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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12046 P 76 ,. U?PYb P1~ DiIIrlct 1000 SIcII.. 143.00 Block 04.00 1.04(.) 003.000 . )43-Lf>3 NY 02l. e....,o~. Doed - Indlvldul' or COlJlOllllon (51..'. Sh"') (NYBru 100l) CONSULT YOUR L.\WVI:R BEFORE SlaNINa THIS INSTRU~IENT - THISINSTRUMI:NT SHOULD BI: USED BY L.\WVl:b ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mlde the .\ ~ \i:y of May , in the year 2000 BETWEEN BARBARA THOMPSON, individually and as Executrix of thd Last Will and Teetament of Hertin J. Tarpey, who died a resident of Suffolk County on September 13. 998. Will adm,ltted to Probate on October 5, 1998 (Surrogate No. 1819P1998) residing at 169 Old Neck Road, Center Horichee, NY 11934 IS e.J.rM:J.Jr (executrix lof ~~RTIN J. TARPEY the lISt will ana teslamenl of. ,llteof Suffolk County, aeceued, puty of the first part. and and ROSF. C. TARPEY MRTIN .r. TARPEY. JR/, residing at 595 Bay Avenue, Mnttitur.k, NY 11952 el.s. h.'J..bttn4 dM ...."k party ot' tho locond part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the firsl part. by virtue ofthe power and authority siven In and by IIIld lISt will ana testamont, and in conlide.rution of -------------------------...__________________________.,___...._ -----------------------------SIXTY THOUSAND AND 00/100----------($60,000 .OOl--"dollars, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby Il1'IIllt and relelSo unto the party ofthe second part. the hcirs or successors and ..slIlllS of the party of the second part forevor, , ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel oflana, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, silUate,lylna and beinS in Ihe SEE SCHEDUL" "An ATTAC~ED IlERE'rO AND HADE A PART HEREOF TOGETHER with aJI rishl, title and interest, If IIIlY. of the party of tho first part in and to any streets IlIld roads abutting the above desc:ribed promllOlto the center lines thereon TOGETHER with the appunenanccs, and also all thCl OItate which the said decodent hid at tho lime of decedent's dcsth In said premises, and also the eslale therein, which the party of tho fint part has or hIS power to conveyor dispose of, whether Individually, or by virtue of said wlll or otherwlsej TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein Il1'IIllled unto Ihe puty of the second part, the heirs or sucOl9lOrs and assisns of the party of the second part forever. AND tho party of tho first part co_ts that the puty 0 f the first part hss not done or suffered lIIlythins whereby the said promllOl have been Incumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND thoputy of tho fint pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the puty of the finl part will recolvo the COIlIldcratlon for this conveyance ana wlll hold the rishtlo recoive such conalderalion as a lnist f\and to be applied fll'St for the pwpolO of paylna the oost of the Improvement and wlll apply the aame flrst to the payment oftbo oost oflbe improvement before uslna any part of the tolal of tile same for any other purpose. The word "puty" iball be c:onslrUed IS If It read "parties" whenever the sense of this indonture 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho party of the fint part hIS duly executed this deed tho day and year fintabovcwril1cn. IN PltISEIIC& Olll ~~~ BARBARA THO~IPSON '., s~ lISllAatNDW1IIJQtBN1_ I/IUIWwmt1N N6W You SrA7JlOhtt: lJS6AaNOWUlKJME1n'l'rMM ULOWwmuNNIlW Yo.u:SrA7JlONl.r: ., SClI"oI~YOfk. CCI1Illly of Suffolk 'IL: Oft!he/S ~~..;.:r in!he)'m 2000 bef'cn me, !he . JIIlIlRIIy appt...d Barbara Thompson , JllIIOIIIIIy known III me rI pIMlIlD me on !he bail of _~ eviclcn.'e III be !he ~I) whciee 1lIIllC(1) is (n) IlDcrihed 10 !he widtin NNmcnI and IClcnowIodpd lu me 11III hdlho'lhey exllC\llOd lhe - ill hirJIlerilIIlli ~l)'(..). and 11III by hWhcrmlelr sipllUrli(.) on !he iNIIIImaIl, lhe inoIivicIu&l(l). or !he penon upcn behalf of which !he indiYidua/(.) ICIIlI, llll~ dW IeI1t J. HAGeN NOTA PUBUC, Slate of NwI'lbrk No. llHA4ta'lOZlI Qutllftaclln 8uffllIk Coullfy ,If? Commlallon Explrt. Narch 21,~_ A~ FottM 10<< USIl IYmIlNNIlW YDIIA'SrA7JlQw.r. (NN r"'* Slduvlblur Wi"'.... 11,,,,,,,,",.,,, C"'IjI..,.) Slal. of New York. COURty of , .,,: On lho day ot in lhe year botoro me, lhe undersisned, personally appearnd , thelUbtcriblnll willlesa co lI1e foregoinlllnllrumenl, will1 whom lam personally 8Cqusinled, who, boinll by me duly swom, did depolo and ..y lhal hellhelchey mide(l) in (lflh. pI_ ofruld.... /$1. a .i/y. lorlutl. Ih. .,,.11 ..d .,,,.,n.mbt,. If lIIIY. 1hmGj); lhal heJlhellhay know(s) III bo lI1e individual delCribod in and who execulcd die fOIlIlOh\g insll'Umenl; lhalsaid lubICrlblnll willless wu prescn! and saw said exec,"e the llIIIIe; and IMlsaid Whl1Cll allhe llIII\e time ,ubscribtd hislherllheir namell) IS a willlllltherelo. EUCUTOR'S DEED IA"OlrltJUAI. w C0INJM11O.., Tm.e No. THOKPSON TO TARPEY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK /M._IA"./I11 'C'I1~..-..Fld'}lty ~ Itlfdttt.V", r.,"SwltMJ".~ Slale of New Yorrc. County of I II. ~!he ~of m~~ before me, 1he undersilll1ed. JIClIOIIIIly .,.,...d , penonIIly known to me or proved lO me on !he buis of _tlo"""ory evidence to be !he lndivldual(.) whaec 11IIIIO(.) Is (1I\l) Maibod lO Ihc within inslnm:nt IIld IClcnowIedpd to me Ihat hdaIWIhey exOCUllld !he IlII110 In hn:rllhelr ~ia), IIldIllll by hlsIIwfIholr sipaIIn(.) on !he inslrurncnl, !he indMdUaI(.), or !he JlCIIOIl upon bellIIf ofwbleh !he individuaI(.) IIC:fed, cxecuIOd tho inIIIumau. A~FottMFIllt LIlI'OIh-.N8WItlU'SrAJltOlul (Oul alStal. 0' FlHf!lgn a'".,aIAc.blowl.d,.."", c"'IjI..,,) . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 11.: (~'" r,... wllh S'IIII. C_'f)'. P",WIltI.' M/I1IIt:Ipal/ty} On lI1e day of In the YOII berore me, the undersigned, flCIIOnally appeared , personally known 10 me or provod 10 me on the bull of sati.raelOl)' evidence 10 be che indlvidual(l)whose nama(l) il (are) IIIlbICribod 10 che wichin InslnllllCRl and ICknowledlled 10 me !bat hcllhellhey Illcculcd lhe lI8I\1e In hislher/lhelr eapacily(lcI),1h11 hyhlslhar/tholr signalUre(s) on tho in'lrUmenl, !he Indivldual(.), or Ihe persr.n upon behalforwhleh Iho indivldual(.) acted,execuled cho Insllllmen~ and Ihal.uch indiyldual madellleh appearance before 1M unden1llned inlhe (I..", Ih. "/y 0/ OIM' pollltcallUbdivlJlOII and Ih, 411/1, a,' 'ou"", or alh., pllI..lh, a.kllDWl.df/ll../.....,llk'nj. OISTltlCT SECTION BLOCK LoT COUNTY OR TOWN RECORDED AT REQUEST OF FldeUty NaUona' Tille Insun_ Company orN"" ,!'ark RETUI/II'YMAIL TO GARY PLANNER OLSEN, ESQ. P. O. BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE. NY 11935 j ." I " ." . l!l '. ~ ~ 2 ~ i . . . . . . 