opening of the Hospital bath room; the private rooms,furnished by Mrs. George E. Post and Miss Sara-'I Mr. Folk has filed his declination in The Eastern Long Island Hospital J: Adams, both of which were, or will�the Town 0erk's office, and a new was opened to the public for inspection be soon, complete to the smallest de- election for the office of Treasurer will on Saturday afternoon and evening of tail; and the private rooms of the su- have to be held. wr4trva 2-%716 June 22d. It is reported that about a perintendent and nurse. Detailed description cannot be given. Le Roy Eustace, in company with thousand persons called during the re- The visiting days are Tuesday. Friday Carlisle and Germond Cochran, went to ceiving hours. Those who were pres- and Sunday, from 2 to 4 p. in., and ent will long remember the occasion, every one should avail himself as Boon�'the Yale-Harvard boat race at New " possible of the opportunity of visit-�, London, In Le Roy's launch. He intendEt which was unique in the history of this ing the H�s "Ital. It is an' unusually to enter Harvard next year. 0 part of the Island. The dainty beauty attractive place and has been declared: and completeness of the furnishing of such by. competent judges. Its loca- ' Mrs, H. A. Clark attended the funeral the rooms were a surprise to everyone, tion, with extensive lawn and water of Mrs. Henry C. Richmond, of Sterl- front, the rooms with their high ceil- ing Place, Brooklyn, last week. Mrs. and faces beamed with happiness and ingq, fine outlook and dainty, sanitary Richmond will be remembered by many gratitude over the wonders that had equipment, are ideal. While lastly, been wrought, mainly by the Superin- and most important of all, the person- as a former resident of Bay Side Farm. tendent, Miss Edith E. Offer. Through ality of the Superintendent and her as- It is said that Michael. Plafski, the her indefatigable efforts the place had sistant nurse, Miss Averill, gives the L_ le who was shot and horribly injured place the indefinable air that is without been transformed into one of beauty price and mo e to be desired than the t Southold on the night of June 1.4th and healthfulness. One of theconditions most perfect equipment in the world. nd who was taken to the Mineola that made the inspection very satis- The new Hospitol promises to be a ospital the next morning, will recov r. E. B. 11 factory and gratifying was the fact great success. [here are no clues as to who did e that everything inspected had been� Miss Edith Prince, of Orange, N. J Ileed paid for, money having been donatedl ig linme for the summer. L Relisselear G. Terry, of St.Lawrence l,niversity, is home for the summer. 1 - 1— ru—nuar—Dilli—rary Reell Through the efforts of his lawyer, NJ Geo. C. Terry, Jr., who was gmdu Whe annual meeting of the Southold 0. petty, of Riverhead, Joseph Kos-ated from St. Lawrence University in Library Association was held at "Bel' lawski, the Pole who was arrested and June, has secured a position as assistant mont Hall on Wednesday evening, and sent to jail on suspicion of being con-purser on a St. Lawrence steamer for was largely attended. The meeting nected with the shooting of Michael , e summer. In the fall he will corn- Plafski, was discharged last Thursday, 'h took the form of a testimonial to the the evidence being insufficient to hold mence his duties as principal of a High Librarian. The Trustees Sat on the him. school in St. Lawrence County and will stage,and President Jesse L. Case pre- The Sound View House is now 0 at the same time read law, as he sided in a most happy' manner- The n�l�intends to n show pel and in charge of the proprietors, G make that his profession. report of Treasurer L. W.Kox H. who was a heal mel and Mrs. Mina erni7e Mitchell. the association to be in Fred Hum Miss B f The Secret i Edwards. grduted rom the University Of finaDeial condition. in his report,gave wm. H. Terry, Mrs. Sarah Wheeler Michigan, at Ann Arbor, in June, is Rev. W. H.Murray, home. a list of the contributors to the library. The i H S17 and daughter Alice attended the funeral W.—smith has taken the eport of the Librarian, Miss of Charles Peck, of N. Y. City, on Boss Geo. there were over 19 contract to build a house for Wm. J. lock, showed that Wednesday. us" mes now on the library shelves,be, Mrs. Agnes Horto an Nort, of Conway, on the site of the house, volu number of magazines. Conn., is spending a week destroyed by fire, of the late Tholmas sides a large Bridgeport, ere are about 1000 books taken oil with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Conway. is building two h month. This is an admirabl Horton. 1� Boss Geo. W. 9-m-—ith showing, and speaks well for the Place. bungalows for Mrs. Mary H. Da yton at nt addresses were given by Rev. Twenty-l!'ive Years Ago adise Point Daniel R. Overton, of Brooklyn, and L/1-e 1-1 _�-— / rl?�, of Southold, an& Miss Julia Grattan is in charge of Rev. J. A. Swann, The Young Men's Catholic Association rior at H. M. Haw- two appreciated solos were sung held a very successful picnic at Oak the ice cream.pa Lawn on July 4th. kins' store this summer. Miss Jessie Prince. Prof. A. P. SOM The Fourth was very successfully Charles Edwin Terry is clerking for and George Henry Terry were unani,� mous re-elected Trustees for five years. celebrated at Southold, thanks to Prof. L. W. Korn. President Case, in fitting words, Pre-� D. P. Horton, through whose efforts Elton Booth is clerking for F. G. with a purse of the pleasant celebration was started sented the Librarian I on and and completed. The bells were rung, Prince. $135, as a mark of appreciati Mattituck, June 26, by R3v. C. E. esteem for her services. Miss H:allock the guns fired, the flags unfurled, there Craven, Wickham R. Gildersleeve, of and the was a mounted parade, the Band played, -atly appreciates the Oft Mattituck, and Miss Jessie B. Polley, gre there was a church full of people, of Jamestown,N. Y., a former teacher spirit that prompted it. At the 6080 prayer was offered by Rev. John of the Southold and Mattituck schools. of the exercises ice cream was served. Brien, a Psalm was read from the old TwentY-Fivo Years Ago Charles W Sullivan to Orville B Ackerly, 50 acres s s L I Sound, Horton Bible by Rev. Dr. Whitaker, &J A11:Z__ adj land of Michael Conway, near Army the Declaration of Independence was w rms made their appearance. Peconic............................nOm read, the choir Hang and there was a Capt. Irving Acker, of New Suffolk, St. John's Hospital, N. Y. City July very eloquent oration by Rev. Abram moved into W. H. Vail's house. 2, James C. Merwin, brother of' Mrs. Conklin. In the evening there was a Benjamin Horton moved from Bay A. W. Albertson, of Southold, aged 19 fine display of fireworks. View to his home at Town Creek years. Interment at Aquebogue. ---------- Gco, S. Prince received his p ension, Bay View, July 9, Daniel L. Beebe, when he drew about$400 back pay. aged about 54 years. James B. Downs, of Southold, died I - 1� - In attempting to get over a picKe, Eight Hour Day orCarpenters MayI8, 1857. HiswifeMiriam (Vail) fence, Mrs. A. R. Vail fell and broke At a meeting last Ftiday night th Downs died Aug. 27, 1856. The estate her leg. was inherited by Edward Reeve, of local cai penters decided to enter into a Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F.,installed agreement to work only eight hours Mattituck, by whom it was sold at the following officers: N. G., W_ A- day hereafter. The wage seals is auction. A Family Bible containing Clark; V. G., W. H. Vail; See, B. A per dayi -i-Z v 0 v 4,o aY-, record of the Butler family was among Hallock; Treas., G. Hahn-, W., 6eo. C* Likow'ise it is reported that an effort the household library. Any person Terry; Con., Rev. A:)ram Conklin; 1. ill soon be made to unionize all the having this Bible in possession will be w suitably rewarded by leaving it at the G., Gilbert Wells; R. S. N. G., H. H. mechaninal trades in this vicinity, with Huntting; R. S. V. G., 1-1. H. Lewis. shoi ter hours and more pay as the prin- TRAVELER Office. cipal reasons for the union, The Watchman says-. On Friday, Miss E. Gertrude Somes, principal of Boss Gen.-W. Smith has the contract 218t, the Town Assessors made their the High School at Valley Falls, N. Y. to build E. D. Cahoon's large and hand_ annual visit to Fisher's Island, going has been spending a few days with he; some house at the Bluff. Mr. Burley, by steamer Nantasket. Affairs on the parents. of New York, is the architect. Worl---' Island are very quiet—almost to the Clarence A. Goldsmith and family'llas already commenced. verge of stagnation. Evidently the big and the Misses Prior, of Orange, N. J., Rev. Win. H. Lloyd gave a very gun practice from Fort Wright is kill- are guests at the Albertson House. interesting address last Sunday morn- ing the Island's attractiveness as a --1 .�W Gordon has purchas summer resort. No new building is ebsUter ed a ing on "Cemeteries in General and the -eported, and values do not increase. ,half-interest in the A. J. Case store. i Southold Cemetery in Particular." Twenty-Five Years Ago- T. G. Thorne has sold out his busi- Twenty-Five Years Ago — / '?,� 7, ness in Brooklyn and will make his %J,-L Z / / ��2_- Poun&fishing was very poor. - permanent home at Bay View, where J. C. Q/tb added a piazza to his Prof. J. R. Robinson contemplated a he will go into the chicken business. residence. theological course, preparatory to George Fauth, of New York, is a Capt. Fred Tillinghast ]eased the entering the ministry. !guest at Capt. John Dunkel's. sloop Two Brothers for the shell busi- The following were elected otficers of ness. Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T.: C. T., F. Twenty-Five Years Ago Hook and line fishing at Horton's T. Wells; V. T., Miss Hattie Terry; A4�r 2- — / �F_e2- Point was good. Bass were plenty and R. H. S., Mrs. D. T. Conklin; L H. S., The outhold Hotel had a great of good size. I Miss Hannah Carpenter; See., A. R. many guests. The Good Templars were making Vail-, Treas., P. H. Cantermen; Chap- J. Watson Cochran, of N. Y. City, arrangements for a Picnic to the lain, Rev. Abram Conklin; M., F. C. Came from Orient to Southold, on his bi ele, in 49 minutes. Atlantic Ocean. Booth; D. M., Miss Carrie Korn; G., ley The University Jubilee Singers of Miss A. M. Ledyard; S., Miss Jessie At the trot at Oak Lawn on Satur- New Orleans were billed to give a Boisseau. day J. A. Brown's Mabel W. took the concert here in August. Mrs. J. Dolson Vail sprained one of 1st, 4th and 5th heats, and Capt. Geo. PARAD15E POINT her ankles and broke one of her arms. C. Gibbs' Jennie W, the 2d and 3d At the trot at Oak Lawn, Capt. Geo. heats. Yes, so busy could not write last C. Gibbs' Jennie W. won in three Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T. chartered week and tell you all about the Glori- straight heats. Wm. E. Booth's Lady the steamer W. W. Coit for a grand ous Fourth. Prof. Dominick's Orches- B. took second money. excursion. tra was fine, every one enjoyed the The Town_b_as_­pur_eTFa­sed a new TheCreole Quartette gave a concert music, and we had a big, big day— Herring safe for the Town Clerk's in the M. E. church. The receipts everybody busy. office, and it was successfully moved on were$100. The Shelter Island Yacht Club of 100 Monday by Wm. N. Carey, with T. M. W Courtland Case and ano, to had a Rhode Island clam bake July 13. Burke as chief engineer. The safe Laura Bayles, lot a s Bay av, adi Of course it was a fine bake, as usual. weighs 4100 lbs. As the business,of land of Henrietta Horton, Peconic..nom Mr. Brenan,of the Manhanset House, the Town increases, there is need of Jonathan B Terry and ors to and party of 40 had f.ull dinners July more safe room in which to keep the Christopher Leicht, beach lands, 12th. adi lands of Jonathan B Terry and valuable books and papers. The inside 'the Town Harbor, Southold........nom On July 15th the New York Furni- of this safe was made to order and Mrs. C. E. Overton is entertaining ture Warehousemen's Association, to there is a large compartment for keep- the number of 43, were made happ her mother, Mrs. M. P. Terry, and Y ing the road maps, which are worth'aun t Mrs. L. M. Wass, both of Wash- by a good dinner that tickled their thousands of dollars and which hereto-I ingt-o'n, D. C. palates. fore have been kept in the desk The --- The Oyster Association has a bake Town should provide every pro�ection L. L. Glover has a