HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 2 ~ , WCB-2 ReY.~ (U1Iiformocll.l l J.l) -; (~ F IJiAJ- //)00 @U. ~/5.00 HL. M.OlJ J...of tJ/9 ()()t) SlldUA :O..Y.I.T.U. FDI'm 100:1. ( 000 ~ ) )~- ~- (7. . "NM'.. a . . 5 ._....~ .... Cow.... ..... II (;IIIlI1DI', Aa_laIfi:"i.... .. c.r,.raden eMII, ),. - III'IA" ... _ .~ I.'- ~9Is iliiia_lIlCMiI.D. _..,&AWYHI _Yo c.......'r_&AWYD_____ , THlSlINDIN1UIIE.madelbc 21st .)'a! January .ilntheyar 2005 IlETwUN PORT OF EGYPT ORIENT, INC., A New York Corporation, whose address is 225 Broadway, 42nd Floor, New York, Nett York 10007 put)' .. lhe lint put, aa4 ANDREW G. DOERWALD, AS SORVIVING TENANT BY TUB ENTIRETY, WHOSE ADDRESS IS 1450 Three Waters Lane, IDrient, New York party .,1 die -..l put, . , otha' -nIuabie rooldo"&liOD =~;:; a:.%~:C .:~ ~ ==~~eT::IDDo~~af the -' part, the heir. or IIIICX:OIIQft aall auipl af the put)' CIII the IIlilaiId put farner, . AU. lbaa cenaIn pial. pIaz or puaoI allIIId, wirb till: baiIdiDp and itnpravatIada IheROD ..-ectod, Diu*, l)'i..aDd ~ lis. . SEE SCKsDULE A ANNEXED HERETO ~his is a correction deed intended to correct the description E'ecorded in deed recorded in Liber 11'747 Page 339. TOGETHER with 11I1 riehl, title aDd imr"I, U aDY. of tho party ..llh. liru pari in aDdla any BI~ aad roads .I,ulling the above detcribed pr.mi.es ta lhe "Dter line. ther...l; TOGETHER ..ith the appurtenances and all the ..IaI. aDd richts of tile parly of the lint put in and '0 aid premi&u; TO HA vir AND TO HOLD lhe pra"i... herein granla! unto the party al the ICCOad pul, the heirs ar ,<----~I'I and aui&nl al lhe "".,Iy of lhe HC01Id pari loreYer. AND ~'" party ollbe lirsl part _ IIsaI the party aI the lint put 1m _ dono or oulfered anything ..bareb], Ihe Illid premi_ hav. been .ncumbered in any way whatever, mocept a. aforesaid. AND tI.. parly 01 ,h. fin, put, in axnpIiaDce wilh SeCtiaa 13 of the Li.. Law, __ that the puty of lhe 1i,.I; pari will receive the """,idaalion lor Ihi. caaveyuce and wiD hold the right to .-h,e .ud1 conoid- .ration ,as a lrust fund 10 be applied lint lor the JIUI1*e al paying lhe COIl 01 ~ improvement aDd ",,11 apply ,he lIIme firat to the I'II'm.nl 01 the COIl 01 the improvement helar. '.ling any pari ollhe tatal of lhe ...... Iar any ather pu......... The ......... "puty" ...11 be _ru.d .. il it read "paniu" wheu..... the ...... ollhi.o indenture 10 requi.... IN wrnurss WHE......... .he pan, 01 the lirst pari hu duly .......led this deed the day aDd yea' lirst above WTit~. hI' .....IKNa U: Port Of Egypt Orient, Inc. ~~ ~ ~tM4.~ 1:::;' BY:~t( ct ~ ~ I 01/21/05 13:04 FAX 4246049 ADVAI;'I"AGE TITLE 1aI003 ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Title No. 04.AS-33153 (05l111-O156-002613) SCHEDULE A Ameoded January 21, 2005 Al.L that cerUun plot, piece or parcel of 1and, situate, lying and being al Orient, Town ofSouthold, County of Suffolk and State ofNew York being more particullll'ly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of1bree WalerS Road wbm the same is intersected by Northerly