12045PC076 FIDELITY NATIONAL 'l'l'l'LE INSUnANCI~ COMl'ANY Olr NEW \'OIU{ Tille Nu. IIN'1'9921 170 SCU~()UL~ A ALL lhal certaill plOl, piece or J1l1rcel of IlIlId, situale. Ivillg alld being al MallltuckJ Town uf 501llhold, Coullty of SulTolk ond Slale of New Vorl(. boulldecfand dClllcrlbeu as follows: , DBGINNING al II monumenl sel In Ihe easlerly side of Bny Avenue althe poinl of inlerseclion of Ihe elISlerly side of Ilny Avenue Wilh the southwesterly line of lnnd forlllerly of Raymond Terry, now or O'Neill; RUNNING THENCE South 67 de&rees 28 minutes 10 secollds Easl alonll lhe sonthweslerly line of lalld IlISt melllloned, alld along IMd now or formerly of Fmora, Rhodes and KIISI 311.31 feet to land 1I0W OJ' formerly of l~aynor: RUNNING THENCE along said last mentioned lalld Soulh 71 degrees 44 minutes East 34,34 feel 10 a monumenl set in the northerly line of land now or formerly of Peters, formerly of Hallllllurlalld; RUNNING THENCB alolllllhe northerly lille of lalld laslmelllloned, 5011lh 71 dellrees 27 minutes 40 seconds Wesl 262.2 feel to 11 11101l1llnent selin the caaterly side of Bay A venue; RUNNING THENCE North 18 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds Wesl 225.1 feel to the monument nllhe point or place of DEOINNING, '. " " f;j The polley 10 be IU\l.d und.r Ihll report will Inlur. the Ul'e to luch building I end erecled on Iht preml... which bv law con,tllute real properly, FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY , , ( TOGETHER wllh alllhe light, title and IntltBlt 01 the partv 01 tha IIrst parI. 01, In 81\d 10 the land 'vlng In the slrlll In froni 01 Ind Idiolnlng ..Id preml.... .,', , , 'i .- . 42534 , . [~- 2 .:,.. . .~. . .. 12045PC076 AE~ $ Number or L REAL ESTATE es TORRENS MAY 2 6 2000 MefMIED SerlalH TRANSFER TAl( SUFFOU< COUNTY " . 42534 2000 HAY 26 PM 2: 12 EDIYARD P. ImIAII~E CLERK OF' SUFFOl.K COUHTY Certlncala H Prior Clr. N Deed' Mon881a Inllrumenl Deed , Moniaia Tax Stamp FEES Recor~IIIIl' FIIIIIS Slomps 4 Plia' Fll1ni Fee "andlln8 TP.S84 ~- < MoniOie Ami. I. Bula Tnx 2. Addllionol Tax --.-.- --- Notation EA." 17 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) R.P,T.S,A, Comm, or Ed, Affidavll 3: = '".,., _ I~ "'7"" ~~ 1-.l ' Sub Totel --- CanlRed Copy Ro8, Copy Other SpocJAslil, Or Spec, 'Add, --- 1)1 TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual Count)'_ lIeld for Apponlonment rro,- Transrer Tax ~ '_ Mallslon 1'1IX . _ Tha propeny coyered by this mon81110 I. or will be Improyed by a ona or two flmlly dwelllnll only, YES orNO__ I r NO, lea npproprlllle lax claus~ on pale U __ of thl. Instrument, Real Property TlIX Service A811IKlY Verlncalion DIsI. Section Block Lol 6 Communi Preservation Fund Conalderatlon Amount S, !4~-' CI'F TalC Due $-e- mprovad RE~VED acant Land 1000 143.00 04.00 003.000 Initials 7 SatisfactionslDlacharseslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Add 5 RECORD" RETURN to: GAIlY FLAJIIIIll OLSEN. 1lSQ. P. O. lOX 706 CllTCBOGOI. NY 11935 MAY 26 2000 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND TO TO TO t= j 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information Co. Namo Fidelity National Titlft 'I'ltlo /I FNTg921110 Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This JlII&C fonns pllI'l of the attached DIIlD (SPECIFY TYPE OF 1N~1RlJMENT ) __ 11l0de by: u........ 'lIDIPSOR. IRDIVlDlW.LY A!lD U AAMfUYltU UI' IIAK'.l"UI J. 'EARPBY The premises herein is situuted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of IUUI''''lnT 1\ MAIl'rIlI J. TAIlPIY. JR. I In the VILLAGE ~ O-S =: c. . TAl ({ Pc y or HAMLET of MA'nlTUCI BOXES 5 lllRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONt Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. COYeR)