HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 3 16-- .3-)Q L )).}))"C r '=] S_ K Y.n.I.U. Iilnn 1OO2-20M-lIorpio.... salo:llo:cd "iIh co......"....... (inmlor', Ad, C;O:olSl.I:rl'(lIIK IA W\"EK IF.tlIKr.SU;NINGnIlS Il'I."lTIU:~II~""'- nlls IN!lTIlIJMt~'-1'1II10l:lJ) BE I "SED Bl" I..\wn:K.~ (~I.l'. THIS INDENTURE, made the 11" day of JllaulI.,. , 111'0 IhoUSIIDd lIad nve BETWEEN ANDREWG. DUERWALD,nsldlaIIlI14A Brldpvlew K08d,Cooled~ "-"11s, P.O. Box 115., Llaeola, New Hampshire 03151. III lan-lviallenaal by Ibe enelrel)'; pany of the first pan. and JAMES HA YW AKD lIad JUDY C. IIA YW ARD, bls wife, bolb resleli.1 III III Emmel I)ri"e, SIOII)' Brook. New York 11790; party of the seconLl pan, WITNESSETH, lhat!he pany ofllle first psrt, in c:onsidel'lllion of..... dollars and OIher valuable consideralion paid by lhe pany oflhe second psrt, does hereby grant and n:1ease unlO!he pany ofthe s,:cond pan, !he heirs or sueeessolll and assign.. of !he party oflbe seeond p:lll forever. ALL !hal eenain plot, piece or parcel of land. wilh Ihe buildings and imprv....ments Ihereon ereeled.. situate. Iyinll and being in the SEE SCHEDULE .A~ ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART IIEREOF - REING and inlended 10 be the_""""isesdeseribed in Ihedeed 10 ANDREW G. OUER W ALD and MARGARET A. DUERWALD. husband and wife. the panics ufthe first pan heR:in; MARGARET A. l)lJERWALD. deceas,'lI. Suffulk County. date of death. November 20, 19'18: by deed frum PORT OF F.GVPT ORIENT. INC.. dat,-d Oelllhcr 16. 19'15 and ..:corded OcIOber 25. 1995 in Liho:r 11747 I'8ge 339 in the OfTlCC oflbe: Clerk ufthe Counly ofSutTolk. SAID PREMISES"", known and designaled lIS District 1000. Section 015.00. Block 03.110. LUI 0 "/.000. N\' \) IlA (Jor~d bf:J (jorrteJ-1IJ)1dtlol dat.ul JM~ ol /, o?tJO,s .,/) ~ ~ ~ 11# t-eUJrcUa' 1<)0#1' i/~ ->~..u ('dUl?-Y fXtAIG ~~ TOGETHER wi!h all righl. litle and inl_1. if any. of the pony of !he Ii... pan in and to any streelS and roads ubuninlllhe above described Pf'"II1ises 10 Ihe center lines !hereof; TOGETHER wi!h lbe: appurtenances and alllhe eslale and rights oflbe pany uflhetinl pan in and to said premises: TO HA VE AND TO 1101.0 Ihe Prall;"'S herein ll"'''''lcd unlo Ihe party of Ihe second pan. lhe heirs or suc:c:essors and assigns ofthe p:llly of Ihe second pan fOR:ver. AND !he pany ofthe finl pan e..",-nanls lhallbe J18rlY of the first pan has nUl done or suffeR:d anythinll whereby !he said PR:ll1;"'s have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of !he fillil psrt, in compliance with So:c\ion 13 oflhe Uen la.... euvenants lhallhe pan)' oftlle first pan will receive the eonsidenlion for Ihis conveyance and will hold Ibe righllo rec:eiVl: such eonsidenllion as alNSl funLllo be applied firs! for Ibe purpose of paying the co.. of lhe improvemenl and will apply the same firstl.. Ihe pI)'mcnl oflhe COSl oflhe improvemenl before usinll any pan oflhe tOlaI oflhe same for any OIher purpose. The word "pany" shall be eonSlNW as if il R:ad "panies'. whenever the sense of Ihis inLl,..lun: so r.'quiR:s. IN WITNESS WHEREO"-.lhep:lll)'oflhefint pan hasdulye~ecUledlhisdeed the day and year firslabuwwriu,... IN "RESENCI.: OF: ~.3.L1L_ wrrNI:SS 01/21/05 L3:04 FAX 4246049 ADVANTAGB TITLE 1iII003 ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Title No. 04-AS-33153 (0S08-0156-002613) SCHEDULE A Amended January 21, ZOOS ALL that certain plot, piece or pan;c:l ofland, situate,lyins and being at Orient, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk Bnd State ofNew York being more p8I1icu18dy bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side ofTbree Watcrs Road whc:rc the same is intersected by " Nol1hcrly line of Map of Orient-By-The-8ea, Section One file No. 2777, filed November 21, 1957 and the Southerly line of the within described premises; RUNNING THENCE Nonh 01 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds East along the Easterly side of Three Waters Road 100.00 feet to the extreme Southerly end ofacurve which connects the Easterly side ofThrec Waten Road with the Northeasterly side of Sound View Road; TIiENCE Northwesterly along the said curve bearing to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and an arc length or 1 50.00 feet to the land reserved for Property Owners of tile Residence ofOrient-By- The-Sea; THENCE along land now or formerly reserved Cor Property QwnenQfthe Residence of Orient-8y- The-Sea the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. Nonh 60 degrees 04 minutes SO seconds East 80.58 feet; 2. North I degree 02 minutes 20 seconds East 207.33 feet to the mean high water mark of the Long Island Sound (220 feet to the mean high water line of the Long 1s1aiu1 Sound "as per deed recorded in Liber 11747 page 339); THENCE along the mean high water mark of the Long Island Sound North 88 degrees 02 minutes 36 seconds East 124.87 feet to the Westerly line oftbe Map of the Land's End at Orient Point filed May 3, 1973 Map ## 5909; The polley to be Iuued unar thIII ..pllIt will ........ the IIlIlI to such bulldinp and FOR Impravem_ sl8Cllld on the pram... which by law conslltuta - propsrty. CONVEYANCING ONLY TOOET1fER with sll thS right, lias sncIlntsreal of thS psrty of the lI..t part, of, In and to the land lying In the elrHt In front of sncI adjoining II1Ild praml-. 01/21/0S 13:04 FAX 4246049 ADVA!\TACE TITLE 1iII004 ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Title No. 04-AS-33~53 (0508-0156-002613) S C H E D U LEA (continued) . THENCE along the Westerly side of said laud South I ~cc 02 minutes 20 seconds West 473.00 feet to the Northerly line oflbe Map of Orient- By- Thc-SIlISection lfiledNovernber2l,1957Map# 2777; THENCE North 88 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds West along the said line 125.00 feet to the Eastedy side of Three Waters Road at the point and place of BEGINNING. FOR COHI/EVANCING ONLY Th. palle, to be ,..ued uncle. till. ntpOrt willi....... thIllIII. to .uch bul1cllnp .nd Improvements 8I'llCIed on the premlue which br Jew coll8lltUtlt real propertr. TOGETHI!R willi a1llhe right. 1iU. .ncIl......t of the pertr of 1II.II..t pert. of, In .nd to the I.nd 1,lng In the .lnIet In front 01 end IIcIJoInlng _Id premla_. STAn:m' NEW YORK I Is.~.: (.'01li\;"(1" m" SU.'FOLK I On lhe 21'" day of January in lhe yeIII" 2005 before me, the unclc...igned. personallyappean,d And"", G. Due....ahl personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfoclmy evidence 10 be Ihe individual whose name is sub""ribed 10 Ihe wilbin instrwrlenl and acknowledged 10 me that he executed the same in his c:apaciry, and lhal by hi. signature on the illSlrumenl. the individual, or \he pcl'SC1n upon bcohalf of which 1m, individual acted. executed the inslrument, JENNIFER D. TOMEI ~ N_y Public:, St.te 01 Naw ~,. No.O,TlXID711lB5 QUIII"lod In 8111!olk County _ _..ion E>cplr.. J.... 24, 2_ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTORS ACTS DUERWALD to HAYWARD 0~ -# Or-liS - 33/5.3 S~CTION: 015.00 BLOCK: 03.00 LOT: 019.00 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK RECORD AND RETURN TO: Jl/tPUj iltd/jP' COf' 1ft) aJdtto #o(/~ Y1~, '*'W U //SZJ / lumber of pll81lS