large, perfect next week, while the Shelter Island against fire for its valuable records. lemon, weighing 12 ounces, which Yacht Club has another some time in was grown on a three-year-old tree he August. At the meeting of the trustees of the raised- The Ladies' Aid Society, of Orient, Southold Savings Bank, held last Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joost and son, numbering 70, will arrive the 19th, Thursday, it was voted to close the, of Brooklyn, are guests at Geo. R. weather permitting. Bank Saturdays at 12 o'clock noon, Jennings'. The weather has been so fine for us during June, July, August and Sep- H. H. Huritting and nephew, Isr"u,11 every day since July 4th that we tember. Nearly all banks observe the Terry, have gone on a two w ks' t wouldn't say a word if it rained for Saturday half-holiday. to Niagara Falls an(tNova Scotia. three days and made the farmers Prof. 0. F. Payne,principal of publi happy. ilton,Tyson, a graduate f Philadel- school at Williamson, W. Va., has' phia College of Music, i, delighting the We are in hopes to have better roads opened Maple Hill Cottage for the sum- attendants at the Universalist church to the Point in the near future.PLU'rO mer. With him are Mrs. Dr. Henry with his e,xquisite violin playing on Sun- M. Payne and daughter Helen Mace, y M�1_1! The E.M'.inment, Friday night, by To the list of pupils of the school also of Williamson, and Mr. Orrin T. N. Y. talent, with a Southold prelude, igiven last week who were neither Bush, of Springfield, Mass. was of unusual merit. Mrs. Cook al- absent nor tardy during the year just recommeadationeof Con- ways prepare.,; it fine programme. past sixitild have been added the names gregaman Cooks the Lighthouse Board PeC011—icJuly 26, at the r of Rose Gagen, Marjorie Williams and his parents, Frederick Havens, son of Harold Schafer. bus decided to put a gas buoy st Paradike Dan'l G. and Hetty Case, aged 42 — __ Point to properly mark a long sand bar Years, 9 months. )3urial in the old g b r d 0 08 r t u 'g b C "d"'s 0 0 t ro no Sa t 0 s n P the e Uhl" has ,u _ "ry ace, T ough the P-i to p pe Greenport, July 14, at the residence there. The gas buoy takes the place of:�Cemetery at Cutchog e. of the bride's mother, Mrs. Benjamin Red Spar Buoy No.10. 'Southold, Aug. 3, by Rev. Wm. H. H. Reeve, by Rev. Charles F. Gibney, T L" -us- ol' to g Lloyd, William T. assisted by Rev. Wm. C. McKnight W The drought is getting v, se Voorhees, of South- a rious. old, and Miss Margaret Mitchell Conk- William J. Cunningham, of New York,' We want rai�h, and we wa, i t bad. ling, of Arshamonloque. crop ry , r. , and Miss Ila Frances lieeve. F I t t All crop$are suffering and the lawns are drying up. Dr. R. M. Stratton,of Scratit, is at the Albertson House. Twenty-Five Years Ago Elizabeth 1'urbush and an b . n `Charles H Horton lot w s Ba av,. adj land of William C Grathwohl, D. Kneeland former There as a very serious d p Peconic......., ..........nom The Rev. W. F. Whitaker, of Orange, Principal of Southold Academy, N. J., occupied the pulpit of the Pres- Roscius Downs, of Ansonia, Ct., is came pastor of the Fredonia Prosb= byterian church, clerking at Smith J'a Fickeissen`s. terian church. Rev. Abram Conklin represented, Twenty-Five Yes.>h's Ago Samuel S. Vail, the oldest man in t Banner Lodge, I, 0. G. T., at the _ ,, town, was in his 33d year. Grand Lodge at Ithaca. / ' hased _ Root's Flower Queen was given her Frank . Wfar$3,000.ells purchased Benj. Alfred Wells of Bay View, di The first shipment of cauliflowers Adams° farm from this station was made by G. S. aged 67 years. Conklin. Rev. Abram Conklin was spending While in the Grand Central Statio D. P. Horton and family received a his vacation at Cayuga Lake and in the Win. A. Cochran was robbed of h hearty serenade from the Cornet Band. Susquehanna Valley. valise, which contained about $4t1. Druggist Howell's new house was At the trot at Oak Lawn, Daniel worth of clothing, etc. The thiev fast approaching completion. Mr. Terry's Little Jet won in three straight were later caught and Mr. Cochr Howell concealed in the foundation of heats. recovered his goods. the house an air-tight jar, containing a The receipts of the bazaar and festi- few lines written by himself and others val of the M. E. Society were$120. Miss Jessie Prince has accepted by Lawyer Case, together with copies Mrs, Jerusha A. Williams died, aged position in a department store . has char of Tim TRAVELER, Watchman and Ne* 29 years.. Iiauston, Texas., where she York Ileraid and a penny of 1882. of the millinery department. She w , - The Harvest Home Festival at Oak Prrn. u s an oma o leave New York next Monday for t Boston Mass. are visiting y. South. Lawn, under the direction of Prof. D. � � g at J. E. P. Horton, proved a most pleasant af- Corey's. Mr. Hulse, who for the past Twenty-Five Years Ago', fair. Over one thousand people at- few years has been superintendent of schools iN .-1 / coos n New Harry l" !° tended, all parts of the Town being Hampshire, now has a Thos. � Bi]lard was engager represented, The Peconic Drum Corps, very fine position as teacher in one of teach the Locust Grove school. Greenport and Southold Cornet Bands the Boston schools. The pound fishermen were catchi furnished music.. Speeches were made At 5 in the afternoon of Sunday, large numbers of Spanish mackerel, by D. Y. Hallock, who presided, Geo. Aug. 18, Rev. W. H. Murray plans to Chas. H. Hommel went to the c B. Forrester of Brooklyn, Nat W. hold a service of worship on the beach where he had a position in the office Foster of Riverhead, and Judge in front of the Horton's Point Light. Enoch Rutzler. Steckler,of New York. All to whom these sunset surroundings Rev. Wm. F. Whitaker return appeal as in keeping with the religious from a trip to Nova Scotia The wider usefu Hess of the hospital spirit, will be made welcome, is evidenced by the fact that the Dr. H. M. Payne, of Williamson The Albertson 11 majority of the patients received since West Va., spent a few days with his Mr. Newman, of New York, who hal it was opened on the 24th of June have 1 family at Southold last week. Di just returned from abroad, present been from other places than Greenport. Payne has ,just been elected Dean of his sister with the new gam Of the sixteen patients received up to the Schoolof Mines of West Vir thio "Diabolo," which he purchased wbi the present time, Orient, Southold and g University, at Morgantown. He will in Paris. As it is the first to be se Mattituck have sent two each ; and still continue as General Superintendent on this end of the Island, it has caul East Marion, Peconic, Jamesport and of the Mingo Block Coal Co. considerable comment. The gues Promised Land have each sent one. —� have taken it up and it has proved 'Marion Fonya, the man who was Since the strike of the telegraphers great "hit." The ones who have dor brought from Promised Land after no Western Union message has been the best so far are Mrs, Ettlinger, Mi having been terribly burned in the received or sent from the Southold I Elise Ettlinger, Miss Julia Todd an' great fire there last week, is improv- depot. It is impossible to send a Howard Best, ing, and is expected to recover. message, as operators will break in on Monday, Aug, 26, was the eight`. Mr. Bixby and family, of Saratoga you• ninth birthday of Mrs. Helen Ave., Brooklyn, have rented the Terry' Mrs, Josephine Conklin has given up Hunttin and roved #t', p a very pleasan ouse in the western part of Southold the lease of the Skidmore house, and informal occasion. Many kind frien and intend making their home here. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Prince will re either called upon her or sent llowe Mrs. A. Collier, of Brooklyn, has side there. or other tokens of loving remembrane ,rented Thomas Farley's new house on Mrs. S. L. Bennett, of New York, is making the day, that will ever rerna' Main St. at Southold. to her and those to whom she is neare __ — and dearest, a very happy memory. Harry Foster and family have moved Perry, N. Y., Aug 7, Prin. William into Seth L. Tuthill's tenement house. M. Wood, of East Hampton, formerly Michael Fisher to Frederick of Southold, and Miss Anna Benedict. Holtke and wife, 1-4 acre n s main Grattan Bros. on Monday advanced _Peconic, highway,adj land'of Jesse 11 Terry, th� pr- ]of Potatoes from 65 to 75 grroll ed 31 . 1�' Miss Baily A. Bay View, Southold ..`..,,...,,aro a-f.z-- _ reSYU nci The Misses Marion Case, Josephine 1876 laisl� 5outlroold, Sept. i4 at tele Case, and May Wood are visiting Miss of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr Fanny Case, of Boston. Miss Fanny Tttiv LABOR Dray ItntN Chriatolther Leicht, b, Rev. Wm. Case is now studying on a sketch, On Monday Sept. 2, 1'007, was quiekly YorLlok, and Edgar Field Caroline Smith, T.eof ic which she hopes to place on the stage absorbed by the thirsty earth. Pr'ob Southold, Sept. 7, at the residence this fall. ably no severe drought like that of they the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. est summer. has occurred since the Pottinger, by Rcv. Wm. HLl . o William L. Elmer and family,of New I} following Richard Lewis Francis, of Jamaica, York, are visiting Mr. Elmer's sister, from my-father's diaryCentennial year. of 14 ofthat year: I., and Miss Carrie Elizabeth Pottingd_ Mrs. F. C. Williams. _ Rridgehampton, Aug. 23, T. Oscar ­July 30, 1`376. Attended church Southold. Sept. 9, Ellen M., widow Worth, son of the late Capt. Theron I,. A. M. Mr.Whitaker preached a sound of Moses Cleveland, aged 64y, :3m, lid. Worth, of Peconic, aged 47 years. sermon. Appearance of rain, and Oh I James Merwin has rented the east how welcome it would be to all. P. M. art of L. L. Glover's new house. The price of potatoes has fallen to 65 ly it did rain, and also in the evening. Peconte, a-�i g�l��I�rathy, a�Erl�r cents.. No church service. National Camp.of Lewis and Cora Franklin, aged 5 Mrs. Jas. Vinicombe and son are Meeting began at Shelter Island." imonths. Interment at Jamesport. visiting Mrs. Lucy Gomez. glorious rain "Monday, July 31. A g y Miss Daisy L. Terry has returned Alban W. Purcell, the veteran actorli day, after one of the longest and most home from Sag Harbor on account of who is spending the summer at South- severe droughts ever known on L. I`')ill health. old, had a splendid reception at the lasting more than two months. Rained hands of our people last Saturday even- heavily all day and the ground is thor- Wm. L. Goldsmith and brother-ia- ing. Belmont Hall was literally packed. N. H. C. law, James McKeon, of Brooklyn, have oughly soaked. ' Every seat was taken and standing purchased a lot just west of W. A. room was at a premium. It was the Miss E. Gertrude Somes left thin Williams' store building_ largest audience we ever saw gathered week for Kingston, where she hasreaj, Albert Freeman has purchased a at the hall. The occasion was the position as teacher of French and Gilding of Goldsmith & Tuthill,. which presentation of "Driven From Home,"' man in the Kingston High School. has moved to his lot at Pine Neck from Tennyson's immortal poem bora, The annual Reunion of Co. H, 12d will convert it into.a dwelling. by Mr. Purcell, who took the part of Regt., N. Y. Vol., will be held at `�'WBItt Farmer Allan, assisted by members of ,Sound View House, Horton's PoiTwenty-Five Years Ago St. Patrick's Dramatic Club. Mr. S k��' :� on Saturday of this week. "RDrugkist Howell moved into �i_W Purcell, though advanced in years, has I Call" at 12 o'clock noon. use. all the fire of youth, and we do not see --- — how the part could have been better Rensselaer G.Terry leaves next wehe mercury approached the nineties. presented. It is a delight to see him for St. Lawrence University, where Potatoes were selling for 75 cents per on the stage, for the moment he will begin his Junior year studies. shel.appeared one felt that a master was Miss Elizabeth Terrywill begin woohn S. Vail was about to remove to dominating the audience. Mr. Purcell as teacher in the High School at Bloomaica,without question gave the finest piece field, N. J., next week. t the Democratic Town Primary of acting that was ever seen in South- arry anC eaf andfamily, following were elected delegates to old. The veteran actor was well sup- Brooklyn, are visiting his sister, MrCounty Convention: W. E. Brown, ported by Misses Genevieve and Rose Geo. R. Jennings. . A. Reeves, C. Brown, S. H. Moore, Mahoney, J. Leo Thompson, Chris- to