line of Map of Orient-By-The-Sea, Section One file No. 2'177. filed November 21, 1957 and the Southerly line of the within described premises; RUNNING TI'iENCE North 01 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds East along the Easterly side of Three Waters Road 100.00 feet to the extreme Southerly end of a curve which connects the Easterly side . of Three Watl~rs Road with the Northeasterly side of Sound View Road; l1ffiNCE NOlrthwestcrly along the said curve bearing to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and an arc Icngth ClfI 50.00 feet to the land reserved for Property Owners (If the Residence ofOrienl-By- The-Sea; THENCE a10llg land now or formerly reserved for Property Ownelll (tfthe Residenl:ll o,Orient-By- The-Sea the fi)lIowing two (2) courses and distances: I. North 60 degrees 04 minutes SO seconds East 80.58 feet; 2. North I degR:c 02 minutes 20 seconds East 207.33 feotto the: mean high waterrnlll'k of the Long bland Sound (220 feet to the mean high watllt line of the Loog Island Sound as per deed rlecorded in Liber 11747 page 339); THENCE a1011g the mean high water mark of the Long Island Sound North 88 dcan:es 02 minutes 36 seconds Eut 124.87 feet to the Westerly line of the Map of the Land's End al Orient Poiot filed May 3, 1973 liilap # 5909; Th. polk:y to be leeued under...18 ..port win IneUN .... IlUe to .uch buUdinge .nd FOR Improvem._ .rected on.... preml_ which ..,. 1_ co_.... ~. CONVeYANC:ING ONLY TOGETHER wtth III tha right, tille and Inlare.t of.... party of tha llret perl, of. In and to th. land lying In tha .lr8elln front of anct edJolnlng aid p.-m..... '_ Ol/21/0:; 13:0~ I'AI 42460~9 ADV"""TACE TITLE 1iiJ00~ ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Tide No. 04-AS-33153 (~156-002613) scn E D U LE A (continued) THENCE alollg the Westerly side ofsiud land South I degree: 02 mlllutes 20 seconds West 473.00 feet to thc Northerly line: of the Map ofOric:nt-By- The-SeaSection I filled November 21, 19S7 Map# 2777; lHENCE NOlrth 88 degrees S7 minutes 40 seconds West along the said line 125.00 feet to the Easterly side Clf11uee Walers Road at the point and plac:e ofBEOlNNlNG. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY Th. polley ta be Is.ued under this report willi.....,. the _ ta such bulldl"ll" .nd Improvem.nts enctsd on th. ~.._ which by I.w .......011* I1IIIl propstty. TOGETHER willi ~llhlI rtght, oa. end I......' of III. p.tty of the flnt pert, of, In end ID th. rend lying In lhs ._ In front of end scljolnlnll ~d p.......... I I ! /- I I 01/21/05 13:50 FAX 4246049 ADVANTAGE TITLE 1iI0u .' STATE OI'NEW YORK I fKCA. . STATEOFNEWYORKI 'A~;'fJhl I .., qlJIt ", ) ..: COl/NT\'O--fr-.....) t;. .,~ COUIft"YOF I . Ondrltll dayo! ~Jf,-=:""~~~' OO...._day of in....yar _before "',111. IIIIllcllianal. pcrIOIIOIly f. _ IIIUIcni&Dod. .....-uy.,....s . PmmWly known 10 me or pnIYOd 10 me ",,1IIe ....i. of' _...oy k-..lo '1M.. pnIYOd 10 me on .... bosi. of ulia-y .vidence 10 be dI. illdlvldlllll(l) w.... 001lIO('1 iI (_I IIIboo:riIIod 10 ovidoooo 10 be dIo ildiYidull('1 ........ oomo('l il (_I IIIbIcrtIIed 10 lh. wilhin _monIlIIIlI........lodpd 10 me 1hII boIIbcIIboy .... widlia iDIlnuDallllllll ocknowlodpd 10 me IhoI ~ "..1IICd dIo ...... in hifterllbdr ~~).1IIIlI1IIIr by cuaaed .... ..... I. blaIhaf1holr Clpll:ily(ial,1IId lb. by hillhorl1h.iJ siJIII8IUlI(.) on dI. inIIrumtnl, .... illdiYidall(l), or1llo hlllbtrllludr lipdn('l OD .... fnIInImm~ .... ilIdlvidUll(.), or tbo penon upon bohall' of which ....lndividllal(.) -. 0llCCUI1ld dIo pen... upon _ of which Ihe lndividual(ll -. .....'od lb. inlD\lmenL iDstnImeaL ;~"^-. ( Oll1ceof .J1II"'~fJC.. b,""DM.f~ 1ICIaIo-"~NIFER D. TOMEI Notary ""bile. S,.,o of No._ No. 01ll1/lO78185 O.OnDed In 8.H.o", County Commiseion Explra June 24, 2008 s........ .... OIIIct., IadlvlduJ -. ..bowltdploa. . For .....owlodammlll_la Now Yolll S1111& .. Sbt.. DII_ of Colw"'~ Tenlloll. p. .... or II....... Coull7 I'" On Ibo _ day of __ in tba _ _ boroR.....1ho 1IIIdcni....... p.lla..Uy ~ poroonaIIy known 10....' or pnwod 10 mo OD tile buil of -....."""Y ovIaa 10 be tile iIIdIvIduaI(11 who.1WIIII(11 is (..) l1I1lacribcd 10dlo within inmwncat IJId ocImowIodaaIlO ... th. ho!IhoIIboy __ "'" ..... in IIitIMrilbolr ......iIy(ia), IhaI by hillbcrllhoir IIipoauo(II on th. inobumoII~ lb. indIvidllol(o), or .... _ upon .......f of which tho iadlvlduoI(ll 1CIId, ClloclllCd the inIlnlmon~ and lIIII.um individual modo ouch opponnce before tho undeniped in tho , (Inaert.... .ily or omer poliuca' ..bdivision and lho ...., or COIInlly or aIhor pIoc:e tho IdaIowIedsmonI-lIkIal. SlIJIalan.... 0IlI0e or _u.llaIda.__IMI_1 .. F.r o.kDOWledlmoalllllklll oulllde of New York SllltL t/JUUTlOAllJEED ...... all "Ie .,.11 WITH COvENANlr AGA'NS"f GUN101.'5 ACT' TlTLII NO. tJ4- AS - ~~J"J3 fbrl dj- EJff;:J/- OnljL~ ~C. TO #n2'At"J (f. ,(JutruWd' SECTION 0/500 ILOCI: .~J- 00 LOr tJ/<?' OtJo COlIHTY O~ MWN,_/ a.foaHf.PIu . /f"stJ 7A/'t..t tdUUA "tau, tfrK/lL- __ A. __..01 __n..._QonopoordlHowY..... &IITU&N .... IIAIL TO: If........ ...... ........ l1l&I..11111 - l.h._.I:l._ ll;,..._~. Fir.t American 'fiUt IllBllrtJ1ll:e COlllplJn, of' N.. York ~ ,,{IiUtlA.t: ar f'MtZ6-wU 8:1. /!O. 611 d'9'33 .3fJ lluj.t/V. 05,t . nYaN1tUI'lP107r.. ~ ~ - //9t.9 I I a - !J I I I I . . ...;;i- of pages 5.~ IU......... I. ..TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Feb 04 12:40:02 PI1 Edo.Jard P. RomaIn<! ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012370 P 002 ~T. 04-27573 :eriailll ~enifielllC /I _ Deed I MDtlIIF Tu SIIIIIIP. FI!I!S ~ng I Piling SIlIDIpS Comm. of Ed. jo -=- S. 00 -"-- - Mclltgligc Ami. I.. Billie Tllx 2. Additional Tax siib ToIII SpccJAssit. Dl Spcc./Add. TOT. MTo. TAX pulll Town _ Oulll CounlY _ Hcld fDl APPCinlmCb . sfer T8ll - ?llgc / Filing Fcc Handling -. -'-- - S.' 00 -- TP-S84 \ 'NOlaLion \ ~ EA-52 17 (tOUnLY) eA-S217 (SlaIC) R.P.T.S.A. -60 -Sub Tow - - 0mlId Toml 155.60 w Mansion TILl( The propcny covcn:d by Ibis IIlOltgD&c is 01' will be improycd by' a one or IWO COIIIIily. dwclling only. YES Dr NO U' NO, see appropriaIC IIX' clausc DO' pagc /I of lhis insuulUenl. AffiduviL I Ccrtified Copy , Reg, Copy I Olhcr --1~_ Sub Tocal i:;J ~istrict ] Section . Block Lei 1::RCIlI It'tJ/~ -05004758 1000' 01500 0300 019000 ::> . Propcrty ~~ ; Till( Servicc. R:' ~A 'Agency . 