TORRENS l~. RECORDED 2005 Feb 04 12:40:02 PM Edward P.Romaine a..ERKOF SUFFOLK COUNT\' l 000012370 P 003 on 04-27574 eriail' :cnifiCllte " rwr Ctf. · . Dc:cd I MOrIpge:~nsuument Dcccl , Mortp&C Tax SIIIIIP . PBI!S RceoRIiq I Piliq Slamps '. Comm. of Ed. Affidllvil ':iJo ==- 200. Monpgc: Ami. I.. Basic:'Tax 2. Additional Tax SubTO\II.I SpccJAssiL .or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTO. TAX ~ Thwn _ Dual CounlY _ Held for Appo.'n nt ;.. .Tiansfer Tax l . ----it MlIOsion Tax _ The propcny covaed by Ibis mortgage: is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwellinl only. YES or.NO - 3 'Olc I Filing Fce I iandling , -- S.' 00 '. - 'I'P-S84 , Nowlan ~-"S2 17 (County) iBA-S217 (Stare) R.P.T.S,A, _ --s..ub Tow Cenifi~ Copy 'R~g. COpy.,~ 'a'au;' .... ; . :~. r. ~~. .:" .: . . I . Sub ThmI OIII\ICI Thla\ l55 ' W If NO, see appropriate taX. clause on' page f of Ihis insll11mcnl. ,.. . .. ." " ~ . -.. : '.: :. ~ :~:: . '.' .' . .... ...-.... ..- ;...;.;.;' '. ...:.' '. DI. ',' pO ~~:t~, iiwct:':...,. Section. . ,.~..... .... ., 'iD~" '..,:,'" -; :. ,Real',. ',' " 05004763 1000 01500 0300 019000 ~Pi6' ..:,!l?; ,:' ~ ~",,~s,.r.. '.' p T S TaX: erYlce. 0.. A ';A~'..~.lo'.:r,,;,..,i. .. . 'MMA """Icne)!..... . f:. '. ",.10:.-"'-.... EB ,. Verification. . .... ~:-:-L~:;f~:'. ~~\:'... :1. ........'It..;,.......(Y::".1~:;.... ." . __ .", ..."., , '~i,s~~r~~*~.Lisll'rDP.C!ty:Owilers Mailiol Address ." \>-1" . '!ff;,;~.r},;:;"'''_:' .'~ 'RECORD.1i mURN TO" , ....." -"... :",;: '~lI~i.. ." \ ".; . . .. . ~.. .,,:"'- 'I~' \J;:.,.I~~ I.. ..... ~ f "." . .. ,- .'"" .., ........ I'.~~" '~'!"'."Ifi'r":'''~'''. ...." ~'''.'I.. ."; ....;. ,~7?~;~,,;,::'{~;~i:~'~'::'" ;:.;~tr":' ....~.~. '. 1......,....<:"10...., -~. . r . - '~~:. ..:.~i'\'!.. . i;i:.. ". :. . <,' ' -:l'J~~: .. : 'I.' .," '" ,'. . . .' r .. ;..~~,...'":::;;~~~-f\.:;.f.. ~., ...,' '";'.' I .. .,.. '.< '~''''''''Y.9 0 'W ~ ,~(:X!~ff.T\.~~:..i;:.... '. .'. .: ~ :"':::'j :. .", 7 I...." ('.. I' of. ".; .f . .~. , . ,. .. .; j." ~ ..;~:: ;', 1":,,' .'... , I .: '. I" ~;i~!oi/{co~~t~eii~rdin ~.. "#- "...... . If!l'~~'..::.. <(:ihis,p'ie'fortns pari of Ibe 'Buaehed ' 0" .. 6 ^' (SPECIfY TYPE OP INSTRUMENT) ~ . ~ I}JLJ.. The premises bcre.in is sllUmct in '. ..' . '. SU~LK COUNTY. NEW YOlUC. . }. $' .. TO :.V ". ~:' ~IheThwosbiPOf'_ '~eL ~?a--!'- ~..J. tI-~ "-.' . In Ibe VIlLAGE ....IJ' C. ~."l . . orHAMl.Efof ~ . BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PlWmID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINQ OR FlUNG. olq.ooo 1.01 . 5 Commwllly Pre_!Inratlolll Fulld . nBideration Amount o Improved VacaOl LIIIId TO TO TO tJl/-,ts- 1t;;3 & Endorsement Pa e .~J. mudc by: 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:HG PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 5 Receipt Number . 05-0013481 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-27574 Recorded: At. 02/04/2005 12.40.02 Pill LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012370 003 District: Section. Block. Lot. 1000 015.00 03.00 019.000 BXAMIHBD AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Amount: $2,645,000.00 Received the Following Pees For Above Instrument Bx8lllpt Bx8lllpt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $10,580.00 NO Mansion Tax $26,450.00 NO Comm.Pres $49,900.00 NO Fees Paid $87,085.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 04-27574 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1 f. I), ~.8,i?,'?'1 , STATE Of NEW YORK STATE IIOARD OF REAL PROPERlY SERVICES RP - 5217 IU"-I.!17K.vJN1 '...........,.1 '-Ian 1450 $11IPl'TW..... Three Waters Lane, Orient '.'1T .. . Town of Southold t".TY()IITQM, '" Z. Bu.,., Nam. Hayward lAST' N.....' COM!'A.lfV IJames r"'ITNAMC Hayward lAS' '\I~ I tflMI""."IIY IJudy C. !