Riverhra(1770"u7.7_51,' after a sholt Bo A. Cochran, Vi/m. M. Betts, E. A. Iiautcher. topherJ. Grattan, William T. Gagen dial 's-. llrar) L (Ditlin, prole idler of and Master Lionel Burt. The Misses 1i e (,riftin lres, , ts�ed hz year=, 0 Mrs. Daniel Shaumhurg died, aged 72 Mahoney, who took the leading parts in" mots i ir«t t.its 1 -ral k, t l,. in. ou A il}.!!9. E years, the support, deserve especial mention _ Mrs. Ira Tuthill died, aged 83 years. for the fine conception they took of the T uventy-Five Years Ago - -— characters. Their ability on the stage Sd�S /-3 — / 2_ F. S''1'. Bridge & J. W. Hutt,. who Dr. C. A. Sackett had sold his yacht, have been conducting so successfully is very pleasing indeed. the Kismet„ to Connecticut parties fore the Greenport Stnattt. Laundry, have Twenty-Ffivo Years Ago $200. cilasolved partnership and Mr. F. W. S tx/l. / The Sunday train on the L. I. R. 11. Bridge will hereafter run the business The Academy opened on Monday with made its last trip for the season. Ia 113 in attendance, and the Public School 1 alone. The patronage of the steam with if,. Joseph W. Carroll opened a law office laundry has grown steadily from the J. Wickham Case made a survey ofin Brooklyn. first day it was evened until now the the Locust Grove school district. Mrs. Ira Tuthill had a paralytic foroe of men and girls have been kept Charles T. Davis occupied the pulpit stroke, while visiting her son, P. W. uunaualty busy. Mr. Bridge is a fife of the M. E. church. Tuthill, of Mattituck. ydung business man, and the Suffolk Lewis Williams died, aged 35 years. ITLtnes wishes him unlimited success Misses Harriet and Florence Van Mrs. Parrish, mother of Mrs. Kelly his individual stride for progress! Dusen, of New York, spent Labor Dayand Mrs. Emerson and sister of Miss d prosperity.. with their mother. Mott, the owner of Bay Side Farm, is ay iew Sept. 14, Mary Ann,. wife making a short visit at the Farm. of An-tone Jernick aged 54 years. CJ (iold-irni0i & Tuthill have d he nspector De Groat, of tiie State Ed-' Twenty-Five Years Ago p t '�biiilding, formerly used as a tiol h u,a i(n Department, visited our High by Samuel L. Tuthill, to Mrs. E. School on Tuesday. He says that an- Leicht, Walter A. Wells, of Greenport, sold other teacher must be employed to re- his farm on the North Road, Southold, Mrs. Sarah Wheeler was called to lieve the over-crowded condition in the t5 Win. H. Richmond. Mr. Wells took Munson, Mass., this week, an account 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th grades. The pupils in part payment the house and lot just Of the illness of her daughter Alice in the 4th and 5th grades, where 64 east of Mr. Richmond's residence. I who is visiting Rev. and Mrs. Abram' I are registered, are now on half time. A great comet was visible. Conklin. The condition in the 2d and 3d grades The following were appointed Over- The annuai Reunion of Co. 1-1, 127th is nearly as bad. seers of Highways in this vicinity. (Monitor) Reg't, N. Y. V.,was held at�Richard Hogan�and family ha—ve James Cassidy, Oscar L. Wells, J. A. he Sound View House, Southold,%,here ov d into Tillinghast, Sam'l Dickerson, Geo, C. capital dinner was provi moved into L. W. Korn's new house, Wells, M. V. B. Gordon and E. L. Awards, daughter of Comrade G. I,% and Mrs. Blakemore has moved into t-ornmell, of the surviving comrades the house vacated by Mr. Hogan. Goldsmith. �25 answered the roll call,andwith mem- The Republicans made the following Abers of their families made a total or 57 The many friends of Miss Addie nominations for County offices: As- �at table. Inspiriting addresses were Emmons, a former highly esteemed sembly, Simeon S. Hawkins; Sheriff, 1,mnde by Gen. Stewart L. Woodford, teacher in our High School, will be George W. Cooper, County Clerk, �former commander of the regiment,and deeply grieved to hear of her death. 'Comrade Squires of Virginia, formerly Holmes W. Sweezey; Supt. of Poor, �Of Good Ground. It was a delightful _ Boss A. G. Case has taken the Stephen R. Williams ; Justice of �occasion to all present- _ contract to build Fred W. Carpenter's Sessions, Jonathan W. Huritting and' The annual Reunion of the 127th(Hon- new house on the new road to the Henry H. Preston. itor) Regiment, N.Y.V.,Ass'n was held1fo at Jamaica on Tuesday, 10Lh inst. Gen. wharf. Boss F. E. Booth is laying the The Democratic County ticket was as� ri Stewart L Woodford,reti ng sidcnt undation. follows: Assembly, Edwin Bailey; of the Ass'n, made avery-ffectingLand Daniel V Howell and wife, to Sheriff, Selab S. Brewster; Co eloquent address. Of the survivors 86 William H Richmond, lot w a B were present. Comrade Rut erfor w1a e,( Clerk, J. Henry Newins; Supt., av, adj land of Sarah A Ho Poor, John S. Havens; Justi�ce of Conn., was elected pres ent. Peconic.�.................. ......nom sessions, Irad W. Gildersleeve. Patrick May and wife to Theresa Twenty-Five Years Ago Leicht, lot w s Main st, adj land of sa�,_tl ��__7 — /&Y2---- Helen E Huntting, Southold.......,,m Mrs. William H. Murray has been Dr. A. H. Terry went to New York engaged to teach in the H ig to take a post graduate course at the Frederick A. Barbour, Superin- until another teacher can be obtat College of Physicians and Surgeons, tendent of the Massachusetts State Miss Santry will teach the fifth g 0. F. Payne delivered the address at Odd Fellows' Home, has returned with Miss Stark, the fourth and part of the the quarterly session of the Presby- his wife from a visit to N. Hubbard third, and Mrs. Murray, part of the terian Sunday School Temperance Cleveland. third and the second. Mrs. Murray Society. G. Clement Carey is now sta I an old teacher and is very compe Rev, Abram Conklin received calls to agont at Culclogue, and Rielard Carey —_ preached h the pastorate of Universalist churches is assistant. Rev. Daniel H. Overton preached hA at Towanda, Pa., and Reading, Pa. Frank-7--Wevs _e t on Friday for a farewell sermon as pastor of the The membership. of the Methodist two weeks' trip to St.. Johns, New- Greene Ave. Presbyterian Churc Mr. Over Brooklyn, last Sunday. Sunday School Temperance Society was foundland. nearly one hundred. has been very successful in his pastor School opened atl3ay View on Mon- there, and his people part with him The Southold Town Agricultural SO- day, with Miss Elsie Corey as teacher. with deep regret. He will now devote ciety held its sixth exhibition at Oak Boss R. S. Sturges is builT1i1_9­a_Fa_tfi_ his time to Church E xtension work in Lawn. The weather was bad and the room for Miss Jerusha W. Horton. the Presbytery. Sc?i t� receipts were only$230. Daniel Terry's Little Jet won the free-for-all purse in Oregon, Sept. 18, Jacob Tuthill, aged Soulbold, Sept. 26, Marshall, infant three straight heats. S. Wells Phillips, about 93 years. -son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutt. — horse won in the 2:50 class, and Daniel The Board of Trustees of the Pres- Alice Burke to Mary A Burke, 1 acre on e s Railroad av, adj land of Moore's horse in the 3.00 class. byterian Church has accepted the Plar`8 I William Gagen, Southold..........nom The Democratic candidate for Govern- of the Cemetery Committee for the Lucy M Gomez to Mary I Buckley, or of New York was Grover Cleveland, improvement of the Cemetery. The lot on n s Poorhouse lane, adj la�d and Judge Charles J. Folger was the work will be pushed right along. Great -of–John Singley, Southold.........norn tepublican candidate, credit is due the landscape architect, -TN1r. J. Berry is about to niove his Will A. Wells left this week to at- Mr. Burlay, who drew the plans free falility to the house on Harbor Ijaue tend Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, of cost, and also to Mrs. E. D. Cahoon niade vacant by the removal of Mr. ,on t�on FrF=day f®r . I Pennsylvaiiia. He i,.3 studying to be an and Mrs. Mary H. Dayton, who have btrausser. to his home in the eastern electrical engineer. He will also take been untiring in this public-spirited )art of tile village where Mr. Berry, a course in voice culture. We are glad work- The work, when completed, bas resideu. to note that one young person of south- will add much to the beauty of the last Mrs. Howard Hallock will occupy the old realizes the need and value of trained resting place of our dead. Surely, if pleasant rooms in Miss Beebe's house any place should be cared for, it should after Druggist McDonnell goes to bis singing. be where our loved ones rest. .new home in Brooklyn. 0 er c��Plinlent for our Ac-ad- emy and the studious pupils of this in_ Twenty-Five Years Ago E. O�. Harrison, J. M. Howard an s A. D. Matthews were fishing off Wes stitution can be realized, when we Austin B. Booth went to Brooklyn as Neck the other day, where they me gladly report the satisfaction Clinton a night watchman. with good luck catching sea bass i!F11 Voorhees is giving as typewriter and Miss Carrie Huritting taught school porgies. Just as they were coming stenographer in the large cigar man- in Cutchogue. away, Mr. Harrison said he had one ufactory of J. H. Newins atRiverhead. Scallop fisherman were coining more piece of bait and he would make Miss Bernice Mitchell left this week money. These bivalves cleared 50 one more try. The result was that an for Briarcliff Manor, N. Y., where she cents per gallon in the city 18-lb. sheepsbead was caught. We can has a very fine position as a teacher in John Quarty of Mattituck repur- appreciate in Rome small degree the Miss Knox's School for Girls. Miss chased the house and lot of Barber feelings that Mr. Harrison had as he Mitchell is a graduate of the Universit nded this noble fish. He is surely y Latin and expected to re-establish him� !%igh-book" among hook and line f �i?ta-ck or SoMhold, who rp self here Nov. Ist. fishermen on the East End, The fish -pro., The Board of Excise received $1,008 was divided among the three fishermen. eents the Edisen factory, it is claimed, as the receipts for license fees for the —Charles Hallock, M. A., of Wash- has sold more Edj,�Dn thilij past year. all other Eastend agents co?nbir�ed,WA lington, D. C., author of the Hallock is constantly addfi�,, to hiz, li,-A. . . The Town Board appointed Henry D. �Genvalogy and numerous other works This is the first time in 40 years that Horton Excise Commissioner, in place and founder of Farest and Stream, is a Daniel Terry has missed attending the of Lewis N. Williams, deceased, and guest at the Albertson House. County Fair. Thomas H. Reeve Constable, in place of James H. Wines, who failed to I Lawyer Albertson Case is rejoicing Goldsmith & Tuthill are erecting qualify. over the advent of a grandson, Richard large coal pcckcts at th'eir South Rev. Abrarn Conklin accepted the Case Berresford. y ard. call to the First Universalist Church of Mrs. Clement Meyer, of New Yor Mr. and Mrs. F. G- Pri Reading, Pa., and expected to leave is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Valen- moved into T. B. Skidmore's Southold about Nov. 1. tine Heubel. y�Southold's Assessment Roll Locust Grove School District elected the following officers: Trustee, Charles Southold, Oct. 5, Mrs. Margaret By courtesy of Mr. Samuel Dicker- G. Corey; Clerk, Salem D. Goldsmith, Magee, aged 76 years. Interment at son, we have been permitted to exam- Collector, 0. F. Payne. Lawrence, L. L ­ ine the copy of the Assessment Roll of At the annual school meeting of Dist. Frederick Dreis and family have the Town of Southold from which J. No. 5, it was voted to raise $880 by moved into Louis A. Tuthill's house. Halsey Tuthill, Collector, collected the tax. The trustees' estimate was as r—an-d-famfly have moved taxes for the year 1844. follows: Principal and janitor, $710; i, get Carey's house. The roll contains 971 names. The real assistant, $360; coal, $90; shades, $15-1 Grattan Bros.started potatoes Th estate of the Town was valued at cleaning, $16; painting, $55. The fOl- day morning at 80 cents a bushel. $507,850, and the personal property at lowing officers were elected: Trustee, $72,,400, making a total assessed valu- Twepty-P(T-Years Ago W. C. Albertson; Collector, T. F ation of$580,2150. This is less than the Young; Clerk, W. H. Vail; Librarian,' present assessed value of Fisher's Isl- Prin. 13. T. Payne. Ledyard & Cochran caught 50,000 and, which was then but $41,000. While Moses Cleveland and J. Am- bankers in their pound Tuesday. The tax rate, was 44J cents on the brose Goldsmith were building a cistern There