'lVIMA ..'" 'fi' , 3~E :..yen L~OO unity Pre..rvatloll FuIId -() - o $ Improycd A.~ 'Y~ Cup. fit? exry r51f3d 08 :/tujUV <&1. 7 <If 1'A.~/tfJl 0/ I//}(/I :.' Tille. Wi]..; :iSuff6lk County Recording & Endorsement Page 01:.... . I:~.'~ This pagcCorms pun of !be IlLl8Chcd (J /Jr /fA' ./uJJ(- dLl'tI . (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) PorI nI /'tJapl-. Or/III IlOJ1(1 ~ 'lbepRInilca bercin is siLUlllCd in . ~ll' . .. . ~UFfOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO . . /J In the Towlllhip of' iiJ(il1.U-1i.JJd ~ /f-iJtu/U(];i;l1Y In !be YILLAOE .' or HA~LE1" of ---'It/j .A L . ~ --- . D"VC" '" ""UDI'" ..'I'.... DC 'rVl>cn nD DD'o.rn:n '01 A' 6r"1/' 'OIl/' ONI Y PRIOR TO RRr.OROINO nR !:II ''''n ij.:.... . ,~t~. '~~'iisrDC'rioilslDiSC:hlll8CIlRe1casa UsI PlOpc~ OWDCrs MniUng^ddress ,!'~"-' Ilf.ECORD &I RETURN TO: "'.i. I ~ tl~... . ._...... r', I ,. . @) Vncanl Lllnd TO TO TD r ," IlllIlieby: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK: RECORDS OFP'J:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of J:nstrwnent: CORRBCTJ:ON/DEED/DCO Number of Pagell: 5 Receipt Number . 05-0013481 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBR: 04-27573 Recorded: At: 02/04/2005 12:40.02 PM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012370 002 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 015.00 03.00 019.000 EXAMXNBD AND CHARGED AS POLIt.OWS Deed Amount. $0.00 Received the Fe.11owing Fees For Above J:nstrument Exempt Exempt Page/F.iling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA - C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.50 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer t:ax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $155.50 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-27573 THJ:S PAGE J:S A PART OF THE J:NSTRllMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . PLEASE TYPE 6R PRESS FIRMLY WHEN 'WRITING""O"NFORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st8te.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUN"TY USE ONI.Y cz. D.t. D." Recorded it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT t.?,'~ ,(<,tJ~9'1 .oil' tZ:'" '~~I C3. _ ~~, 1 ,I.?I C4...... I 0 ('/,.;)1 PROPERTY INFORMATIOI~ ,.=-~~ / ~'7IrI~::~ ~~ 2.au... L <m~~aJ?7tf/. I ;?;d'A~)....!I/ HI,... ~ ~ C1. SWlS Code STAlE OF NEW YORK STAn: BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 81'-5217... JIIn "COOI L I.A$TNAMlltCO.1l"AN\' ........... 3. Tu IndiCll&a where Mu", TIX Bill, Ire to be I8I1t BIlling if lJIh,r tNn buvlr IddrnI eM bottom of forml j -- I~No\"'~'Y ""'- L &1E' NUIIIIElIl ,"PCJ 5T1'''1'T HAIA QI'OIIITDW. IT.t.TE ...- 4. Indle_ the number of Au.sment I D RoD PllreeIs tran........ 011 .. deed ~----.Ll, of Pareel, OR Plrt of . P.ral ..