-1Il"NA" 3. T.. Inc:icaIe where fuwra- T'll: SUI. IN 10 t. nnt BIIIng if (Kher th.n buyer addreM Cal buUam Dl' forml I -- LAST.....ME: I a::AIPAAV ...."N.E S'..I'.TNUMIII!".....,DITJII!CI'........:: m,tJllfOVIIN arlt,";, . """"'" ..lndIcIte the IlUmb.- of ~mII: ..I....... ~ Dn the dMd 1 I , of P.rcels ORD Pano'. Pllr'ml ..=.... I -.Jxl Sill rRONl tU.1 DFm- lOR I 'N:...( 1. 6. IOnIy.." vI.._ Chock _ __ 4A. PlulI1ing BoIrd with SUbdivision Authority b.. .. Subdivl-., Approval w-. RcquiNd tor Tran.r C. P.reeI APIlrovod for SubdlvllliDn with Mill PRlYided D D D 8. S..... Nom. L,;: Duer~ld LAlTNAMt/CO IUoY Andrew G. nlSTNAIIi: lA....TI\IAII./C'OMl'A.." FlRITNAIII! 1. Checl the boa b.1ow which molt accurll'lely ...... the UN of the praperty at the tIrM at ....: 11 Full Sale PriCII ,7,6.4,<;.0,0,0,0.01 , , " (Full s.I. Pric. ill the total .mount Plid for the property including poraonal proporty. Thl. pmvrnent m.., be In the form of cash. 01_. property or goods, or tho IiUUIT'IplIon ur mortgtog_ or oth.r obligltiOl'lll.1 PI... round 10 'liD 1IHnM' whc* doIl:K ..mount L.. Ch.......__.."""_ e. ().vnenthtp Type I. CondomInium I:: ~ Agrlcuhural I ~ Community Service t. New ConstrllCtion on Vacant Land F Commercal. J Indum:rill 'IDA.. ProPlf\y I:ocIIod within .. Agrlcullural Distril:t (i Apartmanl K Public SeMce 1111. &uy.r l1IQI/wd . dladolUrl notice indiclting 1-1 Entlrtlinment I Amuse"'eru L FontIt. thI1 thl property II In an AGriculturll DlmlcI ,.. CMIII: 0IIII CII'..... fII_ condhIone _ ......... tr....ter. A SaID BetwMn RelI1tivea or Former ReIetWel Ii SeIe s.tween RelateCI ComPlniol ur Plrtnonll in BuainGB c an. of the Buyen is .1M3 . SoIIar o 8uyar or SoIIIIf' II Gowmmenr AutnCOV or Lending lretitutlon n o..ed Type not W....nty or Bergain and Sale ISpoclfy BoIowl ... 5818 of FrICtIonal or Lou 1han Foe InlDrcm: (SpDctfy s.toW') G SlgrlinClnl Cll~o In Propor1y Balwwn T...b1e StlltUs and SI" 0.. II SaIIr of BUll,.. fa Included in s.le Price . I Olho, Unuou.1 Foclon AIIC1C1i1lg Salo Prico ISpcx:lfy Bulow' J None D D D D A ~ One Flmiiy Re.idemial B 2 .. 3 F.mily Ra.identinl C Reeldentl.1 VacanlLlnd I) Non Ra5ldcmtIIIl Vacen111nd I SAlE INFORMATION l ". SIll ConIract Dl1e 12 -... / 20 DAy /2004 I y.., 12. DMe of .... I Tn""" 101 u..... / 21 DAy / 2005 I VOM '.._.........01_ I , O. 0,0. III praperty .......... In ... .... e ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON . Dat. should roIIoct 11101_1 Flnol _ment Roll .nd Tax Bill ,.. v.., vi......... RaIl from 104 05 I 11. T_ _ v.... CfIIoD ._In _ L..... whk:h InfDnMtlDn 'bbn . I ; ; , 18. "'- CIou LL......L....QJ-LJ '....haul__ I Oyster Ponds School 20. Tn MIll' ........1.. I RoIIIcIntifier(s) Of more thM lour. .n.h .... willi .......... 1dentII-cal1 I 1000-015.00-03,00-019.000 I I CERTIACATION I I <<rill)" IIud .. at.... ....... at 1Df......- m_ OIl ..... luna Oft .... 0IId __ ,10 1M ..... at ID1 ......... MIl bolloI)"" I _ ..... ... ."'1"1\ "'..y ..11IlII1 ralor _nl "'.- r.ct ........ wtu MIld'" me .. .... ....._ at lite ...... 10.. _.. '" .....IIIMIlIal:.... .... or,..., 1_ BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ ~ ~ - - ")'IJeo-.O\ II.M" SICl.....TUM I DA~ . I I E~"^eT- Pf'1 V'C .~ Jr,UMIlP ~~ (\1 "Bi'ook I~I QW\~1:1 ~lelt7.er ....,""'" I Gary t-lIllntoAvt- SoIMttlllMlLWIPl:1lA:.L1 (516) -""'" 747-0300 X133 TR I'I'tIO'W' ....... j 1=1-10 /" ...coot NEW YORK STATE COPY iZJ j,!\tJ eA .." \.