were 186 barrels of cauliflower $100, and the total tax $2,580.62J. for Azariab Horton, the earth gave shipped from this station on Monday— There are many who are taxed but 221 way and both masons were entirely nearly double the number of any cents, and most of the taxes show frac- buried under the mass of brick, cement previous shipment ever made. tions of a cent to collect. and sand. R. S. Sturges and Edward Rev. Dr. Whitaker attended the The roll for 1907 shows real estate, Terry, who were near, were successful Presbyterian Synod at Utica. personal property and oyster grounds in reaching the heads of the buried men Major Barlow of the War Depart- in the Town valued at $6,952,699—an and giving them air, but it required ment was here and examined the increase since 1844 of$6,972,449. tbree-quarters of an hour to get them premises about Southold Wharf, in The real and personal valuation in out, view of the requested deepening of our the Town, outside of Greenport, is harbor at that point. $4,007,832. The real and personal in Mrs. Silas J. Baker has sold lie r farm There were 24 scholars in attendance the incorporated village of Greenport on Railroad Ave. to James J. Gagen, at Southold Academy. is$1,718,85Ct. The non-resident in the for $7,000. Mr. Gagen has sold his farm to his father, William Gagen, for Mn;. A(ielaide Giover, of Southold, Town is $1,022,985. The valuation of $4,000. Mr, and Mrs. Baker will move he was divorced from her husband the oyster grounds is$203,026. to Greenport. m. Hobart Glover, now a resident of N. Y. City, in lg()o, has not received Patchogue, Sept. 26, at the bride's L R Case and wife to R M Daley, any part of the alimony he was direct- home,by Rev. David McMullin,a former acres on n s Peconic Bay,adj land ed to pay ;I nd has sued him to re r. pastor of Greenport M. E. church, R M Daley, Southold...... ....norn Papers were served on hin, last e Lorenzo 0. Mills and Miss Edith A., daughter of Edward H.Terry,formerly Our esteemed friend, G. Wells P by Officer Booth Of Southold. ips, had the misfortune to brea ligament in his leg on Tuesday and laid by in consequence. }' Brooklyn's FOldest Firm T W. Stack has�.established a branch ,Z'wentI.Y-Fivo Years gip for the sale of Edison ho rs-; — ' Seventy years ago the present firm phonographs and of St. Patrick's Church was being of A. D. Matthews' Sons was started, gold moulded records at L. Baumann's repainted. t � �estore, where these instruments can he , and a celebration is being held at the 1 store this week in honor of the anni-I seen and heard. Joseph H. Thompson caught a 100 £ lb. sturgeon in his pound. versary. It is the o'.dest dry goods firm Dr. Henry M. Payne gave an address The first frost of the season occurred in Brooklyn. The founder, Axel D. before the State Board of Trade at on Friday. Matthews, died in 1900 at the age of 92 Elkins, West Va,, on Oet. .Rth Rev. Mr. Ford of Providence, R. I., years. Prominently among the hand- Twent -Five Years Ago occupied the pulpit of the Universalist some decorations of the stare to-day y'�/& r, — � �f --- church. stands a mammoth floral horseshoe, There had been no frost yet. The public school numbered fifty presented by the army of employes in Presiding Elder (lurch preached in y pupils in the Grammar Department, honor of the occasion. Congratulations the M. E. church. and sixty in the Primary. are pouring in upon the firm from John Quarty resumed business as merchants and manufacturers on both barber at Southold. William Lowery raised 340 barrels of sides of the ocean and from friends Capt. H. Gardiner sent 100 gallons cauliflower from one acre.. +� Prof. and Mrs. D. P. Horton cele- and: customers. In honor of the oc- of scallops to the city in one week, for brated the 25th anniversary of their s, rasion, the firm has issued a very which he received$24. marriage, handsome souvenir, which gives a most Rev. Abram Conklin preached his y valuable chronology of events covering farewell sermon as pastor of the Uni- the election' Grover Cleveland defeated The Democrats swept the country ed the history of Brooklyn and nation for versalist church, preparatory to going' Judge seventy years. to his new charge at Reading, Pa. 170, for Governor of New James Matthews (senior member of Miss Harriet M. Terry died, aged 47 s ab by 170,000. Pennsylvania, Mas- achusetts and Connecticut went heavi.iy the firm) is one of the members of the years. Society of Old Brooklynites, director of The following were installed officers GovDemocratic. Ben Butler was elected 4 the Sprague Bank and a member of the of Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., crate c or carried Massachusetts. The Demo- Montauk Club. He was born in Brook- John W. Gordon ; V. T., Julia L. oats ced the House of Represen- lyn in 1839 and educated in the public Conklin; R. H. S., Jessie Boisseau; L. natives and the New Yarn Assembly.. In Suffolk County the Democratic schools. A clerkship in his father's H. S., Mary Overton; See., A. R. Vail; majority on Governor was 14000. store gave him his first experience in F. S,, Mamie Albertson; Treas., P. H. business life. Under his father he Cantermen; Chaplain, S. B. Corey; M., Holmes amy for County Clerk was only tRepublican elected. worked as an employe from 1855 until J. H.Cochran- D. M. Bessie Griswold 1879, when with his brother, Gardiner I. G Warren Newbold; O. G., L. W. Edwin Bailey was elected Assembly- D, Matthews, he was admitted into Dorn; Organist, Jessie Payneman of 200. Colonel Thomas Carrell . was defeated for Register of Brooklyn... partnership. — Prof. and Mrs. A. P. Somes leave Grover Cleveland carried Southold Twenty-Five Years Ago next week for Kingston, N. Y., where Town by 334 majority. On the balance they will make their future home. of the ticket Southold Town went H. H. Huntung moved into his new They will be greatly missed in this Democratic by about 100. house. Silas Whitney moved from Cutchogue place, where they have made many Miss Daisy Terry is at t e Cat to Southold. friends. Their daughter, Miss E. for her health, accompanied 1: Monday's freight unloaded 32 car- Gertrude Somes, is teaching at Kings- mother. loads of empty cauliflower barrels ton. With the exception of New Y between Riverhead and Greenport. - Joseph Thompson caughtsevensheeps_ Mr. Golder, the new druggist for the City, the Republicans have maintai head in his pound, the heaviest of I Hefiley Co., and wife arrived last week their bold on the State, and the n which weighed 16 lbs. and the lightest and are stopping at the Albertson!l Assembly will be heavily Republica , I I lbs. They brought 25 cents a pound House. Mr. Golder thoroughly under- though by a somewhat reduced majority. Ai New York. The same morning Thompson & Voorhees caught four stands the business, They came here Tammany won in New York City, Which weighed 9 lbs. each, and Mill centre. __ and the unholy alliance between Hearst l.edyard & Cochran caught two, weigh-l Wilmot Van Dusen, who was a and the Republicans was beaten, as it [ng together 21 lbs. ° student at Pennington Seminary, was deserved to be beaten. We have no Southold, Oct, 19,�at the residence of - s taken suddenly ill and came home. On especial admiration or love for Tam- thbride' parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Sunday an operation was performed on many Hall, but for once we are g Marshall, by Rev. Dr. Robert J. Kent, the boy for abeess by Drs. Hartranft that it was successful. of Brooklyn, Frederick William Bridge, and Peterson. The election of John F. Clarke of Greenport, and Miss ph Rock- Boss R. S. Sturges is putting a new District Attorney of Brooklyn was a well Marshall, Northport, Oct, 19, at Trinity steeple on the Universalist church. victory for good government. All o Episco pal Gburch, A. C. Willetts and Miss'The old steeple had rotted away and the rest of the Republican Coun Nellie Kent, eldest daughter of Mr. was unsafe. ticket in Kings is Republican. We aY and Mrs. A. W. Kent, formerly o Baltimore, Md., Oct, 23, Robt. P. especially glad to note that William A:� Southold, _ Grifling, of Riverhead, and Miss Ethel Prendergast has been elected Registgr Peconic, Oct. 23, at the residence of Counselman Sharp, of Saltirnor9� the bride°s mother, b Rev. 1?. G. Green oat, Oct. 28, J ameJ amen F. Ryan, ? Beebe, of Cutchogue,by W. aged 73 years. Burial in St.. Patrick"s Bedell and Miss Mabel A. Fanning, R C. Cemetery. Ma SUFFOLK CO UNTY 'Twenty-Five Years Agri The foMl In repo-r-t of tile. Conn John M_ Lupton, Republican, for "vr.J, s 14- 5/� g Member of Assembly in the First Chas, H. Hommel went to the cit on Fclualizatlon of Taxes was preaeri District, defeated Thomas P. Brennan to enter the employ of Hen & Co., and adopted at the meeting of the Sup by 1200 majority. Orlando Hubbs, tobacconists. visors here on Tuesday night " We tinhas Republican in the ,Second District, had Rev. Father P. F. O'Hare gave a material increaset inhthe taxable 6 pbeen o:abeeen . only 28 majority. Dr. William B. lecture in St. Patrick's Church. erty in the several towns in the cruun ty Gibson, the Republican candidate for Edward Huntting died,aged 69 years. amounting in the aggregate lo$4,967,911. Coroner, had 1800 majority in the N After visiting the several towns and County. The house of Mr. Evan, on lam-st., talking with the Assessors. in our judg- nt the following is the equitable lately vacated by Mr. Sahrnes, to be me is Mr. Lupton carried every town in his o_ccurried by llari'l Horton tied fes to equalized valuation between the several district, by the following majorities, Brooklyn, Oct. 29, by Rev. H. Allan towns is the oount9. Brookhaven, 142; Riverhead, 173; Tupper, Jr,, Melrose Irwin Sooner, rowxa ASSESSED XQcA[.tra D Southold, 468; Southampton, 319; p , �t A'pita $31484,810 $8,527,477 formerly of Southold, and Edith Mae, Southampton s, z;714 daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lott sl,ettxr laian�t 1,7211,61;, °,7 4R Shelter Island, 92; East Hampton, 55. Shelter Young, 6,435,101 6,847,O1iM In the Second District Mr. Hub bs Glen Cove, Nov. 10, at St. Paul s Riverhead s"467° 6,s�4,71a Brookhaven 13,W4,5op t1,7K761 carried Huntington by 183, and Smith- rectory, by Rev. Mr, Cammack, Frank Babylon 11,875111,6t#'i05 t1,11.49,033 town by 26. Frank H. Call, his X. Stelzer, of Southold, and MisY s Alic Smithtown 2,517,140 4' " opponent, carried Babylon b 98, and .Fancher. Tiunt;ugtan 2A9,10 - 7,1t�1,52D Islip by sd a„o7a,Twenty-Five Years .Ago av+,�4��� 864�iW4 This year the assessments have been The Republicans elected every man "' amu, ti•a.,, on their ticket in Nassau County by Rev. J. H. Ballou, of Morras,� .,LOlized by the supervisors themselves, good majorities., preached in the Universalist church. _ M. B. Van Dusen went to Owe 0, or rather a Committee of the Supervisors The vote on Assembly in Southold N, Y., to attend the funeral of his-'Messrs. Lister Bennett and Rogers- Town was as follows: Dist 1, Lupton eldest brother, Charles D. Van Dusen. the Board refusing to appoint an Equali- 14, Brennan 11; Dist 2, Lupton 83, The first snow of the season appeared zation Commission of outside men. on Saturday. '_lIL-: t Riverhead, lw ov. 26, Brennan 19; Dist 3, Lupton 79, Brennan Daniel H. Overton entered Southold 37; Dist 4, Lupton 96 Brennan 45• Academy to complete his preparatior,David 1+°. Vail, ages ilii years, Dist 5, Lupton 90, Brennan 36; Dist 6,a for Lafayette College. The will of Amanda Wells, Soutlt- Lupton 103, Brennan 75; Dist 7, Lup- old, leaves Southold, Nov. nt at the residence $425 to Fister, Helen M. tan 52, Brennan 22; Dist 8, Lupton 82, of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. A. Horten. Brennan 55; Dist 9, Lupton 192 Swann, S. Lester Albertson and Miss H Al Horton to I1 V Cleveland, 5 Brennan 18. Edna W., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. acres, w s Main at, adj estate of Port Washington, Oct. 23, Mrs. Win. Wm. H. Glover, S M Terry, Southold..............nom A. navis, daughter of Joseph H. Os_ Soutbold, Nov. 20, at St. Patrick's born and horn at Cutchogue, where he Church, by Rev. Father E. A. Holley, ]klrr. risr<i 4irs, tirn. II. Terry spent taught school, aged 68 years, Edward Carey and Miss Sarah M., I Thanksgiving with their son Milton an To Votes een 1ne�orporistlon, daughter of Mrs. Mary Turner, Boston. As appears t New York City, Nov. 16, by Rev.li Brooklyn Nov. 26, at the home of 1 a forwal notice pub- Wm. H. Lloyd of Southold, Athelstane, Y , lIehed in