=..,. I .... .J xl ,..QNT ~u i;~~-j,.,,: 10nly I .... '" . _I ..-.. .... ....r- ...... PlannIng BoIrd with SWdivilion ALlhorilv ExiIIs 48" Subdivision ApprowI WDI Required for Tr,"* C. PII'C8I Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o ......., ...... L b!:~( L LAP..AllEICO......V fIRST...... 7. Check the box '-ow which most ICcurn.I, dtlllCdbu lhe.... of thl propwty It the din. at ..II: - A~' Famity R'sid.,.lI;11 U 2 or :J Family Residential C Residel'llill VEW lllJ1d D Non..Raldoml411 V_II Land I SAlE INFORMATION r 13. Full S... PricI . ,-:-0 , , . IFull SIlo Prk:e islhe 101.1 8f1Iounl Plld for Ihe property including PtflOrW propcny, This r-vm~t may be in Ihe fl)fIJI of ash. other propetty or goodI. Of me Iuwnplion of rnot'IQllln or othor obU~liona.J PIu. t'OUItd Ig ,,.,..,..., wIJGIe.,., ~I, ,...tn....th.v.....af...na.. I - . 0 . 0 I propwty Included .. the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMA1lCIN . Dot. Ihould rofllct tho lotI" Finol A............ Rolland T.. Bill L, - , II , 0 I QMdr.... __ below .. ...... apply: .. Own.nhlp Type .. Condominium I ~ Canvnunity Servk;. e. New ConIIruc:Iian on Vac.m Lind J IndUllrial 1"- Property LocItId within In AgricullUraI Di1Iricl K Public StrvIc. 11l11L Buyut rllC'efVed I chc:1oIu.. notic:lI nbcllina L For.!: 01. the PI'Df*1Y Is In '" Agricultural DIaD'icl 11. a.cl OM' or more 01 U- condItionI.. lIppicMII to 'lr'IlnIM':: A SItio Slutween R,l8tiYn or Fonnor RlllUiv. 8 s.I. llIerweon Rallied Campen_ or Pannol'll In Busi.... C 0... of the BuyltnIIa allO . Sell<< D Buyer or Seller . Govornment Aumcv or lending Inslitution r:. Dead 'rV~ noI WDrnnty or BGrglln and &.I, (5pocifv Below) F Sale of FIW:lIoneI or L.au than Fee ........ (5pedfy Below) G SlgnWcom. Ownge in Property 80lWe1n T.Qh. StDt~ .nd 5,1, DItn H Sale of ........ iii Indudad In Sale Price J 0Ih.. Unu~1 FlCl:ora AfrKting Salo Price ISpecify Below) J None o o o o E ~ "neu'u,,' F CamIno....1 G ....."mont J I EnleR.in",,"' I AmulOl11Onl M_ . , ""' v., 11. Sat. Contnr:t: Dat, 12. Det, of 81.. f Tnm". / 'nN , 615'i"' ""'Ih 0., v... ,.. V.... 01 AaeMrMnt RaIl frlMII I /J U I whldllnlDrrnlltion tlkln ~ 11. Total A-....d v..... Cat all PI_I In ..........1 ~ . ; ; l<<..l.Ll.J-u ,..___ I t.?Y'f.// /J h7J/.UJ aStVldA./ /7 7/ro , 18. Properly CII... 20, Tn MIP lcI,ntlfierCeJ f Roll""''''''' CI IIION diM raw. IItbch Ih... with MIdidonIIlUntllwlsJl /tlZll> - (J/.t): t'J1) - LJ.:j, IJ7} - O/tJ. ~ I I CERTIFICATION r- I rcrtir)' tt.l1IIl 01 .. i1emc e" ........... t....bNd CIa Ibis r...... an- lnat IUId rornct (liD dIr bail of my knlNlaIF and "lei) IUId lundrnilund dad ItII' ID8kIq or l1li)" ..illl'u11'alW! !GInDftd I'" mull!riMl r.. hrreln willlUbjIcI lOr Iu &he lJI'IRislOIM of t~ __I II. rdIilII"t' In 1M IIIlI1InII: ~ IIIInR or Ibhe InsIrummfA. !!!!II!! 8UYER'S ATTORNEY ljj~l~ 1%"(2 iC\AA/J' bJJ!l# AnA'.L 1.11IU.1 Nll[ft I'IJIUJIIAIlIIWTIfII I &at.>> - I"J-I .'A.~ e.~ .." ~ /1/l/J.!./ LJ ....,.- I iOUdu ....T_ /"-31 ....- dfjJ-, 72j-:S TtLfI'HDNl!~ 1':/:UdA SELLER .,~ II" cooc )~ ~r/ ~~ ..~~# NEW YORK STATE COPY