this paper to-day the neo_ Kendrick and Miss Cbaris Leontine,her son Joseph, Mrs. Amelia Welis, Pit' of Riverhead will be asked to * rtcill. widow of J. Albert Wells,aged 70 years, vote+ upon the subject of village in- After Saturday, Nov. 23, Dr. J. Wr 2G days. Interment at Southold. corporation on Nov, 26, the Stokes will have his office at A. F. lrtesarpora3ttaA le Dead be open at the Town Hall frolmtl Lowerre's. At the eleventh hour last week, I'• M. until auniet ou that dates fore'en persons are teaching piano in and shortly after the News went to the purpose, this small village. press, it was discovered that because Miss Mary Kenny has fTwenty-Five Yeats Ago the proper petition had not been filed ar years earned `z r_1 no vote could be taken Tuesday of the "(Tut.ition of being the most studi- this week ori the plan to incorporate rias girl in Southold High Selranl. She j C. M. I,edyar� was paying 75 cents has a large library,comprising the st 'e j for Early Dose and 65 cents for Bur- the village, Therefore Town Clerk lard wvorks of t*he best writers, pre- bank potatoes, Hagen sent out notices Viat the date rented to her by vaariou= friend; wh, I Charles T. Davis left the employ of of the election had been indetiinitelr aulrreciate her scholarly cIpplic ition anti the TRAVELER office and returned to postpoued.n y&0t,44 L Orient. _. Mr. Miller of Orient is building The families of Col. Thomas Carroll, 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Lester Albertson drainage on Win. E. Booth and Warren Richmond have returned from their wedding trip €' returned to the city for the winter. to Washington, D. C., and have com- a large cistern for road Traveler St, Rev. B. S. Bennett of Brooklyn housekeeping Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Farley have p L. W. o n's st in m the rooms over reached in the Universalist church. L. W. Korn's store. moved into their house in the village Samuel Dickerson was appointed for the winter Superintendent of the Suffolk Count Th Almshouse at Yaphank. omas H Turner and wife, to Y Alvah M Salmon, 3 acres, s s.North Otto Fir Fred's s n move into his J. B. Terry and family were to pass road ad land of Austin B Gold- brother Fred's house next week. part of the winter in Florida. Smith, Peconic....................noru The earth was covered with a light eaar Miss Emetine Overton died, aged 76 fall of snow Wednesday morning. Y 7 /T Twenty-five Years Ago After one of the mildest autumns on Twouty-Five Years. Ag(l record, winter commenced in earnest _ "L- Chas. T. Davis of Orient preached in on Dec. 1st, and on Monday there was C. M. Ledyard was paying 85 cents the M. E. church, quite a fa]l of snaw.'l;auliflowers that for Burbank and 90 cents for Early fF. Maxwell received from the U. S. were large enough to take in were Rose Potatoes. Government some German carp with carted in the cauliflower houses. The James Mas ens house, north of the railroad, was entirely consumed by fire. which to stock a pond on his premises. crop is very late this year,and notwith- The house was unoccupied and was Mrs. Samuel Dickerson was chosen standing the mild fall, there are many insured for$400. Matron of the Suffolk County Alms- pieces that have not begun to head Dr. Brown was badly bitten by a house. much and will be a loss. On Tuesday dog. Miss FannieGlover left Southold, night we had a heavy snow storm, and Many ice houses were being filled after a year spent here in charge of there is good sleighing. The cauli- with 6 in ice, `,the telegraph office. flower crop is gone. 31�s... Marked improvements were being Christopher Leicht moved into the made to James Thompson's house. On last Saturday 204 books were J. Henry Cochran, Sr.. was ap- Magee house on Town Creek. taken from the Public Library, and i pointed Special Deputy of the Good Suffolk County Lodge, I. ©. G. T., Templar:s.. i met at Southold. L. G. Ackerl of over 1200 were taken out during the s were sold Cutchogue was elected County Chief month. The W. Holder, who for the past at plubli�uuction. The n Fair �saleaggregated ' Templar in place of Rev. Abram $425. few weeks has been in charge of the Samuel Dickerson and family went ,{Conklin, who had gone to Reading, Pa. - y Herbert F. Hewitt of Groton Ct. Heifley Co. Drug Store at Southold,has to Yapbank. With the beginning of and Miss Ifittie A, Munch of Southold purchased the drug business of the the new year Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson company and took possession on last were to commence their duties as p were married. Keeper and Matron of the Almshouse. ,l - - Thursday. Mr. Golder is an exper- —Supervisar G. Frank Tuthill informs The Southold Temperance Society fenced druggist, having been brought elected the fallowing officers: Pres., us that the rate of taxatien for the up in the business, and is thoroughly D. Y. Hallock; 1st Vice Pres., Henry town, as established after all the ele- competent in every way. During their Huntting; 2d Vice Pres., J. H. Bois ments entering into the levyof-1907had' brief stay here, Mr. and Mrs. Golder Beau; Sec. and Treas., O. F. Payne;, been determined, is 60c, or 20c more have made man friends and we wish Executive Committee, Henry Hunt- than last year.the increase being caused them abundant success. ! The fine a ting, ll G. Fitz, H. ll, Prince, Geo. p- C. Wells, A. F, Tuthill,J. H. Baisseau; by an increase-in both the town and pearance of the store and the excellent Music Committee, Misses Metta.Horton coanty budgets. The total levy for the display of goods are greatly admired, and M. Louise Prince. year is something.over $38,000. The We trust the people of Southold and Benjamin Wells, of Bay View, died.. rate within the corporate limits of vicinity will give Mr. Guider a good Mrs. Mary Gagen died. Greenport village is 38c as against 26e patronage. ca �, / �- last year. The Board of 'Supervisors Frank J. lortan,of the British Bank at its next meeting will complete the The Tax Rate in Southold Town will of Buenos Ayres„ spent several days in prdliminaries but will not sif;n the war- be 60; Greenport,. 38; Southold Light- Southold this week. Seldom does South- rants until later, whereupon the work ing District, 20; Southold Fire District, old have an opportunely to extend of collection in most or all of the towns 9; Southold Park District, 8. greeting to one who comes ten thousand will begin. Thomas Farley has sold the Jessie miles purposely to see us. As P s previous visit here, Mr. Horton sent John A. Wilbur, who spent his boy- Lyons cement cottage on the Sound several weeks in. London and Fares, hood days in Southold,has been elected (built by Capt. Tumbridge, proprietor instead of coming the direct route from President of the Board of Commerce of Hotel St. George, Brooklyn) to Mr. Buenos Ayres here. H of Harlem, N. Y. City. Mr. Wilbur is Arthur Taylor, a retired builder, of -- 1'hc r :rrra�er ofBelmontHall wishes i y a member of the Board of Education, 557 McDonough St., Brooklyn. The us to announce that hereafter the eat- place R President of the Salem Nail Co., Presi- has 250 feet frontage on the ing of peanuts in the hall on any and ident of,the Ocean Beach improvement. Sound and the same on Sound View all occasions will be strictly prohibited. Co., an$President of the Motor Roll- Avenue. Furthermore, Officer A. R. Vail will be ing Chain Co. He is active in the Dr. henry M. Payne has, been re present to maintain order and suppress work of the Y. M. C. A., is a Past twined by the Fairmount Coal Co. as all rowdyism, and anyone failing to Master of Bunting Lodge, F. and A. Consulting Engineer at their Monougah .conform to the rules will be ejected. M., and a member of the National mines, for the purpose of advice in the Association of Manufacturers. matter of ventilation during the search kart (lame on Long Island Southold, Nov. 30, at the residence for bodies, and for the rehabilitation of A fully grown tiger has been found of the bride's parents, by Rev. Win. the mines. It is understood that Dr. harboring among the cover of a nursery H. Lloyd, Clifford H, Prince and Miss Payne receives a large retainer, and a ,ground at Patchogue, L. 1. The ani- Madeline WV. Simons, daughter of Mr. the honor thus conferred upon him� mal has as yet committed no depreds- and Mrs. II. W. Simons. places him in National prominence as a tions, and the townspeople consider it Brooklyn, Nov. 28, by the Rev consulting and mining engineer, and harmless. They are not seeking its l Father O'Reilly, Thomas J. Butler, of reflects great credit on the School of Southold, and Miss Katherine V. Kalt, Mines at the State University, where life or its pelt, but are rather inclined of Brook],1n. Dr. Payne is Professor of Mining En- to regard it as a living curiosity and an gineering. attraction to the locality. A great Wantagh, L. I., Dec. 9, WVill aIn D. - man visitors are attracted to this Powell, formerly of Greenport. Inter- y ment at Willow Hill Cemetery*. the rooms succi his atones mowed Into nursery grounds by it Q.. ,B. Twoii cr c�tyr-F]G e Years Ago James purchasedJof James J.fGagen £t Rail rw H. H. Lewis and John Quarty purr road Ave. the latter's residence and Satan'] H. Moore went to N. Y. Cit3t chased of W, C. Buckingham the lot farm and will take possession the first to accept a position with the German just east of the residence of H. Jen- of the year, when Mr. Gagen will move American Insurance Co. nings, to the Silas J. Baker farm, which be The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. Southold Lodge, I. O. 0. F'., elected recently purchased. church elected the following officers the following officers : N. G., Wm. II. Pees., Mrs. C. S. Tillinghast; Vi Vail; V. G,, M. B. Van Dusen; See., A A Rackett and ors, to G W Pres., Mrs. M. B. Van Dusen; Sec.` John P. Wells; Tress., Geo, Fisher; land W H Smith, 5}acrs, s s.Main rd, adj y ° Taylor, Southold......$1,500 Miannah Carpenter; Tress., Mi Per. See., Jahn Singlet'; 'Trustee, F. Jessie Gomez. Southold, Dec. 19, Michael Lucy, The M. E. Sunday School elected th A game of baseball between the ed fi4 earn. g following officers: Supt., B. T. Payn " Southold and Cutchogue nines was Christmas Present for Southold Town Asst. Supt., H. W. Prince; Fema played here on Christmas, resulting in A, few days before Christmas a valu- Supt., Mrs. B. T. Payne; See,, J. W a score of 23 to 16 in favor of South- able addition was made to the collec- Gordon; Treas., G. R. Jennings; Liu old. brarians, Warren Newbold and B. The Universalist Sunday School had tion of early town records that are now Tuthill; Chorister, W. A. Clark; Organ a Christmas tree at the residence of f in safe keeping in the Town Clerk's of- ist, Miss Jessie Payne, Moses T. Horton. !free. This was a transcript, or copy, Theo. W. Wood become sole owns' Mrs. Whitaker's Bible Class pre- !!!of the Register Book of all the Chris- of the house, corner Main and Mecham rented the Presbyterian church with a tenings, Weddings, and Burials, with- streets. _ hall lamp for the vestibule of the Rev.Dr.Whitaker and family receiv church. in the Town of Southwold, County of over$100 at the annual donation visi William T. Brown of Orient and Miss Suffolk, England, from the year 1602 Theresa Booth of Greenport, formerly to 1802. The book bears on its title H. W. Prince has sold his store bu of Southold, were married. page this inscription by the band of the ness to Wm. A. Williams. Mr. W`' Charles Hennerberry of Bay View liams took possession Jan. 1st. T and Miss Katie Mahone of Cutcho donor: Mahoney gue two stores in the Brick Building w' were married. "`Presented to the Town of Southold, be united by cutting a partitl Sylvester Hawkins died, aged 64 yrs. as a part of the celebration of the two through. Mr. Williams will not kee' ...�,.. . hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the groceries, but will have a large a Among those here for the holidays founding of the Town and the Church, complete stock of dry goods, gen were Prin. Geo. C. Terry, Jr., of through the Rev. Epher Whitaker, furnishings, etc., which he will open Hermon, N. Y„ Rensellaer G. Terry D.D., the pastor of the First Church, the public in a few days. sof St. Lawrence University, Miss Eliza- by the Rev.ProbeyL.Cautley, Vicar of beth Terry of Bloomfield, N. J., Miss Southwold, Suffolk County, England; Bay View, ,Tan. 1, William Con Elizabeth Elmer of Morristown, N. J., Dean of Dunwich, and late Inspector aged about 60 years. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Vail of Brooklyn, of Diocesan Schools, in 1890, and more TyPOWY-Fivo Years Misses Iva Lewis and Frances Gold- recently promoted to be the Rector oftt, / smith of Oneonta State Normal School, Quainton, Aylesbury, Buckingham H. Howard Huntting was chosen As. Arnold Danz of Syracuse University, County, England." sistant Treasurer of the Southold Sav Miss Eleanor Howell of New Rochelle, Cain o THANKS Bank. N. Y., Miss May Mitchell of Columbia 1 wish to thank the people of South- Sam'] L. Bennett and Miss Ella Jud University, Miss Bernice Mitchell of were married, old for their kindness to me during my Briar Cliff Manor, N. Y., Milton R. recent sickness and trouble. I would The Southold Cornet Band elected Terry of Boston, Miss Jessie A. Prince be thankful for washing, ironing, cook- the following officers: Pres,, W. H. of Houston, Texas, Edward D. Gold- ino, etc. I have moved to the Folk Vail; Sec. and Treas., F. Gomez; house of Oak Lawn Ave. , smith,of Brooklyn, W. H. Blair and Lrzzt� FRANKLIN Leader, Dr. C. A. Sackett; Asst,. family of West Orange, N. J., William mut o , Dee. 26, John B. Sweeny, ! Leader, J. E. Corey. Quarty of Orange, N. J,, William aged 82 years. The railroad track was blocked with Wells of Kingston, Pa., Marion Berry Bay View, Dec, 29 Louisa Jefferson, snow for two days. of U. S. S. Tacoma, Rev. Dr. William aged about 60 years. Theo. W. Wood sold his house and Force Whitaker of Elizabeth, N. J., oore an`J`w"1re_,T5­L Gee, J lot, corner Main and Mechanic Sts.,and Benjamin Wells of Amagansett, Miss acre n s Old Kings Highway adi purchased the Thomas A. Terry farm.,'• Julia Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. Francis of land of M Fogarty,Cutchogue.....nom Jamaica, Misses Alberta Salmon and — -- -• � - -- The shooting match at I'etty's black_. Edward D. Goldsmith of Brooklyn smith shop on New Year's Day afforded Ruth Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, has rented the house of Mrs. S. T. much sport. Three ducks were won by Rev. D. B. Overton and family of Terry and Mrs. H. W. Conklin, on Nathan Davis. Mr. Petty shot for oth- Bro4oklyn, Misses Hattie and Florence err and won, for Michael Furey a guar_ Main St., and will soon drove here with tea of beef; for W. M. Maynard a parr Van Dusen, Mrs. M. H. Edwards, his family. of ducks; also a pair of ducks for Ru- LeRoy Howell of N. Y. City, Ralph dolph Leicht.. Booth of East Bampton, John Ander- Mrs, Josephine Goldsmith Conklin is son of Richmond Hill, going back to Brooklyn to live. The Brooklyn ittionel, running from the Batte Southold Park District Twenty-Five 'Years, A' ry in Manhattan to Borough "T Hall, Brooklyn, was opened to public The question of the legality of the Edward Reardon fell on the ice travel Yesterday and fully 12-000 persons Southold Park District bonds was fractured his collar bone. took the under-tbe-river route from referred to Judge T. M. Griffiing for M. B. Van Dusen went to Schenev Brooklyn to Manhattan during the early Ibis opinion, and he decided that they N. Y., to attend the funeral of rueb hours. The Opening of the tnnned were not legal, as the notice for the mother. road was celebrated with Public core election of Park Commissioners and The Mattituck Baseball Club c1h monies in front of the Borough Hall, in Treasurer was only posted twelve days, lenged any club in Suffolk County Brooklyn Yesh-rday. 4,k,— , q whereas it should have been posted fourteen days, and that the notice for play three games of ball. 'Miss-Je�isieClar�kand her mother are The M. E. parsonage at Bay Ri keeping house in the second story of the sale of bonds was not worded was entered by burglars and prope W. A. Clark's house. I correctly. When Judge Griffing's to the amount of$200 was stolen f SOMES—At Kingston, N. Y. a opinion was known, Supervisor Tuthill Rev. W. H. Russell and family f i was asked to cancel the tax on the 4. Prof. I. P. somes, formerly of merly of Southold. Prof. 1. F. R Southold. Park District this year, which he did. sell was the principal loser, his g According to Judge Griffing's opinion, watch and a$65 overcoat being tak Pece—on–Fe,—Jan, 7, AdFrr-a. Lou,ise F., wife thepetition for the establishment of Of Silas F. Overton, aged 62 years, 9 months. Interment in Willow Hill the Park District received the necessary With Lawyer Garnett appearing or Cemetery. number of signatures and the establish- the contestant, John E. Sweezy, a short TweiltY Five Years Ago ment of the district by the Town Board hearing in the will matter of the late U as legal, butit will be necessary to John B. sweezy of Southolti, was hold We were having a cold spell and w there was plenty of ice. The skating hold another election for Park Com- before Surrogate Belford Monday, The on Town Creek was excellent. missioners and Treasurer, and the testimony introduced was not very dam- Geo. A. Maier purchased, Warren bonds will have to be advertised again, aging to the proponents, 1.,arpenter's farm. The Town Clerk has therefore called Mr. bwerzy left propetty valued J. B, Terry and family started on another election, to be held at Belmont about$6.000.He gave his daughter,8i Monday to spend the remainder of the Hall on Saturday, Feb. 1, and the polls F. Sweezy, m inev in Southold Sav! Baak and household goods, and the A winter in Florida, will open at sunrise and close at sunset, due of the estate was willed to D, At the Parish Meeting of the Presby- We most emphatically believe that Grattan in trust for John El�,ert Swe terian church Horatio N. Booth and Jhe choice of the people for Park Com- The oontestint alleges, beside missioners (Lewis W. Korn for 3 years. sta�tutory allegations,that M �ecte,d Trus- James B. Fanning were el Henry W. Prince for 2 years, and Wil- incompetent to execute the c oj tees. Miss Metta Horton was engaged trust as executor,and that his oired as organist. liarn H. Beebe for one year) and stances are suoh tbat they Jo not a 0 Treasurer (Albert T. Dickerson for 3 adequate security to creditors. Win. H. Terry purchased of J. B. years) as expressed at the last election, 'Terry the late Harriet L. Terry bou:se Rumor has it that there is quita a should be ratified at the election to be and lot on the corner of Main and held on Feb. Ist. These gentlemen change in real extate in our inidat' as Mechanic Sts. were elected in good faith, and the follows-, Mr. Michael. Stelzer has Rev. Abram Conklin of Reading, Pa., election is upset simply on technical purchased the Cottage Lane property occupied the pulpit of the UniversaliBt grounds, While none of the gentle- owned by Mr. Nathan Davis, and Mr. church for two Sundays. men care for the office, it is no more George Stelzer bas bought the prop- parents Charles Williams and Mrs. Charles S. than an act of justice both to them and orty on Main street where. his Tillinghast were married. have resided many years. Ernest Leicht and Miss Theresa the people that they should be elected. -Southold, Jan. 19, by Rev. Wrn. H. Lind It is also highly important that men be John Reid Anderson, of Morris Stoiber were married. elected who will accept the office, ,Par L. L, and Miss Florence Nadine, The following were installed officers herwise the District will have to go daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. of Southold Lodge,1. 0. 0. F N.G., Ot Maier. to the expense of holding another, W. H. Vail; V. G., M. B. Van Dusen; election. Southold, Jan. 16, by Rev. J. A. See., J. P, Wells; Treas., John Korn; Swann, Charles S. Weeks,of Yaphank, Per. See., J. Singley; War., G. C. The Village Improvement Society at formerly of Southold, and Mrs. Sarah M. Hogan. Terry; Con., B. L. Prince; I. G., M. 1 Its annual meeting on Wednesday p.m., F. - ---- Stelzer; R. S. N. G., W. H. Terry, L.i with Miss Jerushn Horton,elected Mrs. Southold, Jan. 22, Mrs. Maria I Flora Bliss as its President. Mrs. Sarah Jackson, aged 99 years, I' mon S. N. G., J. H. Cochran, Jr., R. S. V. Peck Wheeler has filled the office satis- Interment at White Plains, N. G., F. Gomez; L. S. V. G., C. B. Tut- factorilyfor 5yearsbut she felt she must Saturday. s. s., resign even though against the earnest hill-, R. S. S., G. F. Hummel; L. Southold,Jan. 18, Hezekiah J nnin Geo. Fisher. protes ations of the society; which, as aged 84 years, I month, 7 days. well as the whole village, holds her in 'high esteem. Mrs. Wheeler agreed to Southold, Jan. 19, Sarah C., widow to our act as one of the vice-presidents. Miss of Charles Horton, aged 72 We extend congratulations Julia Cassidy is also a vice president. Interment at Cutebogue-Wednes a fellow townsman, L. W. Korn, on his Mrs. Carrie J. Lewis is 2nd Vice Pres. Ln of the T 11rm of Smith & Fickeissen election, Tuesday, as Chairma �Miss Jerusha Horton as treasurer and ;solved by mutual consent, Democratic County Committee—a Post-JMrs. Julia Conklin as Secretary remain been he firm. tion for wliich 110 iq Well fitted. in office. Smith reUring from t ennett has had an exten E A Baker to J J Giagen, Sam'l L.B acres, e s Raiii-oad av, adj lai d 51 orn, put on his cottage, Occupied by Miss is Sweezey, Southold..............nom Abbie Ledyard, by Boss R. S. Sturgm W_ Twenty-Five Years Ago had a small blizzard last Friday. The Park Commissioners etWedn I& No great amount of snow fell, but the day evening and organized by elect Miss Allie'Salmon was spending the wind blew a gale and some big drifts L. W. Korn, president, and H. winter in the city. were made. The trains, both east and Prince, secretary. The bonds wi1I Rev. J. Crehove of Malone, N. Y., west, were stalled. The morning paper advertised for sale next week. preached in the Universalist church. train and noon train did not arrive here sembiyman Lupton will be asked Geo. C. Wells returned from Brook- until 6 p. m. and the evening train introduce a bill to amend the Isw, so lyn, where he was with his brother arrived at 2 o'clock the next morning. that the annual meetings of the district frank during his last illness, may be held in the evening, instead Rev. Mr. Lee spoke here under the Miss Mary Magee is about to break all day. auspices of the Good Tem tars. up housekeeping and go to her former Louis Sanford has sold his livery The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel home in Cutebogue to live with Miss stable business at Bay Shore and wall Eldredge gave them a wooden wedding Amelia Young. return to Southold and run the bri surprise. Miss Mildred Prince has a position in yard business of his father, Capt. The following were elected officers of W. A. Williams' dry goods store. L. Sanford Capt. and Mrs. Sanford -Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., J. M J Lindsay and wife to H A will remove to the village. W. Gordon; V. T., Mrs. D. T. Conklin; Biles, 50 acres, n s Main South rd See., A. R. Vail; F. S., B. T. Payne; adj land of N W H Conklin, Joseph B. Hartranft is attend I ,Treas_ P. H. Cantermen; Chaplain, Peconic... ................i......nom Banks' Business College, Chestnut " Rev. J. Brien; M., G. R. Jennings; — -on Jan. 10, Mr hiladelphia. West Hampton, G., Fred Case; S., Frank Cochran. Esther Bennett, formerly ofSouthold, 71 ears. Burial at Sayville. Jessica L Lyons to A Taylor and The report of the annual meeting of ­ wife, lot s s L I Sound, adj land of the Suffolk County Mutual Insurance Twenty-Five Years A T Farley, Southold................nom � Co,to A Taylor Co., which was held at its office on C. d. Ledyard was paying 90 cents and wife, lot a a Tumbridge Realty' Sound, adj Tuesday, appears elsewhere. Silas F. for potatoes. land of Tumbridge Realty Co, Overton, after many years of faithful and efficient service as Secretary, Rev. J. T. Hamlin, of Mattituck, Southall.... .....nom. preached in the Presbyterian church. N Davis and wife, to M L declined a re-election, and Albert T, 0. Worth's new residence at Stelzer, lot w s Cottage place, adj Folk was elected in his place. Mr. Bridgehampton was nearly completed. laqd_aUgu&,K�Sou�tho Corwin, was elected a Director,in place It costs$30,()00. Peconic, Feb. 1, S. Dennison of Sidney L. Seaman, deceased. Mr. aged about 80 years. Folk, the new Secretary, has assisted The skating was fine. Englewood, N. J., Jan. 25, James Editor M. B. Van Dusen was very Mullen, formerly of Southold and River- in the office for several years, and is head, aged about 70 years. Burial at thoroughly competent for the position, Burglars ill with pneumonia. St. John's Cemetery, Riverhead.thePbride being a first-class business man. The Burglars attempted to break into company is to be congratulated on the cellar of Michael Lucey. econic,'s Feb, 1,entaat the rRev. Fesidence o par , by . G. securing his services. The election for three Park Com- Beebe, William Edward Hilliard of Mattituck, and Miss Elsie K., daugh- Herbert Wells, who was a student at missioners and. a Treasurer of the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas G. Corey. Betts' Academy, Stamford, Ct., nearly Southold Park District was held at Patchogue, Feb. 4, Edward H.Terry, lost his life in a fire which destroyed Belmont Hall last Saturday. Forty- formerly of Mattituck and Southold, in the Academy last week. Mr. Wells four votes were cast, and the same his 72d year. Interment at Mattituck and his roommate occupied a room on !gentlemen who were elected at a Friday. the third floor. The fire broke out on previous election, but whose election Twenty-Five Years Ago the second floor, and as the boys were was declared illegal on account of there N heavy sleepers they did not wake up. not being but twelve days' notice, . There was remarkably good sleigh- The door was broken open and the whereas there should have been four- Ing, boys were found nearly overcome with teen days, were elected. Lewis W. Presiding Elder Burch paid an official the smoke. They were rescued just in Korn was chosen Park Commissioner visit to the H. E. church. time, and while somewhat scorched for three years, Henry W. Prince for W. C. Albertson and C. M. Ledyard were not seriously injured. They lost two years, and William H. Beebe for were loading potatoes at 90 cents. all their clothing, books and watches• one year. Albert T. Dickerson was Daniel Terry and company won the A hotel will be leased for the school chosen Treasurer for three years. W. hog guessed for at Billard's hotel. until a new building can be erected, A. Cochran and L. P. Wilkinson were The hog weighed 734 lbs. and was and Mr. Wells will return to school. Inspectors,of Election, and S. Lest,, subsequently sold for$50. Albertson, Clerk. 7a I.- Rev. Dr. W. H.Boole gave a temper- Sou'ho'd,'is -hose who are State bank The ' p t'al ,OC JU. a - -—---------I Albert T. Dickerson, of Southold,i S�1; encs lecture in the M. E. church. ' In soliciting signatures of those who ar wife of And-,w 11 pe! The Mutual Benefit Association of u'" willing to buy stock in a State ban evening at her hone in Suffolk County numbered 530 members. for Southold village. The capital vate runer��.] F-ervie-�� 'will! In three months 128 new members were added to the roll. stock will he placed at $25,000. More the liouse, -in ori 'Wednesda, amount has b u Deacon than half the amount has been sub- Moses C. Cleveland died, scribed. aged 87 years. Southold high School Staudings � anguage.-1,cila Baker . ;. i.,l.ic: Grade P° The following pupils have received a Blakemore 90, Pearl Glover 90, Wilson Miss Vaughn, Teacher standingof at least 90 per cent for the Glover 91,r William'Griswold 91, Ann Spelling-ElwoodGlover 95, John p Hallock 9a, Minnie Hipp 90, Grace= Hogan 95, Frances Stack 95, Henrietta past three months: Horton 91, Marguerite Howell 94. Otto Harrison 93, Grace Burke 95, Earle " Grade I Schafer 90, Grace Terry 94, Raymond Baker 92, Agnes Turner 93. Terry 90. Miss Deale, Teacher Reading-Edric Blakemore 90, Jennie; Arithmetic--John Reubsamen 92, El- Arithm,etie-Jahn Merwin 100, Lucy Brown 90, Pearl Glover 90, Wilson woad Glover 91,John Hogan 90, Frances Kanold 99 Raymond Donahue 99, Peter Stack 93, Stanley Brush 95, Harry' y Glover 90„ Earle Goldsmith 93, William, Burt 95. Walsh 98, John Kelly 98, Letitia Can- Griswold 90, Ann Hallock 94, Minnie field 98, Frieda Williams 98, Delephine Hipp 90, Grace Horton 90, Marguerite Reading-Frances Stack 94, Grace Mitchell 96, Frederick Case 94» Mar- Howell 96, Lettie Mahoney 90, Grace Burke 92, Albert Blakemore 91, Earle guerite Glover 93, Joseph. Grattan 92, Terry 90, Merle Wilkinson 90. Baker 90, Agnes Turner 90, Edith Lyman Bliss 91, Joseph Turner 90. Terry 90, Clinton Carroll 93. Readin. -Jose h Grattan 97, Ray- ,Spelling-Leila Baker 98, Edric La.nguage�--John Reubsamen 93, El- mond p Blakemore 92, Jennie Brown 96, Edith mond Donahue 97, Lucy Kanold 97, hurt 93, Bennie Diller 96, Pearl Glover wood Glover 90, Grace Burke 90,Agnes Frieda Williams 96, Delephine Mitcb0 193, Wilson Glover 92, Earle Goldsmith Turner 94. 93, Lionel Burt 93,John Kelly 93, Peter 195, Francis Grattan 95, William Gris- Grade ViIII Walsh 93, Francis Burke 91, Frederick wold 96, Ann Hallock 96, Minnie Hipp Miss Clark, Teacher Case 90'. 100, Grace Horton 98, Harry Howell History-Clair Van Dusen 93, Clar- Writing-John Kelly 96, Everett 96, Marguerite Howell 98, George ence Glover 90, Barbara Bliss 93. Goldsmith 95,Joseph Grattan 93, Frieda Leicht 95, Lettie Mahoney 95, Otto Physiology-Clair Van Dusen 9 Williams 93, Raymond Donahue 91, Schafer 95, Grace Terry 93, Raymond Caroline Taylor 91, Dan Grattan 94, Letitia Canfield 91. Terry 90, Lizzie Ullerich 95, Lewi4, s Mary Conklin 91, Barbara Bliss 94. Grade II Wilkinson 92, Merle Wilkinson 94. Miss Stark, Teacher Grade VI Arithmetic ,Caroline Taylor . Clar- Miss Welch, Teacher ence Glover 95, Barbara Bliss 944. Arit1 metic-Etbel Case 95, Mahlon English-Caroline Taylor 90. Dickerson 95, Fred Dries 91, Ruth Arithmetic-John Turner 98, Mary ,.awing-Clair Van Dusen 90,George Hummel 96, John Lepari 97, Julia May Gagen 96, Miriam Boisseau 96, Edward Turner 90, Caroline Taylor 96, Dan 91, Margaret Turner 93, Ernest Ullerie Grattan 94, Clement Booth 94, Stephen Grattan 90, Miriam Filor 9 en 91, 96, Willie Walsh 96, Ray Young 91, Salmon 93, Agnes Mahaney 93. Grace Harriett Booth it Barbara Bliss 93. John Ziniski 96. Butler 93, Edwin Donahue 92, Margery Reading-Daisy Brown 95, Ethel Griswold 92, Alice Wells 91, Martha Case 95, Caroline Franklin 90, Graham Berry 90, Susie Dickerson 90, Gladys The following High School students Glover 90, Ruth Hummel 97, Eunice Williams 90, have attained a standing of 90 per cent Macomber 91, Albert Salmon 90, Geography-Clement Booth 98, Mary or over for the last term in the follow- Margaret Turner 95. Gagen 91, Bryant Overton 91, Miriam ing subjects Spelling-Isabel Boisseau 91, Daisy 'Boisseau 90. English Reading-Ernestine Rowell Brown 98, Edna Cahoon 92, Ethel Case Language-Mary Gagen 97, Miriam 95, Louise Fitz 95, Rose Gagen 90, 95, Graham Glover 97, Florence Gordon Boisseau 97, Clement Booth 93. 90, Ruth Hummel 100,Margaret Turner Spelling-Alice Wells 99, Miriam Solid Geometry-Ernestine Howell 91. 96, Willie Walsh 96. Boisseau 99, Clement Booth 98, Mary American History-Ernestine Howell Writing-Edna Cahoon 90, Ethel Gagen 98, Edwin Donahue 96, Mildred 95, Anna Mahoney 92, Rosalind Case 91, Case 91, Mahlon Dickerson 96, Ruth Hawkins 96,Agnes Mahoney 95,Richard Louise Fitz 95. Hummel 94, Wilbur Petty 94, Albert Merwin 95, John Turner 94, Martha Virgil-Ernestine Howell 92, Louise Salmon 95. Berry 93, Harold Schafer 92, Margery Fitz 91. Grade III Griswold 95,Gladys Williams 9o,Martha Miss Stark, Teacher Hubbard 95. 3d.Year German-Ernestine Howell Arithmetic-Emma Booth 98, Harry Grade VII 98, Rose Thompson 94, Louise Fitz 97, Carroll 97Richard Hodgins, 95, Hilda Miss Welch, Teacher 1 . g� Rose Gagen.95, Elsie Hummel 95. Smith 97, George Strasser 96. Arithmetic-Susie Terry 95, Vera 1st Year German-Mary Kenny 95, Reading--Emma Booth 98, Elsie Maier 93, Margery Williams 93, Philip Rosalind Case 93. Brown 96, Daniel Buckley 96, Reginald Danz 92, Joseph Gagen 91, Agnes Donahue 91, Richard Hodgins 98, Scott '91. Cicero-Anna Mahoney 91, Rosalind Josephine May 92, Edwin Schafer 90, English-Joseph Gagen 92, Vera Case 91. Hilda Smith 98. Maier 90, Margery Williams 90, Susie Caesar-Mary Kenny 91. g Spelling--Emma Booth 100, Elsie Terry 90. Biology-Ernestine Rowell 97, Israel Brown 100, Daniel Buckley 1011, Richard Geography-Vera Maier 95, Susie Terry 93. "Hodgins 92, Hilda Smith 99, Anton Terry 95, Margery Williams 94, Agnes Ancientl3istary-Mary Kenny 99. ,Strasser 95. Scott 93, Joseph Gagen 91. Terry 95, Israel Writing-Emma Booth 96, Daniel Spelling-Vera Maier 100, Margery Terry r Te 91, Florence :Buckley 91, Harry Carroll 91, Michael Williams 97, Agnes Scott 97, Susie y 95 Wm =Kelly 94, Edwin Schafer 95, Hilda Terry 97, Joseph Gagen 96, Joseph Fickeissen 90. Smith 93, Eileen Stack 90, George Carroll 92, Philip Danz 90. Geometry-Marion Terry 94. t gasser 93, ra a Advanced Drawing-Rosalind Case 91l ('rade V Miss Vaughn, Teacher Miss Santry, Teacher g , Drawing-Israel Terry 97,Wm,Hoia- Arithrn.etic�Leila Baker 90, Bennie Spelling-EmilyBixby 92, Dorothy kis 92, Ray Hummel 90. Diller 90, Wilson Glover 93,Earle Gold- Hallock 92. .'smith 93, Ann Hallock 94, Marguerite Reading-Tessie Stack 90, Dorothy el Terry= received an honor- Howell 95, George Leicht 92, Otto Hallock 90. ary preliminary certificate from the Schafer 94, Grace Terry 96, Raymond State Department. This means that Terry 96, William Griswold 92 + c =, every subject was passed with a stand- Ing of 90 per cent or above. Other I I 6 to en s receiving certificates were Mrs. Geo, H. Terry and Fred K. Some time early Sunday morning Violet Beebe, Edith Breitstadt, Ethel Terry went to Saranac Lake last Thomas J. Carey's cauliflower house, Grathwohl, Fred Durner, Edward Saturday to see Miss Daisy Terry, who situated on the John B. Swezey farm, Diller, Ray Hommel, Beatrice Mitch- is staying there for the benefit of her back of the barn, was burned to the ell, Elinor Terry and William Hoink's. health. ';Z� k- - ground. Theo. . Wood was awake Elton Booth and Ernestine Howell have about 3 a. m., and lking out of the receive(] their academic diplomas, Grijin Pstdt_eV43,891. fUn67 window saw a blazeoion that direction. These certificates and diplomas were Ther estate of t e late Henry L. G I but the fire then was dying down. earned last June. of this place has been appraised at a not total of $43,81)1.67, and Sur I rogate Bel. None of the neighbors saw the fire and U some hours afterwards w s not t" The New Bank ford has fixed the tax at J457. 0. 'it A meeting of the stockholders of the The gross estate footed up to $53 247. that Mr. Carey knew of his loss. The 81bills and ire was undoubtedly of incendiary , but this was reduced by ' new Bank of Discount for Southold )rigin, as there were no cauliflowers in was held at Belmont Hall on Wednes- mossy owing to the sum first named. -he building, and Mr. Carey had never day afternoon. J. N. Hai,ock-—was One of the largest bills was that of H. oad a fire in it. The loss is partly elected chairman of the meeting, S. V.Griffiri,manager of the Go iffin House, overed by insurance. Mr. Carey also Lester Albertson, clerk, and Albertson who was allowed$5 400 for such service 'ost agricultural implements, stored in Case and Geo. A. Maier, tellers. for air.years past. Thoappisimers fixed he building. X- Officers were sworn by Notary Public the value of the Griffin House property at$,15 000. PECONIC A. T. Dickerson. There were 226 The astatia is divided to follows ;7 votes cast for Directors, out of 250. Mrs. Fanny 1). Lawrence, $3 271 ; Mrs. The new house of Moses Lindsay, on The following were elected Directors, Lena L. Wright, $8.000; E. E. Griffin, the South Road, which was almost to serve until next January: Albert $3 421; heirs of E. L. Oriffin,$1,446;W. W. Griffin,116,070.83:H. v.oriffin, t16, ready for occupancy, was totally de- A. Folk, Silas F. Overton, Chas, E. 070.84; Mrs.Elizabeth M. Eludson, $500 strayed by fire last Monday morning. Overton, H. H. Huntting, Thomas Twenty-Five Years A co 2-/ —* Farley, S. LesterAlbertson, Silas I k /1-1 The fire was first observed about 4 a. , H. Dayton, L. W. Korn. A. T. Dicker- R. L. Peters sold his lard on R m-, but it gained headway so quickly son, J. N. Hallock, W. H. Glover, road Ave. to William Gagen. that nothing that could be done with Sam'l Dickerson, Howard G. Tuthill, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Richmond the limited facilities at hand could Dr. J. H. Marshall, Jesse L. Case. I commenced housekeeping on the farm recently purchased of W. A. Wells. save any part of it. It is thought by Mr. wood, Photographer, will close Mrs. Daniel T. Terry died, aged 74 some that the fire may have been his studio in the Grange Hall, on Feb. caused by a stove which was burning 22d and will open about March let in years, to dry out the plaster on the walls, the Auditorium, Greenport. *-N /� Bank of Southold but that hardly seems possible, as the AIJ7 Bakes have At a meeting of the Directors of the stove was in a part of the house diag- Geo. C. Terry and J. A new bank on Wednesday evening, at ovally across.and the full length of the large ice houses at Great Pond Case, Esq., it f their the office of Jesse L. house distant from where the 're filled with splendid ice. some of the was voted to name the new institution, started and communicated with a sep- ice cut was nearly a foot thick. "Bank of soutbold.11 The following orate chimney. The loss was about he late Capt. Horace Prince, father officers were unanimously elected : $3500, and the house carried insurance of our George H. Prince, was station Pres., Albert A. Folk; Ist, Vice Pres., on $2500. Fortunately, no furniture agent at Peconic, when Peconic was Howard G. Tuthill; 2d Vice Pres., Dr. or furnishings were in the house. Hermitage and there wasn't any station J. H. Marshall; See,, S. Lester Albert-1� Miss Julia Cassidy of Jamaica, who house here. That was in the early six- son-, Cashier, Albert T. Dickerson; was expecting to pass in June, has ties. George still retains possession Of Counsel, Jesse L. Case; Finance Com- been so fortunate as to receive her di- some of his late father's records of mittee, President, Cashier, Sam'l ploma from the Board of Education amining ticket sales, copies of reports unused Dickerson, L. W. Korn; Ex this month. tickets, etc.; and seen in the'light of Committee, Thomas Farley, S. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Jennings left present day business at this station Albertson, J. N. HalloCk. n Tuesday for a two weeks' trip to they are curiosities. A coupon ticket H. H. Huntting resigned as Director 0 was necessary for the passenger to of the Bank, and John H. Young was Alabama, where their son Henry has a reach Brooklyn, the first half reading elected in his place. Mr. Huntting has position with the U. S. Government "Long Island R. R. Coupon, Hermi- the most kindly feeling toward the Department of Soils. tage to Jamaica," and the second half, Bank, but the State Banking Depart- _7 E. Corey, H. F. Van Wyck, E. D'. "13- C. and J. R. R. Coupon, Jamaica ment is opposed to officers of one bank Cahoon and Samll Dickerson attended to Brooklyn." The ticket sales were being connected with another and bills the Long Island Dinner in New York large in those days—frequently the re- have been introduced in the Legislature on Saturday evening. port went to the treasurer of the road, this year to that effect, nd ors, to A The Bank will open for business 1P S Fanning R1 no tickets sold this day," and -1 Terry and ann, j int in 18 2.3 acres ticket 5c" and "I ticket 10c" were about April 1st. Great Pond road, adj woodland on Gre quite frequently the day's sale in May i James McKeon-&-na-fami 1y,of Brook- land of M A. Tuthill, Southold UC44- of 1863. To Southold was 10c and to lin, will occupy the new tenement William L. Williams started on Tues- CUtChogUe 5C for a half ticket one day. day for a trip to Jacksonville, Fla. house that Wm. A. W illia" is building :This was during the Civil War. at Peconic. It. �6er will co cently purchased the property on Wni. T. Voorhees and wife ar mence housekeeping in the spring in move to the former home of which their store stands at Peconic.Ithe rooms over 0. A. Prince's market, Voorhees,near,Greenport. Capt. M ay are making many improvements inti King's Park, Feb. 4, Charles W. nard will occupy Mr. Voorhees' house the building. Overton, uncle of Charles M. Penton, on Railroad Ave. f East Marion, Milton R. Terry is home from Boston oaged 83 years, 7 months, 17 days. Re-burial at Willow Charles Turner is clerking at for a while, on account of the scarcity Hill Cemetery, Southlnli_ of work in that city. Twenty-)Five Years I Corner Grocery y _y A o PRINCE—At Southold, Feb. 12. to /*-St At" — / �--A C Twenty-FiVe Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Prince, a The Fair Vlildinga had all een ^-1L gL V, /.3- son. removed from Oak Lawn. W. A. Clark succeeded W. H. Southold,Feb. 18, Daniel Terry, aged Capt. Irving Acker moved from W. in charge of M. F. Ruland's 81 years, 12 days. H.Vail's house to S. S. Vail's tenement wagon. enty-Five Years Ag house. i Rev. J. R. Lavelleoccupied h. Z, ir pti Sloop Walter E. Gerard, Capt. May- pulpit of the Universalist eh Capt. Wriy. Y. Fithian purchased of nj nard, arrived from Napeague with 700 M. L. Prince of Shelter Island Edward Salter the sloop, -Witch of lbs. of flatfish. dressed the Southold Temperane the Waves." The usual Town Meeting dinner was Society- The earthquake shock in New York to be given in the M. E. church. John O. Corey died, aged 90 City was distinctly felt by R. S. W. H. Vail was clerking for H. W. ' Sturges and H. IL Lewis, who Fere Prince. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, T. Voorhees haV there. Win. H. Morgan went to, the city to moved to Mrs. Voorhees' former hom J. B. Terry and family were on their engage in business. on the North Road, Arshamomoque, way home, after spending several A government inspector was here and Capt. Maynard has moved into Mr. weeks in Florida. arranged to have a kerosene light put Voorhees' house, Michael Stelzer wil William Horton died, aged 85 years. in the Horton's Point lighthouse, in move into his house on Cottage Place, Mrs. Temperance Tuthill died, aged place of the lard-oil light. recently purchased of Nathan Davis 74cars. J. B. Terry and family arrived from Harry Burt will move into Win. Evens house on Railroad Ave., now occupic At a meeting of the Library Trus- their winter sojourn in Florida. by Mr. Stelzer. tees, Richard S. Sturges was elected a Lemuel A. Van Nort and Miss Aggie member of the Board, to fill the va- C. Horton were married. Harrison Tuthill is moving Miss cancy caused by the death of Prof. A Mrs. Leura Horton died, aged 85 Frances Rockwell's house, which she. purchased of E. D. Cahoon, to her loti, P. Somes. At the annual meeting in years. July the Association will elect some Mrs. Hattie Howell died, aged 35, on Maple Ave. Miss Rockwell will.. one to fill out Prof. Somes' unexpired years. make improvements term. The Board has power only to John Howell died, aged 81 years, furnish it, and rent select a rrian to serve these intervening Bose Geo. W. Smit months. Enoch Rutzler, whose death we 'house be bought at Willow Hill to hi A vote was heartily passed to offer Ichronicle this week, spent his early lot opposite and has practically mad the Librarian a four weeks' summer boyhood with his uncle Augustus Dun- it into a new and pretty dwelling. course at the Library School in Albany kel at Bay View. When about four- Israel Terry's paper examinations in June at the expense of the Associa- teen years of age he went to Brooklyn were returned from Albany "with tion- The information and experience to live with his elder brother who was honor" written thereon. He is the that would thus be gained and Put Nt in business there. He served in the best boy in all his studies and his studi- the service of its patrons made the Civil War, and was a member of the ous habits show good results. Board regard this a good investment. Grand Army. He and his family sum- Charles Edwin Terry will Open meted at Southold many years. meat market in the east room of At the last meeting of the Board .of -f Trustees of the Southold Savings Bank, Nathan Davis has taken all of the Korn's store about April Albert T. Dickerson tendered his $35oo Southold Park District Bonds, at L. Baumann has purchased H. resignation as clerk in the bank, after 5 per cent. The bids were opened at Hawkins' ice cream business an 15 years of faithful and efficient service; the office,Of Justice Jesse L. Case last fixtures. to take effect April 1st. Mr. Dicker- ISaturday, and the Park Commissioners DavisGreenport, March 8, Ann J., wido son will be the Cashier of the new ibane awarded the bonds to Mr. . of John B. Terry, formerly of Peconi Bank of Southold,which will commence 1456 books were aged 89 years. .-business about April 1st. During February on DICKERSON—At Southold. Mar- re taken taken out of the Public Library. New last Saturday 233 books we e st number of any day in son, a son. Police Officer P. E. Murphy of N 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Dicke York, spent Washington's Birthday at out—the large Southold, and while here transferred the history of the Library. ewer k, N. March 11, rff - BE Lewis, having completed Patience Corwin, widow of Rev. Jame I;F,,s_Iva ompleted his property (the Godfrey Hahn place) ti� hl�,-ttiluck on Beckwith Ave, to Albert A. Folk. the Kindergarten course at Oneonta 'r. Hamlin, formerly_ . e for a whes- inte, aged 83y State Normal School, .is 40m AAA A L I Rensselaer G. Terry will surreed Twenty-Five- ears 9 Albert T. Dickerson in the Southold Savings Bank April 1st, when Mr. Miss Fannie Mosier, milliner, Dickerson's resignation takes effect. returned to Southold for the season. Mr. Terry is to be congratulated on J. Henry Cochran, Sr., bought the securing this fine position, and the sloop Emma. Capt. Wm. Place was to Bank is also to be congratulated on command her, securing his services. He is a graduate Dr. Sackett engaged the rooms of the Southold High School and is now vacated by Miss Lottie Thomas, mil. in his Junior year at St. Lawrence liner. University. He is a young man of the Frank T. Wells and Miss Jessie F. n highest character, keeps his own Boisseau were married. counsel, and is very bright and intelli- The no-license primary nominated gent. He will "make good" in his Henry Hunt Ling and Geo. W. Hallock new position. 111111� for Excise Commissioners. Twenty-Five Years Ago The 1-mise primary nominated Anton "rA_A „ J[_&.--- / �.� Kranclier and Henry D. Horton for Steamer W. W. Coit made her first Excise Commissioners. trip for the season. The Republican Town ticket was as The late Moses C. Cleveland was the follows-. Supervisor, Lewis R. Case; last surviving Deacon of the Preshy- Town Clerk, Henry W. Prince; Justice, terian church of this village, Wm- H. Pike; Assessors, Ebenezer W. A. Clark and B. L. Prince Clark, Seth W. Tuthill; Overseers of represented Southold Lodge, I. O. O. F., at the District Grand Committee. Poor, Henry W. Halsey,Josiah Albert- meeting at Patchogue. son; Commissioner of Highways, Wm. John H. Carpenter shipped on sch. W. Sterling; Collector, Wm,. M. Beebe; R. M. Clark, Capt. MeMann, I Constables, Ira B. Tuthill, Jr., J. D. A. Franklin Tuthill died, aged 69 Cleveland, E. P. Jennings, A. R. Vail, years. A. W. Turbush, W. L. Tuthill; In- Cordello D. Elmer died, aged 51 spectors of Election, D. T. Tuthill, J. Rears. Mr- Elmer was a. former incipal of the Academy, a former S. Dewey,B. H. Reeve, H. W. Halsey, editor of the Greenport Tinker, and G. C. Wells, R. S. Sturges, J. M. twice School Commissioner of the First Lupton, H. H. Tuthill. Suffolk District. The Democrats made the following Au important realty transfer was nominations : Supervisor, Henry A. consummated Wednesday of this week Reeves; Town Clerk, Wm. A. Cochran-, when title was passed on the Audi- Justice, Irad W. Gildersleeve; As- torium,Green port's popular playhouse, sessors, J. G. Champlain, J. W. Terry; by Miss Sara J. Adams, the owner, to Overseers of Poor, S. Wells Phillips, the Greenport Lodge, No. 179, 1. O. Evelyn Jackson-, Commissioner of High- 0. F. The price wa,_$1,2,500. - ways, Henry L. Fleet; Collector, In the contested will case of John B. Ernest A. Boutcher; Constables, B. H. Swezey. Surrogate J. M. Belford has Tuthill, O. F. Tuthill, Detmold Reeve, decided in favor of the will. Wm. H. Oscar L. Wells, Theo. W. Horton, , Glover and Lewis S. Tuthill have been Thos. H. Reeve; Inspectors of Election, appointed appraisers of the personal, E. S. Edwards, S. K. Terry, E. S. property. Havens, W. H. Wells, J. E. Cochran, J. E. Corey, S. M. Hallock, Lester ' ' Southold 'are J. F. Traugott Gildersleeve. Baumann aged 71y, 9m, 9d. Funeral services�t 2 p. m. Friday. The stark is in this vicinity. on bat urday night a girl baby was left at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boisseau. Geo, Jennings has returned from hi tripsouth. His wife stopped to visit with Brooklyn friends.Al Boss H. W. Simons has commenced work on the extensive alterations and improvements to be made to C. L. Bardorf's place. Boss H. F. Van Wyck does the mason work. Willard Howell is clerking at F. T. Wells'. Frank Strausser is clerking at L. W. Korn's.